Unofficial Portkey Archive

Teacher's Pet by Amynoelle and Heaven

Teacher's Pet

Amynoelle and Heaven

Here's the fallout from Rookwood's curse. Enjoy, and to our American readers, Happy Thanksgiving!

"NO!" Lavender screamed.

Harry ran towards them, hitting Rookwood in the face with his fist.

Hermione crumpled to the floor, her eyes closed. Eloise ran over to tend to her while Justin, Ernie and Ron rounded on Carrow who pushed Lavender away and set off a series of stunning spells at them.

Lupin and Tonks burst into the room a moment later, wands drawn.

Harry chased after Rookwood. "Stupefy!"

The Death Eater stopped cold, falling to the floor as Ernie hit Carrow in the back of the head.

Eloise had apprehended the butler who looked more than a little confused by what had just transpired. Chances were he wasn't involved in the robberies, but they would definitely want to pump him for information about the dealings of Carrow and Rookwood.

Tonks knelt down beside Hermione. "Does anyone know what he hit her with?"

"Something purple," Harry said his face pale.

"We should get her to St. Mungos," Tonks said. "Now."

"Right," Lupin said grimly.

Tonks pressed two fingers to Hermione's neck. "There's still a pulse."

Harry lifted her up. "Let's go," he snapped.

He wanted nothing more than for her to open her eyes and look up at him and tell him that she was okay. But, her body was limp in his arms.

"Harry-" Lupin looked at him carefully.

"I have to get her to hospital," Harry said trying very hard to keep his emotions in check. "You can stay behind here, but I have to take her now."

"Right," Lupin nodded.

Eloise and Lavender hurried after them. They were concerned about their friend.

"Harry-" Lavender said. "She'll be all right."

He barely heard her. The only thing on his mind was getting her to the hospital and making sure she was okay.

Harry looked down at Hermione's silent, pale face. "Please be okay," he said quietly.

He Apparated them both to St. Mungos and he bypassed the woman at the front desk. "SHE NEEDS HELP!" he bellowed, not caring who heard him.

"She's been hit with a curse!" Lavender added.

A bored looking Healer came over and looked down at Hermione. "She looks as if she's died."

"SHE IS NOT DEAD!" Harry roared.

"Great bedside manner," Lavender glared at the healer.

The healer ignored her and pointed toward an empty cot. "Place her on the bed, please."

Harry gently set her down. "Please be okay," he whispered.

Lavender told the healer everything she remembered. "He used wandless magic and she was hit by some sort of purple flame."

"Right," the healer said brusquely.

Harry held onto Hermione's hand much to the annoyance of the healer. "I need you all to leave. I have to tend to the patient."

"I'm staying," Harry said firmly.

"Fine!" the healer retorted. "But only you."

Eloise and Lavender reluctantly headed for the door. "I'll ring her parents," Lavender said tears welling up in her eyes. "Just in case..."

Eloise grabbed her hand. "I'll go with you."

The healer looked over at Harry. "How long has she been out?"

"Fifteen minutes," Harry answered.

The healer leaned over Hermione examining her condition. "I'm not sure what kind of curse this is. I'm going to get the specialist on call."

Harry paled.

The healer left the examining area and Harry sat down, taking Hermione's cold hand in his.

"You can't leave me," he whispered brokenly. "Hermione... I am so sorry. I should have paid better attention. This shouldn't have happened to you."

He wasn't going to think the worst, but she'd been out for quite some time now. If she---if she didn't wake up, the last memory he'd have of her alive would have been their fight. Their stupid, worthless fight.

"Hermione," he leaned closer. "Please... you have to wake up. I have to tell you how much I love you."

A different healer came into the room and Harry reluctantly sat back. The woman didn't speak as she examined Hermione.

Harry watched the woman's face for any sign of how dire Hermione's situation was, but the woman's face gave nothing away.

"Well?" he asked impatiently. "Will she be all right?"

"I'm not sure of the curse," the healer replied. "This is extraordinary..."

Harry ran his hands through his hair, feeling a sense of panic rise within him. It was happening all over again.

