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The Dark Phoenix by Matt Striker

The Dark Phoenix

Matt Striker

**** Many thanks to Liss for helping me proofread the chapter. And more importantly, for helping provide incentive to keep going :) ****

He rubbed his left forearm; he didn't like the burning sensation. But he did like the fear in the eyes of those he dared show his arm to. He relished the sense of power and the feeling of importance. He wanted more of that feeling, but he didn't dare show more than he already had. The Dark Lord admonished him to be careful who knew. The Cruciatus Curse, briefly applied by the Dark Lord himself, was only a taste of what awaited him should he fail to heed his master's instructions. He hated fearing he who must not be named, but he hated Potter more. He clenched his fist before relaxing his hand and stroking his chin in thought. Thinking of hate reminded him of something that had happened on the Hogwarts Express and he wondered what to make of it.

'How the hell does she know?' he thought to himself.

The little red-haired Prefect had managed to confront him alone in the corridor. There was an immense hatred that burned in her bright brown eyes, and he liked it. He gave her his best smirk. But her words wiped away his smirk instantly.

"I know what you are and what's on your left arm. I know what you're capable of. And so help me Merlin, give me one excuse - and I'll be glad to end your miserable life."

He figured she was bluffing, but there was no mistaking that look of hatred. He had seen it too often on his father's face. He reasoned she didn't actually know and hadn't told anyone because no one outside his trusted inner circle treated him any differently. He was sure that Dumbledore would expel him if he found out.

'Ginny, the little muggle loving weasel,' he thought to himself.

She wasn't bad looking for a pureblood witch. He figured what she really needed was a man of wizard to tame her. Briefly, he thought of what it might be like to force himself upon her. But he quickly dismissed the fantasy. The possibility of being caught and the retribution from all concerned wouldn't be worth the risk even if he managed a good memory charm on her. Memory charms were tricky and he didn't have nearly enough practice. Besides such fantasies would only lead him to search out Pansy and he didn't want to deal with her right now. He had too much on his mind.

The brief thought of Pansy made him think of the little Malfoy family secret, passed on from father to son, which insured no gold-digger could cash in on the family fortunes. His father had also warned him that it was not to be taken as an excuse to be promiscuous. He remembered his father's level toned words.

"You're actions should be calculated, Draco. To always, take advantage of the situation. A fool will be motivated strictly for his own satisfaction and pleasure. I expect more of you. Learn to control yourself and the environment around you. Lies, blackmail, extortion, which may be deemed by most as character flaws and vices, are merely tools to gain the real prize, power - power over those around you. So, think carefully before you give into a moment of pleasure. But if pleasure is part of a greater plan I'm sure you can make the most of it." His father gave him a lofty grinning sneer. "Remember, if given a chance, a woman will use your desire against you."

Draco had contemplated his father's words carefully at the time, and had formulated his own opinions about the opposite sex.

'Women, they're all alike. All they want is status and security. Of course, wealth and power translate into security, and when the Dark Lord takes over - the Malfoy's will be right there next to him. Then, countless witches will be vying to win my favor and they'll be far prettier than Pansy.'

Again, Draco's mind wandered toward hate and he clenched his teeth at the thought of Harry Potter. Father was in prison because of him and the reason he had volunteered to become a Death Eater - to keep the Malfoy name next to the Dark Lord. Without a doubt, Potter was the luckiest wizard on the planet. Draco shifted his position as he sprawled out on the dark green couch in the Slytherin common room. The low ceiling reflected a faint glow from a nearby greenish lamp. He looked up at the ceiling above him with an unfocused gaze. Hating Potter and envying his luck was of no value. He curled his lip in disdain as he heard Crabbe and Goyle chuckling. They were playing some sort of card game at a table nearby. They could barely remember the rules of a game and tended to make up new rules as they went.

'Simpletons,' he thought to himself. 'At least I won't have them in potions class.'

It was just as well they kept themselves entertained while he gave thought to the news of everything that had happened prior to start of term.

It was a mystery how Potter had managed to get out of the country with so many watching his every move. Yet he had, and he went to Egypt of all places. Supposedly, he and the Mudblood had found some allies there. It had something to do with Isis. He wasn't sure what the name meant and considered looking it up in the library in the next few weeks.

It was a disgusting bit of news, though not unexpected, that Potter had taken up with Granger. The revolting part was how they quickly became the "cute" new couple with students humming and singing a damned song in tribute. 'Call My Name' was the song Silvertone supposedly wrote just for them. It was obvious that Granger was sucking up to Potter's fame, not to mention the Black estate that Potter had undoubtedly inherited. Draco couldn't imagine Granger as a girlfriend. 'Probably the same as dating an encyclopedia' and curled his lip. 'Weasel bitch would have been a better choice. At least she's a pureblood.'

He was sure the story of the golden trio crossing the Jaharu was a lot of rot. Still, there was no denying Potter's luck. Especially considering a score of Dementors failed to capture him in a muggle neighborhood just a week before start of term. The only plus to that episode was the death of Figg. He heard rumor that a Dementor's kiss had ended Figg's life. Draco liked the idea, a member of Dumbledore's group having her soul sucked out by a Dementor. It was difficult not to feel disappointment that it hadn't been Potter. However, every Death Eater was very aware that Potter must not be killed by anyone but the Dark Lord. Even accidentally killing Potter would result in a prolonged and horrible death. Draco gave an involuntary shudder at such an unthinkable fate.

