Unofficial Portkey Archive

Coming of A New Age by frecklegirl87

Coming of A New Age


Chapter 17: Unmistakable Moment

It was a pretty afternoon in England. The leaves were just turning colors, the birds were still chirping away at their lovely tunes they sang aversely. The weather was even nice, for a change.

A song began to come into the air. It seemed to be coming in from the Manor. Ginny and LeAnn were at the piano, playing Fur Elise, by Beethoven.

Ginny was surprised she still remembered it from the time that her mother had taught her the beautiful piece. It took skills to play such a piece. It was a classic. She hoped to find the music to Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven so she could teach LeAnn it too.

"Mum! Look I'm doing it!" LeAnn shouted excitedly towards her mother.

"I see sweetie," Ginny said, smiling towards LeAnn. "That's good. Will you play it once more for me?"

LeAnn happily obliged as she then put her fingers to the keys and began to play the beautiful piece. When she finished, she jumped up towards her mother and wrapped her arms around her neck.

Ginny was taken a back for a moment and then put her arms around her child.

LeAnn pulled away and then gave Ginny a kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank-you Mum!"


Draco had heard LeAnn playing the piano and then up to where she was now, thanking her mother and giving her another kiss on the cheek.

Draco walked into the room and then signaled to LeAnn by putting a finger up to his mouth. She winked at him and went on being happy with her mother.

"Mum?" LeAnn asked.

"Yes dear?" Ginny responded.

"Could you teach me more of Beethoven's music?" LeAnn asked.

"Sure, but go clean up your room now," Ginny said.

"When Mum?" LeAnn asked.

"Well, I assumed I wanted you to go clean your room right now," Ginny said.

"No, when will you teach me more?" LeAnn asked.

"Oh, perhaps starting tomorrow," Ginny said.

LeAnn's face lit up like a child growing impatient to open their gifts on Christmas morning.

Ginny laughed a bit and then said, "Well, go on. Off with you now."

"Thank-you Mum!" LeAnn said as she jumped off of Ginny's lap and then ran right by her father.

Ginny got up and then began to push the bench back where it belonged. She turned around and then was suddenly dipped backwards as if she were dancing. She noticed a pair of strong hands had a hold of her as she went back.

"Draco, pull me back up. I'm getting dizzy," Ginny said, noticing after a while that it'd been a few moments that she'd been in this position.

Draco's body came closer to her and finally his face met face to face with her's.

"Dra-" Ginny tried to say but then a very persuasive tongue invaded her mouth.

Draco then pulled her back up and pulled out of the gentle kiss he had just given her and said, "Ginny, I love you, my sweet."

"I love you too, but if you really do love me then you won't do that again," Ginny said.

"Why?" Draco asked.

"Because you know I don't like to be dizzy," Ginny said, and then said under her breath, "especially not at this time period."

"What did you just say?" Draco asked, picking up a little bit of what she said under her breath.

"Nothing," Ginny lied.

"Mrs. Malfoy, you know that I can detect a lie a mile away, and you're not even a foot away from me," Draco said. "Is there something that you need to say?"

"Why would you think that?" Ginny asked, hoping he wouldn't beat her to it, fully knowing, he could if he wanted to.

"Oh I believe you said under you breath, I might like to add, `especially not at this time period'. Care to explain that one?" Draco asked, fully knowing what she was going to say, if only she said it.

"Uh," Ginny said, backing up towards the exit of the room. "I don't know."

She then ran out of the room and ran smack into Harry, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, in the kitchen. She went flying backwards into Draco's arms as he was suddenly right behind her. Draco's arms instantly went in front of her stomach.

Draco landed back on his backside with Ginny on top of him and with Harry landing the exact same way on the other side, except he didn't have Ginny on top of him.

"Ouch!" Harry said, as he got up and rubbed his head, which suddenly had a big knot on the top of now.

"I know how you feel," Draco said, taking his hand and feeling his back.

"Oh I'm sorry Harry," Ginny said. "Draco, here, was about to tickle me so naturally I ran. You know how I am with tickling."

"Uh-huh," Harry said. "Sure do. I remember Fred and George doing that to you all the time. You'd squeal like a baby pig just being born."

"Oh thanks Harry for sharing that moment," Ginny said as she got up and then helped Draco up.

"So, what did you drop by for?" Draco asked, as he got up and stood in front of Harry.

"Oh I was told that you might tell me what happened between Rose, Lillian, and that Sedious fellow," Harry said.

"Oh sure, it was quite interesting really," Draco said, laughing a tad bit.

"Well, please do tell," Harry said.

"Ok," Draco said. "It was a couple of weeks after the sorting of the houses ceremony. Lillian was talking with some boy. The boy insulted Hermione, by quoting what his mother had told him in a letter apparently. Next thing I knew, the boy was on the ground. Both of your daughters gave him one solid punch on each eye. I got to tell you though, Rose sure has one heck of a damn good punch."

"Draco!" Ginny said. "Don't say that."

"What? It's the truth," Draco said.

"Any more that I should know?" Harry asked.

"Well, matter of fact there is yes," Draco said. "At least two or three more things."

"Ok, let's have it out then," Harry said.

"The boy's mother is Cho. She apparently married somebody from France, by the name of Fluke," Draco said.

"Ok, what was so bad that her son ended up with two black eyes?" Harry asked.

