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Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

AN: Well a lot of you were pretty steamed about us leaving you on a cliffie last chapter, and we're sorry (sort of) to say we're gonna do the same to you again this time around…

So please read, review, and don't kill us!!

Bree shakily sat up as well trying to keep herself covered with the blanket.

"How could I what?" Ethan asked feeling light-headed. "Mads..."

"How could you sleep with her?" Maddie asked, her voice shaking. "Because I wouldn't put out, this is what all your late nights have entailed?"

"We didn't---" Bree started to protest, but she saw that they were both completely naked underneath this blanket. The last thing she could remember was drinking that tea. Everything became a blur after that. She couldn't have done this---not here---not like this with Ethan.

"I'm really sure you didn't," Maddie's eyes were filled with tears. "What do you think I am, some sort of fool?"

"Maddie," Ethan said as Bree started to cry. "This isn't what it looks like.."

Maddie only stared at him coldly. "Don't ever speak to me again Ethan James Potter." she turned and slammed the door behind her, running down the corridor, just wanting to get the hell out of there.

"Ethan," Bree asked looking over at him as tears streamed down her face. "What have we done?"

"I don't know..." Ethan looked blindly around the room for his clothes. "Just what the hell is going on here? I need to go talk to Maddie."

Bree saw her bra and knickers at the foot of the sofa scattered amongst the rest of their discarded clothes. She hugged the blanket tight around her and tried to get up but nearly fainted as she did so.

"My head..." she said sitting back down on the sofa.

"Mine hurts too," Ethan rubbed his eyes.

"We couldn't have..." Bree asked looking at him. "Could we?"

"I don't remember," Ethan said miserably, finally grabbing his boxers and Bree's undergarments as well. "I mean, we had that tea and those biscuits and then... I just remember things getting really hazy."

Bree looked to the table which was still covered in their books and paperwork, but instead of a tea tray there was an empty bottle of Firewhisky and two glasses. For a second, Bree thought her mind was playing tricks on her.

"That wasn't there..." Bree said, pulling her knickers and bra on and wrapping the blanket around her as Ethan struggled into his trousers. "We didn't have Firewhisky."

"Nothing about this makes sense Bree," Ethan said handing Bree her jumper.

Bree's eyes were watery. "They think we slept together Ethan..."

Ethan sat back down beside her. "We'll...we'll find out what happened, Bree." He held her as she started to sob again. He wanted to go after Maddie, but he couldn't just leave Bree here. "It's going to be okay." He just wished he could believe it himself.

"Go," she sobbed. "Just go Ethan."

"I'm not leaving you," he said. "Come on. I'll make sure you get home okay..."

"I'll be fine," she pushed him away. "Please just leave me alone right now."

Ethan was hesitant to leave her, but he did want to try and explain things to Maddie.

"I'm sorry," he said softly to Bree.

"Me too," she mumbled, not looking at him.

Maddie slammed the door of their flat wondering how it was possible to have gone from happiness to complete heartbreak in the span of a couple of minutes.

She wondered if Ethan would even bother trying to follow her or if he'd jumped right back under the covers to shag his ex again.

Her question was answered when she heard a loud pop and heard Ethan call out for her.

"GO AWAY!" she screamed shutting the bedroom door.

"Mads!" Ethan called out trying to open the door. "Let me in, sweetheart. I can explain..."

"Don't you call me sweetheart!" she seethed, flinging the door open and glaring at him with blazing eyes. "I told you I didn't ever want to speak to you again! How could you do that to me Ethan?"

He had never seen her look at him that way and it broke his heart in two to know that he had disappointed her. "I don't know what happened, Maddie. You have to believe me."

"You know, that bloody bottle of Firewhisky and you underneath those blankets NAKED tells me all I need to know," Maddie said coldly.

He reached out to touch her, but she jerked away. "I know this looks bad, but you know me, Maddie. I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Looks bad?" she laughed harshly. "LOOKS BAD?"

"Maddie--" Ethan said. "I knew you and Mason were meeting up with me and Bree at headquarters. Do you really think I'd shag her if I knew you were going to be coming?"

Maddie scoffed. "Easy way for me and Mason to find out isn't it?" she shook her head and tried to fight off her tears. "All these late nights you've been with her- telling me that it was work, when really you were doing this. You must think I'm such a fool!" her last word was a shout.

"Justin was with us too," Ethan pointed out.

"So you say," Maddie turned her back on him.

"Yeah," Ethan said sarcastically. "You want to believe Bree and I have been shagging like rabbits, go right ahead!" He knew that this looked bad and that she had a right to be hurt, but she wasn't even willing to listen. "You've known me your entire life, Madeline. You know the kind of person I am. Do you really think I'd do something like this to you?"

"I thought I knew you," she choked out.

"You do know me," he said quietly. "Look, I know you're angry and upset. I'll...I'll crash at my parents' tonight. And tomorrow..."

"There isn't a tomorrow for us," she said in a dry, hoarse tone.

"What are you saying?" he asked walking closer to her. "Maddie..."

"I'm saying that I'm not as stupid and naive as you'd like me to be," she said coldly. "I can never trust you again."

"Maddie---" Ethan said quietly. "Come on. How can you say you don't trust me? If you don't, what more do we have?"

"We have nothing," she said in the same icy tone. "Leave."

