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The Dark Phoenix by Matt Striker

The Dark Phoenix

Matt Striker

*** In this story I've chosen to make wandless magic extremely difficult at best, and controlled wandless magic unheard of. ***

Being Prefect required Hermione to check in with the Head Boy and Head Girl first thing every school day. Prefects would normally get to sleep in on weekends if they wanted. However, this school year started off with a weekend and Hermione was up bright and early. It was really no big deal to Hermione she was usually up early anyway. She had no more than reached the common room when Harry and Ron went sailing through, "Hi Hermione." "Hi Prefect Granger. Talk to you later." They each said as they made there way to the portrait hole.

"I thought you two were going to take care of your, um, project, last night?"

They both stopped in their tracks and gave exaggerated smiles.

"Appearances Hermione. Appearances," said Harry.

Ron frowned, "We can't just walk up later and say this is the broom we want to reserve when no one has seen us pick one out."

Hermione noticed Harry was holding his arm just a little differently. "So where did you hide it?" She had no sooner asked the question than when it hit her that Harry had his invisibility cloak wrapped around the broom they had acquired the night before. Evidently they were going to make it appear they had found the one they wanted along with everyone else who would be looking over the school brooms. "Oh, for heaven sake. Go, just go."

Harry gave her a mischievous smile and winked. Ron just looked smugly as they both resumed their hurried pace to find a broom they already had.

Their first task of the day, securing a school broom for Ron, out of they way they had breakfast in the Great Hall. It looked as though the Bennet brothers were still being badgered about the sorting and that they were both still tight lipped about it. Hermione joined him and Ron, as conversations drifted from their upcoming new classes to Quidditch to Mrs. Figg. Hermione kept correcting Harry that it was Professor Figg.

Back in the common room excitement was running high for the new school year as thoughts of Quidditch were on a lot of people's minds. Katie, Alicia, Angelina, Fred and George had taken over a table and hailed Harry to come on over.

Katie talked first, "Harry we've been discussing who the next captain should be. It's our first order of business really. The captain of the team reserves the field for practice."

"Sounds good. Are we going vote? Put the name of our choice in a hat and count them up?"

"We could," said Katie, "But the result would be the same." Everyone at the table was grinning. Harry wasn't sure what Katie meant.

"How's that?"

"We've already chosen the captain," said Katie.

"You have? Great, who is it? I really don't mind that you all decided without me. I had given it some thought myself and I was going to vote for you Katie," quickly adding, "No offence meant to anyone. I just thought that Katie wanted the position more than anyone else."

"Why thank you Harry," said Katie. There were comments of agreement around the table that Katie would make a fine captain.

"Well, who's captain then?"

Alicia giggled and Angelina grinned as George laughed and Fred quipped, "Go ahead Katie tell him."

"It's you Harry. You're the new team captain."

Harry's face flushed and he turned away from them. Harry could feel the heat radiating from his face. He thought to himself, 'I can't believe it. Everywhere I go my name puts me out in front of everyone else. It's not right. What do I know about being captain anyway. It should really be one of them. It'll be their last year.'

"Is something wrong Harry?" asked Angelina.

"We didn't think you would take it like this," said Alicia.

"Harry," said George and silence followed. Harry turned around to face the team still a bit flushed. "You're not thinking we chose you because of your name are ya?" As soon as George had said it, the confused and surprised looks of Harry's teammates were replaced with understanding. "We've played together for four years. I would've thought you'd have known us better than that."

"If you're thinking that it should be one of us because it's our last year that's fine sentiment but it's not thinking ahead for next year," put in Angelina.

"Here's how we looked at it Harry. Even without our new Keeper we figure we've pretty much got the Quidditch Cup in the bag." Katie looked around as the rest of the team agreed. "I'll admit I would not have minded being captain. But that would only cover this year. What about next year? We all want Gryffindor to keep getting that Cup from now on. All of us want that more than being captain. It seemed the best way to do that was to make you captain Harry. We've got a good team. As for being captain we can help you in any way we can. We all thought it best if you had the experience. Who's going to lead Gryffindor next year or the year after that? So, what do you say? Will you take the position and be Gryffindor captain?"

Harry looked around at them all sheepishly. "I'm sorry guys. When you put it that way I can't argue. If you still want me as captain, I accept." A round of applause and cheers ensued. The word was out and congratulations were coming from everyone in Gryffindor House.

What a day and the time flew by. Soon it was evening in the common room and Harry had not yet been able to find the right moment to let Hermione know they needed to talk. He still felt it. That desire to hold her hand, to touch, to just gaze upon her was still there. And he had been careful to not let anyone take notice of his glances toward her. He really wasn't sure what he intended to tell her, if he ever did get the chance. His personal thoughts on the matter were brought short as it appeared the Bennet brothers were about to give in and let everyone know what happened during the sorting. Jim and Tim were the focus of attention as a small crowd gathered around a table in the common room.

"All right, all right," said Jim with exasperation. "It was no big deal really."

"Didn't look like it was 'no big deal' by the looks on your faces. Out with it," cudgeled Fred. "It can't be that bad. Tell us what you said to the sorting hat."

"All I said was that it was an ugly old hat that needed a stitch or two," Jim said coyly.

There were assorted reactions "No," "You didn't," "Oh my gosh," with chuckles, a few snorts and laughing that led George asking the inevitable. "So, what did the hat say?"

Jim brought his head down between his shoulders. He winced as though the mere thought were painful. "Ah ... well, it said I had best watch my mouth or it would hex me to look like uncle Fuzzy."

