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The Dark Phoenix by Matt Striker

The Dark Phoenix

Matt Striker

*** A little more insight into the Breath of Life. And I hope the ugly exchange between the Bennet brothers is not too long. It's just that I had so much material to draw from :P lol ***

Tuesday morning post came with the usual flurry of owls overhead. Hermione had several packages delivered. The first was a card and letter from her parents which she opened and read immediately. The next was a small package that had been delivered by Ron's owl, Pig. It was a bottle of perfume. Hermione opened it and smelling from the top of the bottle. "Um, that's nice Ron. Ah, unusual, er, fragrance."

"Good, I'm glad you like it."

The next package was a little bigger. Hedwig had delivered this one. When she opened it up it was a wizarding wireless. She looked it over with delight.

"I thought you might like that for your library. I had it double checked to make sure muggles can't hear it. I guess that means you could turn it up as loud as you want and your parents couldn't hear it," Harry said with a grin.

"Thank you Harry. It's perfect."

"My, my. Aren't we the special one today. Is it your birthday or something?" came Malfoy's unpleasant drawl.

"As a matter of fact it is my birthday. Why? Did you bring me something?"

"A three sided dagger maybe, but I think you've already got one."

Harry and Ron both leaped to their feat shaking with rage. Hermione looked a little pale.

Jim Bennet from across the table started talking overly loud to his brother. "Say Tim, what would you do if you had a dog as ugly as Draco Malfoy?"

"Ungh! Merlin's beard! That's horrible. I'd have to shave it's rear and teach it to walk backwards, of course!"

Everyone was completely caught off guard. There was a pause of silence in which Malfoy absorbed the insult. "Why you little -" Then the table exploded with laughter.

The two bothers took off in opposite directions screaming with laughing. Malfoy had taken off after Tim while Crabbe and Goyle ran after Jim.

When Harry and Ron had finally recovered from laughing so hard. Harry said, "Do you suppose we should go see if the Bennets are alright?"

Between spurts of giggles Hermione said, "I'm sure they are." They seem to be able to disappear into the hallways like a couple of ghosts."

The time of their special lessons came soon enough and with Hermione's new map it was a simple matter to get there without getting caught. The tunnel was indeed blocked off from a cave in just like Fred and George had told Harry two years earlier. The three of them were standing around with the ends of their wands lit for light. Ron pushed up against one of the large boulders blocking the tunnel entrance.

"Blimey, it certainly is sealed off. Look at the size of these boulders." Ron turned to face the other two. "It just doesn't make sense how we are supposed to have special lessons in here; this tunnel is hardly wide enough to do anything. At least we didn't have any trouble getting here thanks to Hermione's new map."

"I agree, your map is positively brilliant Hermione."

"Thanks, but Mr. Lupin did help out you know."

"Yeah, but the improvements you made were the greatest."

"Thanks again, but it's always easier to improve upon someone else's work than it is to create the original Ron. And I had help with the improvements as well."

"Ron, I think Hermione is being modest again."

"Oh, stop it. The both of you."

"I agree with Harry and Ron, Hermione. Your improvements compared to my map were most innovative."

Hermione gasped as all three of them jumped. Ron let out a, "Whoa!" and Harry exclaimed, "Professor!"

"Sorry for the scare," Remus said with a smile. "And professor no longer Harry, just plain Mr. Lupin for now. However, I will be your instructor for this evening."

Harry asked the question that was on all their minds, "But how did you get here? You didn't apparate or I would have heard the pop. Did you just walk through solid rock?"

Remus gave a wry smile, "In a manner of speaking - yes. And then again, not quite." Remus motioned toward where the tunnel had caved in. "This is actually a barrier to the entrance. Only a member of the order may pass through. And as long as I am in contact with it, you may pass through as well." Remus walked toward the same boulder Ron had pushed on earlier and stuck his arm into it, all the way to his shoulder. "Come along."

Harry figured that this must be similar to the entrance that led to Platform 9 ¾ and walked into what looked like solid rock. It was encouraging to see Remus with his body halfway into it just as he passed through and into a much larger hewn corridor well lit with torches. Hermione and Ron stepped up beside him as Remus walked past leading them onward. He led them down the strange looking corridor for quite some distance. Harry figured they might be close to the edge of the Hogwarts grounds above, maybe just into the forbidden forest. The corridor opened up into a large chamber.

Harry scanned the room taking in how different, and similar, it looked from anything in Hogwarts. Though comfortably furnished and illuminated with torches the walls were dark as well as the furniture. There was a large wood table in the middle of the room with half a dozen chairs even though it looked big enough for three times that many. There was a large shelf with many books along one wall and couple of reading chairs nearby. What struck Harry were all of the mirrors and clocks. There were mirrors of different shapes and sizes in various clusters grouped together with a clock of some sort near by. The clocks were of varying kinds also, from a regular looking muggle clock to a wizarding clock of whirling planets.

"Welcome to the Headmaster's Sanctum. You may have already noticed it is not lavishly furnished but everything here has a purpose. And before you ask Hermione the reason this place did not show up on your map is because it is Unplottable. It will show up now that you are on the inside of the Sanctum.

Hermione pulled out her map and it was true. There were three red dashes and one black one inside a large chamber.

"According to the new map there is another smaller chamber just beyond this one and a short corridor beyond that seems to dead end.

"Yes, the short corridor is a back entrance. It leads to a hollow tree inside the forbidden forest. If you go that way you will have to apparate out to where ever you need to go. The Sanctum is extremely well hidden and it would be almost impossible for anyone to find it that had never been brought here. The other room you saw is where your lessons will be held. Shall we?" Remus motioned for them to follow.

They approached another room that had no door, just an open archway with a tray of food and drink on a table next to it. The room was brilliantly lit the torches and candles were putting out an amazing amount of light.

"Wow, that room is bright, how come Professor?" asked Ron.

Remus smiled. "Why don't we make this a bit more informal. Please, call me Remus. And the answer to your question Ron is that the room has been cast with a temporal spell."

