Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven


A/N: We'd like to apologise to those of you whose questions we missed while during the interview. Please be assured it was not intentional, and we'll do much better at making sure everyone's questions get answered from now on.

This chapter is ALL Barron! We do hope you enjoy it, and make sure you see the picture of Hannah's room that's linked in here ;)

Next chapter has the anniversary of one much loved couple! :D

Frankie and Will were holding a dinner party for their two families to help welcome Hannah to the family. Frankie and Hannah had cooked nearly all day and they were both excited, but nervous about the dinner. Hannah was currently upstairs getting dressed. Frankie had helped her pick out a pretty red dress and out of all her new clothes, it was her most favourite. She liked the way it would flare out when she twirled around.

"Are you having fun in here?" Frankie asked from the doorway.

Hannah giggled. "Yeah."

"Will and I are glad you like your room," Frankie said. The day after the adoption, Frankie and Will had taken Hannah out and gotten her a complete bedroom set in a royal purple colour.

"Thanks, Mummy," Hannah said giving her a hug. "I think everyone's going to like what we made."

"Especially once they hear that you helped," Frankie kissed the top of her daughter's head.

"I didn't know Daddy's family was so big," Hannah said. She'd only met Mia and her mother, but tonight she was meeting the entire clan.

"Yeah he's got quite the group there," Frankie said. "But they're all so excited to meet you."

Hannah smiled. "You look really pretty, too.'

"Thank you," Frankie replied. "Come on, we've got to set the table before everyone gets here."

Hannah nodded and followed her out of the room.

"Look at my girls," Will grinned as they came into the dining room. "You both look gorgeous!"

"Look at me twirl," Hannah said doing a few spins.

Will laughed. "How about trying it up high?" he picked her up and spun her in the air.

Hannah squealed. "I love this!"

Frankie laughed at Hannah's delight.

"So tell me about everyone again," Hannah said to Will after he'd set her back down.

"Well my parents are so excited to meet you," Will told her. "And My sister Mary, who's not scary at all, her husband Tim, and their boys will be here, as well as Jack, Claire, and Mia."

"And I already know Caroline, Em, and Adam," Hannah said ticking off the names on her fingers. "And Uncle Jon and Aunt Allie and Aunt Chiaki and ....and...."

"Uncle Toshio," Will replied. "But you can call him Uncle Tosh if you want."

"And Sukie and Mas," Hannah finished proudly. "The twins!"

"See you've got it," Will gave her a hug. "You're the star tonight Miss Hannah."

"Star?" Hannah asked.

"That's right," Will replied. "Everyone's coming just to see you."

"I hope they like me," Hannah said softly.

"They're going to love you," Will told her.

"I hope so," Hannah said joining Frankie in setting the table. Will had used magic to lengthen the table. "I get to sit beside Mummy and Emma."

"That's right," Frankie grinned at her. "And Em's going to be so excited to sit next to you."

Hannah smiled as she thought about her cousins. She couldn't believe she actually had a real family now with a mother, father and uncles and aunts and cousins---lots of cousins.

"We're all set," Frankie said happily a few minutes later. "Bring on the masses!"

Abigail and Theodore arrived first and they hadn't even taken off their coats before Abigail was asking where her new granddaughter was.

"In the kitchen with Frankie," Will told them.

"I'm so proud of you William," Abigail hugged her son.

"You're going to love her," Will said smiling at his mother. "You ready to meet her?"

"I can't wait," Abigail said. "Ted and I brought her a little gift."

"You're going to spoil her rotten," Will teased.

"We definitely plan on it," Ted grinned at his son.

Frankie and Hannah were sneaking a bite of one of the biscuits when Will and his parents came into the kitchen.

"Caught you both," Will grinned. "Hannah, I'd like you to meet your new grandparents."

Hannah wiped the crumbs from her face and looked nervously at the older man and woman standing beside her father.

"Hi," she said shyly.

"Hello Hannah," Abigail kneeled down. "It's very lovely to meet you."

Hannah didn't know what to say so she clung to Frankie.

Ted also leaned over and put his hand out. "We're so glad to have you in our family," he said with a smile.

"It's okay," Frankie whispered to Hannah.

Hannah tentatively reached out to shake her grandfather's hand.

"Nice to meet you," Hannah said softly.

