Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thank you to those of you who have supported us in the past week. There was some questions as to what exactly we revised in the last chapter. There were a few complaints about the scene so the mods contacted us and asked us if that scene was necessary. We edited the chapter to take out the scene that blatantly described what happened. We did that to comply with the rules of this site. We are sorry if we offended anyone, but the truth of the matter is that things like this happen every day. We were not trying to make light of it in anyway. We hope that you will continue to read because we have some really great things planned. Thanks again for all the support! We appreciate you guys very much!

The house was dark. Andrew figured Saffron had gone upstairs to her room.

He made his way upstairs and knocked on her door softly. "Saffy?" he called.

"Andrew?" Saffron asked sitting up in bed. She hadn't been asleep. She'd been racking her brain to remember what had happened that night and if it was possible that she'd done what O'Neal had said she had.

"Hey," he said, opening the door. "Saffy... we have to talk."

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "I just want to be alone, Andrew."

"No, Saffy." Andrew shook his head. "Something happened to you."

Saffron looked away. She didn't want to tell him; she couldn't bring herself to tell him.

"I know what happened," Andrew told her. "Saffron..."

Saffron looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "You do?"

"It wasn't your fault, Saf," Andrew reached for her.

Saffron nearly collapsed in his arms.

His heart broke for his girlfriend. "We have to take you in to be tested for a drug that Murphy saw Daniel put into your drink."

Saffron pulled away to look at him properly. "He put something in my drink?"

"Yeah," Andrew nodded. "We got Ethan to come over and he took what was left and Daniel into the Ministry. But you have to come be tested as well."

"Ethan knows?" Saffron asked in a small voice.

Andrew nodded. "We're going to take care of O'Neal for you, Saffy."

Saffron put her arms around him. "I didn't know what I was doing, Andrew."

"I know you didn't, baby." Andrew soothed her.

"He--he wouldn't leave me alone at practise," Saffron said quietly. "And he kept following me around at the party."

"I'd like to kill him," Andrew said ominously.

Saffron sobbed into his shoulder. She'd been so sure he'd hate her if he'd found out what she'd done.

"Shhh...." Andrew rubbed her back.

"I love you so much," Saffron whispered.

"I love you too," Andrew told her. "I meant what I said to you earlier."

Saffron looked up at him. "You said you'd love me no matter what happened tonight. Oh, Andrew---"

"Come on Saffy," Andrew said. "I'll go with you- we should tell your parents what happened and take you to the Ministry."

Saffron nodded. "My parents---"

"They have to know," Andrew told her.

"I don't want anyone to know," Saffron said softly. "The thought of him touching me---"

Andrew tightened his hold on her. "I hate that thought too."

"What kind of person would do this?" Saffron asked him.

"I don't know," Andrew said. "He's a bastard."

Saffron had changed out of her clothes and into her pyjamas. She looked at Andrew. "I need to change clothes. Will you---will you go and wake up my parents?"

"Sure," Andrew nodded. "I'll do anything you want me to."

"Thank you," Saffron said softly. "For everything."

Andrew squeezed her hand before heading to her parents' room.

He didn't know how he would tell them what had happened. He gently knocked on the door.

Harry answered it a moment later, still dressed. "Andrew?"

"Hello, Mr. Potter," Andrew said quietly. "Something's happened."

"What?" Hermione asked coming over and standing behind her husband.

"To Saffy," Andrew continued. "She needs you... um... and she has to go to the Ministry."

"Saffy?" Hermione asked pushing past him and heading down the hall to her daughter's bedroom.

Saffron had just finished pulling a jumper over her head when Hermione came into her room.

"Baby?" Hermione asked looking at her daughter's tear-stained face.

"Mum," Saffron rushed into her mother's arms.

Hermione held her daughter tightly. She couldn't imagine what could have happened. "It's okay, baby. I'm here."

"He drugged me," Saffron wept. "And... and..."

"Who?" Hermione asked cupping her daughter's face in her hands. "Who drugged you, Saffy?"

"Daniel," Saffron whispered.

"Daniel?" Hermione asked confused. "Daniel, your team mate?"

Saffron nodded.

"Did he---?" Hermione couldn't even bring herself to ask.

"I didn't know what was happening," Saffron sobbed.

The floor started to shake and Saffron looked toward the doorway where she saw her father standing with Andrew. Harry had tried very hard to keep his temper in check, but when he'd heard what his daughter had said, he'd lost it.

"Daddy," Saffron said unable to look at him.

"Who?" Harry asked in an extremely controlled voice.

"Daniel O'Neal," Saffron said quietly.

"The bloke on your team?" Harry asked furiously. "I'll kill him."

"Daddy, wait!" Saffron called out, but he was already stalking down the stairs.

"Saffy we really need to get you to the Ministry," Andrew said.

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Andrew, can you get our cloaks? They're in the closet by the staircase."

"Sure," he nodded.

Hermione put her arm around her daughter. "It's going to be okay, sweetheart. I promise."

Saffron only shook her head.

Harry arrived at the Ministry within seconds. He wanted to kill Daniel O'Neal for what he'd done to his daughter.

He stormed up to the Auror Headquarters and slammed into an interrogation room.

"Harry, you can't be in here," Neville warned him. "I already threw Ethan out."

"Oh I have every reason to be in there," Harry said ominously.

"I'm not going to say another word while he's in here," Daniel said defiantly.

"You don't have to," Harry said furiously. "YOU DRUGGED MY DAUGHTER!"

"I didn't do anything she didn't want me to do," Daniel said grinning cockily at him. He seemed to be under the impression that Harry wouldn't do anything to him here.

The lights flickered around them and the chairs around the table Daniel was sitting at flew and broke against the wall.

"Harry," Neville warned.

"You're going to pay for what you've done," Harry said. "Mark my words."

Ethan opened the door. "Dad, come on. Let Neville handle this. We're too close."

Harry gave Daniel one last glare before allowing his son to pull him out of the room.

"I know you want to kill him," Ethan said. "I do too, but Saf's been through enough. There's a room full of witnesses that heard him confess as to what he put in her drink."

"What else did he do to her?" Harry asked his son directly.

