Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Time of Their Life by Amynoelle and Heaven

The Time of Their Life

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Bit of a short one today guys, but it has the answer that most of you have been sitting on pins and needles for. Hope you all enjoy and please review!

Upon arriving at St. Mungo's, Hermione was given a set of forms to fill out before she saw the mediwizard. Had she not been so nervous about the appointment, she might have even teased Harry about how paranoid he seemed to be that someone would recognize them.

After she handed the forms over to the receptionist, she and Harry were shown to an examining room. "Someone will be in with you shortly," the receptionist said, giving Hermione and Harry a warm smile before leaving the room.

"Only a few minutes left," Harry said. "Hopefully we won't have to wait long."

Hermione nodded. She watched as Harry paced in front of the door. "Harry? Could you sit down, please? You're making me even more nervous than I already am."

"Sorry sweetheart," he said, sitting in a chair by the door.

Hermione sat back on the examining table. For the longest time, neither of them spoke. The silence wasn't helping her nerves any. "Say something," she said, looking at her boyfriend.

"I love you?" Harry asked.

She smiled. "I have you trained so well."

Harry laughed. "You think you do Granger."

"I know I do," she said, winking at him.

Harry was about to retort when the door opened and an older woman, her hair severely tied back in a bun, entered the room. "Harry Potter and Hermione Granger?" she asked crisply.

"Um, yes?" Hermione answered, sitting up straight.

"Wait a moment," Harry stepped in. "Before we start I want to make sure that everything said in this room stays in this room. Neither Hermione or I needs any media brought into this situation."

"Mr Potter," the woman replied. "I am a well trusted member of the St. Mungo's staff. Your personal pursuits are of no interest to me. Are we clear on this?"

She reminded Harry eerily of his old Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts. "Yes ma'am," he said, properly shamed into sitting back down.

Hermione stifled a laugh, mainly because she didn't want to set this woman off.

"Um, so how does this work exactly?" Hermione asked nervously as she watched the woman scribble something on her chart. "I've never done something like this before."

"I'm going to place several charms on you," the woman replied. "And from that I will draw my analysis."

"Oh, okay," Hermione said. "We, um, actually took a Muggle pregnancy test; actually we took four and the strangest thing happened. Two came back positive and two came back negative. And I was really upset about that. I even thought about taking the bloody makers of that test to court, but Harry said it wouldn't do any good."

When she saw the mediwitch staring at her, she gave a weak smile. "I'm sorry. I tend to babble when I get nervous."

"Quite all right," the mediwitch replied, smiling for the first time. "Now don't be nervous. These charms won't do a thing to harm you."

"So you'll know straightaway whether I'm pregnant?" Hermione asked softly.

"Yes," the woman replied.

Hermione looked over the woman's shoulder at Harry. "Can my boyfriend stay with me throughout the tests?" she asked.

"Certainly" the mediwitch replied. Harry cast a nervous look at Hermione as the woman began using a series of charms on his girlfriend.

Hermione sat up as straight as she could and closed her eyes as she listened to the mediwitch cast charm after charm. What this woman was about to tell them would change their lives.

"Well..." the mediwitch said after a quarter of an hour of charm casting. "I can tell you two things about your condition."

"Yes?" Harry asked, reaching for Hermione's hand. She gripped it tightly.

"I'm afraid you're not pregnant," the woman said. "I am sorry if you were hoping to be expecting. What you do have is a slow acting case of the Wizarding flu."

"W-wizarding flu?" Hermione managed to choke out as the words sunk in. "That's all?"

"That's all," the woman smiled.

"Oh," Hermione said, looking at Harry trying to gauge his reaction to this news.

Harry tried hard not to show his disappointment. "Well that's easily taken care of right?"

Hermione barely heard the mediwitch's instructions on how to treat the flu. She didn't even register the woman leaving the room until Harry squeezed her hand.

"Are you disappointed love?" he asked softly.

