Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

It's good to know you all are excited about Allison being pregnant :) In this chapter you get Jon's reaction. Hogwarts crew comes back in the next chapter so stay tuned. PLEASE review! Oh and make sure you check out the Sims page, as I've finally updated Masanobu, Mitsuko, Casey, Noah, Aidan and Bree.

Allison gasped. "Liz!"

Lizzy laughed as Allison hugged her. "Just over a month and a half along, Allie."

"Oh my God," Allison said, tears springing to her eyes.

"This is good news, right?" Lizzy asked. "You said you and Jon were trying..."

"I just didn't think it would happen, really." Allison said, sniffling. "Is it too early to find out the sex of the baby?"

Lizzy nodded. "You need to be a little further along for us to determine that."

"I should probably talk to Jon about that first anyway," Allison said, laughing a little. "Oh my..." she pressed her hands to her stomach. "I'm pregnant!"

"I'm going to give you prescription for some prenatal vitamins," Lizzy said. "And you should probably come back in a couple of weeks for a checkup."

"I will," Allison hugged her again, laughing harder. "Oh I can't wait to tell Jon!"

"No time like the present," Lizzy said. "Ring me later and let me know how it goes!"

"I will," Allison said. "Thank you so much Liz!"

It was still early enough in the evening that the pub wasn't very crowded. Allison had never been here before even though Jon had promised to bring her and the girls in sometime soon. A pretty brunette was standing behind the bar and she smiled warmly at Allison as she sat down.

"What can I get for you, love?" Victoria asked.

"Actually," Allison said. "Jon Weasley- he works here right?"

"Yes," Victoria replied. "He's in the back. Is there something I can help you with---wait....are you Allison?"

"Yes," Allison smiled nervously at her. "You must be his boss, Victoria?"

Victoria nodded. "I was beginning to think he made you up! It's great to finally meet you, Allison. Jon has talked about you and your girls so much I feel like I already know you."

Allison shook her hand and decided not to mention that Jon had not disclosed about his job there until recently. "He's told us what a great boss you are," she said. "And that he really likes working here."

"He's been an absolute Godsend," VIctoria said.

"Vic, we're running out of Bailey's," Jon said carrying a box from the back and setting it down on top of the bar.

"Jon you have company," Victoria said with a grin.

"It's not that daft woman, is it?" Jon asked before turning around.

"You'd better not be talking about me," Allison said with a grin.

"Al!" Jon said in surprise. "Of course not. It's this old woman who acts as if she doesn't know what she wants and then she asks what your recommend and then she hems and haws before finally deciding on sweet sherry."

Allison laughed as he gave her a kiss. "So I heard you've been talking about us."

"Just a little," Jon admitted.

"Can I get you anything, Allie?" Victoria asked. "Anything on the house."

"Have you got any club soda?" Allison asked.

"Sure," Victoria said. "Coming right up."

"You sure you don't want anything stronger?" Jon asked teasingly. "You spent all afternoon with my sisters, didn't you?"

"Yes and we had a blast," Allison smiled at him. "Jon I'm actually here because... I have something rather important to tell you."

"Is it about that stain on the sitting room carpet?" Jon asked. "Emma got into Caroline's finger paints and I was going to clean it up, but we were running a little late. One flick of the wand and it will be as good as new."

"There's a stain on the carpet?" Allison asked, raising her eyebrow.

"It's not THAT noticeable," Jon said sheepishly. "I was trying to give Max a bath and Caroline said she'd watch out for Emma while I did it and the next thing I know, Emma's covered in purple paint and...."

"Well that's not what I was talking about," Allison interrupted him.

"The dishes I left out?" Jon asked.

"I haven't been home yet," Allison laughed. "And I don't think I want to go home now..."

Jon squeezed her hand. "It's really not that bad."

Victoria came back over with Allison's club soda. "Here you are."

"Thank you," Allison smiled at her. "Jon um..." she bit her lower lip. "I found out something interesting today."

Victoria excused herself to check on something in the back.

"What's that?" Jon asked his wife.

"Something we've talked about before," Allison laughed nervously. "Jon um... I'm pregnant again."

