Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We're glad that most of you are enjoying this flashback chapter- we wrote it awhile back when a lot of you guys were asking for more of the core couples. The 'regular' storylines will resume with the next chapter! Also for next week, there will be no interview, but it'll pick up again the first Saturday of January.

Happy Christmas you guys!

Ron chuckled. "How did you manage getting out of going to the disco?"

"I didn't," Seamus replied. "But I didn't have to dance that night. I enjoyed myself just watching her."

"You're a great dancer, Seamus," Lavender said loyally.

"I love you for saying things that aren't true," Seamus teased.

"Love really is blind," Ron said as the couples finally sat down at the table in the dining room.

"Not always," Neville smiled at his own wife.

Cho beamed at him. "When we started at Hillsdale that summer, I never dreamed that I'd walk away from that with the love of my life and a baby on the way."

"Awwww," Harry batted his eyes.

Hermione hit him in the arm. "I think it's romantic."

"It was completely romantic," Cho glared at her friend. "You were off with Hermione, Ron and Luna had to practise, I didn't know Lavender and Seamus all too well... and then here was Neville. He was just the sweetest guy..."

"Bringing you strawberry ice cream," Neville said squeezing her hand.

"Almost every night," Cho said dreamily.


Neville knocked on Cho's cabin door.

"Come on," Cho said. She was propped up against several pillows and reading the same magazine for about the fifth time.

Neville opened the door and smiled warmly at her. "I managed to get off early to get you this." He held up a paper bag.

Cho's eyes teared over. "You are the most incredible guy," she said.

Neville blushed. "Don't cry, Cho."

"Sorry," she wiped her eyes. "I guess I'm just a bit emotional these days." she patted her stomach, which was protruding slightly.

"It's okay," Neville said pulling the ice cream container out of the bag and handing it to her. "Nothing ice cream can't cure."

"You've got that right," Cho eagerly took the container and the spoon. "You're my knight in shining armour."

Neville's cheeks turned even redder. "Well, I know I'm not as good at this as Harry---"

"Nonsense," Cho said, patting the edge of her bed. "You're better than him."

Neville sat down. "No one's as good as him."

Cho was quiet a moment. "You know... for as long as I remember, it's been me and Harry. We've been friends... everything you know? But now he has Hermione, and I don't want to stand in the way of that- but it scares me, because it sort of leaves me alone."

Neville looked earnestly at her. "You're not alone, Cho."

"Not with you here," she said.

"I'll always be here for you," He promised. "You and your baby."

"You really are the sweetest guy," Cho said. "Hey Neville? Want to go for a walk or something?"

"You sure you're up for it?" Neville asked her.

"Definitely," Cho said. "I've got horrible cabin fever. Besides, Dr. Granger said I should get up and walk around."

Neville pulled out his wand and set a cooling charm on her ice cream. "It's a beautiful night."

"Yes it is," Cho said, reaching for her trainers.

Neville watched her, falling even more in love with her than he already was. It was probably still an empty wish, but he couldn't help thinking that perhaps she'd fancy him too.

"Here," he said quickly. "Let me put those on for you..."

"Neville," Cho smiled at him. "You don't have to---"

"You shouldn't be leaning over too much," Neville helped her slide her foot into the shoe.

"You're so sweet," Cho said softly.

Neville blushed. "I'm not that great."

Cho shook her head. "You are and nothing you could do or say will convince me that you're not."

"Okay," he shyly sat back. "You're all set."

Cho leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you."

Neville's face was a purplish red. "Sure...." he stuttered.

Cho stood up and stretched. "I am so ready to get out of here."

Neville averted his eyes from her body. "Sure..." he said again.

Cho pocketed her key and then led the way out of her cabin. She breathed in the fresh air and did a small twirl. "You were right. This is a beautiful night."

If he thought she was beautiful before, she was absolutely breathtaking with the moon shining onto her hair and her face. "Yeah," he said. "It's gorgeous..."

Cho took his hand. "Let's walk by the ballroom. I want to see how Ron and Luna are doing."

"Okay," he said, squeezing her fingers. "Hey Cho?"

"Yeah?" Cho asked.

He came really close to having just enough courage to tell her how he felt. But at the last moment, he just shook his head. "You um... you look really pretty."

