Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

This may seem like a shorter chapter but it's really not- but it only deals with our favourite girl Weasley twins ;) We hope you'll like the outcome of this chapter :D

Please review!!!!

Drew and Darla's schedule didn't let up after Ethan and Maddie's wedding. If anything, there business had tripled. Word of mouth and a rave review in Witch Weekly led to countless interviews with couples wanting the perfect wedding.

"I think we're going to have to hire someone else," Darla said looking at their schedule book. "Or ask if we can get a time turner…"

Drew grinned. "This is awesome for business though. We're making more money than ever."

"It certainly is," Darla agreed. She scanned over that day's schedule. "I'll meet with the Patterson-McCoy's this afternoon and you have the Thompson-Herlihy's at four."

"Okay," Drew nodded. "Hopefully my stomach will have calmed by then."

"We wouldn't want you puking your guts out on them," Darla teased. "That would be very, very bad for business."

"Quite," Drew shook her head. "I've just been so busy I haven't been eating properly."

Darla looked over at her sister with a frown. " need to take care of yourself. As Daddy always says, you should always remember to eat."

"I know," Drew replied. "But since Maddie's wedding I feel as if I've been on the go. If I'm not up to my neck in meetings, then I'm with Brian."

"Brian, Brian, Brian," Darla said in a sing-song voice.

Drew grinned. "You're one to talk Dar. What's going on with you and Hans?"

Drew leaned back in her desk chair. "Well, we're taking things one day at a time."

"Yeah?" Drew asked. "I thought it was rather sweet that he came to the wedding."

"I thought so too, but we still have to work out some issues," Darla said thoughtfully. "I've only seen him a couple of times since the wedding."

"He's crazy about you Dar," Drew said.

Darla smiled. "I know, but it's complicated, Drew."

"Tell me," Drew replied. "What's so complicated?"

Darla sighed and pushed back from her chair. "How about we talk about the catering bill from Maddie's wedding..."

Drew shook her head. "Uh- uh. You can't keep this from your twin sister Darla!"

"We---we haven't really talked about what's been going on," Darla admitted. "And when we went back to his place after the wedding, we didn't talk much at all, if you know what I mean. I think he's avoiding it, if you want to know the truth."

"Maybe you should initiate it then," Drew suggested. "You love him, right? Do you want to work everything out?"

"Of course I do," Darla replied. "And he did agree to go to RJ's match with me. Maybe afterwards, he and I can talk..."

"Or you can ring him and meet up with him while I'm at the meeting this afternoon," Drew said slyly.

"He's on a shoot, Drew," Darla said shaking her head. "Nice try, though."

"What time is he finished?" Drew was undeterred.

"I don't know," Darla replied pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"I think you should bring up the topic soon," Drew said. "It's not like you to beat around the bush."

"I will," Darla promised. "After RJ's match."

"That's next week," Drew complained.

"You're not going to give up until I call him, are you?" Darla asked.

Drew grinned at her sister. "When have you ever known me to give up?"

Darla sighed in resignation. She set aside her coffee mug and sat back down at her desk. Ignoring the smug look on her sister's face, she picked up the phone and dialled Hans' mobile.

"Voice mail," she whispered to her sister. "Just waiting for the beep..."

"Don't hang up," Drew said.

"Hi, baby," Darla said into the phone. "It's me. I just wanted to see what you were up to tonight. I have a meeting at four, but I was thinking that perhaps we could meet for dinner or a drink, if you're not busy that is..."

"She wants to meet you for dinner," Drew said loudly in the background. "Come on Hans you know you want to!"

Darla glared at her sister. "I'll have my mobile with me, so just ring me and let me know. Love you, bye!"

Drew laughed at Darla's expression. "If you're not busy that is..." she mocked teasingly.

Darla hung up the phone. "Drew!"

Drew giggled as Darla balled up a piece of parchment and threw it at her.

"You're such a child," Darla said giggling.

"You're the younger one," Drew returned.

"As you always tell me," Darla said grinning at her.

At that moment Darla's phone rang and Drew laughed. "See? He can't wait to talk to you!"

"You don't know that it's him," Darla said rolling her eyes. She picked up the phone. "Weddings by Weasley. This is Darla."

"Hey you," Hans said. "Just got your voicemail."

"Hey," Darla said in a hushed tone. "That was fast."

"We just finished our shoot," Hans replied. "I just got back to the dressing room."

