Unofficial Portkey Archive

Just One More Thing by HarryandHermionesLoveChild

Just One More Thing


Hi guys, here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy.

Just One More Thing

Chapter 16


You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife it was so thick. Hermione was still in shock that her mother had suggested such a thing. Her father was still watching Harry closely remaining silent, and Harry was still coming to terms with the thought of losing Hermione for two months should she agree. He needn't have worried.

"I don't know what to say," Hermione managed to get out softly.

"Say that you'll come with us," her mother said gently. "After all you've been through the last few months I'm sure a break would do you the world of good."

Hermione met her boyfriends gaze, and couldn't help but feel a pain go through her heart at his deflated look. Did he really think she was going to leave him for that amount of time? After all this time he was still so insecure. The whole point of this visit was to tell her parents that they were in a serious relationship, and couldn't be happier. Hermione's parents obviously thought that she was nursing a broken heart after Steven, they couldn't have been more wrong.

"I can't mother," Hermione said firmly. "But thank you for your offer."

Harry's face was a picture of relief at hearing these words.

"Why don't you think about it before turning us down, Hermione?" Brian Granger asked his daughter, his eyes still on Harry.

"I don't need to think about it daddy," Hermione said adamantly. "There are things going on in my life that I can't walk away from."

"Hermione, work isn't everything dear," Jane said.

"I wasn't referring to work," Hermione said taking her hand from her mothers grasp.

"Then what were you referring to?" Jane asked puzzled.

Hermione's eyes met Harry's and she smiled. "I'm with someone."

Hermione's mother was shocked. "What do you mean, 'with' someone?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm in a relationship with someone, so now isn't the best time for me to disappear for two months."

"Hermione, I'm very disappointed in you," her father scolded. "May we remind you that it was only three weeks ago that you were engaged to be married to someone else. How could you be so stupid to jump head first into another pointless courtship!"

Hermione couldn't help but feel hurt by her fathers words, she had always respected his opinion. She knew that they weren't going to be pleased, her last relationship had been a disaster but her relationship with Harry was completely different.

"I don't believe this," Jane said throwing her napkin to the table. "Have you no sense, Hermione?!" Jane turned her attentions to Harry, who had been quiet through the whole thing. "Harry, you're her best friend, didn't you try and talk some sense into her? She's not ready for another relationship!"

Before Harry could say a word, Brian Granger got up from his chair and leant his hands on the table glaring daggers at Harry. "Don't be stupid, Jane! Harry here is our daughter's new squeeze!"

"Oh don't be ridiculous, Brian," Jane told her husband. "That isn't true, Harry would never take advantage of Hermione like that!"

"He didn't take advantage of me!" Hermione said fiercely.

"You mean it's true?" Jane asked her daughter in disbelief.

Hermione nodded slowly, and after a few moments of silence she found her voice. "I love him," she said softly.

Harry could only smile across at his girlfriend. "And I love her."

Jane Granger's mood seemed to soften slightly, whilst her husbands intensified.

"I've never heard so much rubbish in all my life!" Brian said hotly. "Weren't you in love with Steven a few weeks ago?!"

"I was never in love with that 'thing'" Hermione said in disgust. "It was a mistake."

"A mistake?!" Brian shouted. "No Hermione, it wasn't a mistake! It was a fucking catastrophe!"

Hermione and her mother both looked at Brian in shock, he never cursed no matter how angry he got.

"What happened to you Hermione?!" her father asked scathingly. "What happened to the responsible, level headed young lady that we raised?! We told you that Steven was trouble, but no you wouldn't listen to us would you?!"

Hermione jumped from her chair and met her fathers gaze. " I didn't listen to anyone ok?! My heart was broken!"

"By him!" Brian pointed to Harry menacingly. "You almost gave yourself to that 'monster' and it was all because of him!"

The room went silent as Hermione looked at her boyfriend, whose face was a picture of complete guilt.

Brian continued his rant. "Hermione, how many times did your mother and I need to comfort you when you came back from that school hmm?! It was always, 'Harry did this, Harry did that, Harry's dating this other girl!' I mean we knew that you were a glutton for punishment, Hermione! Especially when you told us that you were getting an apartment with him and that other friend of yours, but not even we can condone such stupidity!"

