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The Time of Their Life by Amynoelle and Heaven

The Time of Their Life

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Here's a short one for you guys, we'll have the next update most likely on Saturday night so it won't be too long of a wait ;)

Thanks to all of you who reviewed chapter 11, most of your reviews have been responded to so make sure and check them out if you want :D

Harry sat back in the chair at the cafe he and Neville were eating lunch at; he cracked his back and stretched his legs. "This morning was pretty brutal," Harry finally uttered.

"Yet you're still smiling," Neville said grumpily. "Why is that?"

"I had a very good night last night." Harry said simply. "Hermione's back on top of her class, therefore she was back on top of me."

"I'd smack you upside the head if I could move my arm," Neville said with a slight laugh. "The two of you are just like rabbits."

Harry grinned. "Can't say I disagree with you," he replied airily. "Hermione just can't resist me." his tone turned boastful.

"Obviously she could," Neville shot back. "Two words for you, Harry...'cut off'."

"And look how long that lasted," Harry replied smugly. "Barely a week. And that was only sex, I might add. She lets me kiss her anytime."

"Speaking of kisses, Romeo," Neville said. "Here comes Megan."

"Shit," Harry slid down but it was too late.

"Hi Harry!" the bubbly girl was upon them. "Hi Neville!"

"Hello Megan," Harry replied.

"What has you in such a good mood today, Megan?" Neville asked, but he already knew the answer. "That training session this morning didn't wear you out?"

"Oh of course not!" Megan replied. "Can I sit down?" she did so without waiting for an answer. "Harry you certainly don't look tired out!"

"I'm not," Harry replied. "But why don't you ask Neville about that?"

"Harry was just telling me about the night he and his girlfriend had," Neville said to Megan, trying to get the attention back off himself and onto Harry.

"What did you do?" Megan looked at him, her eyes wide.

"One guess," Harry said unashamedly.

Neville put his hand to his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud.

Harry grinned at him. "Sod off Neville."

Megan turned her attention back to Harry. "I heard this incredible rumour about you and I just have to know if it is true."

"What's that?" Harry asked, stretching again.

Megan leaned in as if she was about to divulge her deepest, darkest secret. "I heard you were quite the dancer, is that true?"

"Who told you that?" Harry asked, amused with her for once.

"I was talking to my aunt's sister's cousin's best friend who saw you at some resort this summer," Megan said animatedly. "Is it true?"

"Maybe," Harry replied. "But yes, that is true."

Neville knew that what he was about to do would probably tick Harry off, but he couldn't resist. Slowly, he pushed his chair back. "I'll be right back. Need to go to the loo." He smirked at Harry as he slowly hobbled away from the table, leaving Harry to fend for himself with Megan.

Harry bit hard on his lower lip as Megan stared at him adoringly. "What?" he asked. "Is it that hard to believe I can dance?"

"As a matter of fact it is," she said, not even bothering to contain her glee at finally having him all to herself. "Maybe you and I could go out one night and you could show me what you can do?"

Harry shrugged. "I'd have to talk to my girlfriend," he said, the familiar annoyance creeping back into his tone. "Hermione- the one I've mentioned time and again?"

"She could come along of course," Megan said, not even the least bit deterred by the mention of Hermione's name. She rested her chin on her fist and stared dreamily at him. "You have the greenest eyes of anyone I've ever seen."

Harry coughed. "I've heard that before," he turned away, wishing Neville would come back. "Hermione says that to me all the time." He scuffed his feet along the pavement. "Is there a reason for you coming over here?" he finally asked when she wouldn't stop staring at him.

"The real reason I came over here," Megan said blushing. "Well, you know how I'm really having trouble with that cloaking spell? I was speaking with Mr. Shacklebolt and he told me that I should practise with someone who really knows what they're doing. My training partner is Millie, but she's about as bad at it as I am. I was wondering if I could come over to your flat sometime and we could work on it."

