Unofficial Portkey Archive

Coming of A New Age by frecklegirl87

Coming of A New Age


Chapter 9: Dinner to Remember

4 months later…

"Hermione, I love you," Harry said as he walked over to Hermione, Rose, and the Lillian in Hermione's arms.

"Love you too sweetheart," Hermione said.

"Daddy!" Rose said.

"Hey Rosey-Rose! You didn't give your mother any trouble today did you?" Harry asked his daughter.

"Un-uh. She sure sleeps a lot. I told her to get up but she wouldn't," Rose said.

Harry chuckled at this and said, "She's a baby. She'll be doing that for a while, sugars."

"Sugars? I thought my name from you was Rosey-Rose?" Rose asked.

Again Harry chuckled at this and said, "It is Rosey-Rose."

"Then why did you call me sugars?" Rose asked.

"Oh never mind Rosey-Rose," Harry said.

"Daddy?" Rose asked.

"Hmm?" Harry responded.

"Where do babies come from? I asked Aunt Ginny but she told me to ask Uncle Draco but he just told me that a stork drops off the baby," Rose said.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other before one of them spoke.

What should we say to that, Hermione? Harry asked telepathically.

Let's just go with what Draco said. We can thank him later for that answer. Hermione said back telepathically.

"Uh, sweetie, your Uncle Draco is right. A stork does drop it off," Hermione said.

"What's a stork?" Rose asked.

"It's a type of bird," Harry said.

"How does it carry the baby?" Rose asked.

"It carries it in its mouth," Hermione said.

"Eww! That's gross! How uncivilized!" Rose said with a look on her face.

They both laughed at this.

Hermione, do you want to invite Draco, Ginny, and Adrian over for dinner? Harry asked telepathically.

Sure, that'd be fine. It'd give us a chance to thank Draco for his words to Rose, Hermione answered back.

Ok, I'll go owl them, Harry said as he got up and left the room.

Harry? Before you walk through that door to the study. Could you take Lillian and put her down for a nap? Hermione asked.

Harry came back and said, Sure, as he took her into his arms.

Thanks Harry. Hermione said telepathically.

Go get some sleep Mione. You look like you could use it. Just put Rose in her room and then come back to the study and lay down on the couch. Harry said telepathically.

Ok, Hermione answered.

She did as what Harry said, took Rose into her room so she could play or go to sleep and then went into the study and found Harry already on the couch waiting for her.

I thought I got the couch, Hermione said telepathically.

I'll share it with you, Harry said trying to get her to get close to him.

I bet you will, Hermione said then kissed him.


Ginny was in the study with Draco a bird started to peck on the window.

"What in the world?" Draco asked.

"It's only Hedwig. It's Harry's owl," Ginny said getting up and letting her in.

She took the letter and then Hedwig stayed around wanting a response.

Draco was reading over her shoulder while she opened it.

Ginny, Draco, and Adrian-

Please join us for dinner tonight at six-o-clock.

-Harry, Hermione, Rose, and Lillian

Plain and simple, cut to the point it was.

"Well, do you want to go?" Draco asked.

"Might as well," Ginny said.

"Do you want me to owl them back or do you want to?" Draco asked.

"I'll do it," Ginny said.

He then left her alone while she wrote.

Dear Harry, Hermione, Rose, and Lillian,

We would be pleased to join you tonight. We'll see you at six-o-clock.


Ginny, Draco, and Adrian

She then sent if off with Hedwig.

She turned around to meet Draco's warm, inviting lips.

"Mmm," Ginny moaned as Draco kissed her, "I love you."


"Harry," Hermione said while Harry was kissing her neck.

He continued.

"Harry, stop," Hermione said trying to get him off of her.

"Why Hermione?" Harry asked wondering why she wanted him to stop.

"Because if you don't then I won't be able to let Hedwig in," Hermione said.

"Oh," Harry said as he let her go.

She let her in and read the note and then looked at the clock.

"Hermione, where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Harry, it's at least five-o-clock. I think I probably ought to start cooking," Hermione said.

"Well, alright. I'll help," Harry said as he got up.

"Ok, but I got to warn you. It can get dangerous in there," Hermione said flirting.

"Any dangers that consist of a beautiful, brunette head coming at me?" Harry asked flirting back.

"Maybe, you'll have to come into the kitchen to find out," Hermione said as she left the room swinging her hips just a little bit so it flattered Harry.

He followed her into the kitchen.

She started to get some pots and pans out.

"Hermione, why don't you let the house elves do the cooking?" Harry asked.

"Harry! I am not going to let them-"

Hermione tried to say but then her lips were captured by Harry's lips.