"I love him," Hermione repeated softly, which caused Brian to throw his hands up in the air in exasperation.

"But he doesn't love you! He didn't then and he doesn't now!"

"That's not true!" Harry shouted getting up from his chair, causing the other three in the room to gasp. He received a look from Hermione urging him to calm down, which managed to settle him slightly.

"Mr and Mrs Granger, I know that I've messed up in the past." Hermione's mother was about to say something, but Harry added her comment for her. "Many times."

A small smile started tugging at Hermione's lips as Harry continued. "I understand that you don't trust me with your little girl, I wouldn't either. I've made huge mistakes in the past, and I'm lucky that Hermione's given me a chance to make up for all the pain that I caused her, which I realise I caused a huge amount. But you must believe me when I say, that I love your daughter very, very much, and I'd kill myself before I let any harm come to her."

After a moments silence, Hermione's father spoke calmly. "And who's going to protect her from you?"

Harry looked thoughtful before he answered. "If Hermione feels even a shadow of what I feel for her, then I imagine I have the ability to devastate her with one word, one look, or one action. She certainly has that hold over me, sir." Harry could tell by Hermione's gaze that she knew exactly what he meant, so he continued. "But I trust her to keep my heart safe, just like she trusts me to look after hers."

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my study." Brian slowly left the table, but was stopped by his daughter hand on his arm.

"Daddy, please," Hermione said with tears in her eyes.

"I just need to be alone for a while," he told his daughter, before kissing her forehead and leaving the room.

Harry watched his girlfriend look on helplessly as her father left the room. "I'm sorry, Hermione."

Hermione stared at him confused. "What are you apologising for?"

"It seems no matter what I do, I always end up hurting someone," Harry shrugged.

"It's not your fault Harry," Jane spoke softly, earning surprised looks from her daughter and boyfriend. "Brian has always been over protective of, Hermione." She gave a small laugh. "As I'm sure you've noticed."

"Why can't he just be happy for me?" Hermione asked sadly.

"He's worried about you sweetheart," Jane explained approaching her daughter. "And I can totally understand why. And whereas I do have certain reservations about this relationship, I will accept it."

"You will?" Hermione asked smiling, she smiled even more when her mother nodded happily. "Why?"

"Because if I don't, I have a feeling I'm going to lose my daughter more than I already have. I've always been able to read your eyes, Hermione," Jane chuckled when her daughters eyes burrowed in confusion. "I've never seen so much life and happiness in them, not even on your first day at Hogwarts. I'm guessing the young man to the right of me is the cause, yes?"

Hermione looked at Harry in a loving way, and then back at her mother. "He treats me like a princess, mother."

"Which is how you deserve to be treated," Jane said firmly. "Who am I to stand in the way?"

Hermione smiled widely, and hugged her mother as tight as she could. "Thank you mother."

Jane pulled back from her daughters embrace. "Don't worry about your father, he'll come around. Men just take a little longer to realise what's best."

Harry laughed at the irony, catching Mrs Grangers questioning glance. "Never a truer word spoken, Mrs Granger," he said softly.

"Am I also right in assuming, that you're the knight in shinning armour to rescue my daughter from that 'Parasite'?" Jane asked Harry with distaste in her mouth.

"No more than she rescued me," Harry said honestly, winking at Hermione.

Jane walked up to Harry and took his face in her hands. "Promise me, that you will give Hermione the happily ever after she deserves."

"I promise," Harry told her adamantly.

Jane smiled at Harry then kissed his cheek. "You two go into the living room," she said tapping Hermione's shoulder on her way to Brian's study. "I'm going to coerce your father out of hiding."

When Jane was out of the room, Hermione flung her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him hard on the mouth. Clutching his hair in her fingers, she slid her tongue into his mouth and kissed him as passionately as she could.

When she finally broke away from him, she giggled at his expression. "I love you, so much."