"Don't we have a gift for this young lady, Abbie?" Ted asked.

"We do," Abigail said. "I'll just go and get it..."

"My mummy's name was Abbie," Hannah whispered.

"I heard about that," Abigail said kindly. "And if you'd like to call me Grandma Abbie, that's fine, but if you don't, I understand."

"Okay," Hannah said smiling shyly at her. "Grandma Abbie."

"Here we are," Ted came back in with a bag. "Just for you, sweetheart."

"Thank you," Hannah said politely. She looked up at Frankie. "Can I open it now?"

"Of course you can," Frankie told her.

Hannah sat down and pulled out the tissue paper and looked inside the bag.

"It's a music box," Abigail explained.

"Wow," Hannah's eyes were wide as she lifted it out.

"That's beautiful," Frankie said admiringly as she took in the purple music box that had embroidered flowers along the sides. "You can put all sorts of things in there Hannah."

"Thank you," Hannah said to her new grandparents.

"You're quite welcome," Abigail said smiling at her. "Frankie told us how much you loved the colour purple."

"It's my most favourite colour," Hannah said. "It's all purple in my bedroom."

"We'll show you later," Will told his parents. "Can I get you anything to drink? Mum? Dad?"

"A glass of white wine if you've got some," Abigail said.

"Of course," Will replied. "Dad?"

"Beer," Ted nodded.

"I'm going to go put my music box in my room," Hannah said sliding off the chair.

"All right," Frankie smiled as she watched her daughter head up the stairs. "Isn't she wonderful?" she asked her mother in law.

"She's adorable," Abigail agreed. "And so polite."

"She used to be so timid with Will," Frankie told her. "But she's really opened up to him."

"And I know this isn't possible, but she kind of looks like you, Will," Abigail said.

"She's got his eyes," Frankie agreed.

Abigail wiped at her eyes. "I told myself I wouldn't cry, but I'm just so happy for you both."

"Thanks Mum," Will handed his mother a glass of wine. "It's really been fantastic having her here."

"And just in time for Christmas," Abigail said. "It's just perfect."

"That it is," Will put his arm around his wife.

Hannah came back into the kitchen and took her place beside Frankie.

"So I heard you've already met Mia, Caroline and Emma," Abigail said conversationally to Hannah.

Hannah nodded. "Em is my bestest friend."

"How lovely," Abigail smiled at her.

"And she's an official member of the princess club," Frankie said.

"The very elite princess club?" Ted joked.

"That's the one," Frankie said laughing.

"I get to be Belle," Hannah told them.

"One of Mia's favourites," Abigail said.

"Mine too," Hannah said softly.

The doorbell chimed again and Frankie excused herself to get it.

"Hey," Frankie greeted Allison as she pulled Adam's carrier through the door. "Glad you lot could make it."

"We never turn down free food," Jon joked as he came inside. "This place looks like Santa's workshop."

"I've got good reason now, Jonathan," Frankie hugged her brother in law.

"Where's Han?" Emma asked as Allison helped her out of her coat. "Han!"

"Hi Em," Hannah came into the hall with a big smile on her face.

Emma gave her a hug. "Cousin!"

Caroline also beamed at Hannah. "This is so exciting," she said.

"It is, isn't it?" Hannah asked giving Caroline a hug.

"I can't wait to see your room," Caroline told her. "I heard it looks really cool."

"Can I show them now?" Hannah asked Frankie.

"Sure," Frankie replied. "But don't be up there too long. Once everyone gets here we'll have dinner right away."

"Kay," Hannah said motioning toward her cousins. "Come on!"

Caroline and Emma eagerly followed their new cousin up the stairs.

"Whoa!" Caroline exclaimed once Hannah opened her bedroom door.

"Purple!" Emma clapped her hands.

Caroline giggled. "This is cool!"

"Mummy and Daddy let me pick it all out," Hannah felt a rush of happiness every time she looked around her new bedroom.

"Who's that?" Caroline looked at the pictures displayed on the night stand.

"That's my real Mummy," Hannah said. "That's her holding me when I was a baby and that's us in the garden."

"Oh," Caroline said softly. "She was really pretty Hannah."

"Thanks," Hannah said smiling at her. "Her name was Abbie."

"Just like your new grandma," Caroline grinned back.

