Unofficial Portkey Archive

Tag: Harry & Hermione

Showing page 51 of 101.

  1. The Deal by majorqtpie

    Reposted!!! This is an AU fic! When Hermione Granger’s stepsister Fleur Delacour leaves her new born baby in Hermione’s care, she takes a vow to take care of the child as her own. Two years later Fleur’s death leaves the baby’s father searching for his child, whom he is determined to have. Soon it is not just the child he wants. Harry Potter wants his daughter’s fiery step aunt, too.

  2. Transitory by midnight pain

    I remember the light in your eyes, and I wonder where that light has gone. I remember the sound of your laugh and I miss it. You don’t smile and the sounds of your painful screams in the middle of the night tear me apart. I want to go to you, but I know that you find solace in nothing.

  3. The Party Thower by Harry85

    Inspired by the movie "Van Wilder". Who's seen it will know what this is about, the rest shall read (and review) if they want.It's a bit Au too. Rating may high in future.

  4. Harry Potter and the Quest for the Horcruxes by Harry85

    My attempt at book seven, starting from where HBP finished. Harry and his best friends leave for the most important adventure in their life, but some feelings evolve during the long and hard way toward the final showdown.

  5. Family Ties by Mrs_Potter91

    Harry and Hermione are happily married and are expecting their first child. Follow them through the pregnancy, and what happens after.

  6. You and Him by Goldy

    "How far you’ve slipped, you who was once so rational." Short, smutty ficlet I wrote pre-HBP.

  7. He was a vampire. She was a werewolf. Who saw that coming? by Oatmeal

    Smut, comedy, action, parodies and insanity all around! Everything a great or horrible fanfic should be and more...or less!

  8. Harry Potter: Destiny's Call by Darkstar

    Harry Potter’s ultimate quest to destroy Voldemort has begun. Along the way, he must conquer his greatest fears, face the truth within himself, and in the end, seize his destiny… Or be destroyed by it. R for later material.

  9. It's Your Love by storyteller935

    Songfic to Tim McGraw's It's Your Love. Harry and Hermione at certain points in their life together and the love they share. One-fic

  10. Memory of a Kiss by WhiteroseofAngelix

    Completed! A 3-Chapter romance fiction of the Boy-Who-Lived in a series of events from Bets to an Amnesia, and Masquerade Balls to the awaited ‘key’ to Harry’s memory. At the start, Harry Potter has just lost a game and had to choose between giving away his Firebolt and kissing his best friend as a form of punishment (I’m definitely not talking about Ron). The story then gets complicated as he developed different feelings for his friend, and has just proposed to her when a certain incident robbed Harry of his memory. It then continues with Cho’s persuading ‘act’, a New Year Masquerade Ball and the Final Revelation. H/hr and some r/l...enjoy!(^_^) R&R please! *Puppy eyes*

  11. The Battle for Everything by midnight pain

    Sometimes the battle for everything is worth so much more than you have to give.

  12. Truth or Dare by missinformation

    The trio and their old school friends get together for a reunion of sorts. They end up playing a rousing game of Truth-or-Dare...among other things. OOC. -->I've updated the fic w/a link to the song being played :)

  13. Company by sticknsnitches

    Just a one-shot dealing with a still photo from GOF. H/Hr friendship. Very short.

  14. Reason to Stay by DonovanPotter

    Hermione couldn't take the pain Harry's words caused anymore - soon it will be time to move on and try to start again. But could she really be able to leave Harry behind? My first attempt at fanfiction and am a bit nervous - hope you like it!

  15. Hazy Shade of Winter by Herminia

    Midway through his seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter finds himself rethinking matters of the heart where Hermione Granger is concerned... Very brief one-shot. Harry breaks up with Ginny and pines for Hermione.

