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Angel Kisses by RowlingIdol

Angel Kisses


Angel Kisses

By RowlingIdol (a.k.a. Lauren G.)

Draco's mouth fell open, and then he closed it. Ginny was avoiding his eyes. Draco slowly reached out a hand and lightly touched her shoulder.

"No." Ginny said, turning the other way. "Don't touch me. Don't look at me." Draco withdrew his hand. One part of him wanted to celebrate and go drink some Wizard Booze but the other side was mentally kicking itself telling him that he was a stupid horny bastard. He had gotten a 16 year old pregnant, even if she was his fiancée.

"Gin.. I.. I don't know what to say." Draco apologized. "I don't know what to think! Please look at me." Ginny turned around and looked up into his gray eyes. Suddenly Ginny flung herself onto him and began to cry.

"I don't know what to do." Ginny cried.

"Neither do I." Draco said, smoothing her hair.

"Wait. Draco?" Ginny lifted her tear stained face. Draco wiped some tears away with the robe of his sleeve.

"Hmmm?" Draco asked.

"I just barely remembered."


"You never told me what happened to your sister."


"Draco." Said a younger and alive Narcissa to about an 8 year old Draco.

"What Momma?"

"You're going to have a brother or sister!"

"Really? Oh! When?"

"Not for a while." Narcissa said. She smoothed Draco's hair and went quiet as Draco's father walked into the room.

"Go play in your room Draco." Narcissa told Draco.

"But Mum! I would rather go to the pond." Draco whined.

"Go to the pond then." Lucius said, in a semi harsh tone.

"Yes Father." Draco ran out of the room in his little britches and shirt with vest. But he didn't go to the pond. He hid in the next room and pressed his ear against the wall.

"You tell him first?" Lucius was saying.

"I was going to tell you this morning, but you had already left for work." Narcissa said.

"And it couldn't wait with him?"

"I was... Excited. Oh, Lucius, isn't this wonderful? Another baby."

"I never wanted the first one." Lucius said. "Scrawny thing. Still is."

"Lucius. You don't mean that." There was silence. Draco curled up in his corner in the room and pressed his ear harder against the wall.

"Narcissa, this is a bad time for you to be with child. The Master could find another body to inhabit soon! We have to be ready to follow him and his orders. I can't be around to help with another brat."

"There's nothing you can do about it. It's partially your fault." Narcissa blamed.

"True. Very true." Lucius said. There was more silence.

"Draco!" said one of the Maids, coming in the room and seeing Draco in the corner. "Off to the pond with you."

At the pond, Draco flicked pebbles at the Koi and Goldfish swimming in the water. His mother came to the pond.

"Don't hurt the fish, Draco."

"Sorry Mother." Draco said. He set the pebbles in his hands in his lap.


"Yes?" Narcissa said.

"When do I get a brother or sister?"

"I already told you. Not for a while."


"Because that's the way babies are."

"Did I take a long time?"

"Yes. Yes you did."

"Did Father like me?"

"Yes he did. Very much. He was glad you were a boy."

"Does he like boys better than girls?"

"No, dear."


"Dinner will be ready soon. Remember, don't hurt the fish. They're living things, just like you and me. Hurting a living thing is wrong."

"Yes Momma." Draco said. He brushed the pebbles off his lap and onto the ground.

###############END FLASHBACK###############

"Draco?" Ginny asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine... Just fine." Draco managed a small smile.

"Are you going to answer my question?" Ginny pressed.

"I..." Draco said.

"Its all right. You don't have to." Ginny said. Draco sighed and looked over Ginny's head at the lake.

"Gin. Do you know what this means?"

"We'll be parents?" Ginny replied, hugging Draco around his waist.

"No. We're going to be parents."

Ginny had to smile as she snuggled against Draco's chest.


Draco brought Ginny up to his room in the guest quarters.

"This means we'll have to clear one of the rooms out and buy new furniture. And clothes. And toys. And-"

"Draco! You're giving me a headache." Ginny said, sitting in one of the chairs in the room.

"Sorry. I've never gotten a girl pregnant before."