Again a round of comments ensued with "What the?" "Who's uncle Fuzzy?" "Does your uncle look that bad?" followed by more laughter. With big eyes the brothers nodded slowly in the affirmative. Tim said slowly, "Yeah, he is. I never got a chance to say anything. The hat told me right off that if I opened my mouth it would hex me to look like uncle Fuzzy. - And it's all your fault Jim. If you hadn't insulted it in the first place I wouldn't have had two years scared off my life."

A cocky third year named Jack Peski must have been a little jealous at all the attention the Bennets were getting and put out his opinion. "Come off it. No one is that ugly."

Jim and Tim brightened. "Oh really. I suppose you'd like to see a picture of uncle Fuzzy?" said Jim menacingly.

Still cocky Jack said, "Sure."

The brothers eyed each other as Jim nodded. Tim reached into his pocket and started to hand a picture to Jack. Just before Jack took hold of it Tim pulled it back and said, "I'd appreciate it if you were the only one to look at it though."

Jack shrugged his consent and took the picture. Jacks mouth slowly dropped open and his face skewed up like he had bit into a rotten apple. Jack exhaled the words, "Oh my God" as Jim and Tim smirked in mischievous triumph.

An elderly hand snatched the picture out of Jack's. "I'll take that if you don't mind." Everyone had been watching Jack's reaction so intently that no one had noticed professor McGonagall enter the common room. Jim and Tim's looks of accomplished mischief were replaced with looks of pure innocence in the blink of an eye. The crowd widened quickly. "You two," McGonagall looked at Tim and Jim. "I would think better of you both to not be making fun of your uncle's appearance. Hasn't he told you what happened?" The brothers, still looking innocent, shook their heads no. "Be that as it may, I'll have you know he used to be rather good looking. But…" McGonagall glanced at the picture. Her left eye dropped slightly and she gave an involuntary shudder. "Yes, that's how he looks now. Are you alright Mr. Peski?"

Jack's expression really hadn't changed, a look of shock and repulsion was still frozen on his face. "I think so."

"I'll give this picture back at the end of the school year." McGonagall shifted her attention.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger. Headmaster Dumbledore would like a word with you three. He'll be expecting you in his office. 'Bubblegum' will work as the temporary password." With that McGonagall left.

Ron looked at Harry and Hermione. "What did we do now?" The same thing that everyone in the common room was wondering. Ron's question was interrupted by another one from Jack.

"In Merlin's name what happened to your uncle?"

The innocent looks of the Bennets were gone, thoughtful yet ornery, ones took their place. "Well," said Jim. "Tim and I have talked about this for many years. We figure that uncle Howard fell into a patch of flesh eating moss or,"

"As is more commonly thought in the family. Uncle Howard had a mishap with a hair growing potion that went horribly wrong. Hence, we nicknamed him uncle Fuzzy." Tim and Jim snickered.

Jack was starting to look a little woozy. "I think I feel sick," he said taking off for the bathroom.

Jim and Tim both let out a "Woo!" and clapped their right hands together laughing. The laughter was contagious as the whole common room joined in. Everyone except Jack that is.

Harry caught Hermione and Ron's attention and motioned with his head toward the portrait hole. They were expected in Dumbledore's office.

Once out in the corridor Harry and Ron were still laughing. Ron shook his head muttering, "Uncle Fuzzy."

Hermione tried to put a damper on it by saying, "It's really not nice to make fun of their uncle like that." She tried to suppress a giggle and failed, the look on Jack's face was still fresh in her memory.

Going up the moving steps to Dumbledore's office Harry was wondering if he and Ron had somehow been caught reserving a school broom ahead of time, but Harry didn't mention this thought to Ron. It looked like Ron was thinking the same thing though.

"Ah, good. I have been expecting you. We have a matter of special lessons to discuss. I would like to point out that these lessons will be difficult. You will find that some of these spells, hexes and curses would normally only be taught as part of advanced Auror training." The three teens straightened in anticipation. "Before you become too enamored I would be remiss if I did not also point out that you may find this as a burden on top of your normal school work and activities. So, I must ask. Do you feel up to the challenge?"

The three answered saying, "Yes sir."

"Very well. Lessons will begin in four weeks starting Friday evening, the 29th, 6:00pm and last approximately until midnight. The lessons will be every other Friday. Now I must stress that these lessons are secret. Is that understood?" They nodded that they understood.

"Will the lessons be held in the dungeon?" asked Hermione.

Dumbledore grinned with a twinkle in his eye. "No, but close. Do you recall a certain tunnel under the castle that has suffered a collapse?"

Harry remembered the Marauder's Map and what Fred and George said about a tunnel that had suffered a cave in. With a confused look Harry answered, "Yeah, I think so. From the Marauder's Map I remember one." Harry looked toward Ron who nodded and Hermione who looked like she was trying to remember. She hadn't had as much use of the map as Harry and Ron.

"Correct Harry, that is where the three of you will wait for your instructor."

"Does that mean we'll get the map back?" asked Ron encouragingly.

"No, it does not. How you get to and from your lesson will be left up to the three of you and your own devices. Consider it to be part of your training. If you are caught you will suffer the appropriate punishment. Still up to the challenge?" Dumbledore asked with a challenging smile.

Harry and Ron were initially shocked they would not get the Marauder's Map back considering what Dumbledore was asking of them but decided to accept the terms. Hermione looked calm almost anxious to get started. Harry was surprised at her reaction.

"I believe that concludes our business. You are dismissed." The three stood up to leave and headed for the door their heads full of ideas on what they might be learning. "Harry, would you mind staying a bit longer."