Darla twirled the phone cord around her finger. "I thought you'd be booked all day."

"I'm always available for you Dar," Hans said in a husky voice.

Despite herself, Darla couldn't help smiling. "So, you'd want to grab a bite to eat tonight then?"

"Definitely," he answered. "What time will you be done with your meeting?"

"Six-ish," Darla replied. "Where do you want to meet up?"

"You name the time and the place," Hans said.

"Antonio's at 6:30?" Darla suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Hans answered. "I'll meet you in the bar."

"Okay," Darla said. "I-I think it'll be good for us to finally talk."

"Right," Hans replied. "I love you, Dar."

"Love you too," Darla said softly.

"Awwww..." Drew said as her sister clicked off her phone.

"We're meeting for dinner," Darla said "But I think you already know that. Eavesdrop much?"

"Like you don't do the same thing with me and Brian," Drew answered.

"Since he's always at our flat, it's a little hard not to," Darla said defensively.

Drew laughed. "It doesn't bother me."

"How are things going with you and Mr. Perfect?" Darla asked eager to change the subject.

"Perfect," Drew answered with a grin.

"When will we be planning YOUR wedding?" Darla asked.

"Not anytime soon," Drew said. "Brian and I are just enjoying ourselves as a couple."

Darla nodded. "I know because I heard you guys last night. You really should remember to do silencing charms before you do that, Drew."

Drew threw the parchment back at her sister. "Does that make you the pot or the kettle here?"

Darla laughed. "Yes, yes...very funny."

"You two look to be hard at work," Luna said from the doorway.

"Hi Mum," Darla grinned at her mother. "You just happened to walk in on a slow moment is all."

Luna pushed the pram into the office. "I'd like you girls to meet Caitlin."

"Awwww..." Drew came over to take a look. "Mum she's beautiful."

"And completely healthy according to Lizzy," Luna said gingerly lifting the baby out of the pram.

"How old is she?" Darla asked, running a finger over the baby's smooth cheek. "And how are your other kids doing?"

"She's eight months," Luna replied. "And the others are settling in. Your father is finally making some headway with the two boys--Joey and Zack. And Frankie's really taken a shine to Hannah."

"Frankie?" Drew asked taken aback. "Frankie Barron?"

Luna laughed. "The one and only."

Drew shook her head. "Wow..."

"It's really done a world of good for Hannah," Luna took a seat. "She's already more outgoing, although she still won't talk to your father or Will or any grown up men. I can't exactly blame her for being weary though- she's been through so much."

Their parents had already told them about Hannah's back story.

"That poor girl," Darla said quietly.

"She's so sweet," Luna replied. "You should see the way she lights up when Frankie comes around."

"This is so surreal," Darla said. "The Frankie Barron I know doesn't hang out with children."

Luna smiled. "She's got Caroline, Mia, Emma and even Katie coming over Saturday to meet Hannah."

"That's great," Darla said smiling at her mother. "I'm so glad you and Dad did this. I can't remember seeing you this happy."

"It's nice having children around again," Luna bounced Caitlin gently in her arms. "Keeps my mind off the fact that you all are living on your own now."

"Even little Junior is out on his own," Drew said.

"He's so excited about his first game," Luna said. "He told me to make sure you both can make it."

"We wouldn't miss it," Drew promised.

"Ethan and Maddie will be back by then too," Luna said. "They're having a blast on their honeymoon."

"They came up for air long enough to give you a call?" Drew asked teasingly.

"Just once," Luna grinned.

"I'm so happy for her," Darla said softly. "She's wanted this her entire life."

"You both did such a wonderful job on the wedding," Luna praised. "It was everything she wanted it to be."

Drew grinned. "I'm glad you're here actually. The photographer sent over the proofs from the wedding. Want to see?"

"Of course!" Luna set the sleeping baby back into the pram.

Drew looked around her desk for the proofs and grinned when she saw them. "Darla, get the box of tissues ready for Mum."

Darla laughed and grabbed the box from her desk.

The first shot was of Maddie standing in the garden holding her bouquet and looking absolutely radiant.

"She looks absolutely gorgeous!" Luna's eyes teared up immediately.

"She does," Drew said putting an arm around her mother. "And there's all of us bridesmaids..."

"You all look stunning," Luna wiped her eyes. "And Ethan's so handsome..."

"If you're like this, I can't imagine what Daddy will be like when he sees them," Darla said with a grin.