Ethan looked through the glass at the younger bloke who had taken advantage of his baby sister. "From what I understand, he gave her something that lowered her inhibitions and made her see things not as they usually are. I think she confused him with Sean. He used that to take advantage of her."

"Advantage..." Harry's voice trailed off.

Ethan nodded. "Yeah."

Harry clenched his fists and a large crack appeared in the glass.

"How is she?" Ethan asked.

"Not good," Harry said grimly.

"She's been through enough," Ethan said shaking his head.

Harry continued to watch through the glass. "I want to fucking kill him."

"I do too," Ethan said in agreement. "I sent a team over to his flat to check it out."

Meanwhile, Saffron, Andrew and Hermione arrived at the Ministry. "Where do I have to go?" she asked quietly.

"Ethan said you had to go to Auror Headquarters," Andrew replied.

Saffron nodded, pulling her cloak tighter around her.

"It's going to be okay," Andrew told her. "Your mum and I are right here."

"Andrew's right," Hermione said squeezing her hand. "We're not going to leave you, baby."

Saffron nodded.

Hermione said a silent prayer that her husband hadn't gone off the deep end. She could certainly understand his wanting to. If she saw Daniel O'Neal, she was certain she too would want to kill him. But, she knew it was the last thing her daughter needed to deal with now.

"Do you think Daddy did anything to him?" Saffron asked in a small voice.

"Your Uncle Neville wouldn't let him," Hermione said, hoping she was telling the truth.

"I don't want anything to happen to Daddy," Saffron said, leaning against Andrew.

"Let's just go upstairs and see," Andrew said.

Saffron felt her knees shake as they approached the room where Daniel was being held.

"Saffy," Harry said opening his arms. "Come here, sweetheart."

Saffron rushed towards her father. "I'm so sorry..."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Harry said firmly. "He did. And he's going to pay for what he did."

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "I shouldn't have--"

"Shhh," Harry said holding her tightly. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"What are they doing to him?" Andrew asked.

"Neville's interrogating him," Ethan told them. "I sent a team over to O'Neal's flat to see what hey could find there. Justin's interviewing some of the party guests."

"I wanted to kill him," Andrew admitted. "Managed to lay a few on his face."

"I wasn't going to tell anyone," Saffron admitted. "I just wanted to make it go away."

"That's never the way to go about it, sweetheart." Hermione told her.

"Let me go!" they heard a female voice.

Saffron turned to see a team of Aurors walking with Christina Grant. "Christina?"

"Potter," Christina spat.

Natalie looked over at Harry and Ethan. "We found her in O'Neal's flat."

"You two were in on this together?" Andrew asked in disbelief. "How?"

"Daniel's an old friend," Christina said loftily. "I was just visiting him when these people stormed in and grabbed me!"

"You probably had everything to do with this," Andrew retorted.

Christina rolled her eyes.

Saffron could hardly face the other girl. "Andrew told me I had to get tested," she told her father.

"I'll go with her," Hermione said. "Just let me know where to take her."

"Ethan will show you," Harry said.

"Come on, Saffy," Ethan said gently.

Saffron allowed her brother to take her elbow. "Andrew?"

Andrew smiled reassuringly at her. "Yes?"

"You'll stay?" she asked.

Andrew nodded. "Of course. I'll be right here."

Saffron nodded. "Thank you."

"Love you," Andrew told her.

"Love you too," she whispered.

Ethan led the way down the corridor.

Saffron squeezed her mother's hand. "You won't leave, right? You'll be there with me?"

"I won't leave you for a moment," Hermione promised.

"Thank you, Mum," Saffron said softly.

"Oh, baby," Hermione said quietly. "I wish this hadn't happened to you."

"Me too," Saffron said.

Hermione hugged her tightly.

"After your examination, we'll need to get a statement from you," Ethan told her. "Natalie can take it from you, if you feel more comfortable talking to her instead."

"That would be nice," Saffron nodded.

Ethan opened a set of double doors. "Here we are."

Hermione put a hand on Saffron's shoulder. "This way, baby."

Saffron nodded and followed her mother into the small examination room where an older woman was waiting for them. She smiled reassuringly at Saffron.

"Miss Potter?" the woman asked. "I'm Carly Richards. I'm the lead medical investigator for the Auror department."

"Hi," Saffron said quietly.

She handed Saffron a gown. "You can go behind the curtain and change."

"Okay," Saffron took it. She handed her mother her cloak and disappeared behind the curtain.

Saffron came out a few moments later and Carly asked her to sit on the examination table.

"I just need to ask you a few questions before we get started," Carly told her.

Saffron shrugged. "Whatever you need to do."

"Prior to this evening, were you sexually active?" Carly asked.

"Yes," Saffron said quietly.

Carly wrote something down on her clipboard. "Okay, and when was the last time, prior to this evening, that you had intercourse?"

"Um... about a week ago," Saffron thought.

Carly wrote Saffron's response down and then asked her a few more preliminary questions.

"Okay," Carly said. "If you'll just lay back on the table."

Hermione stood beside her daughter and took her hand. "I'm right here, baby."

Saffron nodded. "I know."

Hermione staved off her own tears as she watched her daughter. Saffron was trying so hard to be brave and Hermione didn't want to have her daughter see her cry.

"So we're testing for the presence of Amorentia potion," Carly read from her clipboard.

"That's what they said he slipped into my drink," Saffron said quietly.

"You didn't finish it, correct?" Carly asked.

Saffron tried to recall. "I think I took a couple of sips and I--I carried the drink to the bedroom with me, but I don't remember drinking anymore of it after that."

"It only takes a small dose," Carly told her.

"Have you seen many cases involving this?" Hermione asked.

"A few," Carly nodded.

"It's reprehensible," Hermione said shaking her head.

"I agree with you," Carly nodded, mixing a few vials of potion together. "The people who use this should be punished severely."

"I'll see to it that they are," Hermione said firmly.

Carly gave Saffron the potion she'd made up. "Drink this."

Saffron took the glass. "Okay."

She drank the potion down and was astonished to see her body glow a bright blue shade for a moment. "What happened?"

