Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Time of Their Life by Amynoelle and Heaven

The Time of Their Life

Amynoelle and Heaven

Author's note: Thank you so much for the reviews, everyone! We appreciate each and every one. In this chapter, you will get to meet Cho & Neville's baby girl and you also will see the reappearance of everyone's favourite psychopath.


Harry stared at him a moment. "You have a daughter?" he grinned.

Neville nodded happily. "Mother and daughter are fine. Well, tired, but fine."

Harry lightly shook Hermione. "Wake up love..." he said.

"What is it?" Hermione said groggily.

"Cho had the baby!" Harry said. "Wake up everyone!" he called in a louder voice.

"What?" Hermione asked, struggling to get to her feet. "She did? What did she have?"

Harry grinned at Neville, not wanting to take this moment away from him.

"We had a little girl," Neville said proudly. "And she's the spitting image of Cho. And has quite the set of lungs on her... came into this world, screaming her head off."

Harry laughed. "That sounds about right," he teased. "When can we go see her?"

"It shouldn't be too much longer," Neville answered. "They're cleaning her up right now."

Hermione squealed. "Cho must be so happy to finally be a mum and not just pregnant anymore!"

"Aye," Neville said, receiving hearty slaps on the back from Seamus and Ron. "She's exhausted though."

"I'll bet," Hermione replied sympathetically. "I'm going to use the loo and hopefully by the time I get back we can go in,"

"I'll come with," Lavender said somewhat dazedly, following her cousin.

"Me too," Luna rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah," Ron said, stretching. "I should probably go, too."

"What is this? A group effort?" Harry asked. "I'm fine."

"Good to hear," Seamus said, stumbling to his feet and heading off after his friends.

"I'm actually glad they gave us a moment," Neville said to his friend. "I wanted to thank you for giving us the private room. It meant so much to both of us, Harry."

"I'm glad to do it," Harry replied. "Cho means a lot to me... not that you don't," he grinned.

Neville grinned back and was going to say something else when they heard the door to Cho's room open. "Mr. Longbottom?" the mediwizard said. "Your wife was asking for you. And your friends are welcome to come in now, but keep it two at a time, please."

"Okay," Neville nodded back.

The mediwizard patted Neville on the back and walked down the hall. "Ready to meet your goddaughter?" Neville asked his friend.

"More than anything," Harry replied. "You go on and make sure Cho's ready for us." He laughed.

Neville grinned. "I'll be right back."

Harry sat back down on the sofa as Hermione came back into the waiting room.

"The others went downstairs to get breakfast," she explained. "They didn't want to overwhelm Cho or the baby."

"We can go in and see her," Harry replied.

"Really?" Hermione asked happily.

"Soon as Neville tells us Cho is ready," Harry replied, leaning in for a quick kiss.

She smiled. "Do you know what I was thinking last night? I know you'll probably think it's completely daft."

"What's that?" Harry asked her.

She blushed. "For a fleeting moment there, I pictured you and me in their place....waiting for our child to be born. Crazy, huh?"

Harry touched his forehead to hers. "Not crazy at all... I thought the same thing actually."

"Really?" she asked pleasantly surprised.

"Really," Harry replied. "I mean, I skipped over the part where you'd probably scream out that you never want to have sex with me again but…" Hermione thumped him on the shoulder but she was laughing.

"I don't think I could ever say that and mean it," she kissed him again, letting her lips linger a bit longer on his.

"But really…" Harry pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "I eventually do think we will find ourselves in this same place."

"Someday," Hermione whispered.

"Hey you guys, come on in," Neville said.

Hermione pulled away from Harry and the two of them quietly walked into Cho's room.

Cho was sitting up in bed. Her long hair had been pulled back into a ponytail and she looked tired, but very happy.

"Cho!" Hermione squealed.

"You ready to go dancing yet?" Harry asked teasingly to Cho.

"Take me, Potter," Cho said dramatically.

A soft cooing sound interrupted them and Hermione stepped closer to get a better look at the sleeping baby in Cho's arms.