Jon stared at her. "'re what?"

"Liz checked me over just an hour ago," Allison said, looking at him earnestly. "And she told me I'm pregnant."

"B-baby?" Jon sputtered. "But we---I----whoa."

"I know, I was surprised too," Allison said. "And I rushed right here to tell you... Jon?"

He was silent for a few moments. He was happy, of course, but a big part of him still remembered sitting at his wife's bedside while she lay there in a coma.

Allison seemed to read his mind. "Jon we're going to take every necessary precaution," she said. "There's no reason to think that what happened when I had Emma will happen again."

"Lizzy told you that?" Jon finally asked quietly.

"Yes," Allison said. "Jon..."

He reached across the bar and took her hands in his. "How far along are you?"

"Almost two months," Allison said with a tentative smile. "You are happy about this right Jon?"

"Of course," he said leaning over and giving her a kiss. "Just a little worried after what happened with Em. That's all."

"We're going to have another baby," she said, tears springing to her eyes. "Maybe a little boy this time..."

Jon grinned. "I wouldn't mind another little girl as sweet as the other two."

"I'd be happy with either, but I'd really love to have a little boy around the house," Allison kissed him again.

"Snogging on the job?" Victoria asked coming back over to them.

"With good reason," Jon said still holding onto Allison's hand. "Allie and I are going to have another baby."

"Congratulations!" Victoria said in surprise, beaming at them. "That's wonderful news!"

"Thanks," Jon said walking around the bar and standing in front of his wife who looked at him bemusedly. He knelt down and touched his wife's still flat stomach. "Hello in there, little one."

Allison laughed. "I can't wait until we tell the girls."

"They'll be so excited," Jon said imagining their faces.

"After Caroline's Christmas wish I think she's going to be ecstatic," Allison said.

"Why don't you go and tell them now?" Victoria asked. "I can hold down the fort for an hour if you want to go share your news."

"Really?" Jon asked, feeling excited. "You don't mind?"

"I think I can manage until you get back," Victoria said smiling at them. "Congratulations you two!"

"Thanks," Jon grinned at her.

"Thank you," Allison added. "And it was lovely to finally meet you Victoria."

"Don't be a stranger," Victoria said. "I want to meet those two girls of yours, too."

"I promise I'll bring them by," Jon said grabbing his coat from under the bar.

"I'm holding you to that," Victoria said. "I'll see you in a little bit Jon."

"I'll be back soon," he promised. "Thanks, Vic."

Allison hugged her husband as soon as they were outside the pub. "I can't believe this Jon!"

He hugged her back. "Another little one to keep us on our toes."

"More than our two already do," Allison laughed as he swung her around.

"I love you, Allison Weasley!" Jon exclaimed earning some confused looks from the people passing by.

She laughed again. "I love you too," she said, giving him a kiss.

"Let's go tell our girls," he said grinning at her.

Meanwhile at Cho and Neville's house, Emma and Caroline were playing a game with their grandfather.

"You can't move there, Grandpa," Caroline said touching his arm. "You can only move across and back."

"Bad Gampa," Emma said shaking her head.

"What?" Neville asked, laughing. "Did you just call me bad Emma Madeline?"

Emma giggled. "Bad, bad, bad."

"Don't be too hard on him, Em," Caroline said. "He's never played this before and he's not as good as you and me at it."

"Em good," Emma said, reaching for a game piece.

"Don't move yet, Em," Caroline said. "It's still Grandpa's turn."

"Kay," Emma replied.

"Grandma's way better at this than you," Caroline said as Neville moved his piece the correct way. "She beat me and Emma twice."

"Did she now?" Neville asked. "Well maybe I'll have her play for me while I check on those biscuits I'm making for my two girls."

"What kind?" Caroline asked.

"Peanut butter chocolate chip?" Neville asked, knowing those were Caroline's favourite.

"Yay!" Caroline said beaming at him.

"I'll take over for you, Nev," Cho said sitting down.

"Uh oh Em," Caroline said. "We have to play better now. Grandma's taking over!"

Cho rubbed her hands together and gave them a wink. "You're going down, girls."