  16. Much More Important by padfoot_puppyeyes

    This is a series of instances where the trio decide that some things are irriplacable. ...The hate he felt right then towards the creature that had killed his parents and so many others paled in comparison to the love he felt for his best friends. His family, his hope, his support, his…life. And the darkness he had been falling into was quickly replaced by light. Hate alone wasn’t enough to keep him going. But love was... This is the sixth in a series of moments that show the value and strength of the trio's friendship!

  17. Fragmentation by midnight pain

    She says softly “Everything is so changed.” Neither of them could define the timeline, unsure of when it became this - moments interspersed over the years, and silent realizations melted into whispered confessions.

  18. Aftermath by IslandPrincess1

    In the last moments of the final battle of the Second War, something goes horribly wrong. Life for Harry Potter, it appears, is determined to be miserable. Now, amidst problems at the Burrow and with his friends, and the pressures of being the Man-Who-Triumphed, Harry must find out exactly what happened that day while taking the first tentative steps into a post-Voldemort world. Final Chapter.

  19. In This Time of War by Vanilla

    In a time of War Harry returns to Hogwarts to find everything different. Incuding his feelings for Hermione. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!

  20. Where These Dreams Go by midnight pain

    Three years is thirty-six months. Thirty-six months, 2 weeks, and a day had passed, and he is still trying to convince himself that he isn’t really counting.

  21. Fix You by caalan

    A simple conversation about a job fair leads to a wonderful discussion regarding hope. One shot.

  22. The Little Things by Harrys Mistress

    Another story by Harrys Mistress! ALL FLUFF! Mainly H/Hr, may be a little R/L at the end. Won't be too long, no more than ten chapters propably. Come on in and enjoy some pumpkin pie!

  23. Post-Pubescent by x giggle loop x

    Hermione, Ron, and I have been together forever. But who knew that a game of spin the bottle would change our lives forever? Harry's POV. 5 years after Hogwarts, the trio are living on their own and live right next to one another. Hermione lives alone and the two boys live right next door. How will the boys react when Hermione starts dating? And why is it that Harry can't stop thinking of that game of spin the bottle?

  24. Oh.My. by Gaya Hriive

    A short, hopefully funny total PWP with a special surprise at the end to all those who read!! R&R!!!

  25. The <s>Depraved</s> Secret Journal of Hermione Granger by IslandPrincess1

    You would think that after CoS Harry Potter would know better than to read other people's diaries. Oy vey! Of course, is it so wrong if the diary in question reveals some very important things?

  26. She's A Screamer by Gaya Hriive

    The long awaited sequel to "The Scream Heard Round the World" ENJOY! PLEASE R&R!!!

  27. A Lovely Morning by Vickles

    'While the sun began to peek over the windowsill, he gently brushed her curly brown locks out of her face, waking her from her slumber. “Harry…” He heard her whisper. He’d been with her four years and still her voice made his heart flutter inside his chest.' Just a cute little fic. One hundred percent fluff. Enjoy! :)

  28. Hello by Demented Furiae

    songfic to evenescense song hello. Hermione is in a coma after getting hit. Harry feels guilty. short fic. 2 chapters. pleez read and review!!!!;)

  29. The Wisdom of Snow by SecretKeeper

    Snow is nothing short of miraculous-- so delicate and yet utterly indestructible. If you let it, it can teach lessons, widen eyes, and even open hearts. (One-Shot)

  30. Candleburn by Milly

    After a death breaks apart the trio, Harry and Hermione find comfort in each other. But it's only a matter of time before death and magic pulls them into a downward spiral.

  31. Reverie by KellyNicolette

    A songfic about Harry and Hermione's relationship. I know I suck at writing songfics, but please review. Anything is welcome.SONG: Reverie by Megan McCauley

  32. Afraid to Find by Goldy

    Sometimes your enemies know you better than you know yourself. A confrontation with Draco leaves Harry realizing something he should have learned long ago.

  33. Just Below the Nose by Amethyst

    Will Harry ever see what’s right under his nose? And if he does, will he have the nerve to do anything about it? …Eh, who knows? (Three-part fic.)