"Yeah," Hannah said. "I'm gonna call her Grandma Abbie."

"Han," Emma was looking at the toy chest. "What do you have in there?"

"You can look," Hannah told her.

"Oooooh," Emma's eyes went wide. "Han has new toys!"

"Oooh, I have a doll like this one!" Caroline exclaimed holding one up.

Hannah sat on the edge of her bed. "Some of those are from Mister Ron and Luna's house. They let me keep some of the dolls."

"Mr. Bear!" Emma squealed holding up a teddy bear.

"That used to be yours," Hannah said shyly.

"You can have it," Emma said handing it to her.

Caroline giggled. "You already gave it to her Em!"

"Oh," Emma said laughing.

"Girls!" Frankie called from downstairs. "Mia's here!"

"Oooh!" Caroline exclaimed. "Another princess!"

"We could have a meeting tonight if Katie was here," Hannah said.

"We need to have one soon," Caroline agreed.

Emma's eyes grew large. "Adam! Em forgot Adam! Be right back!'

"Emma you can't bring him up here without Mummy and Daddy!" Caroline called.

Emma didn't hear as she sat down on the top step and eased her way down. "Adam! Em's coming!"

"Is he okay?" Hannah asked curiously.

Caroline nodded. "Em's just being over-protective. She doesn't want to leave him ever."

Hannah giggled as Mia came up the stairs. "Hi Hannah!" she gave the girl a hug.

"Hi, Mia," Hannah said hugging her back. "We're cousins!"

"We're all cousins now," Caroline said.

Downstairs, Emma pushed herself in between Jon and Allison on the sofa.

"What are you doing down here baby?" Jon asked.

"Adam needs me," Emma replied as if he should have known.

"He does?" Jon asked. "I think he's doing all right for now, Em."

Emma shook her head. "You don't know him like me."

"Em don't you want to go have fun with Caroline and Hannah?" Allison asked her daughter.

Emma shook her head. "Em stay with Adam."

Jon and Allison exchanged an amused look. "If that's what you want, baby."

Emma leaned against her father while keeping a watchful eye on Adam who looked quite content in his mother's arms.

Caroline, Hannah and Mia came back downstairs a few minutes later. "Daddy you should see Hannah's room," Caroline said. "She has purple EVERYTHING and even a castle for a bed!"

Jon grinned. "You getting ideas, Angel?"

"Maybe," Caroline giggled.

"Daddy did the pictures on the wall," Hannah said smiling at Will. Abigail heard this and she let out a sob.

"Abbie," Ted touched his wife's arm.

"She called him 'Daddy'," Abigail said hoarsely. "Is that the sweetest thing you ever heard?"

"Of course it is," Ted replied.

"I'm sorry I made your mummy cry," Hannah whispered to Will.

"Its okay love," Will replied softly. "My mum cries a lot when she's happy."

Hannah held up her arms and Will picked her up. "I'm getting hungry."

"Well we just have to wait for Mary and Tim to arrive," Will told his daughter. "But I bet we could sneak you a little something while we wait."

"Okay," Hannah said happily. So far everything was going great.

Will sat her on the counter. "What are you in the mood for?" he asked.

"Sugar biscuit," Hannah whispered. She and Frankie had made a batch last night.

"Sure," Will grinned. "Long as you promise it won't ruin your appetite."

"Just one," Hannah promised.

"I suppose we can do that." Will said. "But it's our secret."

"Caroline and Mia showed me something," Hannah said extending her pinky finger. "Pinky swear?"

Will laughed. "Pinky swear," he agreed.

Mary and Tim arrived with the boys a few moments later and Hannah felt a little nervous even though Will and Frankie had assured her Mary wasn't scary.

"Hey sis," Will hugged her. "Come meet my daughter."

Mary smiled at her brother. "I can't believe you're finally a father!"

"Frankie and I needed the right girl," Will looked down at his daughter who was half hiding behind him.

"Hello, Hannah Barron," Mary said kneeling down to get a better look at the little girl. "I promise I won't bite."

"Hi," Hannah whispered.

"And this is your Uncle Tim," Mary said motioning for her husband and sons to come forward.

"Hi," Hannah said shyly.

"It's very, very nice to meet you Hannah," Tim smiled at her. "This is Marcus and Tim Jr, our two sons."