"You really are sweet," Cho laughed. "I have bedhead and my skin is so pale and clammy."

"That's not true," he argued.

"It is," Cho said. "But you are really sweet to say that, Neville."

"Guess I'm just your plain old sweet guy," Neville replied.

"My hero," Cho corrected linking arms with him. "I honestly don't know what I'd have done without you."

"Read the same magazine for the 6th time?" he joked.

Cho laughed. "Probably."

They made their way to the ballroom and Cho peered into the window to see Ron and Luna doing a waltz. Ron looked nervous, but Luna was doing fabulously.

"I'm so glad she finally gets to show off a bit," Cho said to Neville. "I know she gets nervous, but she's so good."

"She is," Neville agreed. He saw the wistful expression on Cho's face. "You'll be out there again."

"I hope so," she said, her hands caressing her stomach.

"And I'm sure your little one will be quite a dancer too," Neville said.

A strange expression crossed her face.

"What is it?" Neville asked. "Cho?"

"I think... I think the baby's kicking..." Cho's eyes were wide. "I didn't think I could feel this yet, or they could kick this early... here feel it!"

Neville grinned and placed his hand on Cho's stomach. She guided his hand to where he'd be able to feel the baby's kick. "See?"

"Wow," he said softly. "That's... that's pretty incredible Cho."

"It is, isn't it?" she asked him, her eyes shining with tears.

"That's your baby in there," Neville said. "If it's a girl, she's going to be just as beautiful as you are."

"I kind of have the feeling that it will be a girl," Cho admitted wiping at her eyes. "And even though I'm afraid I'm going to be a terrible mum, I can't wait to meet her."

"You won't be a terrible mum," Neville assured her.

Cho gave him a hug. "Thank you for everything, Neville. When you say it, I almost believe it."

"You should," Neville said. "You're brave... and you're... um... you're really unselfish..."

"And I have you and Harry," Cho said softly. "What more could I ask for?"

"You'll always have me," Neville promised her.

"No matter what?" Cho asked him hopefully.

"No matter what," Neville confirmed.


Hermione smiled at her two friends. "I never get tired of hearing that."

Cho smiled at her husband. "I think that was the night I started to fall for him."

"I can see why---he was really smooooooooooth," Ron said before stuffing his mouth with another bite of casserole.

"Just like you?" Neville cracked.

"Need we remind you of your first date with Luna?" Cho asked him.

"Yeah," Harry said. "Popped her in the eye with a cork..."

"He didn't mean to do it," Luna said dreamily.

"Then didn't he spill it all over the place?" Neville asked.

"I was nervous," Ron said defensively.

Harry and Neville started laughing.

"And that wasn't really our first date," Rom stammered. "We had an unofficial one that night we went to look at the stars.'

"I remember that," Luna smiled. "I was so happy you were out there with me."

"Didn't it rain?" Harry asked.

"And Ronald rushed me back," Luna said. "We kissed for the first time that night."

"THAT was a great night, wasn't it, Loony?" Ron asked her.

"Yes it was, Ronald," Luna replied.

"Despite working for Vernon that place really has some great memories for all of us," Cho said. "And its magic worked on Nick and Julie and Jon and Allie..."

"And Ethan and Maddie," Hermione laughed. "Though not for a few years."

Lavender giggled. "And I really can't believe it's been what, almost seventeen years since we've been back?"

"And don't forget the one and only Saffron Grace had her start in that place," Cho said with a grin.

Harry and Hermione both grinned. "We don't know whether it was the lake or Harry's old cabin," Hermione replied.

Ron grimaced. "Do we have to talk about that? Come on, I'm trying to eat here."

"And what's that?" Harry retorted. "Your sixth helping?"

"Fifth," Ron corrected.

"How's the veggie one?" Hermione asked Cho.

"Delicious," Cho said smiling at her. "Harry's an excellent chef."

"Thank you," Harry beamed.

"One of his many talents," Hermione said proudly.

"And please don't expound on that thought," Lavender held her hand up.

"We could talk about your ex-husbands," Harry said gleefully.

"What ex husbands?" Lavender returned. "I've only been married once, thank you."

"Oh those first two were just practise runs?" Harry asked.

"Sod off," Lavender said. "They don't count."