"Oh look at her!" Hermione's breath got caught in her throat. "Cho! She's GORGEOUS!"

Cho nodded happily. "I thought so, too, but I'm completely biased."

"What did you name her?" Harry stepped up to look at his goddaughter.

"I suppose we should decide on a name," Neville said with a wink at his wife. "Baby Girl Longbottom isn't that original, is it?"

"I had an idea," Cho said. "I hope you like it Neville..."

"I'm sure I will," Neville said, smiling at her.

"Chiaki..." Cho said softly. "I've always loved that name for a girl."

Neville looked thoughtfully at his daughter. "Chiaki...I love it."

"Gorgeous name for a gorgeous baby," Harry said softly. "Chiaki Longbottom…"

"Can I hold her?" Hermione asked.

"Sure," Cho carefully passed her newborn pride and joy to Hermione. Hermione gingerly took the baby in her arms, properly cradling the head.

Harry couldn't help his smile as he looked over Hermione's shoulder. "I can't believe how small she is," he said.

"Small?" Cho snorted. "I tell you, being the one who pushed her out, she is most definitely not small."

"Well small compared to us," Harry replied. He traced a finger softly over Chiaki's pink skin and through the dark patch of hair on her head. "I cannot wait to spoil the hell out of this baby," he grinned.

Hermione laughed. "You've got your work cut out for you, making Harry a godfather." She placed a kiss on Chiaki's forehead and passed the baby to her boyfriend.

Harry took her and peeled back the blanket covering her body. "What are you doing?" Cho asked curiously.

"Just making sure she has dancing feet," Harry said mischievously.

Cho laughed tiredly. "Have you already got her profession mapped out for her?"

"Maybe," Harry replied as he kissed the baby and passed her back to Cho. "We'll do our best to get her interested and let her take it from there." He smiled. "And I, for one, am glad she looks like you and not Malfoy."

Neville snorted. "Aye, good point Harry."

"You'd love her even if she did," Hermione pointed out, scowling at her boyfriend.

"Of course we would," Cho replied. "Hermione don't get too angry at Harry. You know as well as I do he doesn't control what comes out of his mouth. That's why he and Ron are such good friends."

"Very funny," Harry said sarcastically as Hermione and Neville laughed. "Let's just go ahead and insult both of the baby's godfathers, why don't you?"

Cho smiled tiredly at him. "I will when I'm more energized."

"We should probably go and let you get some rest," Hermione said apologetically. "You must be exhausted."

Neville scooped up his daughter. "Where did everyone else go?" he asked.

"The story is they didn't want to overwhelm you," Hermione said. "But the truth is Seamus and Ron were starving and they'd already eaten all the food Ron brought last night so they went down to the cafeteria for breakfast."

Cho laughed. "Always letting their stomachs guide them," she smiled. "Well... Neville... feel free to show Chiaki off. I'm so tired...." she yawned enormously.

"We'll come by and see you later, Cho," Hermione promised, squeezing her friend's hand. "Get some rest."

"Okay," Cho smiled sleepily.

Harry bent down over Cho and placed a kiss on her forehead and quietly followed Hermione and Neville out of the room.

"She really is gorgeous Neville," Hermione said, stroking Chiaki's soft hair. "I just can't believe the baby is finally here!"

"Me, either," Neville admitted. "You know I have a confession to make...when she was born, I wondered if I'd feel differently since biologically, she's not really mine. But, the moment the mediwizard placed her in my arms, I just felt it...she's my daughter....she will be my daughter in every way that counts."

Hermione nearly melted. "That's so sweet..." she said, tears stinging her eyes.

Neville's cheeks reddened. "Don't go telling everyone at training that I got all mushy, okay Harry?"

"Of course not," Harry grinned. "Who couldn't get all mushy while looking at this face?" he asked, his green eyes soft as he looked at his best friends' child.

"OH! OH! OH!" a familiar voice said from behind them. Lavender and Luna were walking down the corridor and when they saw Neville holding the baby, they nearly ran to get to him.

"Neville!" Lavender said, pushing past Harry and looking at the baby. "She's beautiful!"

