Unofficial Portkey Archive

Coming of A New Age by frecklegirl87

Coming of A New Age


Chapter 14: Train Ride

"Rose! You're going to be late if you don't hurry up?" Hermione shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hermione, don't worry we won't be late," Harry said.

"Harry, your daughter is still picking out shoes and she still can't seem to get down here. She knows that we're about to leave," Hermione said.

"Hermione, don't worry. I'll go check on Rose while you go get James ok?" Harry asked, as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

He lowered his mouth to her nose and gave a simple kiss on her nose. Then finally capturing her lips with his.

I love you Hermione Potter, Harry said telepathically.

I love you too, Hermione said back.

Go get James, Harry said.

Later on the train…

"Come on Lil, you're going to make us late if you don't hurry up with that damn owl of yours," Rose said.

Rose didn't care how she spoke to her sister right now, considering she sold out to their parents about her being gone all those times.

Technically, she never was ungrounded from the room arrest but eventually, Harry let the charm off her room, which was until Hermione got tired of not seeing her firstborn for days at a time.

"Don't speak to me like that. Besides, all you want to do is to find that lover boy of your and go snog the heck out of him," Lillian responded.

"You have no clue as to what you're talking about little sis," Rose said.

"And don't call me Lil," Lillian added.

"Fine, Lillian, go find Adrian or somebody your age," Rose said, as she went down the train corridor.

Rose then went off and left Lillian standing in the empty corridor by herself.

And be careful where you end up. You don't want to end up by some nasty Slytherin. Rose said, telepathically in Lillian's mind.

What the heck was a Slytherin? Lillian thought.

Lillian then began to walk forward, every once in a while looking for an empty compartment for her to sit in.

"Hey you!" a voice said.

Lillian stopped walking forward and looked behind her.

The boy, who had stopped her, had brown hair with emerald green eyes, like her father's eyes. He was just a little bit taller than she was.

"Hello," Lillian said politely.

"Hullo I'm Sedious Fluke," the boy said. "What's your name?"

"I'm Lillian Potter," Lillian said in response.

"Potter? My mother mentioned that name to me before," Sedious said.

"Really? How come?" Lillian asked. "May I come and sit with you?"

"Sure," Sedious said, taking her hand and leading her into his compartment.

What's going on? Lillian thought. No boy has ever taken my hand like Sedious just did.

Lillian sat down opposite of him, just to make sure he wouldn't try to take her hand again.

"Is this your first year?" Lillian asked.

"Yes, and yours too I presume," Sedious said.

"Yes," Lillian said, becoming a little on the edge, based on just the way he talked.

Rose? Lillian said, telepathically.

What? Rose answered.

Do you know anyone of the name Fluke? Lillian asked.

Yes, there's one by that name, one level ahead of you. Fontania, I think is her name. Rose replied.

Why do they speak so…so… Lillian said.

Weird? Rose said.

Yes, weird? Lillian asked.

It's because of their heritage. Their mum is a British witch and their dad is a French wizard, which happens to speak English too. Rose replied.

That would explain it, Lillian said.

Sure would. Now would you leave me alone? Rose asked.

Yes your majesty, Lillian said sarcastically.

"Lillian?" Sedious said, interrupting her train of thought of sarcasm towards her sister.

"Huh?" Lillian said, coming back.

"I said, what is the name of your father?" Sedious asked.

"Harry Potter. Why do you want to know the name of my father?" Lillian asked.

"I'm going to write my mum and tell her who I've met," Sedious said.

Ok, this is getting a little too weird for me, Lillian thought.

You're telling me? I, unfortunately, got stuck with a power that enables me to hear everything you say and think. Rose said.

Oh shut-up will you? Lillian said.

"Would you excuse me for a moment?" Lillian asked, as she got up and headed for the door of the compartment.

"Uh, sure…see you around I guess," Sedious said.

"Yeah, see around," Lillian said, heading out the compartment and going to the right.

What a freak, Lillian thought as she continued to walk forward.

Lillian went forward about 6 compartments until she found one empty.


Rose was going down the corridor when she decided she'd had enough of trying to find John, just by looking for him. She pulled out her enchanted diary and began to write in it.

John, where are you? Rose wrote in the book.

In the last compartment, where have you been? John wrote back.

Looking for you. Stick your head out of the compartment so I'll find you easier, Rose wrote.

Before she knew it, Rose began to see John's head not to far from where she was standing.

"John!" Rose exclaimed as she ran towards him, with her diary stuck inside her cloak.

"Rose, I've missed you," John said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I missed you too," Rose said back. "I love you."

"I love you too," John said, as he pulled out gently of their embrace, pulled her forward just a little bit, leaned down and gently kissed her.

After a few moments, Rose pulled out of the kiss and said, "Let's go inside before anyone sees us."

"Ok," John said, leading her in.

AU: thanks for the reviews. I personally, like the little John and Rose secretive thing going on. please tell me what you think.