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Coming of A New Age by frecklegirl87

Coming of A New Age


Chapter 20: Christmas Tears, Pt.3

"Harry please talk to your daughter, our daughter," Hermione corrected as she pleaded with her husband on Christmas Eve.

"No," Harry said. "She knows full well that until she's willing to talk then she may request to come home."

"Harry James Potter! I can not believe you! It's Christmas Eve, you hear that? CHRISTMAS EVE! I want my daughter here, home. You got that? Whatever happened between you two, well you two can get over it! I'm damn tired of this feud between my husband and my firstborn. You get her home before tomorrow morning or you will remain on the couch until I die!" Hermione shouted. She was rolling with anger that had pent up inside of her over the past months. She was surprised she had made it this long.

"Hermione, you don't mean that," Harry said, gently trying to calm down his wife. He touched her arm trying to comfort her.

She jerked her arm away from him.

"Don't you dare touch me," Hermione growled towards Harry. "In fact, I don't want to see you until after I've seen that the two of you are like you were at least fourteen years ago. You remember that Harry? Remember back when you used to call Rose, Rosey-Rose? Remember that? Or when you two would gain up on me to have fun? Do you remember those days?"

"Yes," Harry said, solemnly.

"Go," Hermione said as she sat on their bed in their bedroom.

"Go?" Harry said confused.

"Yes," Hermione said. "I told you. You get her home before morning and I might let you back in this bed with me. Go."

Harry didn't dare look into her eyes. He already knew what they looked like. He had seen those eyes before and he sure as hell didn't want to see those again. Instead, he apparated out of there to the only place he knew of where to go: back to his mother and father's house.

Hermione was in tears, and she'd be damned if she let Harry see those tears. She missed her daughter, heck she even missed their mother and daughter arguments. It hurt to have your firstborn being taken away, especially by the firstborn's father.


Lily and James were still ghosts almost like. They hadn't moved on yet to their rightful place for one main reason: the firstborn of the second born from Harry and Hermione, the 3rd generation hadn't been born yet. So James and Lily, and also Sarah and Nicole too, the twins, were all still here. But they also knew that it wouldn't be long now before Draco and Ginny's elemental daughter was to be born. In fact, it was only a matter of a few hours or so before it happened.

Harry arrived and noticed his father, ghost spirit like of course, standing at the door of his study waiting for him.

"Come Harry," James said. "It's high time we had a talk."

"Yes Father," Harry said.

"You know that freaks me out," James said. "I'd prefer it if you'd have just called me Dad like usual sons do."

"Ok sorry Dad," Harry said as he followed James into the study.

As soon as James had shut the door, he turned to Harry and then spoke volumes.

"What the hell is this that I hear about you kicking Rose out, especially at Christmas time?" James said, going to an uproar.

"Dad!" Harry said.

"Don't you `Dad' me," James said. "You know it was downright mean and cruel to kick your firstborn out of the house and especially for Christmas. You haven't learned how to deal with a teenager yet and you acted like one with Rose. Grow up Harry. It's about time that you did. You two used to be inseparable. What happened to that now?"

Harry didn't answer. He knew his father was right. He just kept listening as James continued.

"So what if you just found out about Rose being with a guy. There's always going to be a guy at some point in another. Just because she doesn't want to talk about it or rather won't. And I do believe I was watching that little heated argument between you two-

"What?" Harry said jumping up.

"Sit down!" James roared again. "I'm not through speaking."

Harry sat down and continued listening and remembering his and Rose's last conversation.


"Rose," Harry said, interrupting Lillian's and Rose's conversation.

"What?" Rose asked.

"I already know you were with John Weasley, but why on earth wouldn't you tell me? Is it because of you're afraid of what I might think of him? Cause if it's that, then I'll definitely tell you what I think of him. Or is it because of someone else?" Harry asked, as if he was rambling on.

"You know the reason," Rose said. "You know it damn well."

"Don't push your luck Rose," Harry said. "Just because I'm your father doesn't mean that you can swear to me anytime you'd like."

"I just did," Rose said and then went back to her work on the floor.

