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My Boss .......Draco Malfoy? by Rid

My Boss .......Draco Malfoy?


A/n-Hm….. Not too many people demanding the appearance of Draco Malfoy eh? Oh well, a writer's got to do what a writer's got to do. Draco Malfoy my dearies……..Hey why am I telling you this, go check it out for yourself, whether or not he makes an appearance.

Disclaimer- The characters all belong to JK Rowling and all the others who have made money out of it. The song belongs to someone…… I'm not sure I know the name of the Singer, I would be obliged if you would point it out. All I know is that I do not own it.


Ginny awoke the next morning to brilliant sunshine pouring through her window. She yawned sleepily, and stretched to drive the last remains of sleep away. She sighed, feeling a lot better than she had in the past few days. She felt safe here, no stalker to stare at her, follow her every move. She smiled as she remembered the previous night. Richard indeed was a very nice man. She frowned, why did things have to be so complicated?

Slowly, she stretched her feet and rose. Her room was flooded with a bright orange light, illuminating every dark corner of the vast suit. There was no need to feel scared to shadows here. Humming a muggle song, she moved towards the shower. It was going to be a glorious day.


"Listen baby,

Ain't no mountain high,

Ain't no valley low,

Ain't no river wide enough baby….."

Ginny sang into her hair drier, as she turned the shower off. She had always liked this particular muggle song. It always made her feel like there was someone out there who would cross the deepest of ocean only for her.

Her romantic ideas about life had often bewildered Christopher. Even when they had shared an apartment, he had always cringed at the way Ginny sang the song while showering. Ginny laughed and she remembered those times fondly.

"Ginny, are you done already?" said Hermione banging on Ginny's door. "You know you'll miss the safari if you don't hurry up," she said, glancing again at her watch.

Ginny stopped singing, "You guys go ahead Hermy, I think I'll just stay around here today," she said.

"But why? I thought you really wanted to see this place," said Hermione worriedly.

"Yes," said Ginny. She stepped out of the bathroom, her bikini in place. "I want to enjoy the beach for a little while longer," she said.


"Please Hermione, come on. You guys carry on," said Ginny heading towards her dressing table.

"Richard's going to be there," said Hermione, a small grin pasted on her face. "He'll be upset if he doesn't see you around," she said childishly. Ginny understood her sister-in-law's attempts to get her to cheer up. But the fact remained that she wanted to stay on the beach.

Ginny turned around to face Hermione. "Look dear, please, don't worry too much about me. I'll be fine," she said.

"Oh well, enjoy the day," she said, before turning and quietly exiting the room. Ginny stared at the closed door for a while, before resuming her singing.


She let the waves wash over her. She made quite a site, a red haired woman, wearing a deep sea-green bathing suit, relaxing in the blue sea. She smiled as the various colour contrasts formed a mental picture. She could feel her hair sticking out at odd angles, but the fact that she was almost asleep helped calm her nerves. It was a great feeling, to be floating in the deep blue ocean.

Normally, she would have been rather terrified of being out all alone, so deep in the ocean. Her overworked imagination made every wave seem like a potential creature, all out to get a taste of her flesh. She had lied awake at nights, recalling the muggle movies that showed the gruesome outcome of shark attacks. The open jaws of the creature, the razor sharp white teeth, and the smooth skin, had been stuff nightmares were made of. Well at least Ginny's nightmares.

But out here, where she knew that she was safe of stalkers and rapists, she would be damned if a simple shark would spoil her day. She closed her eyes, and gave out a contented sigh. This was bliss she thought.

As another wave washed over her, she felt a small tug at her feet. Ignoring it as ……..nothing in particular, she kicked slightly. That's when she realized that her legs were in a death grip. And it didn't feel like the teeth of a shark, they were hands of a human, of a man if the grip was anything to go by. Panicking, Ginny tried to kick again, her arms flying everywhere.

She tired making some sound, but her voice got lost somewhere deep in her throat, and all that came out was a croak. Her arms that were hitting the water randomly as tried swimming back to the surface, but the grip of the attacker held her in place. She felt confused and helpless, and her face went below the water surface. Her eyes were witness to the green and yellow fauna, before her head bobbed back up to the surface.

Dragging a much needed breath of air in her lungs, she gave out a loud shriek, before her head was forced back inside the water. Her arms were brought up back, the cool air hitting her face, making her shiver. The man's hands were on her waist now, as he played with her helpless and now very tired body, bobbing it up and down.

Ginny sent a short prayer out to whatever God there. If she were to escape this alive, she would definitely try and reconcile with her parents. She would help Hermione with all her kids, and would even compete with Emily, if she had to. Unlike before, the thought of Draco Malfoy brought her no strength. Infact it made her more weary, and she finally gave in to the darkness that was already forcing its way upto her, and promptly fainted.

The attacker looked down at her form, and gave a small mischievous grin, before dragging her back to the shore. He was going to enjoy bringing her back.

A/n- Hmm …. MUahahaha! I know, you think that this is the stalker. Finally a link to him? An appearance of Neville? Or is it Draco? Could it possibly Christopher? I mean no one said that muggles weren't allowed on Wizarding resorts, did they? Oh well, wait and find out.

Oh and before I forget, My beta reader has promptly decided that she has had enough of this story, and wants to be a reviewer instead of beta reader. This I request one of my faithful readers to volunteer for this position. Leave a review or contact me at to help.

