Unofficial Portkey Archive

Teacher's Pet by Amynoelle and Heaven

Teacher's Pet

Amynoelle and Heaven

You get the rest of Lavender's reaction and then the beginning of the Halloween Ball. This one's not quite as eventful, but we still hope you enjoy it!

The blonde had currently gone down into the cafeteria and found a corner table where she could be alone. She felt completely betrayed right now.

She'd really liked Hermione and thought they were on their way to becoming good friends.

"Hey," Ron saw her sitting in the corner. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," she grumbled.

Ron plonked his tray down. "You fight with my brother or something?"

Lavender shook her head. "No, we're fine. It's----I hate people who pretend they're your friend when all the time they're using you to get information about someone else! I mean, how selfish can you be?"

Ron gave her a strange look. "Want to start at the beginning?"

Lavender shook her head. She wasn't going to blab Hermione's big secret.

Ron shrugged. "It's been a weird day for everyone," he said. "I wasn't even going to eat until I walked by here."

"You?" Lavender asked. "Not eat? It must be bad then."

"Just something.... strange I saw earlier today," Ron thought about what he'd encountered in Harry's office.

"There's a lot of that going around," Lavender agreed, picking up a paper napkin and folding it over and over again.

Ron tucked into his food and didn't notice as Hermione appeared in the cafeteria doorway.

Lavender rolled her eyes when she spotted Hermione. She'd expected to see her come in here. Probably worried about her precious secret.

"Lav," Hermione hurried over. "Please, can I just talk to you for a moment?"

"I've not told anyone if that's what you're so worried about," Lavender said icily.

"I know you wouldn't," Hermione replied quietly.

Ron raised an eyebrow. "Does she know about know, too?"

"YOU know?" Lavender asked, crossing her arms. "Was I the last to find out?"

Ron held up his hands. "Believe you me, I'd have rather not known. I feel like up is down, left is right. This whole thing has thrown me for a loop."

"Will you just eat your lunch and shut up!" Hermione hissed at him.

"Don't talk to him like that," Lavender glared at her. "He's not the one keeping secrets from his friends."

"Lavender," Hermione said sitting down. "Look, I hated keeping this from you. I wanted to tell you, but put yourself in my position..."

Ron gulped. "Another thing I'd rather not think about."

This time both Hermione and Lavender glared at him.

"I'll just move over to another table now," Ron picked up his tray.

"Thank you," Hermione said, softening her tone a bit.

Lavender shook her head. "Hermione... I just really don't know what to say right now."

"I'm so sorry," Hermione said. "I hated keeping this from you. I never used you to find out about Harry."

"Then what do you call it?" she asked bitterly.

Hermione sighed. She figured she'd have to tell Lavender everything. "Um, do you remember me telling you about that one-night stand?"

"What, that one you had before we started training?" Lavender asked.

Hermione nodded and began telling Lavender about that disastrous dinner at her parent's house all those weeks ago. "I just felt so strangled and that they were trying to run my life. I walked out of the dinner and went into the neighbourhood pub."

Lavender nodded. "And he was there?" she asked quietly.

"He was sitting there and at first, I didn't know who he was," Hermione continued. "Until I was able to get a proper look at him----"

"So you planned this all along?" Lavender asked folding her arms again. "You seduced---"

"No!" Hermione exclaimed, earning looks from other people. "Can we... can we talk back up in our room or something?"

"Fine," Lavender said getting to her feet.

"Thank you," Hermione said in relief.

A few minutes later, they were in the privacy of their room again. Hermione sat down on the edge of Lavender's bed while the blonde stood.

"I'm not the type of person who picks up men in pubs or clubs," Hermione continued. "That's not me. I always thought that when I had my first time, it would be with someone I loved---"

"Well I guess you can say it wasn't," Lavender shook her head.

"No, but we sat there talking and I don't know," Hermione said remembering that first night with him. "It was like we were kindred spirits."

Lavender cast her a doubtful look.

"It was going to be a one night thing," Hermione continued. "For all we knew, we'd never see each other again. And then, I walk into training---"

"And he's the instructor," Lavender interjected. "Hermione---"

"If anyone finds out, we both get kicked out of here," Hermione replied.