"I love you, too," he said leaning his forehead against his. "Well, one down,"

"One to go," Hermione finished for him. "Actually, It's not going as bad as I thought it would."

"Are you kidding me?" Harry asked laughing, only to be silenced with Hermione's lips


Brian Granger sat at his desk with a whiskey in one hand, and a photo of Hermione on her first day at Hogwarts in the other. His eyes didn't flinch from the photo graph when he heard his wife enter his study. Nor when she walked up behind him and placed both of her hands on his shoulders, and began to massage them softly.

"She was so excited that day, Jane," he said softly. "She talked of nothing else since she got the letter saying she was accepted."

His wife smiled and just let him continue.

"I know that our Hermione was always seen as plain, no matter how beautiful she is to us. I was so worried that she wouldn't fit in. That she would be made fun of because of her intellect and sense, I thought she'd be alone," he mused sadly. "I never thought…," Mr Grangers voice hitched in his throat.

Jane placed the side of her cheek against her husbands, and wrapped her arms around him. "That she'd catch the eye of the most popular kid in school," she finished for him, then she laughed. "If you think about it they didn't even get to school, it was on the train form what Hermione said."

"I saw something in her today, that I haven't seen since the day we took this photograph," Brian said with a smile.

Jane nodded against her husband. "I saw the same thing, the sparkle in her eyes that indicate happiness."

"Yeah," Brian whispered.

Jane shook her head softly. "Do you realise the only time we came close to seeing the same sparkle over the years, was when she was talking about the young man in the next room?"

"Whether he broke her heart or not?" Brian spat.

Jane closed her eyes, stood up, and walked around the desk to face her husband. "Brian, you and I both know that Hermione could have told him how she felt, they're both at fault for whatever hurt they've caused each other in that respect."

"Oh come on Jane," Brian said shaking his head. "Do you think he spent half the time Hermione spent pinning over him, over her?"

"Yes I do," she said honestly. "I don't know the ins and outs of what happened between them to bring them where they are now, but I do know, that the way that Harry looks at out daughter Brian,…the love in his eyes…that doesn't come over night. It comes with years of respect, admiration, loyalty, and most of all,…love."

Brian remained silent.

"Brian, they love each other," his wife said firmly. "I ask you to really think about what's bothering you about that. Is it because you really think that Harry isn't good enough for our daughter? Or is it because you know for certain now, that you're no longer the only man in our daughters life?"

Jane turned to leave, but not before saying one last thing to her husband. "If it's the latter you should no by now, that you haven't been the only man in your daughters life since the day that photograph was taken."

With that she left, leaving Brian Granger to close his eyes in defeat, knowing that his wife was right.


Mrs Granger, Harry and Hermione were in the living room drinking wine. Harry and Hermione were on the sofa holding hands, her mother in a single chair across from them. Jane was grilling them about how they got together, a story that made her get teary eyed and made her put a hand to her heart on more than one occasion. Hermione had just finished telling her mother how Harry had taken her to Rome, for 'his' birthday.

"Oh my," Jane gushed. "That is so romantic."

"It was a once in a lifetime trip mother," Hermione said nudging Harry with knee, and winking. "Trust me."

Harry blushed. "That it was."

"So," Jane said composing herself. "When's the wedding?"

"Mother, you never change," Hermione laughed.

Before another word could be spoken, Brian Granger appeared at the door. "Hello," he said announcing his presence.

"Dad!" Hermione said standing up from the sofa, causing her mother and Harry to slowly do the same. "Are you ok?" she asked kissing her fathers cheek.

"I'm fine, darling," he said embracing his daughter in a hug. When he broke away, he looked at his wife, then back at his daughter. "I apologise for my behaviour earlier, it was uncalled for."

"I'm just glad you've finally come out of hiding," his wife said with a grin.

"Hermione, I was wondering whether I could have a moment alone with Harry here?" he asked gently.

Hermione saw her boyfriend freeze on the spot, and narrowed her eyes at her father. "Dad, don't…"

"Hermione," Harry cut her off. "It's ok, really."

