Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: More of Josh and Jon's business adventure in this chapter along with a cute little Hogwarts flashback. We hope you enjoy! Please, please review and let us know what you think!

While the Barrons made dinner, Jon Weasley was trying very hard not to lose his temper. He had arrived at the pub after taking the morning off to be with his family. He'd arrived to find the pub in complete disarray. For a moment, he wasn't even sure he was in the right place. The tables at the front of the pub had been replaced by two plush sofas. "What the hell?" Jon muttered to himself.

Josh came out from the back. "Hey, mate!"

"What's---what's all this?" Jon asked.

"I just made a few changes," Josh said. "A pub near my firm has a few sofas like this."

"Josh, this isn't a coffee house," Jon said.

"But we can sort of make it like one," Josh said. "People really like it, and they'll buy more drinks."

"I wish you would have asked me first," Jon said quietly.

"Why?" Josh asked. "We're partners aren't we?"

"Which would mean that we would make these decisions together," Jon pointed out.

"I really thought you'd like them," Josh replied.

"We'll---we'll see how it goes," Jon relented.

Josh grinned. "Fantastic."

"How were things today?" Jon asked.

"Busy," Josh replied.

"Good," Jon replied. "Thanks for covering things today."

"It was good- I really got a feel for the place." Josh said.

"That's great," Jon replied grinning at his brother. Perhaps this wasn't going to be bad.

"Oh," Josh said. "We need to talk about Audrey and Becca."

Jon led the way to their shared office. "What about them?"

"I think they're too close," Josh said. "Audrey does a good job, but she's dating our brother. Becca on the other hand..."

Jon raised an eyebrow. "You think we should sack Audrey for dating RJ?"

Josh shrugged. "I don't know..."

Jon shook his head as he absently looked through his messages. "Josh, Audrey's a great waitress."

"All right," Josh relented. "But as I was saying... I'm not so sure about Becca. She spends a lot of time socializing."

"We could talk to her again," Jon suggested. "Tell her that if it doesn't stop, she's going to lose her job."

"How many times have you talked to her?" Josh asked pointedly.

"A couple," Jon replied thoughtfully.

"Then we give her one more chance," Josh said. "Tell her this is strike three."

Jon grinned. "Joshie, did you just make a sports reference?"

"Shut it," Josh laughed.

"I'm so proud," Jon teased.

"Yeah, yeah." he said. "Come on, I'll show you the stock room."

Jon clapped him on the back. "Okay, then."

Josh had spent a good deal of that morning organizing the stock room and putting things in alphabetical order.

"Wow," Jon replied looking around.

"Looks good, doesn't it?" he asked in satisfaction.

Jon had to admit that it did. "It does."

"I'm glad." Josh said. "And we'll do an inventory every three months to keep on top of things."

"We do that now," Jon pointed out. "I mean, in theory, we did that..."

"Now it'll be more organised," Josh said.

Jon nodded. "Good job, Josh."

"Thanks," Josh said.

"I was actually going to grab something to eat and bring it home," Jon said.

"You do charge yourself, right?" Josh asked.

Jon looked at him. "I beg your pardon?"

"Anytime anyone makes food here, and either takes it home or eats it here, should charge just like any other customer," Josh replied.

Jon sighed. It was one step forward and two steps back with Josh. "Josh, we own the place. It's not going to bankrupt us if I take home food for my family."

"On the contrary--" Josh began.

Jon pulled out his wallet. "Fine, Josh. Here's twenty quid."

"You'll thank me for this," Josh told him.

"I'm thanking you alright," Jon muttered under his breath.

"What?" Josh asked.

"Nothing," Jon said walking into the kitchen. He looked at Nigel, the night chef. "Mate, can I get some soup and sandwiches to take home?"

"You got it man," Nigel said. "And don't worry. I put in a few extra for you."

"You know how Emma is," Jon grinned. "Thanks."

"Five minutes," Nigel said.

"Perfect," Jon said.

