Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thank you for the response to Chapter 300! We appreciate it! Tonight's chapter finds us back with the Hogwarts gang! Enjoy!

It was the first day of classes for the new semester and Katie was eager to show off her Malfoy ring to her friends. Katie had hidden it inside her trunk and it had taken everything she had not to take it out on the train to show her friends.

Katie tied her hair back in a little ponytail. She loved the way the green streaks looked with her school uniform. Looking around, she removed the ring from her trunk and put it around her neck on a chain.

"What are you doing?" Lindsey asked. She and Katie were no longer friends, but she knew when Katie was up to something.

"Nothing," Katie said loftily.

Lindsey rolled her eyes. "I'm going to have breakfast with Erin. Excuse me."

Katie checked her reflection in the mirror once more before grabbing her school bag and heading out of the room. She had a great holiday, but now, she was glad to be back at school. She never thought in a million years she would have said that, but it was true. She really felt that she belonged here.

"Good morning, Katherine," Jemima smiled at her when she descended into the common room.

"Good morning," Katie smiled back. "How were your hols, Jem?"

"They were wonderful," Jemima said. "We missed you at my party... it was quite the do. Tristan and I had LOADS of fun."

Katie bit her bottom lip. She had lied to Jemima that the reason she could not go was because she was attending a party her father was throwing with some industry people. She was not going to tell her that she had spent New Year's Eve with Caroline and Emma. It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed it, but it was not something she wanted to share with Jemima.

"We sneaked off at midnight to have our own celebration, if you know what I mean," Jemima said as Katie and Piper followed her to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"What?" Katie asked innocently.

"She means they snogged," Piper said disdainfully. "Don't you first years know ANYTHING?"

"Of, of course," Katie said hastily.

"Well it was just absolutely grand," Jemima said. "I couldn't' think of a better party."

"But, I'm sure your party was exciting too," Piper said to Katie. "Your father's thing. I would have thought it would have been in the papers."

"It was sort of low key," Katie explained hastily.

"Maybe we should ask your sister about it," Piper said, motioning to the Gryffindor table where Ashley was sitting with her friends.

"No," Katie said quickly. "I mean... she didn't really go... she went out with her own friends. You should see the guy she was with, he was so, so hot."

"Ashley Malfoy?" Jemima asked taken aback. "I thought she was dating that loser Zander something."

"No," Katie shook her head. "Not since the summer. She met this bloke James on New Year's Eve and she told me they kissed at midnight."

"Is this James a Muggle?" Piper asked.

"No," Katie shook her head.

"Where does he go to school?" Jemima asked as they took their seats.

"He lives in France," Katie reported. "And he goes to Beauxbatons. He wants to be a musician someday."

"Hmmm," Jemima considered this for a moment.

"I didn't really get to talk to him, but he was gorgeous," Katie poured herself some juice.

"I really like your hair," Jemima commented.

"Thank you," Katie glowed. "It looks so great with my uniform. I'm going to have to find a way to wear green and silver all the time now."

Piper sighed. "Green streaks. How original."

Katie glared at her. "I don't see YOU with any streaks in your hair."

"Piper, be nice," Jemima told her. "Katherine here is trying to be original. She's right. No one else in Slytherin has them."

Katie smiled smugly at Piper. "There's something else I want to show you too," she said to Jemima, displaying the ring.

Jemima's eyes grew large. "Katherine."

"It's the Malfoy family ring," Katie said. "My dad's parents showed up Christmas day and my grandfather gave this to me when he found out I was in Slytherin."

"How old is it?" Piper asked.

"He said it's been in my family for generations," Katie said, rubbing her finger over the silver engraving.

"I can't believe your father let you have it," Jemima commented. "You said that he wasn't close to Draco Malfoy, right?"

"He doesn't know I have it," she confessed. "He used a spell to put it in my pocket."

Jemima smiled. "He was one of the best. Everyone thinks so."

Katie straightened up proudly.

"Well done, Katherine," Piper admitted reluctantly.

"Thank you," Katie said, glowing.

Jemima looked at Katie. "Can I have a better look then?"

"Sure," Katie leaned forward. "I've got it on a chain."

Jemima watched as Katie unclasped the chain and handed it over. Jemima studied the ornate engravings on the ring.

"This is really quite exquisite," Jemima finally said.

"I'm really glad you think so, Jem," Katie said happily.

Jemima reluctantly handed it back. "Take care of that ring."

"I will," Katie said putting it back around her neck. "It's very important to me."

Jemima kept her eyes on it for a few more moments before turning her attention to Tristan.

Katie looked over at the Gryffindor table and caught her sister's eye. She gave a little wave.

Ashley smiled back at her sister.

"I really do like her streaks," Brittany said following Ashley's gaze. "I wonder how my hair would look with red streaks..."

"Here we go," Zander groaned.

Ashley laughed. "Zander..."

"I think I'd look great," Brittany replied.

"My parents actually told me if I wanted red streaks I could get them," Ashley said.

"You're not going to do it are you?" Zander asked.

