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Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Hmmm a lot of you think you know what Oliver's going to say ;) And we're glad you enjoyed the flashback of Ethan's birth. You get to see a more grown up Ethan in this chapter :D

Next chapter takes us all back to Hogwarts- and don't forget to ask your questions for Drew and Darla! Also make sure to check out the new community- as we're offering up a chance to interview the two of us as well. See you Thursday with Hogwarts Undercover!

"Katherine Rose," Julie said shaking her head.

"I'm just curious," Katie proclaimed.

"It's okay," Oliver said.

"Saffron says quite a few of her friends have an eye for you," Nick raised his bottle. "Way to go mate."

"Nicholas!" Julie admonished.

Oliver was laughing too hard to respond.

"I'm sorry, Oliver," Julie said turning red.

"Quite all right," he said, shaking his head. "Most people do wonder why I haven't settled down. It's just like I said- I don't have the time."

"You should make time for something like that," Nick told him.

"Nick!" Julie exclaimed. "Oliver's not here for a lecture! I'm sure he's doing just fine!"

Nick looked quizzically at her. He didn't want to embarrass his wife in front of her boss, but he couldn't see what the big deal was.

"Do you fancy someone, Mister Oliver?" Katie asked boldly.

Oliver coughed uncomfortably. "Um..."

"That's quite enough," Julie sent her daughter a stern look.

"Yes, Mummy," Katie said quietly.

Julie shot her boss an apologetic look. "So Greta," she said. "What's for dessert?"

"Chocolate trifle," Greta announced. "I'll just go and get it now, shall I?"

"That sounds good," Nick smiled at her.

Greta smiled back at him before walking into the kitchen. The rest of the table settled into an uncomfortable silence.

Julie was angry at her family for pressuring Oliver to talk about his love life, but she tried to keep her temper down.

"So," Oliver said trying to make an effort with Nick. "How was your trip?"

"Great," Nick replied. "Got some good publicity for my new album."

Oliver nodded. "Julie said it was coming out next week, right?"

"Right," Nick nodded. "In fact, I'll be doing another short tour next month right before Easter."

"What?" Julie asked.

"I just found out today," Nick looked over at his wife.

"How long will you be gone, Daddy?" Ashley asked.

"Not even a week, baby." Nick assured her. "It's only for four days this time. Three and a half, technically."

"Oh, that's not too bad," Ashley said smiling at him.

"The female students at the school seem to enjoy your work," Oliver said. "I hear them talking about you quite often."

"When they're not talking about you," Nick said with a laugh.

"Right," Oliver agreed with a grin. "It's a curse to be good looking isn't it?" he joked.

"Oh yes," Nick chuckled as Greta came back into the dining room with the dessert. "It's a tough life..."

"This is my favourite dessert," Ashley said happily, her eyes on the dish as Greta set it down.

"Mine too," Katie agreed. "I want the big piece, Greta."

"Guests first," Julie reminded her daughters.

"I insist that Katie and Ashley go first," Oliver said smiling at the two girls.

"That's very nice of you," Julie smiled at him.

"Can I please have the big piece?" Katie asked, trying to be more polite.

Greta smiled. "Of course, Katherine Rose."

"Yum," Katie said happily. "Thanks Greta!"

"Everything's been fantastic," Oliver said as Greta set a dish before him. "Thank you."

"I'm so glad you've enjoyed it," Greta told him. "And anytime you'd like me to make you something special, just tell Julie."

"That's very kind of you," Oliver said politely.

"Have you ever tried Greta's spaghetti?" Ashley asked him. "It's the best spaghetti in the world."

"I agree," Oliver replied smiling at Julie. "Your mum was kind enough to share some with me the other day."

"Sometimes I have Saffron stay with me for lunch," Julie said. "It's nice to be able to spend more time with my sister."

"How is my favourite brat?" Nick asked.

"Still a brat," Julie said fondly.

"Good to know things haven't changed," Nick said before taking a bite of his dessert.

