Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

AN: Thanks again to all of you who reviewed- we did some replies and we tried to answer most of your questions without giving anything away. This chapter breaks away from E/M (sorry you E/M freaks, but they'll be back next chapter!) and deals more with Saffron, Harry and Hermione and then some girl time with the Longbottom females.

As always, please take a few moments after reading to let us know what you think. We appreciate all comments and flames are used to toast smores!

Harry paced in his office while waiting for his wife to show up. They'd both gotten owls from Hogwarts telling them that they needed to come there immediately- at first he had thought Saffron was hurt but after reading the note, he realised something had transpired in his daughter's potions class.

A few moments later, a very worried Hermione rushed into his office. "I got here as soon as I could," she said.

He handed his wife the note. "Apparently Saffy's in some trouble and we have to go talk to Snape," he said angrily.

Hermione's first inclination was that perhaps Saffron had gotten hurt, but upon reading the letter and seeing how angry Harry was, she wondered if perhaps it was just the fact that their daughter's last name was Potter was the reason she was in trouble.

"Okay," Hermione said calmly. "We shouldn't jump to conclusions, Harry."

"If Snape's involved," Harry began grimly.

Hermione held up a hand. "It's not going to do anyone any good if you go in there ready to attack."

"Let's just go," Harry said shortly. "I have a ton of work to do today."

"Okay," Hermione said. "But just promise me you won't go in there looking for a fight. You know that's just what he wants. If you go in there and act like a mature parent, you'll get a lot further. I guarantee it."

"Fine," Harry replied impatiently. "Let's GO."

Hermione could only roll her eyes as she followed her husband.

At Hogwarts, Saffron sat inside Professor Snape's office hoping against hope that he hadn't owled her parents. Since he'd caught her this morning, he hadn't said anything to her other than for her to sit down and keep quiet. It was nearing lunch and her stomach was starting to growl.

"Excuse me, sir?" Saffron asked.

"What is it Potter?" Snape asked coldly.

"I've been in here for nearly two hours sir," Saffron said trying not to show how nervous she was. "And I was just wondering what my punishment was going..."

"Keep still and be quiet or it'll be worse," Snape's black eyes narrowed at her.

Saffron nodded and looked away. This was cruel and unusual punishment, she thought angrily.

What felt like a few hours later to her but was probably no more than fifteen minutes, she heard three sets of footsteps hurrying down the corridor outside. The heavy office door swung open and in walked Dumbledore with her parents.

Saffron couldn't meet her parents' gaze as they looked at her.

"Severus," Dumbledore said in a neutral tone. "The Potters were kind enough to get here as soon as they received your owl."

"We've been waiting all morning," Snape said in his same cold voice. "So kind of the two of you to come to your daughter's aid so... quickly." he sneered.

"Now wait just a minute," Harry began, but Hermione put her hand on his arm.

"Why don't you tell us what this is about, Professor Snape?" Hermione asked.

"Ms. Potter here was angry about her marks on her latest essay," Snape said in his oily tone. "So she decides to make her potion explode- not only foolish of her but dangerous as well!"

"Saffron, is this true?" Hermione asked.

"I turned in fifteen pages on that essay, Mum," Saffron explained. "Fifteen! It was way more than what he assigned and it was a great essay..."

"It was four pages longer than I asked for," Snape replied coolly. "Your marks stand as they are Miss Potter."

"You're telling me you penalized our daughter because she wrote more pages than what you assigned?" Harry asked.

"It's not the assignment," Snape hissed. "You are no longer a student here Potter, and you were never a professor so do not tell me how to run my class!"

Dumbledore stood between the two men. "How about we give Miss Potter a chance to defend herself?"

"I agree," Harry said, folding his arms and glaring at Snape.

"Saffron," Dumbledore said looking at her with twinkling eyes. "How about you explain to us what happened?"

"I just wrote my essay sir," Saffron said, buoyed by Dumbledore's kind look. "I know it was longer but usually my professors don't mind extra work." she saw her mother smile proudly out of the corner of her eye. "And then I got it back and saw that I'd received failing marks and it made me angry because he always picks on me because he doesn't like my dad!"

"Did you ever think that is was because you were an insufferable know-it-all?" Snape asked. "I know you didn't get that from your father. He barely passed the course as it was."

"Hey you wait just a minute-" Harry began but was interrupted by his wife.

Hermione glared at Snape. "If you think I'm going to stand here and listen to you insult my husband's intelligence and then call my daughter an insufferable know it all, you have another thing coming, Professor Snape."