"Probably not," Ashley said. "I like my hair the way it is."

"I do too," Zander said smiling at her.

"Thanks," Ashley said as Celia joined them.

"Good morning," Celia said. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here. I know I'm not in Gryffindor..."

"I don't mind," Zander said, kissing her on the cheek.

Celia grinned. "Thanks."

"So," Brittany said coyly. "Have you heard from James, Ash?"

Ashley blushed. "Yes."

"What did he say?" Brittany asked.

"He just wanted me to have a safe trip back to Hogwarts and that he'd write to me," Ashley told her.

"After that snog you two had on New Year's I'd think it would be juicier than that," Brittany said.

Zander glared at his cousin. "Brit, stop that."

"What?" Brittany asked. "They fancy each other. Just like you and Celia."

"They don't fancy each other," Zander replied. "I mean, the bloke lives all the way in France."

"Well," Brittany said. "Ashley, do you fancy James?"

"I fancy my art," Ashley said. "That's the most important thing in my life right now."

"See?" Zander asked his cousin.

Brittany stuck her tongue out at him.

"I guess I do fancy him a little bit," Ashley confessed. "It does help that he's far away and we can write."

Zander stabbed his fork into a waffle.

"It's not that big a deal," Ashley murmured.

"It is," Brittany argued.

"Look, my art and school are the most important things right now," Ashley said. "When I feel ready, I'll make time for blokes too."

"I'll back off," Brittany said holding up her hands. "But, I think you can have both in your life."

"When I'm ready," Ashley told her.

"Yeah, yeah," Brittany said waving her hand dismissively.

Ashley shook her head and returned to her breakfast.

"Zander, I'm really looking forward to your match next weekend," Celia said.

"I just hope we win," Zander said fervently. "We've been practising really hard."

"Slytherin doesn't have a chance," Celia said loyally.

Zander smiled at her. "You'll be cheering me on, right?"

Celia smiled back at him. "Of course."

Brittany pulled her Divination textbook out of her bag. "I cannot wait to get started on this term."

Zander rolled his eyes. "Brit, that stuff is rubbish. Ash and me are at least taking something that we will actually be able to use."

"You don't have to like it but I believe in it," Brittany said defensively.

"You would," Zander teased.

"Zander stop teasing her," Ashley said.

"It's like breathing," Zander said finishing his cup of tea.

Brittany reached for the cup. "Well, let me just see what the tea leaves say for you, Ye of Little Faith."

"Rubbish," Zander muttered. "Some soaked up tea leaves aren't going to predict my future."

Brittany looked inside the cup and studied the shape of the leaves. "Ooooh..."

Zander rolled his eyes.

Brittany looked at her book to confirm what she saw and what it meant. "Okay---see how the leaves look like a broken necklace? That means that there is danger ahead for your love life."

"Uh oh," Evan laughed, looking between Zander and Celia. "Trouble on the horizon."

"Rubbish," Zander said dismissively.

"And here... the crescent moon..." Brittany looked at her book. "Tonight should bring a new arrival for you..."

"A new arrival of what?" Zander asked.

"Um..." Brittany consulted her book. "Just... something new."

Zander rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"She's just learning," Ashley said in Brittany's defence. "Come on Zander, be a sport."

"Can I read yours?" Brittany asked, reaching for Ashley's cup.

"Sure," Ashley replied. "I'm sure it's not that interesting..."

"What does it say, Brit?" Evan asked.

"It says Ashley will discover something new," Brittany reported. "Or is discovering something new."

"James," Celia said in a sing-song voice.

Ashley blushed deeply.

Brittany smiled. "So what do you think now, Zander? Still think it's rubbish?"

"Yes," Zander snapped.

Ashley laughed as she gathered her belongings. "Come on, Zander. We'll be late for Ancient Runes."

Zander nodded and said a quick goodbye to Celia before setting off with Ashley for class.

"That was really total rubbish back there," Zander said. "All that nonsense about that bloke James..."

"Well," Ashley grinned at him. "You just wait and see if you receive something tonight and then we'll talk. You're supposed to find a new arrival."

"Yeah right," Zander rolled his eyes. "Ridiculous nonsense."

"You just love giving your cousin a hard time," Ashley nudged him.

"What I live for," he said dryly.

Ashley laughed. "She says the same thing."

"Did you understand those problems in the homework we got over Christmas hols?" Zander asked her.

Ashley nodded. "Most of them. Except for those last five. Did you get those?"

"No," he admitted sheepishly.

"Maybe we can compare answers," Ashley said. "We're a good team."

"Okay," he agreed. "We'd better hurry."

Ashley and Zander made their way into the classroom and sat at their usual table.

"Okay," Ashley opened her book. "This one was really difficult but I think we can get it. I really hate to turn my homework in unfinished."

A couple of the Slytherin boys came into the room.

"Murray," Sebastian Delaney said with a sneer. "Are you ready for the arse kicking you and the other Gryffindorks are going to receive next weekend?"

"We're going to cream you lot," Zander replied.

Sebastian laughed. "Right, with that second-hand broom of yours?"