"Uh..." Harry didn't know what to say. On one hand he was sure it was a ploy for her to get closer to him but on the other hand, he could make sure Hermione was at home. "Sure..." he finally said, unable to refuse a cry for help. "You can come over tomorrow if you want?"

"Really?" Megan asked excitedly. "Tomorrow would be perfection! I could bring dinner, too. We could make a night of it."

"I'm afraid I don't have the whole night," Harry interrupted. "Just a few hours after training is over."

Before Harry knew what she was doing, Megan had launched herself at him and given him a nearly suffocating hug. "Thank you so much, Harry!" she said happily. "Well, I better go. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure..." he choked out, patting her back awkwardly before she pulled away and kissed his cheek.

"Bye," Megan said in a high-pitched tone. She gave him an enthusiastic wave before she left the cafe. A few moments later, a nearly hysterical Neville came back to sit down.

"Sorry about that," he chortled.

"I hate you," Harry replied.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," Neville said. "Did you let her down gently?"

"She asked me to help her with a cloaking spell... and you know me, I can't NOT help people. By the way, you're coming over after training tomorrow." Harry snapped.

"Afraid of what might happen when you're alone?" Neville asked, laughing.

"You got it," Harry replied grimly.

Gordon Devereaux watched the scene from afar, a sneer on his handsome face. "I knew there was something fishy about you Potter," he said to himself. He'd seen the other girl hugging and kissing him- never mind that Potter hadn't exactly kissed her back, he was sure that he would have had they not been in public.

Gordon didn't know who the girl was or what words she'd said to Harry, but it didn't really matter, did it? Gordon would simply tell Hermione what he'd seen. She'd believe him. He already knew she was a little insecure about her relationship with The Boy Who Lived. If he played his cards right, their relationship would be over by the end of the week.

*** *** ***

Hermione wasn't much of a cook by any stretch of the imagination, but she did know how to make one or two things really well. One of these was lasagne, which she knew Harry loved. Since she was still on such a high from her improved marks, she'd decided to give him a little treat. Cho was working late and wouldn't be home, so she figured they'd have the place to themselves.

She'd just finished setting the table when she heard the front door open.

"Hello?" Harry called. "Anyone home?"

"In the kitchen," she called out. "And I sure hope you're hungry!"

"For you?" Harry looked tired but he grinned when he saw her.

"For food," she said. "My afternoon class was cancelled so I thought I'd do something nice for you since you did something nice for me the other night."

"What did you make?" Harry wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Your favourite," she said proudly. She motioned to the table with her head. "And we have the house all to ourselves because Cho is working late."

Harry spun her around the kitchen a few times, delighting in her squeal. "I love you," he said unexpectedly.

"That's good because I wouldn't do this for someone who just liked me a whole lot," she said, when he set her back down.

"One question," Harry replied, unwilling to let go of her quite yet.

"What's that?" she asked.

"I need you to be here tomorrow at half past four," Harry said. "Please..."

"Okay," she said slowly. "Why?"

"Megan needs help with a cloaking charm," Harry replied. "And she asked if she could come over. I'm going to need help..." he grimaced. "Loads of help."

Hermione tried not to laugh. "She finally get to you?"

"I can't refuse help, especially with this," Harry replied. "Guess I'm soft at heart."

"I never thought I'd see the day that Harry Potter would need me to protect him," Hermione teased.

"Don't let it go to your head Granger," Harry growled playfully.

"Come on, Harry," she said, taking his hand and leading him to the table. "You can tell me all about how little old Megan finally wore you down."

"Why so you can try it next time?" Harry smirked, grabbing two bottles of butterbeer before sitting down.

"Very funny," she said. "Very funny. I wasn't aware I had to do anything since I already had you."

"That you do," Harry leaned over and kissed her briefly yet thoroughly.

"Hmmmmm," she said when they broke apart. "I guess I should cook for you more often."