"At what ratio? And aren't you concerned about the ministry finding this? Temporal magic is very restricted and closely monitored." Harry and Ron looked at Hermione wondering what she was talking about.

Remus chuckled, "Always on the up and up Hermione. I wish I could give you points. It's a six to one ratio and the magic used to hide the Sanctum has been reinforced by every Headmaster who has ever used it. I'm sure you noticed the clocks in the main chamber. Besides showing time for different parts of the world they are also temporal guardians, wizarding devices that cloak the effects of time distortion." Looking at Harry and Ron, Remus could see their bewilderment. "A six to one ratio means that for every hour spent inside that room only ten minutes will pass out here."



"This should prove to be interesting. I assume the reason for the tray of refreshments outside the room is so that it won't spoil before we get to it."

"Correct again Hermione. Now before we go in I want to give a word of warning on leaving the room… Come to a stop and step across the threshold. Do not run. You're liable to be propelled across the main room as if you had been shot out of a cannon. There have been spells put in place to cushion the effect but it can be a bit of a jolt. Well then, shall we?"

Remus levitated the tray and stepped into the room. It looked as though he paused at the threshold before quickly scooting across the room and putting the tray on a table. The three of them followed.

As Harry stepped across the threshold it seemed as if he were stepping into a swift breeze, but there was no wind. Just the sensation of resistance and then the room was suddenly dimmer than before, now normally lit. Harry looked around. There were several comfortable looking cots and chairs on one end of the room along with a medium sized table that Remus had put the tray on. There was a single oval shaped mirror on the wall opposite the threshold with a clock on either side. There was also a water fountain in one corner of the room with golden colored metal cups hanging on pegs in the wall next to it. Aside from these, the room was devoid of decoration.

"Let's get started shall we? Expelliarmus Totalus! " Harry, Hermione and Ron's wands were all caught deftly by Remus.

"Hey! What's that for? I thought we were going to get some advanced training," spouted Ron.

"Yes, you will eventually get there, but consider this. What would you do if you were disarmed of your wands? What would you do if your enemy were disarmed as well? What you're going to learn this evening is some old fashioned self-defense. Since we don't want to risk tearing any of your school uniforms we'll change into something more appropriate. Ladies first, just touch the wall to the right of the viewer." Remus motioned to the right of the oval shaped mirror. Hermione walked up touched the wall and the stone looked as though it melted leaving an opening to walk through.

"The bathroom is rather large, so the three of us will be next."

Harry gave a quick thought that even though he might be unarmed he would not be defenseless. He did, after all, have an unusual power and smiled inwardly at thought of how stunned they would have all looked if he had brought his wand back to himself before Remus had caught it. He knew that showing his power unnecessarily would be irresponsible. He also knew he did not fully understand how to use it and felt anxious to learn. While they were waiting, Harry studied the clocks on either side of the oval mirror. "These clocks have extra hands. What are they for?"

"The one on the left shows how much time has been spent in this room, minutes, hours, days, months and even years. Remember, two months in this room would be equivalent to a year. The clock on the right shows the actual time outside this room, minute, hour, day of week, month of year, and the year itself. From what Dumbledore has told me, a few Headmasters have spent their entire summer vacation in this room. The advantage would be getting a lot of work done. The disadvantage would be that you would end up being older than you would otherwise."

Hermione emerged from the bathroom, gray sweats, with a dreamy look on her face. "Wow. Now that's a bathroom. And I thought the Prefects bathroom was fancy. This one is entirely self-cleaning."

"The reason for the self-cleaning is that no house-elves are allowed here. The Headmaster's Sanctum is completely secret and always has been until Dumbledore recently let the Order have some access.

"Ooooo, I'll bet Hermione likes that. No house-elves cleaning up after us down here," said Ron rolling his eyes. Hermione narrowed hers back at him.

Quickly to avert another argument between Hermione and Ron, "So, does the Headmaster bring what ever they need with them to the Sanctum?"

"The Headmaster can do that or an absent-elf waiter can be used. Notice the hole in the ceiling. There's one inside this room and one outside this room. It's not unusual for the Headmaster to order something from the kitchens or the laundries and delivered by the absent-elf waiter. The order is automatically directed here when it is occupied by the Headmaster. No house-elf is aware of the difference, or the existence, of the Sanctum. Gentlemen, our turn." Remus led Harry and Ron into a spectacular bathroom big enough for maybe seven people to change clothes comfortably. Hermione wasn't kidding; the bathroom was much more impressive than the Prefects' bathroom Harry had seen once. As devoid as the rest of the Sanctum was of décor the bathroom was just the opposite, lush furnishings and ornate fixtures. At the foot of a large tub was a portrait of a forest waterfall where the water looked like it was pouring right into the tub. It all looked very relaxing.

"Nice place to recharge from the duties of Headmaster. The bathroom alone would almost be enough to entice a person for the job," commented Remus.

Harry noticed Remus had put on a type of white uniform similar to what a muggle karate instructor would wear. Once back out in the room Remus conjured a mat on the floor to help cushion any falls. The first part of the lesson Remus lectured about the importance of avoiding any type of conflict and especially the loss of a wand. Then they learned the proper way to fall to produce the least amount of injury. From there they learned that in defense you use the weight and motion of your opponent against them. Remus explained that a primary goal was to put them on the ground, in whatever way it takes, that will leave you standing to give a chance to put distance between you and them. Some of the moves and holds Remus instructed them could almost be described as horrible and he urged them not to be squeamish or reluctant to use any of them. "We are talking about the difference between life and death, there are no rules. You get as dirty and ruthless as it takes to defend yourself. Whether we are talking about a kick to the groin, poking an eye out or biting whatever part of the body your opponent has provided; nothing is considered too severe."

After a break, Remus showed them how to get out of a hold that someone may have on them. "For example; with a head lock or strangle hold you have several options. I will recommend an elbow thrust to the chest and it needs to be a reaction, not something that you have to think about, in order to be most effective. Hermione if you would come up here and stand in front of me… Thank you. Now you can see that I am much taller than Hermione and it would be most likely that someone from behind will put a strangle hold on her with their forearm. If you are already within the hold your best option is to tuck in your chin as much as possible to delay the choking time. You can try to kick a heel into the shin of your attacker. You can also try to do a reverse head but to catch their chin or part of their face. However, what I prefer is that you give an elbow thrust just as soon as you feel an arm start to come around. And I want it to be a reaction, quick, without thought, so you'll have to practice."