"It's just as I expected," Carly said. "You do have traces of Amorentia in your system."

"A lot of it?" Saffron asked.

"Traces," Carly told her. "But like I said it only takes a small amount to make a difference."

"He will be punished for this," Hermione said grimly.

Carly finished the rest of the examination and made some notes on her clipboard. "You should visit your own personal Healer in a couple of weeks. Just to make sure..."

"Make sure of what?" Saffron asked.

"I don't know if you used protection," Carly told her gently. "You should have a pregnancy test."

Saffron struggled to sit up. "W-what?"

"Just as a precaution," Carly replied.

"Right," Saffron whispered.

"I'll talk to Pansy tomorrow," Hermione promised.

"I'll leave you to get dressed," Carly said. "I'll turn in my findings to Neville."

"Thank you," Hermione said.

Once they were alone, Hermione gave her daughter a hug.

"Mum, I can't be pregnant," Saffron said. "Not from this...I can't."

"It's just a precaution," Hermione assured her. "It doesn't mean she thinks you are."

Saffron nodded. "I hope so."

"I hope not either," Hermione said as Saffron got dressed again.

"What time is it?" Saffron asked as they walked back.

"Around eleven now," Hermione replied.

"I know you have an early start tomorrow," Saffron started to ramble. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with this Mum. If you wanted to go home---"

"Sweetheart, I'd stay up all night with you if I had to," Hermione told her.

"Thank you, Mum," Saffron said softly.

"I love you, baby." Hermione said. "Your father and I would do anything for you."

"I just thought I was finally turning things around," Saffron said starting to cry again. "And then this happens---"

Hermione hugged her daughter, blinking back her own tears. "This was not your fault, Saffron. And this won't set you back."

"I don't want it to," Saffron said softly.

"That's good," Hermione encouraged. "And it's needless of me to say that Andrew is staying right by your side."

"I was so afraid that he'd hate me," Saffron said wiping at her eyes.

"I don't think he could," Hermione brushed back Saffron's unruly hair.

Saffron smiled for the first time since this had happened. "I should go and give my statement, huh?"

"Good idea," Hermione said. "Then we can get you home."

Saffron and Hermione walked back into the main offices just in time to see Daniel being led out of the interrogation room.

Saffron looked away from him.

"Hiya, Saffy," Daniel called out to her.

Hermione sent him a glare. "Don't you speak to my daughter."

"I see where she got her looks," Daniel leered at her.

Ethan appeared and pushed on Daniel's shoulder. "Move it on," he barked. "And watch what you say."

Andrew pulled Saffron into his arms. "Don't listen to him."

Saffron shook her head and buried her face in his shoulder.

"How are you holding up?" Andrew asked softly.

"I had traces of the potion in me," Saffron said quietly.

"They have enough evidence to put him away for a long time," Andrew told her. "Scanlon, Murphy, Bianca...they were all here earlier. They all gave statements."

"They're putting him away?" Saffron asked. "What about Christina?"

"She was his accomplice," Andrew said. "From what Justin told us, they've known each other for quite some time."

Saffron shook her head. "Why did they do this to me?"

"I don't know," Andrew said kissing her forehead.

"But you're staying by me," Saffron looked up at him.

"Just try and get rid of me," Andrew said softly.

Saffron buried her face in his shoulder again.

Hermione walked over to her husband. "How are you holding up?" She motioned toward the interrogation room window which still had a crack in it from earlier.

Harry shook his head. "They're locking him away... but it's not enough. He hurt my baby."

"I know," Hermione said putting her arms around him. "She's being so brave."

"I'm glad Andrew's stayed." Harry said. "He's a good bloke."

"He loves her very much," Hermione said.

"About as much as I love you," Harry cracked a smile.

Hermione gave him a kiss. "Ethan said Natalie would take her statement."

Harry nodded. "Then we can get her home."

"I'm going to sit with her when she gives her statement," Hermione said. "I don't want her to go through that alone."

Harry nodded. "Let's go get started."

"Saffron?" Hermione called out to her daughter. "Are you ready?"

Saffron broke away from Andrew's embrace. "Yeah," she nodded.

"It's time for you to give your statement," Harry said. "Natalie's waiting for you, sweetheart."

"Okay," Saffron replied.

"Andrew and I will be waiting out here," Harry told her.

"I'll go in with you, sweetheart," Hermione said to her daughter.

Saffron nodded. She was glad that her father and boyfriend wouldn't be there to hear her relive what had happened.

Natalie smiled reassuringly at Saffron when she came in. "Hi Saffron. Since we already have concrete evidence he did this, we don't really need to spend a lot of time on this, all right? Just be straightforward and tell me what happened."

"I don't honestly remember that much," Saffron told her honestly. "Most of it's still a bit fuzzy."

"Just tell me what you do know," Natalie replied.

"Earlier today," Saffron began. "My best friend and I were shopping for a dress. We ran into Christina Grant in one of the shops."

Natalie nodded as the quill on the table in front of her went up and started writing down what she said.

"She said some things to me about Sean Grant," Saffron continued. "He was her cousin and I used to date him."

"He's the young man who was... killed last year... correct?" Natalie asked gently.

Saffron swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yes."

Natalie nodded. "Go on..."

"She said some horrible things to me about Sean," Saffron said quietly. "It made me upset. But, um, my friend Alexa and I talked about it and I was feeling better when I went to practise."

Hermione placed a hand on her daughter's and gave it a squeeze as Saffron related the rest of her tale.

"When I arrived at the party, Daniel O'Neal wouldn't leave me alone," Saffron told Natalie. "He kept telling me that I should give him another chance and that we got off on the wrong foot. I just wanted him to leave me alone. I--I made myself a plate of food and I had my drink. I set it down when Joe Scanlon called me over to meet his girlfriend."

"That's when he slipped the drug into your juice," Natalie said, relaying what the others had already stated.

Saffron nodded. "I came back to get my plate and glass a few minutes later. I sat down by myself and Daniel came over. I felt a little sick and everything felt a little blurry. Daniel---he looks a little like Sean. I saw Sean when I looked at Daniel."

"You were confused because of the drug, too." Hermione said.

