Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance 2 by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance 2

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Tonight's chapter brings us back to Harry and Hermione. We hope you enjoy and please, please, please review! We only received six reviews last chapter and we know more than six of you read the last chapter! It only takes a couple of seconds to leave a review and we really want the feedback! Please review and let us know what you think and if you have trouble reviewing, please leave us some comments on orkut!

Hermione had spent the past few weekends going between the mansion, Saffron's home, and Julie's. She felt as if she were imposing on her daughters, so she'd asked Ethan if she could come help with the children and he and Maddie were only too happy to take her up on it. Hermione checked in on her husband but truth be told, she didn't want to be around him anymore.

Ethan watched his mother as she helped feed the babies. "You keep this up and we'll never want you to leave, Mum," Ethan joked.

Hermione smiled. "I wouldn't mind that," she admitted.

Natasha smiled innocently at Hermione. Hermione held out the spoon of cereal.

"She's a hungry girl," Hermione said affectionately.

"She's part Weasley," Ethan said wryly.

Hermione laughed as Natasha eagerly took a bite. "Good girl, Nattie."

"It's good to hear you laugh again," Ethan said to his mother.

"It's hard to be unhappy around these little faces," Hermione said.

Ethan smiled down at his children. "And Kiera's hardly left your side."

"I like it when she reads to me," Kiera said before taking a sip of her juice.

"Anytime, love." Hermione told her granddaughter.

Ethan stood up and poured himself another cup of coffee. "I'm sure Dad is missing you though."

Hermione shook her head. "Honestly... I don't think he misses me one bit."

"Of course he does," Ethan argued.

"You don't understand how it's been when I'm home," Hermione said. "We can't even be in the same room anymore. I don't know that I even want to be around him."

'I am sure that's not true," Ethan said. "Dad's just going through a rough patch."

Hermione sighed as she moved to feed Arielle. "I don't know, Ethan. You haven't been there like I was."

Ethan sighed. "But he loves you, Mum."

"Has he told you that lately?" Hermione asked. "Because he sure hasn't told me. In fact, the only thing he usually says to me is to leave him alone. So I have."

Ethan looked over at Maddie who could only shrug.

"I don't really know how much more I can take," Hermione confessed.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need," Maddie said. "Right, Ethan?"

"Yes," Ethan nodded absently. "Of course..."

"Thank you," Hermione said.

Maddie smiled at her mother in law. "It's been wonderful having some help with the children."

"It's my pleasure," Hermione said. "I love spending time with them."

Kiera leaned against her grandmother. "I don't want you to leave."

Hermione put her arm around Kiera. "Thanks, love. I needed to hear that."

Ethan stood up. "I have a few errands to run. I'll be back soon--" he stopped in surprise as the fireplace whooshed to life.

"Hermione!" Harry's voice called out.

"Harry?" Hermione asked in surprise as her husband's face appeared in the fire.

"Where the hell have you been?" he asked. "I checked with Julie, Saffron---"

"I've been here for a few days helping Ethan and Maddie with the children," Hermione said quietly. "And--"

"I need you here," Harry interjected.

"For what?" Hermione questioned.

"I don't have time for this," Harry said. "Come home now!"

"No," Hermione replied firmly.

Kiera and Gwyn hurried into the sitting room. "Grandpa!"

"Girls--" Maddie said putting her arms around them. "Now's not the best time."

"But why?" Gwyn asked.

"Your grandpa is busy," Maddie said. She loved her father in law but was worried what he might say in his current state.

"Come on girls," Hermione said. "We haven't finished our breakfast."

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed.

Hermione turned her back and led the girls back to the kitchen.

Ethan glanced at the empty doorway and then back at his father. "What do you need, Dad?"

"I need my wife to come home," Harry replied. "Now."

"Well couldn't you have asked her?" Ethan asked. "Instead of demanding?"

"I did ask her," Harry said impatiently.

"No you didn't," Ethan pointed out. "Dad... we all know how frustrated you are, but we just want to help you."

"You sound like Julie," Harry said angrily. "Look, tell my wife she needs to come home now. I can't do this by myself!"

"Fine," Ethan said. "I'll be there in a minute."

Harry disappeared and Ethan sat down on the sofa. What the hell was going on?

He made a quick call to his sisters, asking them to come over and talk to Hermione while he went to go talk some sense into Harry. He really hadn't known how badly his parents' marriage had deteriorated until now, and wanted to help put it back together before it was too late.