He supposed he could understand why the Dark Lord wanted to make it personal but thought it would be far easier to have Potter killed and be done with it. In becoming a Death Eater It had been one of Draco's hopes the Dark Lord would change his mind and let him kill Potter as his first assignment. Instead, he had been told to watch and observe, give monthly reports, and that he would be given further instructions as needed.

'That brings me up to the first week of term,' he thought to himself.

The first potions class had been entertaining, even if some of it was at Professor Snape's expense. Who would have ever dreamed that Longbutt would get an Outstanding OWL in potions? McGonagall had given Longbottom a copy of his grade to present as proof. Snape was furious, slapping his desk, he rose slowly from his chair, and expounded upon the impossibility of Longbottom receiving an Outstanding in potions.

"Maybe you're a better teacher than you think or maybe - it's in spite of," Potter quipped.

Briefly, Draco had hoped there was going to be a duel on the spot, between Snape and Potter. Except the mudblood's eyes started turning color and she spoiled the fun by telling her boyfriend "Harry, don't."

'Don't do what?' he wondered. 'Duel with Snape? Ha, that would be a short duel. Snape would have crushed him. Too bad Gryffindor only lost 15 points.'

If not for Dumbledore, Draco was sure Snape would have already handed Potter over to the Dark Lord. There was a deep animosity between Snape and Potter, but there was something about Potter that was different from the previous term. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, and Snape seemed to notice it too. Or maybe he was just imagining it. Regardless, the entertainment had been cut short and he felt deprived.

It didn't seem possible that the Bennet brothers could be more obnoxious than the previous term. If he didn't have more important things to deal with he would hunt them down and curse them to oblivion. Only a few days into term and they had managed to transfigure and charm his hair into a somewhat shapeless dog. A white blonde rug leapt from his head and barked at him before scurrying off, leaving him completely bald. The hair-dog had disappeared into the depths of the castle just as quickly as impish laughter faded away down the echoing corridor behind him. From experience, he knew it was futile chasing after the Bennets. It was as if they could melt into the castle walls. Madam Pomfrey had fixed him up with a hair grow potion that worked in a matter of minutes, but the way it grew back was not the proper style he had managed to cultivate. He had changed from the slick, neat style of his earlier years to a loose look that always settled back to the way he wanted, no matter how much the wind blew. Madam Pomfrey dismissed his complaints and assured him it would be more manageable after a week or two. The Bennets were an irritation he didn't feel he should have to put up with any longer.

In fact, Draco confronted the golden trio later that day about the Bennets. Draco was without his usual escort of Crabbe and Goyle, something he had done on purpose. The trio were darkly tanned and in a disgustingly good mood. Potter and Granger were openly holding hands and making eyes at each other. Weasley started barking like a dog upon spotting him, but Draco ignored him and squared off with Potter while Weasley rambled.

"Wish I had seen that Malfoy. I wonder if being bald improved your looks," he laughed and followed with a hearty, "Woof!"

"Always knew you were barking Weasley," he drawled, never taking his steady gaze from Potter. Potter wasn't joining Weasley's taunts and Granger kept observantly silent by his side. He felt that Potter was finally regarding him as a serious enemy, a respect for something dangerous, and he liked it even if Weasley was still oblivious, snickering and rambling.

"Want something Malfoy?" Potter asked.

"I suggest you put a leash on the Bennets. If they keep it up, I will hurt them. Do I make myself clear?" Draco paused to let it sink in. Granger's eyes glazed a slight grey as Potter looked him squarely in the eye. It was then that Weasley did something interesting. Just as he was about to say another taunting or derogatory remark, he glanced at Granger's eyes and drew his wand amazingly fast. Granger calmly pulled Weasley's wand arm down.

"About time you took me seriously Weasley. Things have changed."

"Yes…yes they have," Potter answered in a steady tone.

"Do we understand each other then?"

Potter answered only with a nod and Draco strode away thinking of how much fun he would have with the Bennets when the Dark Lord was finally in power.

Yes, things have changed and Draco mentally checked off the last few. There was the new Gryffindor, Jen Hanson, whom everyone seemed to like. He grudgingly admitted he thought she was a likeable witch, a pureblood witch, and briefly wondered why she hadn't been sorted into Slytherin. Regardless, she was of no consequence. Then there was Tadra Potter, the newly adopted sister to his enemy. She was beautiful, exotic and the way she moved and held herself was almost regal. He liked to watch her, and she always gave him a calculating look in return. She was undoubtedly a pureblood or the sorting hat would never have placed her in Slytherin house. He couldn't help but wonder what circumstances had led to her adoption. It had to be some sort of misfortune or she wouldn't have Snape's sympathy. He wanted to know more about her and he waited anxiously for an owl with the information.

There didn't seem to be anything that fazed Tadra. Snide insults from the other Slytherin girls rolled off her like water on a stone. She may have Snape's sympathy but she held no one's respect in Slytherin House especially after apparently making it routine to sit at the Gryffindor table Monday morning and Friday evening.