"We'll wait in the corridor for you Harry," offered Hermione.

Hermione and Ron left closing the door behind them. Dumbledore motioned his hand at a chair as it moved toward Harry. "Have a seat Harry." Again Dumbledore waved his hand as two cups floated toward his desk. "Care for a cup of tea?"

Harry's eyes were as big as saucers. "D-did you…just do magic without a wand?" Harry asked in disbelief.

Dumbledore chuckled, "I suppose I did. Would you like some tea?" Dumbledore waved his hand as a warm pot of tea hovered above the two cups. Dumbledore gave Harry a warm smile and his eyes twinkled fiercely.

Harry nodded slowly, dumbstruck, as he sat down in the chair Dumbledore had just summoned toward him. Dumbledore beckoned and the chair slid close enough to the desk that Harry could reach his tea. The teapot had poured and was floating away. "B-but how? How did you do that?"

"Funny you should ask. I thought of asking you the same thing."

"What? What do you mean? I can't do that. What you just did."

"But you already have Harry. Think back. When Arthur Weasley told you Hermione had been attacked and told you to take your broom. You summoned your broom without a wand. Arthur and Molly witnessed it. Then again when the Flamels were guised as the Grangers. I had them purposely go in ahead of Professor McGonagall and myself. You summoned your own wand. And I suspect there may have been other instances." Dumbledore paused to let all this sink in and sipped some tea.

Harry was having a tough time with what he had just been told, but It was true. He had done those things without thinking about it. He even remembered how his discarded letter to Hermione had burst into flame as Ginny tried to unfold it. But how? How could have done those things? How could any witch or wizard do such a things, without a wand? And yet, he had just seen professor Dumbledore do it.

"Have some tea Harry. I can only imagine what must be rolling around in your head. First you find out that you're a wizard some four years ago and then find out you have an ability that is in essence unknown in the wizarding world. As I demonstrated earlier I have this ability and have kept it a closely guarded secret all these years. Voldemort suspects such an ability in me, but I sincerely doubt he suspects such in you. This is an advantage you have against him and will be an even greater advantage if Voldemort doesn't know. As every other witch or wizard needs to cast a spell by wand you and I need only to think it. Make no mistake though, the wand does enhance our magical ability and I take great pains not to do magic without a wand. You have to understand Harry people are afraid of that which is different and what they do not understand. It is the same in our world as well as in the Muggle world."

"I don't know what to say." Harry sipped some tea. His throat felt dry from this overwhelming revelation. "Okay, I have this ability. I don't know how to use it. And why did you bother to tell me?"

"Good observation on both points. I felt the need to tell you for fear that you may accidentally make your ability known. As for not knowing how to use your ability, I believe I can help there. From time to time I will call upon you to come to my office. No one will think anything of it. You will not only be taking special lessons but private lessons as well. I do not know how long you will be able to keep this ability a secret from Hermione and Ron but try to do so as long as you can. It is imperative that you try to keep this a closely guarded secret."

It was all like a whirlwind in his mind. He could do magic without a wand. 'Wow' was what kept coming to mind. Then….another thought of why couldn't this ability been available sooner. Harry hung his head as he thought of a very particular and regrettable experience.

"Something wrong Harry?"

"Why couldn't I have had this ability sooner? I . . . could have saved . . . ," Harry trailed off.

"Ah, you're thinking that if you would have had this ability sooner you could have saved Cedric. Maybe, maybe not. Harry we cannot, no, must not dwell upon the past nor should we try to change it. Not even Voldemort would attempt such a thing; the ramifications are unknown and the potential for disaster too great. Now, I realize you have already done a tiny bit of time travel in order to save Sirius' and Buckbeak's lives. Keep in mind it was a very small amount. You and Hermione also managed to keep your past selves unaware of your future selves. Harry we must take what we've got." Then he said slowly giving the next words emphasis. "We must not dwell upon what ifs and forget to live." Dumbledore sipped some tea in silence letting Harry think about the twists and turns of life. "If this answers your questions for now, we'll call it an evening. I believe Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley are still waiting for you."

Harry put his cup of tea down. "Thank you professor -- for everything."

"Gee Harry, what took so long? Ya have tea or somethin'?"

Still in a bit of a daze Harry said, "Yes, I guess we did. He told me that I would need to see him from time to time."

"What for Harry? That is if you don't mind me asking?"

"Ah no, I don't mind you asking Hermione. I just don't quite know how to answer. He told me to keep it to myself for as long as possible." Harry had taken several steps before he realized he was walking alone. He turned around to see his too friends with questioning looks. "Come on guys. Dumbledore didn't forbid me to tell you two. He did say it was real important not to tell anyone else. I'm still trying to sort it out and no, it's not anything bad. Give me some time okay?" Harry gave his best pleading look as his two friends gave their silent consent.

Harry absolutely could not sleep. A lot of thoughts were rolling around in his head. His feelings for Hermione and their impending talk not yet arranged, he was the new Gryffindor Quidditch captain, and to top it off he had an ability that maybe no other witch or wizard in the world had, besides himself and Dumbledore. He couldn't take it anymore. He felt like he had to get out, somewhere, it didn't matter. Making sure that everyone was asleep he slipped out of bed put on his regular robe and took out his father's invisibility cloak. At this moment he was really thankful his father had left this wonderful cloak to him. It was the only thing of his father's that he had. He slipped on his father's cloak and wandered the halls. It was late and no one but Prefects were allowed outside their dorms at this time of night. Harry didn't really notice anyone in the corridors anyway. His thoughts were preoccupied. He was surprised when he finally looked about and found himself on top of the Astronomy Tower. The temperature had cooled and it felt very pleasant. He took off his cloak, the chances of anyone coming up here before classes started was next to nil. A breeze came up and there were random flashes of lighting to the south. Harry walked over to the south edge to get a better view. It looked like a storm was coming in and the smell of impending rain was heavy in the air.

