Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Time of Their Life by Amynoelle and Heaven

The Time of Their Life

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thanks again you all, for a fantastic round of reviews. Your feedback is truly amazing and we appreciate all your comments ;)

Amy responded to reviews earlier today so make sure you check that out, and just so everyone knows, updates will now take place on Tuesdays and Saturdays!


Lavender never liked getting up early. The only reason she would have in the past would have been to catch a sale at one of the shops, but over the past couple of weeks, something had changed in her. She wanted Cho's robes to be perfect and everyday for the past week, she'd arrived at the shop at seven in the morning. She locked herself in the backroom and worked until she was needed to help out front.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Thinking it was Cho, Lavender called out. "For the last time, Cho, you can't see them yet!"

Seamus laughed as he opened the door. "I could be Cho," he teased. "Except I'm missing two rather feminine parts of the anatomy."

"Close the door! Close the door!" Lavender said quickly. "If you don't, she'll see!"

Seamus quickly did as he was told. "Why don't you want Cho to see?"

"Because they're not ready yet," Lavender answered simply. "And I'm not too crazy about you seeing it either! Seamus Finnigan, cover your eyes!"

Seamus again did as he was told. Truth be, he hadn't really looked at the robes- his eyes had landed immediately on his girlfriend and as always he found it difficult to look elsewhere. "Can I open them now?"

"No!" she said quickly. She knew she was being a little irrational, but she couldn't help it. This wasn't just any old design. A lot was riding on this and she wanted everything to be perfect. "Okay, you can open your eyes, but you have to turn around and keep your back to me. And don't laugh! I'm serious!"

Seamus pressed his lips together as he turned around. "Lavender what's the big deal? I didn't even see your robes all right? I only looked at you."

"How do I know that Cho didn't send you in here?" Lavender asked, though she couldn't help smiling at what he'd said. "For all I know, she offered you a bribe if you'd come in here and sweet talk me so she could get an idea about what her robes look like."

"Like I would cross you?" Seamus still stood with his back to her. "Besides, I don't really need to sweet talk you do I?"

"No," Lavender admitted. "I know you think I'm acting crazy, but this is important to me, Seamus. And I don't want to let anyone down, least of all Cho. You're the same way. You said you wouldn't let me see your film until after it was finished. It's the same kind of thing."

"True," Seamus replied. "Now can I turn around?"

"No," Lavender said firmly. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were filming most of the morning."

"We got delayed until this afternoon. Don't ask why..." Seamus shook his head. "So I thought I'd come by and see if I could sneak you away for a late breakfast."

"That's really sweet of you," she said sincerely. "But I can't possibly get away."

"Well... I had figured that much so I brought breakfast to you," Seamus replied. "But we won't be able to eat it because I'm bloody turned around looking at the wall!"

Lavender grinned. She was hungry and he did have a point, but she wasn't about to let him know it...yet. "Well, it depends," she said coyly. "What did you bring me?"

"That's for me to know and you about to find out as soon as I get to turn back around," Seamus replied.

"Okay," she finally relented. "But you have to promise me that you will not breathe a word to Cho or anyone else what this looks like. If you do, I will never give you another kiss in my life. And I don't even have to see your face to know that you're trying hard not to laugh, but I assure you, I am dead serious. Do we have a deal?"

"Quite a deal," Seamus replied. "Now?"

"Okay," Lavender said, not wanting to see his face when he turned around to see the robes. He would probably tell her they were dreadful and she should give up and try something else. She closed her eyes. "What do you think? Be brutally honest!"

Seamus didn't spare the robes a glance as he walked up to his girlfriend and kissed her fully on the mouth. She let out a surprised squeal as his arms went around her waist as her lips parted underneath his.

"W-what was that for?" Lavender asked breathlessly, a little dazed from what he'd just done.

"Good morning," Seamus grinned.

"Good morning," she echoed.

"I have scones and jam along with some tea," Seamus replied. "Only of course if you're hungry..."

"Bloody starving," Lavender replied. "You better watch it; you're going to spoil me by doing stuff like this."

"Can't think of anyone I'd rather spoil more," Seamus kissed her again quickly.

Lavender cleared a space on the table and she and Seamus sat down on the sofa and dug into their food. "So...filming isn't going too well?"