"No Gamma!" Emma squealed, giggling.

"Yes, Em," Cho said reaching over and tickling her side. "You are no match for me."

"Gamma play good," Emma told her sister, laughing.

"Too good," Caroline said concentrating on the board.

"Mum? Dad?" Allison called from the foyer.

"Mummy's here!" Caroline squealed.

"Hello my girls," Allison hugged her daughters as they came charging at her.

"Daddy too!" Emma said waving at him.

"Allie?" Cho asked coming over. "Jon? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

"Something's right actually," Allison said, putting Caroline back down.

"How about we go into the sitting room so we can tell you," Jon said giving his mother-in-law a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay," Cho said slowly. "Um, I'll just go and get Neville. He's in the kitchen."

Allison and Jon sat on the sofa and Emma plopped herself between them. "Gampa play bad," she told her parents.

"He's rubbish, isn't he?" Allison asked putting her arm around her youngest.

Emma giggled and nodded.

"You should try playing him at chess," Jon said. "He's about as bad as Uncle Harry."

"Hello to you too, Jonathan," Neville said from behind him.

"Hello sir," Jon nearly jumped off the sofa.

Allison laughed. "Be nice, Dad."

"Hello Allie," Neville kissed his daughter's cheek. "What brings you both by?"

"You know how Mummy's been feeling bad lately?" Jon asked his two daughters.

"Mummy sick?" Emma looked at Allison.

Allison shook her head. "I thought I was so I went to see your Aunt Lizzy and she told me some really good news."

"What is it?" Caroline asked, intrigued.

"How would you two feel about having a little brother or sister?" Allison asked.

"You mean like when I asked Santa for a new baby?" Caroline asked, delighted.

Jon nodded. "You've got your wish Angel Girl."

"Allie!" Cho said tearing up. "That's fantastic!"

"I just found out this afternoon," Allison said, unable to keep from grinning.

"Where is new Sissy?" Emma asked.

"In Mummy's tummy," Caroline replied.

"We don't know if it's a girl or boy yet," Jon said.

"I think I might get another grandson," Neville said putting his arm around Cho.

"A boy might be nice," Cho said, wiping her eyes. "Offset the abundance of girls..."

"Even things out a bit," Jon said laughing.

Emma stared at her mother's tummy. "Baby?"

"That's right sweetheart," Allison said. "There's a baby in here."

Emma smiled. "Out?"

"It won't come out for another seven months," Jon told his daughter. "It has to grow in there, just like you did."

"Mummy won't go to sleep again will she?" Caroline asked.

Allison and Jon exchanged looks with Cho and Neville. "We don't think so sweetheart," Allison said gently. "Your Aunt Lizzy doesn't think I will."

Caroline gave her mother a big hug. "That really scared me."

"I'm sorry baby," Allison kissed her cheek.

"Scared us all," Jon said picking Emma up. "But we're going to be really careful and take precautions."

"That sounds like a good idea to me," Neville grinned. "Congratulations love." he said to Allison. "I couldn't be happier for you."

"Thanks, Daddy," Allison said standing up to give him a hug.

"And you too Jonathan," Neville shook his son in law's hand.

"Give your son-in-law a hug," Cho said wiping at her eyes again. "For Merlin's sake!"

Neville laughed at his wife. "Cho no one does the waterworks better than you do."

"I'm just a very emotional person," she said defensively.

Caroline grinned at her sister. "Em, we're going to be big sisters!"

"And you can look after your baby brother or sister," Allison said tugging on one of Emma's curls.

"Baby?" Emma asked.

"That's right," Jon said smiling at her. "A brand new baby."

"Oooh," Emma said, her eyes big.

Jon laughed as Emma put her arms around his neck. "And tomorrow you can help us tell your Grandpa Ron and Grandma Luna."

"Kay," Emma agreed happily. "Em tell everyone!"

He tickled her side. "Daddy better get back to work before Victoria sends out a search party."

"Is that someone you're giving flying lessons to?" Neville asked.

"No," Jon looked at his wife. "She's my manager down at the pub I work at..."