"Those poor blokes," Harry said dramatically. "They gave you 24 hours of their lives and that's how you treat them!"

Cho and Ron both snorted while Luna and Neville hid their smiles.

"Third time was the charm," Seamus said putting his arm around his wife.

"That's right," Lavender kissed him on the cheek. "Harry doesn't know what he's talking about."

"I give you a hard time, but you know I love you and all the drama," Harry said raising his glass to her.

"You create more drama than I do," Lavender said, also raising her glass.

"There's enough drama around this entire table to tell a million stories," Hermione said. "But it's made us what we are today!"

"How very true," Neville said. "I know I wouldn't trade any of it in."

"I would have eaten more," Ron said thoughtfully. "If I'd had the chance."

"I hate the fact that you don't weigh as much as Dudley Dursley when you eat the same amount as him," Hermione said with a glare.

"Here, here!" Cho agreed raising her glass.

"Thanks a lot," Ron said, helping himself to the last serving of casserole.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same," Seamus said with a laugh.

"Amen," Hermione answered. "It's sometimes strange to think we're all grandparents- except for you two." she looked at Seamus and Lavender.

"I'm too young to be a grandma," Lavender grimaced.

"You're the same age as me," Hermione pointed out.

"Um, well you're---well you're," Lavender stammered.

"Are you going to say old?" Hermione's eyebrow was raised.

"More mature," Lavender said hastily. "More mature than I."

"Hasn't that always been the case?" Hermione asked in an innocent tone.

Lavender rolled her eyes. "Yes, but you couldn't do without me and you know it."

"I think you're right," Hermione grinned at her.

"And I think we should have more get-togethers like this," Lavender said. "I miss you guys!"

"I agree with that," Cho said. "Tonight I get to brag about my new granddaughter."

"I do too," Luna said with a grin.

"You have pictures from her first day of preschool, right?" Hermione asked Cho.

"I do," Cho replied. "They're in my bag. Frankie must have taken at least 200 shots of her that morning."

"That's the way Dad was when Julie was born," Hermione remembered fondly.

Lavender smiled. "He did."

Neville laughed. "Hannah's fitting in quite well with the family."

"I'm so glad," Hermione said softly. "She's such a sweet, loving little girl."

"It just really amazes me, still, to see how Frankie is with her." Cho said. "I'm so proud of her. Not that I'm any less proud of Chiaki or Allison, but we've been waiting for Frankie to realise her potential and she finally has, in one of the best ways possible."

Neville nodded and felt a lump in his throat just thinking about his daughter and new granddaughter.

Harry noticed his reaction but didn't say anything until they were in the kitchen. "You all right, mate?"

Neville nodded. "What Cho said---it's true, Harry. It's really amazing to watch her with Hannah."

"I'm really happy for you guys," Harry said sincerely. "We don't get enough time to talk about this at work."

"No, we don't," Neville agreed leaning against the counter. "I did a lot of things wrong where Allison was concerned especially, but then I look at those two little girls and Adam----"

"They're incredible aren't they?" Harry asked.

"They are," Neville said grinning at his best friend. "Who'd have thought we'd be here, eh?"

"No shite," Harry agreed. "I can't wait to have more grandkids. I've actually thought about giving Ethan more time off so he and Maddie can get on that."

Neville laughed. "I thought they were going to wait..."

"They are," Harry said. "But I certainly don't want Saffron having a baby just yet. Julie and Nick have Ash and Katie."

"And you have Puddles," Neville said looking over at the dog who was eating kibble.

"That dog is a user," Harry replied. "He's all over us until Saffron's home. And then it's as if we don't exist."

Neville laughed. "He misses Saffy."

"We all do," Harry smiled as he thought about his youngest daughter.

"How's she doing?" Neville asked.

"Great," Harry said. "Top of her class."

"And I hear she's playing quite well," Neville commented.

"Mark my words," Harry told him. "Saffy's going to be the first professional Quidditch player in the family."

"And how does Hermione feel about that?" Neville asked.

"She still doesn't like it," Harry answered. "But she accepts that it's what our daughter wants to do."

Hermione chose that moment to come into the kitchen. "Everyone's ready for dessert."

"Be right there," Harry smiled at her.