Saffron nodded. "I remember him trying to kiss me, but after that it's all a blur.

Hermione bit down on her lower lip as Saffron described what she could remember.

"He came into the room," Saffron remembered. "Right after I'd gotten dressed and while I was talking to Andrew on my mobile---"

"He came back in?" Natalie asked.

Saffron nodded. "He said----he implied that we'd had---that we'd---"

"He claimed in his statement that the two of you slept together, and that you were willing," Natalie read.

Tears welled up in Saffron's eyes. "I don't remember. But, I know that if I was in my right mind, I'd never have slept with him. Never."

"Of course you wouldn't have," Hermione said.

"O'Neal also mentioned that you had an encounter on New Year's Eve," Natalie said looking over Daniel's statement.

"I was pissed then too," Saffron said. "I'd had eight or nine shots of Firewhisky."

"Did anything happen between you that night?" Natalie asked gently.

"Just kissing," Saffron replied.

Natalie nodded. "Okay, then. I think we have enough. I'll just need you to sign the statement."

Saffron nodded, relieved it was over.

She took the quill from Natalie and signed her name.

"That's all we need then, Saffron." Natalie said. "Thank you."

"Thank you," Saffron said quietly.

"Can we take her home now?" Hermione asked.

Natalie nodded. "If we need anything else, it can wait until later."

"Come on then, Saffron," Hermione said. "Let's get you home."

"Right," Saffron said. "I'm exhausted."

Natalie held the door open for the two of them. "A good night's sleep is just what you need."

"Thank you Natalie," Hermione said. "I'm sure we'll talk soon."

"Good night, Minister," Natalie said.

Harry, Ethan and Andrew stood when Hermione and Saffron appeared in the corridor.

"How'd it go?" Ethan asked.

"Fine," Saffron said quietly. "I want to go home and get some sleep."

"Of course," Harry said. "Um, Andrew. You're welcome to stay the night."

"Thank you Daddy," Saffron said gratefully as Andrew nodded in agreement.

"I just want you to feel safe, sweetheart," Harry said.

"I do, with all of you," Saffron replied.

Andrew put his arm around her. He was a little surprised, but very grateful that Harry was going to let him stay at their house. He didn't want to leave Saffron alone.

"I'll make you some tea when we get back," Hermione said. "And then you'll get some sleep."

"Thanks, Mum," Saffron said gratefully. "Daddy?"

"Yes, baby?" Harry asked.

"What's going to happen to Daniel now?" Saffron asked in a small voice.

"He's going to be locked up, baby." Harry answered.

"What he did was illegal."

"I should never have gone to that party," Saffron said quietly. "I should have just gone home like I wanted to."

"It's all right, Saffy." Andrew told her. "You're safe and we're all here for you."

Saffron looked up at him, unable to speak.

"I love you," Andrew told her.

Saffron hugged him again. "I love you too," she whispered.

"Let's get you home," Andrew kissed the side of her head.

Saffron nodded and leaned against him. They arrived back at the minister's mansion a few minutes later. Andrew helped Saffron upstairs while her parents made the tea.

"This has been a horrible night," Saffron mumbled.

"I know," Andrew said sitting on the edge of the bed. He watched as Saffron grabbed her pyjamas from her dresser. She'd never been modest around him before, but she looked uncertainly at him now. "I'll turn around," he offered. "Until you're dressed."

"Thanks," she said quietly.

Andrew turned around. "You were so brave tonight, Saffy. I was really proud of how you handled yourself."

"I nearly fell apart, Andrew." Saffron said.

"But, you didn't," Andrew said. "You were amazing. You're the strongest person I know."

"I don't feel strong," saffron said.

"You're stronger than you know," Andrew said. "I nearly lost it at Scanlon's. I wanted to kill O'Neal for what he did to you."

"Ethan said you pounded him," Saffron turned around to look at him.

"I did," Andrew admitted.

"You could have gotten into trouble too," Saffron told him.

"I didn't care," Andrew said. "I just wanted to make him disappear."

Saffron reached over and hugged him. "Thank you."

"I love you," Andrew whispered. "More than anything in this world."

"I love you too," Saffron rested her head on his shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're never gonna find out," Andrew said softly. "I'm not going anywhere."

Saffron nodded, closing her eyes.

"How did your examination go?" Andrew asked.

"Fine," Saffron shrugged.

There was a gentle knock on the door. Hermione and Harry came into the room with Puddles on their heels. Hermione set the tray of tea down on Saffron's desk.

"Thanks Mum," Saffron said. "I think that's just what I need."

"Can we get you anything else?" Harry asked.

Saffron shook her head. "I just want to sleep."

"You know where we are if you need us," Hermione said giving her daughter a hug. "I love you, baby."

"Love you guys too," Saffron hugged her parents.

"Good night, sweetheart," Harry said. "Your mother put a dreamless sleep potion in your tea."

Saffron nodded in relief. "That'll be great. I don't need any nightmares."

"Good night, Andrew," Harry said nodding at the younger man.

"Good night sir," Andrew replied.

Saffron closed the door behind her parents.

"Let's get you in bed," Andrew said, turning down the covers on Saffron's queen size bed.

Saffron smiled at him. "You're being perfect, right now. You know that?"

"You always did like me that way," Andrew grinned back.

Saffron slid under the covers. Andrew kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed beside her. "Is this okay?"

Saffron nodded. "I hoped you'd stay tonight."

"I'm glad your father offered," Andrew said. "But even if he hadn't, I'd have snuck in."

"Risked it, eh?" Saffron asked.

"That's me," Andrew said as she cuddled up beside him.

Saffron reached for the mug of tea and sipped it. "My mum sure does know how to make tea."

Andrew smiled. "And lasagne."

"Of course," Saffron drained the mug and set it on the nightstand. "Puddles, come here."

Puddles jumped up on the bed and settled down on Saffron's lap.

"Now it's perfect," Saffron said softly.

Andrew smiled. "You knew he couldn't stay away either."

"Both my guys," she said sleepily.

"Get some sleep," Andrew said softly.

"Promise not to leave," Saffron rubbed her eyes.

