Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Time of Their Life by Amynoelle and Heaven

The Time of Their Life

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Wow, again what a fabulous response you guys have given us to chapter 9. Some of you wondered how long it takes us to write a chapter- it's hard to say really as we don't chapter out the story until after it's already written. But as of this chapter's post date, we are up to the mid twenties. Yup ;) We've gotten pretty far!

A lot of you were also wondering about Megan and Gordon. We can tell you this- Megan's harmless, Gordon's… not. But that's all you're getting from us for now on that subject!

Thanks again everyone! And please don't forget to comment when you're done reading this time! :D

For once is his academic career, Gordon Devereaux was finding it hard to pay attention in class. His eyes were fixed on the pretty brunette sitting beside him, furiously scribbling notes on a piece of parchment. To his delight, she was wearing the bracelet he'd given her the night before. He'd wondered to himself what Potter had given her for her birthday. Knowing that arrogant prat, Gordon thought to himself, he'd probably think just being her boyfriend was present enough.

After class, he and Hermione were supposed to go to the library to continue their project. He hoped that she'd consent to grabbing a bite to eat afterwards. He also hoped that she wouldn't suggest going to her flat again because he'd never get closer to her if she was surrounded by her boyfriend and that pregnant flatmate of theirs.

Gordon snapped to attention as he saw Hermione gathering up her books. The lecture was over and he'd barely registered a word of it.

Hermione hummed happily to herself as she dreamily packed away her things. She had done her hardest to pay attention in class today, her mind too firmly fixed on Harry coming home last night.

She was also looking forward to the dinner she and Harry were going out for tonight. He would be waiting for her after the next class- she had worn something other than jeans to class, instead she had a skirt on and her new red shirt that Harry had originally thought was Lavender's on under her robes. She heard a cough behind her and saw that Gordon was trying to get her attention.

Gordon grinned at her. "You looked to be in another world just now. Everything alright?"

"Oh everything is perfect," Hermione smiled. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason," he said, shrugging. "It's a shame we couldn't get more done last night. I felt like we were really getting somewhere."

"Yes I know..." Hermione pushed a loose strand of hair out of her eyes. "But it's not as if this project is due quite yet. Besides that I'm sure you have other things to occupy your time with aside from helping me out. Like I said- you don't have to; I've got the hang of things enough now."

The smile on Gordon's face faltered a bit. "You're right, of course. I've just enjoyed being in your company again. I just hope you know that anytime you need help, I'd be glad to oblige."

"Well we're definitely heading for the library now right?" Hermione asked. "I'm afraid I have to run after our next class."

"Yes, of course," Gordon said, holding the door open for her. "So, you've got big plans tonight then?" He tried not to let the disappointment he felt show. He should have known something was up when she'd arrived to class dressed up more than she usually was.

"Harry's taking me out to dinner to celebrate my birthday since he had to be away." Hermione straightened her bag strap.

"Oh right," Gordon said, as they walked along the stony steps leading toward the library. "Where was it he went again?"

"Florence," Hermione replied. "He tried to get out of it but his whole section was going and it couldn't be avoided."

"Florence is a great city," Gordon said conversationally. "I spent some time there myself last summer. Great food and beautiful Italian women."

"I suppose it's lovely there," Hermione replied. "Harry told me he wants us to go back one day- he really didn't get to see much of the city since they were training."

"It must be hard for him," Gordon said slyly. "Being who he is and having all that attention."

"It really doesn't go to his head," Hermione replied as she pulled her cloak tighter around her. "He's as much down to earth as you or me. He doesn't like to use his name or power to throw his weight around." she told Gordon of how the instructor was ready to pass him the first day of their training. "He refused and said he wanted to take the class like any other Auror."

Gordon bit back a sarcastic comment. Something like that probably never happened and Potter probably told her that just to make himself seem more modest than he actually was. Besides, it wouldn't do for him to insult Harry now when he was still trying to get close to Hermione. He wanted to charm her, not piss her off. "That girl who lives with you?" Gordon said, as they walked inside the warm library. "She's friends with Harry as well?"

"Yes," Hermione replied. "Cho Chang- she and Harry have been friends for a long time. When she got sacked from her job we told her she could stay with us until she made other arrangements."

"I thought so," Gordon said, as they sat down at their usual table in the library. "I picked up on a closeness between them."

"They're best friends," Hermione confirmed, not allowing the thoughts of the two of them having sex to return to her head. "I was surprised when I heard they weren't dating from Neville back when they were dancing together at Hillsdale."

"Did they date at some point?" Gordon asked.

"Yes, back when they were fifteen or sixteen," Hermione said offhandedly. "It didn't last very long and they stayed friends after that."

"I'm quite impressed with how mature you are," Gordon said. "You must trust Harry a lot to allow his ex-girlfriend to live with you."