Ethan stared in disbelief as she walked over to the closet and pulled out his heavy suitcase. She struggled to lift it onto the bed "Okay. Well, you know what? I don't want to stay if you don't trust me!" he said angrily.

"How can I?" Maddie spun back around. "Ethan I saw it with my own two eyes!"

Ethan threw some of his clothes into the suitcase. "You think I'd do that?" he asked. "You really think I'd do that?"

Maddie stared at him a moment, her resolve nearly weakening. She hardened her eyes and her heart again and twisted the ring he'd given her, pulling it off and throwing it at his feet.

For the longest time, neither of them spoke. Ethan looked down at the ring and then back up at Maddie. "That's yours. I gave that ring to you..."

"It was a promise ring," she said, her voice trembling. "And you broke EVERY promise you ever made to me."

"I did not!" Ethan said angrily. "I've told you what happened..."

"I don't ever want to see you again," Maddie said, her blue eyes so dark they appeared navy as they filled again with tears.

He stared angrily at her. "If that's how you feel..."

He shut his suitcase and lifted it off the bed. With one last look at her, he carried it out of the bedroom and a few moments later Maddie heard the front door slam behind him.

She fell back onto the bed, sobbing. Her whole entire world had just shattered in the space of an hour and there was nothing she could do about it.

Ethan didn't go to his parents' house straight away. He charmed his suitcase down to miniature size and walked around London feeling as angry, down and low as he could ever remember feeling. This didn't make sense. He and Bree were just talking and drinking tea and the next thing he knew, they were waking up naked under a blanket.

A few hours later, he found himself in a slightly familiar Wizarding section of the city- he recognised it as the area Frankie and Will had moved into. Thinking he could avoid a messy explanation to his parents, he decided to ask them if he could stay there for the night. Then tomorrow he could start working on getting Maddie to see that whatever had happened wasn't all it seemed.

Will and Frankie were fast asleep. Frankie was notoriously a heavy sleeper and didn't even budge when the doorbell chimed. Will groaned as he drew back the covers hoping this wasn't some neighbourhood kid playing some sort of prank. He rubbed at his eyes as he navigated his way sleepily out of the bedroom and down the hall.

"Ethan?" Will asked as he looked through the peephole. He opened the door. "What's---"

"Can I come in?" Ethan asked, knowing he must look a wreck.

"Of course," Will said standing back so Ethan could come inside.

"Something happened tonight..." Ethan said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I don't even know what to do right now..."

Will closed the door. "Something with Maddie? Your family?"

Ethan was silent for a few moments. "Something happened at work... I don't know what it was. I think... I think I was drugged. I woke up with my ex girlfriend naked on a sofa, and Maddie and Bree's boyfriend Mason saw everything." he dropped down on a chair and buried his face in his hands.

Will sat down across from him. "You were drugged?" he asked.

"I don't know," Ethan shook his head.

"Okay," Will said thoughtfully. "I'm a little confused..."

Ethan sighed. "I am too. And..." he could barely force the words out past the lump in his throat. "Maddie thinks I cheated on her."

"You didn't, did you?" Will asked.

Ethan shook his head again and shrugged. "I really hope I didn't. But I can't bloody remember! We came into the room and there was some tea, so Bree and I had some. And then everything started to get really hazy... and that's the last thing I remember."

"Someone had to have slipped something into your drinks," Will said. "I haven't known you for very long, but I do know you'd never do something like that to Maddie, Ethan."

"Thank you," Ethan said sincerely.

Will didn't have to ask to know that Maddie had obviously kicked Ethan out. "You're welcome to stay here Ethan."

"I don't want to impose--" Ethan began.

"Don't be daft," Will interjected. "You're our friend. And we have a guest room. It's yours if you want it."

"I promise I won't be in your hair long," Ethan said. "Just long enough to find out what the hell happened tonight and to straighten everything out."

"Stay as long as you want," Will said standing up. "Come on, I'll show you to your room..."

"Thanks," Ethan said. "I hope Frankie believes me."

Will hoped so too, but to be on the safe side, he wouldn't tell her they had a guest until tomorrow morning. "There's extra blankets in the closet. And you're welcome to anything in the kitchen..."

"I'm not hungry," he said. "I just want to sleep and hopefully clear my head tonight so I can work this mess out tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan," Will said. "I'll leave you to it then. Good night, Ethan."

"Night," Ethan said. "Thanks Will. You're a good mate."

"I'm sure to piss Frankie off sometime," Will said with a laugh. "You and Maddie can return the favour and let me crash on your sofa when she chucks me out."

"Deal," Ethan smiled genuinely.

"Night," Will said smiling reassuringly at his friend.

*** *** ***

"Ashley!" Nick called up the stairs. "Katie? Are you two ready to go?" he was taking them to Molly's to pick up their Halloween costumes that she had graciously made for them.

"I am Dad!" Ashley said running out of her room carrying the new picture she'd painted for her grandparents and couldn't wait to show it to them.

"That looks great Ash," Nick smiled at his oldest daughter. He'd helped her frame it and was sure Molly and Arthur would love the painting.

"Nana said she always wanted to see the Sydney Opera House," Ashley said proudly. "And this way she can."

"That's very sweet," he tucked a strand of her silky blonde hair behind her ear that had escaped from her ponytail. "Katherine Rose!" he turned and bellowed. "Get down here!"

"I'm coming Daddy!" Katie called out. She quickly grabbed the tiara that Caroline had let her borrow weeks ago and tossed it into her bag. She knew it would look perfect with her costume.