"I promise," Andrew said. "I'll be here all night."

Saffron wrapped an arm around him.

"Just sleep, Saffy," Andrew whispered.

It didn't take her long to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Andrew watched her sleep. He wasn't tired at all. He was still angry at Daniel O'Neal. Never in his life had he wanted to kill someone. But, right now, if Daniel O'Neal was in front of him, he knew he wouldn't hesitate.

*** *** ***

Because Darla was still dealing with morning sickness, Drew had decided to bring work to her twin sister instead of making Darla come into the office. She'd stopped off at the bakery on her way over to pick up some pastries. Although Darla claimed she didn't want to eat, Drew thought she'd bring them by just in case. She'd brought Chloe along for a morale boost since Hans was back in New York.

"Mummy," Chloe sang. "I want to swing!" Chloe pointed at the swing on Darla's porch.

"We'll swing in a bit," Drew promised. "First, we're going to have breakfast with Aunt Darla."

"Swing, now!" Chloe said stomping her foot. "Swing! Swing! Swing!"

"Chloe," Drew said. "You're going to have a time out if you keep that up."

"You no fun, Mummy," Chloe said folding her little arms.

Drew hid her smile. "I guess not."

Drew rang the doorbell.

Darla wiped her mouth then mopped her forehead with a clean kerchief. "One moment," she called weakly.

Chloe looked up at her mother. "Aunt Dar still sick, Mummy?"

"Just a little, baby," Drew answered.

Chloe knocked on the door. "Aunt Dar! It's meeeeeeeeee!"

Darla managed to open the door, her face grey and drawn from the morning sickness.

"Hey," Drew said smiling sympathetically at her sister.

"Hi," Darla croaked.

"I guess it would be pointless to ask how you were," Drew said.

"Aunt Dar," Chloe pouted. "Hold me!"

Darla picked up her niece. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you?"

"Good," Chloe said. "But you're sick!"

"I'm feeling better now that you're here," Darla said kissing her cheek.

"Me and Mummy bring food!" Chloe said. "And I want to swing!"

"Why don't you sit with Aunt Dar while I get us some juice?" Drew asked.

"I--I don't have any juice," Darla said. "I don't have much of anything, actually. I haven't had a chance to go to the market."

"Why don't I just run to the shops then?" Drew suggested. "I'll go really quick."

"Drew, you don't have to," Darla protested. "I can go."

"You can hardly move from room to room," Drew pointed out. "Chloe, you stay with Aunt Darla."

"Kay," Chloe said happily.

"You can help me pick out what I'm going to wear today," Darla said to her niece.

"Oooh," Chloe said clapping her hands together.

"My little fashion diva," Drew said with a grin. "Be back in a flash."

Chloe hugged her aunt. "Your tummy hurt?"

"Not so much anymore, sweetheart," Darla said.

"Mummy sings to me when I don't feel good," Chloe told her.

"What does she sing?" Darla asked.

"Twinkle, Twinkle," Chloe said.

"Little Star," Darla continued.

"...wonder what you are," Chloe sang.

Darla laughed. "What do you know?" she tickled Chloe. "That helped me feel all better!"

Chloe giggled. "Yay!"

Darla kissed her cheek. "Let's go have you pick me out an outfit."

"Where's Uncle Hands?" Chloe asked as they walked back to Darla's room.

"He's.... he's at work," Darla replied.

Chloe frowned. "He's always at work!"

"Yes he is," Darla said, setting her down.

"I miss him," Chloe said.

"You're not the only one, sweetheart." Darla replied.

Chloe picked up the photograph by Darla's bedside table. It was a photograph of Darla and Hans on their wedding day. "Princess!"

"Oh Chloe," Darla said. "I'm far from a princess."

"Princess Dar," Chloe said holding out the photograph.

"Princess Dar," Darla repeated, shaking her head.

"Pretty princess," Chloe said grinning at her.

"Are you trying to flatter me, Miss Chloe?" Darla asked, laughing.

Chloe shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know what that is!"

"You will someday," Darla opened the doors to her closet.

"Guess what?" Chloe asked.

"What?" Darla asked.

"Nothing," Chloe giggled.

Darla began to laugh. "You little trickster."

Chloe giggled even harder.

Darla picked her little niece up and began tickling her again.

"Dar!" Chloe giggled. "Stop!"

Her niece's laughter brightened Darla's spirits considerably.

Darla quickly changed into a pair of sweats and an old Hogwarts sweatshirt.

"No," Chloe shook her head. "Not pretty enough."

"What's wrong with it?" Darla asked.

"Not pretty clothes," Chloe said. "Wear that!"

"Munchkin, that's a little too fancy to lounge around the house in," Darla said.

"Then that," Chloe pointed to a shirt."

"You are a little fashion diva," Darla said shaking her head.

"That's me!" Chloe spun around in a circle.

Darla picked up a necklace from her dresser and put it around her niece's neck.

"Ooooh!" Chloe said in delight.

"Let's see how you look in this shirt," Darla said taking it off the hanger.

"Kay," Chloe held her little arms out.

"Your mum and me used to play dress up all the time," Darla recalled as she put the shirt on her niece.

"Dress up is fun," Chloe said. "I play with Em."

Darla smiled. "Would you like a hat, Miss Chloe?"

"Yes!" Chloe beamed.

Darla walked into the closet and picked out a hat she'd worn to one of the weddings she and Darla had planned. "I think this one would look lovely on you..."

"Ooooooh!" Chloe's eyes grew large. "Love it!"

"You want to check yourself out in the mirror?" Darla asked.

Chloe nodded. "I'm pretty now!"

"You were always gorgeous," Darla said lifting her up and carrying her over to the mirror.

Chloe clapped her little hands together. "Look at me!"

Darla laughed. "Look at you, the little diva. All you need now is a pair of heels."

"I love Mummy's shoes," Chloe replied.

"Well," Darla set her down. "Wait until you see these red heels that I have. I bought them a couple of months ago. I haven't worn them yet."

"I can?" Chloe asked.

"I don't think I'll be wearing them for awhile," Darla said going into her closet and pulling out the box. "Are you ready?"