With her lower lip trembling, she nodded.

"Come here," Harry hugged her tightly. "It's all right... you said so yourself- we have plenty of time to have a baby," he said reassuringly.

"I know," she whispered, holding onto him as tight as she could.

Harry brushed away her tears and kissed her softly. "Come on- the mediwitch said to give you plenty of fluids and for you to rest." he took her hand. "There's also a charm you can use on yourself when the nausea hits, she said she'd have it written down for us at the desk out there."

"Okay," Hermione sniffed back the remainder of her tears. "I guess I just got used to the idea that I might have a life growing inside me. I even imagined I could feel a baby kicking in there already," she laughed. "How stupid of me right?"

"That's not stupid at all," Harry faced her, his hands on her shoulders. "I won't lie and say I'm not a little disappointed but Hermione, we have a long time to have children."

"You're right, I know." Hermione pulled her cloak on. "Can we just go home now?"

Harry nodded as he slid his arm around her shoulders when they left the room. At the desk, they retrieved the instructions on how to treat Hermione's flu, then paid and left. The walk home was relatively silent and Hermione went straight to their bedroom to change when they arrived at the cottage.

He busied himself in the kitchen, making her some tea while Hermione got herself comfortable on the sofa with some of her schoolwork. "Are you planning on going to class tomorrow?" he asked.

"Probably," Hermione replied. "I hate that I missed classes again."

"At least you got all the homework that's due so you can finish it," Harry replied, coming in with the tea and some more toast on a tray for her.

"Right," Hermione picked at the corner of the page as Harry set the tray down and summoned his own books to him. "Harry?"

"Yes?" Harry asked as he lit the fire.

"What would you be doing right now if that pregnancy test came out positive?" she asked softly.

Harry seemed surprised at her question. "I don't know," he said thoughtfully, sitting back down on the floor. "Probably be figuring out a way to tell your dad while keeping myself alive," he joked and it made her laugh.

"I don't know about that," she smiled. "He might be excited at the prospect of grandchildren."

"In the future, sure." Harry smiled at her. "For now I'm satisfied with my head where it is thanks."

Hermione laughed and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "I'm sorry I cried about not being pregnant," she said softly. "You're right, it doesn't matter yet."

Harry tucked her hair behind her ear. "It's a good thing Wizarding flu isn't contagious…" he said softly as he kissed her gently.

"Very good thing," Hermione smiled against his lips.

*** *** ***

Hermione half heartedly copied notes from the board in front; she hardly registered a word the teacher was saying. She had been feeling better due to the charms but was still tired a good deal of the time.

Harry had backed off, offering his comfort when she wanted it but also giving her the breathing space she needed. They hadn't told anyone outside their little circle of friends about her situation, hoping it wouldn't go any further than that.

Out of the corner of his eye, Gordon watched Hermione. He was dying to know whether or not she'd found out if she truly was pregnant, but he couldn't ask her. If he did, she'd want to know how he knew and he couldn't very well tell her he'd broken into the cottage, could he? She was copying notes, but he could tell she was preoccupied. Over the past couple of days, he thought about what he could do to get her as his own. Originally, he thought of just convincing her that she was better off with him.

Potter's hold on her was strong, though. Stronger than he'd even imagined. And Gordon wasn't stupid. Hermione wouldn't willingly leave Potter's side.

Hermione jumped as the bell rang, signalling the end of classes. She began stuffing her books back into her bag, the thought of her warm bed at home a very inviting thought as this was her last class. She was almost out of the room when Gordon stopped her.

"Hermione," he said, putting a hand on her arm. "Is everything okay? You seemed a little preoccupied."

"Yeah... I've had a rough couple of days," Hermione gave him a wan smile.

He gave her a sympathetic smile. "Nothing too bad, I hope?"

"Just the Wizarding flu," Hermione replied quietly. "The mediwitch said I should be fine in another week or so."