One of the waitresses came to the back. "Josh, there's a Julie Malfoy out front asking for you?"

"Jules is here?" Josh asked.

The waitress nodded. "At the bar."

Without a word, Josh left them and headed out to the front.

Julie smiled when she saw him. "I was hoping you'd be here. How are you?"

"Good!" Josh grinned at her. "It's been a great morning."

Julie gave him a hug. "I was at Hogwarts earlier for a staff know, preparing for the next term. I was starving and Nick's taken the girls to some promotional event. I thought I'd stop in and see how you were doing."

"I'm always glad to see you Jules," Josh said. "What can I get you?"

"I should say a salad," Julie grinned. "But I'm dying for a nice, fattening cheeseburger with chips."

Josh laughed. "Cheeseburger it is."

Julie waited for him to come back after he placed her order. "So how are Casey, Noah and Aidan?"

"They're getting so big," Josh shook his head.

"It goes by so fast," Julie said smiling at him.

"It sure does," he agreed. "I can't believe Ashley's thirteen... and Katie's headed for Hogwarts."

Josh grinned. "Is Hogwarts ready for Katie?"

Julie shook her head. "I don't think they'll know what hit them."

Josh laughed. "Is she excited?"

Julie nodded. "It's all she's been talking about."

"I remember my first days at Hogwarts," Josh recalled.

"So do I," Julie said. "I was so glad when you and Jon started."

"And you were great because you didn't treat me like some snot-nosed first year that you were too good to speak to," Josh smiled.

Julie laughed. "As if I'd ever hear the end of it if I had!"

"You were always great to me," Josh said.

Julie smiled as the waitress set her cheeseburger in front of her. "Thank you."

"This is delicious," Julie said. "I always loved the food here."

Josh leaned against the counter. "Well, you should come by more often."

"Maybe I will," Julie said.

Jon came out from the kitchen carrying a paper bag of food. "Jules!"

"Jon!" Julie exclaimed. "This place looks great!"

"Josh made some renovations," Jon said.

"I like the sofas," Julie nodded. "Gives this place a very cosy feel."

Josh grinned at his brother. "See?"

Jon nodded. "Hopefully they'll stay clean."

"Josh and I were just remembering our Hogwarts days," Julie told him. Jon chuckled. "Did he tell you all about how he worshiped the ground you walked on?"

Josh turned red. "That was a long time ago."

Jon decided to give his brother a hard time. "Jules, do you remember your last year at Hogwarts..."

Josh poked him hard in the side.

"Who was it that you went to the Yule Ball with that year?" Jon asked.

"I don't remember," Josh said, red faced.

"I went with Matt Lindstrom," Julie remembered.

The Yule Ball was held every Christmas at Hogwarts just before the students went home for the holidays. Julie had been looking forward to this one because she was going with someone she'd fancied for quite some time and it would be her last one at Hogwarts. The same couldn't be said for Josh Weasley. He had decided to forego the event altogether even though as a fourth year he was able to go. Jon wasn't able to go because he'd been caught after curfew walking around the castle.

"I can't believe you're allowed to go but aren't," Jon said sullenly.

The twins were sitting in the common room watching as everyone made their way out of the dorm. Josh shrugged and reached for his book. "I didn't have anyone to go with."

"So go stag," Jon said.

"I'm happy where I am," Josh said.

"Hey, guys," Allison Longbottom said from behind them. As a third-year, she wasn't able to go to the ball.

Jon jumped up. "Hey, Allie!"

Allison sat down beside Josh on the sofa. "Since you're not going to the ball, Josh, did you want to play chess?"

"Sure," Josh said, putting his book aside.

Jon frowned. "I thought you were going to read?"

Josh shrugged. "I can read later."

"The winner can play you," Allison offered.

"I don't know anything about chess," Jon said.

Josh looked at his brother. Jon was as good a player as their father.

"I could show you," Allison said to Jon. "It's really easy."

Jon grinned at her. "That'd be great, Al."