Saffron covered her mouth with her hand so no one could see her smile.

"And pray tell, what will you do about it Minister?" Snape asked sarcastically.

Hermione clenched her fists. "Don't tempt me, Professor Snape..."

Snape glared right back at her. "Your daughter will get no preferential treatment from me." he said in a silky manner, as if indicating the conversation was closed.

"My daughter has never asked for any preferential treatment!" Hermione exclaimed. "For Merlin's sake! You and I both know, you wouldn't have failed anyone else for exceeding the essay limit..."

"That is NOT so," Snape replied, after a slight pause.

"Who ever heard of failing someone for going over the limit?" Hermione asked him. "I could see if she'd only done half, but she did more than what you asked."

"Case in point- it wasn't what I assigned," Snape banged his fist on the desk. "Her marks are final."

"That's not fair!" Saffron exclaimed. "He's always doing this to me, Mum! He asks questions in class and I'm the only one who knows the answer so I raise my hand and he NEVER calls on me!"

"Is this so, Severus?" Dumbledore asked, his face slightly grave.

"I think it's only fair to give the other students the chance to answer the questions," Snape replied evenly.

"But no one else raises their hands half the time!" Saffron argued.

"The point here isn't Miss Potter's marks," Snape said ignoring Saffron. "The point is that she deliberately made her potion explode. That is a very serious offence, Minister Potter. Surely, you would have to agree on that."

"Yes I agree on that," Hermione frowned. "Saffy can you explain to us what happened here?"

Saffron didn't answer her mother which bolstered Snape.

"And she didn't do it on her own either," Snape said. "The potion she used is very complex. An older student must have helped her. If she agrees to name the student, I think we could arrange a less severe punishment for your daughter."

Saffron knew she could pinpoint R.J. and spare herself a lot of grief but she refused to do so. "I did it by myself," she insisted.

"I'd think long and hard about this, Miss Potter," Snape said folding his arms and levelling his gaze at her.

"I did it by myself," Saffron looked right back at him, hoping her lie wasn't written all over her face.

"It would be a shame to expel you after only three years at Hogwarts," Snape said, not sounding at all sympathetic.

"It is not your decision as to whether or not Miss Potter would be expelled," Dumbledore reminded him. "This offence, while serious, doesn't merit expulsion, Severus."

"But Professor Dumbledore," Snape looked outraged. "Her explosion could have cost me dearly!" he cast a glare at the three Potters.

"I've no doubt Miss Potter is aware that her actions of today had consequences. As headmaster, I recommend that she serve two weeks detention with Professor McGonagall, as she is the head of Gryffindor."

"On the contrary," Snape said. "I think she should serve them with me."

"No way," Harry glared at him. "She can serve them with McGonagall."

"I don't recall you having the power to make such a decision, Potter," Snape shot back.

"This is my daughter you're referring to," Harry snapped. "I have every right."

"It's settled then," Dumbledore said again getting between the two men before anything got out of hand. "Harry, about you let Saffron walk you out. I need to have a few words with Professor Snape."

"Thank you professor," Harry shook Dumbledore's hand and both him and Hermione cast angry looks at Snape before allowing their daughter to lead them out.

For awhile none of the Potters spoke as they walked down the corridor.

"I'm sorry that you guys had to come here," Saffron finally said.

"You should have known better than to do something to Snape," Harry said. "You're lucky it isn't more than two weeks detention Saffy."

Saffron nodded. "I know, Dad. I just got so frustrated. He's always treated me like this, from day one."

"He was the same way with me," Harry replied. "You just have to deal with his attitude and move on."

"Do you have a copy of your essay?" Hermione asked, still seething from the confrontation with Snape. "I'd like to read it. Failing her for exceeding the limit? Can you believe that? If my professors had done that to me, I'd have flunked out of school my first year! Honestly!"

Harry looked at his daughter and they both had to bite back smiles. "I'll owl you a copy of it Mum," Saffron promised.

Hermione turned around and looked at her daughter. This was the first time she'd seen her since she'd left for Hogwarts back in September.

"Okay," Hermione said giving her youngest a hug.

"I miss you guys," Saffron said.

"We miss you too," Hermione said hugging her tighter. "The house is way too quiet without you around. But, Christmas will be here before you know it."

"I can't wait," Saffron said. "I'll buy everyone something in Hogsmeade this year!"

Harry laughed. "It's easy to shop for your mum, just get her a book."

Hermione elbowed him as Saffron turned to her father. "You can always just get your father a new snitch," she said sarcastically.