"Since you're right handed Hermione I want you to shift to your left, put your right arm straight out and bring your elbow back. We'll do it relatively slowly the first time. Ready?" Remus brought his arm around her neck and she just froze. She gave out a stifled yelp and suddenly flailed her arms about wildly. Surprised, Remus let her go as she pulled away clutching her chest gasping for air a wild look in her eyes. Harry and Ron were quickly standing on each side of her ready to give support.

"Hermione, are you okay?"

"Hermione, what's wrong?"
"I - don't - know," she said gasping between words. Slowly she calmed down. "That's embarrassing. I don't know what came over me. I think I'm better now. Shall we continue Remus? I promise not to do that again."

Remus knew he had not put enough pressure in the hold to choke her and was concerned about her reaction. She was shaking like a leaf.

"I think it's time for some refreshments. We'll have another go at it afterward."

The rest of their lesson was not so eventful and they learned a lot about self-defense. After changing and cleaning up they were given their wands back. Almost four hours had past, according to the clock on the left hand side of the oval mirror, and only forty minutes had past outside the room.

"I won't be teaching your next lesson. Alastor Moody will be your next instructor and will instruct you in the art of concealment spells. Any questions before we dismiss?"

It suddenly occurred to Harry that the next lesson would fall during a full moon and that was most likely why Remus would not be teaching. "The real Mad-Eye Moody? Excellent!"

"Cool," was all Ron got out.

"I'm definitely looking forward to concealment spells," said Hermione.

"Remember to stop, and then step over the threshold as you leave. You may still feel as though you're being pulled forward so be prepared."

Just as they started toward the doorway, Harry stopped and put out his arm to hold Ron back. "Could you wait for us at the barrier Hermione? Ron and I will only be a few minutes."

"Um, sure. See you in a few then."

Harry watched Hermione stop at the threshold and then step across. She was walking away in slow motion. It was weird.

"A question Harry? Obviously one you don't wish Hermione to hear."

Hermione had walked all the way to the barrier and remembered she had wanted to ask Remus a couple of technical questions about the new map. She thought to herself that by the time she got back they would have had enough time to ask Remus a hundred questions and wondered what it was that Harry didn't want her to hear. She had just stepped into the main chamber and could tell everyone was still in the training room. It looked like there were figures spinning around, too fast to tell what they were doing. It suddenly occurred to her that she had her omnioculars that Harry had given her. She had used them earlier in the evening to watch the team at Quidditch practice. She adjusted them to slow down the action by a factor of six and took a quick look through the doorway to the training room on the far side of the main chamber. She looked and her mouth dropped open. She covered her mouth, fumbled putting her omnioculars away, and hurried back up the hewn corridor and through the barrier. Stepping though to the other side, she uncovered her mouth and laughed.

Harry was not in a good mood, and his feet were sore. He glanced over at Ron and with some satisfaction figured his feet were sore too. At least the thought of reading a letter from Sirius made him feel better. Remus had given it to him after they stepped out of the training room. Harry was sure it was in response to one he had written to Sirius a week earlier. As he walked with Ron toward the Sanctum barrier in silence, he recalled how he and Ron had just got through with another unexpected lesson. It seemed to Harry that life had been full of lessons lately. It was right after Hermione had left.

"A question Harry? Obviously one you don't wish Hermione to hear."

"Ah, well, you see Ron and I have a problem," Harry looked at Ron who was completely clueless. "There's a Fall Dance coming up and neither one of us know how to dance. I was wondering if you might have some suggestions."

Remus stated the most obvious. "Doesn't Hermione or Ron's sister Ginny know how to dance? They could teach you if they do."

Harry pulled in one side of his mouth giving Ron a stern look as Ron looked about the room uncomfortably. "Could have maybe, but someone proclaimed that we both already knew how to dance."

"I see," said Remus looking from Harry to Ron. "I suppose I could give you both a quick lesson before we leave."

"How's that?" asked Ron looking perplexed.

"Obviously you'll have to dance with each other if you want to learn." There was a pause as both boys had a touch of color come to their faces. "Come now, it isn't that bad and it's only because you want to learn. You are good friends right? It's no big deal. Look, I won't tell a soul. Will that help?"

Harry was feeling frustration toward Ron again as he felt some warmth wash over him and quickly disappear. At the moment he didn't care what Ron was feeling but hoped he was regretting having said they both already knew how to dance. "Well, Ron. What will it be?"

Ron mumbled something about "Bat smoke" and then said, "Alright, but I don't want a word of this to ever get out."

"That took awhile. What's up?" Hermione asked trying not to look as though she knew anything.

"What? It was only a few minutes wasn't it?" asked Ron indignantly.

"It was closer to ten minutes and if you were both still in the room it would have been closer to an hour."

"Who said we were still in the room? Sirius sent me a letter through Remus, that's all."

"Really? How is Sirius?"

"I haven't had the chance to read it yet."

"Oh, okay. You'll let me know later?"


"It just seemed there was something you both didn't want me to know about back there," Hermione said trying to pout.

She was met with a chorus of "no's" as she noticed them both shifting on their feet. 'Sore feet' she suddenly thought and started to giggle but covered it up by coughing.

"Ahem," clearing her throat. "Might be trying to catch a cold or something."

When they arrived at the Gryffindor common room it felt as if they had been awake half a night and it was still fairly early. Hermione left to make her rounds as Prefect and Ron decided to turn in early. Harry studied until Hermione made it back.

"How were your rounds?"

"Quiet for the most part. I did find a first year Slytherin with a bad case of homesickness, poor thing. I had him pretty much consoled and then Malfoy came along telling him to straighten up and act like a Slytherin. He makes my blood boil. Anyway, I think I'm turning in. It's been a long day."

"Me too. Goodnight Hermione."

"Goodnight Harry."