"What are you two chatting about?" Hermione asked.

"Saffron," Neville told her. "And how she's going to play professional Quidditch."

Hermione smiled. "My baby..."

"Isn't that my line?" Harry joked.

Hermione shook her head. "It's mine, too. It seems like just yesterday she was toddling in here to help you cook dinner. Standing on that little step stool and watching your every movement."

Harry laughed. "I forgot how she used to do that."


Saffron carried her blanket into the kitchen and dropped it on the floor when she saw her father by the stove stirring something. She was three years old and thought her father could do anything in the world. She tiptoed over to him and tugged on his leg. "Daddy?"

"Hi baby," Harry grinned down at her.

She looked up him and rubbed her tummy. "Whatcha making?"

"Your favourite," Harry replied.

"Pasketti?" Saffron asked.

"You got it in one," Harry said, lifting her onto the counter.

"Help?" Saffron asked.

"You know it always tastes better when you help," Harry leaned over and kissed her nose.

Saffron giggled. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too Saffy," Harry tucked her hair back. "Do you want to stir these?"

"Kay," Saffron said taking the spoon from him. "Ethan come home with Mummy soon?"

Harry nodded, using wandless magic to help his daughter stir the full pot of noodles. "Be careful there baby."

"Daddy, I'm helping!" Saffron giggled.

"And doing a great job," Harry encouraged.

Saffron looked up at him. "Joos coming?

Harry shook his head. "Jules isn't coming."

Saffron frowned. "Oh."

"I'm sure she misses you though," Harry said, stirring the sauce in another pot.

The door opened and Hermione and Ethan came into the kitchen.

"Ethan!" Saffron waved at him. "Look!"

"Hiya Saffy," Ethan grinned at his little sister. "What are you making?"

"Pasketti," Saffron said proudly. "With Daddy!"

"Don't worry," Harry told his wife. "I made sure she won't get hurt."

Hermione smiled and kissed her baby girl on the cheek. "Mummy got you a present."

Saffron stopped stirring and looked at her mother. "What?"

"I'll stir," Ethan told her.

"Come here baby," Hermione said, picking a flat package out of her bag.

Harry helped her down from the counter and Saffron toddled over to her mother.

Hermione pulled her into her lap. "Open it up sweetheart."

Saffron eagerly tore into the package. "Mummy!"

Hermione had bought her daughter a picture book, sprinkled with a few words here and there. Saffron was already reading a few things and Hermione wanted to encourage that.

"Read it now," Saffron said opening up the book.

"Okay," Hermione said kissing the top of her head. "What's that right there?" she asked pointing at a picture.

"A duck," Saffron said.

"I helped Mum pick it out for her," Ethan told his father.

"Good choice son," Harry said.

Ethan shrugged. "I thought she'd like it."

"Oooooh!" Saffron squealed. "Look at the baby duck!"

"That's right sweetheart," Hermione said. "And what's this?"

"A bunny," Saffron replied.

"Good girl!" Hermione praised her, sharing a smile with Harry.

"And a puppy," Saffron said tracing the picture with her finger. "Mummy, can I have a puppy?"

"I'm afraid not, sweetheart," Hermione replied.

Saffron's lower lip trembled. "No puppy?"

"Give it up, Saffy," Ethan said. "I tried for years to get them to cave and they never did."

"Not now," Hermione corrected. "Maybe a few years from now."

"That's real fair, Mum," Ethan grumbled. "I'll be out of the house by then."

"Then you can get your own dog," Harry quipped, mixing the spaghetti and sauce together.

"Mummy I want a puppy now," Saffron said.

"You have your goldfish," Hermione reminded her.

"Baby," Harry said, putting down the little bowl his daughter liked to eat her spaghetti in. "When you get older, we'll talk about getting you a puppy."

"Grampa get me a puppy," Saffron said poking her lower lip out.

"Grandpa's not getting you a puppy," Hermione raised her eyebrow.

Saffron slid off her mother's lap and reached for her mother's mobile. "Call Grampa."

"Saffy--" Hermione began.

"Grandpa would get her a lion if she wanted one," Ethan whispered to his father.

"We already told him we don't want a dog around here," Harry said under his breath.

