Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: We hope you all enjoy the return of a certain character in this chapter and here also enters someone who is going to cause Maddie and Ethan some trouble in the future.

As always, thank you for your continued support in this LONG, LONG story, and please let us know what you think!

Ethan arrived at the Ministry's cafeteria and looked around for his girlfriend's blonde head. They had agreed to meet for a late lunch that day but it looked like Maddie wasn't there yet. He got himself something to eat and was scanning the room for a place to sit when he saw a familiar brunette sitting nearby.

"This seat taken?" he asked with a grin.

Bree looked up from her newspaper and grinned back at him. "Ethan!"

"How are you?" he asked, setting down his tray.

"I'm good," Bree said folding her paper and setting it aside. "Working really hard, but I'm sure you know how that is."

"You?" Ethan pretended to look shocked. "Work hard? I'd have never thought!"

"I know shock, horror!" Bree said laughing. "But you have to do that with a new job."

Ethan laughed. "How do you like working here?"

"I love it," Bree said smiling at him. "I really do. But, what about you? How's things going fighting evil?"

"It's been going pretty well," he said. "I mean, it's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. And it keeps me really busy."

Bree grinned. "That's great. I remember how you used to fall asleep on the sofa with your training manuals and I'd fall asleep with my big textbooks. And now look at us, both doing exactly what we always dreamed we'd be doing!"

"Tell me about it," Ethan agreed. "Things with Maddie are going great too. Did um... did Sarah tell you that Mads and I moved in together?"

"When she comes up for air from Justin," Bree joked. "Yes, she did tell me. I'm really happy for you Ethan."

"She has Justin completely whipped," Ethan shook his head.

Bree rolled her eyes. "Do you know they're still doing that remember, right? Baby talking with each other? It's so surreal so hear these adults talking to each other like that!"

Ethan snorted. "You mean like "Your wittle eyes light up my wittle life?"

Bree laughed. "Yes! Exactly like that! Do you remember how we used to do it just to make fun of them?"

"I'm going to bug him so bad later," Ethan's eyes gleamed. "He went out to lunch with her- they probably went to a bloody nursery or something just so they fit in."

"We sure know how to pick our friends, don't we?" Bree said still laughing.

Ethan shook his head. "Thank goodness we're the mature ones," he deadpanned.

"Oh yes," Bree said before taking a sip of her soda. She noticed Ethan's choice of sandwich and she shook her head. "You're still eating those, eh? Speaking of mature..."

"What's wrong with peanut butter and jelly?" he asked.

"At least you didn't ask them to cut the crusts off," Bree teased.

"I like my crusts," Ethan grinned. "So what's new with you aside from working here?"

"Nothing much," she said brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I've actually just started seeing someone."

"You did?" Ethan asked. "What's he like?"

"He's an American," Bree said conversationally, her eyes lighting up as she spoke about him. "He's over here on an exchange program with our Ministry. He's really smart and funny and...."

"Totally to die for?" Ethan teased, batting his eyes.

"I was gushing, wasn't I?" Bree said blushing. "I promise you that Mason and I don't and never will do the baby talk thing."

"So his name's Mason," Ethan nodded. "Should I check this bloke out? Check out his background?"

"He's fine, Auror Potter," Bree said reaching across the table and swatting Ethan on the arm. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Just making sure," Ethan grinned back at her. "You know, don't take this the wrong way, but you've loosened up a lot."

"So I guess you're saying I was boring before?" she asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"There you go again," Ethan shook his head but was smiling. "Putting words in my mouth I never said."

"It's okay," she said laughing. "I was kind of serious before, but you know life isn't all about work and school."

Ethan blinked. "I did not just hear Breeana Eve Coltrane say that."

"I'm not the same girl you used to know," she said.

"I guess not." Ethan replied. "But she wasn't a bad girl either."

Bree smiled across the table at him. It was nice to talk to him like this. When they'd broken up, he'd said he hoped they could remain friends. At the time, she'd been too hurt to even consider it as anything more than a cliché. But talking with him now and with them being connected through Justin and Sarah perhaps they could be friends.

"Thanks Ethan."

Maddie entered the cafeteria armed with an apology for being late. The department had discovered a new Seer over the weekend and he was due to come in that day to meet with them. She spotted her boyfriend across the room and started to make her way over to him.

Ethan and Bree were laughing about another Justin and Sarah story when Ethan spotted Maddie. He waved her over.