"But you should have known I wouldn't have said a word!" Lavender argued. "I'm your friend!"

"I know you won't," Hermione said. "That's why I told Harry I wanted you to know about us."

"After Ron found out?" Lavender asked. "Ron Weasley knew before I did!"

"He just found out today too," Hermione said. "He caught us in Harry's office."

"Caught you?" Lavender asked, her eyes growing large. "In the act?"

"We were getting there," Hermione blushed. "Lav... I love Harry. And he loves me."

Lavender studied her for a long time. "You do, don't you?"

"Very much," Hermione nodded.

"Okay," Lavender said quietly.

"I hope you're okay with this," Hermione twisted the edge of her shirt in her fingers. "You're his friend too."

"I don't like that you lied to me," Lavender said thoughtfully. "But I guess I can see why you felt like you had to."

"I'm sorry about not telling you," Hermione replied. "I really hope you can forgive us."

"I'll try," Lavender said with a slight smile. "It's just---it's strange."

"I hope not a bad sort of strange," Hermione replied.

Lavender shrugged. "It's going to take some getting used to."

"Of course," Hermione nodded.

"You and Harry?" Lavender asked sitting down finally.

Hermione nodded again.

"You're the one who made him so happy," Lavender said thoughtfully.

"He's made me happy too," Hermione replied softly.

"And this has been going on since the beginning of the program?" Lavender asked.

"The night before, actually." Hermione replied.

"You minx," Lavender said giggling.

Hermione had to laugh. "Now that's something I've never been called before."

"You are shagging the instructor," Lavender said.

Hermione's face went very red.

"You gave him more than an apple," Lavender teased.

"Lavender!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Well, it is true," Lavender pointed out. " actually want to stay after class, don't you?"

"He really was giving me flying lessons," Hermione replied. "I've gotten loads better."

Lavender smiled. "He is a fantastic flyer. Parvati used to---never mind."

"It's okay," Hermione said. "She was a big part of his life. I'd never want him to forget her."

"She used to say that watching him fly was like looking at pure joy," Lavender continued.

"He does seem quite happy when he's up in the air," Hermione agreed.

Lavender still felt a little strange with all this, but when she thought about it, she could see why Hermione felt she had to be silent. "Do your parents know?" she asked.

Hermione shook her head. "I haven't talked to them. They've sent me a few owls, but it's been the same thing each time- I should forget about this nonsense and come home."

"If you ever want to talk about that or about...anything else," Lavender offered. "I'm here."

"Thanks," Hermione said. "You've become a really good friend to me."

Lavender smiled. "Despite how I reacted earlier?"

Hermione nodded. "But that's why I wanted you to know."

"Poor Justin," Lavender said. "He really is looking forward to the ball."

"I'll still go with him," Hermione said. "But did you know Eloise fancies him quite a bit?"

Lavender nodded. It was quite obvious to everyone, but Justin.

"I thought perhaps we could help her with that," Hermione said.

Lavender's eyes lit up. "Project!"

Hermione laughed. "At the ball?"

"We can help her get ready," Lavender said, the wheels already turning in her mind. "I can take her with me to Hogsmeade next weekend to get a costume."

"You're going to Hogsmeade?" Hermione asked.

Lavender nodded. "I have to find a good costume. Do you want to go too?"

Hermione nodded. "I was thinking of going as a gypsy."

Lavender looked thoughtfully at her. "I think you'd look great as a gypsy."

"What are you and Charlie going as?" Hermione asked.

"Charlie's not telling me," Lavender said. "He wanted it to be a surprise."

"So how do you know what sort of costume to get?" Hermione stretched.

Lavender shrugged. "I'm going as a mermaid."

Hermione grinned. "You'll look fantastic."

"Why thank you," Lavender said taking a bow. "I'm going to lengthen my hair....and I know someone in Hogsmeade. She's helping make my costume."

"That will be lovely," Hermione replied. "Perhaps you can help me with my hair again the night of the ball. I know I can't go with Harry... but I'd like him to see me all dressed up."

"You'll knock him off of his feet," Lavender said determinedly.

"And you'll knock Charlie off his," Hermione tossed a pillow at her.

Lavender giggled. "I hope so."

"I really hope we can help Eloise," Hermione said softly. "Were you friends with her in school?"

