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Coming of A New Age by frecklegirl87

Coming of A New Age


Chapter 16: Trouble All Around

"What!" a very angry Draco Malfoy said as he heard his wife's words. "Say that again, perhaps I didn't hear right."

"Draco," Ginny said gently. "You did hear right. Our son has been sorted into Gryffindor. Harry told me this morning right before the."

"The what Gin?" Draco asked, getting furious by the minute.

"The newspaper got here," Ginny said. "There's a section in the back about it."

"Where is it?" Draco said quickly.

"In on the kitchen table," Ginny said, quickly knowing what could happen if she'd lied about it, especially about this. If she did, Draco would be scrambling the manor all about for the paper.

Draco took off like a shot.

A few minutes later you could hear Draco's rants and rambles all the way from the kitchen dining room. Ginny cringed at some of his words.

"Mum? Why is Daddy yelling?" LeAnn asked.

Ginny looked down to see her second oldest child.

"Your father has just received word that Adrian has been sorted into the Gryffindor household," Ginny said.

"Oh," LeAnn said. "Then Daddy must be pissed at the moment."

Ginny looked at her daughter for her sudden language.

"Excuse me? Please don't tell me that you just said, what I thought you said," Ginny said.

LeAnn was exactly like her father. You could say that she had her little fingers wrapped around tight around Draco. He'd bend over backwards for her and for her twin too.

"Sorry Mum," LeAnn quickly said.


"Lillian!" a voice shouted out from the Gryffindor Common Room.

Oh great! Lillian thought. Not him, again.

Lillian turned around and faced the person who had called her name out so loud in the common room.

"Yes," Lillian politely said.

"My mum wrote back to me!" Sedious said, cheerily.

And I have to with this how? Lillian thought.

Lillian don't think rudely towards him. He may be an exact copy of his father but just listen anyway, Sarah said to her niece.

Sarah was in her seventh year at Hogwarts, along with Nicole, while Rose was in her sixth year, and Lillian was in her first year.

Yes Aunt Sarah, Lillian said.

"What did she say?" Lillian asked.

"She said I was right about you," Sedious said. He then continued to ramble on as Lillian continued to listen and nod every once in a while.

"…My mum also said that if your father hadn't have gone and gotten that mudblood Granger knocked up then she'd be with him and-" Sedious said but then didn't get a chance to finish because he had gotten a serious go in the face, not once but twice.

Little did Lillian or Rose know that they had both instantly picked up on that last line about their mother and decided to each take a swing at him.

Unfortunately for Sedious, both at the same time, one swung at one eye and the other swung at the other eye.

Sedious took the ground with a hard thud. All of the boys in the boys' dormitory came downstairs to see the commotion. Some of them had seen the whole ordeal.

"Sedious, if you know what's good for you then you'd better say who your mum is," Rose said, angrily. "And don't doubt for an instant that you'll receive what you get for what you just said."

At the moment, if anyone had tried to mess with Rose and or Lillian, they were in for a rude awakening.

Little did any of them know that there was a certain person hiding in the shadows watching. That person was Draco Malfoy. He had seen the conversation between Lillian and the boy ever since it started. He even had been shocked for what the boy had said. And if not shocked by both of Rose and Lillian's reactions to his last sentence.

"Well who is it?" Lillian demanded, also very angrily.

Sedious began to stutter.

"What is all this about?" a voice said, that rang from the crowd that had gathered around the boy on the floor and the two girls standing straight above him.

"Stay out of this Fontania, if you know what's good for you," Rose said.

"What's going on? I heard that my little brother just got smacked by two girls, sisters no doubt," Fontania said.

"Did you not hear her? Stay out of this. It's not your concern," Lillian said.

Fontania looked at Lillian and scowled.

"I don't have to listen to you," Fontania sneered.

"You know, maybe you should have been in the Slytherin household," John Weasley said, as he came up behind Rose and put his hand around her waist, also making sure that she didn't take another swing and at her this time.

All though out the group of gatherers you could hear whispers and gasps all around.

So it really is true. Draco thought. Rose really is John Weasley's girlfriend.

Draco then noticed Adrian do the same to Lillian.

Adrian came behind Lillian, put his arm around her waist and then spoke.

"Fluke, what's this I hear about you taking my girlfriend's hand on the train? And then bothering her right before she plowed you a good ole' black eye?" Adrian said protectively, taking a tighter hold on Lillian as if she really was his girlfriend.

I like this, Lillian thought. Ok, so he's obviously making a move, maybe it's time I did the same.

Lillian decided to be a little ornery. She looked at Sedius and then said, "Maybe this will show you that I have no interest in you at all."

Lillian then took one of Adrian's hands, turned to face him, reached up towards his lips and gently touched them with hers. The kiss lasted all of a few seconds.

Did she really just do that? Adrian thought. Yep, and I'm liking it too.

Adrian then leaned down once again and kissed her.

Thanks Aunt Nicole, Lillian said telepathically.

Your welcome Lily, Nicole said.

Hey, get back here! Rose said telepathically.

Lillian pulled out and turned to Sedious.

"Now do you see? I'd leave her alone if I were you," Adrian said, cutting Lillian to the chase. "That is unless you prefer to be beat up by my girlfriend and her sister."