Luna gasped. "Look at her Neville!! I've never seen such a gorgeous baby in my life!"

Harry looked at Hermione who smiled. "Shall we get going and let the new parents have their fun?" he whispered.

Hermione nodded. "I'll even buy you breakfast," she said, linking her arm in his.

"Sounds like a good deal to me," Harry replied as they called a good bye to their friends. "Do I get to choose where we eat?"

"Sure," she said, shrugging. "Where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere Muggle, preferably," Harry replied. "I have a feeling if we go anywhere in the Wizarding World right now we'll get mobbed." He slid his arms around her. "And after that I want to go home and sleep in our bed and not a sofa."

"That sounds fantastic," she replied. She saw him rub the back of his neck. "Oh, Harry! I'm sorry...I just realized that you slept sitting up with me on your lap. That must have been quite uncomfortable for you."

"It's all right," Harry replied. "You were comfortable and I didn't want to wake you up..."

"Have I told you today how great you are?" she asked, stopping and kissing him on the cheek.

"No," Harry replied, his tone amused.

"Well, you are," she said, smiling at him. "Absolutely wonderful."

Harry let her kiss him briefly before he tucked her hand into his. "I hate January," he said as they walked. "Coldest damn month of the year."

"Just think warm thoughts," she said as she pulled her own cloak tighter around her with her free hand. "Think about that warm cup of coffee and that obscenely large breakfast that you and I are about to have."

"Right," Harry said. "Well if I'm still freezing afterwards you can always warm me up in the shower. Before you head to class that is," he added.

Hermione groaned. "I forgot about that."

Harry shook his head. "You've not gone for two days and you forgot about your classes for a third day? Me and my bloody big mouth."

"And here I was hoping you'd talk me out of going again," Hermione said only half-joking. She was still quite tired and for the first time in her life, she didn't think she could sit in a classroom all day when all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Don't tempt me Hermione," Harry warned her as they neared the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione transfigured their cloaks into coats and they stepped out as Muggles.

"Maybe I could skive off one more day," Hermione said yawning. "No, I should probably go. But, I really don't want to, but I should really go. Merlin, I'm not making any sense, am I?"

"Not really," Harry laughed. "You really should go, even though part of me wants nothing more than to just take you home to bed."

"You're right," she said. "I should go. But, I am so going to take a long kip when they're over."

Harry slid his arm around her waist. "I'll try and wait up for you then so we can sleep together."

"That's sweet," she said beaming at him. "But you don't have to do that. I know you're tired, too."

"Yes but then I'm not up and around while you're kipping," Harry replied as they came across a foggy windowed diner. "This looks good."

"Something smells delicious," Hermione said as Harry opened the door for her. "I'm starving."

"Same here," Harry replied. "At least we don't have to share this with Ron."

Hermione giggled. "That's true."

Gordon Devereaux was still in a terrible mood. He'd tried ringing Hermione last night, but the phone was otherwise engaged and he'd even gone so far as to stop by her house to see if she'd fancy walking to class with him or catching a quick bite to eat. She wasn't home. Either that, or she hadn't heard the doorbell.

He walked quickly down the street. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a diner. Thinking he'd stop in to get a cup of coffee, he quickened his pace.

His hand froze on the door handle. Through the glass door, he could see a couple at the counter, sharing a menu. He would know that face anywhere. He felt a fresh surge of anger as he watched Potter lean in and kiss Hermione on the cheek.

For far too long, Gordon figured he'd been too passive when it came to Hermione. It was time to take action. He wouldn't act quickly, of course. He'd bide his time and when the time was right, she'd be his.

Potter whispered something in Hermione's ear and her head rolled back in laughter.

Enjoy it while you can, Potter.

With one last look, Gordon walked away from the diner. Suddenly, he wasn't so hungry anymore.

*** *** ***

Lavender yawned. "I'm really not sleepy but I just feel tired," she said, climbing the steps to her aunt and uncle's house. "Your lap was quite comfortable last night," she teased her boyfriend.