"A pub?" Neville asked. "Since when do you work in a pub? I thought you were teaching flying."

"I'll explain," Allison told her husband. "Why don't you get on back and I'll see you at home later?"

"Right," Jon said setting Emma down. "You girls be really good for your Mum, okay?"

"We'll take good care of her, Daddy," Caroline promised giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love my girls," Jon kissed the top of Emma's head.

"Love Daddy," Emma said waving at him.

Jon gave his wife a kiss goodbye. "Take it easy, okay?"

"I will," Allison smiled at him.

Jon said goodbye to his in-laws and then headed for the door.

"How about you girls come with me?" Cho asked her granddaughters. "We can go eat those biscuits your grandpa made."

"Yum," Caroline said. "A baby and peanut butter chocolate chip biscuits. This has been a really good day Grandma!"

Cho laughed and led her granddaughters out of the sitting room.

"What's going on, Allison?" Neville asked sitting down.

"Jon's taken a job at a Muggle pub," Allison told her father, choosing not to divulge that she'd just found out about this. "We needed some extra money and he didn't want me to work."

"A second job?" Neville asked. "Allison..."

"Dad its fine," Allison said. "We need the extra income now more than ever."

"If you need extra money," Neville started to say.

"No," Allison said immediately. "Dad, Jon and I can make this work all right? I'm going to talk to Lizzy and see if it's okay that I go work at Mum's studio doing the books- she's already mentioned to me she needs help with that. And with Jon taking on the pub job and his flying lessons, we'll be just fine."

"Why won't you let me and your mum lend you some money?" Neville argued. "You can pay us back whenever. I always knew that flying lessons would never be enough to support you...."

"Dad it's what Jon loves to do," Allison said gently.

"As a hobby sure," Neville said. "But to support a family...."

"Neville," Cho said coming back into the sitting room.

"Dad we're doing all right," Allison said. "Money's tight right now but it happens to everyone."

"And I would love to have you help out at the studio," Cho said. "If Lizzy says it would be okay."

"Thanks Mum," Allison said. "I figured I could make a little play area for Emma in the corner of the office you said I could use and she can stay in the room with me."

"I'd love that," Cho said grinning at her. "Any excuse to see my granddaughters."

"I'll talk to Jon tonight and owl you tomorrow," Allison promised.

"Great," Cho said giving her a hug. "And we're so happy for you, Allie. This is the best news."

"Thanks," Allison grinned. "I can hardly believe it myself!"

"I still wish you'd accept our help," Neville said.

"In a way we are helping," Cho said. "Allie will be working with me, Neville."

"I guess," Neville said, unconvinced.

"Neville, if Allison and Jon were in dire straits, I'm sure they would tell us," Cho said calmly.

"Is that why he missed Caroline's recital?" Neville asked suddenly.

"Yes," Allison answered. "Well partly... he said his boss gave him the time off but there was a rowdy group that night and he lost track of time..."

"With him having two jobs, I'm sure he's going to miss a lot more," Neville commented.

"Dad don't worry about that," Allison said. "Please don't start treating him differently because of this. We've all come such a long way since... since..."

"Okay," Neville relented. "Fine. I'm just worried."

"We'll be all right, I promise," Allison said,.

"How about we continue that game?" Cho asked. "Caroline, Emma and me against you and Allie."

"What game?" Allison asked.

"That Spellbound game of Caroline's," Neville said. "The one that I am complete rubbish at."

"I love that game," Cho said smugly.

"That's because you're good at it Mum," Allison laughed. "I'm not so bad..."

"I need all the help I can get," Neville said. "It's not everyday a 2-year old and a 6-year old get the best of you."

Allison laughed as her daughters came back in the room. Emma's face was smeared with chocolate. "What have you two been eating?"

"Grandpa's biscuits," Caroline said innocently. "Em made a big mess."

"Em eat all the biscuits!" Emma announced proudly.

"You look like you're wearing all the biscuits," Cho said picking her up. "Let's get you cleaned up, love."

"Kay," Emma said, reaching for Cho.

Caroline gave her mother another hug. "I'm really happy, Mummy."