"She had a large hand in helping us get together," Hermione replied. "And besides, she's dating another friend of ours, Neville."

Gordon nodded. He obviously wouldn't be able to use Cho in his plans to trigger jealousy and insecurity in Hermione's relationship with Harry. "You don't ever get concerned about Harry? Worried that he'll have a wandering eye? I mean, he's Harry Potter, for Merlin's sake. I'm sure he's had to beat the women off with a stick."

Hermione gave him a look. "He's had his fair share of people interested in him but he's told me that he loves only me. And I've trust in him enough that he wouldn't look at anyone else while he's with me."

"Of course. Hermione, I wasn't trying to insinuate anything. I hardly know the guy. I guess I was just basing my opinions on him on what I've always heard in the papers and gossip," Gordon said quickly. "I honestly didn't mean anything by it. If I had you, I wouldn't look at anyone else, either."

Hermione turned red and looked down at her book. "That's sweet of you to say," she murmured.

Gordon grinned. "So, um, want to go ahead and get started? We don't have much time before you have to get on to class and your big night with your very lucky boyfriend, right?"

"No, we really don't," Hermione was relieved that he was dropping the talk about Harry. "What did we want to get started on?"

You and me getting together would be nice, Gordon thought. He tried to concentrate on the project, but he couldn't stop thinking about Hermione and what it would be like to kiss her and hold her and...

He looked up sheepishly to see she was staring at him with a bemused expression on her face. "Sorry," he said. "You choose, Hermione. Whatever you want to do is alright by me."

*** *** ***

Harry waited outside the door to Hermione's classroom. He could see her inside writing as fast as she could on a bit of parchment and it brought a smile to his face.

He watched the light from the window travel down her mane of brown hair, watched how she bit her lower lip as she concentrated. Merlin, their evening hadn't started and he wanted her already.

A bell rang, making Harry jump as everyone inside started packing up their things. The door opened and he could hear the professor calling out last minute instructions to the departing students.

Hermione was one of the last ones out and Harry stood off to the side. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman?" he sneaked up behind her, holding the flower out in front of her as his arm curved around her waist.

"Ron," Hermione said, trying not to laugh, but wishing she could see the look on Harry's face. "What will Harry say if he knew you showed up here?"

"Hey!" Harry pulled a mock irritated face. "If this is what happens every time I try and be romantic-"

Hermione silenced him with a kiss. She knew that some of her classmates who were hovering in the hall were watching them, but she didn't care. "What were you saying about being romantic?" she asked.

"Right," Harry replied. "Stole the words right out of my mouth." he curved his arm around her waist. "Our night awaits us my lady," he led her down the corridor.

Gordon watched with narrowed eyes as Hermione kissed Potter. It should be him, he thought. If he'd only come back a little earlier in the year he might have been able to head off Hermione ever even meeting Harry Potter. Then she would have been his, kissing him in the hallway and walking off with HIM to dinner.

Harry had picked a nice restaurant near the end of Diagon Alley. He'd eaten there once or twice and liked it a lot. It was low key but casual dressy. "I don't know if this will beat a night out with the girls but I'll sure try." he joked as he held Hermione's chair for her.

"To tell you the truth I remember very little from that night," Hermione answered. "Luna and I drank a little too much."

"Oh really?" Harry laughed.

"Yeah," Hermione replied. "But I promise not to do that tonight. I have a feeling I'll want to remember every minute of this night."

"I hope so too," Harry took her hand as Merlot was poured into their goblets. "I still feel awful that I wasn't able to be here."

"It doesn't matter," Hermione said, stroking his hand. "Besides, we'll have many more birthdays to spend together, right?"

"I certainly think so." Harry replied. A waiter came by the table and Hermione was suddenly hit with a fit of the giggles. "What are you laughing at?"

"One thing I do remember from my night out with the girls was this waiter we had at the restaurant," Hermione related to him. "Luna kept checking him out. I believe she used the phrase 'eye candy' once or twice. Anyway, when we were leaving the restaurant, Luna was already so pissed, but she walked past him and grabbed his arse..."

Harry fell back in his seat laughing. "What did Ron think of that?"

"I don't think she told him," Hermione said between giggles. "And don't you tell him either!"

"Well now," Harry stopped laughing at sat up, a mock stern expression on his face. "You girls can tell each other secrets about us guys yet we can't say anything between ourselves?"

"I shudder to think what you guys talk about when we're not around," Hermione said. "What I wouldn't have given to be a fly on the wall when you and Neville were in Florence."

"We were very good for your information," Harry grinned as he thought of their discussion. "And we didn't discuss anything sordid. Quite the opposite actually."

"Discussed the meaning of life, did you?" Hermione teased.

"Something like that," Harry said mysteriously. "But I'm not at liberty to say what Neville and I talked about."