"Glad you were comfortable," Seamus joked back. "Because I think I lost all feeling in my legs for awhile there."

Lavender swatted his shoulder as she dug her keys out of her bag. "You want to stick around for awhile? I'm sure Uncle Robert has made something good for breakfast. He usually does on his days off."

"I imagine I could fit some more in here," he said, patting his stomach. Lavender finally found her keys and opened the door.

"...and I think you're wrong!" Elinore was saying firmly as Lavender and Seamus stepped inside.

"What's going on?" Seamus whispered in Lavender's ear, but she shushed him.

"Of course you would," Robert retorted. "You're as blinded by that boy as Hermione is. Elinore, you and I both read those articles and saw those doesn't look good."

"And we both read the article Luna wrote about it, the TRUTHFUL one." Elinore replied. "And I find it interesting that you're so willing to just forget about how much he's actually grown on you in favour of some fabrications!"

Lavender ignored Seamus's meaningful glance as she pressed forward silently.

"Yes, but how much do we really know about him?" Robert asked, trying to reason with his wife. "He goes to this club with an ex-girlfriend and he's going to try and pretend that he didn't have any idea what she really wanted?"

"I believe him when he says he doesn't," Elinore replied sharply. "Harry has been nothing but good for our daughter. And she obviously believes him to have been such a big part in this article!"

"I just don't want to see her get hurt, Elinore," Robert said, the tone of his voice much softer. "This is the first real boyfriend she's ever had and I just..."

"And she's in love with him," Elinore replied. "And he loves her just as much."

"I know," Robert said, shaking his head. "Logically, I know she's grown up, but part of me keeps seeing her as my little girl. She's changed so much since the summer, Elinore."

"She's an adult now Robert," Elinore replied. "It's hard for me to face that as well."

"Okay," he said. "I'll take Harry at his word, but if something like this happens again, I won't be silent, Elinore. If he hurts her..."

"He's not going to hurt her." Elinore said. "Robert... Hermione and Harry will work through any problems they have, by themselves," she stressed the last two words. "We are not going become a part of this situation."

Seamus tapped Lavender on the shoulder. "We really shouldn't be listening to this," he whispered in her ear.

"Right," she whispered. They backtracked and Lavender reopened and closed the door. "Hello?" she called out as if they had just walked in.

The two of them heard muffled voices and then Elinore called out, "We're in the kitchen, sweetheart."

"Guess what," Lavender swept into the kitchen, Seamus's hand in hers. "Cho had a baby girl this morning!"

"That's wonderful," Elinore said excitedly.

"And they're both doing okay?" Robert asked his niece.

"Cho and Chiaki are both fine," Lavender grinned. "You should see how gorgeous she is!"

"Maybe I'll ask Hermione to bring me by to see them," Robert said, grinning. He had a soft spot for the raven-haired girl he'd helped over the summer. The girl had obviously taken a few hard knocks in life and he was glad to hear that her life was turning around for the better.

"Hello, Seamus," Robert said warmly. "Do you fancy a cup of coffee? I just put on a fresh pot."

"That sounds fantastic," Seamus said. "Thank you so much Dr. Granger."

"Did all of you stay at the hospital all night?" Robert asked, noticing for the first time how tired and pale his niece and her boyfriend looked.

"I got there around half past one- Neville sent owls to all of us," Lavender replied. "Seamus didn't get there until two."

"Had a bit of a tussle on set last night," Seamus thanked his girlfriend's uncle as he sent a steaming cup of coffee his way.

"Nothing too bad I hope," Robert said.

"Nothing that didn't get ironed out," Seamus replied. "I just seem to have the worst people to work with is all."

Lavender grinned. "He just demands perfection and not everyone can live up to that."

Elinore laughed. "I know another person who thinks that way," she chuffed her husband lightly.

Lavender smiled and as she and Seamus helped themselves to the tray of muffins before them, she wondered if she should say something to help her uncle see how much Harry cared for Hermione.

"So Harry and Hermione told me to send you their regards," Lavender said out of the blue. This wasn't exactly true as they'd said nothing of the sort to her, but Lavender knew if they'd thought about it, they'd have told her to say it.