  34. Not a Sister by Bingblot

    Hermione takes matters into her own hands and shows Harry, once and for all, that she's NOT his sister. One-shot SWS.

  35. I'm Positive by Sage Vale

    They were on their honeymoon when they got the call. Character Death/Implied Self-Mutilation. One-Shot

  36. The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

    The course of true love has never run smoothly, but for Harry Potter how bad can it get. This was written while waiting for the publication of HBP and is my take on year six. I was trying to answer the question, what would it take for Harry and Hermione to marry before the end of the year. AU Hermione Granger powerful and precociously magical starts Hogwarts at the age of ten. I am sorry, I did not realize that I could not change the rating for each chapter. I am going to have to re-rate this to R because of a scene of sexual molestation in a later chapter and Harry and Hermione's wedding night. There is an addendum to this story entitled "Honeymooned." Check it out.

  37. Love of a Lifetime by Starlight623

    The sequel to "Wedding of the Century." Follow Harry and Hermione through the times after their wedding adventure.

  38. Die For You by KellyNicolette

    A songfic about the final battle. I know it's not absolutely great, but please read and review.SONG: Die for you by Megan McCauley

  39. On Toward Morning by Menucha

    It has begun. It won't be a short path, or an easy one, or one that will be kind to them. But together, and along with clues and help from those alive and those long gone, they will slowly begin the journey on toward morning. **Now an AU story.**

  40. Undeniable by Island Girl

    A sojourn to the lake's edge takes a wonderfully naughty turn. FINAL CHAPTER IS UP and is rated NC-17! Please, let me know what you think! I am a HUGE APPROVAL JUNKIE: PLEASEPLEASE! Offer you thoughts!

  41. Supposed To Be by GracieInGreek

    This wasn't what Ginny had expected to find when she showed up. "But now here they were, and it was written right in front of her in stolen glances she'd been forced to witness and god knew how many hugs and kisses they'd spared her. Still, she plowed on –maybe if she could just remind him of what it'd been like when Hermione wasn't the only girl in his life."

  42. Turn Out The Lights by Caina

    Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, and George are all at the joke shop one night when some darkness powder is spilled, plunging them into a world of darkness. How will they react when the lights go out?

  43. Harry Potter and the Dark Times by mysticsemaj

    Dumbledore's dead. Harry, Hermione and Ron are setting out to finish the task the he set for them. With the aid and instruction of an old friend of Dumbledore's, they set out to enter the darkness, and light a fire.

  44. The Ground Beneath Her Feet by JonClift

    Harry reminisces on how a certain person touched and shaped his life. Why is he contemplating "the next great adventure"? One-shot based around a song by Salman Rushdie and U2…

  45. Tales of a Broken Heart by Adia

    Hermione lost Harry once, what will she do to get him back? Almost anything. With the help of Ginny and Ron she will try to win the love of her life while trying not to make what she’s doing obvious.

  46. Obvious by ickle voldykins

    Ron and Hermione had always been so obvious...until now.

  47. What You Need by Bingblot

    He should not have done that. He absolutely should not have kissed Hermione... But he had-- and now what was he supposed to do? One-shot.

  48. Windows To the Soul by stu14688

    It’s after the Final Battle, and Ron is thinking about life, his place in it, and many other things. Ron’s 1st person POV. Post-war; pre-graduation. General/drama. OoTP spoilers.

  49. Crescent Moon by JazzyGeorgie

    Rated NC-17 for later chapters. Harry has defeated Voldemort and is adjusting to a "normal" Voldemort-free existance. How will he cope and what will happen to him and his friends as they enter their seventh year together? Draco and Ginny ship will appear later and Ron will fall in love with a certain Muggle. **This has become the first in a trilogy. I wrote "Dragon Tears", a D/G with some H/Hr and it's now completed. "Dragon Tears the Next Generation" is up and that has more H/Hr as parents!***

  50. Caught Kissing by JanieB

    This is a humorous one-shot in which Harry is caught kissing someone and the consequences that followed...