"Who hit her with the curse?" the healer asked. "Is there any way you could get him to tell you what curse h used?"

"Augustus Rookwood," Harry said. "He's a Death Eater."

The healer sighed. "They always have those complex spells and curses. Are you sure it wasn't one of the Unforgivables?"

"It's not one I've ever seen before," Harry replied. "And I've seen my share."

"I'm sure you have," the healer said sympathetically. "The only thing we can do now is monitor her condition. It would help though if you could talk to this Rookwood and find out what curse he used. It would help Miss Granger."

Harry nodded. "Thank you." he said dejectedly.

With a heavy heart, Harry stood up and walked out of the examining room. He needed to check in with Lupin to see if he could get Rookwood to talk. Harry wasn't sure he would be able to stay in control if he was in a room alone with Rookwood.

As he walked out into the waiting room, he saw Lavender and Eloise talking with an older man and woman. Hermione's parents, Harry thought to himself.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to them.

"Dr. Granger, I'm sure Hermione's going to be fine," Eloise was saying to Hermione's father. "St. Mungo's is the best hospital."

"This should never have happened," Robert Granger was saying. "Soon as we're able, we're taking her home to live with us."

"This was just an accident, Sir," Lavender tried to reason with him. "Hermione loves being an Auror."

"She's still unconscious," Harry interrupted them quietly. "I have to go speak with Rookwood about what curse he put on her."

"And who are you?" Elinore Granger asked.

"Harry Potter ma'am," he said. "I'm Hermione's... Hermione's professor."

"I hold you personally responsible for what's happened to her!" Robert Granger glared at him. "Where were you when my daughter was being hit by a curse?"

"It wasn't his fault, sir." Lavender tried. "We were all to be in certain positions when it happened."

Elinore put her hand on her husband's shoulder. "Robert, let's go and sit with Hermione."

Robert glared at Harry for another moment before following his wife into the room.

Harry put his head into his hands.

Lavender looked over at Eloise. "Why don't you owl Justin and the others and let them know what's going on, Eloise?"

"Sure," Eloise nodded and hurried away.

"I need to go talk to Rookwood," Harry muttered.

"They're just concerned about their daughter," Lavender said gently. "I'm sure they didn't mean what they said. You know that this wasn't your fault..."

"I should have had a better grip on the situation," Harry said. "Of course it's my fault!"

"Harry, you had no idea that Rookwood was going to throw that curse at Hermione!" Lavender argued.

"I should have apprehended him right away," Harry ran his hands through his hair again.

Lavender didn't have to read minds to know what was going through his right now. She'd seen him just like this after Parvati.

"Hermione was going to talk to you tonight," Lavender said quietly. "She hated fighting with you and she was going to talk it out with you after the mission was completed."

"We should have stopped fighting long ago," Harry said miserably, looking over at the room.

"You'll be able to make up with her soon," Lavender said optimistically. "As soon as she wakes up."

Harry wasn't so sure. "I'm going to go find Lupin," he said. "Keep an eye on things for me?"

Lavender nodded. "Don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Harry only shrugged. He wasn't about to make any promises.

He somehow made it back to the Ministry without splinching himself. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Hermione's face right before she crumpled to the floor.

"I have to talk to Rookwood," he said, barging into Lupin's office.

"Kingsley is interrogating him right now," Lupin said. He had never seen Harry like this before.

"No, I have to find out what curse he used," Harry shook his head. "The healers can't lift it off her if they don't know what it was."

"They're in Room One," Lupin replied. "But--"

Harry turned and headed for the room without another word.

Lupin had to run to catch up to him. Harry didn't even knock on the door before barging in startling Kingsley.

"What did you do to her?" Harry snarled at Rookwood.

"Do to whom?" Rookwood asked innocently. "You're the one who knocked me out, Potter!"

"To one of my students!" Harry roared, remembering himself at the last moment.

"The Mudblood?" Rookwood scoffed. "The world will be better off with one less..."

Harry grabbed him by the collar. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?"

Lupin tried to restrain Harry but Harry shrugged him off.

Rookwood gasped for air. "...can't....breathe..."