Saffron arrived first followed a few seconds later by Julie. "He's lucky I'm not the one going over there," Saffron said to her brother. "I'd give him a swift kick in the--"

"Stop," Ethan said holding up his hand. "That's not going to help us here."

"Ethan's right," Julie said to Saffron. "I swear you're like a bulldog, Saffron Grace."

"That better be a compliment" Saffron said, but she relaxed. "Where's Mum?"

"In the kitchen with Maddie and the kids," Ethan replied.

"Okay," Julie said. "It's time for the three of us to work some magic."

"Rein her in," Ethan said to Julie, referring to Saffron.

"I will," Julie put an arm around her sister. "Come on, Saffy."

"Rein me in," Saffron muttered, glaring at her brother. "I'll remember that remark, Golden Boy."

Ethan smirked at her before Apparating away to the cottage. He found his father sitting sullenly in his wheelchair. "Okay," Ethan said calmly. "What's the big emergency?"

Ethan looked around the cottage and was dismayed to see it in an utter state of disarray. Takeaway boxes littered the coffee table and dirty clothes were piled all over the room.

"I want Hermione," Harry stated. "Where is she?"

"At my house," Ethan replied.

"I meant why isn't she HERE?" Harry snapped. "I'm her husband and she should be here taking care of me."

"Maybe because you haven't been treating her well," Ethan suggested. "She's been miserable, Dad."

"SHE'S been miserable?" Harry asked. "What do you call this?" he gestured to his wheelchair.

"I call that a man feeling sorry for himself and pushing everyone that cares about him away,"Ethan replied.

Harry glared at his son.

"She said she didn't want to come home," Ethan told him. "Did you know that?"

Apparently this was news to Harry. He sagged back in the seat and stared at the floor.

"How about we clean this place up?" Ethan asked. "I'll make you something for breakfast and we'll talk."

"All right," Harry relented.

With his wand, Ethan made fast work of tidying the cottage.

"What are you hungry for?" he asked when he was done.

Harry shrugged. "Neville brought some things over the other day..."

"That was good of him," Ethan said. "You know, he's really doing a great job as Head Auror."

"Yeah?" Harry asked.

Ethan nodded. "We all miss you, though."

"I miss it too," Harry replied quietly.

"You'll get better," Ethan said. "I know it. And you'll be back and better than ever."

"I've been working really hard on my therapy," Harry replied, a gleam lighting his eye. "I start the moment I get up in the morning and I work at it even after my therapist has left..."

"That's great, Dad." Ethan said. "How's your progression going?"

"Slow, but I'm going to get there," Harry said.

"I heard they saw some of your magic levels rise a bit too," Ethan said as he scrambled some eggs.

Harry nodded. "I feel about as clueless as that eleven year old boy I once was when I met Hagrid."

"Can I tell you something though?" Ethan asked.

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"It doesn't matter to any of us if you can walk or do magic," Ethan held up his hand when Harry began to protest. "Dad, those few minutes when you died... those were some of the worst in my life. I didn't know what to do or think. And then you woke up and... nothing else mattered."

"Ethan," Harry started to say.

"I'm serious," Ethan said. "And Mum... she just wants to be here for you. But she doesn't know how to handle your.... behaviour."

"We haven't been apart this long in a long time," Harry replied looking down at his lap.

"And she doesn't want to come home," Ethan said directly, putting a plate down in front of his father. "You can't drive her away anymore. Let her be here for you."

"That's what I want," Harry argued.

"I don't doubt that," Ethan said. "But she shouldn't have to be your scapegoat. Don't treat her this way. She's your other half, Dad."

"We'll get things back after I walk again," Harry said grabbing a fork and taking a bite of the eggs.

"Don't you think that might be too late?" Ethan asked. "Especially if she doesn't come home?"

"She will," Harry said.

"You really think so?" Ethan asked. "Because she's making the rounds between me, Jules and Saffy."

"Getting you on her side, eh?" Harry asked.

Ethan sighed. "There aren't any sides here, Dad. I think she misses you, but she can't stand the way you talk to her. I wouldn't put up with it either."

Harry did not reply to this.

"You know I'm right," Ethan pointed out.

"I know what I'm doing," Harry replied.

"Seriously?" Ethan asked. "You're going to sit here and pretend everything is okay?"

"I know everything's not okay!" Harry snapped.

"Then let's do something about it," Ethan said. "Julie and Saffron are with Mum. They'll come over and we can all talk this out."

"Fine!" Harry replied. "As long as she comes home."

"But," Ethan said. "If she comes... you can't yell at her or snap at her."

