Unofficial Portkey Archive

Coming of A New Age by frecklegirl87

Coming of A New Age


Chapter 5: Future Events Completed

It was now the middle of May when a painful night came to Hermione Potter. She was in the living room all alone with her tea in her hands as she sipped it when she felt a twinge of pain go through her stomach like wildfire. She sat the tea cup down on the saucer on the nightstand and tried to relax before she went to Harry. Harry was in bed asleep. It was about eleven o-clock at night when Hermione came in and started shaking him senseless.

"Harry! Please wake up!" Hermione said as she began to wake him.

"Hermione? Shouldn't you be in bed with me asleep?" Harry asked.

"Harry, the baby's coming. Let's go please?" Hermione asked trying to get him out of bed.

"Ok, I'll go get the bag and then take you to the hospital. Which one do you want to go to? Muggle or St.Mungo's?" Harry asked.

"Uh, St.Mungo's," Hermione answered.

"Hermione are you sure? After what you told Draco about Muggle hospitals, you want to go through what Ginny went through with them?" Harry asked.

"Harry, don't start asking questions,-" Hermione said as pain swept through her like lightning, "when there isn't enough time. St.Mungo's is fine, now let's GO!"

"Right," Harry said.

"Wait," Hermione said as Harry was about to apparate her to the hospital.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Rose. What about Rose? We can't just leave her here," Hermione said now feeling fine as if nothing had happened.

"I'll see if Ron can watch her or Ginny and Draco," Harry said, as he got up and started to head for the living room.

"Oh no, you're not leaving my sight. Have Ginny or Draco come here to get her. I don't care if its eleven- o-clock at night, you're still not leaving me," Hermione said.

"Ok, I'll go to the fireplace and talk to them," Harry said as he began to leave the room.

"Oh no you don't, you can use this fireplace in our room. Perhaps you didn't hear me earlier. YOU aren't leaving MY sight," Hermione said stopping him in is tracks.

"Alright," Harry said as he went over to the fireplace.


"Ginny, I love you," Draco said as he wrapped her in her arms and began to nibble at her neck.

"I love you too Draco," Ginny said back as she began kissing him.

"Uh, Draco… Ginny?" Harry asked from the fireplace, "sorry to interrupt but I need one of you to come and get Rose. Hermione's in labor and I need to get her to the hospital."

Draco groaned as Ginny said, "Oh hush! It'll be alright. I'll go get her."

"Ginny!" Draco whined softly, "we were just getting started."

He gave her the puppy dog face.

"No! Don't," Ginny said then turned her attention to Harry's head in the fireplace, "Harry is Rose still asleep?"

"Yes, as far as I know," Harry said.

"You go ahead with Hermione then I'll be there as soon as I can to get her," Ginny said.

"Thanks Ginny," Harry said and then he was gone.

"Ginny, why did you have to say yes to him?" Draco whined, "I thought we were gonna get busy on getting a sibling for Adrian."

"Oh, I know what you want but I'm going to help Hermione," Ginny said as he gave her the puppy dog face again and while she got up and began to dress, "And that look isn't going to stop me, watch Adrian for me."

She went out of their room and into the living room. She stepped into the fireplace, took a pinch of floo powder and as she threw it down she said, "Potter Manor!"

Back in their room you could hear Draco moaning as he got up and went to Adrian and then prepared a place for Rose in another room.


"Harry, let's go… NOW!" Hermione said as Harry emerged his head from the fireplace.

"Ok, hold on," Harry said as he grabbed her hand, which she immediately squeezed to death and apparated them to the hospital.

"Hi, I was expecting you," a nurse said as she pointed towards a wheelchair, "here you go honey. Just sit right in this and I'll take real good care of you. By the way, my name is Paige. Let's go shall we?"

"Uh, yes," Hermione said, "but he comes with me."

"Oh don't worry honey. Of course he's coming with you. After the last patient came in like this, the nurse who wouldn't let her husband in until she finally gave into her crankiness; got fired. Her husband really is the one who got her fired," Paige said trying to ease her mind off the pain as she wheeled her into a room.

"Draco got the nurse fired?" Harry asked.

