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The One that he Pushed Away by cosmopolitan411

The One that he Pushed Away


Hi, me again,

So I know that technically we aren't allowed to post author's notes, but let's keep it hush-hush okay? LoL.

So I actually do have a reason for posting this message, I am officially finished with The One that he Pushed Away (before I just had it all written out, now I stopped procrastinating and actually typed it… which sadly is a big thing for me)

Anyway, at the moment I have three plots that I am thinking about writing, but I don't know which one to start with, so I thought that I'd ask the readers, get their feedback since they are the ones actually reading my fics anyway.

Anyway, if you could please say which is your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice (or if you don't like one, or more, of them then feel free to tell me so, and if possible why)


James Potter Must Die

He messed with the wrong girls…

But luckily for them, revenge is sweet, especially when in the form of one Lily Evans.

(very similar to the movie at the beginning, but will morph into a different own story later… because let's be serious the movie became crap at the end, even for teen chick flick standards, and that is just sad)


I know that you sleep with my boyfriend

What do you do when the so-called "love of you life" turns out to be a cheating jackass? What do you do when you come to the realization that you still want him back, that you need him to love you?

(Follows the story of Lily on her quest to regain her boyfriend's attention after she finds out he has been shagging with another girl. You should be well aware of the fact that the boyfriend that cheats is not James. James will be more or less of a stepping stone on her wa6y to regaining her boyfriend's affections. This story is pretty much of a Lily finding her self worth… with of course the ultimate Lily and James pairing at the end, lol)


a pirate's life was never for me

he never thought that he would see her again until the day that she stepped onto his boat

(not a total classic pirate story, will have its own twists. I just think that there really aren't enough completed pirate fics out there, and personally I am in dire need of one right now, even if I have to make it up myself lol)


anyway, I hope you guys will vote, it would mean a lot to me to get some feedback, but if you don't want to… then well I can't force you.

hope you like the ideas.


p.s. just a quick update so everyone knows- next chapter will be up tomorrow (a chapter will be posted every other day from now on, except for the final chapter where it might take three days because I'd like to work out some kinks in it…)