"Sweetheart, once you're a bit older perhaps we can talk about it, but right now you're too little," Hermione tried to reason with her.

"Call," Saffron began touching random numbers on the pin pad.

"Saffron, your grandpa is not going to get you a puppy," Hermione said. "And you don't know who you're calling..."

"I call," Saffron held the phone up to her ear.


"Get me a puppy!" Saffron said as someone picked up. "Please?"

Hermione took the phone from her daughter. "I'm sorry. We've dialled the wrong number."

Ethan laughed. "Saffy!"

"I want a puppy," Saffron put her hands on her little hips.

"Dinner's ready," Harry announced hoping to distract his daughter. "Come on, Saffy."

Saffron only pushed out her lower lip.

Hermione put her mobile back in her bag and set it aside with Saffron's book. "We'll finish reading your book after dinner."

"Give it up Saffy," Ethan picked his little sister up. "They're not caving."

Saffron finally managed a smile. "I'm not gonna give up."

"You wouldn't be my Saffron Grace if you did," Harry took her from Ethan.


Neville chuckled. "Who on earth did she call?"

Harry shook his head. "Who knows? Can you imagine this poor soul going about his business and getting a phone call from a determined three year old asking for them to get her a puppy...please?"

Neville laughed. "Well she finally got her puppy," he leaned down and scratched Puddles between the ears.

"She never gave up," Hermione said. "She's stubborn. I think she gets that from Harry."

Harry scoffed. "Please."

"She certainly didn't get it from me," Hermione said innocently.

Harry looked at Neville, who held up his hands. "I may be a big bad Auror, but your wife is quicker."

"Good choice," Hermione said shaking her head. "I'd better serve the dessert before Ron goes barmy."

"Is he chomping at the bit already?" Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine..."

"All kidding aside," Neville said to Hermione. "You were the one who set this all in motion. I know Lavender likes to play her part, but if you hadn't shown up to Hillsdale like you did, we might never have made it to this moment."

Hermione smiled at him. "Neville!"

"I think he's right," Harry said. "And if you hadn't offered to step in and do Cho's part, we might not have gotten together."

"You ever wonder how life would have turned out if I hadn't?" Hermione asked.

"I don't really want to think about that," Harry set dessert down and put his arms around her.

"Me either," Hermione said giving him a kiss.

"Rabbits and Neville?" Ron whined from the dining room. "I'm starving to death out here!"

"He nearly finished off an entire casserole all by himself and he's hungry?" Hermione asked.

"This is Ron we're talking about," Neville grabbed the dish. "Bottomless pit?"

"Perhaps we should have set out a trough for him," Hermione said.

"An idea for next time," Harry quipped. "Come on."

Hermione carried some of the pudding dishes into the sitting room where everyone was waiting.

"I'll take that one," Ron eyed the dish Harry had in his hands.

"This one's mine," Harry said grinning at him.

"Harry stop it," Hermione said. "It's the serving dish Ron. You'll get one like the rest of us do."

"Thank you, Hermione," Ron said shooting a glare in Harry's direction.

"This is excellent," Cho said.

"Hermione made it," Harry replied.

"Get out," Cho said before she could stop herself. "Really?"

"Harry helped with the part where it went on the stove," Hermione joked. "I did the rest."

"We make a great team," Harry said sitting down beside his wife.

"Is this going to be another rabbit moment?" Ron asked.

"No," Hermione said. "We'll wait until you leave like good hosts."

Luna laughed at the expression on her husband's face.

"So eat quickly," Harry joked.

"Just for that I'll have two helpings," Ron said. "In fact, is there any way I can take the rest of this home with me?"

"Of course, Ron," Hermione said rolling her eyes.

He grinned. "Thanks Hermione. This is why I voted for you for Minister."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't have voted for me otherwise?"

Ron looked as if he was seriously considering her question for a moment. "Well..."

"Yes, Ron?" Hermione asked folding her arms.

"I'm kidding," Ron said. "Of course I'd have voted for you anyway."

"Good save," Seamus told his friend.

"You won by a landslide," Cho said with a smile.

"And what a celebration we had," Harry said winking at his wife.

"Too much information," Lavender put her hands over her ears.

"Yes it was," Hermione said laughing.

Harry grinned at his wife. "Repeat later."