Lavender looked sheepishly at Hermione. She hadn't always been nice to Eloise. Truth be told, she'd even made fun of her. But, that had been before the war, before Lavender knew that there were more important things to worry about. "In our last year, yes."

"She's very nice," Hermione offered.

"She is," Lavender agreed. "And she deserves to be happy."

"We all do," Hermione replied. "I just have to wait a few years."

Lavender frowned. "Three years, Hermione."

"I know," Hermione shifted onto her side. "But it's going to be worth it, if we can be together."

"The papers are going to be salivating over this," Lavender said looking at the newspaper that was still on her bed. "They're going to dig and dig and dig until they find out your identity."

"Not if we keep it a secret," Hermione replied resolutely.

"It's not going to be easy," Lavender commented.

"We knew that getting into it," Hermione answered.

"And you're okay with that?" Lavender asked. "Not being able to hold hands in public. Not being able to go out on normal dates..."

"I know it sounds bad," Hermione began. "But when we're alone together... I love those times."

"It doesn't sound bad," Lavender reassured her.

"It's quite lovely, actually." Hermione replied. "He's different, when we're alone. He's sweet, and considerate--"

Lavender smiled. "You are in love, aren't you?"

Hermione tossed another pillow at her. "I already told you that."

Lavender threw it back at her. "Well, I was still angry when you told me the first time. Now, it's starting to sink in."

Hermione grinned at her. "Yes, I'm quite in love."

"I'm happy for you," Lavender said. "For you both and I promise no one will find out about it from me."

"Thank you," Hermione said sincerely.

"So, I guess you and Harry and Charlie and me can't double date," Lavender said with a frown.

"Not yet," Hermione answered. "But someday..."

"I look forward to it," Lavender said.

"Me too," Hermione said. "What were you doing earlier with that camera when we came in?"

Lavender blushed. "Um, well I was taking a photo of myself to send to Charlie. I wanted him to send me a photo, too."

Hermione grinned. "Want me to help you with that?"

"Would you?" Lavender asked eagerly.

"Sure," Hermione reached for the camera.

Lavender checked her reflection in the mirror. "Okay..."

"Give me your best shot," Hermione joked.

Lavender sat down on her bed and smiled.

"Now give me one that he'll want to keep under his pillow," Hermione said mischievously.

Lavender struck a seductive pose and held a straight face until after Hermione had taken the picture.

"That was perfect," Hermione grinned.

"I could take one of you," Lavender offered. "If you wanted to give it to Harry. I mean, he couldn't put it in his office, but I'm sure he could have it in his flat."

"You think he'd like something like that?" Hermione asked, feeling a bit self conscious now.

"The next best thing to having you there with him," Lavender replied.

Hermione had to smile at that.

"Let your hair down," Lavender instructed. "And take off that jacket..."

"Okay," Hermione replied. "How's this?"

Lavender picked up the camera. "Perfect."

Hermione smiled as winningly as she could into the camera.

Lavender took the picture. "He's going to love it, Hermione."

"I hope so," Hermione replied. "When should I give it to him?"

"Why don't you give it to him tomorrow before class?" Lavender suggested. "I'm going to go and develop them now."

"All right," Hermione replied. "I need to catch up on some reading."

"I'll be back in a few with the sexy photos," Lavender said with a grin.

Hermione smiled. "Sounds good."

Lavender felt much better now that she knew the truth and she knew that Hermione's friendship was genuine.

*** *** ***

It was the night of the Halloween Ball, and Hermione and Lavender invited Eloise to come get ready for them. The other girl had accepted happily.

Eloise knocked on the door to Lavender and Hermione's room. She was carrying the costume she'd chosen for herself.

Hermione opened the door. "Come on in, Eloise." she said. "We're almost ready."

"Hi," Eloise said smiling at her as she stepped into the room. Lavender had turned the Wireless on and music filled their small dorm room.

"You didn't show us your costume," Hermione said. "What did you decide to go as?"

Eloise held up her garment bag, but Lavender grabbed it. "You aren't wearing that, madam."

"What?" Eloise asked.

"You are wearing something that I had a friend of mine come up with," Lavender said sharing a conspiratorial look with Hermione.

Eloise looked between them. "What's wrong with my costume?"

