Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

AN: Well here begins the Brighton visit- this one goes on for a little while as we had so much to write :)

You Drew and Brian fans will like this chapter especially, and Saffron/Andrew get a nice appearance as well. And as always, RJ's around to cause trouble LOL

Please, PLEASE, review! We rely on you guys' feedback to know what you like and dislike! We'll never not update if we don't have a certain amount of reviews, we don't like when authors do that, but we do hope you'll spare an extra minute or two to let us know what you think!

Or perhaps we'll just leave you guys with more awful cliffhangers ;)

Saffron pulled up the window sash and stuck her head outside, breathing in the clean sea air. "I am so excited to be back here," she called to Alexa, who was unpacking her suitcase.

"Me too," Alexa agreed. "It was really nice of your family to invite me again."

"I wouldn't have it any other way now," Saffron grinned at her. "And it's going to be so much fun- you, me, Andrew, RJ and Gabe will have to go out later."

"When is Gabriel getting here?" Alexa asked.

"Sometime this afternoon," Saffron answered. "I can't believe we're the first ones here. Usually Uncle Ron and Aunt Luna are here a few days before us."

"It'll be great to see RJ again," Alexa said. "I haven't seen him since that night we ran into him at that pub. I owled him a couple of times, but he only wrote back one or two lines."

Saffron shook her head. "He's probably just all excited about being on Puddlemere. I can't wait to tease him about Veronica."

"Don't be too hard on him," Alexa said giggling.

"Oh come on Lex, you have to admit it was one of the funniest things you'd ever seen." Saffron protested as she hung up some of her things in the closet.

Alexa pulled some shoes out of her suitcase. "It was, but I just don't like those blokes making him do stuff like that. He's not a big drinker, Saf."

"He was that night," Saffron snorted.

Alexa threw a pillow at her best friend. "You enjoyed that way too much."

"I can't help it," Saffron laughed. "You know if the shoe was on the other foot, he'd be doing the same to me."

"Probably," Alexa admitted. She walked over to the window to get a look at the view. "So, is Sean's family going to be here, too?"

"I think so," Saffron replied. "Do you think it'll be too weird? I mean, because last summer when we broke up we said we'd get back together this year and then everything happened with Andrew..."

"Did you tell Sean about Andrew?" Alexa asked

"I wrote a whole letter about him," Saffron blushed.

Alexa giggled. "You've got it bad."

"I can't help it!" Saffron grinned. "He's just so dreamy. And I can't stop thinking about him."

"And your parents like him which is a good thing," Alexa said smiling at her.

"Yeah," Saffron replied. "Oooh I can't wait until they get here!"

"Saffy! Alexa!" they heard Hermione call out to them. "Lavender and Gabriel are here!"

"Come on," Saffron grabbed her friend's hand. "I want to find out how his weekend in Ireland went."

Alexa nodded and followed Saffron out of the room.

Downstairs, Gabriel and Lavender were talking with Hermione. Harry had gone into town to get some groceries.

"Hi Gabe," Saffron bounced into the room.

Gabriel smiled when he saw them and he tried not to focus his attention on Alexa. She wore a pair of denim shorts and a white camisole top and looked even prettier than she had the last time he'd seen her.

"Hi Saffy," Gabriel said warmly. "Hi, Alexa."

"You look gorgeous both of you," Lavender said to the girls.

"Thanks Aunt Lav," Saffron hugged her as Alexa said a shy hello.

"How was Ireland?" Alexa asked Gabriel while Lavender spoke with Saffron.

"Good," he smiled at her. "My grandparents turned out to be really nice."

"I told you they'd love you," Alexa said smiling back at him.

"Right," Gabriel fidgeted a bit. "So um... how have you been?"

"Good," Alexa replied. "Working really hard at the bakery. I brought some fudge though. You should get some before RJ's family gets here. They'll devour it."

"Did you make it?" he asked.

"I did," Alexa said. "Does that make a difference?"

"Maybe," Gabriel grinned.

"Well, well," Lavender whispered to Saffron. "Looks like someone might have a crush."

Saffron turned to see where her best friend and Gabriel were talking animatedly about something.

"I don't know Aunt Lav," she said. "Alexa's pretty serious about RJ."

"Oh," Lavender said frowning. "That's right, I'd forgotten."

"And you're getting along?" Hermione asked her cousin. "The trip went well?"

Lavender nodded. "Declan and Rose loved him and it was nice to see them get to know each other."

"And how about the three of you?" Hermione inquired.

"We're good," Lavender replied. "We had a run-in with a photographer at the train station..."

"The news is out now," Saffron said quietly.

Lavender shook her head. "They really don't waste any time do they?"

Hermione shook her head. "At least you won't have to worry about it here."

"I hope not," Lavender said. "I really wish Seamus could join us though."

"He'll be here for weekends, right?" Hermione asked. "And his nights off?"

Lavender nodded. "He and Gabriel have been getting closer which is wonderful."

"Where do you want me to put our bags, Lavender?" Gabriel asked.

"You'll be sleeping in the second room on the left," Lavender said. "And I'm on the first floor here, just down the hall."

"I'll help you, Gabe," Alexa offered taking one of the bags from him.

Lavender grinned. "And that gives me time to get the low-down from Saffron on this boy she's been seeing. I am going to meet him, right?"

Hermione laughed. "He's coming with the Weasleys."

"He's fantastic," Saffron said plopping down on the sofa. "And funny, and cute and gorgeous!"