"He'll be just like I am," Luna replied. "He's going to be worse when you two get married."

"Drew's closer than I am," Darla said with a wicked grin at her twin. "Aren't you, Drew?"

"I don't know about that," Drew said. "You and Hans--" she suddenly pressed her lips together.

"What?" Darla asked.

"Just my bloody stomach again," Drew muttered.

Luna touched her daughter's forehead. "Are you ill, sweetheart?"

"I don't know," Drew said. "It comes and it goes."

"I haven't heard anything about a bug going around," Luna said thoughtfully. "Maybe you should have a healer..."

"Maybe I will," Drew said. "When I have a few free minutes to do so."

"You're working too hard," Luna said shaking her head. "You girls need to slow down."

"Usually around this time of year we are slow," Darla told her mother. "But since Mad Dog's wedding and everything, business has picked up. Drew and I were just talking about hiring another person."

"I think you should," Luna said. Darla looked perfectly healthy, but Drew looked quite pale. "I'm worried about you."

"I'm all right Mum," Drew replied.

Luna gave her a hug. "Take care of yourself, sweetheart. That's all I ask."

"I promise if I don't start feeling better tomorrow I'll go see a healer," Drew promised.

"I should get Caitlin back home," Luna said.

"I'll walk you out, Mum," Darla said. "I have a meeting."

Luna kissed her daughter goodbye. "Come on over for dinner soon and meet the kids," she said.

"I will," Drew promised. "Give Daddy a big hug and kiss from me."

Darla walked outside. "I have to admit, I'm a bit worried about her," she confided to her mother. "She was like this right before she found out she was pregnant last time."

Luna stopped in her tracks. "Pregnant? Do you think she might be....that she could be...?"

"I think there's a pretty good chance Mum," Darla said. "But don't say anything to anyone. I don't know for sure. Drew doesn't even know."

"I-I won't," Luna stammered. "Make her go to a healer, Darla."

"I'll convince her to," Darla hugged her mother.

"I love you, sweetheart," Luna said hugging her back.

"Love you too," Darla replied. "I'll talk to Hans tonight about coming over for dinner soon."

"We'd love that," Luna said with a smile. "He seems like such a nice young man. I think what he did at the wedding was so romantic."

Darla grinned. "We'll see what happens there."

Back in the office, Drew was contemplating running to the shop next door to get some saltine crackers. The phone rang and she spent the next ten minutes setting up an interview with another couple. She hung up the phone and wrote the appointment down. As she did so, she caught sight of the date.

"I'm late," she whispered.

Her heart seemed to stop yet pound erratically at the same time as she flipped through her book. "Oh Merlin..."

This couldn't be, she thought. She and Brian had taken every precaution necessary. But there had been that one time....

Drew put her face in her hands. After the way Paul had reacted to the news of her pregnancy, and even though Brian was as different from Paul as night and day, she couldn't help the feeling of trepidation at the thought of telling him she might possibly be expecting their child.

There was no possible way she'd be able to concentrate on her meeting this afternoon. She picked up the phone and left a message on the bride-to-be's voice mail that she'd have to reschedule and would call her back tomorrow.

Drew debated on whether or not she should owl Lizzy but decided to go to someone more anonymous who didn't know her family. She wasn't quite sure she wanted this news to come out if she was indeed pregnant.

She quickly scribbled a note for Darla telling her that she wasn't feeling well and that she rescheduled her interview and not to worry.

A half hour later found Drew lying on an examination table in a Muggle clinic while the doctor gave her a pregnancy test.

"Do you have any children?" the doctor asked her.

Drew shook her head silently. "I um... I had a miscarriage."

The doctor made some notes in her file. "And when was your last cycle, Miss Weasley?"

"A few months ago," Drew answered quietly.

"Right," the doctor said nodding. "Okay, then."

"This is exactly how I was the last time," Drew rubbed her arms.

"We should know in a few minutes," the doctor said quietly. "I just need to check in with the lab. You can get dressed."

"Thank you," Drew nodded.

The doctor left her alone in the examination room and Drew quickly changed back into her own clothes. She shivered as she looked around the room.

"Miss Weasley?" the doctor knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Drew spun around nervously.

"I have your results," he said coming inside the room and closing the door behind him. "You are pregnant. About 14 weeks along, by my estimate."

Drew sat down limply in the chair by the door. She swallowed hard and nodded.

