Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance 2 by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance 2

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We hope everyone likes tonight's chapter! Please read and review!

"Hermione," Harry complained. "Tell me again why I have to go. This has nothing to do with me.... not anymore."

Hermione sighed and looked over at her husband who was slumped back in his wheelchair. "Harry..."

She set his dress robes on the bed and Harry scowled. He had been home for two weeks and was making very little progress. "I just want to stay home," he said firmly. "I'm going to work on those exercises."

"We'll work on them when we get back," Hermione said just as firmly.

Harry sighed. Lupin was scheduled to announce that Neville Longbottom was the Head Auror today. The last thing Harry wanted to do was sit in that crowd and watch the job he had worked so hard for go to someone else. It wasn't because he thought Neville did not deserve the job, Harry thought. Neville was a fantastic Auror and had shown he would make a capable leader.

He didn't want anyone to see him like this in public. They had managed to avoid the press so far but they would be there that day in droves.

"Cho and Neville are expecting us," Hermione told him.

Harry exhaled sharply. "This is not going to be good. I'll be lucky to not get trampled."

Hermione knelt down before him. "Harry, I know this is not going to be easy for you. "

"You have no idea," Harry responded moodily.

"I do," Hermione said softly. "I know you better than you know yourself sometimes."
Harry crossed his arms and looked away from her.

"If this situation was reversed, he would be there cheering you on and you know that," Hermione said gently. "He's your best friend."

"Fine," Harry grudgingly agreed. "But I don't want anyone taking photographs and we leave right afterwards."

Hermione smiled. "I'll help you get dressed."

Harry's mood didn't get any better as Hermione helped him into a shirt and trousers. "Why isn't there a spell to do this?" he snapped.

Hermione decided not to comment on this. She knew that having help with mundane tasks like this were his least favourite. "You look very handsome," she said instead.

"Yeah," he muttered.

Hermione pecked his cheek. "I'm going to finish getting ready. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Harry didn't say anything as Hermione went into the loo to finish dressing. He supposed he shouldn't be so angry with her but he couldn't help it. He was angry at everyone right now.

Therapy was hard work with little results. He wanted to work at it every chance he could, but everyone kept warning him about pushing himself too hard. What did they know? They weren't stuck in this chair, he thought bitterly.

He gripped the arms of the chair and began using his arms to push himself up onto his feet.

"Come on," he muttered, summoning every ounce of strength he had.

He couldn't feel anything in his legs or feet and his entire body shook as he managed to balance himself upright for the first time in awhile.

"Harry, I was thinking---" Hermione said as she came out of the bathroom. "Harry!"

"Look!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm doing it!"

Hermione smiled. "You are!"

"I knew it," Harry wobbled a bit but remained standing.

Hermione beamed with pride at him. "Take it easy, Harry. You're doing great!"

He gripped the handles again as he nearly collapsed back in the chair.

Hermione crossed the room in a few quick strides and knelt down. "That was fantastic, Harry!"

"I want to do it again," Harry told her, grasping the chair again.

Hermione put her hand over his. "Harry, don't strain yourself. Come on..."

"I can do it," Harry said. "Don't stop me."

Hermione stood back and allowed him to try it again. She was only trying to help, but somehow in all this, he started seeing her as an enemy. He rarely smiled these days and Hermione hated the tension that filled the room whenever they were together. It was as if everything she did was wrong.

"See?" he asked struggling to his feet again. Hermione saw the strain on his face. She resisted the urge to help him.

Harry sat back down, sweat beading on his forehead. "I'll be back on my feet sooner rather than later."

Hermione turned away so he would not see the tears in her eyes.

It was quite a different story in Neville's office at Auror headquarters. The announcement would be made in the conference room in just a few minutes. Cho grinned at her husband as she helped him with his tie.

"Head Auror Longbottom," she said proudly.

Neville grinned at her. "I still can't believe it."

"You keep saying that, Dad," Chiaki teased. "Want one of us to pinch you so you don't think you're dreaming?"

"I might need you to," Neville said. "I never thought I'd actually get this."

Frankie laughed. "We all knew you would. Especially me since I was on the receiving end of many of your punishments. You can be quite scary, Dad."

"Some of the people here will remember me when I was a lot younger," Neville replied. "A bumbling fool..."

"Oh, Neville," Cho said swatting at him. "You were never a bumbling fool."

"Did we not share the same first year?" Neville asked, his eyebrows raised.