"You know Draco Malfoy? Well yes he did. I wouldn't blame him. That nurse was an old hag anyways," Paige said, "Ok Hermione, what I'm about to do, please don't be scared. Just take my hand and hold on tight."

Hermione took her hand.

Paige then orbed Hermione to the bed.

"Whoa, what just happened?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, I thought you knew me. I'm Paige. Paige Matthews. I'm a witch but just a different kind of witch. I orbed you onto the bed to make it a little bit easier on you," Paige explained.

"Oh ok. When is the doctor coming in?" Hermione asked as she gripped her stomach and suddenly felt as if she couldn't breathe.

"Hermione, just breathe. In and out, in and out," Paige repeated.

Soon Hermione was breathing comfortably again.

"You're in for a rough night. So it'll be a while before the doctor comes in. I'll be back in to check on you in about fifteen, twenty minutes or so," Paige said as she then orbed out of the room.

"I'm really going to have to get used to this orbing thing," Hermione said as she then gripped Harry's hand in pain.


Ginny landed in the Harry and Hermione's fireplace with a hard thud.

"Ouch!" Ginny said softly trying to not wake Rose up and end up resulting to scaring her.

She quietly got up and went in search of Rose's room.

She found that it wasn't far from the master bedroom.

Yikes, I wonder how Rose is gonna like that when she gets older. Ginny thought as she went down the hallway, I know I wouldn't. In fact, I didn't.

She entered Rose's room quietly and went over to her bed and turned on a small lamp shade.

"Sweetie? Rose? Could you wake up for me?" Ginny said softly.

Rose began to stir a little.

"Aunt Ginny?" Rose said groggily.

"Yes, sweetie it's me. I need you to come with me ok?" Ginny asked the sleepy girl.

"Ok," Rose said as she went right back into her pillow.

"Rose!" Ginny said softly.

Might as well let her sleep while I pack a bag for her, Ginny thought.

Soon she had the bag packed and ready to go. Now just getting Rose was the trick.

"Rose, sweetie? Come on, wake up," Ginny said.

"Ok, where are we going?" Rose asked half asleep.

"You're going to come and stay with me for a while ok?" Ginny asked.

"I can't stay with Mummy and Daddy?" Rose whined as she began to wake up.

Oh boy, Ginny thought, how am I going to answer that one?

"You are dear, right as soon as the new baby comes home, ok?" Ginny asked.

"Ok," Rose said and then asked Ginny a question that she didn't want to answer, "Aunt Ginny?"

"Hmm? What sweetie?" Ginny responded.

"Where do babies come from?" Rose asked.

Ginny's face went white, afraid of what to say she just said the first thing that came to her mind, "Sweetie, you can ask your Uncle Draco that when we get there ok? He'll tell you."

"Ok, let's go. Will I get to see Adreen?" Rose asked.

"Yes, you'll get to see Adrian. Probably tomorrow morning at breakfast ok?" Ginny asked.

"Ok. Could you carry me over there that way I can sleep?" Rose asked.

"Sure," Ginny said as she picked her bag up and then picked Rose up and left the room with Rose already asleep on her shoulder.

Aww! She's so sweet and cute. I want a baby girl like her, Ginny thought as she came nearer to the fireplace, Draco would love that.

She stepped in and said, "Malfoy Manor, my room!"

And they were gone.


She landed with a thud on her backside as she came to her room.

"Aunt Ginny! You woke me up!" Rose said.

"I know dear, I'm sorry about that," Ginny said.

"Ginny?" Draco asked as Adrian was fussing madly.

"Yes I'm over here. I never could land right when using the floo network," Ginny answered.

Draco sat Adrian down on the bed as he still continued to fuss at him wanting Ginny and went to help her up.

"Come here Rosey-Rose," Draco said.

She went into his arms as Ginny got up and went to Adrian.

"Uncle Draco?" Rose asked.

"Hmm?" Draco responded.

"Where do babies come from?" Rose asked.

Draco went silent with fear of what she had just asked.

"Uncle Draco! Where do they come from?" Rose asked again getting impatient.

Draco looked over to Ginny for help.