"You seem to be very healthy and I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to carry this pregnancy to term," the doctor continued. "I'll prescribe some pre-natal vitamins for you and you should start taking those as soon as possible."

"I will," Drew said hoarsely. "Thank you."

"I'd like to see you again in about a month," the doctor said. "You can make an appointment at reception. And perhaps you can bring your husband along for support."

"Right," Drew nodded.

"Congratulations," the doctor said smiling at her. "Good day."

"Thank you again," Drew numbly left the office without making another appointment. She aimlessly headed down the pavement towards her and Darla's house.

She reminded herself that Brian was not Paul, but she was still apprehensive about telling him. They had agreed that they weren't in any hurry and were happy just being boyfriend and girlfriend. A baby was a huge, huge step and would change both of their lives forever.

She was surprised to see her sister in the hall applying some lip gloss when she walked in the door. "What are you still doing here?" Drew asked. "I thought you were meeting Hans."

"I am, but I wanted to change outfits first," Darla replied. "Are you feeling any better?"

Drew started to shake her head but her face crumpled. "Dar," she began to cry. "What if he's angry?"

Darla turned around in alarm to look at her sister. Immediately, she crossed the room and gave her sister a hug. "Drew, what are you talking about? Hey---"

"I'm pregnant," Drew sobbed.

Darla had expected this especially after witnessing her sister's behaviour when she was pregnant with Hope. She took her sister's hand and led her over to the sofa. "Calm down, Drew. It's okay."

"We didn't want kids," Drew wiped her eyes. "Not yet anyway. We aren't even talking about marriage and here I find out I'm over three months along!"

Darla handed her sister a tissue. "Three"

"Yeah," Drew wiped her eyes again. "Darla what if he's angry? I can't face that sort of rejection again."

"He won't be angry," Darla said softly. "He loves you and he's nothing in the world like that wanker Paul."

"I'm just so scared," Drew confessed.

Darla hugged her sister again. "I'm sure he'll be taken aback like you were when he finds out, but he'll be right by your side, Drew. I know it. And if he by some odd chance he isn't, I'll castrate him myself."

Drew smiled at her sister. "Thanks for being here again Dar. It's nice to know I can always count on you."

"Of course you can," Darla said smiling back at her. "You're going to have a baby, Drew!"

Drew nodded. "I'll have to tell Brian tonight."

"No time like the present," Darla said squeezing her hand.

"You go on ahead and meet Hans," Drew replied, giving her sister another hug. "I don't want to keep you."

Darla hesitated. She wasn't sure she should leave her sister. "You sure you don't want me to be there with you when you tell him?"

"I've got to do it myself," Drew shook her head.

Darla stood up. "Okay, but I have my mobile with me and all you have to do is call me and I'll be right by your side. Hans or no Hans."

"Thanks," Drew was already feeling a bit better.

Darla grabbed her bag and cloak and looked at her sister once more who simply nodded. Darla smiled reassuringly at her before Apparating away.

Drew changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and jumper before she picked up the phone to ring Brian. They hadn't made plans to do anything that night so she hoped he'd be home.

"Drew!" Brian exclaimed happily when he picked up the phone. "I'm so glad to hear your voice. You wouldn't believe the day I had."

"Hey," Drew said. "What are you up to tonight?"

"Spending the evening with you, I hope," Brian replied.

"I have something I need to talk to you about," Drew said, still feeling a bit nervous. "Can you come over?"

"Sure," he answered. "Give me a few minutes to get changed and I'll be right there."

"All right," she said before hanging up. She finger combed her hair nervously and pinched her cheeks, hoping to bring a little colour to her face.

She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she heard Brian let himself inside the flat.

"Drew?" he called out. "Sweetheart?"

"I'm in here," she called from the sitting room.

Brian came into the sitting room with a grin. "You won't believe what happened today at work. Your grandfather..."

His words trailed off as he saw the look on her face. "What's going on? Are you still feeling bad?"

"I'm all right," Drew said as he sat down next to her. "What did my grandfather do?"

Brian grinned. "We had a raid at this old Muggle toy shop. You should have seen the look on his face! It was like he'd died and gone to heaven."

Drew smiled. "He loves all that stuff. Even in retirement he'll find a reason to come back for a raid."

"He was fascinated by a yo-yo," Brian chuckled. "And when I showed him some of the tricks I knew..."

"That was nice of you," Drew leaned in and wrapped her arms around him.