"Maybe," Harry replied, about to kiss her again when she pulled away. "Right, food..." his stomach grumbled and Hermione laughed.

"I guess it is true then," Hermione said thoughtfully. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"Or you in that tight dress you wore at the Sheldrake," Harry's eyes gleamed. "I'll never forget the first time I saw you in that." Hermione bit her lower lip to keep from grinning as she scooped out a generous amount of lasagne and brought it to him on a plate.

"I still don't think you could technically call that a dress," Hermione mused. "It's a really good thing my dad never saw me in that."

Harry grinned as he took a large bite. "Hey this is really good!" he said, his mouth full.

"You sound surprised," Hermione said trying to look affronted.

"I didn't know you could cook is all," Harry replied. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Don't get too impressed," she said. "I can make two things really well: lasagne and rice pudding. Other than that, I'm about on the same culinary level as Cho."

Harry laughed. "Guess this means I'm still the main chef of the house."

"But I have been meaning to learn more about cooking. When things die down with classes, maybe I'll read more about it," Hermione said thoughtfully before taking a bite.

"If you like," Harry replied. "I don't mind making dinner for you."

"I don't mind you making dinner for me, either," she said with a smile. "You know that's another thing you and my dad have in common. My mum is terrible in the kitchen, too. If it weren't for my dad, I think she'd go hungry."

Harry grinned. "It's a manly thing," he pretended to boast. "Next thing I know you'll be giving me and your dad matching aprons." he joked.

"There's an idea for Christmas," she said. "I was wondering what on earth I could get you and now you've sorted me out for both you and my dad."

"I was joking Hermione," Harry replied. "I don't wear aprons."

"I think you'd look cute in an apron," she teased. Harry broke off a piece of garlic bread and threw it across the table at Hermione. She was about to retaliate when the telephone rang.

"I'll get it," she said getting to her feet.

"Hello?" she said. "Oh, hi. Gordon....yeah....No, well, I guess we could meet then.....Do you think we'll be done tomorrow by four?" As she asked the last question, she grinned at Harry to let him know she hadn't forgot about him wanting her to be there when Megan arrived.

Harry, who had tensed when he heard the name Gordon, relaxed immediately.

"Oh...well, if it's important...yeah.....sure. See you then." Hermione hung the phone up and went back to the table. "Gordon wants to meet me tomorrow after class."

"What for?" Harry asked, stuffing more lasagne and bread in his mouth to hide the grimace that suddenly made an appearance on his face.

Hermione shrugged. "Don't know. He sounded a little mysterious. I asked if it was something having to do with our assignment and he said yes, but he had something else he needed to talk to me about."

"Oh," Harry instantly knew Gordon was up to something. "What do you think it is?"

"You never know with Gordon," Hermione said with a laugh. "Sometimes he can make something sound so dramatic and it turns out to be something really trivial."

"Right," Harry finished off the large slice of lasagne and dropped his fork on the empty plate. "That was just fantastic," he grinned at his girlfriend. "I knew there was a reason I loved you."

"Just one reason?" Hermione asked raising a sardonic eyebrow.

"One of many," Harry grinned.

"Seconds?" she asked, pleased.

"Of what?" Harry asked devilishly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Dinner, you prat! If not, I have dessert, too." When Harry gave her a seductive look, Hermione glared at him. "I swear sometimes I think you have a one-track mind."

"I can't help it!" Harry proclaimed, pulling her over so she was on his lap. "If you weren't always around to tempt me I might be able to keep other things besides you on my mind."

"You keep this up and I can remember another pressing engagement I have at around four," Hermione said. "Then you'd have to be here all alone with Megan."

Harry squeezed her sides. "What are you saying, Hermione? That you don't like me thinking of you all the time?"

"No," she said leaning back against his chest. "I like it quite a bit actually. I was just teasing you anyway. I just thought tonight, we'd just have a nice night in front of the fire...maybe watch a film or something. We never get to do couple things like that."