The coffee cups on the table flew to the wall and shattered as Harry grew more furious. "WHAT CURSE DID YOU USE?"

Kingsley managed to pull Harry off of Rookwood, who sank back into his chair, trying to catch his breath.

"I think you should tell Mr. Potter what he wants to hear," Kingsley said to the Death Eater.

"Fine," Rookwood said in a raspy voice. "The curse doesn't have a name. I used it during the war...."

"What does it do?" Harry asked angrily.

A proud smile came over Rookwood's face. "It renders the victim unconscious and it slowly eats away at their insides..."

"How is it lifted?" Harry's fist curled.

Rookwood didn't reply at first but the tandem of Kingsley Shacklebolt and Harry Potter made him change his mind. "A combination of aconite, ginger, and hellebore usually counters the effects of the curse. It must be administered within three hours of the curse or the victim will die."

Harry shoved his chair back so fast it knocked over as he rushed from the room.

"Harry!" Lupin called after him but his friend was already gone.

Harry reached the hospital in record time and searched frantically for the healer who had treated Hermione.

He found her talking to the Grangers just outside of Hermione's room.

"Aconite," he said, breathlessly. "Ginger and hellebore. It'll bring her out of it."

"What?" the healer asked.

"You have to give it to her NOW," Harry said. "It has to be administered within three hours!"

"I think we have those ingredients in our stores," the healer said. "I'll go and make the potion."

Harry nodded. "Hurry," he urged. "Please, hurry."

The healer hurried in the other direction and Harry was left alone with Hermione's parents.

"You're sure this will work?" Elinore asked him.

Harry nodded. "It has to..."

"Thank you," Elinore said extending her hand. "She's our girl. If anything happened to her..."

Harry nodded, shaking Hermione's mother's hand. "I'll do what I can to make sure she recovers."

"That's not going to be necessary," Robert Granger said. "As soon as this is over, we're taking our daughter home."

"Robert--" Elinore began.

"We've indulged her in this far too long, Ellie," Robert said firmly. "We let her go to that school against our better judgement. But, enough is enough. She's lying in that bed unconscious."

"She'll be all right," Harry said. "With that potion given to her, she'll wake up."

"We'll see," Robert said pushing past him. "Right now, we want to be with our daughter."

"I understand," Harry nodded.

Elinore followed her husband back into Hermione's room. Harry wanted nothing more than to go in there with them.

Lavender appeared behind him. "Did you find anything out?" she asked anxiously.

He briefly told her about what Rookwood had told him.

"The healer should be back any second with the potion," Harry said.

Lavender sighed in relief. "So you think she'll be all right then?"

"I hope so," Harry said giving her a hug. "I can't lose her."

"You won't," Lavender said. "I know you won't."

The healer came back a few minutes later with the potion. Harry and Lavender watched from outside as she administered the potion by injection.

Harry held his breath, waiting for Hermione to stir.

"Come on, Hermione," Lavender whispered.

Harry reached for Lavender's hand and squeezed it as he stared at Hermione's face, waiting for any flicker of movement.

Hermione's body began to seize all of a sudden and Harry felt like an idiot for trusting Rookwood. But the healer didn't seem to be worried and Lavender heard her reassure Hermione's parents that this was a normal reaction to the potion.

It took all Harry's willpower not to rush into the room and he sagged against the door in relief when Hermione suddenly opened her eyes.

"Miss Granger?" the healer asked leaning over her. "It's okay. You're in St. Mungos. I'm Healer Donovan. Your parents are right here."

"What happened?" Hermione asked, her throat feeling quite scratchy.

"You were hit with a curse," Healer Donovan told her.

"Oh, sweetheart," Elinore said taking Hermione's hand. "I'm so glad you're awake!"

"Mum and Dad?" Hermione blinked. "What are you two doing here?"

"Your friend Lavender called us," Robert explained.

"Oh," Hermione looked towards the door and saw Harry and Lavender hovering outside.

"Is everyone else okay?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart." Elinore replied. "We're just concerned about you."

"Everyone's fine," Harry said from the doorway. "Everyone's fine. Rookwood and Callow were arrested."

