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Just One More Thing by HarryandHermionesLoveChild

Just One More Thing


AN: Well, I have been away for so long I almost forgot what it was like to update! I kept to my promise of not abandoning my story, but I understand that it must be very frustrating having to wait so long for an update. I still have problems in my life and have only just found the motivation to begin writing again, so I will not be able to make promises in terms of when another update will be here, but it won't be as long a wait as before. I thank you for sticking with it. I hope you enjoy this.

Just One More Thing

Chapter 42


Of all the things that Harry thought he could feel whilst reading a personal file on Steven Atkins, the last thing he thought would pop into his head would be amusement. But there he was. Sitting up in bed against the headboard with his knees up, Harry shook his head and couldn't help but chuckle in incongruity from time to time whilst reading the documents Remus and Draco brought over earlier that day, all under the watchful eye of the witch lying down next to him, who was now starting to get a little impatient.

Hermione briefly glanced over at the clock on her bedside table and sighed quietly when she saw that it had gone past midnight. She and Harry had gone to bed fairly early that evening, after the man she now restlessly gazed up at suggested an early night. Over the course of their romance, an `early night' quickly became a subtle translation for `let's go make love', and Hermione was a little surprised that when they had got under the covers, Harry had bought the file in with them. He saw her face when she saw the document and immediately grinned saying, `Just give me half an hour sweetheart to go through this and you will have my undivided attention, I promise.' She kissed him in complete understanding and then settled down against him, where she proceeded to wait patiently. That was over three hours ago and whereas Hermione knew that it was imperative to keep up with the case, she would have preferred that Harry go through it more thoroughly tomorrow and not whilst they were in bed, especially not when they had planned to do something else.

Hermione would never say it out loud but the further she got through her pregnancy the more insatiable she became for certain things. She was asked by Ginny some days ago if she had had any weird cravings lately, for example did she fancy any disgusting concoctions when it came to food and felt a little silly when she told the red head, `Not for food as such, but I can't get enough of Harry's…smell'. Ginny assured her there was nothing silly about craving her fiancé's scent and when she saw her friend's embarrassment at the admission, immediately lightened the mood with an admission of her own, `Well Hermione, I can't get enough of Draco's dick right now, if that makes you feel any better'. Hermione did feel better straight away and laughed at her friend's bold statement. She was fortunate that she had Ginny to go through this with, pregnancy hormones were crazy things and it was a relief that she had someone to remind her she wasn't going mental when they took hold of her, as they was doing the same to her friend.

Hermione was suddenly bought out of her thoughts by a sardonic laugh from the side of her.

"Haha," Harry laughed derisively with an unbelieving smile, "what a twat!"

Hermione pursed her lips as she observed Harry becoming more and more engrossed in her ex's profile and decided enough was enough. Steven Atkins was an evil thorn in their side, that much was obvious, but now he was getting in the way of her `getting some' and that just simply would not do.

She slowly sat up in bed and moved closer to Harry. Resting her chin on top of his shoulder, her fingers gently caressing his forearm, she looked at his face for a reaction. She didn't get one as his eyes frantically continued to scan the pages in front of him.

Hermione kissed his shoulder. "Harry?" she almost whispered into his ear.

"Hmm," came back a reply, but Harry's eyes still didn't leave the document.

Hermione trained her eyes on him as her fingers left his arm and started to trail up his chest. "About that, `pent up frustration' we were talking about earlier," she began seductively, "still want some help with that?" Kissing his neck softly, she felt a little put out when she leaned back and saw that her fiancé was still not looking at her. Annoyance quickly came to the surface, followed by her thumb and forefinger clicking loudly in front of Harry's face. "Hey!" she exclaimed, finally getting his attention.

"What?" Harry asked eyes wide, almost as if he was disorientated.

Hermione glanced at the file on Steven exasperated. "Don't you think you've read enough of that for one night?"

"What's wrong?" Harry enquired, immediately picking up on her irritated tone, "you said you were ok with me going through this."

Hermione rolled her eyes slightly. "Yeah, but that's when you said it would take half an hour." She watched as Harry glanced at the clock and noticed his look of surprise. "You've been at it for over two hours now," she confirmed for him.

"I didn't even notice," Harry sighed.

"Is it really that exciting?" Hermione asked tonelessly.