"You lot don't know anything," Ashley said. "It just so happens, Zander got the SideWinder 10000 for Christmas."

The two Slytherin boys gaped at her. "No way."

Ashley smiled smugly but Zander looked at her worriedly. He hadn't gotten a SideWinder 10000 for Christmas- the broom wasn't even due out on the market for another month.

"So, you'd better practise," Ashley told them.

The two Slytherins stumbled away, talking frantically between themselves.

"Um, Ashley," Zander said in a hushed voice.

"I'll take care of it," she whispered.

Zander raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"You trust me, right?" Ashley asked, pulling a piece of parchment out of her bag.

"Of course," Zander replied.

"My grandfather got one for Christmas," Ashley confided. "I'll ask him if you can borrow it."

"Ash, I couldn't ask---" Zander started to say.

"If he won't borrow it, we'll figure something else out." Ashley said. "He's really generous and if it's just for one game..."

"You don't have to," Zander told her.

"I want to," Ashley told him firmly. "I'll take this to the owlery after class."

Zander smiled at her. "You're the best. You know that?"

"Oh I try," Ashley joked, tucking the letter into her bag.

Zander instinctively reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thanks."

"You're my best friend," Ashley said. "And I want to see you beat the trousers off that lot."

Zander grinned. "With that broom, I'm sure we will."

"You could do it without the broom," Ashley said loyally.

"I don't know about that," Zander said suddenly realising he was still holding her hand. "Um---we should get back to work on those problems."

"Right," Ashley replied.

Sebastian nudged his friend. "Murray and Malfoy sure look cosy."

"What else is new?" Martin Donough smirked.

"Celia never mentioned anything about him having a SideWinder," Sebastian said.

"Maybe she didn't know," Martin shrugged.

Sebastian yanked his textbook out of his bag. "She said she knew everything there was to know about him."

"Well what do you want me to say?" Martin asked, annoyed. "This was your idea you know."

"Should have known better than to trust a Hufflepuff," Sebastian said. "But, I mean, Murray's so stupid, he even let her watch him practise. We know most of their plays, mate."

"Then there's no way they can win even if he's got a Sidewinder," Martin replied.

"And they can't find out that we know," Sebastian said. He looked over at Zander. "Would you look at him? All smug..."

"We'll wipe the grass with him," Martin said disdainfully.

"Yes, we will," Sebastian said smirking in Zander's direction.

After class was over Ashley and Zander hurried up to the Owlery to post the letter to Harry.

"You know if your grandfather can't do it, it's okay," Zander reassured his friend. "I mean, it's the SideWinder. If I owned one, I'd never let anyone breathe on it, let alone borrow it."

"I hope he will," Ashley said. "He's got loads of racing brooms..."

Zander looked at her. 'Ash, we're not going to tell Brit about this, are we? I mean, this could be the 'arrival' she foresaw in my tea leaves and I never, ever want to admit she's right."

Ashley laughed. "She might figure it out on her own, Zander."

Zander watched as Ashley and Katie's owl, Ophelia, flew over to her. Ashley smiled at her owl. "How are you doing, girl?"

Ophelia nipped at her finger gently before settling down on the perch and allowing Ashley to tie the letter to her leg.

"Take this to Grandpa," Ashley said to her owl.

"I guess we'll find out tonight," Zander watched the owl fly away.

Ashley nodded. "Grandpa wouldn't let us down, Zander. I know it."

"Hopefully," Zander replied. "Come on, we've got Care of Magical Creatures in ten minutes."

Ashley could not wait to see Hagrid and see how his holidays were. She followed Zander downstairs and they met up with Brittany and Evan along the way.

"Where's your better half?" Evan teased Zander.

Zander shrugged. "I suppose she'll be along. She had Potions first thing this morning."

"Ugh," Brittany said. "That's not a face I'd want to see right after breakfast."

Ashley laughed. "Brit!"

"You're the only one he likes," Brittany said.

Ashley tossed her hair. "Well, that's because I'm fabulous, of course."

Brittany laughed and took Ashley's arm. "I have to tell you about my Divination lesson today."

"Oh yeah?" Ashley asked. "What happened?"

"I was right when I predicted what moon would be in the same orbit as the outer planets tonight," Brittany said. "I'm getting so good at this stuff."

"That's great, Brit," Ashley said sincerely.

Zander snorted. "Did you see Uranus?"

Brittany looked over her shoulder at her cousin. "How old are you?"

"Older than you," Zander returned.

Brittany rolled her eyes.

"You two," Ashley shook her head.

"That joke is older than our great-grandfather," Brittany told her cousin. "Uranus. Honestly."

Zander began laughing again. "Did you look at Uranus with Trelawney?"
Evan could not help laughing at this while Ashley tried to stifle her own giggle.

"Oh, you're all just so funny," Brittany said, annoyed.

"We're sorry, Brit," Ashley said, nudging Zander.

"You are," Zander said. "I'm not."

Ashley took Zander's arm and led him ahead of Evan and Brittany.