Hermione put her menu down and stared at him. "You're not going to tell me?"

"I can't," Harry replied. "I swear I can't. It's up to Neville."

"Nothing I can do to persuade you?" she asked.

"Don't you try any of those tricks of yours Ms. Granger," Harry warning, his eyes mischievous.

Hermione picked her menu up again and tried to look nonchalant. "I have no idea what you're talking about...I have no tricks. Hmmm....I guess I'll be getting the lobster tonight..."

Harry shook his head and grinned. "Get whatever you like," he replied. "This evening holds no monetary value to me whatsoever."

"I see," Hermione grinned. "So, I guess if I order the most expensive item on the menu, I'm obligated to put out for you later on."

Harry started laughing again. "You said it not me," he snickered.

"So you don't deny it then?" she said pretending to be affronted. "My mother warned me about boys like you."

"So did your father and look at you now," Harry replied, amused.

Hermione laughed. "Point taken. Speaking of my dad, he and Mum came by the flat Saturday morning to wish me a happy birthday and Dad wanted me to ask you about golfing again. Though, after what happened that first time..."

"Don't remind me, please." Harry was terribly embarrassed. He hadn't been able to hit the ball into that blasted hole once much to Robert's amusement. "I'm sure he enjoyed me making a fool of myself."

"He thought you did quite well for your first time," Hermione said quickly. "You can't be good at everything, Harry. Besides, Dad told me he thought you were intentionally playing bad to not show him up."

"No, it was really just me really playing badly," Harry replied. "I suppose I could suffer through another four hours worth if it means your dad will like me some more."

"He likes you fine," Hermione said. "He's come quite a long way since this summer. You have to give him that at least."

"That's very true," Harry grabbed up her hand. "I wasn't complaining about that at all. I can't believe we've come this far with him. I thought for sure that night we finally broke it to him that we wanted to move in together I'd find myself buried six feet under the ground by morning."

Hermione could still remember how Harry had come over for dinner and they'd decided once and for all to tell Robert and Elinore their plans. They'd both been putting it off for one reason or the other and they'd finally decided to just do it.

She and Harry had offered to clear away the dishes and bring dessert and coffee into the kitchen for everyone. Hermione broke the news by handing her father a piece of cake and saying nervously, "Here's your cake, Dad...Harry and I are moving in together."

As she reflected on it now, she couldn't remember ever seeing her father say so much by not saying a word. "It wasn't that bad," Hermione said.

Harry scoffed. "That's because you went outside with your Mum and Lavender and I got to stay in with him. I've never been so scared in my life and that's really saying something."

"You're not saying my dad scared you more than Lord Voldemort?" Hermione asked. "Harry, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"It was, at first at least..." Harry squeezed her hand. "He was quiet, I almost felt like I'd rather have him be yelling at me. And then he told me if I ever did anything to hurt you that I'd find myself answering to him." he looked up at her. "I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you, not ever."

Hermione smiled at him from across the table. "I know that. I'd never do anything to hurt you, either."

"Well it all ended well anyhow," Harry kissed the back of her hand. "We're here together."

"We sure are," Hermione said happily.

They ordered their dinner and Harry looked at his girlfriend, a surge of contentedness flowing through him as he watched her converse with the waiter. He still couldn't figure out what made her choose him out of all the other blokes out there but he was glad she wanted him as badly as he did her.

"Harry?" Hermione said, interrupting his thoughts. "Is everything okay?"

"Just fine," Harry replied. "Have I told you tonight how in love with you I am?"

"Once or twice," Hermione replied. "But, I'll let you in on a little secret; I never get tired of hearing that."

"Good," Harry's eyes were soft in his desire for her. "Because it just so happens I have a gift in here for a certain girl I happen to be head over heels for..." he pulled the small, gift wrapped box from his pocket and held it out to her.

Hermione beamed at him and with shaking hands took the box from him. She slowly unwrapped the present and saw a rectangular velvet box inside. With trembling hands, she opened the box and gasped at what was inside. It was a beautiful diamond tear drop necklace with matching earrings. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked from the gift to her boyfriend. "Harry," she whispered. "They're beautiful."

He grinned in relief. "I know you're not much of a jewellery person but every girl deserves diamonds." He watched as she pulled off the earrings she was currently wearing and threaded the ones he'd just given her through her ears. "Here let me help you with that," he got up and drew the delicate gold chain over her skin. Hermione held back her hair while he clasped it.

"Gorgeous, just like you," Harry said softly, his eyes intent on hers.

She tilted her head toward his and softly kissed him. "Thank you," she whispered. "And not just for the gift...and not just for tonight. Thank you for loving me."

"I couldn't stop if I tried you know," Harry said quietly.