"It's all right," Seamus replied. "Believe it or not a fire broke out on set last night. No one was hurt but the set decorators are making their repairs so we're filming at one."

"You didn't raise too much of a fuss, did you?" Lavender asked. "I swear half your crew is probably scared to death of you."

"And for good reason," Seamus replied. "I run a tight ship, which is why I'll make a good director someday."

"You shouldn't be a tyrant, though," Lavender said thoughtfully. "Says the girl who threatened never to kiss you again if you told anyone about the robes. Like I have any room to talk."

Seamus grinned. "That's what I love about you," he replied. "Or one of the things, rather."

"What's that?" she asked with a giggle. "That I'm a tyrant, too? Birds of a feather, stick together, right?"

"Right," Seamus smiled.

Lavender nibbled on her scone and looked at Seamus nervously. "You, um, you haven't said anything about the it because you don't like them?"

"I haven't looked at them," Seamus said honestly. "You don't want anyone to see them right?"

"Now that you're here," she said quietly. "I'd appreciate it if you told me what you thought."

Seamus turned and looked at Cho's wedding robes for the first time. All that was missing was a sleeve at this point- they was long and ivory in colour, with bell sleeves. "And this is supposed to fit her with her pregnancy?" he asked.

"Well, yeah," Lavender said quickly. "I've designed it in such a way that it'll be really slimming on her. Some people might not even be able to tell she's pregnant...if everything goes according to plan."

She bit her bottom lip nervously and looked at him. His silence was nerve-wracking. "Well...?"

"That's amazing," Seamus replied. "You can actually do that?"

"You'd be amazed at what you can do with a little bit of fabric," Lavender said proudly.

"Well I think they're fantastic," Seamus hugged her. "I think Cho's absolutely going to love them."

"Really?" she asked happily. "You really, really think so? You're not just saying that because we're dating and you're afraid to hurt my feelings?"

"You'd be able to tell if I was lying," Seamus grinned.

"You're probably right," Lavender said laughing. "I should say I know you pretty well by now."

Seamus kissed her. "I should say you do know me pretty damn well," he stroked her cheek.

"As much as I'd love to stay here with you all day, I really should get back to work," Lavender said softly. Despite her words, she made no movement to get up from the sofa. The way he was looking at her made her feel...special. She felt as if she could do anything when she was with him and he wouldn't think her silly or stupid. It was a nice feeling. It was a feeling she wanted to last.

"Okay," Seamus leaned in and kissed her again, letting his mouth linger on hers. He leaned his forehead on hers as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I love you," he said.

She smiled. She always felt weak in the knees when he said that. "I love you," she whispered back. "Will you be, um, at the set all evening?"

"Only until seven, if all goes well..." he sighed. "I hope I won't be back too late."

"I was thinking of going by Harry and Hermione's when I'm finished here," Lavender said. "If you get out early, why don't you stop by?"

"You don't think they'll mind?" Seamus asked, still stroking her hair.

"Why would they mind?" Lavender asked. "We all end up over there all the time anyway."

"True," Seamus replied. "If I don't manage to come by let's get together for lunch tomorrow?"

"Sounds like an idea," Lavender said walking him over to the door. She slowly opened it and wasn't at all surprised to see Cho standing by the door trying to look casual. Lavender quickly ushered Seamus out closed the door quickly behind her successfully blocking Cho's view.

"Cho..." Lavender said scathingly. "How many times have I told you that you can't see them yet? Is it ever going to sink in?"

Cho ignored her. "Did you see them Seamus?"

Seamus shook his head. "See what?"

"Good boy," Lavender said, patting him on top of the head.

Cho glared at her. "You know, they're my bloody robes... I should at least be able to make sure they fit me before the wedding day!"

"I'm not going to make you wait that long," Lavender promised. "Did anyone ever tell you that you are impatient?"

"Yes," Cho replied.

"Well they knew what they were talking about," Lavender said smugly. "And don't even think you're going to get any information out of Seamus. I told him I'd never snog him again if he so much as breathed a word about them to you or anyone else."

"Fine," Cho sighed. "But you're almost finished at least, right?"

"Nearly," Lavender replied. "When they're completely finished, I'll let you try them on. And only then will you see them. If all goes according to plan, I should be finished in a couple of days."