"We're not supposed to mention that you're dedopted," Tim Jr. said.

"Tim," Mary shushed him.

"And it's adopted," Marcus corrected.

"It's okay," Hannah said.

"Why don't we all sit down to dinner?" Frankie suggested.

Hannah went and took her mother's hand. "I still get to sit next to you, right?"

"Of course," Frankie said giving Hannah's hand a squeeze. "I told you everyone would love you."

Hannah grinned at her. "I'm having fun."

"Me too," Frankie said as she took her seat beside her daughter.

"Em, Adam's fine. He's in his pram and he's asleep," Allison reassured her daughter. "If he starts to cry, I promise we'll go to him."

"Promise?" Emma looked solemnly at her mother.

"Promise," Allison said tweaking her nose.

"Kay," Emma said. "Where's Em sitting?"

"Across from me and right beside Hannah," Allison told her.

Emma grinned. "I sit by Han!" she ran towards her seat.

Neville and Cho took their seats beside Toshio and Chiaki. Frankie smiled at them.

"So Hannah," Cho said once they had all started eating. "What are you asking Santa for Christmas?"

Hannah looked thoughtful. "I don't really need anything."

"Santa always brings loads of presents if you're good," Mia told her. "I asked for more princess stuff."

"That's so lame, Mia," Marcus said before stuffing a dinner roll in his mouth.

"Shut up Marcus at least I didn't ask for stupid video games," Mia shot back.

"Children," Mary warned.

"Maybe you'll get your own Disney movies," Caroline said. "That'd be really cool. Sometimes we give homework in the princess club and we have to study how they walk, talk, and wave."

"I was wrong," Marcus said. "THAT is what's lame."

"Shut up, Marcus or I'll tell everyone how you still watch the Teletubbies." Mia retorted.

"I DO NOT!" Marcus turned bright red.

"You do too," Mia said. "I caught you the other day."

"Tim was watching them," Marcus muttered. "I just walked in the room."

"You were holding the remote control," Mia said rolling her eyes. "And you thought Barney was cool at one time..."

"Even Em doesn't like Barney," Emma said shaking her head.

Hannah giggled at Emma's facial expression.

"Uncle Jack, you should trade Mia in for a dog," Marcus said.

"Marcus," Mary said in a warning tone. "Apologise to your cousin."

"I'm sorry," Marcus grumbled.

Mia smiled in satisfaction.

"I hear that Hannah's going to be joining my class in the New Year," Cho said.

"That's right," Frankie replied. "She's already quite a good dancer too."

"I'm not that good," Hannah said.

"Of course you are," Frankie said. "And she LOVES to twirl."

Hannah smiled. "Just a little..."

"I think you'll fit right in," Cho smiled at her new granddaughter.

"And you'll have a friend in the class because Em's starting then too," Frankie said.

"See?" Emma told her. "Han and me are best friends."

Frankie grinned at her niece. "I know, sweetheart."

"And me, Katie and Mia will help you guys if you need it," Caroline said, ignoring the faces Marcus was making at them.

"Thanks," Hannah said gratefully.

"All the princesses will dance together now," Mia said. "We'll have our own recital."

"Yeah!" Caroline agreed excitedly. "We can hold it at your house, Mia!"

Frankie smiled to see her nieces so accepting of Hannah. She knew they already liked her, but seeing them enjoy her as a family member only made her even happier than before.

"Oooh, guess what?" Caroline asked her sister. "Guess who's babysitting for us tomorrow night while Mummy and Daddy go Christmas shopping?"

"Who?" Emma asked.

"Saffy," Caroline replied. "We're going to have so much fun!"

"Yay," Emma said happily. "And Gabey?"

Caroline shook her head. "Just Saffy, Em."

"When is Gabey coming back to see Em?" the redhead asked.

"I think Lavender mentioned they'd be back in the next couple of days," Cho replied.

Neville winked at Caroline. "And what's this I hear about you having a boyfriend, young lady?"

Caroline turned bright red. "He's not my boyfriend."

Mia nudged her. "He is cute."

"He's just my friend," Caroline blushed even more.

"That's right," Jon said quickly. "No dates or boyfriends for my girls yet."

"What's a date, Daddy?" Emma asked curiously.