"Don't look at me, she asked you not me. Besides I have to feed Adrian. Thought he'd be off of this midnight feeding thing by now," Ginny said, "you go tuck her into bed."

Draco looked at her again.

"Go," Ginny ordered.

"Uncle Draco! Aunt Ginny said you would tell me!" Rose said.

Draco gave Ginny a cold hard piercing stare as he left the room.

She smiled as he left the room.

He'll be ok, Ginny thought. Besides, I have to feed Adrian.


"Harry!" Hermione said as pain swept over her body.

"I'm right here Hermione. You can do this," Harry said as she squeezed the life out of his hand.

"Harry, I can't do this. I just can't," Hermione said.

"Yes you can Hermione. You're almost there," Harry said.

"Harry, I…" Hermione began to say as the pain swept over her.

"That's it Hermione, keep going. You're almost there, I promise," Harry assured her.

"Just a little further Hermione and I promise this will all be over," the doctor said appearing before them.

She cried while she desperately clung onto Harry as she pushed with all the energy she had left.

She tried to stop just to take a breathier.

"Hermione! You can't stop now!" Harry said, "Come on just a little further and this'll all be over."

She began to push with what energy she had left and through the awkward silence that followed a sound of a baby's cries filled the air.

"You did it," Harry said as he kissed her sweaty forehead.

"We did it," Hermione corrected him.

"Congratulations, you have a baby girl," the doctor said as he handed her to Paige and then to Hermione.

"She's beautiful `Mione," Harry said.

"Yes she is," Hermione answered.

"Like her mother," Harry said kissing her cheek.

You don't suppose she's telepathic do you? Harry asked telepathically.

"Harry, please no telepathic skills tonight or whatever it is right now," Hermione said.

"Sure, I love you Hermione," Harry said.

"And I love you Harry," Hermione said as they gazed at their newborn daughter.

"What shall we name her?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. Let's wait to name her ok?" Hermione asked.

"Sure," Harry said.


Ginny then picked up Adrian in her arms, which he immediately soothed down, and settled in the chair. It was a nice comfortable green chair that once you sat in it, you were sunk. It could literally put you to sleep.

She undid her shirt a little and then let part of her bra loose so that Adrian could be fed. She never thought she'd be doing this one-day. But here she was doing exactly that. She felt wonderful. She wanted another baby. She wanted Draco. But she knew that only after three months after having him that she needed to wait, for her sake and for her insanity.

"There you go, sweetie," Ginny said as Adrian began to calm down.

On the other side of the room, stood Draco watching his wife feeding his son. It was a beautiful site to see. The gaze on her face was almost breathtaking as she fed him. He wanted her, again. But he also knew that if he had to be in a delivery room in about nine months timing to now, he'd be facing Ginny's wrath. That wasn't always what he wanted to receive from her.

Ginny finally caught on to his staring at her and said, "Come here."

"What?" Draco asked.

"I said, come here. I want you to feel something," Ginny said.

He went over to her and sat down next to her in the chair beside her.

"Draco, get in front of me," Ginny said.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Don't make me repeat it again," Ginny said getting irritated.

He immediately, got in front of her and bent down on his knees and stared into her brown eyes.

She reached for his hand.

"Draco, I want you to feel something," Ginny said as she led his hand to a little from the right from where Adrian's head was resting as he was being fed.

"Feel that?" Ginny asked.

"Vibration?" Draco asked.

"Yes that," Ginny said with a warm glow to her eyes.

Draco then looked up towards Ginny and then raised himself up to her mouth, his hand still where it was before, and kissed her.

She needed that. She hadn't had that in a while. She instantly responded to his kiss hungrily and deepened the kiss.

They didn't break apart until Ginny felt something going on where Adrian was. Whatever it was, it hurt.

She broke away and said softly, "Oww!"

A few tears started to roll on her cheek.

"What? What is it?" Draco asked taking his thumb and smoothing the tears away.

"Adrian. I think he fell asleep and ended up biting me," Ginny said looking down at Adrian.

Draco looked down at Adrian. There was a bit of a red mark on her from where Adrian had bit her.