"I'm going to surprise you both this year," Saffron said laughing at her parents. "And I'm not going to get Daddy anything having to do with Quidditch and I'm not getting you a book, Mum."

"Well you certainly have our curiosity piqued." Hermione said. "We'll let you get to lunch- I'm sure you've got to be hungry by now."

"Famished," Saffron admitted. "I just don't want to say goodbye to you yet."

"I have an idea," Harry said. "Follow me, both of you." he walked away casually as if he'd never left the school."

Hermione and Saffron exchanged confused looks, but followed him anyway.

He led them down to a portrait of some fruit. "Now Saffy, I'm about to show you one of the greatest secrets I learned while I was here..." he showed her how to tickle the pear and to their astonishment, the portrait swung forward.

"Is this...?" Saffron asked peering inside. "It's the kitchens! Dad, why didn't you tell me this before!"

"Surprise," Harry grinned.

Saffron hugged him. "Daddy, you are the coolest!"

Harry laughed. "I definitely try sweetheart. Now your Mum can have a Hogwarts feast so she knows what she was missing all those years ago."

"The food at Beauxbatons wasn't that bad," Hermione said defensively.

"Nothing beats a Hogwarts feast," Harry said in a definite tone. "Nothing."

"This is so cool," Saffron said walking into the kitchens and seeing the house elves working hard to make lunch for everyone. "Dumbledore pays them wages, Mum. Don't get in a tizzy."

"I know he does sweetheart," Hermione said. "I was the one who convinced him to."

"Wait until I tell Alexa about this," Saffron said referring to her best friend. "She's going to be so excited!"

Harry laughed. "Be careful how many people you let in on this," he replied. "Otherwise it'll become off limits."

"I'll only tell Alexa," Saffron promised. "I wonder if R.J. knows."

"He's a Weasley," Hermione reminded her daughter. "I'm positive he knows..."

"Ron's sure to have let him in on it," Harry said as a feast was set out before them by overly eager house elves. "Weasleys can't go an hour without stuffing their face full of something."

Hermione laughed and looked at the massive amount of food on her plate. "I'll never be able to finish all this!"

"Whatever you don't finish I will," Harry's mouth was already full. "I haven't eaten like this since leaving school."

"It certainly makes up for losing Greta to my nieces," Saffron said. "Which I still think is bloody unfair!"

"Saffy don't start," Harry replied. "You know why she went to help out Julie and Nick."

Saffron nodded. "Because Katie and Ashley are still at home and I'm away at school."

"Well that and Katie and Ashley are only five and seven," Harry said. "They need to be looked after whereas you're allowed to be home by yourself."

"Yes, well Nick could watch them," Saffron argued and Hermione covered her mouth with her napkin to stifle her laugh. "He works at home in his studio. And Julie could watch them during the summer. And I think to be fair, WE should get Greta during the summer when I'm home."

"Saffy I'm not going to argue with you over this," Harry said firmly. "Greta works for Nick and Julie now. That's all there is to it."

"Okay, okay," Saffron said grabbing a piece of bread and breaking it in half. "I'm just putting that out there for you to think about, Dad. No need to make any rash decisions..."

"Just out of curiosity," Hermione asked her daughter. "How long did you argue with Professor Snape about your marks? I'm surprised you didn't argue him into submission."

"I think it was like two hours Mum," Saffron rolled her eyes. "He's so insufferable."

Hermione had to agree with her daughter, but she knew she shouldn't say anything to worsen the situation.

"Well, you just keep being the bright, intelligent girl that you are and you'll win him over," Hermione said causing Harry and Saffron to look at her as if she'd just sprouted a second head. "Okay, maybe that's asking a lot from Professor Snape. But hopefully Dumbledore will say something to him about this grudge he has against your father."

"I hope so," Saffron replied. "I want to be the smartest girl in school like Lizzy was when she was here. And like you were in Beauxbatons Mum."

Hermione smiled. "You're well on your way, sweetheart."

Saffron grinned. "Thanks," she said, sliding over to lean against her mother. "I really do miss you guys a lot." she said.

"We miss you too," Hermione said kissing the top of Saffron's head. "My baby girl."

"I can't wait to be home for Christmas." Saffron replied. "We'll have loads of fun this year now that Ethan and Maddie are dating. I'm glad that cheese person won't be around to steal him away all the time."

Harry laughed. "Now Maddie can steal him away all the time. We hardly see him as it is. If I didn't work with him..."

"Which reminds me," Hermione said. "Harry, you should tell Saffron who your new partner is."

"You have to promise you won't breathe a word of this to your brother until after next week," Harry said with a grin. "But I've managed to work it out that he'll be partnering up with me for his last bit of training."