"I'm glad Angel girl," Allison said. "I know you wanted another baby brother or sister."

"And Daddy's been around more too," Caroline said happily.

"Yes he has," Allison nuzzled her daughter's cheek.

"You know what I think?" Caroline asked. "I think it's going to be a boy and he's going to have brown hair like you and me."

"Are you a Seer like your Aunt Maddie?" Allison teased.

Caroline shook her head. "Just a guess, Mummy."

"Well in a little over seven months, we'll know." Allison smiled at her father.

Neville smiled back, forgetting his reservations about his son-in-law having two jobs. It was obvious that his daughter and granddaughters were happy and that was all he could really ask for.

*** *** ***

Josh was in his study trying to work on his novel but his efforts were proving to be fruitless. His three children had simultaneously woken up from their kips and even though Lizzy had told him to stay in the library, their cries drew him into the kitchen where his wife was trying to feed all three of them.

"Need some help?" he asked from the doorway.

Lizzy nodded. "I'm sorry..."

"It's all right," Josh picked up Casey. "How's Daddy's girl?" he asked, making a silly face at her.

Casey's response was a high-pitched wail and she squirmed in her father's arms.

"Come on baby..." Josh kissed her forehead and patted her little back. "Mummy's making you something to eat..."

"I think that they might have a plan," Lizzy said hurrying about the kitchen. "They're slowly trying to drive us crazy. Just when you think they're going to be quiet, one of them cries and the other two don't want to be left out and they start in, too."

"I guess that's what we get for having three at once aye?" Josh kidded.

"I guess so," Lizzy said with a slight laugh. She balanced Noah on her hip and used her wand to fill the three bottles with formula.

"Thank Merlin for magic," Josh said as he stroked Aidan's cheek with his free hand.

"I don't see how Muggles could cope with three without it," Lizzy said as she levitated a bottle to her husband. Aidan was the only baby not crying and she decided to feed Noah first and then take care of Aidan.

"Thanks love," Josh said, guiding the bottle to Casey's mouth. His daughter smacked her lips hungrily.

"Getting anything accomplished on the book?" Lizzy asked as she sat down with Noah.

"The first sentence," Josh said dryly.

"Josh!" Lizzy asked taken aback. "You've been working for nearly two weeks...."

"I was just kidding Liz," Josh said. "I have about half of my first chapter penned out. I was also working on some outlines for a few of my later chapters."

"But you've had to deal with the babies during the day," Lizzy protested. "I don't see how you've been able to get any work done. I think we should seriously think about getting a nanny."

"We're okay," he told her. "I just want this book to be good. I'm being picky about what I put in it."

"You are the pickiest person I know when it comes to writing," Lizzy said grinning at him. "You always have been."

"Which is why I wound up with the best wife," Josh gave her a kiss.

"You didn't have to hear any of my bad poetry."

"I thought it was sweet in a cheesy, puppy love kind of way," Lizzy said teasingly. "Even if it wasn't about me."

Josh laughed as Casey finished her bottle. "My little girl was hungry," he said.

"And now for your brother's favourite part," Lizzy said watching as Josh burped their daughter. "

Josh snorted. "He's so proud whenever Em lets out a loud one."

"I know," Lizzy said laughing. "Says 'That's my girl' every time she does it."

"Speaking of Jon, didn't Allie say they were coming over tonight?" Josh asked, setting Casey back in her chair.

"In a little while," Lizzy said. "I have this covered now if you want to get back to your book until they arrive..."

"Nah I don't mind," Josh picked up Aidan. "I love spending time with these three."

"Would you mind if I went ahead and took a bath then?" Lizzy asked. "I promise I won't be long..."

"That's fine," Josh replied. "I think I can hold the fort down."

Lizzy set Noah down in his seat and kissed his forehead. "You be a good boy for your Daddy. Mummy will be right back."

Josh gave his wife another kiss as she left the kitchen and he tried to keep Casey calmed down while he fed Aidan.

For awhile this seemed to work as Casey cooed contentedly from her chair. And Noah seemed to be drifting off to sleep.

Just as he thought he was scot free, the doorbell rang, jerking Noah out of his almost sleep and making Casey jump.