"Come on, Ash," Zander said. "You thought it was funny."

"It was," Ashley agreed. "But you know she's sensitive."

Zander nodded and was about to say something when he spotted a strange looking creature standing in front of Hagrid's hut.

"Hippogriff," Ashley whispered, a slow smile spreading across her face.

"Wow..." Zander said, impressed.

"Come on!" Ashley said excitedly.

"Wow!" Brittany squealed, also catching sight of the creature. "Hagrid!"

"Easy, you lot," Hagrid cautioned them.

Ashley stopped short and stared at the beautiful hippogriff. "Hagrid is this Buckbeak?"

Hagrid nodded proudly.

"My grandpa rode on you," Ashley said softly.

"How old is he?" Evan asked, causing his friends to laugh.

"Beaky's the oldest hippogriff in existence," Hagrid said proudly.

Fang Junior barked pitifully as he watched Hagrid with the hippogriff. Hagrid sighed. "I should put him inside, but I don't want to leave Buckbeak."

"I can put him inside for you," Ashley offered.

"Thank you," Hagrid beamed at her.

Ashley walked over to the dog and petted him. "Come on, Fang. Let's get you inside."

The enormous dog licked at her hand. "Fang," she laughed.

Ashley was still laughing as she led Fang toward the hut. She was about to enter the house when she heard a familiar voice in the distance. She would have ignored it, but she heard Zander's name mentioned.

"I've done everything you asked!" Celia hissed. "And I don't have time for this! Class is about to start, Sebastian!"

"And you better find out if he's really got a SideWinder," Sebastian snapped.

"I don't even know what that is!" Celia exclaimed. "A broom's a broom, right?"

Sebastian snorted. "No wonder you're in Hufflepuff."

"It didn't stop you from fancying me, did it?" Celia asked angrily.

"Good thing you're cute," Sebastian pulled her to him roughly.

Ashley's jaw dropped as she watched the two of them kiss. How could Celia do this to Zander?

She blindly put Fang into the hut and shut the door. How on earth was she going to tell Zander about this?

Celia stepped out from behind the hut and made a beeline for Zander. Ashley never would have guessed Celia could do something so cruel.

Zander's face lit up when he saw her. "Hiya, Celia."

"Hi," she smiled at him. "I missed you during first class."

"Me too," Zander said, reaching for her hand.

Ashley bit her lower lip and turned away from them. "Brit," she said. "I need to talk to you."

"Oh?" Brittany asked. "About what?"

"About Celia--" Ashley began.

Brittany raised an eyebrow. She led Ashley away from the boys and Celia. "What about her?"

Ashley told her what she'd overheard. "She's faking him out."

Brittany looked over her shoulder at the Hufflepuff girl. "Celia?"

"Yeah," Ashley answered quietly.

"I wouldn't have thought she'd have it in her and for Sebastian of all people!" Brittany said shaking her head.

"I know," Ashley said. "How do we tell him?"

Brittany shrugged. "I'm not sure, but we have to tell him soon. That match is next weekend!"

Ashley nodded. "I'll talk to him after class."

"Look at her," Brittany said disdainfully. "Hanging all over him."

"I can't believe she fooled us all," Ashley said angrily.

"Karma," Brittany said taking Ashley's hand. "Karma."

"Yeah," Ashley said glumly.

Celia smiled sweetly at the two girls. "I was just telling Zander how cool it would be to ride the hippogriff."

"My grandfather did," Ashley said coolly.

"You know Harry Potter, right, Celia?" Brittany asked. "Loyal. Brave. Trustworthy."

"I've never met him," Celia said.

Brittany glared at her. "Right."

"Hey come on," Zander said to Celia. "Hagrid's about to start."

Celia nodded. "Let's go near the front."

"I'd like to rip her hair out," Brittany said darkly.

"Me too," Ashley whispered. She saw Sebastian and his Slytherin cronies in the back.

She hoped desperately that her grandfather would allow Zander to use his broom for the match. That would show Celia and those Slytherin jerks a thing or two.

Hagrid started his lecture about Buckbeak and Ashley tried to pay attention.

"Now, I'd like two volunteers," Hagrid said. "Ashley...and Zander. Come on up here. Remember what I told you. Approach slowly."

Ashley nodded, approaching and keeping her eyes level with Buckbeak's. She remembered reading about hippogriff's liking eye contact.

Zander mirrored Ashley's movements.

Hagrid nodded encouragingly. "Okay, now bow..."

Ashley did as Hagrid instructed and was delighted when the creature bent its legs.

Zander grinned.

"Ashley, Zander, would you like to ride Beaky?" Hagrid asked them.

"Yes!" Ashley said excitedly.

Zander nodded. "Wicked."

Sebastian cackled from the crowd. "Malfoy, you're taking your life in your hands."

"Enough of that," Hagrid said sternly. "This is serious business, with a hippogriff."

Ashley got on the hippogriff first and Zander sat down in front of her.

"Ashley, hold on to Zander now," Hagrid instructed. "In just a moment, I'm going to give Beaky the go-ahead."