"You know, when we get back on Monday, I'm going to call for a staff meeting," Oliver replied. "There are some things I'd like to bring up for next term, and although I think I've already decided on Saffron for Head Girl, I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say. I also need some choices for Head Boy."

"When were you thinking of having it?" Julie asked.

"Monday evening," Oliver said. "Seems to be a good evening for meetings."

"Works best for everyone," Julie agreed. "Right after dinner?"

"Sure," Oliver said. "See- this is why she's my deputy headmistress..."

Nick wasn't so sure he liked the use of the word "my".

Julie beamed at his praise. "Thank you, Oliver."

"Mummy does a good job with everything," Ashley said loyally.

"I couldn't agree more," Oliver said. "She's a great professor and a great friend and a wonderful colleague."

"And a great wife," Nick said pointedly.

Julie understood his tone and shot him a murderous look.

Nick glared right back at her.

"You're a lucky bloke," Oliver agreed pushing back in his chair. "Julie, I-I really should be going."

"Oliver," Julie also stood up. "Are you sure? We could have coffee--"

Oliver nodded. "I promised Hagrid I'd meet with him tonight and I don't want to keep him waiting. Thank you again for a lovely evening."

Julie shot her family a look as she followed her boss out. "I'm sorry- this turned out to be a bit of a crazy evening."

"It's okay," Oliver said reassured her. "I enjoyed meeting your family, Jules."

"You were being a good sport," Julie said. "I am very sorry about them barging into your personal life."

"I'm used to it by now," Oliver said softly. He hated himself for the feelings that he was starting to have for her. It was wrong and he needed to stop this before it went any further. "I'll see you on Monday, then?"

"Right," Julie smiled at him. "I hope you have a good weekend."

"You too," Oliver said softly.

After he left Julie went back into the kitchen, avoiding her family in the dining room.

"Girls, why don't you take the new dog upstairs and try and come up with a name for her?" Nick asked them.

"Okay Daddy," Ashley said excitedly. She gave her father a hug before leaving the room.

Greta followed the girls out of the room and for the longest time, neither Nick nor Julie spoke.

"I'll finish the dishes," Julie said coolly. "Then I'm going to bed."

Nick shook his head. "I'm sorry I interrupted your date."

Julie glared at him. "It was dinner with my boss. And YOU were the one that was late!"

"Dinner with the boss, right," Nick said sarcastically. "Did you see how he was looking at you?"

"You are ridiculous," Julie snapped.

"At least I'm not clueless," Nick said stalking past her into the sitting room to get his bags.

"I'd rather be clueless than an asshole," Julie yelled furiously after him.

"He's old enough to be your father," Nick retorted. "Hell, he's older THAN your father!"

"He is a FRIEND!" Julie said angrily.

"I didn't realise you were sharing your lunch with him," Nick shot back. "How very cosy!"

"Oh shut up," Julie snapped. "As if you've never shared a lunch with a friend. You're such a complete hypocrite Nicholas."

"And you're turning a blind eye to this just like your mum did with that Gordon bloke," Nick countered. "You remember your folks telling you how well that turned out, don't you?"

"Don't you dare compare Oliver to that psycho," Julie hissed.

"I'll sleep in the guest room tonight," Nick said slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Good," Julie snapped. "Because I wasn't letting you anywhere NEAR my bed!"

"Glad I could keep it warm for good, old Ollie," Nick said sarcastically.

"Bastard," Julie seethed. "I wouldn't care if you took a year long tour!"

Nick didn't say anything as he breezed past her and up the stairs.

Julie threw the silverware in the sink as she fumed. She was sick and tired of people speculating on things going on in her personal life.

One thing was for sure, she thought bitterly. It was going to be a long, uncomfortable weekend.

*** *** ***

It had been ages since Maddie and Frankie had seen each other. What with work commitments and Frankie's new life as a mother, they'd not had a chance to get together as often as they used to. Frankie had surprised Maddie at work and the two best friends found themselves in the Ministry cafeteria having lunch.