"They were there with you all night?" Elinore nodded. "I know how close Harry is with Cho..."

"Yeah," Lavender said. "Cho and Neville asked Harry to be one of the godfathers."

When she saw the confused look on her aunt and uncle's faces, she explained Cho naming Ron as godfather as well.

"Harry's already talking about spoiling Chiaki," Lavender continued.

Seamus smiled. "That baby is going to be spoiled rotten," he laughed. "Harry's known for being overly generous with the people he loves. You saw everything he got Hermione for Christmas..." he chuckled.

"They were absolutely adorable last night at the hospital," Lavender said, a dreamy expression coming over her face. "She was asleep on his lap and I know it couldn't have been comfortable for him, but he just sat there and ran his fingers through her hair... "

"Lavender?" Robert asked his niece. "Is there a reason why you're singing Harry's praises? I feel as if the next thing you're going to tell me is that he helps the homeless and in his spare time knits blankets or something."

Lavender shrugged. "Well... we're all on a bit of a high from Luna's article. It's really cleared up a lot of false information that the Daily Prophet spread around about him."

"Aye, and the article was even picked up by an American paper," Seamus said. "I've known Harry since we were kids and he's nothing like how the Daily Prophet tried to paint him."

"That's good to hear," Elinore sat down. "I figured a lot of that was rubbish."

"Well, if you read Luna's article you read the truth," Lavender said resolutely. She noticed her uncle hadn't said anything in response to this. "And I've never seen Hermione so happy. It's almost sickening how sweet the two of them are together."

"Point taken," Robert replied.

"Well, I hate to cut this short," Seamus said, pushing back from his chair. "But I should really check back in on the set. Hopefully, it's still standing."

"Do you have to leave so soon?" Lavender frowned.

"Unfortunately I do," Seamus said. "But if you have some free time tonight, I'd love to take you out for a bite to eat."

"Definitely," Lavender got up to walk him to the front door. "I hope everything goes well on set today."

"You and me both," Seamus said with a laugh. He turned his attention to Robert and Elinore. "Thanks again for the breakfast."

"You're very welcome," Robert smiled. "Make sure and stop by more often Seamus!"

"Thank you sir," Seamus said, shaking his hand. As Lavender led him to the front door, he took her hand. "Good to see you defending Harry," he said softly.

"Yeah well..." Lavender shrugged. "You were right and I was being silly..." she smiled at him.

"Could you repeat that first part again?" he asked cheekily. "That part about me being right? I like the sound of that."

"Don't push it Finnigan," Lavender replied. "It won't happen often," she teased.

"You're probably right," he said, cupping her face in his hands. "Get some rest, okay?"

"I will," Lavender leaned in and kissed him. "You compromise a bit on set and you'll be able to go home and get some rest too," she stroked his nape with her fingers.

"This thing called compromise," he said thoughtfully. "What is that?"

"When you agree to disagree," Lavender giggled.

"Wouldn't it just be simpler if everyone just went along with what I said without question?" he asked.

Lavender shook her head. "Seamus Finnigan..." she began

Her words were cut off by Seamus pressing his lips to hers. When he pulled away from her, he grinned. "You were saying, Ms. Brown?"

"Compromise," she gave him a stern look. "I expect to see you off set by seven."

"Yes ma'am," he said, opening the door. "Don't you be late, either."

"Yes sir," Lavender replied. "I love you,"

"I love you, too," he said. "So much so that I'm even considering compromise. Look what you've turned me into, woman!"

Lavender giggled. "Go on you, I'll see you later."

*** *** ***

Hermione was still tired as she slugged her way into class. Her hair was once again in a sloppy ponytail, her robes thrown haphazardly on over the ivory jumper Harry had given her for Christmas and a pair of jeans. She was hoping against a miracle that her professors would be good enough to cut lectures or let them go early but that probably wouldn't happen.

As she entered Transfiguration, she saw Gordon already hunched over his desk, writing busily on a piece of parchment. "Morning," Hermione said.