"Finally," Ashley muttered as her sister clambered down the stairs.

"Girls, can we please at least pretend to get along today?" Nick asked in exasperation.

"I didn't start!" Katie said defensively.

"You were about to," Nick said with a knowing smile. "Okay munchkins, into the fireplace with you..."

Ashley went in first, calling out to the Burrow and Katie followed behind.

Nick brought up the rear and he couldn't help grinning as the familiar smell of fresh baked biscuits hit him. "Nana, we're here!" he called out. "Grandpa?"

Molly came rushing out from the kitchen. "Nicholas!" she exclaimed warmly. "And Ashley and Katie..." she hugged all three of them fiercely.

"For Merlin's sake Molly," Arthur said chuckling. "They can't breathe..."

Nick grinned. "Ash and Katie have been excited to see their costumes. Practically didn't even eat breakfast this morning..."

"I know you've never seen the movie Nana," Ashley said.

"You gave me that picture though," Molly said pulling at her ponytail. "And I think I did it justice, if I do say so myself."

"Speaking of pictures," Nick said "Ash, why don't you show your grandparents what you made?"

"Oh," Ashley said excitedly. "This is a present for you and Grandpa, Nana." she held out the painting proudly.

Arthur stood behind his wife and they both looked at their great-granddaughter's rendering of the Sydney Opera House.

"It's absolutely brilliant," Arthur told his great-granddaughter. "Absolutely brilliant."

Ashley blushed. "I tried to paint it just like I remembered it to be."

"Someday we'll be seeing her paintings in a museum," Molly told Nick.

"And you'll be watching me dance," Katie said not liking her big sister stealing the entire spotlight. "I'm going to be even famouser than Aunt Chiaki."

"More famous," Ashley corrected.

Katie rolled her eyes. "More famous than Aunt Chiaki."

"Both your girls are so talented," Molly said. "And I've been so busy making your costumes and Emma and Caroline's too. They're stopping by later to pick up their costumes. You should see little Emma's mermaid costume."

"I can't wait to see her in it," Nick laughed. "With that red hair of hers and that little body she's going to be the cutest mermaid around."

"She is," Molly said. "Perhaps you could stay and see for yourself. We could have a big lunch. I made all your favourites."

"I love everything you cook Nana," Nick said. "You know that."

"And she made everything," Arthur teased.

"You got any new artefacts to show me?" Nick asked his grandfather knowing that his girls would probably want to try on their costumes before eating.

"I do," Arthur brightened. "It's a Muggle contraption called a toastet, and I already have three but this does FOUR pieces of bread at once..."

"You mean a toaster Grandpa?" Nick asked, laughing.

"That's it," Arthur said nodding. "It's absolutely amazing."

"Great," Nick grinned, "Let's go take a look..."

Katie and Ashley followed their grandmother upstairs to Ginny's old bedroom which she'd turned into her sewing room.

"I can't wait to see them Nana," Katie said eagerly. "I even brought something I want to wear with it..."

"You mean Caroline actually trusts you with her tiara?" Ashley was shocked. "Even though you've been so mean to her lately?"

"I haven't been mean to her," Katie said dismissively. "And she let me borrow it because I'm her best friend. You're just jealous because you have no friends!"

"I have friends," Ashley said. "And I don't treat them mean like you do."

"Come on girls," Molly said. "Ashley why don't you go first?"

"Okay," Ashley shot a smug look at her sister as she saw the blue and white gingham dress. "Nana it's perfect!" she gasped when she saw the red slippers. "They're so sparkly! They're even more sparkly than Dorothy's!"

Molly beamed with pride. "You really like them?"

"It's beautiful," Ashley said. "I can't wait to try it on!" she dashed from the room, cradling the dress as if it were gold.

"That's really beautiful Nana," Katie said wondering why she hadn't thought to be Dorothy. She comforted herself in the thought that if Nana did such a great job on Ashley's, hers would be equally as fabulous.

"Yours is just as gorgeous sweetheart," Molly pulled the pink ballerina costume from the closet.

Katie turned around and the wide smile on her face fell as she looked at the pink costume. "That's...that's it?" she asked quietly.

Molly beamed with pride. "I made it just the way you said you'd like it." she played with the frilly skirt.

Her nose scrunched up as she stepped closer for a better look. It was baby pink colour and there were no sequins or glitter like she'd asked for. Well, that wasn't entirely true. There were some along the neckline, but it was a long sleeved costume and she'd told her great-grandmother that she wanted one with straps.

"What do you think?" Molly asked.

"It's nice," Katie said hesitantly.

"I'm so glad you love it," Molly said smiling down at her. "I based it off of one of those costumes Chiaki used to dance in..."

"Yeah," Katie replied quietly. "Thank you Nana."

"You're welcome sweetheart," Molly said. "Why don't you go and try it on?"

Katie took it wordlessly and headed for an empty room down the hall.

While Molly waited for her great-granddaughters to come back into the room, she set about making some last minute changes to Emma's mermaid costume.

Ashley finished putting on her costume and slipped into her red slippers. She heard Katie's mumbling coming from Ron's old bedroom and she knocked on the door. "Let me see your costume, Katie."

"Go away Ashley," Katie said, wiping at her eyes.