"It's okay," Josh whispered to Casey whose lower lip began to tremble. "Don't cry, don't cry...."

The little girl stared up at her father and let out a plaintive shriek as Noah and Aidan instantly joined their sister.

"Great," Josh said momentarily forgetting that there was someone at the door as he tried to calm all three of the children. "Everything's okay, Case. Come on..."

"Josh was that the doorbell?" Lizzy called over the cries of their children.

"I can't remember," Josh said in exasperation. "They won't stop crying!"

Lizzy lifted Aidan into her arms as she headed into the hallway. "Coming!" she called out.

On the other side of the door, Allison, Jon and Caroline and Emma stood huddled together.

"It's a baby!" Emma called out excitedly when Lizzy opened the door.

"The sound of many babies," Jon teased his sister in law. "Sounds like a party in there."

"We're having a ball," Lizzy said standing back so they could come inside. "You'll have to excuse my robe. I was about to jump in the bath when I heard the triplets crying and Josh was about to lose it."

Allison shook off their umbrella as she stepped inside. "Sounds like you could use a little help. Chi's the same way with the twins."

"We'd love some help," Lizzy said.

"Which one is that Auntie Lizzy?" Caroline asked. "Is it Aidan?"

"That's right sweetheart," Lizzy told her. "Noah and Casey are in the kitchen with Uncle Josh."

"I'll go see if I can help him out," Jon said. Emma grabbed onto his leg. "You want to come with me?"

"I want to see baby," Emma said.

"Come here then," Jon said picking her up. "Let's go see Uncle Joshie and your other two cousins."

In the kitchen, Josh had his head in his hands as Noah and Casey seemed to be having a contest as to who could cry the loudest.

"Problems Joshie?" Jon asked from the door. "Looks like you could use a little help."

"If you could get one of them to stop crying, I'll be forever in your debt," Josh said looking up in frustration.

"Shhhh!" Emma said putting her finger to her lips. "No cry, babies!"

Jon lifted Noah. "Come here little guy," he said, patting his nephew's back gently.

To Josh's surprise, Noah stopped crying and rested his little head on Jon's chest.

"Daddy's good," Emma said proudly.

"That's right baby girl," Jon grinned at his daughter. "Let's see what we can do for Casey eh?"

"Sing," Emma said to her Uncle Josh.

"Sing?" Josh looked at Emma in surprise. "Sweetheart, you don't want Uncle Josh to sing..."

"I big Sissy!" Emma announced suddenly. "I big sissy now!"

Jon smiled. "Not yet, baby girl."

"Jon, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you about that," Josh said apologetically. "Liz told me about Allie. That's fantastic."

"Thanks mate," Jon grinned broadly at his twin. "It was a bit of a surprise but we're both pretty excited."

Josh smiled as Jon gently set a now sleeping Noah back in his chair. "Em's right. You are good at this."

"I've had loads of practise," Jon replied.

"Maybe you could give me some tips," Josh said. "Sometimes, I feel like all three of them can see right through me."

"Anytime," Jon replied. "Al and I are always here to help. You and Liz were always there for us."

"Sing," Emma urged Josh again. "Casey want you to sing!"

Josh laughed. "Emma, she'd probably cry even harder if I sang."

"Sing!" Emma insisted stubbornly.

"Okay, okay," Josh said. "I've tried everything else, perhaps this will work."

He stood up and rocked Casey's bouncy seat as he began to sing. "Twinkle, twinkle little I wonder what you are..."

Emma made a face and put her little hands over her ears.

"Em!" Jon said laughing. "That's not nice!"

"She made that same look when she had that apple cider at New Year's," Josh said. "Its okay, Emma. I know I'm rubbish at this."

"I sing," Emma replied, climbing onto his lap.

"By all means," Josh said.

Emma began to sing something in gibberish that resembled a lullaby she'd heard her mother sing to Caroline.

It seemed to do the trick as Casey stopped crying and cooed up at her cousin.

"You're both good," Josh shook his head. "I'm quite impressed."