Gordon didn't acknowledge her arrival and just kept writing. If she thought she was just going to come in here and act like everything was normal, she had another thing coming.

"Morning," Hermione said again. "Gordon?" When he still didn't respond, Hermione tapped his shoulder. "Hello..." she was confused at his lack of reaction. "Were you hexed or something?"

"I'm trying to work," he said icily. "If you don't mind..."

Hermione's eyebrows knit together. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Have a nice few days off, did you?" he asked sarcastically, never looking up from his parchment.

Hermione sat down. "Gordon, I had some things in my life I had to work out, and then last night Cho had her baby." She set her bag in front of her and began to pull out her books.

"And did those things out?" Gordon asked, trying to stay angry with her, but she was making it difficult.

"Yes," Hermione looked at him. "You saw The Quibbler right? I had to do something to get those bloody vultures at the Daily Prophet off Harry's and my backs and I did."

"I saw," Gordon said, still not looking at her. "That why you were late for the exam?"

"I wasn't late," Hermione replied. "And why are you so angry about it?"

"Because you're going down the wrong path, Hermione," Gordon said finally looking properly at her. "You've done so well. Don't mess everything up now."

Hermione looked at him, the confusion apparent on her face. "What on earth are you talking about? Wrong path?" she shook her head.

Gordon exhaled. "I know you think I'm overreacting Hermione and maybe I am, but I just don't want you to fall behind, that's all."

"I'm not going to fall behind," Hermione replied. "I appreciate your concern Gordon but I wouldn't let that happen. Everyone misses a day now and then."

"You're right," he smiled. Maybe he could use her absences to his advantage. "If you're free tomorrow morning before class, I can meet you in the library to go over my notes."

"That would be fantastic," Hermione leaned over and surprised him with a hug. "You're the absolute best Gordon."

Gordon couldn't describe how good it felt to have her arms around him like that, even if it was just a platonic hug. "You missed a terrible lecture yesterday. Lambert kept going on about some theory and you know how he loves to hear himself talk..."

"Don't I ever," Hermione groaned.

"So your friend had her baby?" he asked conversationally.

Hermione nodded. "At around half past five this morning. A little girl; they named her Chiaki." She smiled as she remembered holding the baby. "She's absolutely gorgeous! Harry and I have to go out and buy her a gift later after classes."

Inwardly, Gordon groaned. Of course, everything had to somehow revolve around Harry. It always seemed to somehow go back to Harry with Hermione. "That's nice," he said with false politeness.

"Other than that, it's just been dealing with the reactions from Luna's article." Hermione brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Can you believe an American paper picked it up as well?"

"You don't say," Gordon said. "Then I guess everything worked out for the best for you and your friend. And Harry, too."

"You could definitely say that," Hermione said.

"It was all anyone could talk about on campus yesterday," Gordon said, motioning to some girls in the rows ahead of them who kept looking at Hermione and whispering.

Hermione nodded at the girls and looked back at her friend. "What were people saying?" she couldn't help but whisper curiously.

"Just that they couldn't believe the girl in the photographs was you and that you were a lucky girl to have landed the great Harry Potter," Gordon answered.

Hermione smiled. "He really is great," she thought of her boyfriend, who despite his vows not to kip until she got home was probably sleeping at that very moment. "He and Ron are Chiaki's godfathers. He was so sweet with her this morning when we all got to hold her."

"Make you think about having a few of your own, did it?" Gordon asked, picturing in his mind him and Hermione with their own little family.

"I won't lie and say no," Hermione replied. "But Harry and I aren't anywhere near that step. I'd like to be married and possibly into my career before I go about having any children."

He wondered if she knew that Potter would probably just want her popping out baby after baby and any career hope she may have would fall by the wayside.

"You've got plenty of time for that," Gordon said, grinning at her. "When you're Minister for Magic, I can tell everyone I knew you when..."

"I hope you'll still know me!" Hermione laughed. "Come on, I'm not about to forget all you little people. And if you're lucky, maybe I'll hire you to be my gopher." She teased.