"I was beginning to think you stood me up," he said pecking her on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry," she apologised. "It's been a busy day down there." she sat down. "Hello Bree." she smiled at the other woman. "I'm glad someone was here keeping Ethan company."

"I took pity on the lonely soul and let him eat with me," Bree said grinning at Maddie. "It's good to see you again Madeline."

"You too," Maddie said, helping herself to the rest of Ethan's sandwich.

"Mads?" Ethan asked. "Would you like some of my sandwich?"

"Thank you," Maddie said with a charming smile. "I'd also love a Fizzy if they have any raspberry ones up there."

"I'll be right back," Ethan said getting to his feet. "Bree, you want anything?"

"I'm fine," Bree said. "Thank you though."

Ethan smiled at the two women before leaving them to get what Maddie wanted and perhaps another sandwich.

"I wanted to apologise," Bree said when they were alone.

"For what?" Maddie asked.

"For Sarah actually," Bree said pushing her tray aside. "I know she wasn't very nice to you..."

"Oh that's fine," Maddie replied. "She really wasn't very rude. I think it was more a misunderstanding but now everything's quite lovely."

"Good," Bree said smiling at Maddie. "I had no idea she was acting like that."

"That one time we ran into you, you certainly didn't seem to hold a grudge." Maddie replied. "And I'm glad you're not angry about me and Ethan."

"I won't lie to you and say I wasn't really hurt," Bree said. "I did really love Ethan, Maddie. But, things don't work out all the time. And I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. And that wasn't your fault. It was just the way things were. We were having problems long before you came along."

"I fancied him when we were kids," Maddie confessed. "And I never really thought he'd see me the way he does now."

"He's a great guy," Bree said. "And you make him very happy, Maddie."

"I certainly hope so," Maddie replied softly.

"Here you go," Ethan said coming over with another tray of food. "Your Fizzy and another peanut butter and jelly sandwich for me."

"Not even half for me?" Maddie asked, widening her blue eyes and appearing as innocent as could be.

"You see what I'm up against?" Ethan asked looking at Bree.

Bree laughed. "You've got your hands full Ethan. And I'm on Maddie's side. You should get your girlfriend some lunch."

Maddie grinned. "Two against one!"

"You women," Ethan shook his head. "It's a miracle I don't starve with your bloody appetite." he said to Maddie.

"Are you complaining?" she asked cutting into the sandwich eagerly.

"Of course I'm not," Ethan said. "I take the bad with the good."

A tall bloke with sandy blonde hair came over to join them and by the way Bree's face lit up when she saw him, Ethan had no problem figuring out who he was.

"Mason!" she got up. "I wasn't expecting you so soon."

"I managed to get the afternoon off," he explained. "I was hoping you might fancy spending the afternoon in the park..."

"Sure," she said with a smile. "Oh Mason- I'd like you to meet some friends of mine. This is Ethan Potter and his girlfriend Maddie Weasley."

Ethan stood up and shook the other man's hand. "Good to meet you Mason."

"You as well," Mason said with a smile. "I hope you don't mind if I steal the gorgeous Bree away from you guys. I haven't seen her since the end of last week."

"Not at all," Ethan said smiling at Bree.

"The weather's so nice outside," Maddie said conversationally. "If I didn't have so much work, I'd want to go to the park too."

"Some other time you'll perhaps have to join us," Mason said easily. "Might be nice to hang out with some of Bree's other friends."

"We'd like that," Maddie said warmly.

"It was really nice to see you both again," Bree said.

"It's always good to see you Bree," Maddie said. "I'm sure we'll see you around right? I'd love for all of us to go out sometime."

"Definitely," Ethan agreed.

Bree nodded and suggested that they set something up later and to her surprise found that she actually meant it. She took Mason's hand and they walked out of the cafeteria.

"She looks happy," Maddie commented.

"Yeah she does," Ethan replied, gazing after them. "And I'm happy for her. She's really cool you know? When I told her I wanted to stay friends I meant it."

"Well it probably wasn't what she wanted to hear when you were breaking up with her," Maddie said. "But maybe now that some time has passed, we can all be friends."

"It sounds almost too good to be true," Ethan said, stealing a piece of his sandwich out from under Maddie's fingers.

"That's mine!" Maddie said with mock indignation.

"I've had maybe three bites before you came in and ate everything," Ethan returned.

"You should have eaten faster," she argued.

"I was talking," he said, leaning closer. "Catching up..."

"Here you go you big baby," Maddie said breaking off a piece of the sandwich and offering it to Ethan.