"Come on Kit Kat," Ashley said. "I promise not to make fun of the tiara." She pushed open the door and smiled at her little sister. "Katie that's so cute!"

Katie glared at her sister. "GO AWAY ASHLEY!" she screamed angrily.

Ashley was startled by her sister's tone. "I really mean it, Katie. You look really adorable."

Nick had also heard the scream as he'd come back in the house. "What's going on in here?" he asked.

"My costume," Katie said sobbing. "Look at it!"

Molly stood behind her grandson. "I-I thought you liked it..."

"Katherine Rose," Nick said, getting down on his knees. "Nana worked very hard on those costumes..."

Katie's lower lip trembled. "It's the wrong shade of pink, it has sleeves and I wanted sequins!"

"But I thought you wanted it to look like your aunt Chiaki's old costumes," Molly said, dismayed. "Katie, darling I'm so sorry..."

"If anyone should be apologising it should be Katie," Nick said firmly. "Your grandmother put a lot of hard work and effort into making this for you, Katie. It's a beautiful costume."

Katie felt another rush of tears coming on. Without another word, she turned and ran out of the room.

"Katie love," Molly called out. "Don't..."

"No Nana," Nick said firmly. "She's got to learn she can't always have things her way."

"She said she wanted to look as pretty as Chiaki," Molly said tears welling up in her own eyes. "She's always admired that photograph I have of Chiaki downstairs. I thought she'd want the same costume..."

"It's a beautiful costume Nana," Ashley said. "I bet once Caroline tells her it's pretty she'll change her mind."

"I'll start over," Molly said.

"No," Nick said standing back up. "She's either going to wear that costume or she's not going trick-or-treating."

"But I want her to be happy with it Nicholas." Molly protested.

"She will be," Nicholas said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and have a word with my daughter."

"Nana I love my costume so much," Ashley said, wanting to make her feel better.

"I'm so glad," Molly said giving her a hug. "I'm glad you love it, Ashley Beth." She just wished Katie felt the same.

Nick found Katie sitting at the old picnic table in the backyard. "Katherine Rose..."

Katie turned away so she wouldn't have to face her father. "I don't want you to yell at me anymore Daddy."

"I'm not going to yell at you Katie," Nick said sitting down. "But I'm going to ask you how you would feel if you spent all your time working hard on something for a person you really cared about. And when you showed it to them, they cried and said they didn't like it? How would you feel, Katie?"

"Pretty bad," she admitted.

"So how do you think Nana felt," Nick said handing Katie a handkerchief from his pocket.

"I'm sorry Daddy," Katie sniffled, wiping her eyes. "But Ashley's costume was just the way she wanted it and mine wasn't. Why does Ashley always get everything so perfect?"

"That's not true, Katie," Nick said. "But Ashley actually printed out a picture and gave it to your Nana. You, on the other hand, just told Nana that you wanted one just like Chiaki's and you've always liked the one in that picture on the mantelpiece."

Katie nodded. "Okay," she said. "I think I see what you mean now Daddy."

"Besides," Nick pinched his daughter's cheek. "I know something that might cheer you up."

"What?" she asked interestedly.

"Since your costume has long sleeves, you won't have to wear a cloak on Halloween like your sister will." Nick smiled. "Everyone will be able to see what you are."

Katie grinned. "That's right!"

"And your little crown will look perfect," Nick said. "Now, you know what you need to do, right?"

"Apologise," Katie replied.

"That's my girl," Nick said. "Come here you little ballerina..."

"I love you," Katie hugged her father.

"I love you too," Nick said picking her up.

Katie giggled as her father carried her back into the house. "All right," he said. "Go on up there and tell Nana that you do love your costume."

Katie walked upstairs and found Molly sitting with Ashley in the sewing room. She was showing her Caroline and Emma's costumes.

"Nana?" she said, hovering a bit shyly at the door.

Molly and Ashley turned around.

"Katie," Molly said quietly.

"I'm going to go and change," Ashley said shooting her sister a warning look before leaving the room.

"I really do like my costume," Katie said before her great grandmother could say anything else.

"Really?" Molly asked.

"I told you I wanted it to look like Aunt Chiaki's." Katie said. "And it does. So it's really perfect." she smiled tremulously.

"I'm so glad," Molly said hugging her. "And you do look beautiful, Katie."

"Thank you Nana," Katie hugged her back tightly. "Will you put the tiara on me?"

"Of course," Molly said wiping a tear from her cheek. "Is it in your bag?"

Katie nodded. "Caroline said I could borrow it until after Halloween."

Molly pulled the silver tiara out of Katie's bag and then placed it gently on her head. "Just like an angel..."

Katie turned and looked at herself in the mirror. "I like where you put the sequins," she said, a genuine smile on her face.

"I'm glad," Molly said smiling at her.

Katie turned and hugged her again. "Thank you for my costume."

"Katie you look really cute," Ashley said coming back in. "And you know I wouldn't tell you that unless I meant it."

"Thanks Ash," Katie said genuinely. "I liked yours too."

"I think Caroline's here if you want to show her how you look with the tiara," Ashley replied.

"Oooh!" Katie said eagerly holding onto her tiara as she sprinted down the stairs. "Caroline!"

"Katie!" Caroline beamed at her friend. "Oooh you're a beautiful ballerina!"

"You look really adorable," Allison said to Katie.

"Thanks Aunt Allie," Katie said. "Can I take Caroline up to Nana so she can try hers on?"