"Harry? Is that you?"

Harry was startled. He had just got through thinking there was nothing to worry about. That no one would be coming up to the tower, but the voice was all too familiar.


"Yes it's me. Fancy us both ending up here. I couldn't sleep. What's your excuse?"

"Same here. There's a storm coming in, care to watch it with me?"


She stepped up beside him her shoulder brushing against his. He could feel the warmth of her shoulder against his. Now was the time to find out how she felt toward him. He was pretty sure he knew, thinking back to that last kiss they had shared on this very tower. Then to tell her about what Sirius had told him. He was not looking forward to the last part and didn't want to rush it. Instead they enjoyed the view and the lightning show from the oncoming storm. The breeze picked up a little more and blew their hair. Harry would catch clear glimpses of her face during the brief flashes of lightning and thought how beautiful she looked. With a sigh he said, "Hermione we need to talk. It's about -"

Hermione quickly cut him off. "Our kiss up here on the Astronomy Tower and that you don't feel that way toward me." She stepped back to face him. There was another flash and he could see the doubt, the hurt, etched on her face. "You had Ron write back to me to arrange getting together in Diagon Alley. All this time since and you haven't said anything till now. You could have owled me or come over. You have the key to our fireplace. I know that I must have been too forward the last time we kissed. I'm sorry Harry. I admit it. I've been having feelings for you as more than just a friend. I've just been so scared of losing you, your friendship. I've been afraid of losing either you or Ron. You're the best friends I have. I don't think I can bear losing your friendship Harry. Please Harry, can't we still be friends?" All of her bottled up feelings had come pouring out. Another flash and Harry could see she was on the verge of tears.

She had hidden her feelings so well. He was caught so completely off guard. "Hermione." He said her name with reassurance. He reached out into the darkness found her hand and held it. "You would never lose my friendship, ever, no matter what. And I have a confession to make. I'm afraid that I have feelings for you as well, as more than just friends." There was another flash of lightning followed by a distant rumble of thunder in the distance. During that brief flash he could see the look of relief and surprise on her face and she could see the truth on his. They embraced and held each other tight he didn't want to let her go but he needed to tell her everything. "Hermione, there's something more I need to tell you. When I talked with Sirius at my belated birthday party he told me something." She pulled back trying to read his expression in the dark waiting for another flash to reveal what might be coming. "Sirius told me there might be a side effect from the 'Breath of Life'. He said we might develop feelings for each other, that what we are feeling might not be by our own choice."

There was a long pause. Then Hermione drew closer. There was bewilderment in her voice, "Not our own choice? But we both feel it. Harry it's all I can do to not run into the boys' dorm to make sure you're still there in the mornings. I want to feel the touch of your hand so badly. . . Did Sirius say how long it would last or how we could tell if it's real or not?"

Harry shook his head. "No, he didn't," Harry said sadly.

She embraced him again. "Harry, what will we do? Will we live the rest of our lives in limbo wondering if what we feel for each other is the real thing or some sort of side effect?"

"I don't know. No, we can't do that. Surely all it will take is some --."

"Time" they both said together.

"But how long?" Harry wondered out loud. "A month, two months, the school year." Harry felt like part of his burden had been lifted, now there was at least some hope. It felt like their friendship was safe and that there might yet be some resolution to the yearning he felt for her. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he hoped that it was no side effect.

"The school year maybe? Surely by the end of the school year we will have figured out something one way or another." From the tone of her voice it sounded as though she had regained her calm and logical self, but still embraced, Harry could feel her trembling slightly. "But how will we test to see if we are still feeling the same thing for each other?"

"Can't see the forest for the trees Herm?" He squeezed her. "Maybe this would work." His hand slipped gently behind her head as he leaned forward with his other hand cupped to her cheek.

Her heart raced and her only thought was 'Oh God' as she gave herself to the moment. Their lips met and the world was lost. It was though they had willingly plunged into the unknown and were immersed. It was exhilarating as though fireworks were going off all around them with the ever present song of hope surrounding them, permeating them with a resonating note that vibrated into their very souls. It was wonderful beyond description. And slowly they came back. Back to the Astronomy tower to find themselves -- drenched. The storm had come, somehow without them noticing. It was a downpour with lightning in the sky and booming thunder all around them. They looked at each other in astonishment and laughed. Smiling at her he shouted above the wind and rain leaning toward her ear. "And you thought you were too forward." He leaned back holding her hands looking into her rain covered face illuminated by the numerous flashes though his rain pelted glasses and he was glad for the rain. He was glad she couldn't see the tears he shed above the smile that he gave her. How on earth could what he just experienced not be love? And yet he had to be sure for both their sakes.

The first day of classes was going well and it was already lunch time. Harry was absentmindedly gnawing on a piece of celery.

"Earth to Harry, are you still with us?" inquired Hermione.

"Huh? What? Did I miss something?"

Hermione and Ron both laughed. "Ron has only asked twice now how much practice he can get in before tryouts next week."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay mate. Are you still thinking the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is your old neighbor?"

"I don't see how. But yeah I am."

"I suppose you'll find out soon enough considering that's our next class," said Ron as Hermione looked up from her book with a thoughtful expression.