He shook his head. "You're going to hold this against me now."

"No," she said innocently. "I'm taking pity on you. I wouldn't want you to starve."

"You're too good to me Maddie Molly," he said sarcastically.

"I try," she grinned. "I can't stay long. We have someone new starting today. I'm supposed to show him the ropes."

"Oh yeah?" Ethan asked, taking a large gulp of her Fizzy. "Tell me more."

"I don't know that much about him actually," Maddie said taking the Fizzy back. "Smythe was supposed to do it, but she got called away unexpectedly."

"I'm sure you'll teach him everything he needs to know," Ethan grinned at her. "Will you be out on time tonight?"

"I can't make any promises," Maddie said. "But I'll try."

"Okay," Ethan gave her a kiss. "I love you, you know."

"I know," she said letting her lips linger on his. "I love you too."

*** *** ***

Maddie hurried back down to the Department of Mysteries. Ethan had kept her a little longer than she'd intended and now she was hoping that the new recruit wasn't waiting for her to be there. She didn't know much except that it was a guy and he'd been experiencing visions continually over the last week.

She went through the locked door and headed for the room she and Smythe usually occupied. Inside sitting in one of the cushy chairs was a man with dark blonde hair and rather piercing blue eyes. "Oh," Maddie said. "I'm sorry- have you been waiting long? Are you the new Seer?"

He gave her a nervous smile. "Yes, I'm Jared Griffin."

"I'm Madeline Weasley," she shook his hand. "You can call me Maddie. I'm so sorry to leave you here by yourself."

"It's okay," he said smiling at her. "They said the woman I was supposed to meet with was called away?"

"Yes, that's Smythe," Maddie replied. "She's a genius really. She's taught me so much about how to control my visions and remember details over the past year."

"So you're relatively new to this too?" Jared asked.

"Yes," Maddie said. "I mean, I've had visions since I was very young, but only since last year have I really come into them, and realised what they are."

"That's what I've wanted," Jared said sitting back down. "I thought that I was crazy when I first started having them. They all seemed so random, you know?"

"Tell me about it," Maddie agreed, sitting in the chair next to him. "My first one, that I can remember at least, came when I was about five."

"What did you see?" he asked. "If you don't mind me asking..."

Maddie blushed. "This may sound sort of silly, but it was of me and my boyfriend snogging. I became convinced he was my one and only and drove him mad when we were kids telling him that we'd be married someday."

Jared laughed. "As visions go, that was a nice one to have."

"Yes it was," Maddie murmured. "And it did prove to be true..."

"I think I had a few visions when I was little," Jared related to Maddie. "I didn't know what they were back then. And I stopped having them until..."

"Recently?" Maddie finished.

He nodded. "And they're coming all the time. I can't sleep."

"That's awful," Maddie replied. "Well Smythe told me what I'm to show you today and she'll start you with your proper training tomorrow."

"Okay," Jared said clapping his hands together. "Um, what do we do first?"

"I'm going to show you the Pensieve," Maddie replied. "That really helps when it comes to visions, and it helps when everyone's able to see them."

"Alright then," Jared said standing up. He couldn't help noticing how pretty Maddie was.

"It's right down this way," she smiled at him and led him to the room. "And you know that what they'll do is assign you a 'false' position here, so you can say you work in the Ministry but they try to keep us true Seers from being publicly known."

"Can I tell my family?" he asked. "They think I'm mad."

"You can tell your family," Maddie laughed. "I told my family and close friends. But most everyone else just thinks I work a clerical position here in one of the departments."

"You know I used to make fun of all this," Jared confided. "I used to make up half the assignments I had in Divination. But, it's not a joke, is it? I mean, what we do here can really help people."

"It really can," Maddie said. "The first time I had a really bad vision was just last summer." she began hunting the shelves for an empty Pensieve. "I saw a woman and her baby being killed. Luckily my Aunt Hermione knew who the woman was and we were able to save her in time."

"That's really something," Jared said. "You must have felt wonderful about that."

"After the fact, yes." Maddie pulled one of the Pensieves down and set it on the pedestal. "But I was terrified while it was happening."

"I can imagine," Jared said nodding. "So are we going to see one of my visions or one of yours in this thing?"

"I was thinking you could put one of yours in there." Maddie replied. "Have you ever seen how a Pensieve works before?"

"I know a little," he admitted. "But not much."

"Have you got your wand?" she asked. "I'll show you how to do it and then you can try."