"You're biased," Lavender teased her.

"Just a little," Saffron blushed. "You're going to love him, Aunt Lav."

"Not as much as you apparently," Lavender ruffled Saffron's hair.

"I just wish Ethan and Maddie could be here too," Saffron said wistfully. "I love her dress, Aunt Lav. She looks amazing in it."

"You really outdid yourself," Hermione agreed.

"Thank you," Lavender grinned. "I just can't believe our little Ethan and Maddie are getting married in a few months."

"I still think Maddie needs her head examined," Saffron said. Puddles jumped up on the sofa and plopped his head down on Saffron's leg. "I think he missed me, don't you think, Mum?"

Hermione laughed. "Lavender, you should have seen that dog when she arrived home from Hogwarts."

"I bet he was all over the place," Lavender scratched the puppy's head.

"He was," Saffron giggled. "It was so cute."

"Hasn't left her side since she's been back," Hermione said fondly.

"He's my baby," Saffron pressed her lips to the top of Puddles' head and was rewarded by several sloppy kisses.

Lavender laughed. "This almost makes me want to get a dog."

"You don't need a dog, you have Seamus," Ron said grinning at her as he walked into the house.

"Ron," Lavender grinned back. "I think I almost missed you."

"Ah, it's the Evil Stepmother!" Ron said dramatically.

"Ronald!" Luna said hitting him on the arm. "Don't say that!"

"We know his foot permanently lives in his mouth," Lavender laughed.

"Where's RJ and Andrew?" Saffron jumped off the sofa.

"Right here," Andrew said coming in with their bags. Saffron nearly knocked him to the floor as she threw her arms around him.

"I missed you," Saffron hugged him fiercely.

"I missed you too," Andrew said giving her a chaste kiss since her mother was in the room. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," Saffron grinned at him. "I'm so excited you're here."

"I have loads to tell you about Wimbourne," Andrew said.

"I can't wait to hear it," Saffron took his hand. "But I have to introduce you to my aunt and my cousin first."

"Great," Andrew said.

RJ walked in behind them. "Where's Lex?"

"Helping Gabe with their bags," Saffron said. "Did you pack your dress Veronica? I was thinking I might be able to borrow it some evening while we're here."

RJ stared at her. "What?"

Saffron laughed. "Come on, you can't tell me you don't remember your night out with Puddlemere Veronica."

"Andrew, your girlfriend's gone mad," RJ said to his friend. "I always knew this day would come."

"Shut up RJ," Saffron said as Puddles whined for attention. "You're the one walking around London in a dress. Alexa, Gabe and I all saw you."

"I haven't seen you since that day at my flat," RJ said. "And who's Gabe?"

"My cousin," Saffron rolled her eyes. "Seamus's son."

"Right," RJ said nodding. "I look forward to meeting--"

His words were cut off as he saw Alexa walking downstairs with another boy. She was laughing at something he'd said.

"Lexie!" RJ called out.

"RJ!" Alexa exclaimed, a huge grin appearing on her face.

Gabriel watched as Alexa ran toward RJ and gave him a big hug.

"You know I just might think you missed me," RJ teased.

"Maybe just a little," Alexa laughed.

Saffron took Andrew's hand and led him over to the sofa where her mother and Lavender were sitting.

"Aunt Lavender," Saffron said. "Gabriel, I'd like you both to meet Andrew Kirke."

"Nice to finally meet you Andrew," Lavender shook his hand. "Saffron's hardly talked about anything else."

Andrew grinned. "My mum thinks I don't know how to talk about anything else but Saffy."

"So this is YOUR Andrew right?" Gabriel teased Saffron. "At least, that's what you called him that night we were all out together."

"Is that so?" Andrew nudged his girlfriend. He extended his hand to Gabriel. "Nice to meet you, mate."

"You too," Gabriel said with a grin.

"And I'm RJ Weasley," RJ said to the other boy.

"I know," Gabriel said. "I met you the other night at the pub."

"You did?" RJ asked.

"You were wearing a dress," Gabriel smiled.

"You need to share something with us, son?" Ron asked RJ.

"I don't know what they're talking about," RJ protested. "I really don't!"

"You remember anything about that weekend with your new team mates?" Alexa asked him.

"We went out for a few drinks," RJ said. "They told me they took care of me."

"They sure did," Saffron snickered.

"Ronald Weasley Junior," Luna said folding her arms. "You care to explain yourself?"

"Not really," RJ said sheepishly.

"We saw you at the pub with your team mates," Alexa told him. "You were really pissed and you were in a pink dress. They---they made you get on the bar and sing and dance."

"WHAT?" RJ shouted.

"You were a bit off key," Saffron said thoughtfully. "And your dancing needs a bit of work..."

"I did not sing and dance on a bar," RJ protested.

"Man all my new team mates did is buy me a few rounds," Andrew said. "I even made it home that night."

"You did, RJ," Alexa said gently.

"Maybe we should talk to Frankie about this," Luna said to Ron.

"No way," RJ said. "Mum it's like an initiation."

"I don't like them taking my baby out and getting him drunk," Luna said. "You could have been hurt or worse!"

"He's fine," Ron said. "Come on Luna- they wouldn't have let anything happen to him."

"They'd better not," Luna said. "Or they'll have to deal with me."

"Come on," Saffron tugged on Andrew's hand. "I'll show you where you and RJ are sleeping."

Andrew grinned and grabbed his bag. "That must have made your day, Saf. Seeing RJ like that."

