Unofficial Portkey Archive

Teacher's Pet by Amynoelle and Heaven

Teacher's Pet

Amynoelle and Heaven

We're actually getting into the 'climax' of the story- we're guessing it will wind up being close to 35 chapters! Thanks to all of you who have reviewed and enjoy!

It was well into February now, and Ron couldn't stop thinking about the job Luna had offered him. She had told him her father would hold it until the summer, then they'd have to find someone else.

Truth be told, his heart had been more into that job than into Auror training. He had a decision to make and either way he went, he would disappoint someone he cared about.

He couldn't talk to Harry about this, and he wasn't close enough to Hermione to ask her opinion either.

There had to be someone that he could talk to who would be objective about this.

He found himself in the cafeteria and noticed Justin sitting at a table across the room.

Justin might be able to help him. Ron quickly made his way through the queue and got his breakfast. He made his way over to where Justin was.

"Hi, mate," Ron said warmly.

"Hey," Justin said, looking up in surprise. "What's up?"

"Mind if I sit down?" Ron asked.

"Sure," Justin said. "Eloise is joining me in a bit."

"How's that going, then?" Ron asked.

"Great," Justin's grin got bigger. "She's really amazing."

"That's nice," Ron said moving his pancakes around on his plate. "I mean...that's something that no one thought you'd be good with and look at you now...together. I mean, I'm sure you had your doubts...when you were starting out...but you knew in your heart that it was the right thing to do..."

His voice trailed off when he looked up to see Justin staring at him with a confused expression on his face.

"Sorry," Ron muttered. "I'm just sort of out of it this morning."

"Have a lot on your mind?" Justin asked.

"You could say that," Ron said. "Mate... how did you know if you really wanted to be an Auror?"

Justin shrugged. "I just knew. You remember when we had career counselling with McGonagall, right? She said that I had the marks for it and it seemed like something I'd be great at."

"You wouldn't say anything if I told you something private, would you?" Ron asked after looking around.

"Of course not," Justin replied. "What's going on?"

"I'm thinking of quitting the program," Ron said quietly.

Justin's eyes grew large. "What? Why?"

"I just don't feel like it's what I want to do anymore," Ron answered. "I hate all the homework and the reading. I hate that we're confined here six days a week. When Luna's home, I'll never get to see her until we're done training."

"She's still at Hogwarts though, mate," Justin pointed out.

"She'll be finished in a few months," Ron answered.

"You'll still get to see her on weekends," Justin said.

"It's not enough," Ron answered. "I just don't see myself doing this long term."

Justin looked thoughtfully at him. "Well, what do you want to do then?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Ron said morosely.

"No wonder you look preoccupied," Justin commented.

"Well, the thing is, Luna's dad also has a position open at his paper," Ron said. "For a food critic. I could do that."

Justin grinned. "There's no one else in the world who knows food better than you."

Ron smiled back. "Exactly."

"So, you're leaning toward doing that then?" Justin asked.

"I don't know," Ron said. "I think so. I just don't know how to tell my parents... or Harry."

"Well, you could try being honest," Justin suggested. "I mean, they are your family. They'll want you to be happy."

"I suppose you're right," Ron said thoughtfully.

"I'm always right," Justin said with a grin.

"He sure is," Eloise said, setting her tray down.

"Hey you," Justin said smiling up at her.

"Hi," Eloise gave him a quick, shy kiss.

"Morning, Eloise," Ron said.

"Hi Ron," Eloise said. "You feeling okay?"

Ron nodded. "I'm okay."

"Nothing ever hurts Ron's appetite," Justin joked.

Ron heartily took a bite of his pancakes. "Especially when the food is this good."

"There's something you'd miss," Justin said. "Ministry cafeteria food."

Eloise looked at Ron. "What's going on? Are you thinking of dropping out of the program?"

Ron glared at Justin.

Justin looked sheepishly at him. "I'm sorry. But---you know what? If you were thinking of talking to your dad, you could do it now. He just walked in..."