Harry hugged her to him. "That sounds fantastic," he said. "I can take a night off from studying if you can."

Hermione grinned. She repositioned herself on his lap so she was facing him. "I don't think it'd hurt to take one night off. Just don't tell Gordon. He's really relentless with studying."

"It's none of his business anyways," Harry kissed her softly.

"You're right," she said, getting to her feet and leading Harry into the living room. "What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?"

"Right," Harry squatted by the fire, lighting it instantly.

Hermione watched from the sofa as Harry sifted through their DVD collection trying to pick out a movie. She remembered all those nights of sneaking around at Hillsdale and how she'd longed for a night like this. She didn't reckon it could get any better than the two of them alone in their own place doing something as normal as having dinner and watching a movie. Some people might call it boring, but she would have to disagree. This was everything she could have hoped for and so much more.

*** *** ***

Ron had never felt so awkward around someone he believed he knew so well. Even at that movie night at Hillsdale when Ginny found out he'd been part of the plan to exploit her didn't come close to the way he felt right now, sitting at a cafe having lunch with his girlfriend.

Except lately, he hadn't felt like she wanted to be his girlfriend anymore. They had barely talked all week and even now she was busy writing on some parchment while he worked on some order forms. "Luna?" Ron finally asked.

"Yes?" she said, not looking up from her parchment.

"I was hoping maybe we could go dancing again this weekend?" Ron asked. "Maybe on Saturday night?"

Luna stopped writing, but still didn't look up to meet Ron's gaze. "I don't think I can."

"What?" Ron asked. "Why not?"

Luna placed her quill down and finally looked at him properly. "Because I have other plans," she said simply.

"You have other plans?" Ron was completely confused. "Who with?"

"Someone from work," she said, picking up her quill again and beginning to scribble furiously on the parchment.

"Who?" Ron's voice grew harder.

"What difference does it make?" she asked exasperatedly. "After all, you and I are just having fun, right? We're not looking to settle down, right?"

"Luna are you going on about that again?" Ron sighed impatiently. "I've told you... I just can't.... commit right now all right? I want to wait until I've made more money until I do something like that!"

"Do whatever you want, Ronald," Luna said icily. "Just understand that it goes both ways. I'm going to do what I want, too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron felt himself getting angry.

"It means whatever you want it to mean," Luna retorted. "You know I don't understand you at all, Ronald. Just when I think I have you figured out, you do something that completely makes me wonder what I ever saw in you in the first place!"

"You don't mean that Luna," Ron replied. "I know you don't."

"See?" she asked him. "There you go again! You think you can take me for granted all this time and I'm not going to get tired of it because poor Loony Lovegood couldn't possibly get anyone else to be interested in her?" Luna angrily started stuffing her parchment into her bag.

"There's someone else interested in you?" Ron asked quietly, finally seeing what she had been hinting at. "You're going out with someone else this weekend?"

"Yes," she admitted. "Someone from work asked me out and I...I said yes."

"Why?" Ron asked feeling like someone was jumping up and down on top of him.

"Do you really want to know the answer to that?" she asked.

"I suppose I don't deserve an answer do I?" Ron stood up so abruptly that their drinks spilled. "Maybe you really are what I thought at school!"

Luna looked at him as if he'd slapped her. Quickly covering, she stood up as well. "I guess that says it all, doesn't it?"

"I guess so," Ron glared angrily at her. "Don't come crying to me when this NEW guy doesn't treat you as good as I have!" he turned and started to stomp the other way down the street.

"Fine!" Luna exclaimed picking up her bag and stalking away. She was aware that their little row at the cafe had created quite a scene, but at the moment, she didn't care.

Ron slammed back into the shop, scaring some of the younger customers in the store but he didn't care. "Can't bloody believe her!" he said to himself in a fury.