"I heard that was going around," Gordon said, trying hard not to smile. So, she wasn't pregnant, he thought to himself. "I've never had it myself, but I hear it can really take it our of you..."

"That it does," Hermione shifted her bag on her shoulder. "Definitely not something I'd wish on my worst enemy."

'Speak for yourself. I wouldn't mind wishing it on Potter.' "So, I know this might be a bad time, but I was wondering when you wanted to get together for the Charms project? We should really get started soon, Hermione," he said, saying a silent prayer that she would say yes.

"Oh..." Hermione had forgotten about it. "Um... I'm not sure..." she would normally have said right away, but she honestly didn't think she could face any more schoolwork that evening.

"We don't have to get started tonight," he said quickly, sensing her hesitation. "I know you're still getting over the flu and all, but maybe this weekend?"

"Can we play it by ear?" she asked. "When is it due again?"

"Two weeks from Friday," he reminded her.

"Okay," Hermione thought hard. "So if not this weekend, next week I should really be back on my feet." She felt a sneeze coming on and was digging for a tissue when Gordon held one out to her. "Thanks," she said stuffily.

"No problem," he said grinning at her. "Well, I'd ask you for a coffee, but it looks as if you're ready to go home."

"Yeah, I just want to go home and kip," Hermione replied.

"If you need anything...anything at all, don't hesitate to ask," Gordon said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks Gordon," Hermione smiled. "I'll see you later all right?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Get better soon, eh?"

"I will," Hermione replied. She left, not noticing him watching her the whole way out.

Gordon watched her retreating figure all the way down the corridor. He was about to leave as well, but he'd forgotten his books inside. He walked back into the now empty classroom and saw his professor reading over something.

Gordon gathered his books and something from the lecture today stuck in his mind. Slowly, he walked toward the professor.

"Professor Raymond?" Gordon asked quietly. "Might I ask you something?"

"Of course Gordon," the professor said. "Anything for one of my best students."

Gordon set his bag down on the professor's desk. "I wanted to know more about that spell you discussed today, actually. I know you said it was one of myth, but I remember reading somewhere that it did have some logical basis..."

"The Adamo Infinitas spell?" Professor Raymond sat up straighter. "Well yes, it does have some logical basis, but that's a spell that can only be performed in one small area of the world, and no one has ever discovered where that area is, at least not to our knowledge."

Gordon nodded. "Has anyone ever narrowed it down to a particular area?"

"Not that I know of," Professor Raymond replied. "If someone had, there's no doubt in my mind that it would have been brought to light before now. The Adamo Infinitas spell is not to be taken lightly. It quite literally binds the two people it's cast upon together for as long as they're alive." he sat back and smiled. "But of course, since no one has discovered the location..."

"And legend tells us that once that spell is cast, no one can break it, right?" Gordon asked.

"That's what legend tells us, yes." Professor Raymond nodded.

Gordon knew it was a long shot, but this spell certainly sounded like the key to Hermione's heart. The only thing left to do now was to do some research on it and try to find out where this location was and if it did truly exist. He explained to his professor that he was thinking of doing an essay on the spell and to Gordon's delight, the professor scribbled the names of some books on a piece of parchment.

"Thanks, Professor Raymond," Gordon said, pocketing the paper. "This is just what I needed."

"Anytime Gordon," the professor smiled. "I look forward to reading your essay."

Gordon walked out of the classroom feeling much happier than when he'd walked in. Things were definitely looking up for him. He had a lot of work ahead of him, but he didn't mind. If you wanted something badly enough, you had to work for it. And he wanted Hermione. And he'd do matter how get her.

*** *** ***

Harry returned to training for the first time in two days. He'd taken some personal leave due to Hermione's condition and he'd taken hell for it from Thackeray, but he didn't care. Hermione had needed him as he needed her and he wasn't about to leave her alone throughout all this.

He'd come to class early hoping to catch up with Neville on all that he missed. He passed Thackeray on the way to the classroom and sure enough his instructor made a snide comment about it being nice of Harry to join them today. Harry ignored him and walked into the room.