Jared pulled out his wand and waited for Maddie's instructions. Again, he was struck by how beautiful she was.

"You just concentrate really hard on a vision," she said. "And then you put your wand to your head..." she pulled it away and a long, silvery strand came with it. "It goes into the Pensieve and we're all able to see it."

"Okay," Jared said doing as she'd asked. He tried to concentrate very hard on his most recent vision.

"That's it," Maddie said encouragingly. "Now drop it into the Pensieve so we can both see it."

Jared mimicked Maddie's actions from before. "Okay..."

"Perfect," she smiled at him again.

Jared smiled back at her. "Something tells me that was the easy part."

"Well you have to rewatch it, and sometimes, even relive what happened." Maddie explained. "And it's not always pleasant."

"This one wasn't," he said quietly.

"All right," Maddie nodded. "If you like, we can wait for Smythe. We don't have to watch it today."

"Whatever you think is best," Jared said. "But honestly, I'm not that interested in seeing it again. Someone...someone died. The bloke who brought me here confirmed it. If I'd just come forward sooner..."

Maddie put a comforting hand on his arm. "I know how that feels," she said sympathetically.

"I know we can't save everyone," he said fixing his gaze on hers. "But that man was someone's father. Someone's brother. Someone's son. And because of me..."

"It wasn't just your fault," Maddie said. "You didn't decide to kill the man. And you didn't really know what it meant either. It's good now that you've come forward." she smiled gently at him. "I'll tell you something Ethan told me. That we can't save everyone, and we shouldn't take it so personally, especially when we did everything we could to try and save them."

"This Ethan sounds like a smart bloke," Jared said.

"He is," Maddie smiled. "He knows me too well."

"And I'm guessing that Ethan is the boyfriend you mentioned before," Jared said.

"Yes," she said. "We've just moved in together a few months ago."

"My girlfriend and I just broke things off a few weeks ago," Jared admitted. "She couldn't handle what I was going through."

"I guess that makes me lucky," Maddie said. "Ethan's always open to hearing what I can talk about."

"Aye," Jared said, but he really didn't want to talk about Maddie's boyfriend. "So, what do we do now?"

"Well if you don't want to watch your vision, I'll store it in here for you to review with Smythe tomorrow." Maddie said. "And I'll just basically show you around the department."

"That sounds good," Jared said. "Thanks for showing me the ropes Maddie."

"I'm glad I was able to help," she replied with a grin. "I'm sorry I can't do more but I'm really not authorized."

"No," he said smiling back at her. "You've done plenty. It's good to know that I'm not alone in this. That someone my age knows what I'm going through."

"It's rough," she said knowingly. "And I'm here to talk about it anytime."

"Thanks Maddie," Jared said, hoping that he would get to know her better during his training. "Thanks very much."

"Sure," she replied. "After this how about we go grab a cup of coffee in the cafeteria? My treat?"

"I'd like that," Jared replied.

"Great," Maddie said. "Let's go then."

Jared followed Maddie out of the room and she pointed out different places and offices as they walked. Already his mind was hatching a plan to get this girl- this beautiful, innocent blonde. He could play the broken heart card for awhile and then she wouldn't know what hit her once he'd gotten her into his bed.

*** *** ***

Chiaki went into labour on Saturday evening around six. She and Toshio rushed to St. Mungos and for the first couple of hours, Chiaki wondered what the fuss was all about. The contractions weren't all that painful and she felt ready to deliver these babies.

Things didn't stay this way for very long and she found her pain to be quite considerable. Nothing anyone did seemed to help. Nearly 23 hours after her waters had broken, she finally delivered her son.

Three and a half minutes later, her daughter arrived.

"Are they okay?" Chiaki asked as Toshio wiped some sweat from her brow. "I want to see them."

"They're just cleaning them up," Toshio kissed his wife's forehead. "You did it Chi."

"I'm so knackered," Chiaki said hoarsely. "But I want to see them Tosh. I want to hold our babies."

"Okay love," Toshio said. "I'll make sure we hold them before they take them off to the nursery. And I have to tell everyone waiting outside."

The nurse carried one of the babies over to Chiaki. "How would you like to hold your daughter?"

"I'd love to," Chiaki said happily.

Toshio looked adoringly at his wife as she took the baby from the nurse. "She's beautiful, Chi. Just like you."

"She is gorgeous," tears flooded Chiaki's eyes as the nurse then handed Toshio their son. "And he's so handsome. I just can't believe they're finally here!"