"Something very bad," Jon answered.

"Jonathan!" Allison exclaimed.

Jon grinned. "I was kidding! Emma...a date is something that a boy and girl go on when they're really old..."

"Daddy I'm too young to date," Caroline said in an exasperated tone.

"That's my girl," Jon said. Before Allison could say anything, Jon put his hand on her knee. "I am not going to be anything like how your dad was with me..."

"I beg your pardon?" Neville asked.

"Er," Jon said. "Maybe I will be. Completely wonderful just like Neville." he covered, making Chiaki and Allison laugh.

"Good save, Jonathan," Neville chuckled.

"May I point out that he always liked me," Will said with a grin. "Right from the start."

"Of course he did," Frankie said to her husband. "You're perfect."

"That's it Frankie," Jack said. "Make his head swell."

"He doesn't need any help with that," Mary said.

"I love you both too," Will retorted with a grin.

"Well, you are mum's favourite," Mary said.

"I don't have favourites!" Abbie protested. "I love you all the same!"

"No I'm definitely your favourite." Will replied.

"Because you're the baby," Mary sing-songed. "And can do no wrong..."

"That's right," Will said in satisfaction.

"He did plenty wrong and I can give you a list if you like," Jack said getting another helping of potatoes.

"What did he do?" Hannah asked curiously.

"There was that time he threw that big party when Mum and Dad were out of town," Jack said with a grin.

"What?" Ted asked. "William?"

"He's lying," Will said hastily. "I would never throw a party without asking you."

Jack guffawed. "You're such a liar."

"Will wouldn't do something like that," Abbie defended her youngest.

"Mum," Jack said shaking his head. "You're so delusional."

"Jack you're not too old to be punished," Abbie said.

"I'm not the one who threw that wild party," Jack said staring at her. "Your baby was the one...and was so pissed he threw up in your begonias the next morning..."

"I don't believe that for a moment," Abbie shook her head, making Frankie cover her mouth to hide her laughter.

Jack leaned back in his chair. "I can't believe this. Mary, back me up on saw him!"

"I saw nothing," Mary shook her head.

"What's pist?" Emma asked innocently.

"Em," Allison said. "Don't say that word."

"Bad word?" Emma asked.

"That's right," Allison said. "And not ladylike at all."

"Oh," Emma said nodding.

"I don't exactly think this is appropriate conversation for the dinner table with children present," Abbie cast a chastising look at Jack,

"I don't think it's very appropriate for a 16-year old boy to hold a party while his parents are out of town," Jack said raising his glass at his brother.

"Enough," Abbie said firmly.

"Did you really do that?" Frankie asked leaning over to whisper in her husband's ear.

"I'll never tell," Will whispered, giving her a quick kiss.

Hannah took a bite of her chicken and felt proud that she'd helped Frankie make this. She'd always loved helping her mother cook and now she was able to do the same things with Frankie.

"I hope you'll join us Christmas morning," Ted said to Hannah.

"Where are we going?" Hannah asked.

"Well, we usually open up presents and have a big breakfast," Abbie explained.

"I like to cook," Hannah said, blushing.

"Me too," Abbie said smiling at her. "In fact, you can help me make my scones."

Hannah smiled back. "Okay," she agreed. "That sounds like fun."

"We spend Christmas at Nana's and Grandpa's," Caroline told Emma.

"At the Burrow?" Hannah asked.

"Right," Caroline replied. "It's loads of fun there."

"Not as much fun as our house," Marcus said. "Our breakfast is probably way better than yours..."

"Is not!" Caroline retorted.

"Marcus," Mary said sternly.

"Yes, mum," Marcus begrudgingly said.

Mia shot him a superior look and giggled with Caroline.

"Are the twins looking forward to Christmas, Chi?" Frankie asked her sister.

Chiaki nodded. "I wish we could have brought them tonight to meet you," she said to Hannah. "But they're both getting over a cold."

"Oh that's okay," Hannah said. "I hope they feel better."

"I know they can't wait to meet you though," Toshio told her. "Perhaps we'll have you come over and meet them some night next week."

"I'd love that," Hannah said excitedly.

"Sukie's hair is almost long enough to play beauty shop with," Caroline whispered to Hannah. "Almost."

"She's trying to grow it faster," Chiaki teased, having heard that.