Chloe nodded eagerly.

Darla opened the box. "Aren't they gorgeous? They're Jimmy Choo's."

"Jimmy's Shoes," Chloe repeated.

Darla laughed. "Close enough."

Chloe was parading around when Drew arrived back at the house with a few bags.

"What on earth?" Drew asked. "Sweetheart, what do you have on?"

"Dar's clothes!" Chloe kicked up a little foot.

Drew grinned. "Nice shoes, munchkin."

"They're Jimmy's shoes," Chloe told her mother.

"Jimmy's shoes?" Drew asked in confusion.

"Jimmy Choos," Darla corrected.

Drew gasped. "I didn't know you had Jimmy Choo's!"

"I just got them," Darla replied.

"I like 'em," Chloe said happily. She stumbled a bit when she spun around.

"Careful, munchkin," Drew cautioned.

"I will," Chloe promised.

"I got some basics," Drew told her sister. "And some juice and ginger ale. It really settled my stomach when I felt sick in the mornings."

"Thanks," Darla said gratefully. "I really appreciate you going out like that for me."

"Anytime," Drew told her, heading into the kitchen.

"Thank you for bringing her by," Darla said following her. "She's made me laugh."

"She's just like Maddie," Drew replied.

"Except she's more into fashion," Darla grinned.

"Oh definitely," Drew poured her sister a glass of the ginger ale. "Sip that slowly."

"Yes, mum," Darla teased.

Drew laughed. "Chloe? Do you want a pastry, munchkin?"

"Oooh," Chloe said stumbling into the kitchen. "Yes!"

"Why don't we take those off for now," Drew said, reaching down for the heels.

"No!" Chloe protested.

"You can put them back on after you're done eating," Drew told her.

Chloe looked uncertainly up at her mother. "You promise?"

"I promise," Drew told her.

"Kay," Chloe said slipping out of the shoes.

"A chocolate croissant," Drew said. "Your favourite."

"Yummy," Chloe said happily.

"What can I make you?" Drew asked her sister.

"One of those croissants sounds pretty good actually," Darla said.

"Great," Drew replied. "I also brought over a few files for some of the weddings we have coming up so we can go through them."

"Thank you for doing that," Darla said sitting down at the table. "I'm sorry I haven't been pulling my fair share of the load lately."

"We'll make up for it," Drew reassured her.

"You're the best, Drew," Darla said smiling at her.

"Don't I know it," Drew replied jokingly.

"Hans keeps sending me flat listings for New York," Darla said shaking her head.

"Honestly," Drew rolled her eyes. "Hasn't he gotten it by now?"

"I haven't looked at any of them," Darla said. "I can't. This is home."

"Do you think he'll ever... come back?" Drew asked hesitantly.

"He's coming back on the weekend," Darla said. "Or so he says..."

"You don't believe him?" Drew asked.

"He has good intentions," Darla said before taking a bite of her croissant.

"Good intentions?" Drew asked in disbelief.

"Drew, you should have seen him when we found out," Darla remembered. "He was so happy. He was the same person he was before all this happened."

"But obviously the allure of the big city means more to him," Drew stated.

"He said he'd tell his agent that he didn't want to hide anything anymore," Darla said in his defence.

"Well that's a start," Drew shrugged.

"He hasn't done it yet though," Darla said quietly. "And it's been three weeks since we found out."

"I'm sure things will work out, one way or the other," Drew said reassuringly.

"Uncle Hands loves Aunt Dar," Chloe said.

"I hope so, munchkin," Darla said.

"She's looking forward to meeting her new cousin," Drew said. "Aren't you, Chloe?"

Chloe nodded. "A boy!"

Darla laughed. "Yes, a little boy for you to boss around."

"What's his name?" Chloe asked.

"We haven't really talked about names yet," Darla admitted.

"Can I name him?" Chloe asked.

"I'll certainly take suggestions," Darla replied.

"I will make a name," Chloe nodded.

Darla grinned. "Okay."

"You never know," Darla said. "She might come up with a winner. Look at how well Caroline did with Emma. And the two of them with Adam."

"That's true," Drew admitted, smoothing back Chloe's red hair.

Chloe smiled at her mother. "I'll do good. Promise."

"You always do good, munchkin." Drew said affectionately.

"We should probably get to work," Darla said. "I feel like I'm so far behind."

"Sure," Drew said. "I brought some toys to keep her occupied while we get this all put together."

"Want to colour first," Chloe said sliding off of her chair.

"I've got your colouring books," Drew nodded. "Let's get you set up."

"Will you colour me a picture?" Darla asked her niece. "I'll put it on the icebox."

Chloe nodded. "For Dar and Hands."

Darla mussed Chloe's curls. "Thank you, sweetheart."

Chloe set to work and so did Darla and Drew.

Darla was happy for the distraction. The house was lonely without Hans around, but she'd imposed on her parents for too long. Even though, they'd told her over and over again that she was welcome to stay as long as she wanted.

"First we have the Gruber- Jones wedding," Drew said. "I'm beginning to think they're going to elope."

"You think that might have something to do with the groom's overbearing cow of a mother?" Darla asked with a grin.

"Oh perhaps," Drew rolled her eyes. "That woman..."

"I've never had to bite my tongue so much," Darla said shaking her head.

"We'll see how that goes," Drew opened the file. "But for now, wedding's still on."

"I have a meeting with the florist tomorrow," Darla said looking in her book. "And you're going to----"

Her voice trailed off as the phone rang. "Hold that thought," Darla said. She picked up the phone.

"Is this Hans Feinbach's residence?" a female voice asked.

"Uh... yes..." Darla said. "Who is this?"

"I'm Hillary Dodd," the woman replied. "I'm a reporter for the Times."

"Can I help you?" Darla asked warily.

"We're doing a story on his rapid rise to fame," the reporter said. "He's really taken New York by storm."

"I'm aware," Darla said. "But I'm probably not the right person to talk to about this."

"How do you know Hans?" the reporter continued.

Darla bit her tongue. "No comment," she said, her tone turning a bit sour.

"I've done my research," the woman said. "There were some photographs taken last year with Hans and a plain red-haired girl. Would you be that same girl?"