Over the years Harry, Hermione and Ron had developed a compromise on where to sit in class. Hermione had always wanted to sit toward the front of class. Harry and Ron had always wanted to sit toward the back. Their compromise was to sit somewhere in the middle of the class. This worked fairly well. The only class they were in total agreement and not compromising on the seating was Potions. They all preferred the back of the class room. Today however, Harry wanted to drag Ron toward the front of class, much to Ron's dismay and Hermione's delight.

Professor Figg gave Harry a warm smile glancing briefly to Hermione and Ron. Her demeanor changed as she brought the class to order becoming all formal and business-like.

"I am Professor Figg. Shortly I will take roll so that I can associate a name with a face. Before I do that, I would like to tell a little about myself and the subject I intend to teach. I have had over twenty years experience in Auror training for the Ministry." She paused letting the excited reaction of the class die down. "However I have not been an instructor for the past fourteen years. I've been on what could be described as an extended sabbatical. This class will focus on Avoiding, Evading, and Blocking as far as the Dark Arts are concerned. And we will study and practice what we've learned according to the order I have just stated." Professor Figg went into the importance of all that they would learn from her class as well as all the other classes they were taking. She gave divination less importance, in the category of learning, but stressed that it should not be dismissed completely out of hand. She had the entire class on the edge of their seats as she relayed to them encounters with witches and wizards of Dark Magic to further illustrate the importance of what they must learn.

Harry was convinced it was the Arabella Figg that he had known since he was old enough to walk and talk. It was still confusing to him how it could possibly be her though. At the end of class Professor Figg gave an assignment to write a short essay over a particularly famous Auror named Mike Towers. Class was dismissed but Professor Figg wasn't going to let Harry go so easily.

"Mr. Potter would you please stay after class for a few minutes."

Professor Figg allowed the class to clear out and then she talked to Harry giving him that same warm smile as her professional front melted away.

"I'm sure this all seems a little strange to you finding out that I'm a witch? I know that you must have a lot of questions but suffice it to say I had to play the part of a muggle. Your aunt and uncle would not have been willing to set foot in my house or let you stay with me otherwise. I would have liked to let you know years ago but I was afraid that if you liked to stay with me they would have found someone else. I know it's been hard on you all these years. I was always there as your protector, always watching with all my precious kittens. They were my eyes. That's how I was able to watch, through their eyes."

Harry's head was swimming but everything she had said and amazingly enough it was making sense. Harry smiled modestly. "I just never thought about it. Having a protector, but it makes sense. Sure explains why there were so many cats in the neighborhood. Hermione and Ron were unconvinced that you were the same Mrs. Figg that I've known all these years."

"That could explain why they are hanging out by the door way." Professor Figg motioned for them to come in. "Harry says that you two are somewhat skeptical that I've been his neighbor for the past fourteen years." Without giving them a chance to respond she pulled out a photo album. "I have some pictures of Harry here."

There were several dozen pictures, all wizarding pictures. Harry turned slightly pink as he realized all the pictures were of him. Hermione let out an "Oooo" as Ron looked delighted at the potential teasing material. The most recent picture was of a ten year old Harry sitting in a chair surrounded by more than a dozen cats. Harry looked perturbed as one cat jumped up in his lap happily swishing a tail in Harry's face. The pages were turned and Harry kept getting progressively younger looking. One particular picture showed Harry about three years old asleep and holding onto a stuffed toy dog, all black and fuzzy. Little Harry was hugging it in his sleep.

"Say, isn't that Sus?" The words left Harry's mouth without thought.

"Sus!" Ron snorted. "What kind of a name is that?"

Harry blushed and shrugged, "I dunno."

"That's right Harry. I'm surprised you remembered. It was one of the few toys I had for you at my house when you were little. You couldn't really talk at the time, you called it Sus."

Hermione looked at him with a flash of inspiration. "Harry! Do you suppose ….. That you were trying to say Sirius?"

"I believe you're right Hermione. I'm surprised I didn't piece that together myself," said Professor Figg. Harry just looked at Hermione in amazement as Ron nodded in agreement with a lingering smile of mischief.

Harry was feeling antsy for potions class to get over with. Gryffindor tryouts for Keeper and substitutes would be held forty-five minutes after class let out. Ron however, did not look antsy. In fact, he looked positively ill. Ron had been paired up with Neville for this particular potions class. A rather unfortunate combination since it was obvious to Harry that Ron had a bad case of nerves. Harry had tried in vain to get Ron paired up with himself or Hermione so he could have someone to help cover for his obvious lack of attention. Harry couldn't help but wonder if Snape had done it on purpose.

"Ron, pay attention," Harry whispered trying to be as discreet as possible so that Snape wouldn't overhear. "Last thing you want is for Snape to hold you back after class and miss tryouts."

"You pay attention Harry," hissed Hermione as Harry jerked his attention back to their cauldron. "The beetle eyes are supposed to be diced not raw and don't put them in until the potion turns blue. This particular potion has a nasty habit of turning into a strong acid if done wrong. The team will need a captain to help judge the tryouts won't they?"


As Snape inspected everyone's potions he lingered over Ron and Neville's and sneered. "You call this a Bastoff Potion?" he drawled. "It's supposed to be aqua in color, not a putrid orange." Then giving a diminutive look to Neville he said, "But I suppose it's saying a great deal that Longbottom hasn't burnt a hole through another cauldron." Some Slytherin's snickered. Snape strolled by Harry and Hermione's cauldron giving it a quick glance not saying a word but a cheek muscle twitched on his face. Harry knew Snape was disappointed there was nothing to criticize. Harry was also glad that Hermione had made him pay attention.