Just before they were out of each other's site going to their perspective dorms. "By the way, I believe essence of bryophyte in warn sulfur water is supposed to be good for sore feet."

"Oh, thanks." Harry stopped in his tracks and looked back as Hermione had already shut the door to the girls' dorm. 'Surely not,' he thought to himself and went up to his four-poster.

Dreams are usually symbolic in nature and cluttered with images of things that we've seen throughout the day making dreams very difficult to understand. Water is usually symbolic of something basic and deep within the dream world. Harry was dreaming of a deep pool of water with a beautiful waterfall feeding into it, all within a lush and green forest. He stared at the pool watching something glow deep within the clear water. The pool suddenly grew dark and the water turned blood red. The water screamed! It was as though the sound of the scream went right through him and gripped his heart.

Without thought, without understanding Harry put up his hand and jumped. The curtains of his four-poster parted as he sailed off his bed. All he knew was that he had to go to the source of the scream, he had to. He was leaping steps four at a time as he came to a door. The door was between him and where he needed to be. He put up his hand and the door opened, if it hadn't he would surely have run into it. He was met with little shrieks and gasps as some girls were closing curtains. Others did not but looked on to see what was happening. Harry saw a red haired girl talking to someone cowering, shaking, on the floor against the wall.

"It's okay. It was only a bad dream."

It was coming to him as to where he was. He was in the girls' dorm and Ginny was the red haired girl. Her eyes were still puffy from having just woke up but they were full of concern and they looked up at Harry pleading for help.

"What's the meaning of this? What's going on here? Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley? How did you get into the Girls' Dormitory?" came McGonagall's stern voice.

"Professor, it's Hermione. Something's wrong!" said Ginny anxiously.

McGonagall brushed by Harry and Ron to Hermione cowering against a wall. Her eyes were wild with panic and fear. She seemed to have no recognition of anyone. She looked at Ginny afraid of her but trying to understand as Professor McGonagall came closer.

"Hermione, what's wrong? Come here, it's alright," said McGonagall in a soft voice, almost motherly. She stretched out her hand toward Hermione. Hermione squealed and scooted away. She looked out of her mind with fear, like a wild animal.

Harry hadn't noticed Ron was beside him until McGonagall had addressed him. Hermione was his only thought. A small crowd of girls had gathered around trying to coax Hermione from the corner of the wall as another crowd of boys gathered outside the doorway trying to peer in. Because McGonagall was present, the steps outside the girls' dorm didn't turn into a slide as they normally would with boys so near. Hermione looked at them all with no recognition and shook violently with fear. Harry eased in closer.

"Okay, let's stand back and give her some room," McGonagall ordered. Harry didn't move as the crowd backed up giving Hermione some space. Hermione's eyes locked onto Harry as the crowd parted. She slowly stood up and then she ran to him with her arms outstretched. She clung to him ever so tight and sobbed uncontrollably. Harry had no words, all he wanted to do was make it better, whatever it was that was wrong.

"I was told this might happen." McGonagall's voice faltered. "Her memory of the attack has come back to her. . . Let's get her up to the hospital wing."

"I - I'll carry her," said Harry in a small voice. McGonagall nodded her lips pursed and her eyes bright as she turned to lead the way. Harry wasn't sure how he managed to shift Hermione around to carry her, she held on to him so tightly. She didn't seem to have any real weight to her though he knew that she had to weigh something. He started to move forward with her in his arms only to find that she had a grip on Ron's pajama top nearly choking him. Ron managed to pry her loose and walked beside the two of them. It seemed like a long walk up to the hospital wing. Harry's heart ached with the desire to help her. His shoulder was warm and damp where she had been crying and suddenly felt cool as he attempted to lay her down on a hospital bed. She clung to him and it was awkward.

"It's okay Hermione. I'm not going to leave you." She slowly released her grip from around his neck but refused to let go of his hand. Occasionally she would reach over and hold Ron's hand as well.

"I need you to go round the other side Mr. Weasley. We need her to drink this potion for a dreamless sleep," said Madam Pomfrey.

Harry and Ron helped talk her into drinking the potion as Ginny and Neville were allowed to come in and visit her briefly. Ginny asked Hermione if she was going to be all right. Hermione didn't say a word, only nodded.

After awhile it seemed she had drifted off to sleep. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. You can go now. She'll still be here in the mornin'," whispered Madam Pomfrey.

Ron slowly got up and left but as Harry started to take his hand away she gripped it and said with her eyes still closed and in a small voice, "Please."

"Very well, you can stay."

Harry watched her sleeping for some time before he started nodding off himself. He was tired and it had been a long day after all. Harry didn't feel himself being levitated nor gently being let back down on a bed next to Hermione, both still holding hands and fast asleep.

"Thank you for moving the bed under him Poppy. We make a good team."

"Well, I couldn't take the chance of you making any noise and waking the two of them now could I Albus."

Harry woke up to a pair of large fuzzy green orbs. A familiar house-elf voice whispered, "Dobby has brought Harry Potter a change of clothes sir."

Harry instinctively reached out with his right hand and found his glasses on a small table next to the bed he was in. He fumbled slightly putting them on with only one hand. Somehow, he knew he was still holding onto Hermione's hand the moment he woke and didn't want to wake her. His mind was on a fast track recalling what had happened in the early morning hours as the desire to help his friend returned aching in his chest. Harry wondered how he ended up in a bed next to Hermione when the last thing he remembered was drifting into a concerned sleep, sitting in a chair, holding her hand. Harry's attention came back to what had woke him. Dobby was now clearly in focus, his ever present toothy grin cheerily greeting Harry, but betraying concern when Dobby looked at Hermione.

"Thanks Dobby," Harry whispered back. He looked over at a sleeping Hermione, and smiled without thinking, before carefully removing his hand from hers so as not to wake her. Looking around Harry realized that it was already morning, Saturday morning to be exact, and he was grateful that Dobby had brought him something to wear other than his pajamas. He was also grateful that curtains had been drawn around the two beds that he and Hermione were in. The thought of Ron, or someone else, finding out that he had held Hermione's hand all night and slept in a bed beside her would probably not be good. 'Especially Ron, now that he's asked her to the Fall Dance,' he thought.