"Made my year," Saffron laughed. "Well, aside from you that is..."

Andrew grinned. "So which of these rooms is ours?"

"This one," Saffron said. "Right down the hall from me and Alexa."

"Would you mind helping me with the door?" Andrew asked winking at her.

"You do have your hands full," Saffron grinned at him.

"Thank you, Miss Potter," Andrew said as she opened the door.

"Oops," Saffron said as she closed the door behind them. "My hand must have slipped."

Andrew dropped his bags and reached for her. "I hate it when that happens."

"Me too," she said as he pulled her close. "It's just... terrible..."

"Absolutely," Andrew said nipping at her bottom lip.

Saffron wound her arms around his neck. "I don't want to go that long without you again."

"You'll have to when you're in school," Andrew reminded her.

"I know," she pouted, kissing him again. "But that's why we have these next two weeks where we'll be together every day."

They heard scratching on the door and Andrew laughed. "The dog wants to come in."

Saffron opened the door a crack and Puddles slipped inside. "He won't tell." she grinned at her boyfriend.

"He likes me," Andrew said grinning back at her. "And I love his owner."

"His owner loves you too," Saffron kissed him again.

"I have big plans for us this holiday," Andrew said. "I want to take you for a walk on the beach, just the two of us. And that carnival, too."

"I can't wait," Saffron hugged him again.

"Your cousin seems nice," Andrew said conversationally.

"Yeah he's pretty cool," Saffron agreed as Andrew began to unpack. "Here I'll help you."

"I don't know if I want you seeing my dainty things," Andrew said in a high-pitched voice.

"Shut up," Saffron pushed him, laughing.

"Oh okay," Andrew said grinning at her. "So what are we doing today?"

"Whatever we want," Saffron answered.


"Your mum," Andrew said. "We'd better go back downstairs."

"I suppose," Saffron said reluctantly. "We can pick this back up later..."

"Definitely," Andrew said kissing her once more.

Andrew and Saffron walked downstairs and Saffron gasped when she saw who was standing at the foot of the stairs with her mother.


"Hi Saffy," the brown haired young man smiled at her. "Long time no see."

"When did you get here?" Saffron asked giving him a hug.

"Yesterday," Sean replied. "I saw people arriving here so I thought I'd see if you'd gotten here yet."

"You're taller than I remember," Saffron teased.

"And you're prettier," Sean smiled.

Saffron blushed. "Um, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Sean Grant, this is Andrew Kirke."

"Hi," Sean put out his hand. "Nice to meet you- Saffy wrote to me about you two."

"Aye," Andrew said shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, too. She's told me a lot about you."

"His cousin is Christina," Saffron said with a grin. "And he's still sane."

"Saf's never held that against me," Sean said grinning at her.

"Neither did I," RJ came up behind him and clapped his shoulder. "How are you mate?"

"Good to see you, RJ," Sean said. "Saffron told me about you signing with Puddlemere. That's great."

"Thanks," RJ said with a grin.

"Where's Alexa, Veronica?" Saffron asked sweetly.

"She was just here," RJ said looking around for her.

Alexa had come out on the deck when she'd seen Gabriel walk out of the house.

"Everything okay?" she asked coming up behind him.

"Yeah," Gabriel said. "I was feeling like a bit of an outsider is all."

"We're sorry," Alexa said. "It's just a bit crazy when everyone arrives."

"No need to apologise," Gabriel said as she sat down beside him on the step. "This is a really great house."

"I love being here on the beach," Alexa said. "It's just so refreshing out here."

"It is," Gabriel said. "Reminds me a little of home."

"I imagine it would," Alexa said.

"Andrew seems nice," Gabriel said. "You can tell he cares about Saffy."

"They're completely hooked on each other," Alexa laughed. "She was with this other guy who was cheating on her at the end of last year but luckily she realised how great Andrew was before things could get too serious."

"That's great," Gabriel smiled. "And your boyfriend seems nice, too."

"When he's not completely pissed and singing on top of a bar?" Alexa asked with a grin.

"Right," Gabriel laughed.

"I'm going to go get changed into my swim costume," Alexa got back up. "You coming to the beach with us?"

"Sure," Gabriel said standing up too. "Thanks, Alexa."

"For what?" she asked.

"For being so nice to me," Gabriel said. "You don't even know me..."

Alexa smiled. "Well that's how friends are made- from people getting to know one another."

Gabriel smiled at her and together they walked back into the house.

*** *** ***

Allison stretched out next to her husband on the towel, letting the sun warm her. "This is amazing," she said to him, cracking her eye open.

"Aye," Jon replied, reaching for her hand and squeezing it. "You look gorgeous in that new suit too."

"I look like a beached whale is what I look like," Allison said.

"You're fishing for compliments again," Jon told his wife. "You're pregnant Al."

"You're sweet," Allison said smiling at him. "What's that news you wanted to tell me about the pub?"

"Just that Vic said she has something to talk to me about when I get back," Jon replied.

"You're the best bartender she has," Allison said keeping an eye on the girls who were playing with Drew on the beach.

"It didn't sound like a bad thing," Jon replied.

"I can tell you love working there," Allison said smiling at him. "And the way you are with all those handle everything that comes your way."

"It's fun," Jon replied. "And Vic's a great boss."

"I'm sure it's going to be great news," Allison said. "Like a pay raise!"

"That'd be fantastic," Jon said. "Especially with this one on the way."