Cho suddenly seemed preoccupied with one of the grandchildren. Neville laughed. "Even love isn't that blind, eh, Cho?"

"You were sweet," she said.

"Sweet Grandpa," Olivia said, holding up her arms for Neville. He picked her up and held her tightly.

"Sweet Olivia," Neville kissed her cheek.

"Do you like my dress?" Olivia asked grinning at him. "It was Em's!"

"It looked beautiful on Em and it looks just as beautiful on you, Livvie," Neville told her.

Olivia beamed at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. In the corner, Adam was playing with Nathan. The two boys were proud of their grandfather but probably just as excited about missing school that morning. Natalie knocked gently on the door. "They're ready for you, Neville," she said to him. "Lupin's going to make the opening remarks and then he'll make the formal announcement."

"Thanks," Neville said, setting Olivia down to smooth his robes.

Cho looked at Natalie. "Is, um, Harry here?"

"I haven't seen him yet," Natalie said.

"Oh," Cho said quietly.

"It doesn't mean he's not here now," Natalie said hastily. "But I haven't been in the main room in a few minutes..."

"Of course," Cho nodded. She turned to look at her husband. "He'll be here."

Neville nodded distractedly. "Harry should be getting this honour."

Cho put her hand on his shoulder. "You did not get this by default, Neville. You EARNED this. You are fair, level-headed and a good leader. YOU earned this. You weren't handed this."

"Thanks," Neville said. "I guess I still need to hear that."

Cho hugged him tightly. "We'll see you out there."

"Stay," Olivia looked up at her father.

Jon knelt down. "Sweetheart, we have to go and sit while your Grandpa makes his speech."

"No," Olivia poked her lip out.

"Someone's been hanging out with Aunt Maddie too much," Jon said.

"No!" Olivia said again, her face screwing up.

"She can stay," Neville said. "It's okay with me."

"You can't take her out there with you," Allison objected. "We're trying not to spoil her."

"Spoil me," Olivia said.

Jon had to fight not to laugh. "I don't think so, baby girl."

"Daddy!" Olivia protested as Jon picked her up. "No!"

"Come on,"Jon said as Olivia began to cry.

Allison shook her head. "We'll see you out front, Dad."

Neville smiled as he watched his children leave the room and he turned back to his wife. "I'm ready."

Cho took his hand and together they walked down the corridor to the conference room. They could hear Lupin's voice.

Neville looked over at his wife. "I'll see you out there."

Cho gave him a kiss for luck.

"Love you," Neville squeezed her hands in his.

"Remember what I said," Cho told him. "You EARNED this. You DESERVE this."

He nodded. "I did earn this. I've worked hard my whole life."

Cho smiled at him before disappearing into the conference room. Neville paced just outside, listening to Lupin as he listed Neville's accomplishments. He had a lot to live up to, but he felt that he could take on the responsibility.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Lupin said. "I would like to introduce the new Head Auror, Neville Longbottom."

Neville stepped out to a thundering applause. He nodded and smiled when he saw Harry and Hermione sitting next to Cho right in the front. Neville stood in front of the crowd and waited for the applause to die down. He was not used to this at all.

"Thank you," he finally said. "Thank you very much."

"I want to thank you all for coming," he continued. "As a lot of you know, public speaking is not one of my strong suits and some of the newbies back there will probably tell you that many of my speeches have put them to sleep."

"A few times," someone called out, making the audience laugh.

Neville grinned. "I would not be here today were it not for Frank and Alice Longbottom. Though---though I never was able to see them in action, I heard from many that served beside them how brave and courageous my parents were."

Cho felt tears prick at her eyes at the mention of Neville's parents.

"I grew up listening to stories about their accomplishments and I knew that I wanted to be just like them," Neville continued. "One of the happiest days of my life was the day I was accepted into the program. Those three years of training were some of the most intense of my life. There were many times I thought of quitting, but there was someone there who kept pushing me. That person was and is my best friend, Harry Potter."

Harry glanced up in surprise and Hermione moved her hand over his.

"I want to thank you Harry for all that you've done for not just me, but for this department and for the wizarding world," Neville said. "You have never backed down from a challenge and I know that you will be back pushing all of us to be better."

Harry nodded to Neville. His friend's words meant more than he could say.

"And," Neville said turning his attention to his wife. "Cho Longbottom. What can I say about you? Your love and support have carried me through so much. My motivation throughout all of this was to keep you and our daughters safe."

Cho wiped at her eyes and smiled up at her husband. She'd never been so proud of him as she was right now.