"I'll just go and get the board," Allison said smiling back at him before she hurried upstairs.

"What are you playing at, Jon?" Josh asked him. "You know how to play chess."

Jon leaned back. "I forgot."

"Bollocks," Josh said shaking his head. "You're wasting her time, you know?"

"No I'm not," Jon replied. "I want to play chess with her."

"Whatever," Josh said grabbing his book again.

Allison came back a few moments later with the board.

"Here we go," Jon pushed some books and parchment off the table. Josh rolled his eyes.

"I was sure you knew how to play," Allison commented as she set up the board.

"I could use a refresher," he said.

Josh opened his mouth to say something when he heard the sound of laughter coming from the staircase. He turned and felt his jaw drop. Julie Potter. Julie Potter in periwinkle blue dress robes.

Jon let out a wolf whistle. "Looking good, Jules!"

Julie beamed at him. "Thanks, Jon. Hi, Josh, Allie..."

Allison smiled. "You look gorgeous, Julie."

"Thanks," Julie said stepping closer. "Josh, could you help me? I need help with my necklace."

Josh all but threw his book aside. "Sure!"

Julie handed it to him. "It's my mum's."

Josh clasped it, allowing his hand to remain just a split second longer against her skin.

"Who're you going with, Jules?" Jon asked.

"Matt Lindstrom from Hufflepuff," Julie replied.

"A Hufflepuff?" Josh asked before he could stop himself.

Julie turned and looked at him. "Yes...are you okay, Josh?"

"Fine," Josh said quickly.

"Why aren't you going to the ball?" Julie asked nudging him. "A handsome boy like you should have no trouble getting a date, Josh."

Josh shrugged. "I guess I waited too long to ask the right person..."

"You had someone in mind?" Allison asked standing up. "I thought you just didn't want to go..."

Josh only shrugged, too embarrassed to speak.

"I was hoping to dance with you," Julie said. "It's a shame that you're not going, Josh."

Josh stared at her in dismay. "You were?"

Julie nodded. "Of course."

"Well maybe I can still go..." Josh said. "Mum did send our dress robes over..."

Julie grinned and gave him a hug. "That's fantastic, Josh! You'll have a good time."

Allison bit her lower lip as she watched Josh bound up the stairs.

"Oh yeah," Jon nodded. "I remember seeing you come in late..."

"Wait a minute," Josh said. "How did you see me? I wondered where you and Allie had gotten off too."

Jon grinned. "I got Allie to come with me to spy on the proceedings."

Julie looked at Allie. "You know you just have to wait one more year, Allison. You'll be getting all dolled up, too and some lucky bloke will be waiting for you."

"I hope so," Allison said wistfully.

"And you," Julie said mussing Jon's hair. "If you behaved, you could be going too."

Jon ducked away. "Yeah... guess I'll have to find a girl who wants to go with me next year."

Julie laughed. "I'll see you guys later."

"I'll tell Joshie you went down and you'll meet him there," Jon said.

Julie nodded. "Thanks."

Jon turned his attention back to the chessboard. He looked at Allison, who seemed to be lost in thought. "Al?"

"Hmm?" she asked, gazing at the stairway.

"You wish you could go, too, eh?" Jon asked her.

"It would be fun, but I doubt anyone would ask me," Allison said.

"You never know," Jon said with a grin. "Someone might fancy you..."

Allison only shrugged.

"You know," Jon said with a mischievous grin.

"We can't actually go to the ball, but we could still crash a way."

"What?" Allison asked, giving him a strange look.

"Come on, Longbottom," Jon said pushing back from his chair. "Where's your adventurous side?"

"We won't get in trouble will we?" she asked.

Jon shook his head. "No. And if we do, you can tell everyone that you tried to stop me. Come on. It'll be fun."

Allison smiled. "Okay."

"My Uncle George told me about this secret passage," Jon told her as they climbed through the portrait hole. "Filch doesn't even know about it."

"Really?" Allison asked.

Jon nodded. "It leads to this corridor just outside the Great Hall. We'll be able to see everything from there."