Allison grinned as Jon patted her stomach.

Emma, who had been coming back up the beach with her aunt and big sister saw this and came running toward her parents.

"No," she said taking Jon's hand and moving it from Allison's tummy.

"What's wrong baby?" Jon asked her.

"Em baby," Emma said plopping down on the towel.

"Of course you are," Allison said. "But only until this one is born, remember? Then you'll be a big sister like Caroline!"

Emma shook her head and buried her face in the towel.

"Em's jealous of the baby," Caroline told Drew.

"She shouldn't be," Drew put another shell in her niece's bucket. "You've been a great role model for her as a big sister."

Caroline grinned. "Were you jealous when Grandma had Aunt Maddie?"

"Not really," Drew said. "Your Aunt Darla and I were older than Emma was."

"Was Aunt Maddie jealous when Uncle RJ came along?" Caroline asked thoughtfully.

"I don't think Aunt Maddie has been jealous a day in her life," Drew said with a grin.

"I wish she and Ethan could have come," Caroline said. She grinned when she saw the shell Drew found. "That's the prettiest one, Aunt Drew!"

"It's all yours Angel," Drew said to her niece.

"I've never found this many pretty shells," Caroline said. "You're good luck."

Drew laughed. "Thanks Caroline. That's nice to hear."

"Are you going to marry Brian?" Caroline asked.

"Marry him?" Drew looked up the beach where her boyfriend was coming back from a jog. "I don't know yet Caroline."

"He's got my vote," Caroline said. "He's funny."

"I'll make sure and tell him that," Drew tugged one of Caroline's long brown plaits.

"And I'm really glad you're here," Caroline said giving her a hug. "And you're happy."

"Thank you sweetheart," Drew kissed the top of her head. "You're a great niece, you know that?"

Caroline giggled. "Thanks. What do you think we should do with the shells when we're finished finding them?"

"I'm not sure," Drew said. "We could probably save them and make a collage."

"What's that?" Caroline asked.

"Like a big picture made of shells." Drew explained.

"Do I get to help?" Brian asked coming up behind them.

"Sure," Caroline beamed at him.

"How was your jog?" Drew asked as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Great," Brian said. "You should come with me next time."

"I might," Drew said.

"Look at all the shells we found!" Caroline said pointing into the bucket.

"That's incredible," Brian told her. "I bet we can make something really cool!"

"Em too," Emma had toddled back over to them. "Em wants to help!"

"You want to help?" Drew asked pulling on the brim of Emma's sunhat. "I'm glad to hear it because I don't think we could have done it without you."

"Kay," Emma smiled at her aunt. "And Em's the baby!"

"Em's the baby," Drew agreed.

"Yay," Emma said happily. "Pretty!" she pointed to the shells.

"Almost as pretty as you three girls," Brian said winking at Drew.

"Aunt Drew's blushing," Caroline sang, giggling.

"Caroline!" Drew said blushing even more.

"You are!" Caroline said giggling.

Brian helped his girlfriend up. "Let's go get something to drink," he said. "Do you girls want anything?"

"Can we have some juice?" Caroline asked.

"Peas?" Emma chimed in.

"We'll bring you some juice," Drew picked Emma up. "But for now you girls need to go back by your parents."

"I'll get the bucket," Brian said to Caroline. "And the princess!"

Caroline giggled as Drew and Brian carried her and Emma over the sand and back to Jon and Allison.

"Here they are," Drew said grinning at her brother and sister-in-law.

"Thanks for spending time with them," Allison said. "I know it meant a lot to the girls, Drew."

"Anytime Allie," Drew said. "I don't get to spend enough time with them."

"Alright Brian?" Jon asked.

"Aye," Brian answered "We were going to get something to drink. Can we get you anything?"

"I'd love some water if you don't mind," Allison said, shading her eyes.

"Make that two," Jon said. "Thanks mate."

"Sure," Brian took Drew's hand and they ambled back to the house. "Thanks for inviting me to come here," he said. "Your family is fantastic."

"They think the same of you," Drew said. "Caroline thinks you're funny."

Brian laughed. "What do you think?" he squeezed her fingers.

Drew looked thoughtfully at him. "I think you're funny, too."

"Anything else?" he nudged her as they went into the house.

"Handsome, charming, and sweet," Drew finished.

"Thank God you're here!" they heard someone from the kitchen exclaim.

"Josh?" Drew asked. "What is it?"

"I'm letting Lizzy have a kip and I said I'd look after the babies, but I can't feed all three of them at once. My wand is upstairs..."

"Josh relax," Drew said. "We'll help you."

"Thanks," Josh said gratefully.

"Come here, Casey," Drew said taking her from Josh. "That's a good girl."

Brian took some water and juice out of the icebox. "I'll run these out and be right back," he said.

"Thanks," Drew said smiling at him.

Josh handed Drew a bottle. "I'll just go and get Noah. Thanks, Drew."

"Anytime Josh," Drew said. "You know I never mind helping out."

"Three of them makes you want to lose your head every now and then," Josh said before heading upstairs.

"But looking at this little face has to be worth it," Drew said softly, looking adoringly at her niece. "Are you hungry, little one?"

"Oooooh," Casey cooed as her little lips smacked.

Drew laughed and sat down with Casey. It was hard not to be with her nieces and nephews and not think of Hope.

Brian watched from the doorway. "You're a natural, you know." he said.

Drew smiled. "She makes it easy."

Brian sat down next to her. "You okay with this?"