"Thank you also to my girls who never liked when I was away on a raid or an investigation, but always welcomed me home with hugs and kisses and in my daughter Frankie's case, a pout when I didn't bring her a souvenir home," Neville continued.

The audience chuckled and Frankie turned red and slid down in her seat. Will nudged his wife.

"Shut up," Frankie hissed.

"I have some pretty big shoes to fill," Neville said. "Remus Lupin led this department with integrity and with valour. He has entrusted me to lead this department and I do not want to let him down."

"I hope he'll continue to grace us with his presence and guide us when we need some advice." Neville finished.

The crowd broke into applause and Neville's family joined him on the small stage.

"That was great, Dad." Chiaki hugged him. "I loved when you embarrassed Frankie."

"Thanks, Dad," Frankie muttered, but she was smiling. "And I wasn't THAT bad."

"Only sometimes," Neville teased gently.

"Very funny," Frankie said, nudging him.

"We are so proud," Allison said. "Sorry that Olivia got bored..." she motioned to the sleeping girl in Jon's arms.

Neville laughed. "I did say that my speeches can induce sleep."

"We're really happy for you," Hermione said. "You really were the best for the job, Neville."

Neville turned to her. "Thank you, Hermione. It really means a lot to me that the two of you were here."

"Congratulations," Harry said as his wheelchair steered itself forward. Neville extended his hand. "Thanks, mate." Harry leaned forward and shook it.

Cho smiled. She knew how hard this must have been for Harry.

"Harry," Lupin came forward. "Good to see you out."

Harry nodded. "I wouldn't have missed Neville's big day."

"Good," Lupin nodded. "A positive attitude is what will get you up out of there again."

Harry offered a slight smile at his mentor. What did Lupin know about this?

Lupin clapped him on the shoulder and turned to congratulate Neville. Harry fumed and looked at Hermione. He wanted out of here.

"What is it?" Hermione asked her husband.

"Let's go," Harry said quietly.

"Already?" Hermione asked. "I have to give a statement to the press--"

"I want to go," Harry interjected. "I can make my own way home."

"No you can't," Hermione responded. "I'll be done in ten minutes."

Harry sighed. "Fine."

Hermione touched his shoulder. "I'll try to hurry up."

Harry nodded wordlessly and watched her go.

Hermione gave a quick speech to the press and explained why she and the Wizengamot had decided on Neville and why they thought he was best for the job. Hermione had not planned on taking any questions, but a pushy reporter stood up just as she was leaving the podium. "Minister Potter, what can you tell us about your husband? Are the rumours true?"

"No comment," Hermione said.

"He's not going to return to the Auror department, is he?" the reporter persisted.

"No. Comment." Hermione said; her tone more cool this time.

Samuel stepped forward. "The minister was only making a statement today. She is not taking any questions at this time. Today is about Auror Longbottom."

Hermione shot her assistant a grateful look as she stepped off the platform.

Harry had slipped out of the conference room and steered his chair toward his office. He had not been back here since the accident. He was surprised to see Josephine sitting in there. When Harry entered the room, she stared at him for a long moment. "Harry," she finally said, standing up.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he snapped.

"I'm packing the rest of my things," Josephine managed.

Harry stared at her coldly without a word.

"I'm---I'm so sorry," Josephine said, tears welling up in her eyes. "I never thought---"

"No, you didn't," Harry said viciously. "And look where that's gotten me."

Josephine nodded and looked down at the floor. "I honestly did not think I'd see you again."

"I wish I didn't have to see you again," Harry said. "Get your things and go."

Ethan appeared in the doorway. "Dad, Mum's looking---what is she doing here?"

"Leaving," Harry said shortly.

Josephine used her wand to shrink her boxes. She stuffed them into her pocket and looked at Harry. "Harry, I wish I could take it back. I really, really do. I never wanted this to happen."

"Well it did," Harry said. "And you'll have to excuse me if I'm not too forgiving. I did die, after all, for a few minutes because of you. And now I can't use magic or walk, because of you."

"Just go," Ethan told her. "You've done enough."

Harry shoved his chair back so she could walk by. He hoped he'd never have to see her again.

Josephine hurried out of the room. Ethan looked at his father. "Alright, Dad?"

"No," Harry answered. "But at least she's gone."

Ethan leaned against his father's desk. "I know this couldn't have been easy."

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Mum said you stood up on your own today. That's great news," Ethan said.

"For a few minutes," Harry said. "I can do better than that."