Harry shrugged in response and Ethan sighed. He stood up and walked into the sitting room. He was going to firecall his house and tell Julie and Saffy to bring Hermione.

"I don't want to go," Hermione stated when Julie came back into the kitchen after talking with Ethan.

"Mum," Julie said. "Please."

"Why?" Hermione asked. "I can only take so much abuse."

"Just to talk and see what he has to say," Julie said.

"If he starts yelling and berating me again--" Hermione began.

"Then I'll give him a swift kick in the--" Saffron started to say, but Julie put a hand over her sister's mouth.

"We'll leave," Julie cast her sister a dirty look.

"What?" Saffron asked innocently.

"Be nice," Julie whispered fiercely when Hermione went to go freshen up. "Don't make this any worse than it is."

"Okay," Saffron replied. "I'll behave."

"Promise?" Julie wasn't convinced.

"Jules," Saffron said rolling her eyes. "How about you zip my mouth shut before we leave?"

"Maybe Ethan has a piece of tape--" Julie began.

"I was kidding!" Saffron exclaimed.

"I'm not," Julie said. "You be on your best behaviour."

"I will," Saffron promised. "For mum."

Julie smiled at her. "Thank you."

They arrived at the cottage where Ethan and Harry were waiting for them.

"Hi," Ethan smiled at all of them. When Harry didn't say anything, he nudged his father.

"Hermione," Harry said quietly.

"Hello, Harry." Hermione folded her arms.

Harry looked away and Ethan nudged him. "Dad--"

"Why don't we all go sit down," Julie suggested. "I think it's time we have a family discussion."

"Great idea, Jules," Ethan said.

Saffron eyed her parents as they all sat down. Hermione sat as far away as she could from Harry and didn't make eye contact. For the first time, she felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. Were her parents going to split up?

"How are you?" Harry asked his wife.

"Fine, thank you." Hermione said politely. "You're looking um...."

"So are you," Harry said in an identical tone.

"This is ridiculous," Saffron said.

"Brat," Ethan glared at her. "Come on."

"I'm just saying," Saffron replied defensively. "You two are not strangers."

"We have been since the accident," Hermione said looking point blank at her husband.

"And I suppose that's completely my fault," Harry said sarcastically.

"I never said it was!" Hermione retorted. "But when I try to help and you shout at me to leave you alone, you push me away!"

"This is what we want to avoid." Julie broke in, trying to keep her voice calm. "Can we talk like the rational adults we know we are?"

"How about someone abandoning you when they needed you most?" Harry asked ignoring Julie.

"You repeatedly told me you didn't need me," Hermione returned. "So why do I need to stick around?"

"I never said I didn't need you," Harry grumbled.

Hermione stared at him for a few moments. "You need me?"

"Obviously," Harry replied. "I can't do everything by myself, Hermione. It just---it's so frustrating to have to depend on someone else for things that I used to do."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears. "I don't pretend to know how you feel, Harry. But I want to help you. I want to be here for you. But you can't treat me this way."

"Things will get back to normal once I can walk again," Harry told her.

"I can't wait that long," Hermione said. "Either we work together as a team, and I help you, or we... we're done."

"You're giving me an ultimatum?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Yes," Hermione straightened up. "I am."

Harry shook his head.

"Fine," Hermione tried hard to keep her voice from trembling. "Then your answer is no."

Ethan looked at his father. "Tell her it's not, Dad. Tell her you want her here."

"She knows I do," Harry responded.

"She needs to hear it," Saffron said quietly.

Harry looked over at his wife and felt something inside him soften. "Hermione... stay."

Tears welled in Hermione's eyes as she looked at her husband.

"Please..." he added.

Hermione stood up and walked over to him. She knelt down and took his hand.

"You really want me to stay?" she asked softly.

Harry nodded, seemingly realising for the first time how much he had hurt his wife.

"You promise not to shut me out anymore?" she asked.

Harry nodded.

"I'll try not to hover," Hermione said. "But you'll also need to tell me when you need help and when you don't."

"He can do that," Saffron said. "Right, Daddy?"

"I'll try," Harry said.

Saffron grinned.

"We both have to try," Hermione said. "But you can't go back on this just because I move back in."

"I know," Harry said softly.

Hermione touched the side of his face. "You need to shave."

Harry chuckled. "You don't like the rugged look?"

"Not so much," Hermione said softly.

"Yeah," Saffron teased. "You're not really the beard type."

"Very funny," Harry said, and Saffron was relieved to see her father look more like himself than he had since the whole incident started.