Cho was all smiles as Lavender said that. "I can't wait!" she squealed. "Plus this weekend we'll be moving into our new flat- did Neville tell you about it?"

"That's really great, Cho!" Lavender said, beaming at her friend. She couldn't resist hitting Seamus on the arm. "Did you know about this?"

"I haven't seen Neville- he came home late last night and was still asleep when I left this morning," Seamus replied.

"Are you sure you want to leave the rabbit hole?" Lavender asked Cho. She couldn't help laughing. It was a running joke between all of them about Harry and Hermione's inability to keep their hands off of each other.

"I'm more than ready," Cho replied. "Lately they've been all over each other more than ever. I don't know if it has to do with this whole Gordon situation but Harry's always kissing her- not that she puts up much of a fight- and then they'll disappear for an hour or so." Cho shook her head. "Thank Merlin for silencing charms."

"Don't tell me he's jealous over Gordon Devereaux?" Lavender asked, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't say he's jealous over Gordon... he just doesn't trust the bloke. Not that I can blame him- he's obviously burning a torch for Hermione, who in turn is completely oblivious." Cho replied.

"She was back at school, too," Lavender said. "But that's just Hermione. She's always been really focused on school and books and things like that. She never thought that any bloke would ever pay her any mind and she didn't care much either way. Well, until Harry came along..."

"He's got quite a charm about him," Cho grinned. "The girls have always flocked to him... I'm just glad he wound up with Hermione rather than someone like Isabella."

"I take it you didn't care too much for Isabella then?" Lavender asked curiously.

Cho looked at Seamus who made a face. "Lav... you keep up with fashion. You know what a horrid bitch she is."

"Yeah, but knowing Harry as I do, I can't see what he saw in her other than her looks," Lavender said distastefully. She'd certainly read loads of magazines that described in detail about Isabella's diva behaviour.

Cho bit her lower lip a moment. "Let's just say..." she paused a moment thoughtfully. "She puts on a different face for Harry than she does for the rest of the world. And since we know he never reads Witch Weekly or anything like that he doesn't know how she really is."

"What led to them breaking up?" Lavender asked. She knew this was probably none of her business, but she'd been dying to know and she very well couldn't ask Hermione.

"Isabella left," Seamus replied. "We were all headed back to Hogwarts and she told Harry it was better if they ended things when they did, but they could pick back up where they left off... well then next holiday you and Hermione were at Hillsdale and she never came..." he shrugged.

"You don't think he still has feelings for her?" Lavender asked. "They never really broke things off...they never really got closure."

"Hermione was all the closure Harry needed." Cho replied. "Trust me on this- I've known him for years. I've never seen him like this over a girl, not ever."

"He'd better be," Lavender said seriously. "If he hurts her..."

"He wouldn't," Cho replied, Seamus nodding along.

"I've really got to get going now," Seamus said after a moment. "Got to guard the set so nothing else happens. I'll be so glad when this shoot is over."

"Be nice," Lavender teased.

Cho walked back to the front of the store as Seamus hungrily kissed his girlfriend goodbye. "That's in case I don't see you later."

"I hope you do," Lavender said happily.

"I'll try, I promise." Seamus kissed her again and she took his hand as they walked out front.

"I am really glad you came by," she said smiling at him. "Thanks for the breakfast."

"Anytime," Seamus pecked her chastely on the lips.

"Hey Seamus?" she asked him as he started to walk away. He turned around and looked expectantly at her. "I love you," she said, beaming at him.

He grinned. "Love you too," he came back and kissed her cheek, his smile growing as he walked out the door.

Cho sighed as Lavender turned back around. "Could you two be any cuter?" she asked.

Lavender blushed. "We could try, but you'd probably get a toothache." Not wanting to get back to her sewing just yet, she decided to help Cho with some folding. "So have you heard from Luna since the big date?" she asked conversationally.

"She sent me an owl," Cho replied. "Apparently she had a really nice time."

"Good for her," Lavender said nodding. "She deserves it after how Ron treated her."

Cho shook her head. "Neither one of them will really open up about the other. Ron says he wasn't treating her badly and Luna says he was. Ron says he was only trying to keep it a secret that he was saving up for a place for them and--" she stopped short. "Blast..." she put her face in her hands. "People should really stop telling me these things!"