Looking a little nervous Dobby whispered, "Is Harry Potter's 'Mione better now?"

"I think so." Harry slipped out of bed putting his feet on the cool stone floor and whispered, "I know she'll be alright in time. She's got lots of friends to help her through this."

Dobby put Harry's change of clothes on the bed and nodded vigorously, his large hears flopping a bit. "Dobby is 'Mione's friend. Dobby and Winky is 'Mione's friend. Dobby and Winky say that Harry Potter and his 'Mione make beautiful music together."


"Dobby and Winky heard Harry Potter and his 'Mione under Sir Godric's tree. Harry Potter and his 'Mione make beautiful music together," Dobby said beaming brightly.

Harry was caught completely off guard, but the memory of an innocent kiss under Godric's tree was still vivid in his memory. It wasn't something he wanted the whole school to know. Moreover, here was Dobby saying that he and Winky had seen them kissing, and evidently thought he and Hermione were boyfriend-girlfriend. At least that's what he figured Dobby meant saying they made 'beautiful music together'. "Ah… Dobby. Have you and Winky told anyone else?" Harry asked anxiously. "Hermione was just thanking me for saving her life. It was all innocent. Really."

"Dobby and Winky has told no one sir. Dobby not understands Harry Potter sir. But Dobby and Winky says nothing as Harry Potter wishes." With that, Dobby seemed to fade away and disappear.

Harry looked over at Hermione who was sleeping soundly, and since the curtains were already drawn, decided to change clothes quickly. He then made is way down to breakfast thinking that maybe going to the Fall Dance was just not going to work out..

"Didn't get to see Hermione either eh?" said Ron dejectedly sitting down next to Harry and reaching for a bowl of cereal. "Madam Pomfrey said no one was to wake her up. Said she might have visitors later today, provided she was up to it."

"Yeah," was all Harry mumbled taking a mindless bite out of a sausage.

Neither Harry nor Ron said much, their thoughts were on their friend in the Hospital Wing. However, that didn't stop almost everyone else in the great hall from talking about what had happened in Gryffindor Tower the night before. It didn't seem to matter whether they knew anything about it or not. It seemed to matter less that they could ask Harry or Ron what had really happened. Harry and Ron could both overhear comments being made from other tables around them. There were comments about Sirius Black having made another attack to one of the Gryffindor girls having a nightmare.

When the rest of Gryffindor started showing up for breakfast all talk was about Hermione and wondering how she was doing. Harry noticed how questions and rumors were reaching a fevered pitch across the Great Room from table to table. For the most part, it wasn't being blown too far out of proportion now that most of Gryffindor was present to set facts straight. Harry heard Neville saying to a third year Hufflepuff girl, "Yes, Harry carried her to the hospital wing. No, he didn't break into the girls dorm. Of course I know. I was there. I walked behind him and Ron, I should know how she got to the hospital wing." After the initial questions from their friends, everyone let them be. Harry and Ron were both fairly quiet and Harry was tired of listening to all the speculation as to what had happened to Hermione. 'Isn't it obvious that Hermione remembers being attacked,' he thought with irritation.

Ron nudged Harry. Harry noticed the direction that Ron was looking. Harry caught a glimpse of Mr. and Mrs. Granger being discretely led toward the hospital wing by Professor McGonagall. Without a word to one another they both got up, said a few comments to those nearby about seeing them later and left.

As they got close to the Hospital Wing they saw Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore leaving, evidently headed toward the staffroom. The door was still open but it was about to be closed by Madam Pomfrey who said, "Not just yet you two. Give them a minute or so."

"Madam Pomfrey? Please - I'd like them to come in," pleaded Hermione.

"Very well." Madam Pomfrey motioned for Harry and Ron to come in.

As Harry and Ron came toward Hermione lying down in a hospital bed Mrs. Granger was sitting beside her daughter stroking her hair as her father patted her hand. Mrs. Granger looked up and gave the two a warm smile and said, "I thought we might be seeing the two of you. I'm glad you're here."

Harry looked at Hermione and was struck at the difference in her appearance, her persona. She had been asleep earlier when he left for breakfast and he hadn't noticed. But now, here she was lying there greeting him and Ron with a sad smile. Normally she was lively, quick-witted, and ever observant. She looked a shadow of her usual self.

Even though she was less of herself, she still noticed how Harry and Ron looked at her and tried to put more effort into her smile. "I'll be alright. I'm just feeling kind of - down. But nothing a little sunshine and a few friends can't fix up," she said encouragingly.

Hermione looked around and her eyes watered as she spoke. "I remember everything. I remember being stabbed and the Death Eater who stabbed me. I remember the ride to the hospital and mum riding in the ambulance with me. After that everything went black and the next thing I remember was seeing a little blonde haired girl. She and I were in a very dark and cold place. I asked her what her name was and she said she didn't have a name yet. I asked her where we were and she said that I was only lost and needed to go home. She told me that mum, dad, and two friends were looking for me and that I needed to go. Everywhere I looked it was dark and black. I told her I didn't know which way to go. She pointed and told me to go. She told me to listen, to listen with my heart. The ones that love me and care about me would call my name and I was to go with them. I listened and I heard Harry call my name and then I heard the rest of you calling my name." Hermione paused as a couple of tears trickled down her cheek. "I owe my life to all of you. You risked your lives to save me. You could have all died trying to save me."

Harry felt like he had a large lump in his throat but still managed to choke out, "What are friends for?" Ron couldn't say anything, he just nodded in agreement.

"You're a bit of trouble but you're worth the effort pumpkin," said Mr. Granger shakily trying to make light of the risk they all took. "You're mother and I hoped you would never remember what happened and would be spared having to go through this."

"That's quite a story about the spell. 'The Breath of Life' I believe it's called. I don't think anyone else remembers much about it. All your father and I remember is calling your name." Mrs. Granger looked at Harry and Ron.

"That's all I remember."

"Same here," Ron said regaining his voice, "and there was no little girl. There was only the four of us within the spell that Dumbledore cast."