"Or he could go for the Dumbledore look," Ethan said.

"No way," Julie made a face.

"Come on, I think I could pull it off," Harry said.

Hermione smiled tearfully at her husband. "Can we make this work?"

"I don't want to lose you," Harry replied.

"Me either," Hermione ran her hand through his hair. "Harry..."

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Harry said. "So very sorry."

Hermione leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"Awww," Saffron said smiling at her parents.

"We are good," Ethan grinned at his sisters

Julie grinned back at him. "You did good, Ethan."

"I know," Ethan said unabashedly. "I think it's time we take our leave."

"I think so too," Julie said. "Before Saffron says something that ruins it all.."

"Hey!" Saffron exclaimed. "I'll have you know--"

"Say goodbye Saffy," Julie said, grabbing her sister's arm.

Harry and Hermione hardly noticed their children leave. "Do you need me to help you shave?" Hermione asked.

"Please?" Harry asked.

Hermione grinned. "Come on. You can tell me about your progress."

Harry allowed Hermione to push his chair into the downstairs loo.

"Your hair is so long," Hermione said. "When you're up for it, we'll get you in to have you all cleaned up."

"I have been kind of a one track mindset," Harry admitted. "I haven't really thought about anything else."

"I never wanted to keep you from progressing," Hermione said. "But I didn't know how to get through to you."

"I've been a right bastard to you," Harry replied. He put his hand on top of hers. "I'm so sorry, Hermione. I just---I've felt like half a man since this happened. You and the children deserve better."

"We don't think we can do better than you," Hermione said. "You know that."

"I never meant to cause you any pain," Harry said. "I just wanted to get back to the person I was."

"I'm not going to lie and say that everything is okay now," Hermione said as she ran the razor gently along his skin. "But if our marriage is as strong as we always believed it was..."

"We can get through this," Harry finished.

Hermione took the towel and carefully wiped any remaining traces of shaving cream off his face. "Much, much better." she said.

Harry smiled. "You never did like me with a beard."

"Doesn't suit you," Hermione said. "I like to see your face."

"Remember when I had been away on assignment and I came back and I hadn't shaved? " Harry recalled. "Saffron was what---two? I was giving you a kiss hello and she toddled over and kicked me in the leg."

Hermione laughed. "She thought you were a stranger."

"Looking out for her mum even then," Harry said fondly.

Hermione pushed his chair back into the sitting room. "What would you like to do?"

"Can I show you what I can do now?" Harry asked.

"I'd like that," Hermione nodded.

Harry grinned. "Come on then."

He wheeled himself into the study and without any assistance, pulled himself up on the bars. "Watch."

Hermione nodded. "Okay."

Harry carefully let his legs steady then lifted his hands off the bars and began to shuffle forward slowly.

Hermione smiled. "Harry---"

"It's not where I want to be," Harry said. "I feel like I should be walking better than this."

"You're doing fantastic!" Hermione exclaimed proudly.

"You think so?" Harry asked.

Hermione stepped over to him. "You've come such a long way."

She expected him to grow angry or snap back at her remark but he nodded then turned himself around and worked his way back to his chair.

"And you haven't managed to drive Stan away?" Hermione asked, referring to his current therapist.

Harry smiled. "He's stuck with me so far..."

"Third time's the charm," Hermione said sitting on his lap.

Harry looked up at her. "I can feel that."

Hermione leaned in and brushed her lips against his. "How about that?"

"I can definitely feel that," Harry responded.

"I've missed you," Hermione said resting her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too," he admitted. "I never knew how to ask for help... and once I started getting angry at everyone, especially you, it was harder to stop."

Hermione kissed him again.

"I'm glad you stayed," Harry told her.

"Me too," Hermione said.

They sat together for awhile in silence. "You know what I would love?" he finally said.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Your lasagne," Harry said,

"I think that can be arranged," Hermione replied. "And we can just enjoy a nice, quiet evening at home.

"That sounds fantastic," Harry said honestly.

"And I can tell you all the crazy things our grandchildren have been up to," Hermione said.

"Even better," Harry said as she got up and headed into the kitchen. He wheeled himself along behind her.

"I did have a nice time with them," Hermione replied. "Kiera was my little shadow."

"She's a lot like Maddie," Harry commented.

"Her clone," Hermione replied.

Harry watched his wife and although he thought he wanted nothing more than to walk again, he was suddenly realizing that there were more important things. He had a family that loved him no matter how he was. He was going to do whatever he could not to take them for granted ever again