"Harry, you just try to kiss me instead of me telling you that I don't like it when the house elves have to wo-"

Again, Harry's lips captured her's into a kiss before she could finish that sentence.

"You're not going to let me finish that sente-"

"Nope," Harry said as he kissed her again.

"Harry, I'm not going to allow," Hermione said as she saw Harry's lips coming at her again so she sped it up the rest of her sentence before he could literally stop her sentence, "the house elves to work when they don't need to be."

Then Harry's lips were on her's again like before.

He smiled at the fact that she tried, so desperately to finish that sentence.

"Hermione, do me favor please?" Harry asked.

"Sure what is it?" Hermione asked.

"Let the house elves cook tonight. You're going to offend them if you don't let them do their job," Harry said.

"Harry, it's comple-"

Again, like before, Harry's lips covered her's so she could finish that sentence about house elves.

"Harry, you're not going to let me finish that are you?" Hermione asked.

He kissed her again and said between a kiss, "Nope. Come on. Let them do their job or I'll have to drag you out of this kitchen."

"Oh alright. Only for tonight though," Hermione said as she was giving in to Harry's request.

"Nope, from now on, you'll let them do their job. No more cooking in the kitchen, no more doing the laundry, no more spring cleaning, nothing," Harry said making his statement clear to her.


Harry's lips once again covered her's so she couldn't complain about it.


"No. No more. Let them do their job. Come on, or do I have to drag you out of this kitchen?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you are going to. Because I'm going to take over my kitchen," Hermione said.

Without warning, or well he did warn but she didn't take him seriously about it, he picked her up and carried her out of the kitchen.

"Harry!" Hermione said as he continued to carry her out of there.

He carried her all the way out to the living room where now, was occupied by the Malfoys'.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Ginny asked, who had Adrian in her arms.

"Oh he's just being a little stubborn. He won't let me in the kitchen. Every time I try to say something about hou-"

He covered his lips over her's.

She pulled out and tried to finish her sentence.

"About house elves. He said to let them do the cooking and cleaning and all that stuff. He won't let me lift a finger anymore. Harry let me down," Hermione ordered.

Ginny was quite amused by their little argument or rather, Harry's system of getting her to stop talking about house elves.

"Hermione, they aren't bad. Just let them do there job," Ginny said trying to help Harry.

"Ginny! How can you say that?" Hermione asked.

Ginny handed Adrian to Draco and then went over to Hermione, took her hand and said, "Ok, come with me."

Reluctantly, she went and allowed Ginny to drag her off someplace.

She turned a few corners to where she was sure that neither Draco nor Harry could hear their conversation.

"Ok Hermione. What is going on?" Ginny asked.

She then burst into tears.

"Hermione, come here," Ginny said as she pulled her into her arms while she cried.

She went into her arms.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Ginny asked.


"So, I hear you told Rose that a stork dropped Lillian off to us?" Harry asked with a smile, "Thanks for covering up for us there."

"Oh," Draco said, "yeah. That was embarrassing."

"Bet it was. She told us that she asked Ginny first and then you," Harry said.

"Yeah, that she did. Don't know why but ok. Whatever floats the boat," Draco said.

"Floats the boat?" a voice asked coming in.

Harry and Draco turned their heads towards the voice, which was Rose's voice.

"Nothing sweetie," Harry said.

"Daddy, why is Lily crying?" Rose asked.

Lily was what Rose called Lillian, since she couldn't really say her whole name right.

"Stay here with Draco ok?" Harry said.

"Ok Daddy," Rose said.

"That's my girl," Harry said as he kissed her on the forehead and went to Lillian.

A few minutes later, Harry came back into the room with Lillian in his arms.

Soon, Hermione and Ginny came back into the living room. Hermione, no longer crying like she had been; and Ginny, going over to Draco and taking Adrian from his arms.

"Excuse me," Norney said, "Dinner is served."

They then went into the dining room and ate.

A while later, Rose asked, "Daddy?"

"Yes?" Harry answered.

"When is a stork going to drop another baby to Aunt Ginny?" Rose asked.

The room went silent.

"Uh, I -"

Harry began to say but then Ginny interrupted him.

"Soon, sweetheart. Soon," Ginny said looking at Rose and giving a squeeze to Draco's hand under the table.

"Ginny? Does this mean what I think it means?" Draco asked looking at her.

"If you're thinking that the stork will drop off another baby in about 7 or 8 months then yes that what it means," Ginny said.

AN: thanks to Anonomous for pointing out one of my mistakes…thank-you so much! I decided to change one of the characters names. sorry about that. can't get all the mistakes. if there is anybody out there that would be willing to beta-read for me, please email me @!