"Good," Hermione said in relief.

"I'm going to call your grandparents," Elinore told her. "They're going to be so happy that you're okay!"

"Mum," Hermione said. "We don't need to tell everyone about this. I'm fine, and let's just leave it at that."

"It's just your grandparents," Elinore said already reaching for her mobile.

"Mum, please," Hermione reached for her hand.

"Okay," Elinore relented. "I'm just so happy you're okay!"

"Thanks," Hermione said softly.

"Me too," Robert said smiling down at his daughter. He looked over at the healer. "When will we be able to take her home?"

"Home?" Hermione asked. "Dad--"

"We'll want to keep her for a couple of days," Healer Donovan interjected. "Just to keep an eye on her."

Robert opened his mouth to say something, but Elinore cut him off.

"We'll talk about that tomorrow," Elinore said. "Hermione needs to rest."

"Of course," Robert nodded.

Hermione met Harry's gaze and offered him a smile.

Harry chanced a smile back at her. He hoped to be able to get her alone soon.

"Dr. Granger is correct," Healer Donovan said. "Hermione does need her rest."

"We'll be back tomorrow," Robert told his daughter. "You feel better, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Dad," Hermione said squeezing his hand.

Robert and Elinore left with Lavender, who offered to get them through the Leaky Cauldron. Harry closed the door behind them and approached Hermione's bedside.

"Hi," Hermione said hoarsely.

"How are you feeling, really?" Harry pulled a chair closer.

"Like I've been hit in the stomach a hundred times," Hermione replied.

"I'm so sorry," Harry said quietly.

"For what?" Hermione asked softly.

"You shouldn't have gotten hurt," Harry said. "I should have prepared you better. Instead, I spent all week being angry over a stupid fight."

Hermione shook her head. " didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did," Harry squeezed her hand. "I did everything wrong."

"No more arguing," Hermione whispered. "I missed you."

"I've missed you too," Harry stroked her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you," Hermione said smiling at him. "Will you stay?"

Harry nodded immediately. "As long as you need me to." He didn't care at that moment about possibly getting caught by Lupin, Kingsley, or anyone else.

"Thanks," Hermione said softly. She didn't want to go to sleep, but she was really tired.

Harry settled on the bed next to her. "Am I hurting you?"

"Not at all," Hermione said closing her eyes. She'd missed being this close to him.

Harry kissed her forehead. "Just rest," he said softly.

"Okay," Hermione whispered.

"I'll be here when you wake up," Harry promised.

"You met my parents," Hermione said sleepily.

"For a minute," Harry answered.

Hermione rested her head on Harry's chest, wincing just a little at the pain the movement caused.

"I'm not quitting the program," Hermione said softly. "And I'm not moving back in with them."

"I didn't think you'd want to," Harry said. "They probably aren't going to like hearing that."

"Haven't you heard? I'm a rebel?" Hermione said.

Harry laughed. "You certainly are."

Hermione smiled as Harry ran his hands through her hair.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Harry told her. "I was a right mess when you got hit with that curse. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I'm not going anywhere," she promised.

"Ever," Harry said quietly.

Hermione fell asleep in his arms and Harry kissed the top of her head. He honestly didn't care right now if anyone saw them like this. She wanted him there and there was nowhere else in the world he wanted to be.

*** *** ***

Tonks was talking animatedly about something, but Lupin barely heard her. His mind was still on what had happened at the raid this weekend, and Harry's behaviour when Hermione had gotten hurt.

"Remus?" Tonks asked. "Have you heard a word I've said?"

"Hmm?" Lupin replied absently. "I'm sorry, Nymphadora."

Tonks sat back. "It's okay. I was just asking if you'd heard anything about Rookwood."

"He'll be tried tomorrow," Lupin said. "And should be on his way to Azkaban."

"Good," Tonks nodded.

"I wanted to talk to Harry about what happened this weekend, but I haven't been able to get in touch with him," Lupin told her. "I know he blames himself for what happened."

Tonks shook her head. "But he couldn't have known. Everyone did what they were supposed to do."

"I hope I can remind him of that," Lupin said. "It's never easy when one of your team gets injured."