"And you can play beauty shop with Grandpa Ron," Jon told Caroline. "You know how much he loves that Magic Mud."

Caroline giggled. "It's so funny when he comes to my beauty shop."

"Better him than me," Neville said chuckling.

"This time I'll make both my grandpa's beautiful," Caroline decided. "And my assistant Emma will help me."

"We can fit you in," Emma said happily.

"Um..." Neville took a large swig of his drink. "That's great... just wonderful..."

Jon chuckled. "They'll give you the full makeover."

Caroline looked at Emma. "We can get Saffy and Alexa to help us!"

Jon shared a look with his wife. "Baby, Alexa won't be joining us this year."

"Why not?" Caroline asked.

"Em likes Lexie!" Emma chimed in.

"We do too baby," Allison didn't want to go into this in front of Will's family.

"I bet her mummy and daddy want her to spent Christmas with them," Caroline said thoughtfully.

Allison nodded. "That's right."

"Will Uncle RJ be there still?" Caroline asked.

"Oh I'm sure he'll be around," Jon answered.

Caroline smiled. "He gives the best piggy-back rides."

"Among other things," Jon muttered.

Frankie was dying to know what was going on. She hadn't been in the office and she had missed the Christmas party. "Allie? Would you help me in the kitchen?"

"Sure," Allison pushed back her chair.

"Spill," Frankie demanded as soon as they were alone. "I haven't been in the office and I'm so out of the loop."

Allison sighed. "Well, my brother-in-law has broken up with Alexa and apparently has moved on to Serena Starr."

Frankie's eyes widened. "She finally got him, eh?"

Allison nodded. "I was in shock when Jon told me. They fought at the Christmas party and he took her home. He came back to the party and got so pissed and then took her back to his place..."

Frankie shook her head. "Serena's been hanging around ever since she spotted RJ at the beginning of summer. I just didn't think he'd ever leave Alexa for her."

"Me either," Allison said. "Alexa's such a sweet girl and she was so good for RJ."

"He'll realise it sooner or later," Frankie replied.

"Let's hope so," Allison said. "So, how do you like being a Mum?"

"Honestly?" Frankie asked. "I was scared shitless, but I love it. Hannah's an absolute dream."

Allison smiled at her sister. "I know I've told you this before, but I really am so proud of you."

"Thanks," Frankie grinned.

"She really seems happy," Allison said peeking into the dining room where Hannah was talking to Emma.

Frankie nodded. "That's all I really want to do. Make her as happy as I possibly can."

"You're doing a good job," Allison said giving Frankie a hug. "I always knew you'd be a great mum."

"I wish I'd known sooner," Frankie said, hugging her sister back. "I guess it just took Hannah for me to see it."

"She's really so sweet and polite and helpful," Allison said. "I heard her tell Emma that she helped you cook all this food."

"Every last bit," Frankie confirmed.

"You two make a great team," Allison said.

Frankie grinned. "Wait until you taste the biscuits we made," she said. "Hannah did most of the work- she loves baking."

"Maybe I should have Jon talk to her about the new pub menu," Allison mused.

Frankie laughed. "New pub menu?"

Allison nodded. "Yeah, Jon and Victoria want to change a few things and they've asked me to give them some ideas."

"I like that place," Frankie replied. "Jon's doing a great job as her partner."

"He really is," Allison said proudly.

Chiaki came into the kitchen. "What's going on in here?"

"Longbottom sister conversation," Allison said with a grin.

"Well why am I not included then?" Chiaki teased.

Allison laughed. "Because you're the older sister who's above all the gossip."

"Of course," Chiaki said. "Will may be the perfect one in his family but I'm definitely the perfect one in ours."

"Says who?" Frankie asked nudging her.

"The oldest and the wisest," Chiaki replied.

"But not modest," Allison teased.

"No, not at all," Chiaki said with a straight face, making both her sisters laugh.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked from the doorway.

"Yes sweetheart?" Frankie broke away from her sisters.

"Is everything okay?" Hannah asked.

"Of course it is," Frankie replied.

"Frankie was telling us how you helped make the food," Allison told her.

Hannah blushed. "I didn't really do a lot..."

"You did," Frankie corrected.

"I heard dessert's going to be quite fantastic thanks to you," Chiaki smiled at her new niece.