Finally, Snape dismissed class. Harry and Hermione were walking alongside Ron trying to shore up his confidence when an irritating voice called out behind them.

"Hey, Weasel. You're not really going to try out for Keeper are you? That's truly pathetic. Maybe I should show up and watch you try out. I could use a good laugh."

Ron stopped abruptly, a bit of color rising in his face and particularly his ears. Harry and Hermione were both hoping Ron would be able to keep it under control. Harry was thinking, 'Finally get out of Snape's class only to be badgered by Malfoy. Is Ron ever going to make it to the Pitch?'

Ron looked back over his shoulder. "At least I'll earn my position on the house team. I won't have my dad buy my way in with new brooms." Harry couldn't help but smirk. It was true Malfoy's father had bought the entire Slytherin Quidditch team new brooms. But Harry saw the look on Hermione's face that said 'You're not helping'. And it was true, Ron didn't need an altercation with Malfoy at the moment.

"Come on Ron. Let's go," Harry said in a low tone. Just as Malfoy was trying to come back with a retort.

"Just because your family is po……." Malfoy must have decided pointing out the fact that the Weasley's were poor was not making him look good at the moment. "On second thought I hope you do make Gryffindor Keeper, Weasley. It'll just make it that much easier for the Slytherin's to score."

"Did the Slytherin's have nice tryouts yesterday? Wasn't per chance a little damp was it?" Harry interjected.

"It's been raining for a week Potter. What makes you think it's stopped this afternoon? Is that Divination class starting to pay off? Are you a See'er now?"

Harry put his free hand up to his forehead covering his eyes in a mock demonstration. "I…I'm getting a vision. Yes, I can see it. It's getting clearer. Yes! Gryffindor will once again win the Quidditch Cup!"

The small crowd that had gathered in the corridor to see if something was going to happen between Ron and Draco chuckled snorted and laughed.

"Fat chance with Weasel as Keeper." With this last verbal shot Malfoy moved on.

Out on the Pitch Harry found himself smiling as he looked up at an ever brightening sky. The rain had indeed let up and it looked as though the sun was going to shine as clouds were slowly rolling off to the south. 'Serves the Slytherin's right for insisting their tryouts be scheduled ahead of Gryffindor House', he thought to himself. Everything was drenched and the humidity was still heavy in the air. But it wasn't bad up on his broom with a nice breeze and a welcome ray of sun shining down on the Pitch. Harry stole a quick glance at Hogwarts lit up orange in the late afternoon sun. He noticed a partial rainbow in the sky behind the castle. 'Beautiful' he thought. From his vantage point in the air he could tell the lake was up several feet from all the rain. It had been raining almost continuously for a week since Harry and Hermione had shared their last kiss on top of the astronomy tower. The sudden thought of himself and Hermione in their last embrace made his stomach tighten up. An entire week had gone by and he still felt the same for her. They had both done well hiding what they had both admitted they felt for each other. Harry thought back to two nights earlier where he and Hermione had been the last two left in the common room studying late into the evening. Harry had finally gotten tired and headed off toward the boys dorm. He stopped behind Hermione put his hand lightly on her shoulder and whispered "goodnight" in her ear. He remembered that she shivered slightly and reached up to his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

"Harry, who's next?" yelled Katie Bell. Harry snapped back to where he was and looked at the parchment he had in his hand. A broad grin spread across his face.

"Ron Weasley!" he yelled at a half dozen tryout hopefuls hovering on brooms at the other end of the field.

Ron flew out and took up position in front of the goals assuming the standard Keeper rotation pattern guarding the goals. The pattern could be described as a figure eight that the Keeper weaves around in front of the goals. As Angelina, Katie and Alicia came down the field tossing the Quaffle back and forth Ron adjusted his pattern toward their oncoming assault. It was much the same drill the chasers had used on the previous Keeper hopefuls. What was not the same were the simultaneous yells and two figures on brooms bearing down on the Keeper from above. Fred and George were whacking away at a Bludger sending it toward Ron just as Katie feigned a pass to Alicia and made for the far left goal taking a shot. Ron dodged the Bludger doing an end over end flip and still managed to hit the Quaffle with the end of his broom. Though deflected, Katie's shot hit the edge of the goal and went through.

Caught off guard by the twins' unexpected entrance Harry didn't even blow his whistle but flew down toward the twins who had landed on the soggy field with a subdued Bludger.

"What was that all about?" asked a testy Harry as he landed splashing up water from the wet grass each time he took a step.

"Just wanted to make sure Ickle Ronniekins could handle a little pressure," said George as he and Fred secured the Bludger into the chest. The twins were unabashed at having just put their youngest brother through a more difficult tryout than anyone else. Fred closed the lid on the chest and faced Harry looking thoughtful. "Actually he did better than I thought he would. I figured he would've turned and flew off leaving the goals unprotected."

"So did I," said George.

"That still wasn't a fair thing to do. And - Blast! Looks like some of the other Keeper tryouts are leaving. I better fly up and tell them that a Bludger won't be used."

"Can't they see we just put the Bludger away." said George as Harry flew by.

Harry flew up and convinced the rest of the Keeper tryouts that a Bludger was not going to be used. It occurred to Harry that maybe Malfoy had actually aided Ron by getting him mad and worked up by taunting him. It probably made Ron less likely to take off when the Bludger came at him.