"Dad!" Saffron squealed. "He's going to be over the moon about that!"

"I know, I can't wait to see his face when he gets his assignment," Harry laughed. "I'll make sure and tell him to owl you with the news."

"He'd better," Saffron said grinning. "Tell him not to leave anything out."

"I promise," Harry ruffled her hair. "What's your afternoon schedule look like sweetheart?"

"We have Herbology after lunch," Saffron replied. "And then Care of Magical Creatures."

"Sounds like a full day," Hermione replied, setting her napkin on her empty plate. "You were right Harry- that beats anything I ever ate at Beauxbatons."

"What was that?" Harry asked. "Can you repeat that?"

"Sod off," Hermione gave him a glare. "I'm woman enough to admit when you're right."

"Since it doesn't happen too often," Saffron teased causing her father to tickle her side. "Dad!"

"I've got two of my best girls ganging up against me," Harry laughed.

"We still love you Dad," Saffron said. She looked at the clock over Harry's shoulder and frowned. "I should get to class."

"Of course," Harry said. The three of them walked up to the front of the Great Hall where Saffron hugged her parents goodbye.

"Don't forget to owl me that essay," Hermione reminded her daughter.

"I promise," Saffron said. "And I'll tell you if Snape keeps treating me bad too."

"You do that," Harry said. "And we'll sic your mother on him."

"I'll tell him a thing or two if he keeps treating my baby the way he has," Hermione said. "That self righteous son of a--"

Harry covered his wife's mouth with his hand. "Remember, we want to set a good example for Saffy."

"It's okay Mum," Saffron grinned mischievously. "You can say it."

"Your father's right," Hermione said causing Harry to pump his fist in triumph.

"Two times in one day!" he crowed.

"You're making a spectacle of yourself and embarrassing your daughter," Hermione admonished. "Let's go."

"She's just mad that I was the more mature parent today," Harry whispered to Saffron as he gave her one last hug. "Take care, sweetheart."

"Love you Dad," Saffron hugged him back, then turned to her mother.

"I don't like that you felt you had to get back at your professor like that," Hermione said putting her hands on Saffron's shoulders. "But I am glad that you stood up for something you believed in. I'm very proud of you, Saffron."

"Thanks Mum," Saffron said with a grin. "I'm pretty proud of me too."

"Off to class with you," Hermione said ruffling Saffron's hair. "And say hello to R.J. and Alexa for us, okay?"

"I will," Saffron said, scampering off in the direction of the Herbology greenhouse.

"You think Snape will leave her alone?" Hermione asked as she and Harry made their way out of the castle.

"He'd better," Harry said. "The bloody wanker."

"I bet her essay was brilliant," Hermione said. "And I know I'm biased..."

"If you're biased then so am I," Harry said. "She's a smart girl, just like you."

"And as stubborn as both of us," Hermione said. "She's not ready to let go of that Greta issue..."

"I know, she's been going on about it since summer hols," Harry answered. "I keep telling her that we're not getting Greta back. I thought if she went over there to help out during the day while she was home she'd feel better but..." he sighed and ploughed his hands through his hair.

"She doesn't think it's the same," Hermione said. "You know how important family is to Saffron. She's very territorial about you, me, Ethan and Julie. You remember how upset she was last summer when you were spending all that time with your granddaughters."

"Yeah I remember that," Harry said. "She hated Bree because she thought she took up all Ethan's time."

"I think it has something to do with the fact that she was the baby of the family for so long," Hermione said thoughtfully. "Her brother and sister are older than she is and everyone's always doted on her."

"She still gets plenty of attention," Harry said. "After we came home from Brighton there was barely a day we didn't do something with her."

"I know," Hermione said. "But at least she doesn't act ugly to Katie and Ashley about it. She's never been anything but sweet to those girls."

"Saffy's a good girl, and like you said she loves her family." Harry slid an arm around his wife.

"We should be glad she wants to spend time with us," Hermione said relaxing against him. "Most kids would rather run a mile than spend time with their parents."

"I'm glad she does," Harry answered. "This... having three kids who love spending time with us, makes up for not having a good childhood myself."

"Well you wanted to give them what you never had growing up," Hermione said. "And you have in spades, Harry."

Harry grinned at her. "You know, none of this would have been possible without you."

"We did it together," Hermione said leaning in for a kiss.

"Aye," Harry let his lips linger. "Damn it I don't want to go back to work now," he groaned.