*** *** ***

It finally seemed as if things were looking up for Cho. Her interview that morning with Madam Malkin went better than expected and by the time she'd left the shop, she'd had a job and a new set of robes.

She'd already had plans with Neville for this evening and she figured it would just be a low-key celebration due to her job. Money was tight now for Neville since his Gran had disowned him, so she'd not expected much. She didn't care for fancy dinners and fancy clothes anyway. What mattered to her was spending time with Neville. She wouldn't have minded if he'd wanted to order pizza and stay in for the night.

She'd dressed casually in a pair of black dress trousers and an over-sized cream coloured jumper. The doorbell chimed and with one last look in the mirror, she walked as quickly as she could to answer the door.

Neville stood there, wearing a smile and jeans with jumper and carrying a bouquet of red roses.

"Good evening," Neville gave a rather comical bow. "I am here to escort you out on a fine evening of romance Miss Chang," he handed her the flowers.

"Neville," Cho said taken aback. "What is all this?"

"I just want to treat you to an evening you'll never forget," Neville said, looking at her earnestly.

"Are you sure about this?" Cho asked, worried. "I know money's tight and-"

"Don't you worry about it," Neville interrupted her, giving her a kiss. "Tonight is your night to sit back and relax," he squeezed her hand.

"I can definitely go along with that," she said smiling at him. She put the flowers in some water and they left.

"I'll bet you're wondering where we're going," Neville said as they left The Leaky Cauldron behind.

"The thought had crossed my mind," Cho joked. "You won't even give me a little hint?"

"Well..." Neville whistled for a taxi and they got in. "I want you to think way back... to the first place we ever met... at King's Cross." He looked straight at her. "Unless of course you want to go somewhere else... I just thought it might be a nice evening for us."

"No," she said, putting a hand on his knee. "I think it sounds perfect altogether. Really."

"Great," Neville grinned in relief. Cho smiled back at him and he leaned in and kissed her gently. "I forgot to tell you that you look gorgeous tonight."

Cho felt tears flood her eyes but she held them at bay. "You're so sweet to think so Nev," she whispered.

"I don't think so, I know so," Neville gave her another quick kiss as the driver pulled through the streets of London.

Cho pushed her long dark hair back over her shoulders. "I remember the first time I went in there to go to school," she said, looking around. "It seemed so much bigger when we were eleven."

"Aye it did," Neville replied. "And me giving you a Chocolate Frog."

Cho laughed. "I could go for a Chocolate Frog right about now… but I'll bet it would hop away and scare the Muggles."

"That it might," Neville replied. "But I do know where Harry is keeping his stash back at the house."

"You mean he's had some and never told me?" Cho cried.

"It took me long enough to get him to tell ME," Neville said. "So I'll grab a few for you but I can't disclose that information."

"All right," Cho conceded. "What do you think he and Hermione are doing right now?"

"Do we really want to know the answer to that?" Neville cringed. "I daresay after he gives her his gift they'll be quite happy just going straight to bed."

"What did he get her?" Cho nearly pounced on him. "Tell me Neville, as he wouldn't even tell me what it was!"

Neville laughed. "He got her a diamond teardrop necklace and matching earrings."

"Oh," Cho's eyes went glassy. "That is so very like Harry."

"He does like to spoil his friends," Neville nodded. "And that means for Hermione it's no holds barred. I know we say this a lot but I still can't believe how he is around her. I've never seen him so arse over end for a girl before."

Cho laughed at his comment. "I know," she replied. "And she's such a perfect match for him, really. I've never seen anyone put up with his banter the way Hermione does."

Neville snorted. "She matches him wit for wit," he replied. "Harry's finally met himself in female form."

"That she does," Cho agreed. "Neville? There's something I wanted to ask you...Hermione sort of had a problem with it, and I just wanted to make sure that you didn't..."

"What, about you and Harry?" Neville asked perceptively.

"Yeah," Cho said, surprised that he'd known what she was talking about. "You knew that we were...that we..."

"Of course I know," Neville said. "I am friends with Harry... I knew about things back then...." he squeezed her hand. "But it was awhile ago now and he's with Hermione and you're with me. I know that you've been with other guys..." his eyes travelled to her stomach.

Cho hit him playfully on the arm. "And here I thought I had you fooled."

"Right," Neville replied dryly. "It doesn't bother me Cho, if that's what you're working at."

"It was just that things between Hermione and I were sort of awkward after she found out and I just wanted to make sure that you didn't think that I still harboured feelings for Harry," Cho said. "He's always going to be special to me, but I just see him as my sometimes rather annoying and overprotective friend."

"As do I," Neville interjected. "But I'm secure enough now that I know he loves Hermione and you in different ways."

Cho rested her head on Neville's shoulder. "You're such a great guy, Nev."

Neville smiled. "For you, Cho Chang, I'm anything you want."