'And there she is now,' he thought to himself as Tadra emerged from the girls' dorm. She strolled through the common room with her usual grace and poise. She gave Draco her usual calculating look, with dark upon dark eyes, before exiting into the corridor. He had to admit she was very beautiful - dark penetrating eyes, silken black hair. Tadra's face lingered in his mind long after she had gone. There was something about her that aroused him and he didn't like the feeling of not being in total control. He wondered where she might be headed and realized Defense Against the Dark Arts was their next class

As far as Draco was concerned Defense Against the Dark Arts was a disaster with Barking Bad-Eye. The first class had been nothing but a long lecture punctuated with "Constant Vigilance!" The real professor was little different than Barty Crouch Junior had portrayed him the year Diggory was killed. It had been an amazing impersonation to fool everyone, including Dumbledore. He wondered if he could ever accomplish such a feat. Just as however, quickly dismissed the idea because a Malfoy wouldn't be asked to do such a demeaning task. He forced himself not to dwell on thoughts of what the Dark Lord might or might not demand of him and instead thought of his own accomplishments. He had mastered all of the unforgivables. He had learned from his father that there was prudence involved when casting certain spells and used a spare wand - a broken wand reveals no secrets. Out of the four unforgivables the most difficult had been the Killing Curse. The Professor Moody imposter had given him the idea to start with spiders. He remembered the exhilaration and sense of accomplishment the first time the green flash shot out the end of his spare wand. After killing scores of spiders and insects, he moved on to birds, then a cat and finally a dog. He wondered what it might be like to kill a person, a muggle. He wondered if a person would have that same vacant look in their eyes as the stray dog he had killed.

"What would your answer be Mr. Malfoy," growled Professor Moody.

"Constant vigilance!" Malfoy barked with a bored sneer, disregarding the chuckles that ensued.

The professor's good eye considered him while his magical electric-blue eye darted around the room from student to student.

"Maybe we should liven things up a bit. Potter, come up here."

Potter walked up to the front of the classroom.

"Would anyone care to duel with Mr. Potter?"

Granger and Weasley's raised their hands followed by Longbottom, but not as quickly as his.

"Malfoy then. Any objection Potter?"

Potter shook his head in smiling confidence.

Draco couldn't wait to wipe that smile off his face.

In another room, he faced Potter on a dueling platform while the others watched from the sides, below.

"Formal or Auror duel? I'm partial to Auror duel myself." Professor Moody clumped his wooden leg.

In an Auror duel the opponents face each other from the far ends of the stage drawing their wands at the sound of a loud bang and flash of light. In a formal duel the opponents start from the center, pace away from each other, turn and cast their spells. The formal duel outcome relies on speed and the type of spells cast while an Auror duel relies primarily on speed.

Draco was confident in using nonverbal spells, which are cast more quickly. He knew Potter was having trouble with nonverbal spells last term.

"Auror," he and Potter said in unison.

"Remember Malfoy, I've got my eye on you. Casting an unforgivable will be your last in this school."

Draco smirked.

"Just as I thought," Professor Moody growled. "Ready . . ."

A flash and a bang emanated from the end of the professor's wand.

Draco saw Potter's wand drawn before he even had a chance to move. The next thing he knew he was lying on his back and looking up at the Professor's grinning, scarred and chiseled face. The professor was laughing with a raspy chuckle as his magical eye spun around, altogether making him look like a full-blown loony.

"Here's your wand Malfoy."

Draco took his wand and brushed himself off casually, not letting his actions betray how rattled he was. He looked up into a pair of dark eyes.

"Are you well Draco Malfoy? I do not believe it was necessary for my brother to stun you with such force as to knock you off the dueling stage. Professor Moody performed the rennervate spell."

"I assumed as much."

Draco seethed inwardly at being so completely out-dueled, but he couldn't bring himself to tell Tadra to bugger off.

"I don't recall Potter -." Draco looked at Tadra and blinked. There was something about her smile, and the questioning look in her eye. "I don't recall your adopted brother being so quick last term."

"He is very quick. I have never seen anyone move faster than the day he destroyed a doppelganger and saved my father's life."

"Draco! Are you alright?" Pansy asked swooping in and holding tightly to his arm. "He's fine now Potter. Why don't you go stand by the Gryffindors? Maybe Moody will let you duel with me later."

"I would enjoy that very much Pansy Parkinson."

Tadra gave Pansy a menacing smile. Draco felt Pansy stiffen next to him and suppressed a smirk. It was obvious Tadra would like a chance to put Pansy in her place and thought it would be an interesting duel and he wondered what skills Tadra really had, other than good looks.

Draco felt it was now time to observe his enemy and watched Granger opt for the formal duel. They both paced away from each other in rhythm to Professor Moody's count and turned in the blink of an eye. There was the sound of rushing air and Granger dropped to the floor laughing hysterically, the victim of a tickling charm. Neither of them had said a word meaning they were both now adept at nonverbal spells. Potter swayed slightly, and then waved his wand to stop the tickling charm. Granger caught her breath, gave Potter an I'll-get-even-with-you look and then broke into a smile as he helped her up. Granger began to look around for her wand, but Potter handed it to her.

'Wait! When did Potter get her wand? He cast a tickling charm and disarmed her so fast I never even saw it,' Draco thought to himself fuming and a bit unnerved.

Granger rolled her eyes, took her wand and gave Potter a quick kiss in front of everyone. Professor Moody tapped his wand on the dueling stage and growled there was a time and place for everything and that this was a classroom and not a dark corridor. However, Moody was grinning when he said it. Draco hoped Moody was not going to get into a habit of grinning because it contorted his face into a disturbing appearance. Potter and Granger being mushy in public made his stomach turn.