"Do you have to?" Hermione asked fingering his collar. "Because, I was thinking that we might have something at home that we have to tend to. It's very, very important..."

"You temptress," he growled softly.

"So," Hermione whispered. "Are you tempted?"

"You know me," Harry smirked at her. "Doesn't take much."

"So that's a yes?" Hermione asked.

"Damn you woman, of course that's a yes," Harry said, skimming his lips along her ear.

"Who ever knew playing hooky could be so much fun?" she asked with a laugh.

"I did," Harry said. "And as soon as we get home, I'm going to show you just how much fun..."

"What are we waiting for then?" Hermione asked eagerly. "Let's go home, Mr. Potter."

"Home it is," Harry said, laughing as they headed for the Floo.

Later that evening, Saffron was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room going over her Charms notes when she saw R.J. climb through the portrait hole. He quickly made his way over to her.

"So?" he asked sitting down on the sofa beside her. "How'd it go?"

"You didn't hear?" she asked ruefully. "I got caught and Snape owled my parents and made them come in for a conference with him and Dumbledore."

"No, I had double Charms this afternoon followed by double Defence," he explained. "I imagine Aunt Hermione and Uncle Harry weren't too pleased, eh?"

"Well," Saffron chewed her lower lip thoughtfully. "They were mad, but more at Snape than at me. They actually told him that my essay was probably great- which of course it is- and he only gave me failing marks because of who my father is. And he tried to get me to fess up as to who gave me the exploding powder in my potion--"

"And did you?" R.J. asked. The last thing he needed was to serve detention with Snape.

Saffron gave him a look. "What do you think I am, a nark?" she asked.

"No," R.J. said punching her playfully in the arm. "I know you wouldn't. I just wanted to make sure."

"Well I have two week's detention- one week with Snape and one week with McGonagall. And she's going to look over my essay for me to check and see why Snape failed me. I think Dumbledore must have said something, but don't tell anyone else- he told me to keep it a secret." Saffron confessed.

"You're secret is safe with me," R.J. said grinning at her. "You know, you're okay for a fourth year."

"You're not so bad for a mouldy old 6th year," Saffron teased.

R.J. chuckled. "So what are you up to? Studying as usual?"

Saffron nodded. "Big Transfiguration exam coming up next week," she replied.

"Which you'll ace like you always do," R.J. said.

"I hope so," Saffron said fervently.

"You will," R.J. said with a yawn. "Well, this soggy old 6th year is going to bed."

"You're so boring," Saffron teased.

"Well when it's between sleep and a Transfiguration textbook," R.J. said pointing at her book. "I think my choice is the better one. Good night Saf."

"Night R.J.," Saffron smiled at him. "See you tomorrow."

He started to walk toward the stairs but turned around. "And Saf?"

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Thanks," he said grinning at her before running up the stairs.

"Welcome," Saffron grinned back.

*** *** ***

Chiaki and Cho were sitting just inside a coffee shop waiting for Allison and Frankie to arrive so they could have a girls only shopping spree. Of course, that wasn't the only reason why they were here. Chiaki was going to let her sisters in on something she'd just found out at the doctor's office this morning. She was pregnant with her first child. She and Toshio had decided to put off starting a family until after Chiaki retired from professional dancing.

It had been three months since she'd officially hung up her dancing shoes to teach with her mother at the dancing academy. And she was about that far along in her pregnancy.

"Your sisters are going to be so happy," Cho told her daughter. "I can't wait to see their faces

"Me either," Chiaki hugged her stomach. "I feel so... fulfilled!"

Cho laughed. "That's good. And you'll finally be able to eat whatever you want!"

"I'm having fish and chips today," Chiaki said dreamily, toying with a long strand of hair. "Extra chips, with loads of vinegar."

"No more of that awful bean curd and sprouts," Cho said scrunching up her nose in disgust. "Come on, Chi. Admit it. You never really liked those things, did you?"

"Mmm..." Chiaki closed her eyes and let her head rest on her mother's shoulder. "Bean curd sounds fantastic right now."

"Bean curd never, ever sounds fantastic," Cho said. "You need to be thinking about chocolates, biscuits, toffee...that sounds fantastic."

"Grandma!" a little girl's voice called out and Cho looked up to see Caroline running full speed toward her. Allison was pushing Emma in the pram and Frankie was talking animatedly to someone on her mobile phone.

"Hello sweetheart," Cho laughed as Caroline nearly bowled her over. "Oh I've missed you so much." she kissed the four year old's cheeks repeatedly.

"I missed you too!" Caroline giggled. "Hi, Aunt Chiaki!"