"Cool," Allison said, following him closely.

"Are you looking forward to Christmas hols?" Jon asked conversationally. "You're going home right?"

Allison nodded. "Of course."

"Us too," Jon said. "I can't wait to eat Christmas dinner at my Nana's."

"We're going there too!" Allison said.

Jon grinned. "I didn't know that."

"Mum just wrote and told me," Allison said.

"That's cool," Jon said. "I mean---you know, it's cool if you're going to be there. Or know..."

He saw the look of confusion on her face and he wondered what his problem was. He'd known her since they were kids. Why was he sounding like a complete moron?

"So um... where exactly is this passage?" Allison asked.

"It's just down this staircase," Jon told her. "Come on."

"Okay," she said nervously. "I really hope we don't get caught."

Jon turned around and grinned at her. "Allie. You worry too much. If I stopped to think about getting caught, I'd never have any fun."

"I guess..." she said.

"If it wasn't for my uncles, I'd have never heard about this," Jon whispered to her. Allison looked at him. They were at the end of a hall that was adorned with a simple portrait of a tree.

"Where is it?" she asked softly.

"Pull a leaf from the tree," Jon told her with a grin.

"What?" she asked in confusion. "But it's a painting."

"Not just any painting," Jon said. "Just pull a leaf from the tree."

Allison reached out and to her astonishment, her fingers grasped a leaf. She pulled it back towards her.

"Now," Jon said. "Stand back..."

Allison moved back as the portrait swung forwards.

"That's so cool!" Allison exclaimed.

"Come on," Jon whispered.

Allison nodded and followed him inside another dark corridor.

"I found this one day when I was exploring," Jon said. "Just around here, it shows us right into the Great Hall."

"And no one else knows about this?" Allison asked.

Jon shook his head.

Allison smiled at him as she heard the faint sound of music.

"This way," Jon whispered.

Allison nodded.

"And here we are," he said, crouching down.

Allison knelt down beside him.

"Wow," she breathed.

"They really did it up nice, didn't they?" Jon asked as the two of them looked at the winter wonderland the Great Hall had transformed into.

Allison nodded. "Now this really makes me wish I could go."

"There's always next year," Jon told her.

"I know," she nodded.

Jon spotted a familiar face. "Lizzy Mitchell was able to go the ball? She's a third year like you..."

"What?" Allison asked.

"That's Lizzy over there by the food, right? The one in the red dress robes?" Jon asked.

Allison gasped. "How did she get there? She didn't say anything to me!"

"Maybe it was last minute," Jon said thoughtfully. "Oh...she's with Damon Whatley, he's in Ravenclaw. I have Potions with him."

"But I thought even if we were asked, we couldn't go until fourth year," Allison said.

"You can if you get asked by a fourth-year," Jon said. "I mean, if I asked you, you could go because I'm a fourth-year."

"I didn't know that," Allison said.

Jon nodded. "They're not that much fun, though. I mean, I guess they are if you like to dance and all."

"Dancing is in my family," Allison said with a grin.

"Oh," Jon said grinning back at her. "I'd forgotten."

"So you don't like to dance?" Allison asked.

Jon shrugged. "It's okay, I suppose."

"I like it, but not all the time," Allison said.

"So you're not going to follow in your mum and Chiaki's footsteps?" Jon asked.

Allison shook her head. "I don't know what I want to do yet."

"Me either," Jon admitted. "I like flying, but unless you play professionally, there's not much you can do with it."

"I love flying," Allison said.

"It's the one thing I'm good at," Jon said.

"You're good at more than just flying," Allison told him.

Jon looked at her. "Getting into trouble?"

Allison giggled. "Of course not."

Jon laughed, too. "Eating?"

"I'll give you that one," Allison nodded.

Jon nudged her. "Look, there's Snape," he whispered.

"Gross!" Allison exclaimed.

"He's---he's asking Professor Sprout to dance," Jon said in disbelief.