Ashley wrapped her arms around Zander's middle. "Don't let go," she joked.

"No worries," Zander told her.

"Go ahead, Beaky," Hagrid touched the creature's neck.

Ashley's breath caught in her throat as the hippogriff took to the sky.

"Whoa!" Zander shouted.

Ashley laughed and rested her chin on Zander's shoulder. "This is awesome!" she called out to him.

"I like a broom better," he said loudly. "But this is pretty incredible!"

Ashley couldn't have agreed more. She hadn't flown much on a broom, but this was exhilarating. The wind was blowing through her hair and she

Buckbeak took a sharp turn downward and both of them laughed happily.

"He's showing off now," Ashley called out to Zander.

"But this is fantastic!" Zander said as the creature headed back for the hut.

Ashley held on tightly to Zander.

Buckbeak came to a bit of a rough landing, jarring them both. "That was FUN!" Zander said enthusiastically.

"I want a go," Brittany pouted.

"Perhaps later in the lesson," Hagrid told her.

Evan put an arm around his girlfriend. "C'mon, Brit."

Hagrid showed them a few other creatures, but Ashley couldn't really concentrate. She kept looking back at Celia and Sebastian.

"Everything okay?" Zander whispered.

Ashley just shrugged. "Not really... I need to talk to you alone after class."

Zander nodded. They had their morning break after this class and he and Ashley would have plenty of time to talk.

After Brittany had gotten her chance to fly on Buckbeak with Evan, she cornered Ashley. "Are you going to tell him?" she asked.

Ashley was not sure how she would tell him, but he had a right to know what Celia was doing to him behind his back. What kind of friend would she be if she kept quiet about this and stood back while Celia and Sebastian played this out? "Yes, I'm going to talk to him right now."

"Want me to go with you?" Brittany offered.

Ashley shook her head. "Probably be best if I did it on my own."

Brittany nodded, uncharacteristically sober. "I'll back you up if he says anything... and I promise to be nice the rest of the day."

Ashley smiled. "Thanks, Brit. I'll catch up to you later."

She went over to her other best friend. "Hey," she said to Zander. "Um... I overheard something earlier that I think you need to know about."

Zander slung his school bag over his shoulder. "Brit and Evan? Ash, don't tell me..."

"No," Ashley shook her head. "They weren't even there. I heard Ce--"

"Hi!" Celia exclaimed running over to join them.

"Hey Cel," Zander grinned at her.

"That class was so great, wasn't it?" Celia gushed.

For the first time, Ashley noticed that the smile on Celia's face seemed fake. Her eyes were blank as if she were playing a part. She was, Ashley thought angrily.

"Yeah," Zander nodded. "I can't believe I got to ride a hippogriff!"

Celia linked her arm in his. "I bet it's just as much fun as your broom. What kind was it again?"

"Uh..." Zander looked at Ashley, who shook her head slightly. "Let's not talk about brooms, Cel."

"Actually," Ashley said to Celia. "I was hoping for a word with Zander...alone."

"But Zander promised to walk me back up to the castle," Celia pouted.

Zander looked at his best friend. "Um, Cel, Ash asked me right before class ended. I'll catch up to you before next class. I promise."

"But you promised me right before class started," Celia insisted.

Ashley sighed. "Celia, I promise I won't keep him long."

Celia cast her frustrated look. "He's my boyfriend now, Ashley."

Ashley felt the anger rising in her. "I know that, Celia. "

"It's okay," Zander looked back and forth between them. "Ash... I will catch up to you at lunch, okay?"

Ashley nodded reluctantly. "Fine."

Brittany looked anxiously at her when Ashley came back over. "Well?"

"That----Celia!" Ashley muttered. She sank down on the bench beside her friend and told her how Celia had

Interrupted their conversation.

"Maybe she knows you overheard," Brittany replied. "We'll talk to him at lunch and he'll dump her so fast her head will spin."

"He really fancies her," Ashley said quietly.

"I know," Brittany said, biting her lower lip.

On the castle front steps, Zander was sharing a muffin with Celia.

"You're going to be so great next weekend," Celia was telling him.

"I hope so," Zander replied. "We've really been working hard."

"I enjoyed watching your practices," Celia said handing him the rest of the muffin.

"I liked having you there," Zander grinned at her.

"I'm just glad no one minded," Celia said leaning against him.

"It wouldn't have mattered," Zander told her, putting his arm around her.

"I don't know anything about Quidditch anyway," Celia said.

"I'll tell you what you need to know," Zander offered. "It's only the best sport in the world."

"With the cutest boys," Celia said smiling at him.

Zander grinned at her and gave her a kiss.

"The Slytherins don't stand a chance against you," Celia said.

"I think we're going to cream them," Zander said confidently.

"And we can celebrate afterwards," Celia said smiling at him. She wasn't thinking about celebrating with Zander, though. She couldn't wait to have some alone time with Sebastian.

"Definitely," he said, squeezing her hand.

"Without that Ashley," Celia said. "She's so mean to me."

"Ashley likes you just fine," Zander said, confused. "I thought you two were friends."