"And Hermione's going to be just fine," Tonks said.

Lupin nodded. "She's to be back in classes today."

"Good," Tonks said. "I like her."

"I do too," Lupin said. "She's going to make a great Auror. She's very clever."

"Harry told me she's his best student," Tonks replied.

"She's mine as well," Lupin told her.

Tonks looked up as Harry entered the cafeteria. She waved him over.

He looked like he hadn't slept much in the past two days and Tonks smiled sympathetically at him. "When was the last time you slept, Harry?"

"I don't know," Harry ran his hands through his hair. "Not since Friday, really."

"Miss Granger will be back in classes today," Lupin reassured him. "St. Mungos said she was doing well."

"Yeah she's fine now," Harry nodded.

Tonks smiled. "And her parents?"

"They still want her to come back home," Harry answered.

"I can understand their concern," Lupin said thoughtfully. "She is their only daughter and I know they were less than thrilled when she chose this career path."

"It's what she wants," Harry said defensively. "And she's an adult now. She can make her own decisions!"

Tonks shared a look with Lupin, but she decided Harry was acting like this because he was getting by on almost no sleep and she knew that he'd had to deal with Hermione's parents. It couldn't have been easy.

"You should take a kip after your morning class," Tonks told him. "You really need it, Harry."

"Maybe I will," Harry muttered.

"You shouldn't blame yourself as to what happened," Lupin told him. "Every Auror knows there is a risk when they go on missions. Hermione knew that--"

"And she still got hurt," Harry snapped. "Yeah."

"Harry---" Tonks said gently.

"I've got to go get ready for my lesson," Harry said before turning and leaving abruptly.

Tonks sighed. "He's taking this hard."

"Yeah," Lupin gazed after him.

Tonks reached for his hand. "I know you're worried for him."

"He's taking this more than hard," Lupin said thoughtfully. "It's actually on a personal level."

"What makes you say that?" Tonks asked him.

"The only other time I've seen him even remotely like this is when Parvati was killed by Voldemort," Lupin told her.

"You don't think he's going to spiral like he did before, do you?" Tonks asked. "He withdrew from everyone after that..."

"I hope not," Lupin replied.

Tonks looked at him. "I'd better get going too. I have to meet with Kingsley."

"I'll see you later tonight, Nymphadora," Lupin smiled at her.

Tonks looked around before leaning forward and pecking him on the cheek.

He turned a rather fetching shade of red at her gesture.

"Bye, Remus," Tonks said winking at him before walking out of the cafeteria.

She passed Justin and Eloise on her way in, who were deep in conversation about the raid that past weekend.

"It was so exciting," Justin told her. "When Ron and I were upstairs in that office getting the evidence. I've never felt so much adrenaline, Eloise."

"Me either," Eloise replied. "I can't wait to be an Auror officially and do raids all the time."

Justin grinned. "Me, too."

"Maybe we'll get to be partners," Eloise said softly.

"I couldn't think of a better one," Justin said squeezing her hand.

The now familiar but welcome thrill shot through her as they sat down together at their usual table.

"Have you seen Hermione yet?" Justin asked her. "I know she was getting out of hospital late last night."

"I saw her as Lavender was walking her back to their room," Eloise said. "She's going to be all right."

"That's great," Justin said. "She's tough. I knew she'd make it through."

"I'm so glad she's all right." Eloise agreed.

"I don't know what I'd have done if it had been you that had gone down like that," Justin said.

"Really?" she asked, blushing.

"Yes," Justin said grinning at her. "You know how much you mean to me."

"I'm beginning to see that," she said happily.

"And we have to start thinking about Christmas," Justin said.

"Christmas?" Eloise asked.

"Yes," Justin said. "It's coming up soon. Did you have plans with your family?"

"No," she said shyly. "Not yet... I mean, I was just going to go home, but nothing special."

"Well, I'd like to see you at some point during the break," Justin said.

"I'd like that too," she agreed. "Um... maybe you can come over for dinner on Christmas Day?"

"Would your parents mind?" Justin asked.

"I'll owl home and ask," Eloise said. "But I think they'll be happy to meet you."