"Nothing," Lavender replied. "But you have always been on the sidelines watching everyone else. Eloise, you are a pretty girl. You need to stand out for once. Tonight, I'm going to help you do that."

"Really?" Eloise asked. She had always admired the pretty Gryffindor but never thought they'd ever be friends. "You'd do that for me?"

"Absolutely," Lavender replied. "Sit down and let me work my magic."

Hermione smiled. "I'm just going to get dressed," she said, sitting on the edge of her bed. "So Eloise... you know I'm only going with Justin as friends tonight, right?"

Eloise nodded. "You're so lucky though. He's so handsome and smart."

"We have a plan," Hermione said, looking at Lavender. "By the end of tonight, he'll only have eyes for you."

Eloise shook her head. There was no possible way to do that, she thought without the aid of some sort of love potion.

"First things first," Lavender said critically. "Stop thinking you could never get someone like Justin. You are just as capable of snagging him as any other girl. If you don't think you'll get him, you won't."

"But---" Eloise protested.

"You're just as pretty as me or Hermione," Lavender continued. "You just need to know how to bring forth your best assets."

"And you're going to help me do that?" Eloise asked.

"Why else would you be here?" Lavender asked. "Now... I have the perfect costume for you."

"You do?" Eloise asked. "Um---"

"A French maid!" Lavender announced. "You will KNOCK Justin's socks off!"

Eloise's jaw dropped as she looked at the costume. "It's---it's so short!"

"That's the whole point," Lavender said as Hermione changed into a long skirt and gypsy style shirt.

Eloise wasn't so sure about this. She looked admiringly at Hermione. The brunette had styled her hair in ringlet curls and she wore hoop earrings. Justin would take one look at her and he'd fall even harder for her. Eloise knew she didn't have a chance.

"Put it on," Lavender told her. "Then we'll do your makeup and hair."

Eloise stood up and took the costume off the hanger. She wasn't sure about this at all.

"And you look great," Lavender said to Hermione. "You have to make sure I'm there when Harry sees you," she added in a whisper. "I'm dying to see his face."

Hermione nodded. She couldn't wait to see him. They'd not spent that much time together these last couple of weeks because of the heavy training schedule. She knew he was going as a pirate tonight and she couldn't wait to see him.

"Um..." Eloise said. "Lavender... I'm sorry, but I don't know about this. I'm probably better off going as the rabbit--"

Lavender turned around and smiled when she saw Eloise in the costume. "Stand up straight, Eloise."

"I am," Eloise said shyly.

Eloise had lost a lot of the weight that she'd carried at Hogwarts. She still had curves though and the costume accentuated every one of them.

"Wow," Hermione said. "Eloise, you look fantastic!"

"I've never worn anything this short before," Eloise said blushing.

"Which is why you should start now," Lavender said. "Flaunt your figure!"

"Justin's not going to notice me," Eloise said frowning.

"Sit down," Lavender said. "We can get started on your hair and makeup."

There was another knock on the door and Hermione answered it. A pretty blonde girl dressed as a forest nymph stood in the hall, a dreamy expression on her face.

"Can I help you?" Hermione asked, not recognising her.

"Luna!" Lavender squealed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Ronald," Luna said. "McGonagall let me leave for tonight only."

Lavender pushed past Hermione and grabbed Luna's arm. "Get in here before he sees you!"

Hermione gazed at the pretty, dreamy looking blonde. She had just been talking to Harry about meeting Ron's girlfriend and here she was in the flesh. "Hi," she said. "I'm Hermione."

"You're Ronald's partner," Luna said shaking her hand.

"Yes," Hermione said. "It's lovely to meet you. Ron talks about you all the time."

Luna smiled at her. "He's written to me about you, too."

"Hi, Luna," Eloise said giving her old friend a slight wave.

"Hello," Luna curled a long strand of hair around a finger.

"Ron is going to be so happy to see you," Eloise said.

"I hope so," Luna replied dreamily. "I've missed him so much."

Hermione was borrowing extensively from Lavender's collection of makeup. "He's been trying a lot harder lately in training," she said.

Luna couldn't wait to get him alone to see how he was really doing. She couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't his true calling.