"Eww!" Allison said, making a face.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth," Jon muttered.

"Me too," Allison agreed.

Something smelled like cinnamon and Jon thought it was the best smell in the entire world. Allison brushed her hair over her shoulder and he realised it was her hair.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

Jon nodded hastily. "Yeah...fine."

"This is really cool," Allison said. "Thanks for showing me."

"No problem," Jon said. "Thanks for coming with me."

"It was probably more fun than chess," Allison admitted.

"Breaking the rules?" Jon asked with a grin.

"I suppose," Allison replied, laughing.

"Of course, you did get to see Snape waltz," Jon said, his nose scrunching up in disgust.

"So not everything was good," Allison shook her head.

"There's always the next time," Jon said.

"Right," Allison nodded. "Look- there's Josh!"

Jon looked where she'd pointed. His brother was wearing a blue set of dress robes that their mother had sent a couple of days ago.

"He looks really nice," Allison said.

Jon didn't see the dreamy expression that came over Allison's face as she gazed at Josh.

"I have the same set of dress robes," Jon said.

"Uh huh..." Allison said distractedly.

"And I'm a little taller than he is actually," Jon tried to point out.

"Oh..." Allison replied.

"I'm better on a broom than he is," Jon continued. "He can barely stay upright."

"I bet he is," Allison said, not paying attention.

"There's Jules," Jon said.

"She looks so gorgeous," Allison said, snapping back to attention.

"She does," Jon agreed. He watched as his brother seemed to be working up his nerve to walk over to the older girl.

"Go on," he muttered. "Grow a pair, mate."

"What was that?" Allison asked.

"Josh," he nodded his head. "He wants to ask Julie to dance."

"Josh fancies Julie?" Allison asked.

"Big time," Jon replied.

"Oh," Allison said quietly.

"For about three months now," Jon continued.

"I had no idea," Allison said, trying not to let him see how hurt she was by this news.

Jon shrugged. "I don't think anything will come of it."

Allison nodded. "She's older than him."

"That and I just don't think Jules looks at him that way," Jon told her.

"You mean, she sees him more like a little brother?" Allison asked hopefully.

"Probably," Jon replied.

Allison sighed in relief.

"Why?" he asked.

"Just curious," Allison covered. "I mean, he's my friend and I don't want to see him hurt."

"Oh," Jon replied. "Yeah, I may take the mickey, but I don't want to see him get hurt either."

Allison smiled at him. "He'd probably like to hear that every now and then."

"I wouldn't want to ruin my reputation," he joked.

Allison nudged him. "Your secret is safe with me, Jonathan Weasley."

"I knew I could trust you," he nudged her back. "Wife."

Allison giggled. "You remember that?"

"I remember my mum taking pictures," Jon shook his head.

Allison smiled. "And Paddy."

"I miss Paddy," Jon admitted.

"He was such a great dog," Allison recalled. "And he loved all of you so much!"

"Yeah, he loved you too," Jon recalled.

Allison smiled. "Well, maybe someday you'll get another dog."

"I hope so," Jon nodded.

Allison gasped when she saw someone else in the Great Hall. "What on earth is my sister doing there! She's a first year!"

Jon peered over her shoulder. "Shite!"

Allison shook her head. "I can't believe Frankie!"

"She is something else," Jon agreed. "Wonder what your parents would say."

"They'd freak out," Allison said. "I can't believe her. She'd better hope Julie doesn't see her since Jules' is Head Girl."

"Too bad we don't have dress robes on," Jon said. "We could sneak in and blend in with the crowd.

"Yeah," Allison said. "You know she's always doing stuff like this. Sneaking around, eavesdropping...wait. I guess I shouldn't talk now, eh? What am I doing here with you?"

"We're just having fun," Jon shrugged.

"You could have done this with your mates, you know," Allison said. "I'm sure you'd have had more fun with them than with me."

"Nah, this is cool," Jon said with an easy grin.

"It is," Allison agreed.