Ron turned and saw his father joining the queue.

"Um..." Ron gulped. "I don't know if I want to talk to him just yet."

"Better him than your mum, right?" Justin encouraged.

Ron took a deep breath and stood up. "I guess you're right."

"Good luck," Justin called after him.

Ron hesitantly approached his father. "Dad?"

Arthur turned and beamed when he saw his youngest son. "Ronald!"

Ron put his hands in his pockets. "Hi, Dad."

"I haven't seen you in awhile," Arthur said. "Have you got time for some breakfast?"

Ron nodded. "I already had something, actually."

"How about you sit around with me then?" Arthur said.

Ron nodded. "I'd like that."

"Wonderful," Arthur paid for his food and they sat down. "How's training?"

Ron picked up a napkin. "It's---it's okay."

"Just okay?" Arthur pressed.

Ron started tearing up the napkin. "It's good. You know, we're learning a lot and all that."

"You don't seem overly thrilled about it," Arthur commented.

Ron looked across the table at his father. "I'm---I'm not, Dad."

"How come?" Arthur asked. "Tell me about it."

"I don't want to disappoint you," Ron said quietly. "You or Mum."

"That's impossible, Ron." Arthur said.

"I'm thinking of quitting the program," Ron told his father. "The truth is, my heart hasn't been in this."

Arthur looked seriously at him. "You have to do what makes you happy."

Ron hadn't expected this. He thought his father would have told him to suck it up and get through it. "But, I'm already half way into my first year."

"Sometimes you have to try something to find out if you like it or not," Arthur said. "If there's something else you want to do--"

"There is," Ron said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out the review he'd written for The Three Broomsticks. "Luna's dad is looking for a food critic for his paper."

Arthur chuckled. "That sounds like a job you were born for."

He handed the paper to his father. "You might not think so after you read this."

Arthur scanned it. "I'm no expert in writing, Ron. Perhaps you should send this to Luna and see what she thinks."

"But do you think it sounds good?" Ron asked.

"It's very descriptive," Arthur nodded.

"You have to be when you're talking about food," Ron said. "I want to make the readers feel like they're eating it too. Does that make sense?"

"Quite so," Arthur nodded. "I really think you'd do go at this Ron. And your mother and I would never want you to stay with this if it makes you unhappy."

"But---you heard her at Christmas, Dad," Ron argued. "She was so proud of me."

"She wouldn't be so proud if she knew you were unhappy." Arthur told him.

"Really?" Ron asked.

"Really," Arthur said. "You should tell her."

"Will you be there when I tell her?" Ron asked.

Arthur chuckled. "If you'd like me to be."

"You remember how she was when Fred and George dropped out of Hogwarts," Ron recalled with a shudder. "I think they heard her screaming in Australia."

"Well that's because they dropped out," Arthur said. "You didn't hear her screaming when they started pulling in money from their shop did you? She's happy that they're happy."

Ron hadn't thought about that. "That's right. She was."

"And she'll be happy if this is what you want," Arthur reassured him.

Ron smiled. "Thanks, Dad."

"Anytime, son." Arthur replied.

"We should do this more often," Ron said.

"Yes we should," Arthur agreed. "I'd love that."

Ron nicked one of the muffins on his father's plate. "Especially if I leave the program. I can still enjoy the food here."

Arthur laughed. "Because that's what is most important."

"Always thinking about my stomach," Ron said with a grin. "You know that."

"We know," Arthur replied.

"I'm going to mail this off to Luna today," Ron said pocketing the review. "Let her show it to her dad to make sure he even wants me for the job. "

"Good idea," Arthur said.

"Thanks, Dad, " Ron said. "I was really worried."

"Don't be," Arthur said. "I'm proud of you for coming to me, Ron."

"I was going to say something at Christmas, but then Mum stood up and made that speech," Ron told him. "But things didn't change. I just don't see myself doing this for the rest of my life."