Brian smiled. "He's really great. I think he loves the idea of coming in once or twice a week to help out. Makes him feel like he's still in the thick of things."

"Exactly," Drew gave him a kiss.

"So how was your day?" Brian asked. "Still swamped?"

Drew nodded. "I um... had to leave work early. Its part of the reason I wanted you to come over here tonight..."

"I know," Brian teased. "You couldn't bear the thought of being away from me for so long. You weren't even able to work..."

"I'm pregnant," Drew blurted out.

Brian paled. "I beg your pardon? It sounded to me like just said you were...that you were..."

Drew sighed. "I just found out today Brian," she answered quietly. "I'm pregnant. A little over three months along."

Brian was completely and utterly speechless. They'd never talked about having children. And here Drew was three months pregnant with his child.

"I'll understand if you want nothing more to do with me," Drew's voice shook.

Brian stared at her. "Not want anything more to do with you?"

Tears filled her eyes again. "That's what happened before..."

He took her hands in his. "It's not going to happen this time, Drew. I'll be honest with you, this has thrown me for a loop, but---we're---we're having a baby!"

"So you're not angry with me?" Drew stared at him.

"Don't be daft," he said cupping her face. "Drew, I love you!"

Drew closed her eyes as Brian crashed her lips to his.

When they broke apart, Brian smiled at her. "A baby. Our baby..."

"We're really going to have a baby," Drew was still crying but now it was for a different reason.

Brian patted her still flat stomach. "It's too soon to know what it is, isn't it?"

"I didn't ask," Drew replied. "I'm going to start showing really soon- I can't believe I haven't started already."

"I can't wait to tell my dad and step mum," Brian said beaming at her. "I'm sure Darla already knows, but what about your parents?"

"I haven't told anyone aside from Dar," Drew leaned against him.

"Are you happy?" he asked her. "I know all you went through with Hope..."

"As long as you're okay, I'm happy," Drew told him.

"I'm over the moon," he said kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," Drew hugged him tightly. "I just got a little scared after last time."

"It's okay," Brian reassured her. "But you know I'd never treat you like he did, Drew. In fact, it gives me the perfect excuse to give you something I've been meaning to do for quite some time, actually."

"What's that?" she asked.

Brian stood up. "Well, this is going to be kind of a lame proposal since I don't have the ring paid off yet..."

He got down on one knee. "Drew Weasley, will you marry me?"

"Brian," Drew's eyes filled up with tears again. "Of course I will."

Brian beamed at her and engulfed her in a hug. "I'm sorry I don't have the ring. I have two more payments on it."

"It's okay," Drew said, laughing as he spun her around the room. "I don't mind if you don't have a ring yet."

"I was planning on asking you on your birthday," Brian said after he'd kissed her. "And after I asked your Dad..."

"I don't think he'll mind," Drew said. "Especially after he finds out about the baby."

"Want to tell them now?" Brian asked her. "You don't think he'll hate me for impregnating his daughter or engaging in premarital relations?"

Drew shook her head. "We can go tell them now if you want. And if you want to tell your dad and step mum we can do that too."

"We'll make the rounds," Brian said giving her another kiss. "Drew, I love you so much!"

His exuberance made her laugh. "I love you too Brian," she said. "You make me so happy."

"And we have six months to fight over names," Brian teased.

"Do you want to find out what it is or do you want to be surprised?" Drew asked.

"Whatever you want," Brian replied. "Either way is fine by me."

"I'd kind of like to know," Drew said thoughtfully.

"Me too," Brian admitted.

"We'll have to go to the healer in a few weeks," Drew said. "We'll try and find out then."

"Sounds good to me," Brian said giving her another kiss. "You ready to go and see your folks?"

Drew nodded, feeling much more confident now.

Meanwhile across the city, Darla was just meeting up with Hans.

"I took the liberty of ordering you a drink," Hans said when she joined him at the bar.

"Cosmo?" she asked.

"Of course," Hans said giving her a proper kiss hello. "You look gorgeous."

"Thanks," Darla smiled at him. "So do you."

"You ready to get a table?" he asked her.

"Sure, I'm starving," Darla replied.

Hans motioned to Antonio, the proprietor of the restaurant and an old friend of the couple. He happily showed them to a corner booth.

"Thank you Tony," Darla smiled at him. "This is perfect.

"After what you and your sister did for my daughter's wedding, I'm happy to do it," Antonio said pecking her on the cheek. "Gina was so happy..."