"You know, I thought you were going to be Super Dad," Jon said sitting down. "It's nice to see that you don't know everything."

"I never claimed to," Josh replied.

"No, you didn't," Jon said truthfully. "It's just that I always thought you were perfect. It's nice to know that you're actually human."

Josh gave his brother a look. "You're a good father too Jon."

"Thanks, Josh," Jon said smiling at him.

"Em do you want anything to drink?" Josh asked his niece, who was toying with a lock of Casey's hair.

"Juice," Emma answered. "Peas."

"This one has been my little shadow the past couple of days," Jon said grinning at his daughter. "She follows me everywhere."

"Miss Daddy," Emma replied as Josh poured her a cup of apple juice.

"Allie told Lizzy you were thinking of going full time at that pub," Josh said handing Emma the cup. "Is that true?"

"I've been thinking about it," Jon said. "I like it there a lot, and the flying lessons just aren't going as well as they used to."

"Drew said you were quite good at it," Josh said sitting back down. "I've been meaning to stop by, but I wasn't sure how you'd feel about that."

"I'd love to have you there anytime," Jon said.

"Really?" Josh asked.

"Vic nice too," Emma said.

"She means Victoria my boss," Jon explained.

"Oh you brought the girls in?" Josh said with a grin.

"Yes before my shift began," Jon said. "They loved it, right Em?"

"Fun," Emma nodded.

"Victoria let them play the jukebox and Em and Caroline danced," Jon said laughing at the memory.

"Em dance good," Emma babbled happily.

"She likes to shake her bum," Jon said. "Go ahead, Em. Show Uncle Josh since he had to sing."

"What's this?" Josh asked, laughing.

"Go on Em," Jon encouraged. "Get down with your bad self, remember?"

Emma beamed at her father before sliding off Josh's lap and standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"Let's see baby," Josh said.

"Kay," Emma replied snapping her little fingers and starting to dance. She wiggled her bum and then spun around.

Josh bit his lower lip to keep from laughing. He clapped his hands together. "That was fantastic!" he cheered.

"Bow baby," Jon instructed. "Like Caroline showed you."

"Kay," Emma did as her father said. "Like Sissy!"

"You three seem to be having a good time," Allison said coming into the kitchen with Caroline. "Hiya, Josh."

"Hi Allie," Josh got up and kissed her cheek. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Allison said. "Lizzy went to put Aidan down."

"I think Em got Casey settled down too." Josh said with a glance at his daughter.

"I think they get more adorable every time I see them," Allison said looking at Casey and then Noah.

"So do these two," Josh scooped Emma up and kissed her plump cheek.

Emma giggled.

"You're awfully quiet tonight, Angel," Jon said to Caroline. "What's on your mind?"

"Just tired Daddy," Caroline replied.

"I know how you feel, Caroline," Josh said sympathetically.

Caroline leaned against her mother and closed her eyes.

Allison touched Caroline's forehead. "You feel a little warm, love."

"It's hot in here," Caroline replied.

"You want some juice?" Josh offered.

Caroline shook her head.

Allison hugged her. "You want to go back home?"

"We probably shouldn't keep her here if she's not feeling good," Jon said. "I don't want her to get the babies sick."

"Why don't you have Lizzy take a look before you go?" Josh asked.

"Do you think she'll mind?" Allison asked.

"Allie, she's her niece and goddaughter," Josh said. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Come on Angel," Allison lifted her up. "Let's go have Aunt Lizzy check you out okay?"

Caroline nodded and rested her head on Allison's shoulder.

Lizzy had just stepped out of the nursery when she saw Allison and Caroline. "Sorry that took a bit longer than I expected."

"It's okay," Allison said. "We aren't going to stay- I think Caroline's a bit sick and we don't want to make the triplets ill."

"Oh," Lizzy said with a frown. "Come on in my bedroom and I'll have a look."

"Thank you," Allison said gratefully, carrying her daughter into the room.

"How long have you been feeling bad, Caroline?" Lizzy asked.

"Since a little while ago," Caroline replied, her eyes still closed.

Lizzy saw a red splotch on Caroline's arm. "Have you seen this, Allie?"