"They are," Toshio said looking down at his son. "And they're absolutely perfect."

"Their names," Chiaki said, running a finger over her daughter's red face. "I know we decided on the two--"

"You want me to get your mum?" Toshio asked already knowing what his wife was going to say. "So we can tell her?"

"Thanks Tosh," Chiaki said as he carefully deposited their son in her other arm.

Toshio was positively beaming as he walked out into the sitting room where the majority of their two families were sleeping. He gingerly shook Cho awake.

"What is it?" Cho asked a sinking feeling in her stomach. She hoped that something hadn't gone wrong. As she focused her eyes however, she saw the wide smile on her son-in-law's face. "Well?"

"We have a healthy boy and girl," Toshio grinned. "And Chi and I wanted you to come in for a moment privately before we wake up everyone else."

"Oh," Cho said quickly getting to her feet, wondering what this could be about. "Okay."

"Hi Mum," Chiaki smiled. "Say hello to your new grandchildren."

Cho felt tears coming to her eyes as she saw her first-born daughter holding her own babies. She was speechless as she looked at them.

"They both have a headful of hair," she was finally able to say causing Chiaki and Toshio to laugh.

"Yes they do," Chiaki said as Toshio took their daughter. "Listen mum... we wanted to tell you a decision that we made when we found out we were having twins."

"What's that sweetheart?" Cho asked.

"That we've decided to name them Masanobu and Mitsuko, after your parents," Chiaki said softly.

Cho stared at her daughter. "Chiaki...."

"I hope you don't mind," Chiaki replied.

"Mind?" Cho asked shaking her head. "Sweetheart, that's...that's the most...that's..."

"I think she likes it," Toshio said grinning at his mother-in-law. "Mitsuko, meet your Grandma Cho."

"She's beautiful," Cho whispered as tears filled her eyes.

Chiaki grinned at her mother. "I always thought it was great how you named Allie and Frankie to honour dad's parents. I wanted to do the same for you, Mum."

"Thank you sweetheart," Cho kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Thank you Mum."

"I guess we should go wake everyone up and show them the good news," Toshio said. "Before the nurses take them away."

"I'd go with, but I'm so sleepy," Chiaki said yawning as she said this. "Just let everyone know I'm okay and that I appreciate them coming."

"You have a kip love," Toshio kissed her as he took Masanobu from her arms. "I'll be here when you wake up."

"I love you," Chiaki said closing her eyes.

"I can't believe I'm finally a dad," Toshio said to her as they left the room carrying the newborns. "I mean, I've spent the past few months waiting and now they're finally here you know?"

"I know," Cho said cradling Mitsuko in her arms. "You'll never forget the first time they were placed in your arms and they looked up at you..."

"It's already etched into my head," Toshio smiled down at his son.

Cho grinned as she and Toshio carried the babies into the waiting room. Everyone was still asleep. With her foot she kicked Neville. "Wake up Grandpa."

"Wha?" Neville snorted in his sleep. "What is it Cho?"

"Chiaki's had her babies," Cho said. "I thought you might want to meet your new grandchildren."

Neville's eyes instantly popped open. "She had them? They're here?" he reached eagerly for the newborn in her arms.

"Yes," Cho said handing him his granddaughter. "And you'll never guess what they named them..."

"What?" he asked with a smile as Toshio showed the baby in his arms off to his own parents.

Cho was choked up again just thinking about it, but she finally managed to tell him. "They named them after my parents, Nev."

Neville grinned. "Those are perfect names," he gave his wife a kiss. "So this must be Mitsuko I'm holding."

"That's her," Cho said. "She's beautiful isn't she?"

"She looks just like her mum did when she was born." Neville recalled that night.

"She does, doesn't she?" Cho said shakily.

"Can we switch a moment?" Toshio asked his parents behind him. "They want to see my baby girl."

"Of course," Neville said. "I'd like to meet my grandson."

"Neville meet Masanobu," Toshio grinned as Cho hugged his parents.

Allison and Frankie both awoke to see their parents hovered around something. "Allie? Am I seeing things or do they have....Chiaki's had her babies!"

"She did!" Allison said excitedly. They rushed over and surrounded Toshio and Neville.

Neville told his two daughters what Chiaki and Toshio had named the twins. "Oh, Mum!" Allison said giving Cho a hug.

"She's so thoughtful," Cho began to cry. "And you too of course, Tosh. Both of you are so sweet."