"Then you can forget about Christmas this year. Don't even bother coming home for it," Harry said, as he then left the room moving the cloak back over himself before he opened the door and then left.

end of flashback…

James continued rambling on while Harry kept thinking about Rose's and his last conversation.

"Harry!" James said.

Harry jumped at the mere voice of his father's suddenly coming back into his ear range. He hadn't been listening. He was thinking about Rose.

"What have I done?" Harry said to himself. "I've turned my daughter against me over some silly idiotic situation. Thanks for knocking some sense into my head Dad. Bye."

James looked confused.

I did that? Wow, Lily will be surprised. James thought.

Just keep thinking that James, Lily said telepathically. I saw the whole scene. He wasn't even listening to you after you continued rambling on. He was thinking about their argument.

"Oh Lily! You ruined my moment," James complained.

"Oh you'll get over it," Lily said. "Now come over here and help me out here. I seem to be under mistletoe."

"Ooh, gladly," James said cheerfully as he went over to Lily and kissed her.

Sparks went flying from the mistletoe as Lily and James kissed. Sarah and Nicole, learning this little trick from Sirius years ago, had put up magical mistletoe all over the place where their parents would be. If the kiss was good, sparks would come out but they never thought they'd come flying out.


Harry apparated to the only place he could think of to go to as to where Rose would be: the gates of Hogwarts. But he found Professor Dumbledore by the gate also.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir," Harry said. "I've come to take my daughter, Rose home."

"Ah, but Mr. Potter, she is indeed not here," Dumbledore said.

"What? Not here? Where is she?" Harry asked one question after another. "She was supposed to stay here for Christmas. I've changed my mind, I want; well both Hermione and I both want her home."

"I cannot tell you where she is, but I can show you or rather guide you," Dumbledore said. "If you'll come with me to my office please."

"Yes Professor," Harry said.

"Harry, please call me Albus," Dumbledore said. "I believe it's much too formal for me to call you Mr. Potter anymore as it is too formal for you to call me Professor."

"Sure," Harry said. "Albus."

Harry followed Professor Dumbledore up to his office.

As along going along the corridor, Professor Dumbledore spoke.

"Watch out for Peeves on your left at this next corner," Dumbledore said. "So you might want to get on the right side of me."

"Thank-you Albus," Harry said as he cautiously looked at the corner ahead of him and also got on the right side of Professor Dumbledore.

They finally got to the eagle statue that led to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"Lemon drops," Professor Dumbledore said, as then the statue began to move in a clockwise circular direction.

They went up the stairs. Dumbledore went to a cabinet by his desk and pulled out a ring.

"Here," Dumbledore said, handing it to Harry. "This will take you to Rose."

"Thank-you Albus," Harry said, taking the ring from his hand.

"Your welcome Harry," Albus said. "Now, go win your daughter's heart back."

"Sure will," Harry said, as he then slipped on the ring to his finger and the port key took him to a place where he would have thought came out of nowhere.

"Harry?" a voice said.

"Ginny," Harry said. "You're alright?"

"Yes, Harry I'm fine. How did you find this place?" Ginny asked.

Draco was sitting next to her on the couch.

"Professor Dumbledore gave me a port key. I'm here to take Rose home for Christmas," Harry said.

"Aren't you two on non-speaking terms right now? Last I heard, you kicked Rose out of the house for Christmas this year," Draco said.

"Yes, but with Hermione threatening for me to be on the couch until the day she dies and also with what my father was saying to me, I wasn't listening really but I came to my senses while sitting there on the couch in his study while he rambled on about something," Harry said. "Where is she?"

"If you can pry her away from John, they're out on the terrace, probably kissing or such," Draco said.

"Thanks," Harry said as he started to move and then froze. "Hang on, where's the terrace?"

"Just through that door and down the path about nine yards," Ginny said.

"Nine yards?" Harry said.

"You got it, nine yards," Draco said. "I thought it was weird too."

"Draco!" Ginny said, slapping his arm causing him to yelp.

"Have fun you two," Harry said as he went through Ginny's directions to the terrace.


"Rose?" John asked.