"You'd let me be one of your 'people', would you?" he asked smiling at her. "I'd be honoured."

Hermione grinned at him. "Gordon, go for this," she joked. "How does that sound?"

"Music to my ears," he said laughing.

"Get used to it then," Hermione and Gordon were still laughing as the professor came into the classroom.

"Ready to hear him drone on?" Gordon whispered.

"Poke me if I start to fall asleep," Hermione said in a low voice.

"Deal," Gordon said, watching out of the corner of his eye as Hermione started to take notes. He liked her so much better like this. She wasn't made up or fake. She was natural. This was who she was. This was the girl he loved. He hoped to undo the damage Potter had caused. No, he said to himself, he would undo the damage Potter caused. There was no question in his mind.

*** *** ***

Neville had borrowed Seamus video camera and though he barely knew what he was doing, he knew he wanted to capture this moment for posterity. They were bringing their little girl home today. Even though Cho had put her foot down on taping the delivery, she'd relented about taping the homecoming.

"Okay," he said to his wife, who was cradling the baby in her arms. "Seamus said to make sure the red light was on and it is, so…just act natural."

Cho had absolutely no idea what to do. "So um..." she laughed nervously. "We're bringing Chiaki home for the first time..."

Neville kept the camera trained on his wife and daughter as he tried with his free hand to open the door. He struggled for a bit, but finally opened the door, but nearly dropping the camera in the process.

"Alright, Chiaki," he said, stepping backwards into the house. "Welcome Home…"

Cho smiled tenderly at her baby girl, who was currently asleep in her arms. "Too bad she's not awake for this moment," she laughed.

"Maybe we could do it again when she is awake," Neville asked. "I mean when she wakes up, we could re-enact the arrival again?"

Cho gave him a look. "This is her homecoming, it won't be the same," she replied.

"Right," Neville said, focusing the camera back on his daughter. "Okay, sweetheart. As you can see, the ride home from the hospital obviously knackered you out, but no worries, we're taping this for you so you can enjoy it when you're awake. Which if we are to believe all the books will be at all hours..."

"At odd hours," Cho corrected. "The next few months aren't going to be very easy on any of us."

"Correction, the next 18 years are probably not going to be very easy on us," Neville said with a grin. "But looking at her now...I have a feeling it'll be worth it."

"Oh without a doubt," Cho kissed Chiaki's forehead. "I can't believe she's finally here! I feel like the past months just flew by the way they have." She smiled at her husband. "This is, without a doubt, the best I've ever felt."

"It's the best you've ever looked," he said sincerely. When she rolled her eyes, he shook his head. "Cho, I always think you look beautiful."

"Well at least I've lost the overly large stomach," she said. "Now I just need to whip myself back into shape altogether."

"Which I sure you'll do in no time at all, but I want you to remember what the mediwizard said about taking it easy for the next few days," he said.

"I know," Cho replied. "I promise I won't do anything hasty."

"Good," he said, lifting the camera back up. "How about you take our daughter to the nursery?"

Cho shook her head self consciously. "All right," she took the lead while Neville followed her. "Here's the nursery, thank you very much to Chiaki's godfathers Harry and Ron for helping us put it together."

"And no we didn't tape that, Chiaki, because your two godfathers didn't exactly use appropriate language as they put together the furniture in here," Neville said. "Words like that are not meant for your young ears."

Cho laughed. "That's very true." She carefully laid their child down in her crib. Neville pointed the camera down as Chiaki yawned, her eyes opening for a moment. Cho and Neville held their breath, hoping she wouldn't cry but she simply closed her eyes again.

"I could watch her for hours," Neville whispered.

"So could I," Cho agreed, stroking the velvety patch of hair on her daughter's head. "Merlin, I still can't believe we're parents!"

"We are," Neville said softly looking adoringly down at his daughter.

Cho watched as Neville finally shut the camera down. She leaned against his side and he slipped his arms around her. "I love you," she said softly.

"I love you," he whispered back as they watched Chiaki sleep. Both of them were tired as well, but neither one of them moved, content to watch her sleep and listen to her breathe.