"I'm glad you're having fun," Jon shifted so he was crouched down.

"Probably more fun than if I'd had a chance to go to the ball," Allison admitted.

"You'll go next year and have a blast," Jon replied.

"Maybe," Allison said softly.

Jon opened his mouth to say something else but closed it as Frankie Longbottom sauntered over with the bloke she was with.

"It's one thing to sneak in to the ball, but quite another to go with a date!" Allison exclaimed. "We're not allowed to date until we're 16. She's eleven!"

"Are you going to say anything to your parents?" he asked.

Allison thought about it for a minute. "No, but if she tries to tell on me for something, I'll bring it back up to her."

Jon grinned at her. "Good plan, Longbottom."

Allison laughed. "I try."

The two of them stayed downstairs for another hour before sneaking back to the common room.

"So, breaking the rules, not so bad, eh?" Jon asked her.

"Not always," she replied.

Jon nudged her. "Thanks for coming with me, Al. We'll have to do it again sometime."

"Sure," Allison grinned at him.

"I guess I should head up to my room," Jon said.

Allison nodded. "If you really need a chess lesson, maybe tomorrow we can play."

Jon smiled. "It's a date. I mean--sure."

"Great," Allison grinned. "Night!"

"Night," Jon said watching her go.

"Was that when you started fancying her?" Josh asked. "I thought it was after we moved."

Jon grinned. "I first noticed her then. I was a goner right after we moved though."

"Why then?" Josh asked.

"I don't know," Jon said. "She just---she had this way of making me want to be a better person, I guess. And she was easy to talk to and she had the prettiest brown eyes I'd ever seen."

Julie grinned. "Jon, that's so sweet!"

Jon shrugged. "Yeah... well. She's my girl. Always has been."

"You'd better get that food home," Josh said. "Unless you want to stay here and tell Julie other embarrassing things I did when I had that crush on her."

"I'm sure she knows it all," Jon said dryly.

"I think it's sweet," Julie said.

Jon laughed as Josh turned red.

Jon gave Julie a peck on the cheek. "Tell Nick I said hello."

"I will," Julie said. "Do the same for me with Allie."

"Night, Joshie," Jon said.

"I should get going too," Julie replied. "Thanks for the burger, Josh."

"Night, Julie," Josh said. "I'm glad you stopped by."

"I'll bring the girls by soon to try more of the new menu," Julie said. "They're still grounded, but mostly just from friends."

Josh gave her a hug. "I'd love to see them."

"Soon," Julie promised.

Josh watched her go and felt nothing for her but friendship. She had been such a good friend to him these last few years.

"Josh," Audrey came up to him. "I've got a bloke asking for Stella and we're all out."

"Oh," Josh replied. "Are you sure?"

Audrey nodded. "I looked for another keg in the regular place but I couldn't find it."

Josh sighed. "Offer him something else."

"I tried," she told him. "Everything is different in the storage room now. I can't find anything."

"It's a simple system," Josh said as if he was talking to a four-year old. "Alphabetical order. I'll go and look."

Audrey rolled her eyes and followed him.

Josh opened the door to the storage room and walked behind a shelf. "Back here, I put all the kegs."

"That's not where they usually are," Audrey pointed out.

"Because like I said, it's in alphabetical order now," Josh said, trying to remain patient.

"Well, now I know," Audrey said. "Can you help me lift it at least?"

"Sure," Josh replied.

"You know," Audrey said as he helped her. "Jon and Vic always told us when they made changes."

Josh turned and looked at her.

"I'm just saying," Audrey said.

"I think there's a customer out there waiting for his drink," Josh said.

Audrey thought for a moment about apologising, but she knew that she was in the right here. If Josh was going to make changes, he had to let the staff know. "Okay," Audrey said quietly. "I'll tell him that it's coming right up."

Josh nodded. "Good."

Audrey walked out of the storage room. Josh shook his head. The system he'd set up here was foolproof.

He knew things were changing, but he knew it was for the best. The rest of that would see it soon too.