Hermione sighed. "I really wanted to thank her for pointing me in the right direction."

"That's enough you two. You can visit again this afternoon. And before you ask. I believe she can return to Gryffindor Tower tomorrow." Madam Pomfrey shooed Harry and Ron out the door.

They relayed the message to everyone in the common room that Hermione could have visitors later in the afternoon and that she'd be returning the next day. Jim Bennet asked Harry and Ron an obvious question. "What do you suppose would cheer Hermione up?"

Harry looked at Ron and they both shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe some candy er flowers?" suggested Ron.

"Something to show she's appreciated. It wouldn't have to be big. Something little," said Harry. Harry noticed people were taking off in different directions following up on ideas. He wasn't sure what he would do and wandered the castle. He found himself heading toward Hagrid's hut. After telling Hagrid how she was doing, and Hagrid looked very much relieved, he made a suggestion.

"Now mind ya, I'm not suggestin' anythin'. I'm just commentin'. But I happen to recall seein' some Royal Queens up tha hillside a couple ah miles behind the castle in the forest. Oh, ah Royal Queens are sometimes called Purple Queens round these parts. They're gorgeous purple orchids, softern velevet tha petals are, an' a fragrance that'd cheer anyone." Hagrid looked from side to side and said in a lowered voice. "I'm sure a fella with ah broom an' ah invisibility cloak could make a quick trip of it." Then in his regular voice. "I'd ask ya for tea but ya probably have some errands to run." Hagrid winked at Harry and then turned to put a pot of water on the fire to warm for tea.

When Harry got back from his "errand" he found nearly half of Gryffindor, as well as some Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, had shown up in the Hospital Wing to see Hermione. Harry was pleased; evidently, Hermione had made quite an impression as Prefect.

"There ya are mate. We thought maybe you had forgotten about a friend of ours up here in the hospital wing," Ron teased.

"Never." Harry brought out a bouquet of Purple Queens from behind his back amidst oos and ahs.

"Oh Harry they're beautiful." Hermione breathed in their fragrance and the sparkle in her eyes came back briefly. "Ahhh, heavenly."

Harry leaned in close and whispered just loud enough for Hermione to hear. "They're from me and Hagrid. He told me where to find them."

"Thank you Harry."

"Here Harry, I'll put them on the table with the rest." Ginny took the flowers and put them on a table piled high with small gifts. Harry noticed that Ginny and several other girls took great delight in smelling the Purple Queens on the way to the table.

Someone closer to the door said, "Slytherin? What are you doing here?"

The crowd of well-wishers parted as a first year Slytherin made is way toward Hermione, his chin held high, and carrying a box. Someone else asked suspiciously, "What's in the box Slytherin?"

"None of your business. It's for Prefect Granger."

"Hello, Troy. Get a letter from home?" asked Hermione.

The young boy paused, and nodded slightly. It was obvious it was something he didn't want to talk about in front of everyone. He reached in his pocket and took out some type of device which he put in his mouth and then opened the box. About a dozen fairies flew out chattering in their soft and high pitched language. Troy started talking in the same language amidst gasps from the crowd. The fairies pointed toward Hermione and Troy nodded. One of the fairies let out a sound Harry could only guess was the equivalent of an exclamation and flew toward the Purple Queens on the table. The rest of the fairies followed. It looked like they were breathing in the fragrance with something next to ecstasy.

"Looks like the fairies fancy the Royal Queens you got Harry," said Neville.

Troy said something more in fairy getting their attention and motioned toward Hermione. They flew toward Hermione and began to sing, glowing brightly. Delicate and enchanting as the tinkling of glass wind chimes the song of fairies, everyone was entranced. When they were done singing, they waved to Troy and Troy waved back as they flew out the window. Troy took out whatever it was he had in his mouth and put it back in his pocket.

"I've never heard fairies sing before. That was wonderful Troy, thank you."

"Wow," said Jim. "Where did you find the fairies and how can you talk to them?"

"In a Hawthorn tree of course, and none of your business how I can talk to them." Troy gave a curt bow to Hermione and left.

"Almost makes ya think not all Slytherin's are bad blokes," said Fred.

"Right 'O, but he's only a first year. They haven't had enough time to corrupt him yet. Besides a Slytherin is always up to somethin' - it's their nature," said George who laughed when Hermione eyed him amongst snickers of agreement to his comment.

Hermione cleared her throat and everyone was silent. "I just wanted to apologize for not recognizing some of you last night. I - I just …."

A round of responses ensued. "No, no, think nothing of it." "It's alright, we understand." "It's okay Hermione."

"Do you really remember everything? Being stabbed and all?" asked Tim.

It was suddenly very silent. Hermione seemed to deflate thinking back on the memory. "Yes," she said slowly. "I remember everything." There were a few gasps among the girls, a "Blimey" from Seamus, and a few "Merlin's" from others.

"Ow. What was that for? I was just curious."

"We're supposed to be here to cheer her up you twit," said Jim who had just hit his brother up side the head.

"Sorry," he said to Hermione.

"That's okay -I'm starting to feel a little tired."

Almost everyone shuffled toward the door. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Neville stayed behind. Distantly in the corridor, Tim could be heard again. "Ow, I said I was sorry."

"Is there anything you need?" asked Harry.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you, all of you. I'll be back in Gryffindor tomorrow."

Just before Harry stepped out the Hospital Wing door, he gave Hermione one last look. She had a pleading look in her eyes that said, 'stay'. It hit Harry hard, that look. He thought to himself, 'Harry you fool. You shouldn't have let Ron take Hermione to the dance. So what, if it's a side effect, this feeling we have for each other. We should have let it run its course, whatever it is. Now, it would just be a mess. Ron would most likely not understand.' He rubbed his forehead. His scar had been hurting constantly ever since Voldemort had been reborn, but it was hurting more at the moment.

Still upset with himself Harry rolled around in his mind any possible solution to the open ended question of a relationship between Hermione and himself that was more than friendship. Sirius's letter! He had forgotten all about it. Remus had given it to him after their last special lesson. He had tucked it away in his trunk and hadn't read it.