Cho sighed contently. She hadn't had the best track record when it came to her love life. In the past, she'd always sought out and attracted the bad boys who she thought she could change. In the end, she'd always had her heart broken. Draco Malfoy had been the classic example of this. As she sat there in that taxi with Neville Longbottom, she knew that her luck was finally changing. She had a job, great friends, a baby on the way, and the love of a good man. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed that they'd arrived at their destination until she heard Neville opening the car door.

"We're at King's Cross," he said softly. "You want to get out or keep going?" his voice held the slightest note of trepidation.

"Get out, of course," she said with a laugh, taking his proffered hand to help her out of the taxi.

Neville grinned and helped her out. "King's Cross, Miss Chang," he said in a corny accent.

"Just promise me that we won't have to go back to school," Cho said laughing. "I loved Hogwarts, but I had enough of school to last me a lifetime."

"No school," Neville smiled. "I'm hoping what I have planned will be better than that," he led her inside the station.

"Now I'm intrigued," she said as they walked through the station. Cho was hit with a wave of nostalgia just walking through it. "This place brings back so many memories."

"Too right you are," Neville answered. "What cafe do you want to eat at?"

"It doesn't matter to me," Cho said honestly. She patted her stomach. "The little one here is getting a little hungry though."

"Well by all means," Neville sat her down at a table. "Tell me what you'd like Miss Chang. Anything at all you want is yours."

"Surprise me," Cho said. "You know what I like by now."

Neville ordered them some dinner and brought it back to the table, grinning as she dug in. "I love you," he said unexpectedly.

"I love you too," she said glancing up at him in surprise. She brought her fork to her mouth again, but she saw that Neville was still looking at her intently. "Do I have something on my face?" she asked, dropping her fork and touching her cheek.

"No... I just think you're so gorgeous is all," Neville replied. "I love looking at you."

She blushed. "Thanks."

Neville moved his chair closer to hers. "I just..." he fumbled a minute. "I just want you to know... I think you're the most important person in my life Cho."

"Neville," Cho looked over at him. "If you keep saying such sweet things, I'm going to start crying. And it doesn't take much these days, I cry at the drop of a hat."

"I know," Neville dropped his gaze. "I also want you to know... I didn't bring you here for a cheap date I brought you here for a reason."

"Neville, I don't think this is a 'cheap date'," she said quickly. "I'm having a great time. You honestly don't have to..." Her voice trailed off as she watched Neville push back his chair.

"What is it?" she asked concerned.

Neville was nervous enough to want to be sick but he decided it was now or never. "Cho... I love you so much. Just in these past few months I've found a future with you I didn't think possible." He got down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. "I want to be with you forever Cho. I want to be a father to your baby and be your husband." he opened the box. "Will you marry me?"

Cho's jaw dropped as she stared at the ring in his hand. "W-what did you just say?" she asked shakily.

"Will you marry me?" Neville's face was almost ashen.

Nearly every eye in the cafe was on the two of them, but Cho didn't see it. Her eyes were fixed on Neville. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at him. "You want to...marry me?" she asked.

"More than anything," he replied, his face gone white by now.

"I-I don't know what to say," she whispered. A million questions went through her mind as she looked at him. With every question, she came up with the same answer...he was doing it because he loved her. With her eyes shining with tears, she looked at him and said simply, "Yes."

Neville let out a breath. "You said yes," he replied.

She nodded and the entire cafe erupted in cheers, but Neville still knelt before her, looking as if he couldn't believe she'd actually said yes. "That was the answer you wanted, wasn't it?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Yes," he said, almost still in shock. "You really said yes?"

"Yes," she said, looking at him. A few people came up and slapped him on the back and offered congratulations, but Neville didn't move. "Neville? Are you alright?"

Neville suddenly laughed aloud. "She said yes!" he shouted.

"Give her the ring!" a woman shouted. "It's not official until she has the ring on her finger!"

Neville suddenly remembered himself and pulled the ring from the box. Cho held out her hand and Neville shakily slid the ring on her finger. "Thank you," he whispered.

"I should be thanking you," she said with a shy smile. "This has been the best night of my life."

Neville leaned in and kissed her as the whole cafe erupted in applause. He laughed as they stood up, nodding their heads to the crowd. "I do want to run something by you..." he said as they sat back down.

"There's more?" she asked.

"Well," Neville leaned in closer to her. "I wanted to know... that is, only if you want to... and you can be ready...." he took a deep breath. "I want to marry you before the baby is born."

Cho beamed at him. "Oh, Neville...'"

"That's the only good point my grandmother had," Neville said. "I want the baby to be born legitimate. I want to adopt it. I don't think Malfoy will contest any action we take towards that. And I've finally accepted Harry's offer while we were in Florence for a loan to help us get a flat or a cottage to live in..." he rambled.