After all the keeper hopefuls had tried out the team gathered together and decided who would fill the Keeper and substitute Keeper position. To Harry's great joy and relief it was decided Ron was the best out of all those that had tried out. They were impressed at how well he did dodging the Bludger and still able to get a piece of the Quaffle even though it still went through the goal. All those years of summer practice with Fred and George had paid off. Ron having one of the best school brooms couldn't have hurt either. Ginny made substitute Seeker and Harry thought she did surprisingly well for as little access to brooms that she had at home. As for the rest of the substitutes; Hannah Nelson - Keeper, Victor Ward, David Powers and Mandy Strongwil - Chasers.

That evening there was a small party in the Gryffindor Tower. Fred and George snuck into the kitchens and nicked some food to help celebrate. Jim and Tim Bennet were keen to know how they had done it. Of course Harry was well aware of how. Along with Ron and Hermione, Harry had used the Marauder's Map that had been given to him by Fred and George who said that they had it memorized and didn't need it any more. Harry was really wishing that they still had the map. It could have proved very useful in getting to their special lessons that would be coming up in about two weeks. Harry's thoughts on special lessons were brought up short as Ron made another round telling everyone, "Can you believe it? I made Keeper!"

Harry slapped Ron on the back and said, "Congratulations!" for the forth time. Hermione congratulated him again as well, for the fourth or fifth time. Ron couldn't be happier. Harry, as well as Hermione, were only too glad to share in his happiness. To share in a friend's happiness is one of life's treasures.

Friday morning was met with a notice posted in the Gryffindor common room.

Fall Dance

First Friday after Halloween. November 3rd

Dress robes or other formal attire required

A date to the dance is not required

Music provided by Lovefire

Fourth year and above

A small crowd had gathered around as Harry and Ron eased in for a closer look. There were groans from some of the guys but almost all of the girls seemed ecstatic. There was a common consensus that Lovefire would be excellent. They were a new group that had been gaining in popularity for the past year threatening to overtake The Weird Sisters as the number one singing sensation in the wizarding world. The lead singer was Cheryl Silvertone who went by the nick name of Silver.

"Fantastic! Silver n' Lovefire! Silver is supposed to be a songwriter as well as a singer. This should be a fabulous Fall Dance. Don't you think so Hermione?" came Ginny's voice from behind them.

Without hesitation Ron turned around and asked a question. "Want to go to the dance with me Hermione?"

"My, that was quick Ron, said a surprised Hermione"

"Making up for past mistakes, eh? Big brother."

"Shut it Ginny. Well, Hermione?"

Hermione gave the briefest of a glance to Harry standing beside Ron. Harry read it as a question but he didn't' see how it could work out any other way except for Hermione to say 'yes'. Harry gave a very subtle nod as Hermione glanced to him again and he couldn't help but feel his heart sink as Hermione gave her answer.

"Uh, sure. However …. I expect to dance. I will not sit around like Padma did last year at the Yule Ball.

"Of course not, I intend to dance."

"Who are you going to ask Harry?" Ginny inquired looking hopeful. Ginny, Ron and Hermione were all gazing at him intently. Hermione displayed no emotion other than curiosity but the look in her soft brown eyes told a different story. It looked as though there was some sadness there, buried deep.

"I don't think I'm going to ask anyone. I believe I'll go by myself." Adding a mental thought, 'If I go at all.' Ginny looked disappointed and then hopeful again. The thought that he would still be available to dance with after the disappointment that Harry wasn't going to ask her.

"All right then. Looks like I'll be going to the dance with the new Gryffindor Keeper. See all of you in the Great Hall for breakfast after I make my rounds as Prefect."

After Hermione left Ginny tuned on Ron. "And just when did you learn to dance? You never could bring yourself to learn from your little sister."

"There's all kinds of things you don't know about me. It just so happens that Harry and I already know how to dance."

Ginny gave Ron a clearly disbelieving look but then looked at Harry with a smile. "Maybe we'll get the chance to dance then."

Still reeling from Ron's blatant lie Harry replied, "Ah, I suppose that's possible." Then thinking, 'Only if I go.'

Ginny's eyes lit up and her eyelashes fluttered as she turned and left for breakfast, a huge smile on her face.

As soon as Harry thought no one would hear. "Way to go Ron," he said with sarcasm. "How are we going to learn to dance now?"

"What? Are you trying to say you would have been willing to learn from Ginny?"

"Maybe. I don't know. All I know is that you've stuck your foot in your mouth and included me in the process. Now what are we going to do?"

Ron was looking a little anxious. "Yeah, sorry about that. Maybe there's a spell we could use."

"Doubtful. But whatever we do we had best not put this off. I have no idea who we're going to learn from or how long it's going to take."

Harry was in a foul mood all day but trying his best not to let it show to anyone besides Ron. He was definitely irritated at Ron for saying that they both knew how to dance already. And there was the other reason….Ron was taking Hermione to the dance. He didn't want to think about it, but it kept creeping back into his thoughts. It was all so complicated and it made his head hurt trying to sort out the situation and his own feelings.

He was walking down the corridor toward his last class of the day, and of the week, going through a mental check list.' - He and Hermione were trying to determine if what they felt for each other was real or an after effect from 'The Breath of Life'. - Ron had asked Hermione to the dance before he got the chance to ask. And on top of that he wasn't sure he would have asked her because of the first dilemma. If Hermione had said no to Ron and then he had ended up going to the dance with her it would have likely caused a problem between him and Ron. - Their first special lesson was coming up in less than two weeks and getting there without getting caught was going to be a trick. - Then there were his own private lessons that Dumbledore would be giving him. It was still hard to believe he could do magic without a wand and yet when Dumbledore explained it, it seemed it had to be. - Ron had told Hermione and Ginny that they both knew how to dance. The twit. By now more than half the school would know and he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone otherwise. It only Ron hadn't ….'