Frankie grinned. "They're adorable. I know I'm biased, but they are absolutely adorable!"

Toshio laughed. "If you're biased I don't want to know what that makes me." he replied. "Chi's asleep now but she wants to thank all of you for sticking around."

"As if we'd go anywhere," Allison told him. "She was there when I had Caroline and Emma. I wanted to be here for her too."

"And I'm sure she'll be here for me too," Frankie said. "Another ten years down the line." she grinned at Will, who was stretched out on the sofa.

Allison grinned. "I knew you'd come around eventually, Frankie."

"It's not happening anytime soon." Frankie replied. "I still love my figure too much."

"The more things change," Allison said laughing. "Caroline's going to be so upset she missed this."

"What time did Jon take her and Emma back home?" Frankie asked, sitting back down by her fiancé.

"Around seven," Allison answered with a yawn. "And she didn't go without a fight."

"Please," Frankie scoffed. "She's part Longbottom. We never do anything without a fight."

"You can say that again," Will added, rubbing his eyes drowsily. "What's going on?"

"I have a new niece and nephew," Frankie replied. "And Chiaki and Toshio named them after Mum's parents."

"Hey..." Will struggled to sit up. "That's fantastic. A boy and a girl eh?"

Frankie nodded. "Just like Chi wanted."

"Good for her," Will said. "I'm happy for them both."

The nurse came out and told Toshio that needed to take the babies back to the nursery.

"Grandma will be right here when you wake up," Cho said kissing her grandson's forehead.

"I'm going to stay with Chi, but if the rest of you feel like going home I'll let you know anything new." Toshio promised. "Thanks for being here everyone. Chi and I really do appreciate it."

Cho and Neville decided to stay behind and Frankie, Allison and Will promised to come back when Chiaki was awake.

"We'll see you later," Frankie hugged her mother. "Lavender sent over the designs for my wedding dress so you'll have to come by to take a look."

"Okay sweetheart," Cho said hugging her back. "I can't wait to see it."

"I better go and tell Jon and the girls the good news," Allison said giving her dad a hug.

"We'll stop by later today," Will shook Toshio's hand. "Congratulations mate."

"Thanks," Toshio said. "It really did mean a lot to us both that you hung around."

"Anytime," Will grinned. "I suspect we'll become official babysitters soon enough."

"You're on our list," Toshio said. After saying goodbye, he walked back to his wife's room.

"What a night," Frankie said, digging in her bag for her mobile as they left the hospital. "I'm completely beat."

"You slept most of the night," Will pointed out.

"On a rather uncomfortable sofa," Frankie said, calling into her voicemail. "Bloody hell..." she frowned a few moments later.

"How many messages?" Will asked.

"Alicia called me six times last night," Frankie rolled her eyes. "You'd think she didn't have any other friends."

"What sort of crisis is it this time?" Will asked.

"She just wanted to know when we were going dress shopping, for the millionth time." Frankie turned off her phone. "Honestly, I keep pushing it back; if I do it again they're going to have to wear their own dresses when walking down the aisle. And she's my maid of honour too!"

"She's your maid of honour?" Will asked. "But I thought Allie..."

Frankie gave him a strange look as she put her sunglasses on. "I never asked Allie to be my maid of honour," she replied.

"I know Alicia's your best friend, but she's not exactly known for being dependable, Frankie," Will said. "She'll probably oversleep and miss the ceremony or be out shopping...."

"William she would not miss the ceremony," Frankie said. "I know she's an airhead but she was there for me as a friend when I needed her. She just doesn't understand what it's like to... be in love like we are."

Will wanted to say that she didn't understand what it was to be a good friend, but he bit back his comment. And he'd never heard of Alicia being there for Frankie for anything other than something self-serving.

"I guess," he said instead.

"It was before you and I met," Frankie explained. "I had a really, really bad break up and she was there for me when nobody else was. There were other things too, but in her own way she's really not a bad person."

"I just don't like seeing her take advantage of you," Will said putting his arm around her

"I wouldn't let her," Frankie assured him. "I know how to handle her when she gets difficult. Plus she's just jealous that I've been hanging with Maddie too."

"I would love to be there when Alicia, your sisters and Maddie go dress shopping," Will said with a laugh.

"It's certainly interesting," Frankie said with a grin. "Oooh I forgot to tell you something great!"

"What?" Will asked.

"Claire called me to go shopping and guess who wants to come along," Frankie grinned wider. "Your sister Mary!"