Adrian was just now starting to teeth. He had two on the top and two on the bottom so far.

"Oh here," Draco said as he gently shook Adrian.

Ginny then started to pull Adrian away from her. He started to fuss again.

"Oh great!" Ginny said as she brought Adrian back as she began to cry.

"Here," Draco said as he began to pull him away from her gently.

He started to fuss again.

"No, let him finish. If we don't then we'll be up all night listening to his cries," Ginny said as she brought him back once again giving in to his cries.

He immediately relaxed as Ginny nursed him.

"I'll be right back," Draco said getting irritated.

"Ok," Ginny said.

A few minutes later, Draco came back in the room with a bottle of milk in his hand.

"Draco, he's never used one of those," Ginny said.

"Never better time than the present Ginny," Draco said, "you want your sleep don't you?"

"Yes I do but-"

"No buts, he is going to take the bottle and you're coming to bed. I'm not going to allow having a wife that is barely awake in the mornings because of our son keeping her up half the night without a pretty damn good reason," Draco said.

"Draco! Not to where he can hear you say that!" Ginny said, "Hand me that."

He handed her the bottle.

"Now, you gently pull him away from me while I try to get him to take this thing," Ginny said.

Draco began to pull Adrian away as he began to fuss.

Ginny wrapped him into her arms and she began to put the bottle up to his mouth. Hoping that he would take it.

He took it.

"Thank-goodness! He was starting to bite me again," Ginny said.

Soon his little fingers began to wrap around the bottle.

"Hand him over," Draco said.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"Hand him over to me. I'll stay up with him. You go to bed. Now," Draco said.


"No, go to bed," Draco ordered.

"Alright," Ginny said giving in, "But I want something first."

"What?" Draco asked.

"This," Ginny said as she kissed him.

"Now go to bed," Draco said.

She handed him to Draco who was standing up as she got up.

"Sweet dreams my sweet," Draco said as he received Adrian into his arms.

She then kissed him once more and then went to bed.

He then sat on the couch nearest to Adrian's crib.

He watched his son as he took the bottle.

He watched Ginny as she strolled over to their bed.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out.

He began to speak to Adrian softly and quietly, "You've wore your mother out you know?"

Adrian cooed as Draco spoke to his son.

"So when are you going to stop this midnight snacks? Huh?" Draco asked.

Adrian squirmed as Draco had spoken.

Adrian started to push the bottle away as he began to fall asleep.

It's about bloody time! Draco thought.

He gently got up and then laid him down in his crib. He instantly went to sleep where he was.

Ron was right, he isn't a light sleeper like Ginny is, Draco thought as he chuckled lightly.

He then went over to Ginny and slid in next to her and put his arms around her as she adjusted to his touch.

"I love you Draco," Ginny mumbled half asleep.

"I love you too sweetie," Draco said back the same method of speaking.


"Harry, we have to name her," Hermione insisted.

"Hermione for the last time this early morning, no we don't. And we won't right now. Neither one of us can think straight as it is. I personally think we will be able to come up with a name after we have some rest. Goodness knows you need it. Let your body rest and just go to sleep, ok?" Harry asked, "and no arguing. Go to sleep."

"Alright, I give in," Hermione said but still her thought were still focusing on names.

"Good," Harry said.

As Harry began to drift to sleep Hermione said, "That's it!"

"What's it?" Harry asked startled by her sudden out cry.

"Her name, it's great. Don't you think?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione, maybe you should tell me the name first," Harry said groggily.

"Lily, no Lillian Marie Potter," Hermione said looking at her daughter.

"That's great Hermione. Lillian, is now asleep so it's only fair that we get to sleep, ok?" Harry asked.

"Harry, how come you don't sound as thrilled as I feel?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione, I am. I love her to death and I love you and Rose but once in a while even you need some shut-eye time," Harry said.

"You're right. I am feeling lifeless right about now," Hermione said as she began to drift away to sleep.

AN: thanks for the reviews. and I'm sorry if it seems as if I have this baby extravaganza going but I need these chapters to be first in order to start the next couple of years, including Rose, Lillian, Adrian and the others at Hogwarts.