Ethan grinned. "You'll be out of that chair in no time, Dad."

"I better be," Harry grunted. "And my magic better come back too."

Hermione stepped inside the office. "There you two are."

"I'm ready to go," Harry said shortly.

"Of course," Hermione replied. "It's been a long day."

Ethan kissed his mother on the cheek. "Good speech today."

"Thanks," Hermione said smiling at him.

"Can we please go?" Harry asked snappishly. "It's not as if I can Apparate."

"Dad," Ethan said, taken aback at his father's tone.

"I just want to get out of here," Harry said, but not as harshly.

"Give Maddie and the kids our best," Hermione told her son.

"I will," Ethan promised. "Kiki and Gwyn want to come over soon."

Hermione said another goodbye to her son before pushing Harry's chair. "They're still celebrating in the conference room so you don't have to worry about seeing anyone," she told him.

"Good," Harry replied.

"I'm proud of you," Hermione said steering him toward the lifts.

"Why?" he asked.

"For coming here today and supporting Neville," Hermione said. Harry shrugged.

"And for the progress you made today," Hermione said, touching his shoulder. "You're the most determined person I know, you know that?"

"I guess..." Harry said glumly.

Hermione pressed the button for the lift and kept her other hand on her husband's shoulder. "So what did you want to do tonight?"

"Stand and try to walk," Harry replied.

The lift doors opened and Harry was relieved to see it was empty. He wheeled himself inside and watched his wife as she pressed the button for the lobby.

"Are you hungry?" she asked. "I can make you a nice dinner and--"

"Just leave me be," Harry cut her off. "I can't stand you hovering over me."

Hermione stepped back as if he'd physically slapped her. "Hovering over you?" Hermione asked. "Harry---"

"You're always right here," Harry said. "I need some bloody space."

"I'm only trying to help," Hermione said.

"Then help by letting me work on what I need to work on," Harry responded.

Hermione was silent as the lift reached the lobby. She had never felt further apart from her husband than she did at that moment.

Harry grabbed the wheels and pushed himself out of the lift.

Hermione waited a moment to collect her thoughts before following him. He was frustrated and angry that he had not regained his strength, his magic or his ability to walk. She knew that was where this was coming from, but she could not fathom why he would want to push her away. She did not think she was hovering. She did not want him to hurt himself or push himself too hard. The healers had tried to tell him not to do that, but he seemed to think that he knew best.

*** *** ***

Saffron set her cloak and bag aside. "I'm home!" she called out.

It had been a trying day to say the least. She had a team meeting and then she had stopped off at her parents' house to check on her father. Her father was in a foul mood and seemed to take everything out on her mother.

He had managed to stand on his own, but still was not able to walk and his magic levels had not changed. It was hard to see someone as strong as him humbled by this experience.

Ellie ran into the foyer and launched herself at her mother. "Mummy!"

"Hi baby," Saffron scooped her daughter up. "I missed you today."

Ellie hugged her tightly. "I missed you, too! How's Grampa?"

"He's okay," Saffron kissed Ellie's cheek. "Just okay."

"Daddy and Edward are watching telly," Ellie told her.

"I'm going to make myself some tea and then I'll join all of you," Saffron said.

"Okay," Ellie said to her mother. Saffron kissed her cheek one more time before setting her back down.

She went into the kitchen and set the tea kettle on their stove. She rubbed at her eyes and her forehead as she tried to process everything she'd heard today from her father. He was not the same man he was since before the accident. Saffron had expected that, but he was so distant right now. His sole purpose was to walk and he was running himself ragged trying to make it happen.

Saffron was also upset with seeing how hard this was on her mother. A few times today, Saffron had seen her mother crying and that broke Saffron's heart. She felt helpless and she hated feeling that way.

The tea kettle whistled, making Saffron jump out of her thoughts. She poured a cup and had just entered the sitting room where her family was when the fireplace lit up.

Saffron stared in disbelief as Alexa stepped out of the fireplace. "Lexie?"

"Hiya, Saffy." Alexa said, brushing soot from her hair.

Saffron quickly set her cup aside and hugged her best friend, not carrying about the soot. "Lexie!"

"Auntie Lexie's here!" Ellie jumped up and down. Edward looked at his father, not sure of who this person was. The last time Alexa had seen Edward, he was only a few months old.

"That's your Mummy's best friend," Andrew told him.

Edward glanced back at Alexa and buried his face in Andrew's shoulder. Andrew laughed. "Suddenly, he's shy."