One after another, Potter disposed of his opponents in short order. Longbottom was disarmed and wrapped up with a conjured sheet giving him the appearance of a mummy. Weasley was disarmed and doused with water. It was too bad Tadra and Pansy never got the opportunity to duel. By the time class was over Draco was definitely upset. He had made such great strides over the summer, mastering the unforgivables, only to be so utterly outdone. It was as if Potter were drawing from some new immense power and he began to wonder what really happened to him over the summer. As they left class, he watched Tadra wave and smile to Potter. He wondered if Tadra might be able to shed light upon the change in his enemy. Nevertheless, it was a difficult to overcome the idea that a friend of his enemy was also his enemy.


Weeks went by and Quidditch tryouts were well underway. Draco was of course the Slytherin Quidditch captain and in charge of selecting tryouts. He had learned that appearances can be important and he wore his full Quidditch uniform. The title of Captain was embroidered above his name. The uniform was warm which is why he scheduled tryouts in the cool of the morning. The light breeze that whipped at his dark green cape made it that much more pleasant. Draco was more than surprised to see Tadra show up for tryouts. He gave her a sneer and spoke with a drawl.

"What makes you think you'll make the team Potter? Or, that I'll even let -"

"You want to win don't you?" she asked cutting him off and mounting her broom, "Besides, I like to play."

She didn't give him a chance to turn her down. She took off on a broom as he watched with abject curiosity. She handled herself very well as a Chaser. Tadra was skilled, obviously enjoyed Quidditch, and played very rough as she slammed into one of his regular Chasers. He was suitably impressed, but not impressed enough to let a Potter on his team. She landed next to Draco breathing hard from the exertion.

"Not bad but not good enough."

"Actually I'm better flying something else."

Once again, she didn't give him a chance to say anything. She unfurled a carpet and took off. Needless to say, the regular Chasers were surprised to see a flying carpet but determined to take her on.

Draco folded his arms as he watched. She was bold, he'd give her that. He could tell instantly that this was Tadra's passion and she was more than impressive flying a carpet. Tadra returned breathing heavier than before and with a satisfied gleam in her dark eyes.

"That was impressive but flying carpets aren't allowed."

"Is there a school rule against it?"

"No, but flying carpets are a banned import."

"It's not an import. It's mine. It's not for sale at any price."

"Flying carpets are not allowed to fly around in the open countryside."

"But this is Hogwarts, not the open countryside. There's no school rule against it - I checked. Do you want to win, or not?" Tadra gave Draco a hard look, never taking her eyes of him, "Think about it."

Tadra turned and left Draco thinking about the Quidditch Cup returning to Slytherin House. It was an intriguing idea and he wondered if the other Quidditch teams would object - especially a particular Gryffindor captain. The thought of Tadra playing against her adopted brother, and winning, was deliciously entertaining. The rest of the team expressed a similar sentiment in the meeting that followed tryouts.

Draco did his part and called for a meeting of the four Quidditch teams. When he asked that Tadra be allowed to fly her carpet in Quidditch games he was heartily rebuked - which is what he had expected. Draco then presented Tadra's argument showing that it was entirely up to the school Quidditch teams as to whether they would allow flying carpets in Hogwarts matches, unless the Headmaster overruled them. It was then time to sit back and watch what the great Harry Potter would do.

Potter freely admitted that he was biased on the matter and if the decision were left entirely up to him he would say yes. He then pointed out that he and Weasley had played Quidditch on their own brooms - against, and with, flying carpets. Potter had everyone's attention when he embarked on advantages and disadvantages of flying carpets as opposed to brooms. He gained their interest with possible strategies playing with flying carpets and against them. He rounded off his little presentation by reminding everyone of the previous term. He reminded them how Umbridge and the Ministry had imposed their unwelcome influence upon every aspect of Hogwarts education - and Quidditch. Draco tried not to be impressed with Potter's last words.

"If we decide to allow a flying carpet in our Quidditch games I'm fairly sure the Ministry will not like it."

The resentment and hard feelings created by the Ministry's interference in their school the previous term was still fresh in their minds. The idea that the Ministry wouldn't like a flying carpet in their Quidditch games was enough for everyone to vote yes.


"It's time we had a talk Draco."

Professor Snape waved his wand at the door and an odd squelching noise followed. Draco realized he had used the nonverbal form of Colloportus. Evidently, Professor Snape wanted this conversation to be private.

"I am disappointed in you Draco. You should have waited to become a Death Eater."

"Disappointed?" he asked indignant.

"Yes, you would have had more freedom. Now you will have the Dark Lord to answer to, just as I do. My position here at Hogwarts is precarious but secure - I have the headmaster's trust. However, if you are exposed as a Death Eater you will likely be expelled and there will be little I can do about it. I will suggest that I give you private lessons in Legilimency and Occlumency. However, Occlumency alone is not enough in defense against powerful wizards. You must also learn to use Pensive."

"Memory stuff?"

'I have learned to use Pensive to my advantage as you must now learn. I have mastered the total extraction - and reinsertion, of any memory I chose. It is therefore impossible to expose betrayal by Legilimency or even truth serum because the memory does not exist."

Draco gave the information some thought.

"Then how do you remember that you have, or haven't?"

"I keep a second Pensive in a secure place. The memory of the first Pensive hides the memory of the second."

Draco grinned a wicked sneer.

"I'm certain you will be a quick study. You may keep your Pensive on the shelf below mine; we will then discuss where you will hide your second pensive and how you will remember to retrieve it. Our first lesson will be to permanently extract what I have just told you."

Professor Snape placed two empty, shallow stone basins upon his desk.