"Go too!" Emma said hopping off of Jon's lap. "Em go too!"

"We'll help her," Ashley said. "Is that okay?"

"Thanks Ashley," Allison said.

"Come on Em," Ashley held out her hand. "I'll help you up the stairs okay?"

"Kay," Emma said happily.

"I cannot wait to see her in the mermaid costume," Allison said sitting back down with Jon. "And Caroline is all upset because you never went trick-or treating..."

"We never really were into that," Jon said. "Mainly because we knew if we got sweets, Dad would eat them all."

"We used to have so much fun," Allison said. "Frankie and me would dress up and Dad used to take us all over the neighbourhood."

"I'm looking forward to taking the girls out," Jon said. "And I won't touch any of their sweets."

"Caroline's already promised to share half of her take with you," Allison said grinning at him. "Since you missed out on all those years."

Jon chuckled. "She's sweet."

"And when we were at Hogwarts you were always getting into trouble on Halloween," Allison teased.

"I got into trouble year round," Jon boasted.

"Your last Halloween you didn't get into trouble," Allison said. "Well, if we'd been caught, we'd have gotten into trouble..."

Jon grinned devilishly as Nick rolled his eyes. "Are you two going to snog? Cause if you are I think I'll go get a head start on the feast Nana made."

"We won't snog in front of you," Allison said. "What all did Molly make by the way? It smells delicious..."

"According to Grandpa, she made a bit of everything," Nick replied.

"Where is Grandpa anyway?" Jon asked.

"Out back fiddling with his new toaster," Nick grinned.

"Don't tell him this, but Josh is planning on giving him a computer for Christmas," Jon said keeping his voice low.

"Oh boy," Allison grinned. "That'll keep him busy for ages."

"We'll never see him again," Jon joked.

"Okay!" Ashley called down. "Get ready for Princess... what's her name again Caroline?"

"Jasmine," Caroline whispered.

"Princess Jasmine and Princess Ariel!" Ashley announced.

Caroline held her sister's hand and they both walked downstairs. Molly had charmed Emma's costume so the toddler could walk quite easily.

"Dada!" Emma said waving at him. "Wook!"

"Hey!" Jon laughed. "Look at my gorgeous princesses! Wait until your Uncle Will and Aunt Frankie see you both!"

"When we go to the wizard houses, I get to use my flying carpet," Caroline said proudly.

"That's right, only in the wizard parts of the city," Allison smiled at her two daughters.

"And look at this little mermaid," Nick said picking up Emma. "You are going to get loads of sweets."

Emma giggled as Nick tickled her side. "Eat!"

"Are we sure that wasn't her first word?" Nick asked Jon laughing.

"If not her first, it's her favourite," Jon grinned. "Come to Dada."

Nick handed Emma over to Jon and she hugged her father tightly around the neck.

"I wish Sukie and Mas could go trick-or-treating too," Caroline said. "But they're too little."

"Maybe next year Angel," Allison tucked a strand of hair behind Caroline's ear.

"And the triplets too," Molly said coming down the stairs.

"They're getting so big Nana," Jon said.

"I don't know if Lizzy will want to go back to work when she finishes her leave," Allison said. "She's enjoying being home with the babies."

"That'll be the day," Jon said. "Liz not wanting to work?"

"Jules was the same way," Nick said. "And she told me that Hermione was also like that when Saffron was born."

"I was going to go back to work after Caroline was born," Allison said. "But I just couldn't do it. I was coming home at around six and then she'd be going to bed. I felt like I wasn't getting to see her and that I was missing so much."

"She'll probably have to hire someone, even if she doesn't go back to work," Nick said. "Three babies is a lot to look after."

"That's an understatement," Jon said. "Al has to look after three, don't you love? Caroline, Em, and me."

"You're just like a big kid," Allison gave her husband a kiss.

"We'll have fresh toast with our lunch!" Arthur said enthusiastically coming back into the sitting room carrying a tray full of toast. "That toastet thing is fantastic!"

"Toaster Grandpa," Nick was laughing. "Nice job though. You didn't burn anything!"

"Four slices at once!" Arthur said holding the tray up triumphantly. "Jonathan, I'm going to show it to you after lunch. It's amazing."

"I know," Jon said smiling at him. "We have one at home, Grandpa."

"You never told me that," Arthur said in dismay.

"Al has loads of gadgets in the kitchen," Jon told him. "We have this thing called a food processor..."

"A food processor," Arthur said thoughtfully.

"You can put any vegetable or fruit in there and in a matter of seconds, they're sliced or diced," Allison explained.

Arthur looked like it was his birthday. "Might I drop by and see it?" he asked eagerly.

"Sure," Allison replied. "You're welcome any time, you know that."

Arthur was delighted.

"Dada!" Emma called out. "Dada eat!"

Jon picked her up. "Does my little mermaid want to eat?"

"Eat!" Emma laughed happily. "Byooful Dada!"

"Why thank you Em," Jon said dramatically. "I think I look byooful too. Your mum said this jumper went with my eyes..."

"Don't teach our daughter how to be conceited," Allison took Emma.

"Daddy's going to be in the doghouse with Grandpa," Caroline said giggling.

"What's con---," Katie said curiously. "What's that word mean, Aunt Allie?"

"It means you think you're always the best," Allison tried to explain. "And you always put yourself before others." she smiled at Katie. "Jon's really not conceited sweetheart. I was teasing him."