"It's okay," Alexa said with a grin. "It's so good to see all of you!"

"I can't believe you're here," Saffron said hugging her again. "Oh, Lexie..."

"I heard about your dad," Alexa said. "And I came as soon as I could."

Saffron pulled away to take a proper look at her friend. There was something different about her best friend. Was it her hair? It had been chin length the last time Saffron had seen her and now it extended past her shoulders.

"You look amazing," Saffron said. "Tell me everything that's been going on with you. It's been almost a year!"

Andrew stood up and hugged her. "Not before I get a hug, stranger."

Alexa laughed. "Couldn't forget you."

Ellie tugged on Alexa's jumper. "Me too!"

"And look at you," Alexa knelt down. "You are the prettiest four year old I've ever seen! You've gotten so big, Ellie!"

"Four going on fourteen," Andrew said.

Edward glanced over at Alexa and smiled at her. Alexa held her hands out. "Can I have a hug?" Edward glanced uncertainly at his parents before crawling to Alexa.

Alexa scooped him up. "Hey, you."

"Hi," Edward said.

"Andrew's clone," Alexa teased.

"Can I get you something to drink, Lexie?" Andrew asked.

"Tea would be lovely," Alexa replied. "Thanks, Andrew."

"The kettle should still be on the stove," Saffron said.

"Can I have some too, Daddy?" Ellie asked.

"In your little cup?" Andrew asked teasingly.

"Please?" Ellie begged.

"Okay," Andrew said. "If you help me..."

Ellie nodded and reached for his hand.

"Sit down," Saffron said. "We have so much to catch up on."

Alexa sat on the edge of the sofa. "Tell me about what's happening with your dad."
Saffron felt tears well up in her eyes as she told her everything that had been going on with her father. Those horrible minutes that had felt like hours when she thought he had died. The jubilation they'd felt when he had survived. The terrible feeling of finding out he was paralysed and could not do magic.

"Oh Saffy," Alexa hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for all that."

"You're here now," Saffron said. "Just when I need you the most."

"I have the next month off," Alexa told her. "So whenever you need me..."

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "You have a month off? That hasn't happened since you started working!"

"Take advantage of it," Alexa smiled at her.

Saffron grinned. "I will. Merlin, I'm so glad you're home!"

"I've really missed England," Alexa said. "Even the rain..."

Saffron laughed as Edward tugged on Alexa's hair. "You know you're homesick if you missed the rain. Speaking of which, where are you coming from actually? The last time we spoke you were in...Russia?"

Alexa nodded. "You won't believe what happened there--" she was interrupted as the fireplace again whooshed to life.

"Ooooh!" Edward squealed excitedly.

"Well as I live and breathe," RJ said, dusting himself off. "Alexa O'Leary, in the flesh."

"And you are?" Alexa asked, squinting at him.

RJ scoffed. "You could never forget me."

"I imagine you're only here for the tea and scones," Alexa said handing Edward back to Saffron. She stood up and gave him a hug.

"That's not even true," RJ said. "Andrew owled and said you were here so Aud and I decided to come over to see you."

Alexa smiled at RJ's fiancée. "It's good to see you again, Audrey."

"You too," Audrey gave her a hug. "You look different for some reason..."

Alexa's cheeks turned pink and Saffron was about to call her friend on it when Andrew and Ellie came back into the sitting room. Andrew set the tray down. "El wanted everything to be perfect."

"That's my girl," Saffron smoothed Ellie's hair back.

"So where you been, Lex?" RJ asked. "Siberia?"

"Yes," Alexa said. "It's incredible there."

RJ laughed and reached for a scone. "Seriously? I was joking. Siberia?"

"Well, Siberia and then St. Petersburg in Russia," Alexa said. "I feel like I've always been on the go."

"And we have her for a whole month," Saffron told them.

RJ fell over and pretended to faint. Ellie started laughing as she pounced on top of him.

"Argh!" Ellie exclaimed.

"Oh no!" RJ said. "Ellie the tickle monster!"

Edward crawled over to get into the action and Audrey shook her head. "Three little babies."

Alexa was giggling as she watched them. "He always has been rather like a big kid."

"Yet, we love him anyway," Audrey said sitting down with the other two women.

"He's so good with the kids," Saffron said. "Ellie absolutely loves him."

Alexa looked at her friend. "Saffy, they've gotten so big. I can't believe all that I missed."

"But you're living your dream," Saffron told her. "We're all so proud of you."