"Deal," Hermione said.

Week 13: Ashley and Katie

Amynoelle: Since Katie and Ashley seem to be getting along now, maybe they won't fight during the interview.

Heaven: Hopefully not. I'm too tired to deal with any of that tonight!

Amynoelle: This is our last interview of 2006...

Heaven: And I can't believe this is the 13th interview we've done since starting!

Amynoelle: Where does the time go? God...saying stuff like that makes me sound really old, doesn't it?

Heaven: Well...

Amynoelle: Don't you say it...

Heaven: I'll be nice, I promise.

Amynoelle: In the spirit of Christmas.

Heaven: Is that them? I think I hear someone coming.

Nick: Happy Christmas!

Amynoelle: Hello, Nick! Hello, Katie and Ashley! And this must be Sophie...

Heaven: Awwww she is SO cute!

Katie: I put the bow on her.

Amynoelle: It looks like she's chewed on it....

Nick: She doesn't like it, truth be told.

Katie: Yes she does!

Ashley: I don't think she likes it either Katie...

Katie: It just takes some getting used to, Ash. Sophie, no!

Heaven: And there it goes.... in two pieces.

Katie: She just didn't like the colour is all. I'll get her a peach one tomorrow!

Heaven: Thanks for bringing them Nick and Julie. We promise not to keep them here too long!

Julie: We'll be back soon. Happy Christmas, Amy and Heaven!

Amynoelle: Happy Christmas!

Heaven: Happy Christmas you guys! See you soon!

Amynoelle: It's great to finally meet you both.

Ashley: It's nice to meet you, too.

Heaven: You are both quite popular characters, you know.

Ashley: *Blushes* We are?

Heaven: *leans over* especially you Ash! But don't tell anyone I told you that!

Ashley: *Blushes even more* Thanks.

Amynoelle: We have some great questions for you guys. If you're ready for them?

Katie: Sure, I guess.

Amynoelle: Alright, Katie. Since you are a member of the Princess Club...two of our readers---Molly and Rachelle---wanted to know what your favourite Disney movie was. Well, Molly wanted to know what your three favourite ones were and Rachelle wanted to know what your favourite one was.

Katie: I love Peter Pan, cause Tinkerbell is so cool! And I also really like Mulan and Cinderella too.

Ashley: I really like Beauty and the Beast and Mulan. They are really strong characters and I think I see a little of myself in them.

Amynoelle: Beauty and the Beast is my favourite, too.

Heaven: Belle's one of my favourites as well! Ash... Mander Jean has a question here... I know you have a crush on Andrew, but is there anyone else you fancy?

Ashley: I don't have a crush on Andrew. I just think he's really nice and he doesn't talk to me like a kid. He treats me really nice.

Amynoelle: It must have been really nice to be able to hang out with the older kids when you were in Brighton.

Ashley: I had a lot of fun. I like being treated like I'm older and Aunt Saffy and all of them all talk to me like I'm their age. It's really cool.

Amynoelle: Orli Luva and Royal Jade wanted to know if you were excited about starting Hogwarts. Do you think it will be strange with your Aunt Saffy and your mum being there, too?

Ashley: I don't think it will be strange. I like knowing that I'll have two people there...well, three counting Alexa, that I already know and that will help me get used to things. I am a little worried about this one professor...Professor Snape. He apparently doesn't like anyone in my family at all. Well, the Potter side anyway.

Heaven: Who knows- he might treat you nicely since you're a Malfoy as well. But I wouldn't count on it. He's really quite a wanker.

Katie: *giggles* Mummy says the same thing!

Heaven: I bet she does! Katie... we have a question from... katy! She wants to know if you're looking forward to being home along while Ashley is away at school.

Katie: It's going to be strange not having Ashley around. But, I will get to have Sophie to keep me company. And Greta, too! But, I will miss Ashley.

Ashley: *Smiles* I'll miss you too, Katie.

Amynoelle: This is quite a change for you two. It's no secret that you haven't always gotten along. Captain H. Short(y-pants) wants to ask Ashley how and when did you decide to be the mature one and stop fighting all the time with your sister. And how are you so patient with her when she's harping on you?

Captain asks because she is an older sister and needs advice.