"Oh," Katie said thoughtfully.

Ashley bit back her comment that her sister fit that word to a tee. Things were going well now, and she didn't want to upset her great-grandparents or father anymore.

"Come on Caroline," Allison said. "I want you and Em to change before we go eat."

"Kay Mummy," Caroline said. "I can't wait until Halloween!"

"Ha-ween!" Emma chirped.

Katie and Ashley had already changed out of their costumes and sat down beside their father.

"Mummy will be home soon, right?" Katie asked.

"That's right," Nick said. "She'll be home this evening sometime. She had to be at Hogwarts today for something."

"I think it will be great when I start going there and she'll be there," Ashley said resting her head on Nick's shoulder.

"I'm sure Saffron enjoys having her around," Arthur said.

"She does," Nick nodded, slipping an arm around his girls. "Jules is always talking about it."

"And she'll be around to keep your brother out of trouble," Arthur said to Jon.

"No one's doing as good a job at that as Alexa," Jon chuckled. "R.J. actually writes to me and Josh about her. He's giving us ammo and he doesn't even know it."

"Yeah, I'd pipe down about that Boo Bear," Nick said with a wicked grin.

"Sod off," was Jon's reply as he went into the kitchen.

*** *** ***

Frankie knocked on the door again. "Madeline Molly Weasley. It's just me and I promise no one else is with me. Come on. Open up..."

Frankie couldn't imagine what her friend was going through. Frankie felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her when Will told her this morning what had happened. It just didn't seem right. Over the past few months, she'd spent a great deal of time with both Ethan and Maddie and couldn't imagine them breaking up over anything. And this---if it was true---was just too horrible to imagine.

"Maddie!" Frankie knocked again. "Come on, I've got coffee, scones and jam here! I'm not leaving until you let me in!"

Maddie pulled the covers back and grabbed her robe. Frankie wasn't going to go away. Slowly making her way to the door, Maddie tried to block out the image of Ethan holding Bree on that sofa out of her mind.

"There she is," Frankie said, smiling softly. "I'd ask how you are, but I think I have a pretty good idea..."

Maddie nodded wordlessly and ushered Frankie inside. The smell of fresh pastries would normally have her salivating, but the thought of food made her physically ill.

Frankie set the food down and gave her friend a hug. "I'm here for you Maddie," she said.

"How--how did you find out?" Maddie asked weakly.

"Ethan came over last night," Frankie said. "Will let him in, and he told me this morning what happened."

"Did he tell you what really happened?" Maddie asked bitterly. "Or his version of events?"

"He told us what he said happened," Frankie said. "And I believe him. But I'm also here to be supportive of you Maddie."

"You believe him?" Maddie asked incredulously. "Frankie? How would you have felt if you walked in on Will right after he'd shagged his ex? Something tells me you wouldn't want me coming by with tea and scones and pretending everything was okay!"

"In my opinion, it seemed like too convenient a set up, the way he described it," Frankie said calmly. "And I'm not pretending like everything is okay. I'm your friend, and I'm here to be supportive of you. If you want to scream about Ethan, then I'll listen."

Maddie felt terrible. "I'm sorry Frankie. I didn't mean to blow up at you like that. You're just being a great friend."

"It's understandable," Frankie said. "You know, I'd probably be the same way you are right now. I know it had to look just terrible, to see something like that." she hugged Maddie again. "I just wish I knew what to do to help you both."

"Give me a Time Turner," Maddie said sinking down on the sofa.

Frankie handed her friend one of the coffee cups. "I know you probably don't want to eat or drink anything, but you should."

"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday at lunch," Maddie admitted. "It seems like a lifetime ago."

The two women were silent for a few moments. "He's really upset," Frankie ventured. "He looks worse than you do, if that's any comfort at all."

"Probably because he can't have his cake and eat it to anymore," Maddie said before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Can I ask you something?" Frankie's tone was still hesitant. "And you'll answer me, honestly?"

"Okay," Maddie replied. "Go ahead..."

"Do you really, honestly, think that Ethan would cheat on you?" Frankie asked directly.

"I never thought he would," Maddie answered truthfully. "Until last night when I saw it with my own two eyes, Frankie."

"Ethan said he thinks it was some sort of set up," Frankie leaned back against the sofa. "That's why I said it seemed rather convenient- the Firewhisky, the fact that you and Mason were coming to meet them and just happened upon them like that..."

"No," Maddie said shaking her head. "They probably just lost track of time and then...and then..."

Frankie sighed. "I can tell you don't really want to listen to anyone defending Ethan right now--"

"I saw it," Maddie interjected. Frankie pulled a confused face. "I saw it and I actually convinced myself it was a bad dream."

"You had a vision about this?" Frankie blinked.

Maddie nodded. "Not about him and Bree shagging, but about him and I having a horrible fight and me giving him back his ring and him leaving. It all happened." Tears welled up in Maddie's eyes. "Frankie, I feel like everything I trusted and believed in has fallen apart. That nothing we felt for each other was real."

"That isn't true!" Frankie exclaimed. "Maddie he loves you. He loves you so much!"

"Not anymore," Maddie said quietly. "He's in love with Bree now."

"If he was," Frankie tried again to reason with her friend. "Would he have gone on and on all morning about how he wanted to find out what happened so he could work things out with you? Would he have even come back here last night?"