"I can't shut myself off from my family," Drew said nodding. "And I know Hope wouldn't want me to do that."

"Of course not," Brian said.

"I never thanked you really for going with me to Ireland," Drew said. "I really, really appreciated you doing that, Brian."

"I was glad to do it Drew," Brian said. "You mean a lot to me."

"You mean a lot to me, too," Drew whispered.

"In fact," Brian took a deep breath. "I've uh... been meaning to say this for awhile now... I'm in love with you."

Drew gazed at him. "Brian..."

"Too soon?" he asked anxiously.

"No," she said quickly. "I feel the same way, Brian."

"You do?" he said, relaxing. "Really?"

"Both my boys wake up at once," Josh said carrying Aidan and Noah. "Brian---"

Brian hastily got up and took Noah. "I think he might have a dirty nappy as well, Josh."

"I think you're right," Josh said. "Thanks mate."

"No problem," Brian said grinning.

"You get this happy over a dirty nappy?" Josh asked bemused.

"Oh that's not just it," Brian said. "I'm in love with your sister Josh."

Drew giggled.

"Good to know," Josh said nodding. "You hurt her and I'll cripple you."

"Josh!" Drew admonished.

"Hey I'm the big brother," Josh said, sitting down with Aidan.

"Don't scare him off," Drew said. "He's one of the good ones."

"Better than Paul," Josh said under his breath.

"I heard that," Drew said. "And I couldn't agree with you more."

"I am happy for you Drew," Josh said as Brian went to change Noah. "You deserve a good guy like him."

"You heard about him going with me to see Hope in Ireland?" Drew asked her brother.

"Mum was all waxing poetic about it," Josh said. "I think it really sold him to her when she saw him there with you. Dad too."

"And I met his family," Drew confided. "They're really great people. His dad wants RJ's autograph. Really big into Quidditch."

Josh laughed. "Sounds like he'll fit right in."

"And he changes dirty nappies," Drew said grinning at him. "How many blokes do you know who'd do that for a kid that isn't even his?"

"Not many," Josh nodded. "He's a keeper Drew."

"I think so," Drew said as she burped Casey. "'s the book going, Mr. Author?"

"My editor has it right now," Josh said. "They'll send it back for the final rewrite soon and after it's checked over one more time, it'll be ready for publication."

"I'm so proud of you," Drew said smiling at him. "And I know Liz is too."

"Thanks little sis," Josh grinned at her.

"Have you seen little Emma around Allie?" Drew asked. "She's jealous of the baby. Caroline was asking me if we were like that when Maddie was born. And just out of curiosity, big brother, how were you and Jon when you found out Mum was going to have Dar and me?"

Josh thought for a minute. "I don't really remember," he said. "You'd be better off asking Mum and Dad about that. We were so young. I don't ever really remember feeling threatened- I already had Jon as a sibling so it's not as if I was ever lucky enough to be an only child." he joked.

"But you were lucky enough that HE was always the one getting into trouble," Drew teased.

"I was the good child," Josh said batting his eyes innocently.

"You got into your fair share of trouble too," Jon said walking into the kitchen and catching the tail end of the conversation.

"Only because of you," Josh returned.

"Your life would have been boring without me," Jon said. "Admit it, Josh."

"Yeah, yeah," Josh said rolling his eyes. "Did Saffy tell you about Junior wearing a pink dress and dancing on top of a bar?"

Jon, who had been drinking a bottle of water, nearly choked at this. "W-what?"

Josh grinned wickedly. "Apparently his team mates gave him the name Veronica and he was singing at several bars all over the Wizarding section of London."

Jon grinned and rubbed his hands together. "Do they have pictures? Please tell me they have pictures!"

"The team might," Josh answered, setting Aidan back into his little chair. "Saffron was pissed that she didn't have a camera."

"Remind me to have a little chat with the youngest Potter," Jon said.

"How's Em doing?" Drew asked him.

"She's all right," Jon sat down. "I don't know where this jealousy is coming from. It's got Al and I both baffled."

"She's been the baby for quite some time," Drew said thoughtfully. "Probably scared of what will happen when her little brother arrives."

"Nothing's going to change for her," Jon said. "Except that she won't be the youngest anymore. It's just hard for us to tell her that- at her age she doesn't understand everything."

"Just keep trying to play up the fact that she'll be a big sister," Drew advised. "Like Caroline."

"I think eventually she'll get used to the idea," Jon nodded.

RJ came downstairs in a t-shirt and pyjama bottoms with a bad case of bedhead hair.

"What time is it?" he asked groggily.

"Nearly one," Josh answered. "Veronica."

RJ glared at him. "Not you too. How many people is bloody Saffy going to tell?"

"Oh Joshie and I will take care of alerting the media," Jon said with a rather evil glint in his eye. "You never told us how much you liked pink Junior."

"Shut it Jon," RJ said walking over to the icebox and pulling out a carton of juice.

"RJ!" Drew admonished when he drank straight from the carton. "That's not just for you!"

"So?" RJ asked.

"So get a glass," Drew said rolling her eyes. "That's disgusting!"

"We don't want lipstick marks on the carton," Jon couldn't resist.

"Okay Boo Bear," RJ retorted. "Drew, do you know where Lex, Saffy and Andrew are?"

"They took Gabriel out on the boat," Drew replied. "Tried to wake you up, but apparently you were dead to the world."

"Damn it," RJ grumbled. "Figures they'd leave me out."