"She's such a sweet girl," Darla replied. "She made such a beautiful bride."

Antonio beamed at her. "And you gave her such a beautiful ceremony!"

"We'd do it all over again if you wanted us to," Darla replied as Hans held out her seat for her.

"How about we start you both out with some Bruschetta?" Antonio offered. "On the house."

"Thank you," Hans said. "That sounds fantastic."

Darla smiled as Antonio walked away. "He's such a sweet man."

Hans nodded. "Gave us the best table in the house."

Darla grinned. "Well, he's known my father for years. In fact, he likes to joke that my dad keeps him in business. Well, Daddy and Maddie."

Hans laughed. "That I can see."

Darla took a sip of her drink wondering when she should bring up their talk. She decided to play it by ear.

"You will be able to go with me to RJ's match next weekend, right?" she asked.

"I'm hoping to," Hans nodded.

"Win or lose, we're holding a party for him at the Burrow afterwards," Darla said. "And my family would really like to get to know you better. That last time was a bit of a disaster."

"Right," Hans said. "Well if for some reason I can't make it to the game, I'll definitely be at the party. But at this point I hope to make it to both."

Darla smiled. "I'd really like that."

"Great," Hans said, reaching for her hand.

Darla drew back. "I-I think we should talk."

He nodded. "That's why we're here..."

Drew sighed. "No, really talk. Every time, I've tried, you've put me off."

"I'll listen to whatever you have to say," Hans said. "I don't want to screw this up Dar."

"My family is very important to me," Darla began. "And I know you're not as close to yours as I am to mine, and that's okay."

"I understand that," Hans said.

"And I know that we've both been busy, but it really hurt me when you acted the way you did that night my parents were over," Darla continued.

"I'm so sorry about that Dar," Hans said. "But the thing is too, you also have to realise that my career rises and falls. I get busy sometimes with shoots and I forget things."

"I do realise that," Darla responded. "But---"

"Here's your Bruschetta," Antonio said placing the plate in front of them. "Do you have any idea what you'd like for your entree?"

"Oh... not yet." Hans pulled a menu to him. "Give us a moment?"

"Of course," Antonio said, nodding before he headed to another table.

Darla decided to tell him what she was really upset about. She had thought about not even bringing it up, but since they were talking, she wanted to bring everything out in the open.

"There's something else," Darla said quietly.

"What?" Hans looked up.

"A few days back, I ran into Christian and Kylie," Darla said referring to two of Hans' modelling friends. "Kylie told me that Billie was back in town."

Billie was one of Hans' ex-girlfriends and he'd come close to marrying her. What troubled Darla was the fact that Hans hadn't mentioned it to her.

Hans stared at her. "What's your point Dar?"

"Kylie said that she took you all out for drinks the other night," Darla replied.

"Yeah after a shoot," Hans sat back. "Billie means nothing to me anymore."

"You told me you went out with the guys after that shoot," Darla reminded him.

"I don't even remember what I told you anymore," Hans replied. "Dar..."

"That selective memory of yours," Darla said sarcastically.

Hans felt himself starting to get annoyed. "Look I thought you wanted to come here to talk, not to play the accusation game."

"I do want to talk," Darla hissed. "You're getting awfully defensive, don't you think?"

"No, I don't think." Hans replied tightly. "You're insinuating things that aren't true. So what if Billie's back in town? I'm not with her am I? I'm not in love with her anymore. I'm in love with you, Darla Weasley."

"Why didn't you tell me she was back?" Darla asked him, not willing to let this go.

"I honestly didn't think it mattered that much," Hans said.

"It matters to me," Darla said angrily. "You nearly married her! And she's a complete knockout, for another."

"So are you," Hans said.

"I'm not a supermodel though, am I?" Darla said looking down at the tablecloth.

"You don't have to be," Hans moved his chair closer. "I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world Darla."

Darla shook her head. "I think you might need glasses."

"Why are you suddenly so doubtful?" Hans asked. "Just over Billie?"

Darla nodded. "She's beautiful and you almost married her, Hans. And she's the one person I think you'd leave me for..."

"I don't ever want to leave you," Hans said quietly.

"You don't?" Darla asked.

"No," he shook his head. "I keep telling you, I love you. While we were fighting I was fucking miserable."

"Me too," Darla admitted, her lower lip trembling.

"That's why I pulled out of my shoot to come to your sister's wedding," Hans reached for her hand.