Girlfriend? Draco thought. No way am I seeing that a Malfoy and a Potter are that close to each other. Did Lillian just kiss him? Are my eyes fooling me? And did he just kiss her in return? I think I'm going crazy.

Girlfriend? Lillian thought. I am really linking this.

"Girl...girlfriend?" Sedious stuttered out of his mouth.

"Yes that's right, girlfriend. Now answer my girlfriend's older sister's question," Adrian demanded. "No doubt the whole school will know before too long that you got beat by two girls and at the same time. And I'll do worse if you don't answer right away."

"Alright, I'll tell you," Sedious said. "My mum's name is--"

"No, Sedious Allen Fluke don't you dare say who our mum is," Fontania said.

"What did I say earlier Fontania? Didn't I say to stay out of it?" Rose said, trying to inch forward closer to her just to give her what she deserves.

Damn! Potter's oldest really can sail a solid punch, even if his oldest is a girl. Not bad for Lillian either. Draco thought.

John somehow managed to keep Rose from plowing her a good one, even though she deserved it.

And Adrian kept Lillian back also.

"Say it Sedious," Lillian said. "Before you end up worse than you already are."

"Alright, her name is Cho," Sedious said.

Cho? Draco thought. Cho ended up with this little brat of a son? Who the hell did she marry anyway? This is something that Potter should know.

"Cho who?" Lillian asked.

"Fluke, what else of course!" Fontania said.

"No, you little b*tch, what's her maiden name?" Rose asked.

John again, fought to keep Rose where she was at.

"Hey! Don't call my sister that!" Sedious said at once.

"I'm not the one who called my mum a mudblood," Rose shot back. "We may have her brains but we also know what the meaning of a mudblood means."

Sedious then cowered. He apparently didn't know not to mess with Lillian or Rose for that matter.

"What's her maiden name?" Lillian demanded.

"Chang," Sedious said a few moments later.

He was waiting a few moments before he answered them but then quickly said it once he saw Adrian having to hold Lillian back tighter and tighter just to keep her away from Sedious.

"This has gone far enough," a voice said.

Draco then came out of his hiding spot and came into the spotlight.

"Father!" Adrian said.

"All of you back up to your dorms," Draco said. "Except you five."

The five meaning: Adrian, Lillian, Rose, John and Sedious, whom was still on the ground, looking as if he was about to cry.

Fontainia scowled as she went up the steps, along with the others.

"You," Draco said, aiming his voice towards Sedious. "Get up."

Sedious immediately got up.

"If I hear that you've bothered any of them, Adrian, Lillian, Rose or John, I swear on my father's grave that you will regret it. Just remember, I will be more of a threat to you than their fathers combined," Draco said.

"Also, write your mother back telling her exactly what happened here today. And also say for me, that she'd better watch what she says. Tell her that Draco Malfoy said that," Draco said a few minutes later.

"Yes sir," Sedious said and then scattered back up to his dorm.

After he was gone, Draco then felt like he was being tackled.

"Thank-you Uncle Draco," Rose said, wrapping her arms around him.

"Your welcome Rosey-Rose," Draco said, giving Rose a hug back.

"Don't you think I've outgrown that name?" Rose asked.

"I don't see you not calling me uncle," Draco said. "Besides, I'll call you whatever I want."

"Yeah but." Rose argued.

"But nothing," Draco said, letting go of Rose.

Rose then went into John's arms, as he hugged her close to his body.

"So," Draco said, turning and looking at his son. "Girlfriend, eh?"

"Well, that is if she'll agree to be," Adrian said turning and looking at Lillian.

"You bet I do," Lillian said, quickly and then rushing into his arms, also sealing the deal with a kiss.

Draco laughed, "Oh my, boy would your father freak out about right now if he saw you just kiss a Malfoy, let alone a Potter kissing a Malfoy."

"You're not going to tell him are you?" Lillian asked, suddenly ending the kiss.

"Your mother would freak out if she had just seen this whole episode. She'd disapprove how you just asked her out too," Draco said, ignoring Lillian's question.

"If she'd have been here, she'd have made you got down on your knees and ask her. Just be lucky she didn't make you do that, plus take you to a beautiful sunrise and have you ask her," Draco continued.

"That she would Mister Malfoy," a voice said coming into the room.

Professor McGonagall then swiftly came into the common room.

"But I'd have to say that it would be about time you went back home to Ginny. I believe she's in a little bit of a predicament at the moment," Minevera said. "Besides, if Professor Snape caught you in the Gryffindor Common Room, he himself would say you-know-what, towards his own head former student, let alone he'd be disgusted to see you in the opposite common room."

"That he would," Draco laughed gently. "What would be wrong with Ginny, Professor?"

"That's why I'm saying you should go to her," Minevera said. "Bye Mister Malfoy."

"Bye," Draco said and then disappeared.

"Now you two," Professor said towards Rose and Lillian. "I'll let this one go; on the account of I would have done the same thing, especially since it was about my most favorite and top student, and also your mother. But Rose, please know that you are not a mistake as Sedious' mother made it look. I believe that things are meant to happen whether we want them to or not."

"Yes ma'am," Rose said. "Thanks Professor."