"I understand," Arthur said. "But I wish you'd spoken up sooner."

"Me too," Ron said. "Me, too."

"It'll be all right," Arthur patted his arm.

For the first time, Ron actually believed that. Of course, he still had to wait for Mr. Lovegood's opinion, but Luna seemed pretty sure that was just a formality.

"Looks like his dad's okay with Ron's news," Justin was watching from across the cafeteria.

Eloise nodded. "I had a feeling he would be."

Justin smiled at her. "You look really nice today."

Eloise blushed. "Thank you."

He squeezed her hand. "So... what if I told you I had a surprise for you later?"

"A surprise?" Eloise asked. "What kind of surprise?"

"If I told you..." Justin began to tease.

"That would ruin the surprise," Eloise finished.

"Exactly," he leaned in and gave her a kiss.

Eloise rested her forehead on his. "So not even a hint?"

"Don't eat dinner," Justin said softly.

"Are you taking me out?" Eloise asked.

"Sort of," Justin said. "And that's all the hints you're going to get."

Eloise playfully punched him in the arm. "No fair."

"You won't be saying that later," Justin tucked her hair behind her ear.

Eloise felt her insides melt at the way he was looking at her. She'd never felt this way in her life before and she hoped they'd always be like this.

Justin kissed her again. Eloise was one of the sweetest and prettiest girls he'd ever met. Each day he found himself falling harder for her.

"I love you," Eloise whispered.

He blinked and stared at her wordlessly.

"It's okay," Eloise said quickly. "You don't have to say it back. I just wanted you to know."

"That was part of the surprise," Justin said sheepishly. "I was going to tell you that tonight."

Eloise beamed at him. "Really?"

"Yeah," he said with a disarming grin.

Eloise threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Oh, Justin!"

He laughed. "You completely took me by surprise, you know."

"I never thought you'd feel this way," Eloise said resting her head on his shoulder.

"I didn't either, at first." Justin said. "But I'm really glad we got together. You're amazing, Eloise."

Eloise gave him a lingering kiss. She usually wasn't one for public displays of affection, but given what they'd just said to each other, she knew the moment warranted just that.

Across the room, Padma Patil was just sitting down for a quick breakfast before her important meeting. She nearly jumped out of her seat when seemingly out of nowhere, a pink rose appeared. She turned around and saw Ernie grinning at her. "Ernie! You scared me to death!"

"Sorry," he said, moving his chair closer. "Do you like it?"

"Parvati's favourite flowers were pink roses," Padma said softly.

"I know," Ernie replied.

Padma set the rose down on the table. "Why are you giving it to me?"

"Just thought you might like it," Ernie said, gazing at her.

"It was very thoughtful of you," Padma said wishing he'd leave. He made her uncomfortable, especially with how he looked at her.

"So... how's our plan going?" he asked.

"You tell me," Padma replied. "You see Potter more than I do."

"He's completely freaked out," Ernie said with a satisfied grin. "You have to go by the classroom again today."

"I don't think I can," Padma hedged. "I have a really busy day today, Ernie."

He frowned at her. "But you promised you would."

"I promised I'd do it when my scheduled allowed for it," Padma corrected. "Contrary to popular belief, I have other things in my life to occupy my time. There's a very important lecturer coming in today. He's talking about house elves---"

"Who cares about house elves?" Ernie asked impatiently.

"I do," Padma retorted. "Hermione Granger and I---"

Ernie rolled his eyes. "We don't have time for this, Parvati."

Padma blinked. "My. Name. Is. Padma."

"I know that," Ernie said sharply.

Padma shook her head. "I don't think you do. That's not the first time you've 'slipped up'."

"What are you trying to say?" Ernie asked angrily. "First you go against our plan. Now you're trying to accuse me of this!"

Padma glared at him. "Keep your voice down!"

"You're a quitter," Ernie said angrily. "Parvati would be so disappointed in you."

Padma slapped him, startling both herself and Ernie.