Ashley: Well um... I don't know. I hate arguing, so I just thought maybe I wouldn't let things we said get to me so much. I just let a lot of things brush off because I know Katie sometimes says things when she's angry that she doesn't mean. And other times, we have loads of fun together.

Heaven: That's a rather mature answer, Ash! And I'm sure Katie loves getting along with you too!

Katie: It is more fun than fighting. And she lets me help her colour. Ash says I'm the best at it!

Ashley: She really is good at colouring things in.

Heaven: Ashley, Molly wants to know how you felt when you realized that your artwork was going to be put in a real show?

Ashley: Scared to death! I love drawing and it's always been something I've done just for me or for people I love. But, the idea of putting it out there for other people to see was actually kind of terrifying. But, it's getting easier.

Heaven: Katie, coolman has a pretty good question for you. Amongst the Potter and Weasley families you were the only one who was warm with Serena. Do you like her? Do you want to be like her?

Katie: I love her music. She has this one song that I dance too all the time---Casting a Spell on Your Heart...It's soooooo good! I want to be as good a singer as her when I grow up.

Ashley: I don't like her music much at all.

Heaven: So you want to be a singer like your dad then Katie?

Katie: * Nods* Absolutely!

Amynoelle: And like I said it really is great to see you two getting along. Two readers had similar questions for you both. One of them, ears91, wanted to know if you both are happier now that you aren't trying to kill each other every moment? And Rachelle asks Ashley is you enjoy your new relationship with your sister?

Ashley: I do. Especially when she lets me help her with her reading. I try to make it a little fun for her, you know? And I think us getting along makes Mummy, Daddy, and Greta a lot happier too.

Amynoelle: I am sure that it does, Ashley. We all like seeing you two getting along!

Katie: I like reading with Ashley. Sometimes even more than I like reading with Maya.

Ashley: I didn't know that. Thanks, Katie.

Katie: You're welcome.

Heaven: Katie, Mander Jean wants to know what you want to be when you grow up? Do you really want to be a singer, or are you more interested in something like fashion design or modelling?

Katie: I would love to be a singer and a designer and a model. Mummy and Daddy always tell me I can be whatever I want to be and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Heaven: A little bit of everything, eh?

Katie: I can do it!

Amynoelle: Of that, we have no doubt. Ashley, toinkydoink wants to know what inspired you do start pursuing your passion for the arts? Could you give a specific time or moment where you discovered you passion?

Ashley: I just always liked to doodle and draw and stuff... and I guess I just really figured it out when I went to school and my teachers all liked my work. Mummy and Daddy got me lessons and they let me use the basement as a studio.

Amynoelle: Natalie wants to know what your favourite thing to draw is.

Ashley: When we were in Sydney, I loved drawing the Opera House. It's so beautiful and I really tried to sketch it exactly like how it was.

Heaven: Didn't you give a picture of that to Elinore? Or was it Saffron?

Ashley: I did that for Aunt Saffy.

Heaven: That's right! Ash- we have another question for you from Coolman. Wont it be awkward for you to be taught by your mother in school? How do you plan to deal with the unfair taunts from the Slytherins? They are sure to accuse Julie of being partial.

Ashley: I actually asked Aunt Saffy about this. Mummy treats her just like any other student when they're in class and I'm sure she'll treat me the same way. It is going to be a little strange though to have my mum has a teacher though.

Katie: Aunt Saffy said she'd beat up any Slytherin who talked mean to Ash.

Heaven: That sounds about right!

Amynoelle: Saffy can take them on. I certainly wouldn't want to be on her bad side. Molly has an interesting question for you both. When you go out with your Grandpa Harry or Grandma Hermione do you ever get swarmed by fans? If so what do you or your parents do?

Ashley: It happens a lot more with my dad than it does my grandparents. But usually when we go out, we go eat or something at a Muggle place so no one bugs us too much.

Amynoelle: That's good. And now on to your other set of grandparents. RC wants to know how do you know about your father's parents?

Katie: Daddy told us about them. We don't like them too much. They weren't very nice to Daddy or to Greta.

Ashley: But it was awesome when Katie threw up on him!

Amynoelle: That was fabulous!

Katie: I really didn't mean to do it!