The two men in the room stared at each other, as Jane put an arm around her daughter. "Hermione, since we didn't finish our ice cream earlier, why don't we go in the kitchen and prepare some cake for dessert?"

Hermione's stare never left her father's face. "Why? So that he can.."

"Hermione," Harry interrupted her again. "It'll be alright, I promise."

"Fine," Hermione said sternly. Her eyes never leaving her fathers, she walked up to Harry and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you," he told her, oblivious to the look her father was giving them. "I'll be fine, trust me."

Hermione kissed him on the lips this time, and left the room giving her father a warning stare on her way out. As soon as the two men were left alone, Harry stood rigid with his arms at the side of him.

"You look nervous, Harry," Brian said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I am, Sir," Harry admitted.

The older man raised his eyebrows. "It would appear that no matter what I say, Hermione won't hear of a derogatory comment against you. So why be nervous?"

"Because you and your opinion means a great deal to Hermione, sir, therefore a great deal to me," Harry replied.

"You want me to accept this relationship?" the older man asked.

"Yes, sir," Harry said quietly.

"Why should it matter whether I do or not?" Brian pressed.

Harry's throat went dry. He'd been thinking it over the last few days. He knew his and Hermione's relationship was a whirlwind one at that, but he didn't need to find out anymore about her, or them as couple, to know that he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He had only thought about it, he'd not even said anything to Ron. Going to her parents was the perfect opportunity to ask her father, he was ready to say it out loud.

"Why should it matter whether I accept it or not, Harry?" Hermione's father repeated.

Harry looked Mr Granger straight in the eyes. "Because I want to marry her, sir."

Brian Granger showed no element of surprise. For some reason which he couldn't explain, he'd been expecting this. "I see."


"Hermione, do come away from that door," Jane Granger told her daughter sternly. "It's rude to listen in on other peoples conversations."

Hermione couldn't believe the gall her mother had, Jane Granger was renowned for being nosy, especially when it came to her daughters love life.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much mother," Hermione said coming to stand next to her mother. "I can hear it now, or in twenty minutes when I get Harry alone."

Jane pinched her daughters nose playfully, to which Hermione responded by taking some sugar icing from the cake and putting it on her mothers forehead. The two women collapsed in giggles, only to grow serious when they realised how long it had been since they had a joke together.

"Hermione," her mother said seriously, wiping the icing from her forehead. "If I ask you something, will you be honest with me?"

"Of course," Hermione replied.

Jane Granger didn't quite know how to ask the question without being incredibly intrusive, or embarrassing the both of them. Hermione obviously picked up on this, she knew what her mother wanted to know.

"Mother," Hermione put her hand on her mothers arm. "You can ask, I wont get angry."

Jane looked into the eyes of the daughter, whom along with her husband still considered to be her baby girl, and took a deep breath. "Are you sleeping with him?"

"Yes," Hermione whispered, and was pleasantly surprised not to see disappointment in her mothers eyes but understanding, which made her continue. "I know that you taught me to wait until marriage, but I already knew deep down that I'm going to be with him forever."

Jane smiled at her daughter. "You're being safe?"

Hermione blushed. "Of course we're being safe, mother."

"And he didn't push…" Jane started only to be interrupted.

"He said he'd wait forever for me," Hermione said. "I thought that was too long."

Hermione smiled at the memory of that particular night in Rome, she had been mad at him to begin with the night they made love for the first time, purely because he was making sure that it was what she wanted. It was her that had to assure him, he did everything but pressure her.

"He's the only one I've…" Hermione began, but this time was interrupted.

"I know Hermione," Jane said knowingly. "I know that's something you'd never take lightly."

Hermione took this as the perfect opportunity to bring up sleeping arrangements. "I've really gotten use to being in his arms at night now, they bring me no end of comfort, and I've never slept better."

"Well, that's to be expected," Jane said, totally unaware of what her daughter was getting at.

"Mother," Hermione pressed cautiously.

"Hmm," Jane acknowledged whilst making sure the cake was covered in icing sugar.

"I will understand if the answer is no," Hermione said causing her mother to freeze, and met her eyes once again. "You see, I can't sleep without him. I know that this is yours and daddy's house which we totally respect, but we want to be in the same room tonight."