"It should not be a surprise that I have been instructed to watch you Draco."

"By Dumbledore, or the Dark Lord?"


"No, it's not surprising. And I'm sure it's no surprise I've been told to watch you as well."

Snape answered only with a lofty sneer. They understood each other perfectly.


After several lessons, Draco came up with an idea of how to extract whatever information he wanted on Potter, from Weasley. By using the Imperius curse, he would instruct Weasley to recall everything he remembered from the summer holiday. With his new knowledge of pensives he would extract a copy of those memories and go through them later at leisure. Then, with a good memory charm, Weasley wouldn't remember anything about it. It almost made him euphoric at the thought of using the Cruciatus Curse on him. It was only a little disappointing that he wouldn't remember Draco making him writhe in agony. Of course, he would have to apply the unforgivables with his spare wand. Yes, Draco was looking forward to having fun with Weasley.


It was a small thing to suggest to Crabbe and Goyle that maybe Weasel could use a little softening up - without his wand. It was a simple matter to send Weasley a message that Tadra wanted to see him, in one of the lower corridors of the castle. The gullible sod came quickly enough.

"Accio Wand," Draco said with ease.

Weasley was caught completely off guard and stood there with his mouth open as Draco stepped out from the shadows of the torch lit corridor.

"Not so big without the famous Harry Potter by your side - or this for that matter," Draco drawled and smirked as he held up Ron's wand. "Say, Crabbe how's the transfiguration coming along."

"Not so well," Crabbe said with a pout.

"Why don't you try on Weasel here? If it doesn't work out you can always stun him and dump him in a corridor somewhere.

"Cool," Crabbe eyed Ron with glee as he pointed his wand.

"Oh, me too. I know a few curses," Goyle said not wanting to be left out of the fun.

Draco was truly enjoying himself. He was in complete control and let the drama slowly unfold. He had purposely left plenty of space between himself and Weasley in anticipation of how he would react.

"You won't be a Prefect very long after I inform McGonagall, Malfoy."

"Who says you're going to remember? I've got a nice memory charm I've been working on, not to mention a few unforgivables I can do rather well."

As Draco had hoped, this was too much for Weasley and he made the predictable screaming red-faced lunge. Draco made a casual motion of aiming his wand but was startled and shocked to see Weasley sailing through the air at him, in a single bound, from over eight paces away.

"Imper- ,"was all Draco had managed to say before Ron landed on him with a crash.

If anyone had been in an adjoining corridor they would have heard cursing and yelling of profanities, spells being cast - some ricocheting off stone wall with bodies scrambling and scuffling.

Draco managed to crawl away and reach out for a nearby wand while Crabbe and Goyle went hurtling through the air like overstuffed pillows.


Weasley fell to the floor in agony. Draco was having a difficult time understanding what had just happened, it didn't make any sense.

Crabbe and Goyle were ready to make a run for it after being tossed like rag dolls down the corridor. After seeing Weasley screaming on the stone floor they changed their minds, gathered themselves up, and headed back. With wands at the ready, their courage grew with each step. Too late Draco saw they were going to cast more spells.

"Crabbe, Goyle, don't!"

They both cast stunning spells which bounced off Weasley, just as their previous spells had. One of the deflected stunning spells grazed Draco's arm, numbed half his body and he dropped to the floor. If Weasley had been angry before he looked insanely furious now, his red hair matching the rage that burned in his eyes.

A short scuffle followed that ended with yells of pain and a final splintering crack.


'He broke my wand! The bastard broke my spare wand!' Draco seethed with anger.

The three of them hobbled their way to the Hospital Wing as Draco tried to make sense of what had happened. The spells bounced off Weasley as though he had giant blood in his veins. The worst was that if Weasley turned him in for using an unforgivable he'd be expelled for certain, and reported to the Ministry. He might have to make a run for it if the Ministry showed up and he didn't have a convincing enough story for them - Azkaban was not an option. On the other hand, Weasley purposely broke his wand and that alone was enough for him to be expelled. Draco shook his head trying to clear his thoughts as he took shallow painful breaths walking slowly behind Crabbe and Goyle. First things first, Draco decided to make up a story that their injuries were from a Quidditch accident and he wouldn't mention anything about a broken wand. It was the most credible story he could come up with to explain Crabbe's broken arm, Goyle's broken leg, and his own cracked ribs - which still hurt.

He didn't think Madame Pomfrey did a proper job on his ribs. Crabbe and Goyle had no complaint about their injuries except to mumble they intended to avoid Weasley from now on. When they asked him why their spells just bounced off Weasley, he had barked at them saying he didn't know.

'Damn it,' he thought.

The only thing to lighten his foul mood was receiving an owl. In private, he decoded the message with his wand and read anxiously. He was pleased to see it contained information on Tadra.

"Royal pureblood?" Draco looked up from the parchment and stared at the wall in front of him before reading on. "Abandoned, yes, that makes sense." A grinning sneer spread across his face as he read his orders at the bottom of the parchment.

Your master instructs you to gain Tadra Potter's sympathy and see that she join our cause. Use whatever means necessary.


He looked up from his essay and watched the beautiful girl sitting next to him. Her hand deftly moved across the parchment, the feather tip of her quill jostled in blurring rhythm to the soft scratching as she wrote. Many brown curls adorned the face he had come to know so well. It had been raining off and on for the past few weeks and the tabletop brightened as the sun shown through clearing clouds. He looked out the window and thought how green the forest looked and how peaceful it all seemed. He knew that it was deceptive scene as long as Voldemort and his followers were at large. It had been relatively quiet with few killings credited to Death Eaters, but rumors abounded and the magical world was tense as to what might happen next. Yet even with the threat of all out war ready to erupt at any moment, he couldn't remember having ever felt so happy.