"Meeting the parents," Justin said dramatically. "I don't know what they'll think of me."

"They'll love you," Eloise assured him.

"And their daughter?" Justin asked.

Eloise blushed a bright shade of red at his obvious question.

Justin grinned. "How about I go and grab us something for breakfast?"

"Sure," she said shyly.

Justin patted her arm affectionately before walking away. He was feeling quite good actually. Things with Eloise were going brilliantly.

Eloise wasn't sure she could eat that morning. Instead, she pulled out a piece of parchment to write home to her parents about Justin.

"Midgen, have you seen Justin?" Ernie asked interrupting her thoughts.

"What?" Eloise looked up.

"Justin," Ernie said impatiently.

"He's getting us something to eat," Eloise said quietly.

Ernie rolled his eyes. "Thank you."

Eloise shrugged. "Fine."

Ernie walked up to his best friend who was standing in the queue. He'd spent most of the weekend trying to catch Potter at the hospital with Granger. Unfortunately, security hadn't let him past the front desk. Because of that, he'd forgotten to write a paper for Lupin's class.

"Hey," he nudged his friend. "Favour?"

Justin turned around. "Hey, mate."

"Let me borrow your essay," Ernie said without preamble.

Justin thought Ernie was joking. "Right."

"No really," Ernie said. "I didn't get a chance to work on mine."

"So, I'm just supposed to give you mine?" Justin asked incredulously.

"Just let me borrow it," Ernie said impatiently.

"Ern," Justin protested. "This isn't like Hogwarts, mate. We could get kicked out of the program..."

"It's not like I'm going to copy it," Ernie rolled his eyes. "I just need a few ideas."

"Why didn't you work on it this weekend?" Justin asked.

"I was busy," Ernie said. "Are you going to let me see your essay or not?"

Justin thought about this for a moment before nodding. "It's in my bag. But you'd better not---"

But Justin's words were cut off when Ernie stalked back toward the table.

"Hey what are you doing?" Eloise asked when Ernie started rifling through Justin's bag.

Ernie ignored her as he pulled out Justin's essay and hurried off toward the library so he could work on it before class. He would be late for Harry's morning class, but that couldn't be helped. He'd just make up some excuse about breakfast not agreeing with him.

"What just happened here?" Eloise asked as Justin came back to the table.

Justin sat the tray down on the table and shook his head. "He's up to something. I just wish I knew what it was."

"He just took your essay," Eloise pointed out.

"I know," Justin sat down. "He said he wasn't going to copy it. Just get some ideas..."

"I hope he doesn't copy," Eloise said. "You could get into big trouble."

"If he does, I'll kill him myself," Justin said. "I'm worried, Eloise. He's broken curfew a lot these last few days. I haven't said anything, but if he gets caught when he's already on probation..."

"But that's his problem," Eloise said. "Ernie's an adult, and he's got to take care of himself."

"He's my best mate," Justin said defensively.

Eloise looked down at her plate. "Just don't let him drag you down."

Justin nodded, but didn't say anything. He and Ernie had been through quite a lot. Justin would do almost anything for him, but he wasn't about to get thrown out of the program for him.

Outside in the corridor, Lavender was fussing over Hermione. "I really don't think you should be walking, Hermione."

"I'm fine," Hermione said. "I'm not an invalid, Lav."

"You were seriously injured," Lavender argued. "You nearly died!"

"I can walk," Hermione told her firmly. "I can go to class, I can cast spells, and oh, I can breathe on my own."

"In other words, back off?" Lavender asked.

"Just a little," Hermione smiled at her. "I appreciate the concern, but really, I feel all right."

Hermione was glad to be out of the hospital and getting back to normal. Her parents had not wanted her to return to the program, but she'd reminded them as gently as she could that she was an adult now capable of making her own decisions.

It had caused another bit of a rift between her and her father, but she wasn't sure what else she could do to prove that this was what she wanted to do.

"I promise not to mother you too much," Lavender said. "I know you already have one mother, you don't need another."

"Just be my friend," Hermione said wryly.

"That I can do," Lavender said grinning at her.