"You bitch," Ernie hissed after he'd recovered. "You BITCH. You'll PAY for that!"

"Stay the hell away from me!" Padma exclaimed, gathering her books and stalking out of the cafeteria.

Ernie glared at her retreating back. She was nothing like her sister. Parvati would never talk to or treat anyone like that.

"What just happened?" Justin asked, approaching his best friend.

"None of your business," Ernie snapped at him.

"Mate?" Justin asked. "You look like you want to tear someone's head off."

"I'm FINE," Ernie shoved past him.

Justin started to follow him but thought better of it.

"Are you all right?" Eloise put her hand on his arm.

"I'm worried," Justin said still looking in Ernie's direction.

"About what?" Eloise asked.

"Him," Justin replied. "You heard him just now with Padma."

It was no secret that Eloise didn't care for Ernie, but she held her tongue.

"I think everyone heard him," Justin said shaking his head. "He's already on probation."

"It's his decision to do what he wants," Eloise said. "Justin, you can't be his big brother."

"I just don't want him to screw this up," Justin said quietly. "We talked about this all the time at Hogwarts."

"Justin," Eloise said. "He's not the same bloke that he was at Hogwarts."

He opened his mouth to defend his best friend, but Eloise was right. Ernie hadn't been the same.

"I don't think he wants to be helped," she continued.

Justin sighed. "I don't know if I can let him do this, Eloise."

"What can you do to stop him from doing what he wants to do?" Eloise asked.

"I don't know," Justin replied.

She took his hands in hers. "Let's not worry about it now," she said. "Let's just think about our night together."

Justin smiled. "I can do that."

Eloise leaned in and kissed him again. "I love you, Justin." she whispered.

"I love you too," he whispered back.

"We should really get to class," she said, not moving.

"Mmmhmm," Justin murmured.

"We're going to be late," Eloise said, laughing as he pulled her closer.

"I'm willing to risk it," Justin said before giving her a kiss.

"We could... find... an empty classroom..." she said breathlessly. "For just a few minutes..."

Justin was about to agree when Harry walked past them. "Would the two of you like a formal invitation to class?"

"What?" he asked.

"Class is starting in less than a minute," Harry barked at them. "Come on."

"Okay," Eloise said meekly. "Sorry..."

Justin took Eloise's hand. "Looks like we're in for another great day," he whispered. He wasn't looking forward to this. If Ernie and Harry were both in explosive moods, Justin hated to think what might happen.

She squeezed his hand as they retrieved their books

In the classroom, Hermione was just sitting down beside Lavender. She had been hoping to have a word with Harry before class, but he had made himself scarce. In fact, he'd made himself scarce quite a bit in the last couple of weeks.

"Are you all right?" Lavender asked. "You've been out of it all morning."

"Just a little preoccupied," Hermione replied. "I--I'm not going to be at dinner tonight. I'm attending that lecture on house elves with Padma."

Lavender raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yes," Hermione replied. "She pulled some strings to get me in."

"That was nice," Lavender said.

Hermione smiled. "Yes, it was."

"No talking!" Harry snapped when he came into the room.

"Here we go again," Lavender muttered under her breath.

"And you're late!" Harry barked at Justin and Eloise.

"We---were right behind you," Justin told him, which earned him a death glare. "Okay--shutting up now. It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't," Harry growled. "Sit down."

Justin and Eloise hurriedly took their seats.

"What's wrong, Potter?" Ernie asked sarcastically. "You look as if you've seen a ghost."

"Shut your mouth and have some respect," Harry's green eyes were dark.

"Respect?" Ernie sneered. "You?"

Harry glared at him. "You want to leave, Macmillan?" he asked.

"No," Ernie said. "I want you to tell the class what a hypocrite you are. Why don't we let them in on a few of your dirty little secrets..."

"Get out," Harry erupted. "Get out of my class. You are not to come back until you've learned your place!"