"He was saving up to get a place for the two of them?" Lavender asked in disbelief. "Well, why didn't he bloody tell her that in the first place?"

"He wanted it to be a surprise," Cho replied. "He told us he felt like he hadn't really done anything special for her and he wanted this to be it."

"Seamus told me that Ron's heart is always in the right place," Lavender said with a laugh. "But that his mouth usually screws everything up. I guess he was right."

"That's always been the case," Cho pushed a stack of neatly folded robes to her co-worker.

"Do you think they might work things out?" Lavender asked thoughtfully.

"I hope they do," Cho replied. "Despite what both of them are saying at the moment I know they're still in love with each other. I told him he should just up and tell her that he wants them to live together but he won't do it." she leaned in closer. "Apparently he actually followed Luna and this other guy Michael on their date."

Lavender's mouth dropped. "You're kidding me!"

"I wish I was," Cho said. "He borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak and was in the restaurant as they ate, and then when he followed them out Michael kissed Luna- and she kissed him back. He went straight to the pub after that; Harry and Neville had to literally carry him back to the Burrow."

"That's terrible," Lavender lamented. She didn't know Ron very well, but she knew that anyone would be heartbroken to see someone they cared about moving on. Her heart went out to him and Luna both. She was glad that she had Seamus and she hoped something like that never happened to them.

"Well... I really do hope he gets his head out of his arse and works things out with Luna. And I hope she realises that she should be with Ron." Cho replied.

"Me, too," Lavender said as she stacked the last pile of robes on a table. She decided to get in some work on Cho's dress robes before lunch and headed in that direction. Before opening up the door, she turned around and looked curiously at her friend. "I do know something you don't know..."

"What?" Cho would have pounced on her if she could.

"What your robes look like!" Lavender said with a smug smile before opening the door, walking inside and closing it firmly behind her.

*** *** ***

"Remind me again why we thought this would be FUN to do the Muggle way, considering I just did this a few months ago with my own place?" Harry asked crossly as he carried in the edge of a sofa.

"I don't know," Neville replied just as crossly. Both men were tired as could be from the rigorous training that week and now were contending with the big move. Cho was currently sitting on the other sofa they had already brought in and Hermione was up in the bedroom hanging things up.

"Oh!" Cho asked, looking up as Harry and Neville were about to set the sofa down against the wall. "Don't put that there!"

"Where do you want this one?" Harry snapped.

"Against the other wall," Cho said simply. She saw the look on his face and had a feeling that he had another idea of where he'd like to put it. "If you don't mind," she quickly added.

Harry sighed as he and Neville hoisted the sofa and set it where Cho wanted it. "I'm through," Neville collapsed next to his fiancée while Harry sprawled out on the other sofa.

"You can't stop now!" Cho exclaimed. "Neville! You can't leave half of our furniture outside. Anyone could come by and steal it!"

Harry and Neville, grumbling, got back up and within moments Cho was astonished to see their brand new furniture floating in by itself. "There," Harry said a few minutes later. "It's all in. Neville and I have done enough this week Cho... training was a complete bitch."

"I guess it wasn't the best time to move in, was it?" Cho asked sheepishly. She felt guilty not only because they had to do this when they obviously didn't want to and because she herself hadn't been much help.

"It's not that we didn't WANT to do this love," Neville said in a softer tone. "It's just that... you thought it was fun the way we did it at Harry and Hermione's... and it was fine... but--"

"We can't do this anymore without magic," Harry finished as Hermione came into the room.

"You can't do what without magic?" Hermione asked, sitting on Harry's lap.

"Move," Harry groaned.

"Sorry," Hermione asked, quickly moving off of him. "You sure are a grouch today!"

Harry didn't even make the effort to glare at her as he flopped onto his back. "You two do what we had to do this week and see how good you feel afterwards."

"I'm sure if you asked, Megan would give you a massage," Cho teased. Hermione giggled.

"That's so funny I forgot to laugh," Harry snapped.

"Actually I think Megan's moving on," Neville smiled.

"She has?" Hermione asked.

"It seems so," Neville replied. "One of the other guys in our program has caught her fancy; she's been following him around like she used to Harry."