"Oh, Hans," Darla said squeezing his hand. "I'm sorry for being so insecure."

"It's okay baby," Hans said. "At the risk of sounding completely corny, I only have eyes for you."

"That is pretty corny," Darla admitted resting her forehead on his. "But I love it just the same."

"I love you sweetheart," Hans traced her cheek with his finger.

"I love you too," Darla said smiling at him. "So, we're okay?"

"I hope so," he said.

Darla gave him a chaste kiss. "I'll try to be more understanding."

"I'll try to be more available." Hans promised.

Drew smiled. "I'm glad we finally got all this out in the open."

"Me too," he gave her a kiss.

"Let's order now," Darla said grinning at him. "We have loads to celebrate."

"Right," Hans said. "We have all night..."

"Well," Darla said. "Hopefully, we do. Something's going on with Drew and I need to check in with her later to make sure everything's okay."

"Is she all right?" Hans asked after Antonio had come to take their order and gone.

Darla debated telling him, but she had a feeling that Drew wouldn't mind. "She found out today that she was pregnant."

"Drew's pregnant?" Hans's eyebrows shot up.

Darla nodded. "A little over three months along. She's telling Brian tonight, but she's a little worried about telling him after what happened with Paul."

"I don't think she's got anything to worry about," Hans said thoughtfully. "Brian's mad about her."

"That's what I told her," Darla said. "And I told her to ring me if there were any problems."

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Hans said.

"Me too," Darla said.

The rest of their dinner went by fast and soon enough Hans and Darla found themselves back at his place.

"Let me just check in with Drew," Darla said fishing her mobile out of her bag.

"I'll go get us a glass of wine," Hans went into the kitchen area.

Darla nodded as she punched in their home number. The answering machine picked up so Darla decided to try her sister's mobile.

"Drew?" Darla asked when she heard someone pick up the phone. "I can barely hear you...Drew?"

"Dar!" Drew exclaimed. "I'm getting married!"

"WHAT?" Darla squealed. "DREW!"

Hans looked up. "What is it?"

"Drew and Brian are engaged!" Darla told her boyfriend. "Isn't that fantastic?"

"Hey tell them congratulations!" Hans said with a grin.

"Hans says congratulations," Darla told her sister. "Where are you now?"

"At Mum and Dad's," Drew said. "We've just told them the news."

"How'd they take it?" Darla asked.

"Mum cried," Drew said. "And Dad was a little emotional but they're excited about having a new grandchild."

"You're putting pressure on me and Maddie and RJ," Darla teased.

"I certainly hope RJ isn't ready anytime soon," Drew laughed. "But you were right Dar. I was worrying over nothing."

"I told you so, "Darla said. "Let me talk to Dad."

There was some muffled conversation and then she heard her father's voice. "Hi sweetheart," he said.

"Hiya Grandpa," Darla said giggling.

"Very funny," Ron replied. "I can't believe your sister is pregnant."

"I know," Darla said. "You're being nice to Brian, aren't you?"

"Of course I am," Ron replied. "He makes my girl happy."

"He sure does," Darla said. "And that's all we can ask for."

"You're with Hans tonight?" Ron asked her.

"Yes, we just finished dinner at Antonio's," Darla said. "And he's promised he'll try and make it for RJ's match next weekend."

"We can't wait to see him again," Ron replied. "All the kids here are looking forward to the game."

"As much as the proud father?" Darla teased.

"You'd better believe it," Ron said. "I'll let you go sweetheart."

"Congratulations, Daddy," Darla said. "Tell Mum hi for me."

"I will," Ron said. "We'll see you soon Darla."

Darla clicked off her phone and smiled at Hans. "I'm so happy for them, Hans."

"Me too," he handed her a glass of Chardonnay.

"Thank you," she said taking the glass. "I guess this is a wedding I'll be planning on my own."

Hans smiled at her. "Come here," he said, pulling her over to the sofa.

"This is nice," Darla said setting her glass on the end table.

"Yeah it is," he reached for her hand. "I love being alone with you."

"Me too," Darla said giving him a kiss.

Hans worked his arms around her, keeping her body against his.

"You smell of garlic," Darla whispered.

Hans laughed. "You don't exactly smell like a rose either."

Darla poked his side. "So I guess we cancel each other out then."

"Something like that," he pressed his lips to hers again.

Darla kissed him back, enjoying being with him without having their problems hanging over her head. This was really going to be a new start for them.