"No," Harry replied quickly, "not at all, I'm just interested in what Remus and Draco found out about him, that's all."

"Anything unbelievably creepy?" she asked trying to show interest.

"Nothing more than what we've become used to when it comes to him."

"What was so comical?" Hermione asked referring to his chuckle not long ago.

"His numerous levels of `pathetic'," Harry answered with distaste. "I never thought it possible but I actually pity him more and more everyday." Hermione had every intention of asking Harry to elaborate, but she had no plans to get into it tonight, so simply shrugged and smiled weakly. Harry knew it was nothing serious, but he knew that look on his fiancée's face all too well. It usually meant that there was something she wanted to say, but felt silly for even thinking it. "You ok?" he asked, encouraging her to say what was on her mind.

"Harry, I know we have to keep this at the forefront of our minds to some extent, but I really don't want to talk about Steven right at this moment," she told him honestly whilst looking around their room. "Especially not…you know…" Hermione trailed off.

"What is it sweetheart?" Harry asked caringly.

"I just don't like the idea of you bringing him to…bed with us that's all," she replied feeling slightly embarrassed, not being able to read Harry's expression. "You think I'm nuts don't you?"

Harry simply smiled and then without breaking eye contact threw the file forcefully to the floor, causing it to land with a loud smack. "I can only apologise for temporarily forgetting that I have much more important things to…'do'," he said huskily.

Hermione grinned and welcomed him into her arms as he gently eased her onto the bed. Climbing on top of her, he gave her a tender kiss on the lips. After they broke away she looked up into his eyes thoughtfully.

Harry met her gaze and grinned. "What?"

"You miraculously don't look like you're harbouring any frustration inside of you at all right now," she replied as she started to run her fingers across his back.

"It's kind of hard to right at this instant," he told her honestly.

"Yeah, how so?"

"Because nothing else makes me feel more at peace than moments like this with you," he spoke sincerely.

Hermione smiled sweetly and slowly brought his lips to hers.


Dean slammed another glass to the bar in The Three Broomsticks and let out a loud burp, much to the disgust of Neville, who frowned at his friend's lack of manners. Dean had been drinking heavily for the last two hours, a cowardly way to handle a truth that had slowly been sinking into him for the past few weeks, but had only really started to affect him profoundly in the past few days. Against all odds, Dean Thomas had in fact admitted to himself that he was in love for the first time ever, but had no idea what to do about it.

"Feel better for that?" Neville asked before sipping his orange juice.

"I have officially become what I hate most," Dean replied sombrely, not taking any notice of his friend's sarcastic query.

"Which is?" Neville pressed.

"A pussy," Dean answered quickly.

Neville rolled his eyes. "You think being in love with someone makes you…what you just said?"

Dean sighed. "Love makes you weak."

"I always thought love made you strong," Neville countered.

"Said by a champion pussy, right there," Dean snickered.

Neville ignored the comment and still continued to be supportive. "Have you told Natasha how you feel?"

Dean looked at him like he was crazy. "Why would I do that?"

"You want to be with her don't you?"

"Yes," Dean replied as if the answer was obvious, "but I don't understand why love has to come into it. Why can't we just keep things the way they are?"

"You think that's fair to her?" Neville asked.

"She never complained, she was always satisfied," Dean said smugly.

Neville sighed. "Do you think she was satisfied emotionally?"

Dean scrunched his face up. "Gee Nev, I had no idea you were a therapist on the side."

"Dean, you told me you love her, so go and do something about it!"

"Like what?" Dean asked clueless.

"Tell her for Merlin's sake!"

"NO!" Dean said a little too loud, causing the other patrons to glance at him strangely.

Neville looked at the people who were still looking at Dean and laughed slightly. "Girl trouble," he said with a chuckle.

A chorus of `oh's' and `ahh's', could be heard from the other customers, as they finally understood what had caused such an outburst. Within seconds they went back to their own conversations, leaving Neville and Dean to continue theirs.

Dean looked away as his friend narrowed his eyes at him in confusion, and it wasn't long before Neville started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dean asked perplexed.

"Oh my goodness," Neville continued to chortle.

"Do I have to stick your head down a toilet?" Dean threatened emptily.

"You're afraid, aren't you?" Neville challenged.


"You're afraid of rejection," Neville elaborated.