Ernie grabbed his bag and stood up. "What about your little girlfriend? Hmm? Does she get to stay?"

Hermione felt her face grow pale and she struggled to keep her composure.

Harry grabbed Ernie by the collar and shoved him out of the room. "What the hell is your problem with me?" Harry asked him. "Hmm?"

"Everything, Potter." Ernie shoved him back. "You fucking think you're so above everyone else."

"This is about Parvati, isn't it?" Harry asked him point blank. "You're still hung up over the fact that she---"

Ernie hauled back and punched him in the jaw.

"You just earned yourself a ticket out of the program," Harry said rubbing at his jaw. He wanted nothing more than to retaliate.

"I don't imagine Lupin and Shacklebolt would like hearing that it's you and Granger fucking each other like rabbits under their noses," Ernie shot back.

"I'm not doing anything with my students!" Harry lied vehemently. "Get the hell out of here, you son of a bitch!"

Ernie grinned. "With pleasure, Potter."

Harry watched him go, his lip curled up in a sneer.

"What happened?" Justin asked when Harry walked back into the classroom.

"Nothing," Harry said shortly. "Go back to your reading."

"I should go check on Ernie," Justin said. "Harry, he hasn't been himself lately---"

"He's gone," Harry said. "Out of the program."

Justin's jaw dropped. "No---"

"Yes," Harry snapped. "Get. Back. To. Your. Reading."

Reluctantly, Justin sat back down. He wondered what had possessed Ernie to talk back to Harry like that when he knew he was on probation.

Hermione looked thoughtfully at Harry as she pretended to read. She was getting increasingly worried about him.

Harry didn't sit down. He was too keyed up from what had happened with Ernie. What if Macmillan decided to blab to Lupin or Kingsley about his suspicions?

He paced across the room and looked out the door, wondering if he'd see Parvati again.

He hadn't spoken to Hermione about what had happened in the pool. Truth be told, he hadn't spoken to her about anything. Things were so screwed up right now and it seemed like one false move would spoil everything.

He looked over at his class and saw her glancing up at him.

"Are you okay?" she mouthed to him.

His response was to turn away.

Hermione bit her lower lip, letting out a silent sigh.

The morning session seemed to go by at a snail's pace. Harry didn't teach them anything. Any time someone dared to ask a question, he would mutter for them to continue reading. The class was more than ready for that morning's break so they could talk about what had happened with Ernie and Harry.

Hermione waited until the class had cleared before she approached Harry.

"Hey," she said closing the door.

"What do you want?" he muttered distractedly.

"To see how you were," Hermione said. "It looked like things got a bit heated with you and Ernie."

"He's out of the program," Harry said. "Nothing more to talk about."

Hermione bit her bottom lip. "You've been avoiding me."

"I'm busy," Harry didn't look at her.

Hermione came up behind him and put her hand on his arm. "If you want to talk..."

"I'm fine," Harry shrugged her off.

Hermione was silent as she watched him gathering up his things.

He still didn't look at her as he hurriedly exited the room.

She debated going after him, but she knew it would be a losing battle. He obviously didn't want to talk about whatever was bothering him.

Fighting back a few tears, she headed down to the cafeteria to talk to Lavender.

Lavender was sitting by herself thankfully. She'd already grabbed a cup of coffee and a muffin for Hermione.

"Hi," Hermione said softly.

"Hey," Lavender said looking up at her friend. "I thought you'd need this. I had a feeling he wouldn't be up for talking."

Hermione shook her head. "He won't even look at me," she said. "What did I do?"

"It's not you," Lavender reassured her. "It's that letter. It's Parvati."

"I don't understand though," Hermione picked at her muffin. "He's told me time and again that he's over her. That he loves me... even more than he loved her."

"It's just what he does," Lavender said thoughtfully. "Everyone he's loved has been hurt or killed, Hermione. It's like a defence mechanism or something. He pushes you away because he thinks it's for your own good."

"Well he needs to let me decide that," Hermione sat back.