"Plain?" Darla asked hotly. "Excuse me?"

"You ARE the same girl," the reporter said eagerly. "Darla Weasley?"

"What of it?" Darla asked irritably. "If you'll excuse me--"

"Why the secrecy?" Hillary demanded.

"None of your business," Darla snapped.

"Miss Weasley---"

Darla slammed the phone down.

"Dar?" Drew asked. "What on earth? Who was that?"

"Some reporter looking for information on Hans," Darla rubbed her forehead.

"What did she ask you?" Drew asked.

"Called me plain," Darla related. "And asked if I was the girl seen in some photos last year."

"Plain?" Drew asked incensed.

Darla shook her head. "Maybe they're right in making him hide me," she said miserably.

Drew shook her head. "They're not! You're gorgeous and I'm not just saying that because we're twins! You are gorgeous and intelligent and smart and funny and Hans is bloody lucky to have you!"

"I don't feel like he is," Darla wiped her eyes.

"I've kept quiet about this long enough," Drew said shaking her head. "Hans should never have agreed to this, Darla."

Darla only shrugged.

"And he should be the one here going to the shops and making sure you're okay!" Drew said angrily. "But where is he?"

"I'm just not important enough," Darla said bitterly. "And neither is our son."

Drew gave her sister a hug. "He's an arse, Darla."

"Sad?" Chloe looked up from her colouring.

"No," Drew said shaking her head. "We're mad, munchkin."

"Why?" Chloe asked.

"What do you think of your Aunt Dar, sweetheart?" Drew asked her.

"Pretty as a princess," Chloe said.

Drew beamed at her. "That's right."

"Thanks," Darla said, wiping her eyes again.

"Hans better hope I don't see him anytime soon," Drew said.

"What, and leave New York?" Darla rolled her eyes.

"This calls for another chocolate croissant," Drew said reaching into the box.

"Me too, Mummy?" Chloe asked.

"Absolutely," Drew said. "Come here."

Chloe hopped off her chair and ran to sit on Drew's lap.

"I'll get us some more juice," Darla said. She briefly thought about calling Hans to tell him about the reporter, but it wasn't as if he'd care.

Drew broke the croissant into three pieces. "There you go, love." she said to her daughter.

"Yummy," Chloe said happily.

"Here's some more juice for you, sweetheart," Darla set a glass in front of her niece.

"This is the most fun!" Chloe exclaimed.

Darla had to smile. "Glad you're enjoying yourself."

"I still say we should let Uncle Fred and Uncle George pay him a visit in New York," Drew said thoughtfully.

"He might have to give up his career if they get a hold of him." Darla said ruefully.

"Katie said Hands is hot," Chloe told them.

"Did she now?" Drew asked.

"Katie's funny," Chloe said giggling.

Darla sat down again. "Let's just get back to work," she said, rubbing her stomach.

"I have a new couple for us," Drew said reaching into her bag for a folder. "It's an older couple that are renewing their vows."

"That'll be nice," Darla said.

"They're the sweetest couple," Drew said. "It shouldn't be too much work."

"An easy job sounds nice for a change," Darla replied.

"You want to take this one?" Drew asked.

"Sure," Darla took the file and began reading through it.

The phone rang again. Darla stood up to answer it, but Drew beat her to it. "Allow me."

"Thanks," Darla said softly.

"Hello?" Drew asked when she answered the phone.

"Miss Weasley?" a voice asked.

"Yes," Drew answered.

"This is Hillary Dodd again," the woman said. "Please do not hang up on me ..."

"What do you want?" Drew snapped.

"I've just received a fax from London," the woman said. "It seems to be a copy of a marriage license.."

"Your point being what?" Drew asked petulantly.

"I'll cut to the chase," Hillary said. "You're married to Hans Feinbach."

"And I'll ask again, what's your point?" Drew asked.

"I wanted to know if you had a comment about why no one knew of your existence?" the reporter asked coldly.

"Don't worry about it," Drew told her.

"Why have his agents marketed him as a single man when he's married to you?" Hillary asked again. "You can tell me now or wait until the whole world knows.."

Drew slammed the phone down again.

"Another reporter?" Darla guessed.

"Same one, I think," Drew replied. "She got a copy of your marriage license."

"What?" Darla asked. "How?"

"Told me it was faxed over." Drew shrugged.

"How on earth did she get it?" Darla asked.

"Those things are public record, Darla," Drew told her.

"You know what?" Darla asked. "I don't even care."

"You shouldn't care," Drew said. "It's about time you were out in the open. It's stupid for them to think to hide you anyway."

"Well hopefully she won't call back again," Darla said. "I'm really in no mood to deal with this."

"Let's get back to work," Drew said. "Right, Chloe?"

"Right," Chloe picked up her crayon again.

A few hours later in America, Hans was just waking up in his penthouse apartment. He'd had another late night for an industry party and he had another appearance at noon. He'd heard the phone ring about a dozen times, but he'd been so knackered, he'd ignored it each time.

It insistently rang again, and with a groan, he reached over, knocking his alarm clock off his nightstand.

He picked up the phone with his eyes still closed. "Hello?"

"It's about time you picked up the fucking phone, Hans!" his agent barked at him.

"What is it?" Hans asked irritably.

"Have you seen the papers this morning?" his agent asked.

"I'm just waking up," Hans pointed out.

"You made The Times, The Post and The Daily News," his agent told him. "Or should I say...your wife did."

"What?" Hans asked, fully awake.

"I thought you told her to keep quiet," his agent said angrily. "You knew what was riding on this, but did you listen? No, no you didn't! And now I've got to do damage control with the press, with Calvin Klein..."

"Darla told the papers?" Hans found it incredible that Darla would do something like that.

"Mrs. Feinbach couldn't keep her mouth shut apparently," his agent said. "I want you in my office in an hour, Hans. We have to find some way to spin this."

"Fine," Hans said before hanging up.

He couldn't believe she'd do something like this. He'd decided to come clean, but he wanted to do it on his terms and when the time was right. He'd thought she'd be patient.

Reaching over for his phone again, he dialled the number to his house back in England.