"So did I, but I think she's jealous of me," Celia said.

"She has no reason to be," Zander told her.

"Really?" Celia asked sweetly.

Zander shook his head. "You're both great... and I'm glad you're my girlfriend."

"Me too," Celia said squeezing his hand.

"Come on," Zander said. "I'll walk you to class."

Celia caught Sebastian's eye and gave him a wink while Zander was occupied picking up her books.

Sebastian grinned nastily. "I bet you Malfoy made it up that he has a SideWinder," he said to Martin.

"You think?" Martin asked. He was the Seeker for the Slytherin team.

"He's pathetic," Sebastian replied.

Martin chuckled. "He sure looks cosy with your girl."

Sebastian scowled. "It's an act."

"She's quite crafty for a Hufflepuff," Martin commented.

"She should have been with us," Sebastian replied as a few other people joined them. "Hey Jemima."

Jemima smiled sweetly at him. "Hiya, Seb."

Even though he was with Celia, Sebastian couldn't help but admire the black haired girl. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much," Jemima said taking out the chain from around her neck. "You like?"

"Where'd you get that?" Sebastian asked, looking at the ring.

Jemima grinned. "It was a present. Gorgeous, isn't it? That's a real emerald too."

"It's cool," Sebastian shrugged. "It's just a ring."

Jemima swatted at him playfully. "This is not just a ring. This is a Malfoy family heirloom."

"Then why do you have it?" Martin asked with a smirk.

"I told you," Jemima said. "It was a gift. Mummy loves shopping at estate sales and she found it on one of her trips."

Sebastian shrugged. "Good for you, then."

"Does your little minion know you're carrying around her family's ring?" Martin asked.

"Don't worry about that," Jemima said icily.

Martin held up his hands. "Whatever you say, Jem."

Jemima tucked the ring and chain back under her jumper. She'd seen Katie take it off to show someone else in the library and the other girl had set it down. She'd had Piper go in and distract Katie while she took the ring for herself.

It wasn't as if Katherine knew the importance of such a ring. That girl was loyal to her Mudblood grandmother, for Merlin's sake.

Now the ring was hers, and she wasn't about to let it go.

"Just make sure you're at the match next weekend," Sebastian told her. "It's going to be explosive."

"Where else would I be?" Jemima asked. "I can't wait to see you lot take Gryffindor down."

"Party in the common room afterwards," Martin told her.

Jemima smiled. "I'll be there."

As it happened, Ashley wasn't able to have a word with Zander until after dinner that evening. She'd been reading in the common room when Corinne had come downstairs to tell her there was a delivery on her bed. Ashley rushed upstairs and was delighted to see the broom, carefully wrapped. Ashley pulled off the envelope and read the letter from her grandfather.

He had agreed to loan Zander the broom for the match against Slytherin. Harry had included a letter to Zander as well; Ashley supposed it was a pep talk about the match. There was also another envelope- this one a letter to her from James.

Ashley smiled as she opened the letter.

In it, James went on about how much he had enjoyed their evening together on New Year's and how glad he was that she'd written to him so quickly.

He closed the letter by asking if she was going to be home for Easter hols and, if so, that he would like to see her.

Ashley smiled and reached for her quill to jot him off a quick reply. She did want to see James again, very much.

Corinne came back into the room and smiled at her roommate. "Zander and Brit are downstairs if you want to join them."

"Okay," Ashley said, putting the broom into her trunk and locking it. "Thanks Cori."

Zander and Brittany were sitting on one of the sofas by the fireplace.

Ashley suddenly remembered Celia and she frowned. She didn't look forward to telling Zander about this.

Zander looked up from his homework when he saw her approach. "Hiya, Ash."

"Hey," she said softly. "I still need to talk to you--" she was interrupted when Brittany saw James's letter in her hand.

"Ashley Beth Malfoy!" Brittany squealed. "What do you have there?"

"Oh," Ashley blushed. "It's just a letter from James."

"What did it say?" Brittany demanded.

"Just that he really had a good time on New Year's Eve and that he wants to see me on Easter hols," Ashley said.

Zander cleared his throat. "Ash, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Oh right," Ashley said nervously. "Um... earlier today, when we were down at Hagrid's, I overheard Celia talking with Sebastian, that bloke from Slytherin."

Zander shook his head. "That bloke is really getting on my nerves. He's trying to get under my skin because of the match next weekend."

"Well..." Ashley began but Brittany, who had been paying no attention to their conversation as she read James's letter, squealed loudly.

Zander glared at Brittany. "Brit--would you please?"

"Well SORRY," Brittany said. "But James sounds positively over the MOON for you, Ash!"

Ashley blushed. "Brit..."

"He does!" Brittany said. "He goes on about how good a kisser you were--"

Ashley looked at Brittany. "Brit, would you mind giving Zander and me a moment? I really need to talk to him."

"Oh..." Brittany caught on. "Right."

Brittany patted her cousin on the shoulder and Zander shot her a confused look. "What was that for?"