"He loves you, Hermione," Lavender said. "This is just---a messed up situation that the two of you find yourselves in."

"I guess," Hermione wiped at her eyes.

"After your thing tonight, why don't you go by his place and talk?" Lavender suggested.

"Why bother?" Hermione asked bitterly.

"Because you love him and you're not giving up on him," Lavender replied.

"It seems as if he's giving up on me," Hermione sighed.

"You know that's not true," Lavender told her. "This is just a rough patch for you two."

Hermione only shook her head.

Lavender patted her arm reassuringly. "It is. You'll see."

"Thanks," Hermione said quietly. "Just... for listening to me. For being my friend."

"Of course," Lavender said giving her a reassuring smile. "You've done that and more for me."

"I don't want to go back this afternoon," Hermione admitted.

"Hermione Jane Granger wants to skive?" Lavender asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I just don't feel the passion for this that I used to feel."

"Just because of this?" Lavender asked. "Hermione---"

"Just everything, lately." Hermione said.

Lavender stared at her. "You want to drop out of the program?"

"I just don't know," Hermione said restlessly.

"You're at the top of our training class," Lavender pointed out.

"I don't want to talk about this now," Hermione said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lavender asked. "Ernie going completely mental?"

Hermione shook her head. "That's another thing. How did he find out?"

"Because he had to be the one who wrote the letter to Lupin," Lavender replied rolling her eyes. "He's had it in for Harry from the beginning."

Hermione sighed and rubbed at her eyes.

"He's out so even if he said anything," Lavender told her. "I'm sure Lupin would think it was just sour grapes."

"I just feel like everything's falling apart around me and I can't stop it." Hermione said quietly.

"That's how I felt after I had my talk with Lupin," Lavender said. "But I'm turning things around. You can too."

"I hope so," Hermione said. "I'm really looking forward to tonight."

"The house elf thing?" Lavender asked.

"Yes," Hermione nodded. "It's such an important issue."

"And it will keep your mind off of H-A-R-R-Y," Lavender said, nudging her. "And when you get back, we'll eat ice cream and read magazines."

Hermione had to smile. "That sounds good."

"And we won't even bring up his name," Lavender said grinning back at her.

"Sounds good to me," Hermione answered.

"I'll set it up," Lavender promised.

Hermione felt better. "Thanks, Lav."

"It's what I'm here for," Lavender replied.

A few tables away, Justin was fretting over that morning. "I really think he could still stick with the program if he'd just apologise."

Ron looked at him as if he'd grown a second head. "Justin---there's no way they'd let him come back after that."

"But you don't know how much he really wants this," Justin defended his friend.

"Obviously not that much considering how he acted with Harry," Ron said. "You saw him, Justin. I know he's your best friend---"

"Just like Harry's yours," Justin shot back.

"That has nothing to do with this," Ron glared at him.

"You saw what kind of mood Harry was in when he walked in," Justin said.

"Well your buddy definitely didn't help matters much by slinging accusations." Ron retorted.

Eloise sighed. "Guys---"

But they ignored her.

"Accusations that might be based in fact," Justin shot back. "Harry's our age. I wouldn't put it past him to ---"

"To what?" Ron stood up, his eyes snapping fire.

"Shag a student," Justin finished.

"Justin!" Eloise gasped.

"You better take that back," Ron glared at him. "Harry's done a great job teaching us this year."

"Guys," Eloise said before Justin could respond. "Stop this! This isn't your fight!"

Justin looked over at his girlfriend. The look on her face made him calm down instantly.

"Thank you," Eloise said calmly.

"I'm out of here," Ron muttered.

"Ron," Eloise said. "You don't have to go."

"No, I do." Ron answered. "You two have a nice lunch." he grabbed his tray and stalked to the other side of the cafeteria.

He wasn't in the mood to eat and he wanted to make sure that Harry was doing okay.

He left his almost full tray on a table and went back up to the classroom. Harry was sitting at the desk staring off into space.