"You alright with that, Harry?" Hermione asked, patting him on the arm. "How will you ever go on?"

"I'm sure I'll find a way to get over it," Harry said dryly.

Hermione got up and walked around the sofa and began to massage his shoulders. "I know I'm no Megan, but..."

Harry let out a groan that was possibly heard in Japan. "Merlin that feels good..." he leaned his head back.

Hermione grinned as she kneaded her hands over his shoulders. "I do expect to be repaid for this at some point."

Neville rolled his eyes. "Please don't make this your hole as well, rabbits."

Hermione's mouth fell open. "You act like Harry and I can't go five minutes without groping each other."

Harry decided to take that moment and reach back and pull her around for a rather heated kiss.

"Your point is?" Neville asked, sharing a glance with his fiancée.

"W-what?" Hermione asked dazed.

"Maybe we should get home," Harry said.

"No you don't," Cho said warningly. "We haven't even finished here yet."

"We can finish things up tomorrow," Harry said, barely registering the fact that they were in someone else's home as he pushed Hermione's hair behind her ear.

"I don't believe you!" Cho said, shaking her head. "Not five minutes ago you were talking about being too tired to move a sofa and now you're...well, you're wanting to take Hermione home to do...well, whatever it is the two of you do when you' know..."

Harry shook his head. "We all know it Cho. I'm never too tired for sex." Hermione swatted his arm.

"But Hermione sure is," Cho couldn't stop herself from saying. Hermione looked at her. She had told Cho that in confidence.

"Cho!" Hermione hissed.

It had been one night a couple of weeks ago when she'd been studying nearly all night for a test. She'd crept back into the bedroom late and Harry woke up when he heard her get into bed. He'd obviously been in the mood, but Hermione was knackered. Half way into it, she'd fallen asleep.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked.

"Nothing," Cho said quickly, trying to cover.

"Maybe we should get back to unpacking," Hermione suggested.

"Hey," Neville reclined on the sofa. "Harry and I told you, we're finished."

Hermione shifted uncomfortably behind Harry. "Um, I still have some stuff to finish up in the bedroom," she said softly.

"Go ahead," Harry replied. "Neville and I will camp out here until you're finished."

"Okay," she said. She couldn't resist glaring at Cho as she walked out of the room.

Harry gazed at her. "I don't know what the hell you were talking about and I don't want to know."

Cho breathed a sigh of relief. "Just me and my big mouth."

"Like that's anything new," Harry snorted, covering his eyes while Neville put his arm around her.

"Don't listen to anything he says. He's been crabbing all day about one thing or another."

"I know," she whispered back. "I'm used to his mood swings by now. I just hope Hermione's not too pissed with me."

"Why would she be?" Neville asked, kissing the side of her neck.

"You guys really are clueless," she said giggling. "Almost as clueless as Megan."

"Say that name again..." Harry threatened.

"Megan, Megan, Megan," Cho said haughtily.

Harry sat up and glared at her. "If you weren't pregnant..."

Neville sat up straight. "Enough!"

"Don't look at me!" Cho said defensively. "He started it coming in here all grouchy and grumpy. I'd rather he'd stayed home than come in here acting like he has!"

"Then fine, I'll go home!" Harry snapped, getting off the sofa. "Hermione!" he barked down the small hallway.

"She's not a dog for Merlin's sake!" Cho couldn't help retorting. "Just because you call doesn't mean she has to come running!"

"Stay out of this!" Harry replied shortly.

Hermione came into the room. "What are you two on about? I could hear you shouting from the bedroom."

"Cho doesn't want us here," Harry grabbed her arm. "So we're leaving."

"Harry, if this is about earlier, I didn't mean to tell Cho," she said, trying to get him to loosen his grip on her arm. "I just felt bad about it so I had to talk to someone..."

"Talk about what?" Harry stared at her as if she'd grown another head.

"About me falling asleep the other night when we..." she said lowering her voice.

"You fell asleep?" Harry nearly shouted.

"I was tired," she said. "I'd been up studying and you..."

"I don't believe this," Harry spun around and stalked to the front door. He grabbed his cloak and was outside, slamming the door behind him.