There were a handful of his fellow trainees standing about. Some were drinking coffee and others were just chatting. Harry spotted Neville in the back of the room.

"Hey," Harry said, taking a seat directly opposite his friend. "Thackeray is such an arse, Neville."

"Tell me about it," Neville replied. "We've been trying to think of ways to get him sacked."

"He made some shite remark about me staying out for two days," Harry said angrily. "Two bloody days."

"How's Hermione doing?" Neville asked quietly, knowing that topic would help Harry calm down.

Harry's entire demeanour softened at the mention of his girlfriend. "As well as can be expected. I know it kind of spooked us both at first, but we both started to look forward to it. And then to find out that we weren't..."

Neville smiled. "Well if you'd ever like to pretend for a weekend…" he kidded.

"I bet you have just the baby in mind?" Harry said with a laugh.

"I have pictures now," Neville reached for his pocket from which he pulled a long clear plastic picture holder. "We took her to a Muggle photographer, just for fun the other day."

Harry scooted his chair closer to Neville's desk to look at the pictures. With each picture, Neville's eyes would light up as he talked about his daughter.

"Look at you...the proud father," Harry teased. A couple of their fellow trainees came up to look at the photos as well. One of them was a brown-haired surly looking bloke named Matt who seemed to thrive on causing trouble. Harry hadn't liked him from day one. He had a feeling that Matt didn't come over here to look at the photos.

"Hey, Longbottom," Matt said, staring over Neville's shoulders at the photos. "Isn't that the kid that the papers said really belonged to Potter?"

"Watch it Smith," Harry said in a warning tone.

"Easy, Potter," Matt countered back. "I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm actually quite jealous. I mean not only do you have that fine piece of arse you're living with, you also shagged Longbottom's wife... nice work, my friend. Nice work..."

Neville got up so fast he knocked over his chair. "If you're going to keep shooting off your bloody mouth it's also going to be a bruised one," he said angrily. "That's my wife and good friend you're talking about!"

Matt sneered at Neville. As Neville's grip on Matt's collar tightened, Matt looked over Neville's shoulder at Harry. "Anyone else would have been kicked out of the program for missing as many days as you did, Potter. And everyone knows Longbottom here is riding along on your coattails."

Harry let out a guttural growl. "Neville's doing just fine on his own," he glared.

"You trying to say something here Matt?" Neville pushed him up against the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?" Thackeray's voice boomed over the din in the room. He pushed past the group of trainees who'd gathered around. His eyes fell on Neville. "Let go of him, Longbottom."

Neville glared at Thackeray but released Matt, who smirked back at him. Harry's hand was still clenched in a fist.

"Who started this?" Thackeray said, looking at all three men. "Potter?"

"Smith did," Harry replied tightly.

"I did not," Matt said, shaking his head. "Sir, I was just minding my own business when Longbottom here pulls out photos of his baby and we were all looking at them. I simply gave him a compliment and he railed at me."

"That's not true!" Neville said, his eyes turning stormy. "Your smart ass mouth--" he began but Thackeray interrupted him.

"Shut it, Longbottom," Thackeray said warningly. "Okay, as of today, you and Potter are on probation. One more infraction and you're both out. Smith, you write me four feet of parchment on defensive spells due tomorrow."

Harry and Neville looked at one another in disbelief as Matt smirked at them behind Thackeray's back. Harry opened his mouth to say something but shut it again at Neville's warning look.

"If you and Potter can control your tempers, I'd like to start class," Thackeray said. "Take your seats, everyone."

Harry slumped down in his chair next to Neville, who was putting his photographs away. "For once, I'd like to get the better of that git," he whispered bitterly.

"Kind of makes Snape look like a saint, doesn't he?" Neville whispered back.

"Tell me about it," Harry yanked his books out. This certainly wasn't what he'd expected when he signed up for Auror training. He caught Megan giving him a sympathetic glance and sent her a half smile in return.