"She was so excited," Frankie told Maddie. Hannah had started preschool earlier that week."And nervous, too. I don't think she slept a wink the night before."

"Awwww," Maddie said with a grin. "You're so lucky Frankie. Hannah's such a beautiful, bright and sweet little girl."

"She is," Frankie said proudly. "And she's already doing well! Ooh, and I have pictures!"

"Let me see!" Maddie squealed.

Frankie took out the photographs she'd had developed that morning. She scooted her chair around so Maddie could see. "Okay, there she is eating her breakfast on the first day. Will made her favourite blueberry pancakes."

"She's covered in them," Maddie laughed. "That's so sweet."

Frankie grinned. "We had to change her outfit, of course. Look at those jeans and that's the jumper my mum gave her!"

Maddie smiled at Frankie's exuberance. "How does she like preschool so far?"

"She's still so shy, but the teacher has helped her out a great deal," Frankie replied. "And she seems to be adjusting well. And even made a friend---this cute little girl, Jessica. But, don't worry, Emma is still her bestest friend."

"Those two are thick as thieves," Maddie agreed.

"Like you and me," Frankie said smiling at her friend.

"Exactly," Maddie laughed. "I love this picture..." she picked one up of Hannah and Will.

"I love that one too," Frankie agreed looking fondly at her daughter who had her arms around Will's neck and was waving enthusiastically at the camera.

"You two are fantastic parents," Maddie told her friend.

"Thanks," Frankie said. "I can't tell you how great this feels, Maddie. It's like my whole life something was missing and I didn't know what it was...and then she came into my life and it all just seemed to fit."

Maddie nudged her playfully. "And you didn't want kids..."

Frankie laughed. "I didn't think I did. But things change. People change."

Maddie nodded. "And you changed a lot of things for Hannah. That poor little girl didn't think anyone could love her."

"That horrible man," Frankie said thinking of David. "I could just kill him for what he did to her."

"At least you got her away from that," Maddie said.

Frankie nodded. "And she never has to see him again."

"Exactly," Maddie sat back. "I'm still hungry..."

"Still?" Frankie asked in disbelief looking at her friend's empty plate.

Maddie grinned sheepishly. "I have a fast metabolism..."

"I hate you for it, too," Frankie said rolling her eyes.

Maddie poked her shoulder. "I'll be right back."

"Could you get me another bowl of fruit?" Frankie asked.

"Sure," Maddie replied, weaving her way back over to the line.

"Look, Ethan," Justin said nudging his friend. The two Aurors were waiting on a queue. "There's the old ball and chain."

"Look who's talking," Ethan elbowed him back.

"Hi, guys," Maddie said spotting them.

"Hey," Ethan grinned at his wife. "Second round?"

Maddie nodded and patted her tummy. "I was thinking of dessert."

Ethan gave her a kiss. "Mind if we sneak in the queue with you then?"

"Of course not," Maddie replied. "Hi, Justin. How's Sarah?"

"She's great," Justin smiled at her.

"You two have to come by for dinner some night," Maddie said.

"Sure," Justin nodded. "I'm game."

Maddie took Ethan's hand. "How's your day going so far?"

"All right," Ethan shrugged. "Pretty boring."

"No bad guys to chase down today?" Maddie teased.

"Not yet," Ethan replied. "What about you?"

"About the same as yours," Maddie said. "But Frankie showed up and asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat. And you know me..."

"Right," Ethan laughed, waving across the room to the black haired woman.

"Great," Justin said with a grin. "I can beg her for tickets to the Cup."

"She might give in," Ethan teased him.

"Puddlemere against Wimbourne," Justin said gleefully. "I'd sell my soul for those tickets."

"That's going to be quite the game," Ethan agreed. "I'm glad my dad got us tickets."

"Wait," Justin said pulling a confused face. " long have you and I been best mates?"

"Forever?" Ethan asked.