Quickly he made his way up to the Fifth Year Boy's room. He was glad no one else was there and immediately dug his trunk extracting the letter from Sirius.


I'm a little surprised you let Ron take Hermione to the dance knowing that she feels something for you too. I do understand the logic behind what you're doing. But it seems like a painful way to find out. Like I said, I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to these matters. I'll give this some thought and if I come up with a decent suggestion I'll be sure to pass it along as quick as I can.

Buckbeak and I have taken up permanent residence, so to speak. More like a prison since we can't take the risk of going anywhere. But I have the hope that we'll get to see you come Christmas. Christmas seems an eternity away cooped up in this place. Enough of my problems. Let me know how things are going for you in school and especially in Quidditch. I want to hear that Gryffindor wins the Quidditch cup this year - captain. Yes, I heard you made captain. Your father would have been proud of you. I know that I am.

Your Godfather


PS Be sure not to leave this letter lying around.

Harry looked over the letter again. 'Great, nothing in here to help with this ache in my heart.' He felt emotionally drained. Out of frustration, he waded up the letter and gave it a toss. "Incendio Totalus," he muttered. The wadded up letter burst into flame and was gone before it ever hit the floor. He was stunned, he had just done wandless magic and knew that he had done it. Getting over his shock, he looked around the room quickly making sure no one had seen him do it. His heart was racing with the thrill of what he had just done 'But how?'. He carefully waded up a piece of parchment, gave it a toss and whispered, "Incendio Totalus," nothing happened. 'Darn, I did the same thing. What the hell was the difference?'

Ron walked in. "Whatcha doin' mate? Smells like somethin's burnin'."

"Oh, I was umm," Harry looked past Ron into the hallway.

Ron picked up on it and leaned back into the hallway. "All clear. What's up?"

"It was a letter from Sirius. He said not to leave it lying around so I incinerated it."

"Ah, I see. For a sec there I thought you had turned pyro on us. Anythin' else?"

"Yeah. He said that he and Buckbeak had taken up permanent residence somewhere. Of course, he couldn't say where in his letter. Right, he also said he hoped to see me come Christmas."

"Excellent. Maybe you could spend part of Christmas break at The Burrow instead of staying here at school."

"I'd like that."

Dark, damp and lit with torches. The place was familiar to Harry and yet he was sure he had never been here before. There were more than a dozen hooded figures standing before him. He was taking relish in not talking to them but letting the moment draw out. Then Harry spoke but the voice was not his own, but a menacing voice made every muscle in his body tense up.

"It has come to my attention that a family of muggles was tortured and killed East of Whitehaven." There were some chuckles in the crowd. "Ah, good, I'm glad to see we still know how to have fun." There was a long pause followed by, "However, I believe I gave explicit instructions there was to be no killings that would bring unnecessary attention of our existence to the Ministry."

"But master, the Ministry has already blamed the killings on a werewolf."

"Templeton," the menacing voice said silkily. "We all like to have fun now don't we?" Affirmation and laughter flowed from the crowd. "I have learned from my mistakes. I will not rush this. Our numbers will grow steadily and when the time is right, we will make our move. I like to have fun too Templeton." The crowd parted uneasily from around the hooded figure called Templeton.

"B-but Master…"

"Crucio!" Harry said with delight and the one named Templeton screamed.

Harry sat bolt upright in bed breathing heavily and shakily wiped cold sweat from his forehead. His scar was throbbing painfully. He tried to remember his dream, or vision, or what ever it was and felt uneasy. It was almost as though he were looking through the eyes of Voldemort. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for a while. He could pace the floor in the dark common room or…. Harry stealthily gathered his invisibility cloak and made his way to the Hospital Wing. Hermione was sleeping peacefully. It did him a world of good to watch her, quietly, unseen, and his scar did not hurt near as much. A stolen kiss on Hermione's cheek and he returned to his bed in the dorm.

Hermione returned to Gryffindor tower the next day as promised but she was nowhere near her normal self. Hermione seemed drained of energy and moved as if she had weights attached to her arms and legs. Harry and Ron carried her books and took notes for her in all of their classes except Divination. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott helped her out in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy since Hufflepuff had those classes with Gryffindor. Ron complained privately to Harry that taking notes for Hermione was going to kill him. But Harry was insistent and reminded Ron of all the times they had worked from Hermione's notes. Harry had to admit that taking notes in History of Magic class wasn't fatal but it was painful in the sense that it was much easier to fall asleep than listen to Professor Binns drone on and on. That particular class had been one of their favorites to scour Hermione's notes for study. How they missed the "old" Hermione.

Depression….it's like and insidious poison numbing body and soul, draining away your energy and desire to do anything at all. If left unchecked it can become an ever-tightening downward spiral of doing nothing because you're depressed. Then, you're depressed because you've done nothing. Left unto itself depression will consume its victim. Depression is overcome by being involved in the things we normally enjoy, the things that bring back the joy of life. It becomes important to identify those things in life that recharge the spirit whether it be walks along a calm waters edge, reading favorite books, or listening to favorite music. Not the least of things to be overlooked in the process of recovery is family and friends. Our most valuable treasure and resource in life are our friends. And Hermione had something even more rare and cherished than friends she had true friends.

A week had gone by and it was Saturday morning again. Hermione was not much improved. She had taken up sitting in by a window staring into the distance, doing little else. At present she was once again sitting in a chair looking into the empty sky, her homework only half-done, sitting on the floor beside her.

Harry and Ron were huddled at a small table near Hermione talking about what to do for her. She was oblivious to them, lost in her own dark thoughts. "This is awful ya know. She can't keep going on like this. Blimey, she's hardly touched her homework. Just look at her Harry. There's got to be something that will snap her out of this."

"Most of Gryffindor has already tried Ron. It's almost getting to be a contest to see who, or what, can finally bring her out of this. Frankly I'm getting worried."
"You're getting worried? What about me?" Ron paused and then swore. "And Snape didn't help in double potions Thursday. That cold hearted git," Ron said through clenched teeth. "I'd like to….."