"Yes?" Rose responded.

John pulled out a little black box and opened it.

"Will you marry me?" John asked, as he got down on one knee and held her hand.

"Oh! John!" Rose cried. "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!"

John then put the ring on her finger just before Rose tackled him to the ground and started kissing him wildly and sweetly.

About five minutes later, a voice sounded.

"Rose," Harry said.

Rose and John got up from their little ground charade Rose had started earlier and stood to face Harry, Rose's father.

"Dad?" Rose said. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to see me during Christmas time this year."

"I know Rosey-Rose but I've realized how much of a idiot I've been lately towards you. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did that day when you came home late. Or the day in Professor McGonagall's classroom either. I'm fine with John being your boyfriend and all and I don't have a problem with him because of his father," Harry said, then he spied the ring on her finger. "Rosey-Rose?"

"Yes Daddy?" Rose asked.

That was the first time she had called her father, `daddy' since in over months.

"Don't tell me that's what I think it is on your finger," Harry said, eyeballing the ring.

"It is Daddy," Rose said. "John's asked me to marry him."

"Now just hold on," Harry said. "I barely know you son. If anything I know at least, you look exactly like your father. But you'd better not be exactly like him."

"Oh don't worry about that Mr. Potter. I think Aunt Ginny would give me a fair share piece of mind if I was, along with her fist also maybe," John said.

"That you are right," Harry said. "And you'd better hope not to ever get on your Aunt Ginny's bad side. She has a mean punch."

"Aunt Ginny got a hold of you once Daddy?" Rose asked.

"Not on purpose Rosey-Rose," Harry said. "I just happened to be in her way when she was aiming for Ron. He ducked and I, unfortunately, was right behind him at that moment. Will you come home please? John you can come too. It'd probably be best if Ginny and Draco could go back to the Manor. Your mother is getting worn down since Adrian, LeAnn, Nicole, and Caitlyn have been at our Manor too lately."

"Yes, I'll come home," Rose said, as she went into her father's arms. She looked up towards John. "Are you coming too?"

"Sure why not?" John said. "Just as long as my father doesn't find out, no offense Mr. Potter. But he still is in his ways back to the way they were in your fifth year I believe it was."

"Ah, yes," Harry said. "I believe I remember that. Percy always one to be like the way he is. Ok, but he's going to have to find out sooner or later once you two decide to tell your parents about this wedding that's coming after you graduate from Hogwarts."

"Yes Sir," John said.

"Let's go back up to the house and get your belongings and then we'll get you two home. And maybe your mother won't threaten me to be on the couch until she dies," Harry said.

Rose busted out laughing.

"Rosey-Rose, are you laughing at me for that?" Harry asked, coming to tickle her, because he knew she was.

"Yes, but don't you dare tickle me," Rose said, hiding behind John.

"Don't put me in the middle of this!" John cried, pushing Rose back in front of him.

"Good man you are John, good man," Harry said as he tickled Rose for laughing at him.

"Ah!" Rose screamed and giggled as she wriggled her way out of his arms and up to the house.

Harry laughed as him and John continued to walk back up to the house.


Harry, Rose, and John went to the Potter Manor while Draco and Ginny went back home. Harry promised to send their other children back home about ten minutes after he got there to his own home. And that he did.

Harry was trying to tickle Rose again.

Again, she was screaming and giggling at the same time.

"Harry James Potter!" a voice called out. "Why is it that I always have to save Rose from your monstrous tickling capabilities?"

"Mum!" Rose said as Harry let go of Rose. She went right into her mother's arms.

"Oh that wasn't fair `Mione," Harry whined.

"Oh get over it," Hermione said. "You're getting to get back in the room with me instead of the couch so be happy."

Harry got up and went to his wife.

"Excuse me Rosey-Rose," Harry said. "I need to thank your mother right now."

Rose scooted over while Harry took Hermione into his arms, seeing Hermione also with tears in her eyes, and kissed her.

Little did they know that Lillian had put up mistletoe earlier which was right above their head. The mistletoe was magical. It sent out sparks as Harry kissed Hermione.