"Hello Caroline," Chiaki reached for her niece. "You look so pretty today in your new robes!"

Caroline smiled and hugged her aunt as Frankie and Allie finally joined them. Allison rolled her eyes as Frankie flirted incessantly with whomever it was she was talking to on the phone.

"Who is she talking to?" Cho asked Allison.

"Will again," Allison rolled her eyes as she hugged her mother hello. "Apparently they're back on this week."

"No," Frankie said giggling into the phone. "You hang, you first! Okay, were supposed to hang up, Will..."

"Francesca hang up the bloody phone," Allison said impatiently. "You've been yakking since we got on the Underground."

Frankie glared at her and then quickly said a goodbye to Will before clicking off her phone. "Sorry about that. You know how he can get!"

"We all do," Cho, Chiaki and Allison answered at once.

"Aunt Frankie how come you always have a new boyfriend?" Caroline asked innocently as Cho lifted Emma from the pram.

"I do not always have a new boyfriend," Frankie said defensively. She looked at Allison. "What on earth do you tell this child?"

"I don't have to tell her anything!" Allison said. "She's a smart girl aren't you sweetheart?"

"Daddy says I'm like a sponge," Caroline replied beaming at her mother.

Chiaki laughed. "You certainly are," she scooped the little girl up. "I have some special news I want to tell you guys before we start shopping."

"Oooh," Frankie said eagerly. "Is it gossip?"

Chiaki laughed. "Not really," she looked at her mother with a grin. "This morning I found out that Toshio and I will be parents in about six months!"

Allison squealed. "Oh, Chi! That's fantastic!"

"Thanks Allie," Chiaki said gleefully. "Tosh is going to be so excited when I tell him tonight."

"Are you going to have a little boy or a little girl?" Caroline asked.

"We don't know yet love," Chiaki said. "We'll find out when I have the baby. But I promise you'll get to hold him or her when they're born okay?"

"Okay," Caroline said happily.

"You're glowing," Allison said to her older sister. "I can't remember ever seeing you this happy."

"I don't think I ever have been," Chiaki said. "Knowing that I'm pregnant just makes me feel so complete." the group of women began walking along the pavement.

"That's how I felt when I found out I was pregnant with Caroline," Allison said.

"You were happy right Mummy?" Caroline dropped back to help her mother push her little sister's pram.

"I was more than happy," Allison said smiling at her daughter. "I was ecstatic. And so was your Daddy. "

"I make everyone happy," Caroline beamed.

"Yes you do," Allison said making a goofy face at her.

"So," Chiaki asked her baby sister. "You always hate to be left out of the loop. Allie's got two children now. I have one on the way..."

"I am perfectly fine just being an aunt," Frankie said smugly. "I don't want to ruin this perfect figure."

Cho shook her head. "Frankie, Frankie, Frankie..."

"I've worked for this figure," Frankie patted her flat stomach proudly. "And besides, I have no desire to be a single mum. And I'm certainly not getting married anytime soon."

"I'm sure Will, Tim, Alex, Chris, Trevor, Stephen, Michael, and Bradley will be glad to hear that," Cho teased.

"You forgot Tom," Frankie tossed her glossy black hair.

"Who's Tom?" Allison and Chiaki asked.

"Another one of my boyfriends," Frankie said as if they should have known all along.

"How do you keep track of them all?" Chiaki asked as they made their way into one of Lavender's boutiques.

"Eye colour, height, and hair type," Frankie grinned at her sister.

"I'm partial to tall redheads with blue eyes," Allison said.

"With the initials JW?" Cho teased her daughter.

"Yes," Allison said with a laugh.

"So what are we looking for?" Chiaki asked, looking at a rack of robes against the wall.

"Anything and everything," Frankie said already going through a rack of robes.

"I need to get Emma some new robes," Allison said. "And Caroline could use a few sets for just wearing out in Diagon Alley."

"Lavender really makes some beautiful robes for babies," Cho said. The baby collection was one of Lavender's best sellers and had been inspired by designs she'd made when Saffron was still a baby. In fact the line bore Saffron's name.

"I think it's sweet of her to set aside a part of the profits as well for Saffy," Chiaki said. "Lavender's so cool. She also makes amazing maternity robes."

"She certainly does," Allison agreed.

"If you weren't so much shorter than me we could share robes," Chiaki teased her sister.

"I'm only a couple of inches shorter than you," Allison said defensively. "And I'm not a dancer like you and mum so it doesn't matter..."

"And Daddy loves her just like she is," Caroline chimed in.