"What the hell just happened here?" Neville asked. "I'm just as bloody tired as he is yet you don't see me doing the dramatics." He looked at his fiancée who was standing with her arms crossed, fuming.

"I need to go after him," Hermione said searching around for her bag and cloak.

"What? Hermione- he's being a complete arse tonight." Neville argued. "Stay here with us and teach him a lesson."

"I probably should let him cool down," Hermione admitted. She dropped her bag on the floor and sank back onto the sofa.

"What is he so upset about?" Neville asked, not having heard the argument.

"Neville, if I tell you this will you promise not to tease Harry about it," Hermione said, knowing that if she didn't tell him now, Cho would.

"I don't know if I can promise that." Neville replied.

Hermione sighed. "Well, at least try not to, for me, okay?" When Neville finally nodded, she related the story for him, leaving out any gory details. She could tell he was trying hard not to laugh. "I thought he knew I'd fallen asleep," Hermione said putting her head in her hands.

"I'm sure he's not that angry," Neville bit his lower lip as Cho gave him a warning glance.

"Did you not just see him storming out of here?" Hermione asked sarcastically. "He looked pretty angry to me!"

"Hermione," Cho said. "He's just having a bad night. I've seen him in worse moods than this. When you go home, just act like you normally would and everything will be just fine."

"You think?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"I know," Cho replied and Neville nodded.

"She's right- when we were at Hogwarts he'd be like this sometimes and we just have to act like nothing's out of the ordinary. For the most part he does as well and it all just blows over."

Hermione nodded and looked at her two friends. "I'm sorry, you guys. This was supposed to be a happy day for you two."

"It has been," Neville replied firmly. "Without a doubt you and I will be back here in the morning raring to go." He smiled at her.

"I hope so," Hermione said with a laugh. "He's probably more upset about Megan than he's letting on, huh?"

Cho and Neville laughed as she pulled on her cloak. "We'll see you AND Harry tomorrow Hermione." He said, giving her a hug. "Thanks for everything you did today."

"Oh, you mean ruin your first day in your new home by having a row with my boyfriend?" Hermione asked. "You're quite welcome. We must do this again sometime."

"Can't wait," Cho replied as they saw Hermione out.

Hermione gave Cho a hug. "I'll see you all tomorrow morning. I'll even bring breakfast to make up for today."

"Deal," Cho replied. "See you tomorrow."

Harry stomped down the streets, already regretting leaving Neville and Cho's place in such a huff. He felt even worse that he'd thrown a silly fit on their first day in their new home, and he felt worst of all that he'd left without Hermione.

He didn't think anything could top off his bad mood yet when he turned the corner and saw Gordon Devereaux sitting on his front steps, his mood was the most unpleasant it had been all evening.

"What the hell do you want?" Harry snarled without prelude.

Gordon got to his feet and held the book in his hands for Harry to see. "I wanted to return a book to Hermione," Gordon said simply.

"I'll give it to her," Harry snatched it away. "Good night."

Gordon watched as Harry struggled with his keys. "She's not with you then?"

"She's helping someone out," Harry snapped.

"Will she be home soon?" Gordon asked. He had a feeling there was trouble in paradise. Trying hard to keep the gleeful sound out of his voice, he decided to push a few more of Harry Potter's buttons. "I wanted to talk to her about an assignment we have. It's really important that I see her."

"You'll have to wait for Monday." Harry said his voice short and tight.

"Is something wrong, Harry?" Gordon asked. "You seem a bit...upset?"

"Nothing that concerns you," Harry finally jerked the door open. "Good night," he slammed it in the other man's face.

A wide smile broke across Gordon's face as he stared at the door. "Temper, temper," he said shaking his head. Things were definitely looking up. He knew it was only a matter of time before their "perfect" relationship fell apart. Everything was falling into place for him now. Hermione would soon be his for the taking and Potter would soon just be a bad memory.

Hermione hurried up the street towards the cottage when she saw a familiar figure walking away. "Gordon!" she called out. "What are you doing here?"

"Hermione," Gordon smiled as he saw her. "I thought I had missed you."

"We were at Cho and Neville's helping them move into their new place," Hermione brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "What are you doing here?" she asked again.

"Oh I dropped off a book I'd borrowed from you in case you wanted to use it tomorrow," Gordon replied. "I gave it to Harry…" he looked at her, filling his eyes with false concern. "Is everything all right between the two of you?"