"They tried to wake you," Drew reminded him.

"I guess," RJ shoved the carton back in the icebox. "I'm going to the beach."

"I better get this out to Al," Jon said grabbing another bottle of water. "Josh, you and Liz coming out later?"

"Yeah," Josh said. "When she gets up."

"See you out there," Jon said before leaving the kitchen.

"I think she's finished," Drew said as Brian came back into the room with Noah.

"Sorry it took me so long," he apologised. "I'm a bit out of practise with nappies."

"Thanks mate," Josh said gratefully.

"Welcome," Brian set Noah back into his seat and fastened the little belt.

"It's a shame Darla isn't coming in until the weekend," Josh said.

"There's still so much to do for Maddie's wedding," Drew said.

"You and Dar are really putting your all into this," Josh was impressed.

"Maddie's our little sister," Drew said. "And we want to make this special for her."

"I can't believe she's getting married," Josh shook his head. "Our baby sister, married..."

"I know," Drew agreed. "It's something, isn't it?"

"I'm just glad it's Ethan," Josh said. "We don't have to beat the crap out of anyone."

Brian laughed nervously. "You guys are harsh..."

"Don't worry Brian," Josh grinned at him. "We like you already."

"Good to know," Brian said with a relieved sigh.

Drew shook her head. "Come on Brian," she said. "I think Josh can handle things from here on out."

"Thanks for the help you two," Josh called after them.

"Want to go for a walk?" Brian asked. "We can be alone for awhile..."

"On one condition," Drew said. "You have to buy me an ice cream..."

Brian laughed. "Anything you want." he said, taking her hand.

Josh watched them go and then returned his attention to his three children who were all staring up at him from their seats.

"You going to be quiet for Daddy now?" he asked them.

Lizzy grinned from the doorway. "I see you handled things," she said, making him jump.

"Hi sweetheart," Josh said sheepishly. "Did you get some sleep?"

"Yeah," Lizzy kissed him. "Felt nice to kip in the middle of the day."

"I was hoping I'd get the chance to join you, but these three had other ideas," Josh said.

"We'll have to make up for that later," Lizzy made a goofy face at her sons.

Noah held up his little hand and Lizzy stuck her finger out. Her son promptly wrapped his little fingers around it. "I love it when they do that," she said softly.

"It's sweet," Josh agreed, rubbing Casey's soft cheek.

"I'm still trying to get use to the fact that there's a Weasley boy with blonde hair," Lizzy said looking at Noah. "This has to be a first. Well, Nick has blonde hair, but---"

Josh laughed. "Your good genes came through."

"Aidan and Casey got your red hair though," Lizzy said.

"Guess that means the Weasley gene is stronger," Josh said, earning a slap on the shoulder.

"Very funny," Lizzy said. "There's quite a bit of Mitchell in them, too."

"I'd like to be a little bit in a Mitchell," Josh kissed her as he pulled her onto his lap.

"Josh," Lizzy giggled.

"Come on, you know you like some Weasley in you," Josh grinned.

"I do, but perhaps we shouldn't do this in front of the babies," she told him.

"Maybe they want a kip," Josh said hopefully.

"They look wide awake to me," Lizzy said. "But when they do go down for their kip, I promise we'll continue this."

"Promise me," Josh said.

Lizzy kissed him. "Promise."

Meanwhile, RJ set up camp on the dock waiting for his so called friends to come back from the water.

They probably didn't try that hard to wake me up, he thought as he looked out at the ocean. At the very least, they could have waited on the beach for me and then we all could have gone out.

He'd been waiting on the dock for about a half hour, his skin starting to burn when he heard the roar of the motor in the distance.

He looked out to see his friends on the boat. Andrew was steering and Saffron was by his side. Gabriel and Alexa were sitting at the back of the boat deep in conversation.

"Hi!" RJ said with a large false grin. "Everyone have a great time? No need to ask me if I wanted to go- I had quite the nice lie in."

Saffron and Andrew exchanged a puzzled look.

"We tried to wake you mate," Andrew said as he docked the boat.

"Yeah I'm sure you did," RJ said, annoyed.

"We did," Alexa said. "Come on, RJ. Don't be like this."

"Whatever," RJ turned and left the dock as Saffron secured it with the ropes.

"Alexa, don't you dare go after him," Saffron said to her friend. "He's being a big baby."

"Saffy he's my boyfriend," Alexa said. "Please don't start anything with him okay?"

"I'm not going to," Saffron said. "But you have to admit he's blowing this out of proportion. He acts like we deliberately went out without him. We did everything short of throwing a pail of water on him to get him up."

"I'm going to go talk to him," Alexa said. "I'll meet you guys on the beach."

Saffron sighed. "Okay. Come on Gabe. Let's go and get some lunch."

"Sure," Gabriel said as she clasped hands with Andrew. "Do you and RJ always fight?"

Andrew laughed. "Like cats and dogs."

"I like to think of it more like brother and sister," Saffron corrected him. "You see, Gabe....I'm usually right and RJ hates that. That's where most of our problems come from..."

"You're always right?" Gabriel asked. "Is this true, Andrew?"

"As far as I'm concerned, she's always right," Andrew grinned at his girlfriend. "I'm not a fool."

Gabriel laughed. "Good answer."

Alexa struggled to catch up with RJ.

"Wait!" she called breathlessly out to him.

"Why?" he asked crossly.

"Because I'd like to talk to you," she answered putting a hand on his arm. "Don't be like this."