The rest of the class went by in a bit of a blur as both Harry and Neville were clouded by their anger. Smith wasn't helping matters much either as every once in awhile he shot menacing glances in their direction, which was of course undetected by Thackeray.

Everyone was packing their things up for lunch when Harry saw Megan approaching him. "Hi Harry," she said, her voice a bit soft.

"Hi, Megan," Harry said with a wary slight smile.

"I wanted to say that I thought Thackeray and Matt Smith were really out of line today," she said. Once Megan had fallen for Chris she realised how silly she had been with her crush on Harry and now she found him much easier to approach and talk to.

Harry smiled. She wasn't so bad when she wasn't in obsessive mode. In fact, he'd noticed she'd been quite mellow in the past few weeks. "Thanks, Megan. I can't decide which one of the wankers I hate the most."

"I think Thackeray gets my vote. I told my uncle how bad he was but I don't know if it's done any good." Megan smiled at him.

"Yeah, well he seems to have it out for me," Harry said with a shrug. "I don't suppose there's anything I can do to change that."

"I guess not," Megan replied. "Well... have a good lunch break okay?"

"Yeah, you too," Harry said, smiling at her as she walked away. "Nev?" he asked, turning his attention back to his friend. "Remind me again why we're doing this?"

Neville shook his head. "I can't fucking wait until we're done with this course," he snapped.

"You and me both," Harry agreed. "You and I get put on probation and Smith has to write a fucking essay? I'm thinking of talking to Kingsley about this or Lupin, Neville."

"Who knows if it'll do any good," Neville replied gloomily.

"So we're supposed to sit here and take his smart-arse remarks and not say anything?" Harry asked. "With him, you and I could sneeze wrong and he'd expel us from the program." He shook his head. He didn't know what to do, but he did know one thing. If he didn't get out of headquarters, he was going to lose it. "Let's go to the pub," he suggested.

"Yeah, I could use a pint," Neville replied. "Or maybe four…"

Harry and Neville gathered up their belongings and headed out of the classroom. Matt Smith, though, had been waiting for them. He leaned lazily against a wall talking to one of his cronies.

"Hello, Potter," Matt called out sweetly to Harry. "And his faithful sidekick Longbottom. Watch out, Longbottom....Potter's coattails might get you kicked out of the program."

"You know, seeing as we're not in class right now, we're not under any rules by Thackeray," Harry said coldly. "I'd watch my step if I were you."

"We're still on headquarters, though," Matt pointed out gleefully. "And I don't know if you remember what Thackeray said, but you're on probation. It'd be a pity if you got into trouble again..."

Megan had just come out of the classroom with Chris; she saw Matt bothering Harry and Neville again and something inside her snapped. She marched up to him and slapped him hard across the face.

"Leave them alone!" she shouted. "Haven't you got anything better to do than bother people who want nothing to do with you?"

No one could say who was more stunned by Megan's actions. Harry and Neville stood open-mouthed at her while Matt, gingerly rubbed his cheek which now bore Megan's handprint. With a menacing look at Harry and Neville, Matt walked away in silence.

"Way to go, Reilly!" someone called out and Megan blushed.

"That was fantastic," Neville said, still in awe.

"That was bloody amazing!" Harry stared at Megan.

"Thanks," she said softly. Chris came up behind them and swooped her up in a hug.

"That's my girl," he said proudly.

Harry grinned at them. "We owe you for that one," he chuckled.

"Well, I knew you were about to hit him," Megan said, an excited grin on her face. "And I knew if you did, you'd be out...I didn't want that to happen. You belong here, Harry. You and Neville both belong here."

"At least someone thinks so," Neville replied. He shared a quick look with Harry. "Why don't you and Chris join us for lunch at the pub?"

Megan looked at Chris who nodded. "Okay, but you're buying..." she said cheekily.

"Not a problem," Harry said quickly.