The scratching sound had stopped next to him and he looked to the girl sitting next to him, deep into chocolate brown eyes.

"Care for a break?" she smiled. "A dark corridor perhaps?" she teased making him laugh.

"I don't know that we'll ever hear the end of Professor Moody telling us - this is a classroom not a dark corridor. But I think we can do better than a dark corridor."

"Why Mister Potter, whatever do you have in mind?" she teased grinning mischievously. "A room at the Three Broomsticks perhaps? I may now be of legal age, but you have a ways to go."

"You're really holding this age thing over me aren't you?"

She grinned even more and bit her lip before replying.

"Oh, I don't know. Robbing the cradle might be fun."

"I'm not that much young - " Harry began to protest as he was cut off by several shrieks from a group of first year girls on the other side of the Common Room. The shrieks were followed with a bombardment of questions,

"Whoa. What happened to you?"

"Merlin you're a mess Weasley. What happened?"

"Maybe you should go to the hospital wing."

"Ron!" Harry and Hermione exclaimed jumping up from the table and nearly turning it over. A quick slight of hand with some wandless magic and Harry kept the ink from going everywhere.

Ron laughed heartily at the look Harry and Hermione gave him. Harry's initial shock was put at ease when Ron laughed but he knew this was out of the ordinary even for one of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes gone awry.

"I guess I might look a little rough."

"More than a little mate, you're a wreck."

"Are you sure you're alright Ron? I'd feel better if we took you to the hospital wing."

"Wicked!" exclaimed Jim Bennet stepping through the portrait hole with his brother Tim right behind him.

"Testing one of Fred and George's new products?" Tim Bennet asked with keen interest.

"Er, yeah, you could say that," Ron answered the two brothers and then looked at Harry and Hermione. "Let's talk, I'm just dying to tell someone," he grinned making a slimy tentacle jiggle on the side of his head.

"Ronald Weasley! You will go to the hospital wing this instant!"

The Common Room went silent as Ginny stepped down the stairs from the girl's dorm. Ron's eyes grew large and he blinked in surprise at his little sister's tone of authority.

"Uh, sure sis but I'm alright."

"No buts, march - now."

Ron shrugged and exited the portrait hole followed by Harry, Hermione and Ginny. No one else was inclined to follow a stern Ginny Weasley, but her sternness changed to worried concern when she asked them to stop in a relatively deserted corridor on their way to the Hospital Wing.

"Ron, what have you done? What happened?" she asked looking him over. "Was it Malfoy?"

"How do you know that? Fred and George might have sent me one of their jokes by owl."

"But they didn't, did they. How many times have I told you to stay away from him?"

"I'm not afraid of him. Besides, he's the one that laid low for me. Do you want to hear what happened or not?" Ron asked irritated.

Ron told them what happened with a pitched level of excitement. Harry couldn't help but laugh at certain spots in Ron's story, he really wished he had been there to see it. Hermione and Ginny were not nearly as amused and gave him reproachful looks when he laughed.

"And when he used the Cruciatus Curse on me - you know that's the most painful thing I've ever experienced."

Three gasps erupted when Ron told them Malfoy had used an unforgivable on him. Harry suddenly looked mean and reached for his wand.

"No need for that mate. I fixed him - I broke his wand. Well, his spare wand."

"You did what?"

"Oh Merlin, Ron you'll be expelled. Malfoy will claim you broke his wand and you'll have no proof of what he did."

"What will mum say Ron?" Ginny asked looking sick.

"I don't think Malfoy will say anything."

"Why not?"

"I can't cast an unforgivable, I'm not capable. He used my wand to cast the Cruciatus Curse," Ron said pulling out his wand.

Hermione cast the Priori Incantatem on Ron's wand. A small ghostly image of a face in agony floated up from the wand.

A jumble of incoherent chatter greeted Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing.

"Good heavens, what happened to you Mr. Weasley?"

"I, er . . ."

"Never mind what happened. How do you feel?"

"Chipper," Ron grinned.

Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes.

"Well, don't just stand there. You're accomplished at magic, clean him up. I can't be expected to do everything around here."

Ron winced as three wands were pointed at him. Ron's protests were ignored as they began applying the anti-jinxes and clean up spells. Ginny mended his school robes and aside from a slightly swollen eye and small cut on his lip, he looked almost as if nothing had happened.

"There ya go. You didn't need me at all, unlike the three that came up here earlier with a broken leg, arm an' ribs - Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy. They said it was a Quidditch accident. You wouldn't per chance know anything about that now would you Mr. Weasley?" Madam Pomfrey looked at Ron suspiciously.

Ron gave his best innocent look.

"Well, yer free to go then, off with ya."

Ron started to walk away but the other three didn't. Harry whispered something to Hermione and Ginny and they both nodded in agreement.

"Something else?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

Harry pointed his wand at a surprised Ron.

"Yes - this. Stupefy." The stunning spell bounced off Ron and toward Hermione who, along with Ginny, was ready to block a ricocheting spell.

"Ow!" Ron yelled and swore. "That hurts you know."

"That's utterly amazing. I believe I'll try that." Madam Pomfrey pointed her wand.



"Ow! I'm not a bloody spell target."