"Come on," Hans said angrily. "Pick up...pick up...pick up...."

"Hallo?" he heard an impatient voice answer.

"Drew," Hans said. "What are you doing there?"

"Hans?" Drew asked.

"Yeah," Hans said impatiently. "Where's Darla?"

"Kipping," Drew said. "She's had a long day."

"I'll say she has," Hans snapped. "She told the press we were married!"

"It's already made the papers?" Drew asked taken aback. "Wow...they work fast."

"You knew about this?" he demanded.

"Of course," Drew said. "I've been here all day manning the phones. Reporters have been calling all hours trying to get a comment out of her."

"Because SHE told everyone!" Hans nearly exploded.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Drew exclaimed. "You're mad at her? She had no control over this! Some reporter called this morning asking all these questions and she said that she'd obtained a copy of your marriage license!"

"What?" Hans asked.

"Besides, you should be happy that this is out in the open," Drew said sarcastically. "You did say that you were going to tell everyone the truth, didn't you?"

"I was working it out," Hans told her.

"Meanwhile, your wife is here going through morning sickness by herself," Drew continued. "You have some nerve, Hans!"

"This is my job," Hans told her.

"Which is obviously more important to you than your wife and baby!" Drew retorted.

"How do you know?" Hans asked her. "Drew- you're not your sister. You don't know every thought in her head."

"If they meant anything to you, you'd be here supporting her," Drew told him.

"I don't need to listen to this," Hans snapped. "Have Darla ring me when she gets up."

"I'm not your secretary!" Drew shot back.

"I don't expect you to be," Hans said. "But as you said, she IS my wife and she's carrying MY child."

"Now, you remember," Drew said sarcastically. "You do what you have to do and Brian, Chloe and me will look after Darla."

"Have her call me," Hans said. "Please."

"Fine," Drew said briskly. "Anything else?"

"No," he replied.

Drew hung up the phone. Chloe was kipping upstairs with Darla. She was glad her daughter hadn't heard any of her argument with Hans.

She sat back down at the table and began to sort out the files again.

Her sister deserved so much more than this. And the nerve of Hans to put the blame on Darla.

She wondered- albeit a bit guiltily- if this would escalate to her sister and Hans breaking up over it.

Drew didn't want that. She just wanted her brother-in-law to realise what a wonderful wife he had and that he needed to be here for her.

It was a few hours later that Darla came downstairs to find her sister and niece enjoying a snack together. "How long was I kipping?"

"A while," Drew said looking up from her paperwork. "Do you want something to eat?"

She shook her head. "No thanks."

"Um," Drew said biting her lip. "Apparently, the news has already broken in the States. You're apparently front page news."

"What?" Darla asked. "You mean that reporter--"

Drew nodded. "Hans called."

"What did he say?" Darla asked.

"He wasn't happy," Drew admitted. "And he and I might have argued..."

"Might have argued?" Darla raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay," Drew said sheepishly. "We had words. But only because he was so angry. He thought that you'd deliberately told the press about it."

"Why would I do something like that?" Darla sat down.

"I don't know," Drew said. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it, Dar. You're my sister."

"I know," Darla sighed. "I should probably ring him."

"He wants you to," Drew said quietly.

Darla reached for the phone. "I'm going in the other room."

"Good luck," Chloe said to her aunt.

Darla had to smile. "Thanks, munchkin."

Darla took a deep breath and took the phone into the sitting room. She didn't know what she'd say to her husband, but she was tired of fighting. That was all they seemed to do these days.

"Hallo?" Hans barked into the phone after she'd dialled his number.

"It's me," Darla said quietly. "Drew said you'd called."

"What did you do to me?" Hans asked. "Damn it Darla, I told you I was working something out!"

Darla sighed. "I didn't do anything, Hans. This reporter called and she was asking all these questions..."

"You told her we were married!" Hans snapped.

"I didn't," Darla argued. "She had a copy of our marriage license!"

"Where the hell did she get it then?" he demanded.

"I didn't send it to her if that's what you're implying," Darla said angrily.

"How else would she have gotten it?" he asked.

"It's public record, Hans," Darla said trying not to keep her emotions in check. "She probably contacted the General Register's office. It's on file there."

He was silent for a few long moments.

"I didn't deliberately tell them anything, Hans," Darla said. "How---how are things there? Drew said the news was already in the papers."

"Yeah, the shit's hit the fan," Hans said quietly.

"How bad?" Darla asked.

"My agent is pretty pissed off," Hans sighed. "I don't know yet what Calvin Klein thinks."

"At least things are out in the open," Darla said.

Hans sighed. "I hope this doesn't mean the end of my career."

It didn't escape Darla's attention that he hadn't once asked her how she was doing or how she was feeling. She knew him well enough to know that he held her responsible. "It can't be that serious. I mean, you've made them a lot of money, Hans."

"We'll see," Hans said moodily. "I have to go."

"When---when will you be home?" Darla asked.

"I don't know," he said. "Next week, maybe."

"Next week?" Darla asked. "But I have my first ultrasound on Thursday. I thought you were going to come with me."

"I'll try to get back," Hans replied.

"It's the first time we'll be able to see our son," Darla said quietly. "If you miss this..."

"I'm working, Dar." Hans's tone held a note of impatience.

Tears welled up in Darla's eyes. "If that's more important..."

"What?" Darla heard him ask someone else in the room. "Yeah- I'll be right there."

"Where are you?" Darla asked.

"At the studio," he replied.

"Well, I won't keep you then," Darla said, her lower lip trembling.

"I'll ring you later," he said.

Darla hung up the phone and put her head in her hands.

Drew stood in the doorway, watching her sister. "Dar?"

Darla looked up at her sister. "He---he thinks it's all my fault and he doesn't even care that he's going to miss my first ultrasound."

"He WHAT?" Drew asked in disbelief.

Darla nodded. "I don't even know him anymore, Drew."

"I'm sorry Dar," Drew sat down next to her twin.

"Will you go with me?" Darla asked in a small voice.

"Of course I will," Drew said immediately.

"Thank you," Darla said hugging her sister.

"Anything for you," Drew replied.