"We are," Andrew agreed. "And Saf and I go to the bakery at least once a week. Your mum shows us all your clippings."

"She said she was keeping a book of them," Alexa replied. "I guess she wasn't kidding."

"We should celebrate," RJ said, struggling to sit up. Ellie picked up a pillow and knocked him back down with it. "Ouch! I mean---get pizza or takeaway or something!"

Andrew laughed. "I'm sure we can arrange that. Lexie, what would you like?"

"You lot don't have to make such a fuss," Alexa started to protest.

"We want to," Saffron insisted.

Alexa looked at her watch. "Um, sure okay..."

"Do you have somewhere else to be?" Saffron asked. "Are your parents expecting you?"

Alexa shook her head. "Not until later. I--I guess I'm trying to get used to the time again."

Saffron gave her a suspicious look but turned to her husband. "Grab that stack of menus we have in the kitchen and we'll pick from that."

"Sure," Andrew said. "Be right back."

"I'm up for fish and chips," RJ said. "Or curry. Pizza's great too--"

Saffron rolled her eyes. "RJ Weasley---pick one."

"Can't we get all three?" he whined.

"No," Saffron said firmly. "You want us to order from three different places, really?"

"I vote for curry," Alexa said. "I haven't had that since the last time I was here."

"There," Saffron said. "It's decided."

"Party pooper," RJ frowned at Saffron.

Ellie laughed. "Party pooper!" she said to Edward. "You're a big party pooper!"

Edward's face fell and he looked at his mother. "No!"

"Elinore," Saffron shook her head. "Don't tease your brother."

Alexa watched everyone and felt such a feeling of home. She had not realised how truly she had missed everyone until that moment. She shared a look with Saffron.

Saffron reached over and squeezed her hand. "You came home just when I needed you. Thanks, Lexie."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else," Alexa said. "And speaking of which, I have presents..."

Ellie shot to her side. "Presents?"

RJ sat up, relieved to be set free from Ellie's onslaught. Alexa laughed and walked over to her bag. Saffron watched her friend pull something out of her bag. It looked like a photograph. Alexa touched it for a moment before sticking it back in her bag. "Okay, presents...let's see if I have anything for Ellie in here."

"You do," Ellie said excitedly. "You do!"

Alexa grinned. "This is from this small little toy shop I found in St Petersburg..."

Ellie took the little wooden figure in her hands. "What is it?"

Alexa took the figure from her and opened it. Ellie gasped when she saw another little doll inside. "Do it again," Alexa told her. Ellie exclaimed in delight as yet another doll was found inside.

"They're called nesting dolls," Alexa said. "Open it again..."

"Mummy!" Ellie exclaimed. "More dolls!"

"I see," Saffron smiled. "What do you say to Auntie Lexie?"

"Thank you!" Ellie said happily.

"You are quite welcome," Alexa said hugging the little girl. "And for Edward..."

Edward looked up when he heard his name.

Alexa grinned. "These are some blocks..."

"Blocks," Edward repeated, reaching for them.

"What about me?" RJ asked. "Hmmm? Hmmm?"

Alexa tossed him a package. "Chocolates from Switzerland."

"That's my Alexa O'Leary!" RJ exclaimed, catching the package. "These will be gone in about five minutes."

Audrey shook her head. "Five minutes AFTER dinner," she told her fiancé.

"Merlin!" RJ grumbled.

Saffron laughed at him. "Going to ruin your supper?"

"Never," RJ said. Alexa laughed and finished handing out her gifts. She gave a scarf to Audrey and another package of chocolates to Andrew. She then handed Saffron a small box. "The best for last..."

"Lexie you didn't have to give me anything," Saffron protested.

"But it's not that she won't take the gift," RJ quipped.

"Shut it," Saffron said, opening the box. "Oh---"

Inside was a pretty multicoloured bracelet. "Those are Murano beads," Alexa explained. "I got them in Italy."

"Lex!" Saffron exclaimed. "This is gorgeous!"

"I'm glad you like it," Alexa smiled at her.

Saffron gave her a hug. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome," Alexa hugged her back. She pulled away when she heard a knock at the door. "That would be my other surprise," she said, glancing at her watch.

"More presents?" Ellie asked, clapping her hands together.

"Not exactly," Alexa said, hurrying to the door.

Saffron raised an eyebrow. "This is too much..." She followed Alexa to the front door and her eyebrows knit together as Alexa ushered the man standing there inside.

"Saffy," Alexa said. "I'd like you to be the first to meet my husband, Dimitri."