Dean's eyes widened in shock that he had been found out, but then he became defensive. "Oh don't be so fucking stupid!"

"Do you deny it?" Neville questioned already knowing the answer.

"What do I have to be afraid of?" Dean ignored the question with one of his own.

"Other than pouring your heart out and not having your feelings returned?" Neville offered sarcastically. "Nothing at all."

"Look," Dean began seriously, "I refuse to become pussy whipped like Harry and Draco, ok?"

"You'd actually say that Harry and Draco are whipped?"

"No," Dean shrugged, "not to their faces."

"Harry and Draco are with the women that they want to spend the rest of their lives with Dean," Neville told him seriously. "Sure they have problems, but ninety-nine percent of the time, they look like they're the luckiest people in the world. They're happy and content. What makes you think you couldn't be that way with Nat, and what makes you think that Nat doesn't feel the same way about you?"

"Because she sees things the way I do Nev," Dean replied.

Neville didn't let onto his friend that he couldn't be more wrong about Natasha. During the time he had gotten to know her through both Dean and Kim, Neville picked up on it immediately that Natasha wanted a meaningful relationship that would one day lead to marriage and a family, and even though it was obvious that she was dropping hints to his friend, Dean was just too blind to see it.

"You sure about that?" Neville asked.

"Of course I am," Dean replied with confidence. "She's a party girl who likes to have fun and no ties. That's why we get on so well."

"So it doesn't bother you that she's seeing other guys then?" Neville pushed trying desperately to get Dean to crack.

"No," Dean lied.

"So then why are you sat here getting drunk talking about nothing but Natasha?"

Dean simply looked at his friend and remained silent. He didn't have an answer for that.


The following morning, Hermione woke up alone. As soon as her eyes fluttered open she stretched out an arm hoping to make contact with Harry, her fingers only to be met with thin air and an empty side of their bed. Sighing in slight frustration at missing out on a morning snuggle, Hermione climbed out of bed and put on her silk robe. Leaving the bedroom she went in search for her fiancé.

Unsurprisingly, Hermione found him at the kitchen table with a pot of coffee to hand and Steven Atkins file spread out in front of him. Placing a hand on each of his shoulders, she kissed his neck affectionately. "Good morning," she almost whispered.

Harry turned to kiss her lips gently. "Morning beautiful," he said softly. "I didn't wake you did I?"

Hermione smiled. "No, but it wouldn't have bothered me if you did."

Harry took one of Hermione's hands and guided her to the side of him. Pushing his chair back, he silently gestured for her to sit on his lap.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "There are two of us now, you know?" she joked, referring to her stomach.

"You're still pretty light," he said with a grin.

"Good answer," she acknowledged, sitting on his lap. She then looked at the file that was sprawled out on their dinning room table. "I knew you wouldn't be able to leave it be."


"I don't mean that nasty," she assured him, softly putting a finger to his lips. "It was just an observation. You've always been the same, chomping at the bit."

Harry kissed the finger that was still on his mouth. "I learned from the best."

Hermione caressed his cheek and placed a lengthy featherlike kiss on his lips. Pulling away, she began stroking his hair. "Can I ask a huge favour?"

"Of course," Harry replied, his eyes closing at Hermione's soft administrations.

"Something tells me that you'll be going over this all day," she said, referring to the file. "And I was wondering if you wouldn't mind going over it in the office at the bookstore? I really need to get some things done and I think it's a fair compromise seeing as how you don't want to leave my side right now."

"I don't see why not," he told her with a smile. "You want to go to the café for breakfast beforehand?"

"Really?" Hermione asked surprised, she would have thought he'd want to be in seclusion straight away to dig up what he could on Steven.

Harry grinned. "I think it's the least I could do, you know, after what you did for me last night," he finished wiggling his eyebrows.

Hermione sighed blissfully. "I should thank you for being the perfect gentleman."

Harry nodded but couldn't stop grinning. "And I should thank you, for not being at all ladylike."

"What can I say, you tend to bring out an animalistic side of me," Hermione giggled.

"I'm glad I can tap in that…deep," Harry said, trying to find another word to use but failed.

The conversation was starting to become suggestive and Hermione knew that if she wanted to get to the bookstore that day she would have to end this particular one, though it was difficult. "I won't be long," she told him as she kissed his forehead. "Just need to get showered and changed."