"That's right sweetheart, he does." Allison smiled at her daughter. "Did you find a set of robes you like?"

"I like these pink ones," Caroline said holding up a small set of robes.

"Those are lovely," Cho said taking them from her granddaughter. "How about you go with Grandma to try them on?"

"Okay!" Caroline agreed happily.

Cho led the little girl away and Allison sat down on one of the plush sofas with Emma.

"Frankie," she heard Chiaki exclaim a few inches away. "There's no way you're going to wear those! It barely covers you up!"

Allison laughed as she saw the short robes Frankie had pulled on. "I think that's the whole point Chi."

"Will likes my legs," Frankie said twirling around. "He said they're my best feature."

"Among other things," Chiaki muttered to Allison as she sat down next to her.

"Nice to see our sister is so humble and modest, isn't it?" Allison joked.

"I can hear you both, you know." Frankie said indignantly. "Just because I don't want to settle down and be an old maid doesn't mean you two are any better than me."

"So you're saying I'm an old maid?" Allison asked.

"No," Frankie said. "I'm just saying that you've only dated one boy, haven't you? And you got married at 17. There's loads of things I want to do with my life than sit at home with a baby..."

"Well I'm older than both of you and I'm just now having my first baby," Chiaki pointed out. "And I got married at 22 and I've enjoyed every moment of it."

"And Jon and I waited until after I finished school before we tried for a baby," Allison said.

"Yes, but you stopped working after Caroline was born," Frankie said. "Don't you get bored cleaning up after children and changing dirty nappies..."

"No," Allison said, reaching for Emma's diaper bag as the baby started to fuss. "Just trust me when I say this Frankie- when you have kids, it's like something completely new just takes over you."

"And Allison does work," Chiaki said. "Being a wife and mother is a hard job, harder than being a dancer."

"That sort of thing doesn't appeal to me," Frankie said. "That's why I like being with Caroline and Emma. I get to give them back to you after a few hours."

"A few minutes more like," Allison muttered.

Chiaki snorted as she took the bottle from her sister. "I need the practise," she grinned.

"By all means," Allison said handing Emma over to her. "I'm just going to check on Caroline and Mum."

"All right," Chiaki cuddled Emma closely as she drank thirstily from the bottle.

She looked over at Frankie when Allison was out of earshot. "You hurt Allie's feelings, you know that don't you?"

"I did?" Frankie asked. "I didn't mean to Chi."

"Well you should really think about some of the things you say before you say them," Chiaki said. "You basically implied that her life was shite because she chose to stay at home with her daughters."

"That isn't what I meant and you know it," Frankie said defensively. "How do you think I felt with you two implying that my life is shite because I'm not settled down like you both?"

"It might not have been what you meant, but it certainly came out that way," Chiaki said. "And Allie and I never suggested that you should settle down. If what you're doing makes you happy, that's fine. That's all we want for you Frankie."

"Well that's good," Frankie grinned impishly. "Now, do you think Will would enjoy me in these?" she pulled out an even shorter set of robes.

"If he has a pulse he probably would," Chiaki said laughing.

"I can vouch that he does," Frankie's eyes gleamed.

"How do I look?" Caroline crowed, posing for her aunts.

"Absolutely gorgeous," Frankie said grinning at her.

"Beautiful," Chiaki said to her niece with a wink.

"Mummy can I have these?" Caroline asked.

"Sure, sweetheart," Allison said picking her up. "I think you look absolutely adorable."

Cho smiled. "Let me get these for her," she said. "I know you said she needed some casual robes and I feel like spoiling all my girls today just a little bit."

"Thanks, Mum," Allison said. "Caroline is growing like a weed. It seems like everything we buy she outgrows within a couple of months..."

"At least you can pass it down to Emma," Cho said. "And if Chiaki has a girl then to her as well."

"Mum, can you get me these?" Frankie said holding up the skimpy robes. When Cho's mouth dropped, Frankie pouted. "Come on, Mum. You said you wanted to spoil us today. These are the robes I want."

"But Frankie, these are hardly robes..." Cho didn't like the thought of her daughter flouncing around in something so skimpy.

"And Dad would flip if he saw you in them," Chiaki chimed in. "You know how he gets, Frankie."

"Then I'll buy them myself," Frankie said with a pout.

Cho watched as her youngest daughter stalked off to the changing rooms. "That girl is going to send me to an early grave."

"All of us," Chiaki said. "Are you going to get them for her?"

"I don't want to, but I did say I would buy each of you some robes," Cho said running a hand through her hair. "But you're right. Neville would have a coronary if he knew I bought her those."