"Exactly," Justin said folding his arms. "And you have tickets for the Cup but neglected to tell me. How do you think that makes me feel?"

"He couldn't get that many!" Ethan said defensively. "It's not like I wouldn't have taken you!"

"Your father is Harry Bloody Potter," Justin said. "Your Mum is the most powerful woman in the world. And you mean to tell me you couldn't get me---your best mate---tickets?"

Ethan shrugged. "Sorry mate."

Justin sighed. "I'm going to go and grab a sandwich from the deli. I'll catch up to you guys in a few minutes."

"Ethan," Maddie frowned at him. "Why are you teasing him like that?"

"I like giving him a hard time," Ethan replied with a grin.

"You should tell him you got tickets for both of you," Maddie took a bowl of fruit salad for Frankie.

"I will," Ethan promised.

Maddie leaned over and gave him another kiss. "Hannah's started preschool."

"Did she?" Ethan asked. "That's great."

"Doing quite well so far too," Maddie helped herself to a generous portion of pasta salad.

Ethan stifled a laugh. He was used to his wife's appetite, but it still amazed him. "Mads, sweetheart? I thought you were just going to get dessert."

"I'm really hungry today," Maddie explained.

"You're hungry everyday," Ethan said grabbing a plate of chicken parmesan.

"That looks so good," Maddie eyed it.

"I'll let you have a bite," Ethan promised.

Maddie beamed at him as she took two brownies and a piece of fudge cake.

"You want to put some of your plates on my tray?" Ethan offered. "You're running out of room there."

"Thank you," Maddie grinned at him.

Ethan laughed as he placed three of her plates on his tray. Maddie showed willpower by not getting anything else other than a refill on her soda.

"Tell me the damage," Ethan said to the cashier. "Have mercy on us. We're still newlyweds."

"It's okay June," Maddie grinned at her. "He's paying."

"We'll just take it out of your wages," June laughed.

Ethan groaned. "My wife..."

"He loves it," Maddie giggled.

June gave them the total and Ethan laughed as he pulled out his wallet. "You're killing me, June."

"You don't have the same appeal as me," Maddie teased her husband.

"No one does," Ethan said picking up his tray and following his wife over to the table where Frankie was sitting with Justin.

"So if I were to pay you handsomely--" Justin was saying.

"I'm sorry," Frankie told him. "We're sold out completely, Justin."

"Damn it," Justin sighed.

"Ethan," Maddie nudged her husband.

"Justin," Ethan said leaning back in his chair. "You're embarrassing yourself."

"Sod off," Justin glared at him. "You're the one with tickets."

"Ethan James Potter," Maddie said through clenched teeth. "Tell him."

Ethan really wanted to hold out longer but between his wife glaring at him and his best friend about ready to scratch his eyes out, he shook his head. "Fine... Justin stop whining. I made sure my dad got you two tickets as well."

Justin's mouth dropped. "Are you kidding?"

"Do you think you'd ever really let me hear the end of it if I didn't include you?" Ethan asked dryly.

"No," Justin said a grin breaking out across his face. "Ethan! How are the seats?"

"Some of the best in the stadium," Ethan pulled Justin's tickets out of his pocket and dangled them in front of his best mate.

"I can't believe you were holding out on me," Justin said reaching for them, but Ethan pulled them away.

Frankie shook her head as she dug into her fruit salad. "You blokes are mad."

"All a part of our charm," Ethan said pocketing the tickets.

"Hey!" Justin glared at him.

"You know you'd lose it," Ethan said.

"Whatever," Justin took a huge bite of sandwich.

"Mads tells me our goddaughter started school?" Ethan asked Frankie.

"That's right," Frankie smiled proudly. "Just this week!"

"Show him the photos," Maddie urged.

Frankie pushed the envelope at him. "We took all these her first day."

"There must be over a hundred photos here," Ethan said shaking his head. "You took all these on her first day?"

Frankie blushed. "Well yes..."