He sighed. "This was supposed to be our holiday Lexie," he finally stopped. "And I've hardly seen you."

"We've been here one day," Alexa pointed out.

"And this is the first time I've seen you," RJ rolled his eyes. "Other than dinner last night."

"You're the one who has been busy with your team ever since you graduated," Alexa said angrily.

"It's my job now!" RJ exclaimed.

"We've barely spoken since we left Hogwarts," Alexa pointed out. "And I haven't said anything about that because I knew that this was something you had to do, but it hurts that I can't share this with you."

RJ relaxed at the look on her face. "Maybe you can come to some of our practises when we go back," he said as they sat down together on the warm sand.

"I'd like that," she said quietly. "And we really didn't intentionally leave you out, RJ."

"I guess I know that," he said reaching for her hand. "I just want to spend as much time with you as possible these next two weeks."

"You will," she said resting her head on his shoulder.

He kissed her forehead. "Love you Lexie."

"Love you too," Alexa said. "And I really do wish you'd have come with us today. It wasn't as much fun without you."

"No?" he asked, secretly pleased to hear this.

"No," she said grinning at him.

RJ leaned in and kissed her fully. "Making up for a little lost time here..."

Alexa giggled as RJ toyed with one of her bikini straps.

"Like that?" he teased.

"Yes," Alexa said softly.

"You know," he kissed under her ear. "We could go back to the house for a little while... pretty much everyone's down here on the beach."

"Be a shame to waste all that privacy," Alexa agreed.

"Come on," RJ said with a grin, leading her back.

"So other than the making you dance on bars thing and wearing women's clothing thing," Alexa said. "How do you like the team?"

"It's great," RJ said. "I have to go back for a mandatory practise later this week."

"They don't waste much time, do they?" Alexa asked.

"Not really," RJ said. "Frankie told me that the coach thinks I'm going to help them win the Cup."

"Of course you will," Alexa said loyally.

"And you'll be there cheering me on," he said opening the door for her.

"When I can," Alexa said. "But when I can't, I'll be listening on the Wireless."

"I'll keep that in mind," RJ pushed her down on the chaise lounge on the screened in porch.

"RJ!" Alexa gasped. "What's gotten into---?"

Her words were cut off by his lips crashing to hers.

"I've missed this," he said between kisses.

"Me too," Alexa whispered as he trailed kisses along her neck and shoulder.

"We'll spend the rest of today together," RJ said. "And tonight I'm taking you out for dinner, just the two of us."

"Really?" she asked smiling at him.

"Yeah," he smoothed back her hair.

"I can't wait," Alexa said giving him a kiss.

"Me either," he agreed.

"Someone's coming," Alexa said as she heard voices. They both sat up and Alexa pulled the straps of her bikini top back up.

"Uncle RJ!" Caroline squealed, launching herself at her uncle.

"Hey," RJ laughed, giving his niece a hug. "What have you got there Caroline?"

"Seashells," Caroline answered. "Aunt Drew is going to help me and Emma make a collage."

Emma toddled over to Alexa. "Em still baby!"

"Hi Emma," Alexa smiled. "Of course you're still a baby."

Emma grinned and wrapped her arms around Alexa's neck.

Allison laughed. "We were just going to get some lunch. You guys want to join us?"

"Sure," RJ said. "I'm always hungry."

"I know that," Allison said. "And don't let your brothers get to you, RJ. I know they've been giving you a hard time about---"

"Did you really wear a dress?" Caroline asked him innocently.

"I'm going to kill Saffron," RJ scowled.

"You can't do that," Caroline told him. "We love Saffy."

"Glad someone does," RJ glared at Saffron as she walked up to the house with Gabriel, Andrew and Sean.

"What did I do?" Saffron asked. "You're not still mad about us not waking you up, are you?"

Emma waved at Saffron. "Saf!"

"Hi Emma," Saffron grinned at the little redhead girl.

"How many people have you told about this?" RJ asked her.

"About what?" Saffron asked holding her arms out as Emma reached for her.

"As if you didn't know," RJ said angrily.

Emma pulled on one of Saffron's plaits and giggled.

"Come on," Allison said to her brother-in-law. "Let's not get mad."

"But she's telling everyone about this stupid initiation," RJ snapped. "So I was in a bloody dress and singing, would you please stop blabbing about it to everyone?" he barked at Saffron.

Saffron stifled a laugh. "Okay, everyone already knows anyway. RJ, come on..."

"But I'm sick and tired of everyone taking the Mickey out of me for it," RJ said as Jon put a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll stop," Jon promised.

"Yeah right," RJ grumbled.

Emma looked over Saffron's shoulder at Gabriel and he made a goofy face at her.

RJ saw this and thought that Gabriel was making the face at him. "Who the hell are you anyway?"

"What?" Gabriel asked taken aback.

"RJ!" Saffron glared at him.

"Do you have something to say about it too?" RJ asked him.

"I wasn't---" Gabriel started to say.

"He was making a face at Emma," Allison said. "RJ calm down all right?"

"I'm going up to my room," RJ said stalking off the porch.

"Come on girls," Jon said to his daughters. "Let's go get some lunch."

"Saf come too?" Emma asked.

"I'll come too," Saffron promised. "Gabe I'm so sorry. I don't know what's gotten into him lately."

"It's okay," Gabriel said quietly. "I really wasn't---"

"We know," Allison reassured him.

"It's all right Gabriel," Jon said. "My brother can be a real pain in the arse at times."