Cho started to sob and Neville's voice trailed off. She knew he probably didn't know what to make of her crying, but she couldn't believe how much he was willing to do for her and her much he wanted to do for her and the baby. Seeing the worried look on his face, she took his hand. "I'm not crying because I'm sad. You've've made me so happy, Neville."

Neville hugged her tightly. "I love you," he said again. "I don't want to make you cry. But I do want to make you as happy as I possibly can."

"You have," Cho said. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at her fiancé. "Oh, Neville, I've just thought of something!"

"What?" Neville asked, brushing away some of her tears.

"Harry...will he be your best man or my maid of honour?" she asked. "Seeing as he is your best friend and mine...we may just have to fight for him."

Neville started laughing. "I'll let that be your choice," he kissed her again. "It depends on whether he likes wearing women's dress robes, really."

Cho started to giggle almost uncontrollably as she thought of Harry in pink dress robes. "I'd just like to see the look on his face if I asked him to be my maid of honour," Cho managed to choke out.

"You should, just to see that," Neville still held her hand. "So... um..." he lifted her fingers. "Do you... like your ring?" he asked shyly.

Cho held her hand up and admired her ring. "It's beautiful, Neville. I love it."

"Good," Neville was relieved. "I showed it to Harry and he thought it was perfect. But you're the one whose opinion really matters."

Cho smiled. "So he knew before I did, huh? No wonder he kept winking at me this afternoon. I thought he was going mad."

"Well, he promised to keep it a secret so that you can tell everyone the good news," Neville caressed her cheek.

"It is wonderful news, isn't it?" Cho said, pressing her cheek into his palm. "I love you, Neville Longbottom."

"I love you, Cho Chang." Neville kissed her again.

*** *** ***

Cho grinned as she watched her friends sit and laugh in Harry and Hermione's living room. She and Neville hadn't yet broken the news of their engagement which was why everyone was here that evening. She was excited yet nervous of their reactions, wondering what they thought of them marrying so soon because of the baby. "I'm taking care of you," she said softly, running her hand over her protruding stomach.

"Are you ready to tell them?" Neville whispered in her ear.

"Kiss me first," Cho grinned at her fiancé. Her fiancé.

Neville did as we told and Ron from his perch on the sofa beside Neville threw some popcorn in their direction.

"What is with you two tonight?" Ron asked jokingly. "Every time I've seen you, you've been hugging or snogging or touching..."

Luna slapped his arm. "Stuff it Ronald... they're a happy couple or have you forgotten what that's like?

"Since I've hardly seen you this week," Ron teased. "I have forgotten. Maybe you could refresh my memory?"

Harry grinned at his friends. He knew exactly why Cho and Neville had asked everyone over this evening- the turned around diamond ring on Cho's finger didn't have him fooled. "Hey Ron maybe you could save that for later, I'd like to keep down my dinner," he called out, earning a jab from Hermione and a laugh from Seamus.

"This from the man who snuck upstairs not fifteen minutes ago with his girlfriend to go and 'check on something'," Ron retorted.

Harry grinned. "It's my house," he replied smugly.

"I'll have you know Harry needed my help with something," Hermione chimed in. "You are so suspicious, Ron. You automatically assume that we were doing something..."

Lavender came up behind her cousin. "That argument might work if you didn't have your jumper on inside out."

Horrified, Hermione looked down at her jumper to see that it wasn't inside out. She scowled at Lavender.

"Busted," Lavender sing-songed.

Harry pulled her close. "They're just jealous," he whispered, shamelessly reaching up under her shirt to caress her.

"Stood your ground on that cutting him off thing, did you?" Ron asked cheekily.

Hermione turned to Cho. "Is there anyone you didn't tell about this?"

Cho laughed. "I assume Harry forgot to tell you how bad I am at keeping things a secret?"

"For the record," Hermione said. "I didn't 'cut him off'. I just thought we needed to prioritize..." Her voice trailed off as she saw all of her friends staring at her trying not to laugh. "Oh, I give up!" Hermione said, sinking back down on the sofa beside Harry.

Cho laughed. "All right... we didn't come here to give Harry and Hermione a hard time, believe it or not..."

"We didn't?" Ron asked. "Well, what did we come here for then?"

Neville squeezed Cho's hand. "We have some really good news."

Cho grinned. "Neville and I are getting married!" There was a slight moment of silence and then the uproar started.

"You are?" Hermione squealed. She jumped to her feet and enveloped first Cho and then Neville in a hug.

Lavender nearly took Cho's arm out of its socket as she moved to get a look at the ring.

The men stood back, of course, and let the girls do all the oohing and ahhing. Neville found himself pushed to the background as the girls surrounded Cho.