Maddie wanted to believe Frankie. What her friend was saying did make sense, but Maddie knew what she saw. "I don't know, Frankie. I don't know anything anymore..."

"Just promise me you'll think things through here," Frankie said gently. "I know what you saw was bad. But just remember that what you and Ethan feel for each other is more powerful than that."

"I've been doing nothing but think," Maddie said with a hollow laugh.

"I have to get going," Frankie said, looking at her watch. "I have to be at work in ten minutes." she stood up, as did Maddie. "I really wish there was something else I could do, for both of you."

"Thanks for stopping by," Maddie said. "You've been a good friend to me, Frankie."

"You've been a good friend for me too," Frankie said sincerely.

Maddie hugged her. "We've been through a lot."

"Can you believe that cow Alicia still hasn't owled me or rung me or anything?" Frankie asked. "Honestly... all these years we were friends and she just doesn't even care."

"She's losing a great friend," Maddie said giving Frankie a smile.

"I am pretty great aren't I?" Frankie teased.

"Frankie the Fabulous," Maddie said laughing.

"I rather like that," Frankie said. "I'm going to tell Will about it..."

"Give him my best," Maddie said walking her friend out. "And I still want to help you with your dinner party."

"Are you sure?" Frankie asked. "I mean, it's just a few weeks away- we were thinking of postponing it actually--"

"Don't do that on my account," Maddie said. "You've worked really hard on your new home and I know how you've been looking forward to this."

"I just want you to be happy Mads," Frankie told her as she put her cloak on.

"I know," Maddie said. "And I appreciate what you're trying to do, I just don't know what to do or how to feel, Frankie."

"Just think things through before you go about doing anything," Frankie said. "I hate seeing you both in pain like this."

"I will," Maddie said giving her friend one last hug. "You'd better go. You don't want to be late."

"I'll owl you later," Frankie said. "Let me know if you need anything okay?"

"Thanks Frankie," Maddie said. "And thanks again for breakfast."

"Anytime," Frankie smiled at her and left.

Maddie walked back toward the bedroom. She'd owled in sick and hoped that Smythe would understand. She just couldn't face the possibility of running into Ethan or Bree. But Frankie's words still echoed in her head. Ethan was in pain. Was it possible that he had been set up? But who would want to do something like that? No one could be that cruel and cold and as far as she knew, there was no one who held a grudge or had a vendetta against either of them.

Meanwhile, Ethan had just arrived at work. He passed the office he shared with Justin and headed straight for his father's. Knocking on the door, he hoped Harry was already in.

"Nev, I haven't finished that report yet," Harry called out absently.

"It's me Dad," Ethan peeked around the door. "Can I come in? I really need to talk to you."

"Sure," Harry said motioning for him to come in. "I always have time for you, Ethan." He could tell right away from the look on his son's face that something was very wrong.

Ethan shut the door behind him and rubbed the back of his neck wearily. He'd gotten minimal sleep the night before- every time he closed his eyes all he saw was Maddie, screaming at him to leave. "Something happened last night..." he began.

"Something with the case?" Harry asked. "I thought you, Justin and Bree were making progress?"

"No, not with the case," Ethan sighed as he sat on the sofa just next to the door. "Mads and I... we... well... she sort of saw something that wasn't true and she kicked me out."

Harry stood up and walked over to the sofa.

"What did she see Ethan?" Harry asked taking a seat.

"Bree and I, we got to the office last night and there was some tea there, so we both had some," Ethan explained, trying to push himself into remembering more. "And then the next thing I know, I'm waking up next to her and we're both starkers. And Maddie and Mason are standing in the door."

Harry stared at his son for the longest time before saying anything.

"You and Bree---" Harry started to say.

"No!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Okay," Harry said holding up a hand. "I'm just trying to figure out what's happened, Ethan."

Ethan raked his hands through his messy hair. "I've been going over and over it in my mind and I keep going back to one thing- that we were drugged. But I can't figure out anyone who would have something to gain by doing this."

"Why don't we start by going to the scene of the crime, as it were?" Harry suggested. "Did you clean up before you left last night?"

"No," Ethan shook his head. "But the thing is, when we woke up, the tea was gone and there was an empty bottle of Firewhisky in it's place. I haven't had Firewhisky in weeks."

"Well let's go check it out anyway," Harry said standing up. He led his son down the corridor to the interrogation room. In the distance, he could hear Justin telling his fellow Aurors about being newly engaged.

Ethan heard this as well but didn't give it much thought. "I wanted to ask if you knew if there was any sort of surveillance on these rooms at all."

"Only when we're interviewing suspects," Harry replied.

Ethan sighed. "Damn it," he muttered.

Harry opened the door and turned on the light. The empty bottle of Firewhisky was still on the table among all the books and paperwork. "You and Bree were the only ones up here last night?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Ethan nodded. "Justin took Sarah out- you just heard him going on about being engaged- so Bree and I said we'd take care of what needed to be done last night. Maddie and Mason were to meet us up here around half past seven."

Harry nodded. "Did anyone else have access to the room? Other than you, Justin, or Bree? You were locking it before you left, weren't you?"

"Justin was the last one out the night before," Ethan replied. "I don't know if he left it unlocked."

"You might want to ask him," Harry said.

Ethan nodded. "I just don't get it Dad. I don't get any of this."