"Hi Harry."

Harry stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Hello Cho. On your way to class?" Then he thought to himself, 'Ughh, of course she's on her way to class. Who isn't?'

"I'll see you in class Harry. Don't be late," said Ron with a big grin as he turned and left Harry with Cho in the corridor.

"Are you going to the dance with anyone?"

A couple of things raced through Harry's mind. 'Uh oh, what if she asks me? Do I really want to go to the dance?' He looked at her ever so briefly. She was still very pretty and she was talking to him. He felt grateful that evidently she didn't hate him. A mental sigh and he knew that whatever feelings he had toward Cho last year were not the same now.

"I think I might go alone."

"Really? Would you like -"

Harry cut her off and did what he would not have done the year before. "Yeah, I really think I'll go alone. I don't get the chance to listen to much wizarding music. I've heard that Silver 'n Lovefire are supposed to be really good. Is it true?"

Cho looked perplexed but answered enthusiastically. "Yes, it's very true. Silver is possibly the best singing witch of our time. It's rumored that she has the voice, able to manipulate people with her voice, but no one has ever proven that. It's just a silly rumor and I don't believe it. Anyway, if you're going alone." She paused looking disappointed but hopeful. "Maybe you could save a dance with me?"

"I don't see why not," he answered with a smile. "We had best go to our classes. Bye"

"Bye Harry."

As soon as Cho had left, Harry's smile turned sad. If he hadn't felt like his feelings were a jumbled mess before they certainly were now.

Harry didn't sleep well that night and the next morning he was in a more foul mood than he was the day before and was up doing some homework before breakfast, brooding, waiting on Ron to get up.

"About time sleepy head, I've got half my potions essay done. And, we need to talk."

"It's Saturday mornin' for Merlin's sake, can't a fella sleep in? Half your potions essay done? I think Hermione's been a bad influence on you. I haven't even started mine. And what do we need to talk about? Can't we do that over breakfast? I'm starved."

Harry looked around and then said in an undertone, "It's about dancing and the Marauder's Map."

"Oh." Ron paused, "Right. Over breakfast then."

"Yeah, we're both in a bit of a fix, me taking Hermione to the dance and you taking Cho. And what about the Marauder's Map, do you know where it is? That would sure come in handy."

"First off I'm not taking Cho to the dance. And if I don't learn how to dance between now and then I'm not going at all. My best guess for the map is that it's back in Filch's files again.

"What? But I thought…. Didn't you…. Didn't she…. Oh, come on. You've got to go to the dance."

"The dance is secondary." Harry glanced around the table. "We need to get the map back first. Our special lesson comes before the dance. I think we should use the invisibility cloak and plan on checking out Filch's files this coming weekend."

Ron was still looking at Harry in disbelief about not going to the dance with Cho, but was just as interested in getting the map back as Harry was. "Ah, yeah, maybe Hermione can clue us in on when the Prefects make their rounds. We really do need to get that map back, may as well start making plans now."

"That won't be necessary," whispered a voice from behind them as both Harry and Ron jumped in surprise. Ron nearly knocked over a pitcher of milk on the table.

Hermione giggled at how they were startled, "I've taken care of my Prefect duties this morning. Are you two finished with breakfast?"

"Unghh! Hermione, don't do that. Ah think I've lost a year's growth."

"And why is it not necessary?

"If you two are quite done, then you can follow me." She leaned forward speaking more softly. "To an empty classroom and I'll show you why." With a gleam in her eye she said, "It's finally done."

"Okay Hermione. Now that we're in an empty classroom explain why it is we don't need the Marauder's map."

"Does this have anything to do with your personal project you've been working on?" asked Harry.

"Patience, and yes it does," said Hermione looking from Ron to Harry.

Hermione pulled out a new blank roll of parchment and rolled it out on the desk and pulled out her wand touching the parchment with it. "For the good of Hogwarts I am about to break the rules." Lines snaked out across the parchment from the spot it was touched. It was just like the Marauder's Map except that there was - color!

Harry looked closely and three red colored dashes with their names were near a desk in an empty class room. The corridor nearby was showed various dashes with names in colors of red, blue, yellow, green and one black one named Pomona Sprout moving away from them toward a stairwell.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Bloody brilliant!" exclaimed Ron.

"Wow!" was all Harry could get out.

Hermione beamed, "I'm glad you approve, and there are enhancements as well. Of course you will have already figured out that Gryffindors are red in color, Ravenclaws are blue, Hufflepuffs are yellow, and Slytherins are green. The staff are left in black and anyone who is neither student nor staff will blink on and off in black. And if a ghost happens to make himself, or herself, visible they will show up in gray. That was especially difficult to do. But watch as I can zoom in by rotating my wand clockwise and zoom out by rotating counterclockwise. And I especially like this one. Show me Jim Bennet." The map changed showing Filch's office. There was a black dash with Argus Filch and two red dashes, Jim Bennet, and Tim Bennet. "Oh dear, detention again? Those two are always in trouble." Hermione went on to explain how the map differed from the old one, showing how it could be made to slowly rotate giving it a three dimensional effect. "Now, if you think that's satisfactory I want you both to sign it. Sign it like this." Hermione tapped it with her wand and said, "Indicium Hermione Granger." The initials HG appeared and then faded slowly.

Harry and Ron each signed the new map in turn.

"Since you have signed the map you can actually operate it without a wand. I was just showing off earlier. Now to wipe it clean." Hermione picked up the map and said, "Mission accomplished." The map went blank.

"Awesome," Harry said aloud.