"She sort of knows what I have to tell you," Ashley took a deep breath. "I overheard Celia with Sebastian. They're together, Zander. Celia's only using you so Slytherin knows your plays for the match next weekend."

Zander studied his friend for a moment before he started to laugh. "Ash, come on. Celia and Sebastian. Are you having me on?"

"I wish I was," Ashley bit her lower lip.

Zander defiantly shook his head. "No. There's no way."

"Zander..." Ashley said, stunned that he didn't believe her. "I'm telling you the truth."

"Why are you doing this?" Zander asked her angrily.

"You're my best friend," Ashley said, drawing back a bit. "I thought you needed to know."

"I thought you were my best friend," Zander said. "But---this. I can't believe you would do something like this. I finally find someone who likes me and actually wants to be with me and you want to ruin it because of your stupid bloke. You were the one who said you didn't want to date. Your parents said you were too young to date! But, I guess that doesn't apply to cheesy French blokes, does it?"

"I'm not dating James," Ashley said.

"You could have fooled me," Zander said throwing his book aside.

"What does James have to do with any of this?" Ashley asked. "If Evan was two timing Brittany I'd tell her as well."

A couple of first-years who were seated nearby turned their heads to look at them.

"Mind your own business," Zander told them furiously.

The first years quickly grabbed their books and headed upstairs.

"Zander," Ashley shook her head. "What's come over you?"

"Me?" Zander asked. "I could ask the same of you."

"I'm just telling you something I thought was important," Ashley said.

"Celia doesn't even know Sebastian, Ashley," Zander argued. "And she doesn't know the first thing about Quidditch."

"Do you know that for sure?" Ashley asked.

Zander nodded. "I trust Celia."

"And you don't trust me," Ashley said in disbelief.

"Well, you lied to me, she hasn't," Zander said.

"How did I lie to you?" Ashley asked, her voice rising.

"You didn't want to get involved with anyone," Zander reminded her. "Remember?"

"And I just told you, I'm not dating James," Ashley said. "My parents would never allow it."

"Right," Zander scoffed.

Ashley shook her head. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," Zander grabbed his book. "Good night, Ashley."

"Zander!" Ashley exclaimed.

Zander did not turn around and stalked upstairs to his room.

"What happened?" Brittany asked.

Ashley told her friend about the conversation and subsequent argument. She was still in shock that he would not believe her about something like this.

"What is his deal?" Brittany asked.

Ashley shook her head. "I don't know, Brit. He was just so angry with me."

"I'll talk to him," Brittany promised.

"I don't know what good it would do," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"It's got to do something," Brittany said. "I probably shouldn't have made such a big deal over your letter from James, but I couldn't help myself."

"Letter..." Ashley groaned. She had forgotten about her grandfather's letter to Zander and the broom.

Ashley unlocked her trunk and pulled out the broom and her grandfather's letter. "I-I'll be right back."

"What is that?" Brittany asked.

"Don't worry about it," Ashley said before breezing out of the room.

Brittany looked at Corinne. "I don't even know what's going on here."

"Welcome to my world," Corinne said sympathetically. Ashley walked up the small staircase that led to the boys' dormitory. She knocked. "Zander. Zander, it's me. Come on!"

Evan answered the door. "Zander isn't here, Ash."

"Where is he then?" Ashley asked.

"He said something about going to see Celia," Evan replied.

Ashley frowned. "Look, if he comes back before curfew, could you ask him to stop by my room? Please?"

"Sure," Evan told her. "No problem, Ash."

Ashley nodded. "It's important, Evan. Please."

"I promise," he nodded.

Ashley headed back to her dorm feeling about as low as she could remember ever feeling. She and Zander very rarely fought.

"What is that?" Brittany nodded to the broom when Ashley returned to the dormitory.

"It's a SideWinder broom," Ashley said setting it back in her trunk. She told Brittany about what she had told Sebastian and Martin in class. "I asked my grandfather to let me borrow it."

"Wow..." Corinne said with wide eyes.

Brittany rolled her eyes. She remembered her cousin drooling over that very broom in the Quidditch magazines. "It pays to be Harry Potter, right? I mean, Zander was upset that it wasn't going to be put on the market until next month."

"I am pretty surprised he's letting him use it," Ashley admitted, locking it in her trunk again. "But my grandfather is really nice about this kind of stuff."

"I'd say so," Corinne commented.

Ashley sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. "He's so mad at me; he probably won't even want to use it."

Brittany snapped her fingers. "We have to get them back, Ash. We have to do something to catch Celia and Sebastian. "

Ashley nodded. "In the act."

Corinne came over. "What if---what if you made it so Zander would catch the two of them together somehow?"

"How do you think I could do that?" Ashley asked.

Corinne thought for a moment. "Well, what if---you sent Celia a note from Sebastian and Sebastian a note from Celia asking them to meet somewhere. Then, you find a way to get Zander to come upon them. He can't argue about something that's right in front of his face, can he?"

"That is an excellent plan," Brittany said.

Corinne beamed at her. "I happen to have those quite a lot, you know."