Luna smiled dreamily. "Neville picked out a beautiful ring,"

Harry clapped Neville on the shoulder. "Way to go mate," he said.

"I still can't believe she said yes," Neville said, watching as Cho animatedly told the girls how he'd proposed.

"Why wouldn't she?" Harry asked.

Neville shrugged. "I just can't believe someone like her loves me."

"Someone like her?" Seamus asked. "What do you mean?"

"She's beautiful," Neville said simply. "And I'm not just talking about her looks. You guys have known me for years. You know that I've never been the most confident chap, but with Cho...she makes me feel as if I can do anything."

Harry grinned at hearing Neville's explanation. "And I reckon she couldn't have asked for a better guy." he replied, slinging an arm around Neville, Ron and Seamus following suit.

"I can't believe one of us is about to get married," Ron said.

"Who's going to be your maid of honour?" Luna asked.

Hermione watched as Cho started to laugh. "What's so funny?" she asked.

"Well..." Cho giggled even harder. "Neville and I are trying to decide who Harry should be, maid of honour or best man?"

Neville grinned at his friend. "Yeah, do you feel about pink dress robes?"

Harry stared at him in horror. "It's never been my best colour," he finally recovered. "I prefer green or black myself."

"Cho and I decided that we'd either let you choose or we'd play a game of Exploding Snap for you," Neville said as Ron and Seamus nearly doubled over in laughter as they pictured The Boy Who Lived in pink dress robes carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"Ha, ha," Harry said. "Sorry Cho!" he called. "Pink never was my colour!"

"Well, I guess my half of the wedding party is complete," Neville said, winking at Cho. "What about you, love?"

"Luna," Cho said. "I've... known you for quite awhile now so I was hoping you would stand up for us." she looked at Hermione. "I really hope you don't mind Hermione..."

"Of course not," Hermione said sincerely, giving Cho a hug. "I'm just so happy for you."

"Thank you," Cho replied, her eyes tearing up automatically. "Luna?"

"I'd love to stand up with you," Luna looked uncharacteristically emotional as Cho pulled her and Lavender into a hug as well.

"I don't know what I did to deserve Neville," Cho began to bawl.

"I'll never understand women as long as I live," Ron said, looking over at Cho. "They cry when they're sad; they cry when they're happy."

*** *** ***

Later that evening, Hermione was sitting on the bed in her pyjamas reading her Transfiguration text. Harry was still downstairs with Neville and Cho, but Hermione had begged off to finish some reading for her class. There was a big exam in the next couple of days and Hermione wanted to be prepared.

"And you'd better take care of her Longbottom," Harry called from the top of the stairs. "I already talked to you about this but I'm not afraid to bring it up again!"

"Thanks, Dad," Cho sarcastically called back to him. "Go away, Harry!"

Harry was grinning as he came into the bedroom. "I think I've scared him enough for one evening aye?" he asked his girlfriend.

"I think he scared you, too," Hermione said, turning a page of her book. "You should have seen your face when they asked if you wanted to be maid of honour or best man."

Harry stuck his tongue at her maturely as he pulled off his jeans. "What are you reading?"

"Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration," Hermione said, holding up the book for him to see.

"Can you repeat that in English?" Harry quipped.

"Ha, ha, ha," Hermione said, yawning. "What about you? Big day tomorrow?"

"Kind of," Harry replied. "No Megan for a change."

"Don't tell me she's given up on you?" Hermione teased.

"Of course she hasn't," Harry replied. "I'm much too good looking for her to let go," he said, earning a hard jab from Hermione. "Ow!"

"You are such an egomaniac," she said, laughing.

"But you love me for it," Harry replied, readying himself for a tickling match.

"Harry, don't you dare!" she said, seeing the look in his eyes. "I have to finish this!"

"All right," he calmed down, knowing if Hermione didn't do well on this next test he may as well kiss sex goodbye for the rest of the school term. "What do you think about Neville and Cho?" he asked.

"I think it's fantastic," Hermione answered. "Did you hear how he proposed? That was so sweet!"

"He's definitely creative," Harry replied. "We bought the ring while we were in Florence."

"Do you know it seems kind of strange in a way, doesn't it?" she asked suddenly. "They're going to be married with a sounds so grown up, doesn't it?"

"Quite," Harry replied. "This weekend I told Neville I'd go flat hunting with him as well. He wants to settle in pretty quick and have everything done and them married by the time she has the baby."

"I'm glad that you're helping them," Hermione said smiling at him.

"Well I'm just glad he's accepted my offer for help," Harry said. He certainly had more than enough money and as Neville wouldn't accept charity he'd had to settle for a loan. "I'm sure Cho would want you to come along as well. Goes along with that whole female perspective bit- you women don't trust us men with picking out important things like houses."

"You found this place without any help from me," she reminded him.

"Aye," Harry replied. "But remind Cho of that fact will you?"