"You're such a mum," Ethan teased.

"Shut up Ethan James," Frankie kicked him.

"OW!" Ethan winced.

"But you're right," Frankie smiled angelically. "I am such a mum!"

"Kick him again, Frankie," Justin said. "He deserves it."

"Mads!" Ethan looked at his wife. "Two bites if you'll defend me?"

Maddie laughed. "Stop it, you guys."

"Awwww..." Justin grinned wickedly at Ethan. "Does the little woman have to stick up for you?"

"At least we don't baby talk," Ethan countered.

Frankie and Maddie both laughed at that.

"Sarah likes it, Ethan," Justin said his cheeks turning red.

"Sure," Ethan smirked.

"We don't do that nearly as much as we used to," Justin said defensively.

"Yeah right," Ethan scoffed. "Just the other day you two were doing that annoying bloody pooky bear thing. It was so embarrassing."

Justin glared at him. "Okay, we didn't know you were there!"

Maddie laughed at his expression.

"And all couples have certain quirks," Justin continued.

"That's very true," Frankie agreed.

"You should hear her and Will on the phone," Maddie teased. "You hang up first! No YOU hang up first!"

"We did that when we were dating," Frankie corrected her.

"Mads and I don't have any quirks," Ethan put his arm around his wife.

"Other than your wife eats way more than you do and always sneaks stuff off your plate," Frankie said.

Maddie grinned proudly. "We never leave a plate behind with more than a morsel."

"And the fact that you twirl," Frankie teased.

"Shut up," it was Ethan's turn to blush.

Justin opened his mouth to say something but he had a feeling any ribbing he gave his friend would end up in no tickets to the Cup final.

Maddie took the last bite of her husband's lunch. "Can I?"

Ethan laughed. "Go ahead."

"Thank you," Maddie leaned in and gave him a peck.

Justin spotted Neville Longbottom coming into the cafeteria. "Maddie, don't touch my food. I will be right back. I need to go and let Longbottom know about a witness. I mean it..."

"Daddy's here?" Frankie turned around.

"Right over there," Justin said. "Come on...having you there might make him not get so mad at me."

Frankie laughed. "Are you scared of my father that much, Justin?"

"He can be a bit scary," Justin said grabbing Frankie's arm. "You can be a nice buffer."

"Don't worry mate," Ethan said. "I won't let my wife finish your sandwich."

Maddie watched as Frankie and Justin cut across the cafeteria to where Neville was standing with some of his colleagues. Ethan picked up the photos and started thumbing through them.

"Isn't she adorable?" Maddie asked dreamily resting her head on Ethan's shoulder.

"Yeah she's really cute," Ethan chuckled at the picture of Hannah eating pancakes.

"You'd be such a great father," Maddie said softly.

"I hope I'm as good a father as mine," Ethan kissed the side of her head.

"You will be," Maddie said.

"It still seems strange," Ethan commented. "Frankie as a mother."

"I know," Maddie agreed. "But seeing her with makes sense."

"Yeah," Ethan nodded. "She really loves Frankie."

"And the other night when I stopped by to see Allie and Jon, I saw little Adam...he's so cute!" Maddie exclaimed. "And then there's little Chloe...and the triplets! Ethan, they're getting so big!"

Ethan looked at her with a half smile. "You thinking about us having kids?"

"Maybe a little," Maddie admitted. "I know we agreed to wait a couple of years..."

"Right," Ethan nodded. "I think if we had kids, we'd need a bigger place. And we're nowhere near able to afford that right now."

"Your parents raised you and Julie in the cottage," Maddie pointed out.

"Well yeah but--" Ethan began.

"You're not ready for that yet," Maddie interjected. "I know...and to tell you the truth, I'm probably not either. I just got to thinking about it is all."

Ethan nodded, relieved. "I'd just like a little more time alone with you first..."

"Nothing wrong with that," Maddie said smiling back at him. "And we have our hands full with Blue."

"Our pseudo child," Ethan said wryly.