"We made chocolate cheesecake," Hannah said her cheeks still pink.

"My favourite!" Chiaki exclaimed.

"I've never had it before," Hannah said. "But it looks really good."

"Trust me," Allison said. "It's absolutely delicious."

"Okay, Aunt Allie," Hannah said softly.

Allison grinned when she heard that.

"And that's a very pretty dress you have on," Chiaki said. "Red suits you, Hannah."

"It's my next favourite colour from purple," Hannah said shyly.

"You look very pretty in it," Allison agreed. "And we're so happy that you're a part of our family, Hannah."

"I'm happy too," Hannah said. "You're all really nice."

Allison and Chiaki excused themselves to go back into the dining room, but Frankie and Hannah lingered in the kitchen.

"You having a good time, sweetheart?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded.

"Me too," Frankie said. "I told you everyone would love you."

Hannah blushed. "Mary isn't that scary either."

Frankie laughed. "I told you."

Hannah hugged her. "Caroline told me my real mummy was pretty."

"She was," Frankie agreed. "You look just like her, Hannah."

"It's okay with you?" Hannah asked a bit timidly.

Frankie nodded. "She was your mother, Hannah. I don't mind you talking about her or having her pictures in your room."

"Okay," Hannah smiled at her.

"So," Frankie said. "How about we go back out there to our family?"

Hannah liked the sound of that. "I can't wait until they try our cheesecake," she said, taking Frankie's hand.

"Me too," Frankie agreed. "I have a feeling it's going to be a big hit."

Hannah grinned as they went back into the dining room.

The smile on Hannah's face fell when she saw Will drinking a beer.

"What's wrong?" Frankie asked, noticing her daughter's expression.

Hannah clung to Frankie. "Don't...don't let him hurt me."

"What?" Frankie was alarmed.

Will stood up and made a move toward Hannah who backed away from him. "No!"

"Hannah?" Will asked, concerned. "What's wrong love?"

"Mummy, don't let him hurt me," Hannah said clinging tightly to Frankie.

"Hannah," Frankie said in her most soothing voice. "Will wouldn't hurt you..."

"Excuse us for a minute," Will said to their family, who looked astonished.

Hannah was trembling as Frankie led her back into the kitchen. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Why are you so scared?"

"He's going to hurt me," Hannah said quietly. "Whenever he drinks from that bottle, he hits me."

Frankie knelt down. "Hannah, Will would never hit you. He's nothing like your father. You know that."

"Absolutely not," Will said.

"Promise?" Hannah asked.

"I promise," Will kneeled down beside her. "I love you, Hannah. I'd never do anything to hurt you."

"I got scared when I saw you drinking from that bottle," Hannah admitted.

"Sometimes," Will began. "When people drink from that bottle they can't stop. That's part of what was wrong with David Wright."

"There are also people who drink from that bottle who know when to stop," Frankie added. "And I promise you that your daddy is one of them."

Hannah nodded and put her arms around Will's neck. "I'm sorry."

"Don't you apologise baby," Will hugged her. "I understand."

Hannah hugged him back.

Frankie stroked her daughter's hair back. "Don't be afraid about coming to talk to us if you're afraid of something okay?"

Hannah nodded. "Okay."

"That's my girl," Frankie smiled at her,

Hannah gave Frankie a hug. "I didn't ruin dinner, did I?"

"Of course not," Frankie told her.

"Is Han okay?" Emma asked coming into the kitchen. Before she could get an answer, Emma put her arms around Hannah. "Don't be sad, Han."

"I'm okay Em," Hannah said.

"Come with Em," Emma said taking Hannah's hand. "Eat."

Hannah smiled. "I am still a bit hungry."

Frankie and Will stayed in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Roman did tell us that she was still going to have problems, but that just came out of nowhere," Will said quietly.

"David must have been quite the heavy drinker," Frankie said bitterly.

Will nodded. "Add that to the list."

"This really means we're going to have to be careful with what we do around her," Frankie replied. "Things are going to have to change more than I thought."

"We knew this wasn't going to be easy," Will said putting his arm around her.

"She's worth it though," Frankie said without hesitation.

"She is," Will agreed. "We're going to make a lot of good memories for her to take away those bad ones."

Frankie nodded. "Exactly."