"I honestly didn't take the three of you seriously when of you asked me to examine Mr. Weasley at the beginning of term. I don't normally examine someone when there's nothing apparently wrong and they don't want to be examined." Madam Pomfrey eyed Ron and Ginny. "Are there any giants in your family tree? It's rare, but sometimes there's a delayed onset of heritage characteristics in a later generation."

Ron and Ginny denied any knowledge of giant ancestry.

"Well, the knowledge may have been lost over the years. It's not something most magical families would want known. However, a quick blood test should tell us the truth."

"Blood test?" Ron squeaked suddenly looking pale.

"There's nothing to it. Put your finger inside this small flask. I promise you won't feel a thing."

Ron hesitated.

"Look the other way if you're squeamish."

Ron put his finger in the small clear flask and looked away with a pained expression. Madam Pomfrey waved her wand - nothing happened. She waved her wand again more forcefully and the small flask filled with red liquid from the bottom up.

"All done and no need for a bandage."

Ron looked at his finger.

"Heh, didn't feel a thing," he grinned. But his face dropped when he looked at the small flask of red liquid. "Is, is that my blood?" Ron's face went white.

Ginny impressively conjured a chair and summoned some smelling salts for Ron as he sat down abruptly.

"Honestly Ron," Ginny said waving the stout smelling solution under Ron's nose while he instinctively jerked his head away each time he got a whiff and finally pushed it away.

"You're looking better," Hermione said hovering nearby with Ginny.

"After all we've been through I would never have guessed you to get queasy at the sight of blood mate," Harry said with a teasing grin.

"Well, it's my blood, and - and it's in here." Ron made a sweeping gesture to the Hospital Wing.

Madam Pomfrey stepped out from a side room filled with strange shiny instruments and various colored bottles.

"Well Mr. Weasley, by all rights you should be dead. It's not traces of Giant's blood coursing through your veins, it's venom, a powerful venom. Most unusual, I've never seen anything like it. It would seem the venom has somehow been neutralized. I'll ask Professor Snape to have a look."

"Snape?" Ron and Harry asked together.

"But of course. Professor Snape is a potions master and better qualified to understand what's going on with Mr. Weasley."

Harry and Ron didn't care for Snape's involvement in any form.


On the way back to the Gryffindor Common room Hermione expressed her opinion that the neutralized venom in Ron's blood was from the Giant Scorpion. Everyone else agreed that would explain the odd things they had observed.

"Harry, my brother, could I trouble you for a small favor?"

Tadra had emerged from a side corridor carrying a rolled up parchment and looking uneasy. Hermione and Ginny noticed Tadra's discomfort and said they'd see Harry in the Common Room later. A stern look from Hermione and Ginny convinced Ron to grudgingly go with them.

"Of course. What do you need?"

"A signature. First Hogsmeade weekend will be in two weeks and I would like to go."

"Me? My signature? You need me to sign the permission form? Are you sure that's going to work?"

"Father .hasn't . . ." Tadra began to say, but she didn't have the words to say more and started again. "You are all I have in the way of a guardian."


Harry stood outside the teacher's staff room with Tadra. Professor Sinistra had answered Tadra's knock and had just retreated to find Snape. Snape emerged from the staff room doorway in his usual foul mood and unrolled the parchment Tadra handed him.

"What is this school coming to? A minor giving permission to a minor," he drawled. In a quick brisk motion he rolled up the parchment and brusquely said to Tadra before disappearing into the staff room, "Personally I would not have accepted this but the Headmaster says otherwise. You have permission to go to Hogsmeade."

"Thank you, my brother," Tadra said with a radiant smile and gave him a hug. "I am on my way to the Owlery. Perhaps you would care accompany me?"

It was getting late in the afternoon and the sun shone bright orange through the windows as they made their way up the steps to the Owlery. Harry told Tadra what they had found out about Ron. Tadra was not surprised. Tadra asked how they finally persuaded Ron to be examined by Madam Pomfrey and Harry told Tadra about Malfoy, the broken wand, and the unforgivable. When he told her how Malfoy had lured Ron into the Dungeons Tadra stopped abruptly on the steps leading to the West Tower and a dark look washed over her face.

"I will discuss the use of my name with Draco Malfoy later."

The dark look left as quickly as it came and they continued walking as Tadra reflected on the trials of her adopted brother and his friends.

"The three of you have endured much crossing the sacred desert, but I believe much has been gained. Maybe more than you know. You carry the mark of the Beast, my brother. It is a mark of profound courage but legend also warns of a lust for killing."

For Harry it was a disturbing revelation but Tadra quickly discounted it as only legend and talked about life as a Slytherin. She told Harry how she hated the dungeon and yearned for the open desert. She also lamented that it was difficult to make friends among the Slytherins and envied Jen Hanson who could make friends with anyone. She did however confess to having better luck making friends among the male Slytherins and cast Harry a grin. Harry understood the reason for that easily enough because she was very pretty and told her so as a compliment, which earned him another hug.

"I am very much looking forward to Hogsmeade and the Halloween feast. I am also looking forward to a good game of Quidditch. You will play your best, my brother? I would not wish you to be hard on yourself when Slytherin wins the Quidditch cup this year."

"Wha-? Slytherin win the cup? Over my beaten and bruised body."

"As you wish," Tadra answered and then laughed.

"I see you really like competition," Harry grinned at her as they neared the Owlery entrance.

"I do indeed."

"Are you owling your father?'