"I should sure hope not!" Ginny said.

"Well. What I meant was…."

"I know what you meant."

"When should we tell our.. I mean when should we tell your parents?"

"Parents? Damn!" Ginny held a hand up to her head.

"We won't tell them until later. That way that can't kill us."

"Kill..." Draco said under his breath.

"Don't hurt other living things. Hurting a living thing is wrong.."


Draco was 8 now and was lying on the floor in front of the fire, coloring a picture. The house elf was dusting the shelves in the parlor.

"What are you doing?" Lucius said, coming in the room.

"Drawing Mother a picture." Draco said, sitting up and holding the green crayon to his chest. Lucius peered down at the picture.

"What for?"

"For when she comes home from her appointment." Draco said. He picked up the red crayon and held it close to his chest like the green crayon. Lucius sneered. He left the room, slamming the door. The door slammed so loud it made Draco jump. He dropped the crayons to the floor, the green one breaking in half.

An hour or so later, Narcissa came home from the doctor's.

"Mum! I made you this!" Draco said, holding up the picture.

"Oh, thank you Draco! Mum loves it." Narcissa pat Draco on the head like some dog. Draco smiled and trotted after his mother.

"What did they say?" Draco asked, dancing on his toes.

"Nothing important." Narcissa said. "Draco, why don't you go to the pond again?"

"All right." Draco said. He hurried outside. But when he knew the maids weren't around, he snuck back in.

"Well?" Lucius said.

"The baby is fine. Healthy." Narcissa said.

"What is it?"

"A… A girl." Narcissa said.

"A girl. It's a girl."

"Lucius, you can't have a control over these things."

"Do you know how many women Death Eaters there are?"


"Not many. It would be a disgrace."

"Why would it be a disgrace? Lucius, she's going to be a Malfoy!"

"That doesn't mean she'll be a Death Eater." Draco hurried back outside and to the pond. He knelt down and stuck a finger in the water. He swirled it around.

"I'm getting a sister." Draco told the gold and white Koi. It flashed by him. "I get to be a big brother. And in a few years, I get to go to Hogwarts. Mother told me so." He took his finger out of the water and wiped it on his pants.

"Mum says I look like Dad. A lot." He kept telling the fish. "Sometimes I think I start to act like him. Dad wants me to be like him. Fishie?" Draco suddenly asked. One of the orange goldfish had bobbed up to the surface of the water.

"Fishie?" He asked again. He reached in and poked the fish. It sank a few centimeters before bobbing up again. Draco reached in and picked up the dead fish. He held it in his hands and walked back to the house.

"What are you doing, boy?" Lucius said.

"Its dead Father. It died." Draco said.

"Damn fish. Everything has a right to die, Draco. Remember that." This mother came out of the living room a second later.

"What's the matter Draco?"

"The fish died." Draco said. He tipped his hands and the fish fell out of his hands and rolled to the floor with a plop.

"Draco. It's just a fish." His mother said.

"No!" Draco said. "It died! I killed it! I put my finger in the water! I'm a murderer!"

"Draco, you couldn't have killed the fish just by putting your finger in the water."

"No! I did! I did I did I did!"

"Draco." Narcissa said.

"No!" Draco screamed. "I'm going to kill the baby, too!" He ran up to his room and dived onto his bed.

###############END FLASHBACK###############

"Draco. You're doing it again." Ginny said, sitting on the bed next to him.

"What? What am I doing?"

"I'm sitting here talking to you and you just zone off." "

Sorry. I'm just... Thinking. And remembering."

"Oh." Ginny leaned back and laid on the bed next to him.

"Do you think it's a boy?" Draco asked, reaching over and touching her lower stomach.

"Draco. It's been almost 2 weeks. How do you expect me to know?"

"I don't know. Don't girls know those kind of things."

"Unless they're a doctor." Ginny said.

"What do you hope it is?"

"I don't care. It'll be ours." Draco leaned over and kissed Ginny's forehead.

Note: Thank god for best guy friends with good smelling cologne on that you can hug all during Horticulture so the smell sticks on you and you can come up with mushy lovey dovey stuff. :P