"Well, I'll also remind her to take little input from the bloke about decorating because I am still gob smacked that you thought that awful chair belonged in here."

Harry smirked. He still wondered how long it was going to take Hermione to realise that the chair was indeed in the living room and that she herself used it nearly every day. "Right you are love."

"I can't look at this anymore," Hermione said closing her book and setting it on the nightstand.

"Now that's what I've been waiting to hear," Harry replied, tugging insistently on her camisole.

"Harry...we already did this earlier tonight and caught a lot of flack for it," she said. "Besides we both have to get an early start tomorrow."

"You caught a lot of flack for it?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"With everyone downstairs, remember?" Hermione said. "Is there anyone Cho didn't tell about it? I nearly expect my parents to come in here and ask me if it was really true."

Harry started laughing. "Love, they're only teasing you." he kissed the side of her neck.

"If you keep doing that, we're never going to get any sleep," she lectured.

"Who needs sleep?" Harry started to fondle her breasts.

"We do," Hermione whispered, shuddering. No matter how good what he was doing was making her feel, she had to stand her ground. If she allowed him to keep doing what he was doing with his hands…she knew she'd soon be past the point of no return.

"I know, I know," he said, reluctantly slipping his hands out from underneath her top.

"You'll thank me tomorrow when you wake up feeling refreshed," Hermione said as she reached over to turn off the lamp.

They lay there in silence with Harry curling around Hermione; his arm draped casually across her waist. Both of them seemed to be lost in thought. Tonight's events had caused both of them to look at their relationship and where it was going.

It was only natural to do so Harry rationalized, given that two of their friends would be married soon. He and Hermione had never talked about marriage. Tonight, as he'd looked at her across the room, he'd wondered if she was wondering the same things he was. Did she wonder what they were doing here? Did she see herself married to him someday?

Given the nature of who he was and the childhood he'd led, he'd not concentrated too much on the future. Mainly because he hadn't been all that sure that he'd have one. As he lay here beside Hermione, he knew that when he thought about the future now, he saw her in it. The feelings he had for her felt so strong and went so deep that he couldn't see them ever coming to an end.

Did this mean he was ready for marriage? Did this mean she was ready for marriage? There was time to answer these questions, of course, but if he knew how he felt now…what was he waiting for?

"Is everything okay?" he heard Hermione ask him.

"Yeah," he answered. "I thought you were asleep."

"I guess I'm still so excited about Cho and Neville," Hermione said softly. "I don't know how they're going to get all of this done in such a short time. Did you know Lavender agreed to design Cho's dress robes?"

Hermione turned to look at Harry who seemed to be lost in thought. "I think it should be a nice ceremony, don't you? Even though it's last minute and all. Don't you? Harry?"

"I think it'll be just fine," Harry answered. "They love each other and that's all that really matters right?"

"Exactly," Hermione agreed. "Still, it's a big step."

"That it is," Harry replied. "But it's really one they had to take... it's sort of like what you and I did..."

"You mean with us moving in together?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied. "Considering we've only known each other what, five months?"

Hermione felt a pang in her stomach. Now, he's thinking that I was hinting at marriage, which I wasn't. Really... "It seems like longer," she finally said.

"It does," Harry kissed her bare shoulder. "Best five months of my life, at any rate."

"Mine, too," she said feeling much more at ease. Before she could stop herself though, she heard herself saying, "You know Cho and Neville haven't been together as long as we have and look at them now..."

Harry felt his heartbeat speed up. Did she think they were next in line down the aisle- did it have anything to do with the diamond necklace and earrings he'd given her for her birthday? Did she wish it to be a ring next? "Well... if the roles were reversed and I'd gotten you pregnant then it would be us..." he finally said slowly.

"No," Hermione said quickly. "I wasn't implying anything, honestly! I was just saying how nice it was for Neville and Cho. I haven't thought about way or the other. It's like you said we've only been together a short time."

"Time means nothing to me," Harry replied. "At one point I thought I didn't have any time left in my life."

Hermione looked earnestly at him. He'd never talked much about what had happened between him and Voldemort. "Me and my big mouth," she said sinking back down onto the pillow. "I should learn when to keep it shut."

"It's all right," Harry replied. "I can talk about it without having a fit or anything if that's what you're worried about." he linked their fingers together. "Honestly Hermione- it's not that I don't want to marry you. I do- someday. Just right now... there's no rush is there? I'm having a great time just being with you, living with you... getting to know you in ways I haven't thought of yet." he gave her an endearing smile. "You're the most important person in my life Hermione."

Hermione beamed at him. "As you are in mine. And you're right, Harry. There's no rush. How we are now is just fine with me. Better than fine, actually."

"Good," Harry kissed her. "Just one step at a time right?"

"Right," she agreed.