"I told you she'd come around," Will said smiling at his girlfriend.

"It certainly seems so," Frankie snuggled under his arm. "So we're going later this week." she looked up at him. "Tell me something and be honest now..."

"I'm always honest with ya Frankie," Will said.

"Do you think Mary or Claire is offended that I didn't ask them to be a bridesmaid?" she asked. "I mean, it's not too late to ask them to be part of the wedding party. I was thinking of seeing if they were interested when we go out."

"They are fine with it," Will replied. "Honestly, Frankie. Mary is not the frilly dress type and Claire's happy that you asked Mia to be a flower girl with Caroline."

"I couldn't not ask her," Frankie laughed. "The two of them are so cute together. I can't wait to see them going down the aisle."

Will grinned. "And they're thick as thieves already."

"I'm so glad they get along," Frankie leaned against him.

"They both love Disney movies," Will said kissing the side of Frankie's head.

"Or as I keep calling them, those Danny movies," Frankie laughed.

"You have so much to learn," Will said laughing.

"I'm trying," Frankie said with a fake pout.

"Well don't let anyone know that I'm teaching you," Will said. "I don't know what it says for my masculinity that I actually know who Belle, Jasmine, Ariel, and Mulan are."

"I happen to think it's awfully sexy," Frankie teased.

Will laughed. "You'd be the only one."

"I'm a little biased," Frankie hugged him around the middle.

"I love you Francesca," Will said giving her a kiss.

"I love you too William," she said, returning it. "And I am still in a bit of shock that we're going to be married in just a few more months."

"Not having any doubts, are you?" Will asked.

"Nothing like that," Frankie said truthfully. "It's just happening fast. Which is the way I like it. Nothing drawn out and we're not going overboard. Well... not completely." she grinned at him.

"And barring the maid of honour showing up two hours late," Will teased. "Everything will be perfect."

"She won't," Frankie jabbed his side. "I'm going to organise a night where we can all go out together and you two especially can get to know one another."

"You are?" Will asked, wondering how well that would go.

"Yes," Frankie said. "To dinner or dancing, or maybe even both. And I'll have Maddie and Ethan come along as well."

Will could tell this meant a lot to Frankie and for her, he would try to find someway to get along with Alicia.

"I think that'd be great," he said with a yawn. "But how about we organise going back to yours and taking a nice, long kip for the moment?"

"That sounds fabulous to me," Frankie said. "Especially if you're staying."

"I'm sore from sleeping on that uncomfortable sofa in the waiting room," Will said rubbing his neck. "Trust me, Frankie. I'm not going anywhere."

"You know," she began. "I think it's silly you haven't just moved in with me yet." Frankie replied.

"Why not move into my place," Will asked. "We always stay at yours. In fact, I think you have something against my flat."

"You're a male," Frankie said as if that explained everything. "Mine's already decorated according to what I like. I'd completely have to redo your place."

Will stared at her. "Frankie, what's wrong with my place? It's clean. My walls aren't brown. And for argument's sake, let's say I moved in with you. You're telling me I couldn't change anything?"

"You could change a few things," Frankie smiled innocently at him.

"Like what?" Will asked sarcastically. "You'd let me have some space in your closet?"

"Will that's not what I meant," Frankie said. "I just think it's silly for us both to have our own place. Mine is closer to the main area of town."

"Mine is two blocks from yours," Will pointed out.

"I just love my place," Frankie said. "And I have more stuff to move if I was to go to yours."

"I like my place too," Will said. "I've lived there since I moved out of my parents' house. And if I moved to yours, I'd have to move a lot of stuff too."

Frankie huffed. "Well I'm not moving! I didn't start this so we could have an argument about it."

Will was getting angry too. "You act as if just because it's what you want, that everything is supposed to fall into line. Frankie, somewhere along the line you're going to have to learn to compromise."

"I know how to compromise!" she yelled.

Maybe it was because he was tired and cranky from sleeping in a hospital waiting room all night, but Will wasn't ready to back down from this. He'd always given in where Frankie was concerned, but he wasn't going to do it this time.

"Okay," Will said folding his arms. "When we go out, who always picks what we're going to do? Who always pouts when I suggest doing something like going to a museum to see an exhibit or hearing a lecture?"

"I do not do that," she hissed.

"You do it every single time," Will said shaking his head. "That one time I took you to the National Gallery, you kept whining about the long wait and how everything was so old."