"Dad's a bit overprotective," Allison said wryly.

"Says the person who would know best," Chiaki joked. "And that was with one boy. Imagine how he feels with Frankie and her boyfriends."

"Thank Merlin he doesn't know about half of them," Chiaki said with a laugh. "Come on though, she always has felt left out- I guess we shouldn't make her feel completely ostracized."

"Not a word of this to your father then," Cho said looking at her daughters. "Agreed?"

Chiaki and Allison both nodded.

With a sigh, Cho walked back to the changing rooms.

"Frankie?" she called out.

"What?" Frankie asked, rolling her eyes.

"If those are the robes you want," Cho began. "I'll buy them for you."

"Why change your mind now?" Frankie asked, yanking open the door.

"Those are the robes you want," Cho replied. "And you are a grown woman now. You're free to dress as you please."

Frankie stared at her mother for a moment. "Why does everyone always pick on me because I like to dress this way? It's the way I like to look. Big deal if Dad doesn't like it- he doesn't like when any of us started dating."

"You're right," Cho said nodding. "And like I said, you are a grown woman able to make her own choices and decisions. I may not like all of them or agree with them, but they are yours to make, Frankie."

"I can tell you disapprove of me dating like I do," Frankie shrugged.

"I won't lie to you," Cho admitted. "I'm not crazy about it. But, you are responsible and I trust that you are taking every precaution."

"Of course I am," Frankie said. "I'm not stupid."

"I know that," Cho said putting a hand on Frankie's arm. "Contrary to popular belief Frankie, I am on your side."

"It's just hard- I mean I know I have a good job and you guys are proud of me for that, but it just seems like everyone disapproves of me because I'm not settling down." Frankie toyed with the edge of her robe.

"You don't have to do that until you're ready," Cho told her. "That is one of your best qualities---your independence, Frankie. It always has been. You've always wanted to do things your way on your own terms."

Frankie finally smiled. "Kind of like you."

Cho smiled back. "Just a little..."

"A little?" Frankie laughed. "You've always done things your own way too."

"I suppose I have," Cho admitted.

"I'm sorry for still being a brat," Frankie hugged her mom. "I guess I'm still trying to get away with it while I'm in my twenties."

"Do it while you can," Cho said with a laugh.

"While I still have Dad wrapped around my little finger," Frankie said as her mother slid an arm around her shoulders and they walked back out into the shop.

"You are the baby," Cho said grinning at her. "He always has had a soft spot for you."

"Well you look a sight better," Chiaki said as she set Emma back in her pram.

"Just a sight?" Frankie asked. "You should have seen me in those robes. I looked fabulous. Didn't I, Mum?"

"Quite," Cho laughed. "Well I think Frankie and Caroline are set, so what about you two?" she indicated her two older daughters.

Allison looked at her own two daughters wondering how she'd be able to shop for herself while keeping an eye on them.

"I'll watch them for you," Frankie offered. "You go on browse with Mum and I'll take care of the girls."

"You will?" Allison asked taken aback.

"Yeah sure," Frankie grinned. "We'll sit here and Caroline can show me how well she can read."

"Okay," Allison said still a little unsure. "That's really nice of you Frankie."

"I'm a good reader Aunt Frankie," Caroline said, climbing onto the sofa.

"I know you are," Frankie said smiling at her. "Did you bring a book with you?"

Allison grinned. "Half her little library's worth," she said, opening the other side of the diaper bag.

Allison handed Caroline the big book of fairy tales that Luna and Ron had given her on Caroline's last birthday.

"Why don't you pick a fairy tale to read while your mum goes and looks at robes," Frankie pulled Caroline over on her lap.

"How about Cinderella?" Caroline asked. "It's my most favourite."

"Sure," Frankie said. "Go on Allie, we'll be fine right here."

"Okay," Allison said kneeling down in front of Caroline. "You be a good girl for your aunt okay?"

"I will Mummy," Caroline promised.

Allison smiled and kissed Caroline on the cheek before following Cho and Chiaki to the back of the shop.

"Well there was a surprise," Allison said to her sister and mother.

"She's trying," Cho said. "I think we should all cut her some slack."

"I kind of laid into her back there," Chiaki said softly. "About saying we were old maids and stuff."

"I know she doesn't mean for the things she says to come out the way she does," Allison said. "I'll try and be a little more patient with her, Mum."

"She cares a lot about you both," Cho said. "She just wants to be respected for who she is."

Allison nodded. "I won't give her such a hard time about her dating anymore."

"That's my girls," Cho hugged them both to her.