"Safe to enter?" Ron asked knocking on the door frame.

"What?" Harry asked. "Oh... yeah. Is break over?"

"Nearly," Ron replied. "You okay?"

"Fine," Harry lied.

"You want to try telling that to someone who hasn't known you since we were 11?" Ron asked.

Harry sighed. "I don't know what's going on with me."

"I saw Hermione in the cafeteria," Ron replied. "She looked like she'd been crying."

Harry sighed. "Will you close the door?"

Ron nodded and did as Harry asked.

"I'm beginning to think I'm crazy," Harry said. "In the past few weeks I've been seeing Parvati."

"Parvati?" Ron asked taken aback. "Harry---"

"I know," Harry ran his hands through his hair. "I've been up all night thinking about her. It's bringing back all the guilt."

"Harry," Ron said. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I thought I could deal with it myself." Harry answered, looking out the window.

"Since that's always gone so well for you before," Ron said shaking his head. "Mate, you need to stop this. You know what happened to Parvati was not your fault!"

Harry didn't look convinced.

"You thought that you'd left her safe behind at school," Ron reminded him. "She decided to leave all on her own. She chose that because she loved you."

Harry sighed. "I thought it might be Padma I was seeing, but she doesn't have access to this part of the Ministry. So explain to me how Parvati is everywhere I turn."

"Your mind is playing tricks on you or something like that," Ron said after thinking about this for a few moments. "And I wouldn't put it past Padma. Look, Padma could get access if she knew someone who let her in. "

"I've been pushing Hermione away too," Harry admitted. "And I don't even know where to begin to explain it to her."

Ron shook his head. "She's the best thing in your life right now, mate."

"Yeah she is," Harry nodded.

"You're going to lose her if you don't find some way to talk to her about this," Ron said.

"Maybe tonight," Harry said.

"You're not crazy," Ron told him. "You know that right?"

Harry gave him a sheepish smile. "I hope not."

"Well," Ron said. "I was hoping that you might want to have dinner. I have something I needed to talk to you about."

Harry nodded. "Sure, mate."

Ron smiled. "Great."

"How's Luna?" Harry asked.

"She's good," Ron replied. "I just sent her an owl today." He didn't tell Harry about the review.

"I bet you can't wait to see her again," Harry said, looking through his case for some files.

"I wish I could see her on Valentine's Day," Ron said wistfully.

"It kind of sucks being in the middle of the week and all," Harry agreed.

"Yeah, but at least you'll see your girl," Ron pointed out.

Harry only shrugged.

"So Ernie's really gone?" Ron asked deciding not to push him on the issue of Hermione.

"I just got back from talking to Lupin before you came in here," Harry said. "He's out."

"Good riddance," Ron replied. "He's completely mental."

"He still might have had a place here if he hadn't gotten physical out in the corridor," Harry answered.

"He hit you?" Ron asked.

"Right in the jaw," Harry massaged it.

"He has a death wish, doesn't he?" Ron asked shaking his head. "Justin and I got into it downstairs. He was taking Ernie's side and I was on yours. Eloise told us to knock it off because it wasn't our fight."

"She's right," Harry replied.

"Yeah, well," Ron shrugged. "I wasn't going to tell her that."

Harry almost smiled.

"So," Ron said. "You're not going to be an arse and push Hermione away? You're going to tell her what's going on and clear all this up?"

"I'll try," Harry answered. "If she'll listen."

Ron smiled. "Don't tell her I was in here pleading her case, either. She might think I actually like her."

Harry smiled wryly. "And here I thought you two were becoming the best of friends."

"Just like you and Draco Malfoy," Ron returned.

Harry snorted. "Point taken."

Ron laughed. "Okay. I better get to Lupin's class. You going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine," Harry said. "See you around six in the cafeteria."

"I'll be there," Ron said, hoping that he wouldn't disappoint his friend on top of everything else Harry had going on his life right now.