Eloise tried to pull down on the skirt of the maid costume. "Lavender are you sure--"

Lavender held up her hand. "You look gorgeous, doesn't she, ladies?"

Hermione looked up from the mirror. "Definitely," she agreed.

"How are things at Hogwarts?" Lavender asked Luna.

"Fine," Luna said. "I'll miss it next year, but at least I'll get to see my Ronald more often."

"What are you going to do when you get out of school?" Hermione asked conversationally.

"Work in Daddy's office," Luna said. "I want to interview Cornish Pixies, Doxies, Grindylows and Kneazles."

"Interview them?" Hermione asked. "They don't---they don't talk, do they?"

"Sometimes," Luna answered vaguely. "When you know how to listen."

Lavender smiled fondly. Luna certainly hadn't changed at all. She and Ron were so different, but they somehow got each other.

"I'm ready," Hermione said a flutter of excitement in her stomach. She was so anxious to see Harry she could hardly stand it.

"And so is Miss Eloise," Lavender said standing back to take a look at her handiwork.

The girl in question stared at herself in the mirror. "I can't believe that's me!"

Lavender smiled at her. "It's you."

Luna stood up. "I'd very much like to go find Ronald now."

"I'll go downstairs with you," Hermione offered. She was eager to see Harry, too.

"That will be lovely," Luna smiled broadly at her.

Hermione shared a look with Lavender before following Luna out of the room.

"I hope they have good food tonight," Luna said as they took the lift downstairs. "Ronald is always happiest when he eats."

Hermione laughed. "That's true. He does look euphoric during meal times."

"Especially when he's having stew," Luna closed her eyes dreamily.

The lift pinged open and Hermione could hear the music coming from the Ministry ballroom.

"Follow me," Hermione told the other girl. "It's this way."

Luna touched her arm. "You have a very happy glow about you."

"I do?" Hermione asked, trying to dampen her eagerness.

Luna nodded. "You're in love."

"No I'm not," Hermione said quickly.

Luna studied her for a moment before stepping inside the ballroom. The room was filling up rather quickly and she scanned the room for Ron. She had no idea what he was dressed up as or when he was planning on arriving.

"I wish I could tell you what he planned on coming as," Hermione said, changing the subject. "But outside of training, Ron and I don't talk often."

"He's trying to be nicer to you," Luna said softly. "He promised he would."

"He hasn't been bad," Hermione assured her. "But it's nice that he's trying. We both have."

Luna beamed at her. "I'm glad."

"The party can start," Lavender said from behind them. "I'm here!"

Hermione laughed and turned around. "Lav, you look fantastic!"

"I do, don't I?" Lavender tossed her hair, which she'd lengthened. "I can't wait to see Charlie."

"Where's Eloise?" Hermione asked.

Lavender had thought her friend was right behind her, but she wasn't. Lavender sighed and walked back out into the corridor where Eloise was standing off to the side. "Eloise Midgen!"

"Lavender I can't," Eloise said.

"Yes you can," Lavender said. "You are a beautiful girl inside and out. You just need to have confidence. Believe in yourself, Eloise."

Eloise sighed. "Okay..." she said nervously.

"Take a deep breath," Lavender instructed. "We're going to walk in there together and you are going to own that room. Got it?"

"I'll try," Eloise began but at Lavender's look nodded. "Got it."

Lavender linked her arm in Eloise's. "Here we go...."

Eloise took a deep breath as the four of them strode into the middle of the ballroom together.

Luna spotted Ron at the refreshment table and resisted the urge to run over to him. He was dressed in his old Quidditch robes from Hogwarts. She loved it when he wore those.

Lavender squealed. "CHARLIE!" she spotted him standing next to Ron.

Both Weasley brothers turned around at this and Charlie broke out into a wide grin when he saw Lavender.

Lavender hurried towards them as fast as her confining costume would allow and threw herself at the older Weasley.

"I missed you," Charlie said putting his arms around her.

"I missed you too," Lavender said. "But I loved the pictures you sent me."

"And the ones of Velma and her little one?" Charlie asked.

"Those were some of my favourites," Lavender said, her arms still around his neck. "And I can't believe you got them to name the little one Brownie."

"After you," Charlie said giving her a kiss.

Ron rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the refreshments. He couldn't decide between the beef or the chicken.