"I see," Jane squeaked.

"And if we cant," Hermione began nervously. "Which you would be totally within your rights to say we couldn't, then we have no problem just staying till late and going back home tonight."

Jane thought for a moment before answering. "I have no objections," she told her daughter, but raised her hand when Hermione started smiling. "But we'll see what your father thinks."

Hermione's face fell. "Oh well, it was nice dream while it lasted."

Although she knew that there was no way her father would agree to this, she was happy that she was having this conversation with her mother, especially since she couldn't remember the last serious one they'd had together. Maybe her mother really did believe in the love that she and Harry had for each other.


The tension between the two men was still thick, and Harry was becoming nervous. The words 'I see' was the last thing that had been said by Hermione's father, and while it was only over a minute ago, it seemed to Harry like five. Just as he was about to speak, Mr Granger beat him to it.

"And why should I give you my blessing, Harry? When all you've seemed to do in the past is to cause my daughter heartache?" Brian asked softly.

Harry took a few cautious steps towards the older man, hoping that the honest answer he was about to give could be seen in his eyes.

"Mr Granger, I can't promise you that sometimes in the future I'm not going to make your daughter cry, that I'm not going to make her upset or angry. And I don't think Hermione could make the same promise either, because neither of us are perfect. Life…isn't perfect, sir, no matter how much we crave it to be."

When Brian folded his arms and remained silent, Harry continued.

"I can promise you however, that at this moment in time, I've never been so happy. And all I want, is to spend the rest of my life making your daughter feel the same way. Please say that you'll let me do that."

Brian nodded his head in thought, and took a few moments before speaking. "In your quest to make my little girl happy Harry, what happens should you fail?"

"I will happily hand over the knife for you to pierce my heart, Sir," Harry said truthfully.

Brian nodded again before meeting the eyes of the man, who had won his daughters heart. "Can you swear to me Harry, that you will look after my little girl?"

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. "I swear on the memory of my parents, that Hermione's happiness will always come before my own, Mr Granger."

Brian knew at that moment that no man would ever love Hermione as intensely, as much as the man standing in front of him. He knew that this day would come, it was inevitable, he just didn't think that it would be this soon. His wife was right, Hermione had loved Harry since the day she met him, and by the desperation in Harry's voice, it was obvious that he felt the same way. They had given their hearts to each other on the first day of school, they just hadn't realised it till they had gotten older.

Mr Granger also knew that Harry would never have put Hermione through the pain she had suffered through school intentionally, he must have had a reason and he would bet his life on it, that it was because Harry really had no idea how Hermione felt about him back then. If he was going to give his daughter to someone, he would find no one better than Harry Potter. And for this man to pour his heart out in front of him over his daughter after all he had been through in life, only helped him make his mind up easier. He had made his decision.

Seeing Harry anxiously waiting his answer, he decided to put the wizard out of his misery. "You have my permission to marry my daughter, Harry."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and covered his face over his hands to compose himself. "You have no idea what this means to me, Sir."

"Welcome to the family," Brian said holding out a hand. "Son."

"Thank you, Sir," Harry said, shaking his hand.

"And please," Brian smiled. "Stop calling me 'Sir' Harry, it makes me feel old."

Before another word could be said, Hermione walked into the living room followed by her mother. Both men turned to see a very curious looking Hermione staring at them.

"You've been in here alone long enough," Hermione said. "What's going on? Daddy what have you said to him?" Hermione was then surprised to see both of them start grinning.

"I must admit that I'm quite curious myself," Jane said walking over to her husband, sliding her arm around his waist.

"Just man talk, darling," Brian said putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Oh I see," Jane said knowingly. "That's code for mind our own business, Hermione."

Hermione grinned, then approached Harry and wrapped both her arms around his waist. "I'll get it out of him eventually I'm sure."

Harry simply smiled, and looked over at Hermione's parents who were beaming at them happily.

"Hermione," Brian said gently letting go of Jane. "I want you to know that I'm very happy for you, and that I support your relationship with, Harry, implicitly."