Frankie glared at him. "I'm going HOME," she said. "Don't bother following me when it's obvious you just hate my place and everything about it."

"I don't want to follow you," Will called over his shoulder as he stalked off in the other direction.

"GOOD!" she screamed back.

"FINE!" Will screamed back, glaring at some passers by who shot him a look.

Frankie had never been so furious. What had started off as a simple request had turned into quite the argument. There was no way she was moving to his boring, tiny flat when hers had a much nicer layout not to mention bigger and more convenient.

Deciding she needed to vent her frustration to someone, she decided to pop over to Alicia's townhouse. It didn't take her long to get there and she pounded furiously on her best friend's door.

"Franks!" Alicia said frowning when she saw her. "You look dreadful? What happened to your makeup?"

"Is it running? Oh shite," Frankie winced when she saw herself in the mirror. "I can't believe I let people see me in public like this."

"Neither can I," Alicia said with a laugh. Her expression soon turned serious. "Where the hell have you been? I called and called, but you never called me back. You missed the best party last night!"

"My sister had her babies," Frankie said, rubbing some lip gloss over her lips and then she started fixing her eye liner. "She had a twin boy and girl."

"She had two?" Alicia asked scrunching up her nose. "How dreadful!"

"They're actually really cute," Frankie replied. "But then I left with that wanker of a fiancé of mine and it all went downhill."

Alicia checked her own reflection in the mirror oblivious to what Frankie had just said. "You wouldn't believe what Gretchen Travers wore to the party, Frankie."

"What, something unbelievably slutty?" Frankie asked cattily.

"No," Alicia said pulling her friend over to the sofa. "She wore the same dress you wore on New Year's Eve. And you remember how she'd told you how horrible it looked!"

"That bloody bitch," Frankie exclaimed. "She so does not have the right colouring for that! She's a fake blond for bloody's sake!"

"I know and she has fat ankles," Alicia said laughing. "And don't even get me started on that ostrich neck of hers."

"She should poke it in sand and leave it there," Frankie grumbled. "She is so ensemble challenged."

"And I didn't want to tell you this, but you remember your ex Michael?" Alicia asked. "Gretchen was positively joined at the hip with him the entire night."

"Whatever," Frankie waved a hand. "He would look at anything with breasts and that includes other men."

Alicia laughed. "That's true."

"We'll definitely go to the next party together," Frankie promised.

"There's my best friend," Alicia said grinning at her. "Promise me you'll leave Mr. Boring home."

Frankie snorted. "Without a doubt. I'm so pissed at him right now I don't even want to see him."

"What did he do now?" Alicia asked. "I don't even want to know...he's not right for you, Frankie. You two are as different as night and day."

"I asked him to move into my place and you'd have thought I wanted him to quit his job and be a party man the rest of his life." Frankie rolled her eyes.

"He's been trying to change you," Alicia continued. "You shouldn't give in on this Frankie. First it's his flat and the next thing you know you're bogged down in some rundown house with two brats and a husband who works all the time."

"I am NOT moving," Frankie informed her.

"Good on you," Alicia said eager to have her best friend to herself again.

"He stormed off, probably went to his ugly flat and I won't see him for a week." Frankie said.

"He didn't run after you?" Alicia asked.

"Went the other way," Frankie replied.

"What a bastard," Alicia commented. "Typical male."

"Tell me about it," she said. "Ugh it's annoying me to no end."

"We should go out," Alicia said. She took in her friend's appearance and frowned. "After you've showered, of course."

"Let me go home and get some sleep," Frankie said. "And then later today we'll go do something."

"You don't need to sleep," Alicia pouted. "You just need a nice, long shower."

"I've barely slept all night," Frankie protested. "And I was sharing a sofa with Will, and it was a hospital sofa at that."

"Eww," Alicia said. "Why were you at a hospital? Was someone sick?"

Frankie stared at her friend. "I told you, Chiaki had her babies last night."

"Oh, I guess I forgot," Alicia said with a shrug.

Frankie shook her head. "I'm going home for a kip. What say we get together around eight?"

"Sure," Alicia said getting up to walk her friend out. "We'll paint the town red. Just the two of us."

"Deal," Frankie said. "Let's dress to the nines and just have fun Lee."

Alicia air kissed Frankie's cheeks like they used to do when they were in school. "And no Mr. Boring!"

"I promise," Frankie held up her pinky and laughed.

They linked pinkies and Alicia promised to drop by Frankie's flat at eight.

"See you then," Frankie smiled and Apparated away.