"What is it?" Allison asked.

Lizzy didn't answer right away as she examined the splotches.

"I think Caroline might have Chicken Pox," Lizzy said. "You've had it, haven't you, Allie? When we were little?"

"Jon and I both have," Allison answered. "But Emma..."

"It's good that you've had it," Lizzy said. "Since you're pregnant. If you hadn't, we'd want to keep Caroline away from you so there wouldn't be any complications. Now, Emma's already been exposed, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from Caroline."

Allison kissed Caroline's head. "I'll see if Jon can take a few days off from the pub to help me out here."

Caroline moved to scratch her arm, but Lizzy stopped her. "Don't scratch, Caroline."

"But it itches," Caroline said with tears in her eyes. "It itches BAD!"

"Daddy and I will put you in a nice oatmeal bath when we get home." Allison told her. "If you scratch those then you'll have those marks forever."

Caroline nodded.

"If you have some calamine lotion at home that should help with the itching," Lizzy counselled.

"Everything okay?" Jon asked from the doorway.

"Daddy! I have chicken bites!" Caroline said clutching onto her mother. "And Aunt Lizzy said I couldn't scratch them!"

"You have chicken pox?" Jon asked.

Caroline nodded and sobbed into her mother's shoulder.

"You should keep her away from Emma so she doesn't catch it," Lizzy said.

"That'll go down really big since Emma likes to sleep in Caroline's room," Jon said.

"She's already been exposed so she'll probably get it soon," Allison sighed. "We're in for a crazy couple of weeks Jon."

"Aren't we always," Jon said. "Caroline wasn't near the babies, was she?"

Lizzy shook her head. "When she was in the sitting room with us, she sat off to herself. I'm sure the babies are going to be fine."

"I can't even scratch a little?" Caroline asked.

"No Angel," Jon said. "Come on, we'll put some lotion to help that itch okay?"

"I hope you feel better soon, Caroline," Lizzy said touching her cheek. "And I know it's hard, but don't scratch, okay?"

Caroline nodded as her father lifted her up.

Emma ran into the room. "Daddy! You left me!"

"I'm sorry baby," Jon said. "Don't come too close to your sister okay?"

Emma looked up at him with a confused face.

"You don't want the chicken bites, Em," Caroline said sadly.

"Sissy bite?" Emma asked quizzically.

"It's a little hard to explain, but your sister is sick and we don't want you to get it baby," Allison said. "You can sleep with me and Daddy tonight."

Emma shook her head. "No. Sleep with Sissy!"

"You can't Em," Caroline said from her perch in Jon's arms.

"We don't want you to get sick," Allison said scooping her up. "You can sleep with Daddy and me until Caroline gets better."

Emma gave her mother her best pout. "Em get sick too." she insisted.

"You don't want to get sick," Allison said even though she knew chances were Emma would also catch it.

"Let's get going," Jon said. "Sorry we had to cut our visit short."

"It's okay," Lizzy said. "Let us know if there's anything we can do."

"Thanks Liz," Allison said.

Lizzy saw them out and then wandered back into the kitchen. She grinned as she saw Josh fast asleep in the chair.

She brought a sleeping Casey and Noah to their beds and then headed back to the kitchen. "Hey sleepyhead," she said softly. "Why don't I put you to bed?"

Josh looked groggily up at her. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah," Lizzy replied. "Caroline has chicken pox."

"She does?" Josh asked.

Lizzy nodded. "Emma will probably follow suit next week."

"So I guess three cranky babies is better than that," Josh mused getting to his feet.

She laughed. "Maybe just a bit. All three of them are down for the count right now."

"How about we join them?" Josh asked draping his arm around her. "I think my book can wait until tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me," Lizzy leaned against her husband. "I'm proud of you Josh."

"For what?" he asked.

"You're a great father," Lizzy kissed him.

"You think so?" Josh asked. "I have my doubts."

"I don't," Lizzy replied. "You're also going to finish your book and it's going to do fantastic. And last but not least, you make me the happiest wife in the world."

"I must be doing something right then," Josh said giving her another kiss. "Come on, let's get some sleep."