"Yes, I owl my father and brothers every two weeks. However, I have not received a reply, nor do I expect to."

"I'm sorry."

"It is not your fault, my brother. It was my -," Tadra stopped in mid sentence as the Owlery became absolutely silent. There was no fluttering of wings, hooting or noise of any sort. Every owl's eyes were upon them and watching expectantly.

"Weird isn't it? This is what happened a few weeks ago when Hermione owled her parents. The owls act this way around either Hermione or me. Even Hedwig has been very affectionate since we got back from summer holiday." No sooner had Harry spoke Hedwig's name than the snowy owl flew down and perched herself on Harry's shoulder, and nuzzled her white feathered head against his, making Harry grin and Tadra laugh.

"Truly remarkable my brother. I have never seen birds behave in such a manner."

"Who's the best long distance flyer?" Harry asked the attentive owls perched overhead. A strong looking eagle owl glided down almost silently and landed in front of them. It was larger than Malfoy's eagle owl and colored tawny-buff and speckled brown-black. It held out its leg for Tadra to tie her letter.


Before she could knock on the door, a voice replied from within.

"You may come in Tadra."

Dumbledore beckoned to a chair and Tadra took a seat and accepted a cup of tea and a biscuit that was offered to her.

"I must say that I have never seen such a lively Quidditch game. I believe you came within forty points of the school record for the most points scored by a single chaser."

"My brother saw fit to find the Snitch and end the game before I could score more points."

"True enough. However, if he had not found the Snitch when he did I believe Slytherin would have won the game. I also understand that you did break a school record for the most fouls committed by a single player in a game."

"I am not used the restrictive rules the school plays by," Tadra offered in defense.

"Understandable, quite understandable," he said dismissively and then continued. "I have heard rumor that an Auror's club of some sort may have started up. Have you heard of such a club or perhaps you partake in its activities?"

"Yes, there is. It's called Dumbledore's Army or the DA for short."

"I would have thought a new name would now be in order. Perhaps just the Auror's Club," he mused.

"That was suggested but no one wanted to change it."

Tadra watched closely as blue eyes twinkled above half-moon glasses before the old Headmaster absentmindedly reached for his cup of tea. She could tell he was pleased.

Tadra commented that nine of them could now cast a full corporeal patronus with four more showing promise of doing the same. Tadra attributed the successes to her adopted brother's teaching ability and the combined efforts of the other members. She then went on to elaborate on the three most recent and their respective forms. Luna Lovegood's was a unicorn, Neville Longbottom's was a wild boar, and Ron Weasley's was a giant scorpion. Though, according to Harry and Hermione, Ron's was different the previous term, and although yet without corporeal, form resembled a small dog.

"What form does your patronus take?" Dumbledore asked.

"A dragon."

"Indeed. Most interesting…"

"And yours, Headmaster?"

"A phoenix."

A short solitary note of hope rose from a perch nearby.

"A real phoenix! I am most impressed. I have never had opportunity to study one up close. May I approach it?"

"Yes, his name is Fawkes."

Tadra approached a receptive Fawkes who lowered his head for Tadra to stroke.

"Have you enjoyed your stay with us at Hogwarts?"

"I have. There has been much to see and learn and not only of an academic nature. But I do not think you have summoned me to discuss my stay at Hogwarts."

"Yes, you are correct. To the heart of the matter then. I have had numerous correspondences with your father. I had hoped to resolve the estrangement between you and your family but I have had little success. However, your family has pledged allegiance to our cause, which should yield further opportunity."

Tadra turned away from the Headmaster as she felt a familiar tightening in her chest and stroked Fawkes' brilliant crimson and gold feathers. The thought that her father and brothers would never agree to see or talk to her again, wrenched at her heart. It was an unfair and unjust price to pay for doing what was right. If only they would understand. She had tried to explain her decision in the owls she sent.

"You will not be of legal age here, until your next birthday. However, in your father's eyes you are of age to make your own decisions and have done so. However, I should point out that Stronan has been cordial in his letters and has asked about you."

Dumbledore couldn't see Tadra's face but noticed her hand shake as she stroked Fawkes feathers.

"Your father has mentioned that you are naturally gifted in discerning a lie from the truth and suggested you inherited the ability from your mother. He has also elaborated on the fact that all his children are taught Legilimency and Occlumency at an early age and that you are especially adept. If you are so inclined, such talents could be of benefit. I suppose what I am trying to say is that your father is a caring and honorable man and will come to understand your decision. Give him time."

A shuddering sigh escaped, and Tadra wiped at an unwanted tear. She was abruptly surprised and jumped back when Fawkes lightly pecked at something solid under her school robe.

"Fawkes," Dumbledore scolded. "I expect better manners."

"Is this what interests you?" Tadra asked pulling out her marriage bond and showed it to Fawkes who looked at it with blinking black eyes. Fawkes then straightened to his full height and fanned his wings showering Tadra in glowing sparks. A wide-eyed Tadra looked at the Headmaster wondering if she had done something wrong, but he smiled broadly making his white beard puff up.

"Well now. That solves the problem of where you will be staying over Christmas Holiday. You've done nothing wrong. Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss concerning the Order of the Phoenix and how we identify one another. Our mark is an image in the mind. An image kindled by loyalty and trust - that once broken - is lost as will any memory of our Order. Our mark is unique and cannot be duplicated. Nor can it be used without being diluted. We will know if one of our fellow members is under the influence of the Imperious Curse."