Harry was in agreement and his lip curled as he thought back on it.

"Miss Granger. What would be the most economical means of brewing the desired potion if the only ingredients available are the ones listed on the board?"

"I don't know sir," Hermione said slowly.

Snape walked toward her desk. "Come, come. We've grown accustomed to your annoying hand always in the air. Put that sharp mind of yours to it. It's not that difficult." There was amused anticipation from the Slytherins in the room.

"Why don't you let her alone! Can't you tell she's not feeling well!"

The room went deafly silent. "Well, well, Mr. Longbottom. Finally showing some backbone? I'm afraid your little outburst will cost Gryffindor a point and if the potion we are all about to brew isn't perfect when I get to your cauldron it will cost another point," Snape said with relish.

"That's not fair!" Blood was pounding in Harry's ears. Hermione nudged Harry and said in a whisper, "Harry, don't."

"Fair? Why Mr. Potter I would have thought that of all people you would already know life is not fair. If it were, you would still have parents. But then again fair to one may not be so fair to another." Snape strode back to his desk and rounded on the class speaking with authority. "My job is to try and teach the students of Hogwarts about potions. If any of you feel that you know more, or are better qualified, please apply for the job. Until that time, this class will be run as I see fit. Mr. Potter that will be five points from Gryffindor for your unsolicited comment about fairness."

Hermione's hand went up with effort.

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

Hermione spieled off the answer to Snape's earlier question.

"See what a little effort can do? One point for Gryffindor."

"Snape never gives points to Gryffindor," Harry said.

"Yeah, but we still lost six that class period," Ron reminded Harry.

That was true. Besides the five he had personally lost, Neville had lost two more. Neville lost the initial point plus, he lost one more when his potion was not up to snuff.

Seamus came over to the table Harry and Ron were. He had a huge smile on his face. "You guys have got to hear this. It's the Bennet's, and things are getting ugly." Seeing the looks on their faces he said, "No, not like that. I mean ugly. Come on over. You've got to hear this," Seamus chuckled as laughter erupted from a crowded table.

While Harry and Ron had been fuming about Snape, Jim and Tim Bennet had coaxed Hermione out of her chair by the window to a table, all quite unnoticed by either Harry or Ron. Jim and Tim had talked her into judging an "ugly" contest between the two of them.

Getting to the table Harry saw Hermione with a much-welcomed grin on her face. She pointed to Jim and said, "Okaaay, round one. Round two starts with, um, Tim?" Tim nodded.

"You're ugly"

"You're uglier."

"Who you callin' ugly, ugly."

"Why you're so ugly the last time you were walking down the street in Diagon Alley the Sanitation Wizards were called out. Everyone thought the sewer had backed up."

"You're so ugly your picture is used as a laxative."

"Hey Tim, did you hear that the Hit Wizards are going to use your picture?

"Oh yeah, what for?

"They're going to threaten to show dangerous criminals your picture. They figure criminals will surrender without resistance rather than risk blindness. 'Cause you're so ugly! You're so ugly people turn prematurely gray when they look at you."

Hermione cleared her throat still grinning, almost to a chuckle. "Ah, that's two in a row Jim. Penalty."

"Sorry," he said trying to look sorry but failing.

"Tim, you're still uglier."

"Yeah? Well you look kinda like uncle Fuzzy.

"Time out. Time out. Breach of etiquette. You can't jump to the Fuzzy ugliness that quick.

Hermione just shrugged, chuckling. "I assume Penalty? Tim."

Tim hung his head in mock shame. "Oh, sorry." Then started up again. "You're uglier"

"No, uncle Fuzzy is ugliest."

They both nodded in agreement eliciting laughter from their audience.

Jim started up again. "You know you're starting to look an awful lot like uncle Fuzzy."

"No, I think you look more like uncle Fuzzy than me."

"Hey, this uncle Fuzzy ugliness is starting to make me sick, a little queasy, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, me too. Kinda makes me knot up in the bowels."

"Okay then. Let's start over….. You're Ugly! I mean reeealy UGLY! In fact, let me put it into a cheer for you. "U" "G" "L" "Y" You ain't got no alibi. You're ugly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're ugly!

Jim let out a string of swear words as Hermione put her hand to her mouth, her eyes getting big and chuckling a little harder.

Tim retaliated, "You're so ugly that every time I look at you I wanna puke."

"Ha! When I look at you I have the urge to take a crap you're so ugly."

"Oh yeah! Well you look like a pile of crap."

"You're uglier than a pile of crap. And by the way, you're uglier than me."

"No, no. You must have got a bump on the head and you're suffering from delusions. You're definitely the ugliest."

"Me ugly? No, no. I'm very haaandsome."

"Aaaaagh! I think I'm going to be sick." Someone handed Jim a trash can. He took it making gagging and spitting noises.

"Hey! Don't let any of your ugliness rub off on that trash can."

"What I just put in this trash can ain't as ugly as you are," retorted Jim. Tim slapped his hand to his chest as though he had been wounded amongst the "oooooo's" and "Great come back" comments from the crowd.

"Hey Jim. I heard you got arrested for looking out the window the other day."

"How's that?"

"Yeah, you're so butt ugly they arrested you for mooning."

Even Jim had to pause and chuckle on that one. "Oh yeah? Well, you're uglier than cat poop."

"What? No way."

"Yeah, it's true. You'd best not fall asleep on a beach. If a cat comes along it'll try to bury you. Actually, this explains a lot as to when we were kids why mom always brought along a wand when she took us to a park and you played in the sand. If a cat mistook you for ugly cat poop, and buried you, then mom would magic you out."

"She did not!"

"It's true. I'm the oldest, I can remember. That's why to this day dad will say, 'Hey, look what the cat drug in' when you step through the door at home."

Jim jumped up from his chair laughing and ran, exiting the tower with Tim in hot pursuit. People were clutching their sides from laughing so hard. Hermione was wiping away a tear. Then, when she finally caught her breath.

"I think I've got some homework to do."

Harry thought, 'That's an improvement. At least she feels like doing homework and it was good to see her laugh again.'