Luna plopped down on a bench just outside The Quibbler office. She was so angry right now that she didn't want to go back inside until she had her emotions under control. She could never remember a time when she'd been more furious at another human being in her entire life. "Can't bloody believe him!" she exclaimed, as she clenched her fists.

*** *** ***

Hermione sat on a bench just outside the library. It was an unseasonably warm day and she couldn't bear being inside on such a nice day. She hoped whatever Gordon wanted with her wouldn't take too long. It was already gone three in the afternoon and she'd promised Harry she'd be home at four so he wouldn't have to deal with Megan Reilly all by himself.

Gordon watched her for several minutes, wishing his hands were the wind that currently played with her long hair, sending the strands awry. He would cup her face then, bringing her lips to his for a binding kiss. The fantasy made him smile as he hoped what he had to tell her would soon make that fantasy a reality. He left his spot, a grin on his face as he walked towards her. "Afternoon Hermione," he said, keeping his voice as neutral as possible.

"Hi, Gordon," she said warmly. "It's such a beautiful day. I hope you don't mind that I waited for you outside instead."

"Not at all," he sat down beside her. "What are you reading about?"

"I stopped in at a Muggle book shop on my way to class," she admitted. "I've been meaning to learn more about cooking. I'm pretty helpless except for a couple of dishes and I want to get better. I picked up some cook books. Pretty silly, huh?"

"That's not silly," Gordon said, smoothing his trousers with his hands. "I'm more than willing to try any experiments you might have," he grinned charmingly at her.

"You might regret those words," Hermione said with a laugh. "But, I'll keep that in mind."

"Sounds good," Gordon replied, letting his smile fade. "Look, Hermione," he touched her hand. "I asked you to meet me here today for a reason- I hope you'll hear me out."

"It sounds serious," Hermione said, looking earnestly at him.

"Well... I thought it was," Gordon paused for dramatic effect. "Yesterday when getting a bite to eat during our break... I saw Harry sitting at a cafe." he grasped both of Hermione's hands with his. "I saw him kissing another girl, Hermione."

Hermione's smile faded. "What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday, I saw Harry sitting at a cafe with some girl, she had reddish blonde hair... they were hugging and kissing." Gordon looked at her sympathetically. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you... but I consider you a good friend Hermione and I'd want the same to be done for me if I were in your shoes."

To Gordon's surprise, Hermione started to laugh. When she saw the look on his face, she patted his hand. "Gordon," she said, trying to keep a straight face. "I appreciate you telling me that, but you didn't see what you thought you saw!"

"Oh?" Gordon tried not to let his surprise show and instead brought a bemused expression to his face. "What did I see then?"

Hermione giggled. "The girl you saw him with is Megan...she's in his training class. She's got a bit of a crush on him. She asked Harry to help her out with some spells she's having trouble with and he relented. I guess what you saw was her thanking him. Harry told me all about it last night."

Hermione leaned back on the bench. "He'd probably kill me if he knew I was telling you this, but she's coming by the flat this afternoon and he made me promise to be there."

"Oh," Gordon replied. "Well... please accept my apologies then for being so mistaken about it... I feel awful now." he looked down at his lap, hoping it would win her sympathy.

"You shouldn't feel awful," Hermione said sincerely. "I appreciate you looking out for me."

She looked at Gordon and an idea came into her head. Gordon was single. This Megan was single, even though she'd set her sights on Harry. Maybe if she introduced the two of them, she could get Megan off of Harry's back and Gordon would learn that there was more to life than studying.

"Why don't you come home with me now?" she asked. "I have some leftover lasagne."

"Are you sure you'd like me there?" Gordon asked, still playing the sympathy card.

"Of course," Hermione said. "We're friends, aren't we?"

Gordon felt his smile falter but only for a split second. "Friends," he finally replied.

Hermione looked down at her watch. "And we better get going if we're going to make it on time. Harry will be cross if I'm late."

'I'll bet he will be,' Gordon cursed silently as he followed the girl he was meant to be with out of the courtyard.