"Oh…" Hermione shook her head. "If he was rude to you I apologise. It's been stressful having to move things again when we just did it a few months ago. Our tempers were all running a little high by the end of the night."

"I don't expect you to apologise for Po- Harry," Gordon replied. "You're not responsible for him."

"No, I want to," Hermione replied. "He shouldn't be taking his bad mood out on everyone."

"It's all right," Gordon answered. "Listen, did you want to go grab a cup of coffee or anything?"

"Oh that's nice of you to offer but I really need to just get some sleep- we've got another full day of moving tomorrow." Hermione answered with a smile.

"Well… all right then. I'll see you on Monday in class then," Gordon waved, clearly disappointed.

"See you," Hermione waved and then went up the steps, disappearing into the cottage. Gordon watched for a moment or two then went back on his way down the street.

Hermione dropped her bag on the floor and hung up her cloak then headed into the kitchen for something to drink before she went up to bed. Harry was already in there, his back to her as he stared out the window.

When he didn't say a word, Hermione yanked open the icebox. "I made it home just fine all by myself, thanks for asking Harry." She snapped.

"Why would you have had a problem walking home by yourself?" Harry asked his whole body tense.

"I didn't," Hermione replied icily. "But it really was very kind of you to just up and leave, especially after the way you behaved."

"After the way I behaved?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Hermione slammed her glass on the counter. "You seem to expect us all to just sit back and take whatever mood you've dealt us. I'm not going to do that Potter! I refuse to walk around on eggshells just because you're in a nasty mood!"

Harry glared at her. "And I suppose you falling asleep while we have sex is supposed to put me in a good mood?"

"Oh please," Hermione rolled her eyes. "I was already asleep when you started pawing at me… yet I woke up so YOU could have your evening pleasures. I'm so sorry my schoolwork is less important than you getting some!"

Harry couldn't seem to come up with a good retort, but he didn't need to as Hermione was fuming by now.

"And another thing! I ran into Gordon just before I came in here! He said you were rude to him when all he did was come by to return a book he borrowed from me!"

"He's the last person I wanted to see sitting on our doorstep when I got home tonight," Harry said coldly. "He's always finding some reason to be around all the time and I'm sick of it."

"Well you'd best get used to him being around," Hermione's voice grew louder. "He's MY friend and I don't have to run the people I choose to be around by you! I don't need your approval!"

"I don't like the bastard," Harry sneered.

"I don't care!" Hermione shouted. "As long as he is my friend you will treat him with SOME respect!"

"Don't hold your breath," Harry returned, his arms crossed over his chest.

Hermione made a disgusted noise and left the kitchen. Harry could hear her stomping up the stairs and felt momentarily bad. He didn't want her to feel like she had to run her friends by him or that he wanted to control her.

With the intent of apologising, Harry went upstairs and was surprised to see Hermione pulling the duvet cover off their bed, her pillows under her arm. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm sleeping on the sofa tonight," Hermione said, her voice thicker than usual.

"You don't have to sleep on the sofa. I'm sorry," Harry replied, coming forward to put his arms around her.

"Don't," Hermione jerked away. "I'm really not in the mood for this tonight Harry."

"I wasn't going to do anything!" Harry said, getting angry again. "I can't even hug you now?"

"No you can't," Hermione replied. "I think its best we cool off instead of kicking each other in bed."

"You know what? Fine," Harry grabbed his boxers and shirt out of the dresser and snatched the sheets off the bed, along with his pillows. "I'll sleep on the bloody sofa tonight." He stomped out of the room before she could say anything else.

Hermione dropped onto the bed, the duvet cover falling around her feet. She put her head in her hands as tears came to her eyes. She hated fighting with Harry but she honestly didn't want to see him anymore that night- at least not until both of them began to think rationally.

Harry shifted uncomfortably on the sofa. He had never realised it was so narrow as he'd never had to sleep on it before. He wanted to go upstairs and apologise again but he knew Hermione most likely had locked the door.

He sighed and stared at the ceiling. This was the first night they would go to sleep angry with one another and he didn't like it one bit. Harry couldn't even remember how the argument had started by now. He resolved to fix everything the next morning.