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My Boss .......Draco Malfoy? by Rid

My Boss .......Draco Malfoy?


"We're really sorry Gin, but you have to understand how things were then. We thought you were making the worst mistake of your life by running away," said Molly Weasley in a rush.

A new day had brought with it little nausea and a slight heaviness, but what mattered most to Ginny Weasley was the huge rock that Draco had placed on her finger. For the hundredth time that day, Ginny looked hesitantly at the ring on her finger. Its was an emerald, `to match your eyes' Draco had said, adorned by a dozen smaller diamonds placed lovingly around the emerald. Ginny was more than just happy, she was content.

She placed a small hand on her mothers shoulder and gave a small squeeze of understanding. "Mom, the last few months have not been easy for either one of us. You've lost a son, I've lost a brother, but then again we've gained a lot too," said Ginny, her eyes instantly looking for Draco. He was standing next to Harry, muttering conspirately. Yes, they'd gained a lot too!

"Yes, I suppose so. As long as you forgive me. I don't know what overcame me. We were just so disappointed in your decision to run away from Christiopher. But then when Draco ,bless him, told us about the stalker and how the past two months have been hell for you….." her voice trailed off, as she gave a sad sob. Ginny hugged her quickly and both women held onto each other for dear life. "I'm just so sorry," said Molly.

"It's alright," said Ginny, instantly forgetting the last two months, in a gesture of understanding. After Percy's behavior in her fourth year, her mother's detached nature was understandable. "I'm sorry too, for everything."

"Alright now molly, she needs her rest," said Arthur Weasley, placing his hand on his wife's shoulder, gently drawing her away from the bed. "We'll wait outside dear," he said, placing a small kiss on her forehead. Ginny waved out to her parents and felt a bubble of happiness rise within her.

"Somebody's very happy," said Draco, coming to sit beside her on the bed, "Move it," he said, making place for his huge form next to her.

"You're so arrogant," said Ginny in mock annoyance.

"I know," he said. "I have to tell you something important," he said taking her hand in his.

"What?" she asked tilting her head to one side, amusement evident in her eyes.

"Harry has decided to propose Hermione," he said, softly. The next instant the room erupted with a happy squeal as Ginny hugged Draco tightly in happiness.

"I'm so happy! Hermione deserves to be happy, and Harry so loves her. He'll take care of her," she said. A disapproving healer appeared at the door to her room, asking them to keep it down. Draco rose to greet him, while the healer asked Ginny some questions.

"You do love this place, don't you?" joked the healer, referring to her previous few visits to the hospital. "But I daresay you'll be a regular feature now," he said eyeing her reports. Her face went suddenly pale, as her eyes went to Draco, who was standing very still. They turned to the healer, who was now smiling. "It seems, that you're pregnant," he said.

A sudden silence was greeted by the announcement. The healer looked from Ginny's flushed face, to Draco shocked one. "You're almost a week through," said the healer.

"But how do you know for sure. Doesn't it take at least two months to determine the pregnancy?" asked Draco. He looked oddly pale. Suddenly Ginny felt apprehensive about Draco's response. She was ecstatic, but was Draco?

"Mr. Malfoy, we're wizards, our procedure is a lot faster. Plus, Ginny shows all signs of having a slightly ruffled, because of the torture, but a fast growing healthy baby," said the healer. Ginny unconsciously clutched her stomach as the memory of the torture tore its way into her mind. She shoved it aside.

"But I used protection," said Draco helplessly. Ginny recalled his statement that morning, and raised confused eyes to the healer. He merely shrugged, "must be a bad batch of potions. Or your body must be reacting strongly against it," he said. He gave them an encouraging smile and left.

Ginny looked at Draco stiff back and asked softly, "You don't want it?"

Draco turned and Ginny saw the look of shock in his eyes and felt herself stiffen. "No, it's not that. It's just that it's too soon. I wanted you to myself for a while. But-but I guess."

"This changes things, doesn't it?" she asked.

"Yes. I guess I'll have to make this sooner than expected," he said. He covered the remaining distance between them and sat next to her on the bed. "Ginerva Weasley, will you marry me."

Ginny tried to contain her happiness and said in the most brilliant smile that she could conjure- "YES!"

A/n- Thankies to everyone who has stayed with me throughout the fic. Lots of love. Until I begin my next- Bye bye everyone!