Hermione slowly got off of his lap and walked towards their bedroom. Her fiancé watched as she walked away, before clearing his throat loudly just before she reached the bedroom door. "I could do with one myself."

Hermione turned around with a huge smile on her face. "I think in the interest of saving time today and not water, it would probably be prudent for me to shower alone this morning."

Harry nodded in understanding, an amused look on his face. "What do you say to around about lunchtime, you close up for half hour, so we can go check that everything is as it should be in the restricted section?"

Hermione smiled even wider. "I'd rather we check out `our' section if it's all the same."

A wonderful memory came to the forefront of Harry's mind. The day he gave Hermione the bookstore, he had cheekily put the store sign to `closed', and asked Hermione if she fancied going at it up against a bookshelf, to which she amazingly agreed to. The fact that she found that section now to be a perfect place for them to revisit such a passionate experience, made a particular part of his body stir deliciously. He now couldn't wait till lunchtime.

"You as they say, are on," he said seductively.

Hermione winked and disappeared into the bathroom.


Ginny Malfoy put her hands to her head as she watched her husband getting ready for work. She had been up since the crack of dawn and was now watching Draco potter about the kitchen stuffing all different items of food in his bag.

"Why did we agree to this?" Ginny whined.

"Agree to what babe?" Draco asked, stuffing fruit into his bag.

"It's only 8.30am and already my mother has been on the phone twice asking me if I want alcohol at the reception and which kind of cake we want," his wife replied tiredly.

"Well let's put it this way, if there's no alcohol, I'm not going," Draco stated.

Ginny stared at him strangely. "It's our reception, you have to be there."

"Gin, you knew that your mum was gonna blow this all out of proportion when she had the idea. So, just turn up, smile, and it will be over before you know it."

Ginny frowned a little. "Are you not looking forward to it just a tiny bit?"

Draco stopped in his tracks. "Of course I am, but its three weeks away and I do have other things on my mind right now. I'll worry about it closer to the time, but right now, I really have to get to work."

Ginny pouted. "Pop the fireplace at dinner?"

Draco approached her. "You know I will," he said kissing her head. "And give your mum a break, she's obviously excited."

Ginny looked at him surprised. "Since when have you been my mum's biggest fan?"

"Since I fell in love with her gorgeous daughter," Draco smiled. He kissed her lips and stroked her face. "You know where I am if you need me."

Ginny nodded. "Don't work too hard."

Draco snorted. "As if. Love you."

"Love you too," Ginny echoed, just before Draco dissaparated.


Harry and Hermione arrived at Seamus and Lavender's café and were pleasantly surprised to see Ron and Luna there. They were instantly invited to share a table.

"So what brings you in here this time of morning?" Harry asked.

"Well, Ron here is taking off for a few days tomorrow so we thought we'd make a day of it, starting with breakfast," Luna replied.

"Where are you off to?" Hermione questioned.

"I'm going to Canada," Ron told them excitingly.

"Stonewall Stormers huh?" Harry asked knowingly. "Good luck with that."

"I'll have you know that my team can kick anyone's arse," Ron stated. "Just because it's a friendly doesn't mean that we'll not be going all out."

"By all means go for it darling," Luna encouraged, "but please remember that it's your sister's reception two weeks on Saturday and the last thing we need is for you to look battered."

Ron sat back and opened his arms wide. "Thanks for having faith in me."

Hermione giggled. "They are the stormers, Ron."

Ron screwed up his face. "And since when have you known anything about quidditch teams Hermione?"

Hermione shyly looked at Harry, whom was looking back at her like the cat who got the cream. They were both thinking of the same thing and it was making them blush incessantly. Ron was right, Hermione didn't really know anything about quidditch, and only really took an interest when Harry was playing. But, ever since they got together, she had been introduced to an entirely different kind of quidditch, which namely meant Harry would dress up in quidditch gear and they'd end up having sex for hours, the foreplay of which was Harry telling her about certain teams and their stats. One of the nights, the best night in Hermione's opinion, Harry dressed up as a member of the Stonewall Stormers, and his fiancée assured him it was her best lesson to date.

It wasn't too long before Ron caught on, as would all of their friends eventually, had they seen the same look. It had become so obvious when Harry and Hermione were remembering a sex session, the look between them a now infamous trademark.

"Oh god!" Ron sighed in disgust.