"Think really hard," Harry suggested. "Do you know of anyone who might have an axe to grind against you or Maddie? Or perhaps Bree? Someone obviously set you up so Maddie and Bree's boyfriend could catch you..."

"Sarah's been pushing us to get back together, but she'd never do anything like this," Ethan said, avoiding the sofa where he and Bree had been lying the night before. "There's this other girl Jackie that hates Maddie, but we haven't seen her in ages and I don't even think she has clearance to get up into this section of the Ministry."

Harry leaned against the table and gave his son a reassuring smile. "We'll get to the bottom of this, Ethan. We will."

Ethan nodded. "I can't live without her Dad."

"I know," Harry said. "That's the way I feel about your mother; the way I've always felt about her. And we've both been tested so much over the years."

"How did you do it?" Ethan asked. "Like that time with that Gordon bloke- how'd you get her to see your side of things?"

"I nearly lost her," Harry said quietly. "I just never felt right about that bloke. Something just seemed off about him, but he always knew the right thing to say or had the perfect explanation for everything. Things started happening and I had your Aunt Luna help me research his background."

"What do you think I can do?" Ethan asked. "To get Mads to believe me?"

"Just keep trying," Harry replied. "I remember when I showed your mother what I had compiled on Gordon. She didn't even want to look at it. We had the worst fight we've ever had that night. I walked out."

"I think you told me that," Ethan said. "Mads kind of the same way with this. She wouldn't listen to me at all last night."

"I don't imagine she would have," Harry said. "She's hurt, Ethan."

"Maybe she'd listen to me today," Ethan said, brightening a bit.

"Maybe," Harry said encouragingly. "Where are you staying son?"

"Will and Frankie's," Ethan replied.

"You can stay with us if you'd like," Harry offered. "We definitely have the room."

"I know," Ethan said. "I guess... I don't know. I really don't want anyone to know about what happened. I feel ashamed even though I don't believe anything went on."

"Your mother and I won't tell anyone," Harry promised.

"I don't want Ron and Luna to think less of me," Ethan said quietly.

"Maddie's probably told them by now," Harry said gently. "But they've known you since you were born, Ethan. They're your godparents. They know what type of man you are."

"I hope so," Ethan said, scuffing his foot along the floor. "I just hate most of all that Maddie believes this."

"I know," Harry said. "And I'll do whatever I can to help you Ethan. We'll find out what happened."

There was a knock on the door and both men turned to see Bree standing in the doorway. Her face was pale and her eyes were red.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I didn't know you were in here."

"Bree," Ethan stood up. "We were just... we're just trying to figure out what happened here last night."

Bree's cheeks reddened and she looked away from Harry. She had always admired and respected Ethan's parents. She couldn't bear the thought of them thinking she was the type of person who did something like this.

"Ethan told me he thinks the two of you were drugged," Harry put a hand on her arm.

Bree started to cry again. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Potter."

"Don't apologise," Harry said, patting the young woman's back in a comforting manner. "I want to help you both try and figure out what happened."

"We couldn't have done this, Mr. Potter," Bree said sobbing into his shoulder. "We couldn't have."

"I don't think you did," Harry said. "Neither of you is the type Bree."

Bree looked up at him. "I'm so glad someone believes us..."

"Sorry to interrupt Harry," Lupin said peeking his head inside. "But I need that report. Neville said you were working on it..."

"Right," Harry said. "I'll be right there. I'm just taking care of something else first."

"Go on ahead Dad," Ethan said. "We'll still be here when you get back."

"I won't be long," Harry promised, following Remus out.

Bree took off her cloak and set her bag down. She too averted her eyes from the sofa and instead took a seat at the table. "Did this really happen?" she asked Ethan weakly. "Yesterday at this time, I was so happy. And now..."

"I just can't make any sense of this at all," Ethan looked at the bottle of Firewhisky. "I know we didn't drink that. And the last thing I remember is us having tea."

"Me too," Bree said wiping at her eyes. "How's Maddie?"

"She kicked me out," Ethan offered her a tissue. "I spent last night at a friend's place."

"Thanks," Bree said taking the tissue and dabbing at her eyes. "Sounds like she took it as well as Mason. He's..."

"He's what?" Ethan prompted gently.

"He told me he never wanted to see me again," Bree choked out. "And...and he's moving back to the States."

"What?" Ethan was aghast. "But nothing happened between us Bree. I'm more and more convinced that this is some sort of set up."

"I tried to tell that to Mason, but he didn't want to listen," Bree said looking over at him. "Oh, Ethan!"

Despite what had or hadn't happened that last night, Ethan moved over next to her and gave her a hug.

"What are we going to do Ethan?" Bree asked hugging him back.

"We have to figure out a way to straighten things out before Mason goes back to the States," Ethan said, suddenly determined. "There's no way in hell I'm going to let something that probably didn't even happen tear us all apart!"

Maddie decided to take Frankie's advice. She owed it to Ethan to at least listen to him. With a heavy heart, she made her way to his office. One of his fellow Aurors told her he'd seen Ethan in the interrogation room and Maddie steeled herself before going back to the scene of the crime.

"Ethan," Bree said looking up at him. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I'm not that great," he said. "I just care about you Bree."

"You are," Bree said pecking him on the cheek. "And I care about you too."

Maddie stared at the scene in front of her in stupefied disbelief. "I see I was right," she said, her voice shaking. "And to think I was coming here to hear your side of things." she laughed harshly.