"He's our baby," Maddie said giggling.

"See Justin," Frankie pointed out. "He's not that bad. My Dad's a big teddy bear."

"I probably shouldn't have blurted all that out when you were giving him a hug, but I thought it was best to get him when he was distracted," Justin said.

Frankie laughed. "Some Auror you are."

"Justin has a bit of history with your dad," Ethan said when they sat back down.

"Mister Teddy Bear practically had steam coming out of his ears," Justin remembered with a gulp.

"Why?" Frankie was amused. "What did you do?"

"I might have lost his case notes to the Taran - Steller case," Justin said sheepishly.

Frankie gasped. "That was you?"

"It was an accident!" Justin insisted.

"And then we had to spend all night recreating them," Ethan grumbled.

"Is that why you were so cranky that one day?" Maddie asked innocently.

Ethan nodded. "Staying up all night will do that."

"Poor baby," Maddie kissed his cheek.

"But Daddy was really nice to you just then, Justin," Frankie said loyally.

"Yeah only cause you were there," Justin said to her.

"Are you this frightened of Harry, too?" Maddie asked.

"Of course not," Justin snorted, picking up his sandwich.

"You're not?" Maddie asked hiding her grin as her father-in-law stood behind Justin.

"No way," Justin answered.

"You really are brave," Maddie said. "He would scare me...."

"Why?" Justin asked as Ethan grinned. "He's pretty... what?"

"Nothing," Ethan said. "Continue..."

Justin shook his head. "You lot are bloody odd. Harry Potter isn't a tough teacher. He's--"

"Right behind you," Frankie said laughing.

Justin paled. "What?"

"Hello, Justin," Harry said quietly.

"Sir!" Justin jumped up from his chair.

"What are you laughing at, Potter?" Harry asked his son.

"N-nothing," Ethan stammered standing up as well.

Maddie and Frankie looked at each other and hid their giggles.

"So, I'm not scary?" Harry asked getting in Justin's face.

"I was joking sir," Justin tried to lean back.

"What about you, Potter?" Harry asked his son. "Do you think I'm scary?"

"Dad--" Ethan began.

"I beg your pardon?" Harry asked him.

"I mean Auror Potter," Ethan said, gulping.

"I believe your lunch hour was over about ten minutes ago," Harry said looking at his watch. His green eyes were dark with anger.

Ethan glanced at his watch. "Shit... Mads I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," Madeline assured him. "Go---'

"Go!" Harry barked.

"Yes, sir," Justin said hastily. "Yes, sir."

Harry watched both the men scamper out of the room. "That was easier than I thought," he grinned at Frankie and Maddie.

"Uncle Harry!" Frankie exclaimed. "I thought you were serious!"

Harry laughed as he sat down. "I'm a good actor."

"Really good," Frankie said shaking her head. "I nearly followed them out!"

"How's that little one of yours doing?" Harry asked. "I can't believe you haven't brought her by yet."

"I will," Frankie promised. She handed him the envelope of photographs.

Harry chuckled. "She's cute."

"We had the best time this past weekend buying school supplies for her," Frankie said proudly. "All purple, of course. She has the cutest little backpack...just wait until you see it!"

"Bring her by for dinner," Harry said. "I won't let Hermione cook anything, don't worry."

"She'd love that," Frankie said smiling at him. "Thanks, Uncle Harry."

"Anytime," Harry smiled back at her. "I've got to get back to terrorising those two."

"Go easy on them," Maddie told him.

Harry kissed his daughter in law's cheek, then his goddaughter's. "Maybe I will." he teased.

"Those poor boys," Frankie said shaking her head.

"I think it's funnier knowing that he's joking," Maddie giggled. "And they think he's serious."

"I agree," Frankie giggled pushing her tray to the side. "I'm so glad that I stopped by. I've missed you."

"Same here," Maddie agreed. "I miss when we all used to go out dancing."

"We should do that again," Frankie said.