Luna looked at the couple dreamily. "Impressive."

Harry glanced at Ron who was now going red. "Oh what's wrong with you, you mardy git?"

"How could you, Harry?" Ron asked dramatically. "In a Stormers of all outfits!"

"What is your problem?" Hermione giggled.

"Yes Ron, we've done it lots of times," Luna added.

"That's different!" Ron tried to defend. "It was a Cannons outfit!"

"That's so boring," Hermione said with a smile.

"What does that mean?" Ron implored.

Hermione glanced at Harry who was doing his best not to laugh. "Because I know everything there is to know about that Cannons, I wouldn't learn anything."

"Do I even want to know what you're talking about?" Ron asked.

"No, you don't," Harry told him quickly, before taking Hermione's hand in his and giggling along with her.

Ron folded his arms and shook his head. "You two make me sick sometimes, you know that."

"Just sometimes?" an Irish voice asked amused.

"Hi Seamus," Hermione greeted not letting go of Harry's hand. "How's things?"

"Alright, just on me own this morning, Lav was up all night with the baby so she's taking a well deserved lie in."

"How's he doin?" Harry asked about baby Roots.

"He's great Harry," Seamus gushed. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, there really is no other feeling like it in the world."

"We sure can't wait," Harry said with a gleam in his eye. "I mean, he or she isn't even here yet and already we're madly in love," he finished glancing at his fiancée.

"She," Hermione smiled.

Harry curled his lips and gazed into her eyes. "She huh?"

"It's a girl," Hermione said with confidence.

"How do you know?" Luna asked intrigued.

Hermione shrugged. "I just know is all."

Harry was taken aback. "You know."

Hermione chuckled. "No, I don't know, know…I just have this feeling."

Luna sighed. "I thought the same thing originally and I'm usually so good with these kind of things, but for some reason, my instinct is going back and forth between boy or a girl."

"Y-e-a-h," Ron nodded slowly. "Erm love, a boy or a girl, are the only two real options here."

"I know that silly," Luna nudged him playfully. "I just don't understand why my aura can't commit to just the one."

Seamus looked around at everyone's `Luna is talking shit again' faces, and decided to do what he was there for. "Everyone want the usual drinks then?"

His friends nodded along with Ron, who then proceeded to quickly order food. "Fry up mate and double up on the toast and sausage will ya Shay. Give Luna a melon, cheers."

Harry ordered next. "Same."

"Just don't double up his," Hermione said leaving no room for argument. Seamus chuckled as Harry's mouth went up and down like a goldfish. "I'll have scrambled eggs on toast please shay."

Seamus nodded. "You got it guys, won't be long."

As Seamus let the table, Ron looked at his girlfriend whom seemed to be in some sort of trance. "Babe what is it?"

Luna shook her head. "I almost had it."

"You're not going on about that boy or girl thing still are ya?" her boyfriend asked insensitively.

"Ron," Hermione said warningly.

"Well it's mental," the redhead argued.

Luna didn't look offended. "I know you don't care much for my ability to sense things Ronald, but even you have to admit that I've never been wrong before when it comes to guessing the genders of unborn babies."

Ron had to admit, she was always sharp when it came to the boy or girl game. She had been right every time when their friends had had babies, most recently Ginny and Draco's. "Ok that I'll give ya."

The trio watched as Luna appeared to wrestle with her head, when suddenly the blonde looked into Harry's eyes and saw that they had widened a little. It was as if they had come to the same conclusion at exactly the same time. Luna had foreseen it, whereas Harry had been told it by his former teacher. He hadn't really given it much thought lately if he was honest, he was sure that Dumbledore had simply been mistaken. But then, when was his old headmaster ever wrong. And now, Luna was not able to tell whether he and Hermione were having a boy or a girl. He now had to deal with the possibility that they could be in fact having both.

"Oh my god," Luna said with an amazed voice. She couldn't believe that she didn't realise it before. Harry and Hermione were having a boy and a girl, twins.

Harry gave a subtle shake of the head which Luna luckily caught onto. Unfortunately, so did Hermione.

"What is it?" she asked Harry with a smile, before glancing over to Luna who looked as though she was on the verge of tearing up. "You guys…" Hermione tried again. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Harry told her clearing his throat.

Ron was now switching between looking at all three of them, not having the slightest clue as to what was going on. He turned to his girlfriend. "Care to share?"