"Daddy that's a bad word," Caroline informed him.

"Right," Jon said sheepishly. "Sorry, Caroline."

"Come on," Alexa said, horribly embarrassed at RJ's behaviour. "I'm hungry too."

"What do we want to eat?" Jon asked. "Sandwiches? Crisps?"

"Em eat everything!" Emma said enthusiastically.

Saffron giggled. "Everything?"

"Em eat!" Emma grinned at her.

"I'll help," Saffron said tickling the little girl's side. "Come on."

Alexa hung back. "Gabe I really am sorry about RJ," she said. "I don't know why he's been so hostile."

"You don't have to apologise," Gabriel said. "I really wasn't making a face at him. I was just playing with Emma."

"I know," Alexa replied. "Everyone knows."

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I'm fine," she assured him.

He smiled at her. "Thanks for letting me come out with you guys this morning. It was fun."

"I had a good time," Alexa smiled. "And trust me, when RJ's in a better mood, you'll really like him."

Gabriel wasn't so sure, but for Alexa's benefit, he would try. "So shall we go eat?"

"Sure," Alexa agreed. "I make a killer grilled cheese sandwich you know."

"Do you now?" Gabriel asked. "I had no idea."

"That and the fudge are the things I make best," Alexa laughed.

"RJ's a lucky guy," Gabriel said following her into the kitchen.

"I'm lucky too," Alexa replied.

"When he's not being a horse's you-know-what," Saffron chimed in, being careful what she said around Emma and Caroline.

"Saffy," Alexa said giving her friend a look.

"Sorry," Saffron replied.

"I'll just go and see if he wants anything for lunch," Andrew said. "Be right back."

RJ was sitting sullenly on his bed looking through a Quidditch magazine when Andrew knocked.

"Alright, mate?" Andrew asked opening the door.

RJ shook his head. "I'm ready to strangle your girlfriend."

"RJ," Andrew said. "Come on, she was just having a laugh. You'd have done the same thing if the roles were reversed."

RJ didn't want to admit Andrew was right.

"And Gabe was making a face at Emma," Andrew said. "Ease up on him, okay?"

"He keeps looking at Lexie," RJ tossed his magazine aside.

"He does not," Andrew said shaking his head.

RJ only rolled his eyes and got up. "I'm hungry," he said.

"No, no." Andrew shook his head. "Be nice to the bloke RJ. He's had a lot to deal with and Alexa's just being nice to him."

"I really hate it when you're right," RJ said. "But at least you don't rub it in like Saffy."

"Saf said she'd stop," Andrew told him. "You ready to quit having a sulk and get something to eat?"

"Fine," RJ said. "Sorry mate."

"Gonna be a good boy and play well with the other kids then?" Andrew asked.

"Shut up," RJ said laughing.

"That's a yes then," Andrew said grinning. "Lex is making grilled cheese sandwiches."

"Yum," RJ said. "She makes the best grilled cheese in the world."

"Tell her that then," Andrew said leading the way downstairs.

Alexa was already at the stove when RJ wrapped his arms around her from behind. "I'm sorry... again." he whispered in her ear.

Alexa smiled. "You want extra cheese?"

"Please," he said with a grin.

"Saf?" Andrew said motioning to RJ.

Saffron sighed. "I'm sorry, RJ. I promise not to tell anyone else about the d-r-e-s-s."

RJ shook his head. "I think you already did enough damage," he said with a wry smile.

"Well, when I do something embarrassing which will probably be about 20 or 30 years from now, you can tease me unmercifully about it," Saffron said.

"I'm going to hold that over your head for life," RJ replied.

"Deal," Saffron said. She bounced Emma on her lap. "Uncle RJ is silly, isn't he, Emma?"

"Silly," Emma agreed, grinning at her godfather.

Gabriel decided to make an effort with RJ. "Alexa was telling me that you just signed a big contract."

"Yeah," RJ nodded. "You know a lot about Quidditch?"

Gabriel shook his head. "Just what my dad and Saffy have told me."

"I can tell you anything you want to know," RJ offered. "I know everything about Quidditch."

"That'd be great," Gabriel said. "Sounds like a lot of fun."

"Maybe you can come to a practise later this summer," RJ offered. "See what it's like up close."

Alexa beamed at RJ. "I think that'd be great, Gabe. What do you say?"

"Sure," Gabriel agreed. "I'd really like that RJ, thanks."

"I want to come too," Saffron said. "So I can see what my future team mates are like."

"I hate to think what sort of initiation they'd put you through," Andrew said with a laugh.

"They'd be nice to me," Saffron replied. "I'll be the only girl on the team."

"Would you and RJ be able to get along on the same team?" Gabriel asked.

"No," they both answered at the same time, making Caroline and Emma laugh.

"You got along fine on the house team," Alexa pointed out.

"Only because we had to," Saffron grinned.

"And now she's probably going to be made captain," RJ said. "I'm just glad I won't be there to see that when the power goes to her head."

Saffron tossed a crisp at him. "I'm going to have a lot to do this next year."

"Captain of the team," Andrew said. "Set the groundwork for being named Head Girl your last year..."

"That's right," Saffron leaned against him. "I want it all."

"And knowing you, you'll get it all," Andrew said grinning at her.

"I already have what I want most," Saffron whispered in his ear.

Sean watched the two of them and although he'd wished he and Saffron could pick up where they'd left off; there was no denying that his ex-girlfriend was happy.