Maddie nodded eagerly. "Maybe in the next few weeks."

"I'm sure my mum and dad or Will's folks wouldn't mind babysitting Hannah," Frankie said thoughtfully.

"What about leaving her with Allie again?" Maddie suggested. "Unless of course, you want to give them grandparent time..."

"Mum's been hinting," Frankie said.

Maddie giggled. "Then we should give her the opportunity."

"I know it's a bit silly of me to take so many photos, but I can't help it," Frankie said placing the envelope in her bag.

"I don't think it's silly," Maddie told her best friend. "You're a new parent. Granted, Hannah's not a newborn, but it's the same feeling."

"It really is," Frankie said nodding. "I knew you'd understand."

Maddie smiled. "You know, someday when Ethan and I have our first baby, I want you to be the godmother."

"Maddie!" Frankie beamed at her. "Of course!"

"It's not happening anytime soon," Maddie said. "But someday."

"When it does, I have no doubt that you'll be a great mum," Frankie said.

"I hope so," Maddie said fervently. "I always wanted to have a big family, like I grew up in."

"You want six?" Frankie asked.

"If possible," Maddie said with a grin.

"And how does Ethan feel about that?" Frankie asked.

"I don't think he knows yet," Maddie revealed with a grin.

Frankie laughed. "That poor bloke isn't going to know what hit him."

"I think Ethan would enjoy a large family," Maddie toyed with her hair.

"Just the same, you might want to tell him about your plans for that many," Frankie counselled.

Maddie laughed. "We were talking a bit about it earlier."

"Were you?"

The blonde nodded. "We're going to wait a few more years. Enjoy married life a bit more before adding on."

"Excellent idea," Frankie agreed. "You two have all the time in the world to plan a family."

"That's what I think," Maddie replied. "Although I must admit I get a bit maternal when I see you and Hannah together."

Frankie smiled. "You really think I'm doing okay?"

"Absolutely," Maddie nodded. "You are the best mother for her, Frankie."

"I love her so much," Frankie said.

"It's really amazing to see how she's opened up as well," Maddie continued. "It's wonderful watching her with Will."

"Last night the two of them fell asleep on the sofa," Frankie said. "I just stood and watched them. It was the sweetest thing ever."

Maddie grinned. "It's like when I come home late and find Ethan asleep with Blue curled up on his shoulder."

Frankie smiled. "Adorable..."

"He's my baby for now," Maddie giggled.

"And he eats like you too," Frankie laughed.

Maddie beamed proudly. "That reminds me; tonight is his fish and chips night."

Frankie shook her head. "I don't remember Dolly eating like this."

"We just started it a few months ago," Maddie told her.

"And is he still liking his little obstacle course?" Frankie asked.

"He plays in it every day," Maddie nodded. "We can fit everything of his in that cage Ethan gave him for Christmas."

Frankie looked at her watch. "I should get back to the office and I know you need to get back downstairs."

"Right," Maddie said reluctantly. "We'll do dinner soon."

"And dancing," Frankie said getting to her feet.

"Dancing for sure," Maddie agreed, giving her best friend a hug.

"You, Madeline Molly Weasley Potter are my bestest friend in the whole wide world," Frankie said smiling at her.

"And you, Francesca Lynn Longbottom Barron, are mine." Maddie laughed.

"And we're old married girls now," Frankie said laughing. "Can you believe it?"

"Hardly," Maddie said.

"You're coming to the match, too right?" Frankie asked. "It is the biggest match of your baby brother's career."

"Of course I'll be there," Maddie said as they left the cafeteria. "Are you bringing Hannah?"

Frankie nodded. "She's handling the crowds a bit better than she did before."

"Good," Maddie nodded.

Frankie gave her another hug. "I'll talk to you later, Mads."

"Bye Frankie!" Maddie waved. "Thanks for coming by!"

As Maddie made her way back downstairs to her office, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of her and Ethan with a house full of children and Blue.

It would be a dream come true for her, Maddie thought.