"You know me Ronald, I'm weird," Luna tried her best to cover up her discovery.

Hermione didn't look convinced. She wasn't angry; in fact she found this whole thing kind of amusing, but she was determined to get answers, one way or another.


The four of them had had a lovely breakfast and Harry believed that he had gotten away with his and Luna's little slip, but when Ron and Luna had left he and Hermione alone to go and spend some alone time themselves, Hermione decided it was time to bring up what had happened in the café again. Once inside `Flourish & Blotts', Hermione cheekily pinched Harry's backside, mainly to let him know that she didn't want to argue, but was simply dying of curiosity.

"Hey!" he laughed.

Hermione threw her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his neck. "Mmm."

"I though we were waiting for lunch to do this," Harry grinned.

Hermione pulled back. "Please tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"What that thing at breakfast was about?"

"What thing?" Harry asked, pretending not to know what she was talking about.

Hermione shook her head smiling. "Harry, you should know by now that you can't put anything past me. I saw that look between you and Luna."

"Then if nothing can get past you, you should know by now that Luna can be a bit loopy at times."

"What's the big deal," Hermione pressed.

Harry chuckled. "If it's not a big deal, then why do you need to know?"

Hermione hugged him tighter. "So, there is something to know then?"

"It's nothing."

"Then tell me."

Harry looked upward briefly and sighed. "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"

Hermione bit her lip. "Not a chance, especially seeing as how it has something to do with the baby that I'm carrying. I think it's only fair that you divulge all."

Harry cupped her face in his hands. "It really is…out there you know… I don't even know whether it's worth mentioning."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Harry slowly backed away from her and ran a hand through his hair. "Just, do me a favour ok?"

Hermione appeared excited and folded her arms; he wasn't usually this easy to crack. "What kind of favour?"

"Promise me that you won't freak out."

Hermione's smiled started to fade a little. "Why would I freak out? Is it something bad?"

"No, no it's not," he reassured her quickly. "It's just…a lot…to take in."

"How do you mean?" she asked quietly.

Harry was struggling on where to start such a conversation. "Hermione, it might not even…be true and I don't want to say anything that might worry you or get your hopes up--"

"Please just tell me," Hermione cut him off. "What would I be worried about or get my hopes up for?"

Harry took a deep breath and licked his lips. "Do you remember the day I went to see McGonagall, you know to see of we could use the castle for our wedding?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes."

"She said something to me that just…" Harry didn't finish that particular sentence and began laughing in absurdity. "I mean it's completely crazy that he would even know such things."

Hermione got closer to him. "That `who' would know such things?"

Harry gave a short laugh. "Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore?" Hermione repeated confused. "What does he have to do with this?"

"He bet on us."

Hermione looked even more confused. "Bet on us?"

"He made a bet with McGonagall that we'd end up getting married."

"He did huh?" Hermione smiled once again.

Harry closed his eyes. "He did, and also he…predicted something else."

"That we'd being having a baby?" Hermione tried to guess.

"A little more," Harry said gingerly.

"What more could there be?" Hermione asked, her face scrunching up in confusion.

"I didn't even give much thought to it, because I didn't think that there was a chance he could be right about this, which I know I'm stupid for thinking," Harry tried to explain. "But when Luna said that she didn't understand why she couldn't figure out whether our baby is a boy or a girl…it kinda makes sense."

Hermione looked deeply into his eyes and it wasn't long before her breath hitched in her throat. It couldn't be…could it? She slowly looked down to her stomach and caressed it tenderly, and then looked back up at her fiancé. "Oh my god," she croaked.

Harry didn't know what was going through Hermione's mind right at that moment, whether she was happy or not at the prospect of having two babies to care for, but it was something he knew they were going to be having a long talk about.

He took her hands in his. "Hermione, we don't even know if…it could be that he was wrong."

"And Luna?" she asked softly, completely stunned by this potential news.

"Luna's wrong on a regular basis," he replied, trying to lighten the mood.

"Dumbledore wasn't," Hermione stated in a daze.

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. "What if…what if he was right?"

Hermione sniffed as tears started to form in her eyes. "What and that we've got two babies growing in here?" she asked still caressing her belly.

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "How do you feel about that?"

Hermione met his gaze but remained silent, causing Harry's heart to leap into his mouth.


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