Hermione gazed up at her boyfriend. "Is there anyone you can't charm the pants off?" she asked making Harry blush.

Letting go of Harry, she threw her arms around her father. "You have no idea how much that means to me."

Brian met Harry's eyes. "I think I do."

"There is something else you should know," Hermione said cautiously pulling back.

"What's that darling?" Brian asked.

Hermione took Harry's hand. "We've decided to get a place of our own."

The meltdown Hermione was expecting never came. She knew her mother wouldn't have much to say on the subject seeing as how she knew that they were sleeping together, but what she didn't know, was that her father had just given Harry his permission to marry her.

"Congratulations," her parents said simultaneously.

As Harry stared at her mother in confusion, Hermione gave the same face to her dad. "Who are you, and what have you done with my father?"


Much later after general chit chat, it was time to retire to bed. Hermione thought that she'd had all the surprises she was going to get that day, that was up until her father had reluctantly agreed to let Harry and Hermione share a room. She had hoped among hope that he'd agree, but she hadn't expected him too. The day at her parents had started off so negative, but she was relieved that her parents had warmed to her and Harry's relationship so quickly. If only she knew what Harry had said to her father to get him to accept them. She was determined to find out one way or another.

Harry and Hermione had bid goodnight to the Grangers, and were currently getting ready for bed. Harry had stripped down to his boxers, and slid under the covers of Hermione's bed. Hermione's single bed. After they had entered the room, Harry suggested conjuring up a king size bed like the one they had back at the apartment. Hermione said that she thought it would be romantic for them to snuggle together in the smaller bed that she had slept in growing up. That and it was a dream of hers when she was in Hogwarts that one day, she would finally get the wizard of her dreams in said bed eventually. Harry never could say no to her, no matter how ridiculous her ideas seemed.

So this was how he found himself. In bed waiting for Hermione, with absolutely no room for her on either side of him.

"So," he said watching Hermione undress with his hands behind his head. "How is this gonna work?"

"Oh I don't know, darling," Hermione said slipping out of her dress, leaving her in just bra and panties. "Maybe I'll just have to sleep on top of you."

Harry chuckled. "In those dreams of yours, was that how you pictured it happening?"

"Something like that," Hermione breathed lifting the covers, and climbing virtually on top of him.

Harry pulled the sheets up to cover them, and enveloped her in his arms as she rested her head on his chest. "You were right, even though it's somewhat awkward, this is actually quite cosy" he said kissing her head.

"What did I tell you?" Hermione smirked, and then leant up to kiss him softly. She leaned back to gaze at him, and got what Harry had started referring to as her, 'Cat that got the cream' look. Starting at his earlobe, she slowly began to trail featherlike kisses down his neck.

Harry eyes widened, and using his hands gently pushed her away, "Hermione, are you insane?!" he whispered fiercely.

Hermione just grinned, and leaned in again only to be pushed back once more. "Oh come on Harry, I'm incredibly horny."

"And incredibly mental!" Harry said in a low voice. "Hermione, your parents are right next door!"

"So?" she said giggling. "Harry, don't worry. I put a silence charm up, we can be as loud as we like."

"And what if one of them walks in?" Harry argued, still not convinced.

"Harry, my parents do respect my privacy," she replied, only to receive a pointed look from Harry. "From time to time."

"I don't know," he said, still unsure.

"Trust me, they wont just walk in." That being said, Hermione decided to try again, and began kissing his neck.

Feeling Hermione's lips against his skin, Harry decided to give in, and let his hands start to caress her back. As his fingers edged further down towards her bottom, both he and Hermione froze upon hearing a knock at the door. Quickly rearranging themselves so that they were lying stiffly side by in her tiny bed, Hermione spoke. "Come in."

Jane Granger opened the door, smiled at the two of them but didn't say anything.

Hermione decided speak first. "Anything we can help you with mother?"

"Not at all dear, I just thought I'd let you know that I've turned the light off in the kitchen," Jane said, still smiling sweetly at her daughter and her boyfriend.

Hermione just stared at her, while Harry looked away and shook his head. It was so obvious she was checking up on them.