Brittany ran for some parchment. "Let's write the letters now and we can mail them in the morning."

"That Celia would probably be sickeningly sweet in hers," Corinne said grabbing a quill.

"Probably," Ashley said, leaning on the edge of her bed. "I just can't believe she'd do that to Zander."

"We'll get her," Brittany assured her. "Okay...let's see..."

"Dear Sebastian," Corinne read in a sweet voice very much like Celia's. "I really need to see you as soon as possible."

"Good," Brittany said as she wrote. "We need to talk more about our plan. Meet me tonight at the Owlery at nine."

"Perfect," Ashley said in satisfaction. "I bet Sebastian would be more demanding."

"Absolutely," Corinne agreed.

"Celia," Brittany said. "We have to talk about our plan. Be in the Owlery at nine tonight and don't be late."

"Perfect," Ashley said.

"It'll all be okay, Ash." Brittany told her.

"You think?" Ashley asked. "I don't want him hurt again."

"Once he finds this out I think he'll wise up," Brittany replied.

Ashley nodded. "Right."

Brittany looked carefully at her friend. "You don't still fancy him do you, Ash?"

"Not like before," Ashley admitted after a few moments. "But he's my best friend and I'd do anything for him."

Brittany nodded. "I think maybe he's a little jealous of James."

"James and I aren't dating," Ashley said. "I told him that."

"But you still fancy James a bit," Brittany pointed out.

Ashley blushed. "Brit, I just met him."

"But he's super gorgeous," Brittany pressed. "And you two snogged on New Year's."

"Yes," Ashley admitted. "He is, but I'm just going to take this slow. Right now, I need to concentrate on my art."

Brittany laughed. "I think you'll only be able to use that excuse for another year or so."

"Right," Ashley said throwing a pillow at her.

Brittany giggled. "You know I speak the truth!"

Ashley laughed. "Cori, what are we going to do with Brit?"

"I think she's right," Corinne replied with a grin.

"I do like James," Ashley told them. "Happy now?"

"Yes," Brittany and Corinne chorused.

There was a gentle knock on the door.

Ashley's eyes widened. "Maybe that's Zander."

"You want me to get it?" Corinne asked.

"Sure," Ashley went back in her trunk for the letter.

Corinne opened the door. "Hi."

Evan was standing there. "Um... I just came... Zander told me to tell Ashley he doesn't want to talk to her."

Ashley came up behind Corinne. "He---he really said that?"

Evan nodded. "He wasn't going to come at all- or let you know, but I wanted to tell you."

Ashley could not believe he did not believe her and did not want to talk to her. "Oh--well, thanks, Evan."

Evan nodded. "I'll see you lot in the morning... night Brit."

Brittany gave him a slight smile before Corinne closed the door. "Ash--" she started to say.

Ashley threw the letter back in her trunk and slammed the lid down.

"He'll come around," Brittany said.

"I don't care," Ashley said angrily.

"Yes you do," Brittany said putting a hand on her friend's shoulders. "That's why you're so mad right now."

Ashley shook her head. "He can go believe Celia until we're done with school for all I care."

Brittany knew better than that, but she did not argue with Ashley.

Ashley flopped down on her bed. "I don't get this," she muttered.

"I do," Brittany said thoughtfully. "He fancied you---and still does---if you want my opinion. That didn't work out so well and there's this girl who says the right things and seems to worship the ground he walks on..."

"He doesn't fancy me anymore," Ashley said. "I don't feel for him like that anymore."

Brittany waved her hand dismissively. "Whatever. All that matters now is getting him to see what snake that Celia is."

Ashley shrugged. "Whatever," she said. "I'm not going to worry about it now. I have a letter to write to James."

In the boys' dormitory, Zander was trying to concentrate on his homework, but he was still thinking about his argument with Ashley. She was wrong about Celia.

He'd gone down to see her, but he'd been unable to bring anything up about what Ashley had claimed to overhear.

Why was Ashley doing this to him?

She had James now- why was he not allowed to have anyone.

What Ashley had told him did not make any sense. Celia knew very little about Quidditch and Slytherins like Sebastian were not friends with sweet girls like her.

He sighed and pushed his homework away. He couldn't concentrate on this stuff.

"Alright, Zander?" Evan asked.

He shrugged. "Not really."

"What's going on?" Evan asked.

"Nothing," Zander grumbled.

"Anytime someone says 'nothing', it's always something," Evan said dryly.

"Just girl stuff," Zander muttered. "I don't want to get into it now."

Evan nodded. He figured Brit would tell him what he wanted to know tomorrow.

"You have a lover's quarrel with Malfoy?" Sam smirked.

"Shut it, Sam," Zander told him.

"What are you going to do about it?" Sam sneered.

Evan looked at his friend. "Sam, come on, mate. Drop it. He said he didn't want to talk about it."

Sam shook his head.

"I'm going to bed," Zander said.

"See you later, mate." Evan told him. "It'll be all right."

Zander did not believe that for a second. Things were definitely not okay and he did not know if they ever world be again where Ashley was concerned.