Amynoelle: We know that, Katie. It was still awesome. He certainly had it coming. Toinkydoink's other question to you both was if you were ever to meet them again, and actually have them sit down and listen to what you want to say, what would you tell Draco & Ginny Malfoy?

Ashley: I hope we never meet them again. I really don't have anything I want to say. I love my mum's parents so much, and I know that's all that matters now.

Katie: Me too. We have the best Grandma and Grandpa in the world and we have Greta and Nana Molly and Grandpa Arthur."

Heaven: And they love you guys so, so much. You are pretty lucky! RC wants to know, from both of you, what do you like most about your mum and dad?

Ashley: What I love most about Mum is that she's a really good listener. You know you can tell her just about anything and she'll listen and make you feel better. Daddy is always encouraging us to do our best and he writes up songs for us. What about you, Katie?

Katie: It's the same for me. And I know sometimes I get mad when they make me read, but I know it's because they love me and want me to be good at it.

Heaven: Katie- Orli Luva and Royal Jade are curious to know how you're coping with your dyslexia.

Katie: Um, I don't like having to do a lot of extra work. But, I'm doing okay with it. Mummy helps me and so does Ashley and Grandma helps me too. I was really afraid she'd be disappointed in me because Grandma is super smart.

Ashley: But no one's disappointed in you Katie.

Katie: I know that now, but at first, I didn't.

Amynoelle: We're really proud of you too, Katie. Natalie was wondering how do you get along with Mia? Do you like Hannah and what is your favourite subject in school?

Katie: I like Hannah, yeah. She's really sweet. Mia... I don't know. She tries to hard to be friends with everyone and sometimes she gets on my nerves. And at school, I actually really like maths.

Amynoelle: Royal Jade wants to know how you are liking your new dog...

Katie: Sophie's soooo cute! I love dressing her up and giving her bows and things.

Amynoelle: And how does Sophie feel about that?

Ashley: She doesn't really like it. But it is sort of funny...

Amynoelle: A little while ago, your mum had her boss over for dinner. Katie, Rachelle says that you seemed to be the one to sense something was going on with him. How do you feel about him and your mum working together?

Katie: *shrugs* I don't know. He just wouldn't answer me when I asked if there was anyone he fancied.

Ashley: It was sort of a private question though, Katie.

Katie: Oh. Well...

Heaven: A few more questions here you guys. RC wants to know if either of you would like to have another sibling, and if so, would you like a brother or another sister?

Ashley: I'd be happy with either one, but I don't think Mum and Dad are going to have anymore.

Katie: We don't need another brother or sister. We're fine like we are.

Heaven: Ashley, natalie wants to know, who do you think you take more after, your mother or your father?

Ashley: I think I get my creativity from my Dad, but I think I'm most like my mum.

Katie: Can I answer this too?

Heaven: Of course you can!

Katie: I think I look like my mum, but I'm like my dad. I like to get up and perform and stuff.

Amynoelle: Well, I think that does it for reader questions. We want to thank you girls for doing this interview with us. We really enjoyed meeting you and Sophie.

Heaven: Yes, thank you both so much!

Amynoelle: I'll just ring your folks to let them know you're ready to go.

Ashley: Come on Katie, don't put that back on Sophie... you know she doesn't like it.

Katie: It's pretty, Ash.

Ashley *whispers* it's sort of chewed up and ugly now...

Katie: Maybe they can fix it.

Ashley: They can't. They're Muggles, Katie.

Heaven: Unfortunately...

Amynoelle: Julie will be here in just a minute.

Heaven: It really has been fun you guys. Thanks again for coming!

Heaven: It really has been fun you guys. Thanks again for coming!

Amynoelle: Will you girls help us do something before you go?

Ashley: Okay, sure.

Amynoelle: There are a bunch of people out there who have been loyal readers of this story of ours. We wanted to wish them a Merry Christmas. Can you help us out?

Katie: Yeah! That sounds like fun!

Amynoelle: Alrighty...on the count of three let's tell them all Happy Christmas. Ready?

Heaven: One... two... three!

Katie: Happy Christmas!

Ashley: Happy Christmas!

Amynoelle: Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you guys! Thank you for reading our little story...or big story....or neverending story. We know we sometimes make you mad with the cliffies...

Heaven: But we love being on this end of them *wink*