"Will that be all mother?" Hermione asked, slightly impatient.

"Yes dear. Goodnight you two, see you in the morning." Jane gave a wink, and shut the door behind her.

"Unbelievable!" Harry groaned.

"Tell me about it," Hermione said, turning to face Harry. "Now where were we?"

"No way Hermione."

"Why not ?" she whined.

"What if she wants to come in again?" Harry asked sitting up.

"She wont come in again," Hermione told him.

"Yeah, what if she turns off the light in the bathroom, and needs someone to share the news with?!" he asked in a sarcastic manner.


"Hermione, no." Harry said, in a voice that left no room for argument.

"Fine," Hermione said sweetly.

"Fine…ok then," Harry narrowed his eyes, she never let things go that easily. What was she up to?

"Fine," Hermione repeated, settling back down against his chest. "Harry?"

"Hmm," Harry replied in a suspecting manner.

"What did you and my father talk about when you were alone earlier?" Hermione grinned devilishly.

Harry closed his eyes in defeat and sighed. "Okay fine you win, but we put a locking charm on the door."


"Oh my god," Ginny said in wonder.

Ginny and Draco were in bed laying side by side holding hands.

"What is it gorgeous?" Draco turned his head to look at her.

"Do you realise, that its Friday night, and we're here in bed looking at the ceiling?" Ginny laughed.

"Yeah," Draco blinked. "I suppose it is kinda weird."

Ginny turned leaned on her side to face him. "Do you want to what's even weirder?"

"What's that?"

"I'm not the slightest bit bothered," she answered happily.

"Me neither," Draco grinned. He took Ginny's hand, that was now showing a huge diamond ring on one of its fingers, and kissed it gently.

"Marry me," Draco said softly.

Ginny smiled at him in confusion. "I am marrying you silly."

"No, I mean marry me," Draco said seriously. "Marry me now."

"What?" Ginny asked in a whisper.

"Lets go do it right now," Draco sat up on the bed breathing heavily.

"Draco, you can't be serious," Ginny said sitting up too.

Even Draco laughed at the absurdity of it all. "I know, its crazy. But I've never been more serious about anything else in my life."


"Please," Draco took her hands in his. "I just don't want to spend another minute of my life not being married to you. What do you say, babe?"

Ginny opened her mouth to respond, but nothing would come out.


Hermione rode him, her hips moving up and down, and side to side. Harry hissed as his orgasm hit him, groaned as he shot his seed deep within her, and then shuddered at the intensity of it all. Hermione sped up her tempo, desperately wanting to reach her climax as well. She moaned breathlessly calling out Harry's name as she came, her muscles constricting, relaxing, then constricting and relaxing once more.

Resting her forehead against Harry's, she tried to steady her breathing. Harry wrapped his arms fully around her, drawing her close. Tilting his head up slightly, he met her lips, kissing her deeply, running his fingers through her long hair as she came down from her high.

"Wow," he breathed.

"You, can say, that, again," Hermione said still out of breath.

"Wow," Harry repeated closing his eyes, causing Hermione to giggle. "You'll be the death of me, do you know that?"

Hermione smiled and clutched him tighter. "But what a way to go eh?"

"Indeed," he mumbled against her skin. Harry lay back down against the bed, taking Hermione with him. Smoothing the hair from her face, he wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders, and gently kissed her head.

After regaining their breaths, Hermione kissed his chest softly, before resting her head against it.

"It scares me sometimes," she whispered.

Harry who had begun dozing opened his eyes abruptly. "What scares you, baby?"

"How much I love you," she replied quietly.

"I know what you mean," Harry said smiling. "It scares me how much I love you too. I'd do my best to give you the world if you asked me for it."

Hermione raised her head to look at him. "I have everything I 'need' right here, wrapped around me. You are my world."

"It's nice to know we live in the same one," Harry said, before cradling her face and kissing her soundly on the lips.


I hope this chapter was everything you thought it would be, I will try and get another chapter out as fast as I can. Please read and review good people, your words are my inspiration. Back soon. xxx