"Well, you might want to sit down for this part," Draco said. "It might shock you, considering it came from the mouth of Cho Chang, now Fluke."

Harry sat down and then prepared himself for what was to come.

"Ok, spill Malfoy," Harry said.

"He has a first name you know Harry, or should I even begin to call you by the name Potter?" Ginny snarled, apparently she wasn't happy at the moment.

Both Draco and Harry looked at her questionably, wondered what on earth the matter with her was.

"Sure Gin," Harry said. "Sorry about that Draco."

"Quite alright," Draco said. "Now, I'm just quoting what I heard."

"Ok," Harry said. "Out with it."

"My mum also said that if your father hadn't have gone and gotten that mudblood Granger knocked up then she'd be with him and," Draco quoted.

"And what?" Harry said, with his blood boiling mad just a tad bit.

"Well, you see, the boy didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because that's when your daughters took one heck of a sail with their fists right into his eye, one on each side. Lillian, of course didn't know that Rose was right behind her," Draco finished. "That's how come he ended up on the floor."

"Ok, what were the other two things," Harry said, still steaming mad just a bit. "I'll speak with Cho myself about this personally."

"Harry no!" Ginny said. "Don't you dare go over there and blow some steam about what she said. Don't let her get to you. Besides she knows now that your daughters did a nice little number on her son. You dare go over there, I'll bring you back myself and if I have to I'll drag you."

Ginny meant business. You could see that easily by looking at her face.

"Ok, Gin, I promise I won't go over there. But I sure would like to owl her about it," Harry said.

"If you do, then keep it civil," Ginny warned.

"Now what were the other two things?" Harry asked.

"I understand that you had Rose under room arrest for a while before she went back to Hogwarts, am I right?" Draco asked.

"Yes," Harry said.

"Did you ever find out who she was with all that time?" Draco asked.

"Draco, don't," Ginny warned.

"Gin, he's got to know sometime. Might as well know now," Draco said.

"Know what? Who was it exactly?" Harry asked.

Before Draco could answer, Ginny spoke before he had the chance. Ginny took his hand for support.

"My nephew," Ginny said.

"Fred's son? He's only 3 years younger than Rose!" Harry said.

"Not Fred's son, Harry. Percy's son," Ginny said.

"Percy's son? He has a son?" Harry asked as he fell back into the chair he had been sitting in before.

"Yes, apparently he does. The first time I saw him, he flooed here. Asking for me, Draco hardly let him in. Poor boy, he tried so hard to get me believe who he was that he said. I kept thinking he was Percy," Ginny said.

"What's his name?" Harry asked.

"John," Ginny said.

"Should I be worried about him or even Rose?" Harry asked.

"No, not really," Ginny said. "They're so cute together."

"Gin, please spare us the lovey-dovey stuff will you?" Draco said, gently.

"You said two or three. You've said two, what's the third thing?" Harry asked.

"It's about Lillian and Adrian," Draco said.

"What about Adrian?"

"What about Lillian?"

Both Harry and Ginny had said at the same time.

"They're together," Draco said.

"I know they're together. Lillian wrote to Hermione about it the weekend after they started going out," Harry said.

"What? He knew and not me?" Ginny asked.

"I'm sorry Ginny," Draco said. "I just assumed that Adrian had told you that in his letter to you that weekend."

"Well, smart one, maybe you shouldn't assume!" Ginny said. "And you!"

"What did I do?" Harry asked, innocently.

"What did you do?" Ginny exclaimed. "You knew about it and yet you somehow never managed to say anything about it to me!"

"What was I supposed to do? Run to you every time I hear something?" Harry asked.

"Well no but you could have at least said something to me about it," Ginny said.

"Ginny!" Draco hissed.

"No, it's not every day that you find out that your only son starts to date your best friend's youngest daughter!" Ginny said.

"I agree but Gin you got to be a little more reasonable about it," Harry said.

"Harry, if I wasn't so dizzy from morning sickness and all that crud, I'd sure give you one good piece of my mind," Ginny said.

Morning sickness? Dizzy? Why the heck didn't she tell me before? Draco thought.

"Morning sickness? It's half past one in the afternoon," Harry said. "But congrats though."

"Thanks Harry, but if you don't mind I'd like to speak with my wife alone," Draco said.

"Good luck and I'd better get on home," Harry said.

"Bye," Draco said.

"Bye," Harry said, and then left.

Draco then turned to Ginny, face to face.

"Ginny, why on earth didn't you tell me that you were going to have another baby? Besides the fact that it's number five already but really Gin. Don't you think you could have told me by now?" Draco asked.

"Cause I never found the dad gum time to say the words to you at the right moment!" Ginny said.

"Ginny please calm down sweetie," Draco said and then gently kissed her.

Ginny then went right into his arms and said, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I want it so badly to be a boy. You've only got one. Three girls and one boy-"

"Ginny, it doesn't matter what it is. As long as it's a Malfoy and a healthy one at that," Draco said, interrupting her.

"Oh don't doubt on that," Ginny said. "I can promise you that."

"I don't doubt that either," Draco said.


"Ginny, no offense, but hush. I just want to kiss my beautiful wife right now," Draco said and then held on to her tight and kissed her.

"Oh I love you," Ginny said, as she pulled out and then went right back to him.