Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

In the small bedroom, Ethan was giving Saffron last minute instructions.

"If you concentrate on one area of magic, you can do it wandlessly." Ethan coached. "I know it's hard, but if he comes at you, you do what you can to get out of there. Don't worry about me if you can get out of his place."

"I won't leave you," Saffron said firmly.

"You can't stay if you have the chance to escape," Ethan said. "You can tell them where to come back for me."

Saffron shook her head. "We'll leave here together, Ethan. He could kill you!"

"I'd rather you get out of here," Ethan said. "Saffy--"

"When we leave," Saffron said firmly. "We walk out of here together, Ethan."

Ethan sighed. "I'm not going to convince you otherwise, am I?"

"No," Saffron said. "Remember? Stubborn as a mule."

Ethan sent her a half smile. "Just be careful, Saffron."

"I will," Saffron promised. She gave him a hug.

"Love you, brat." Ethan said gruffly. "Don't make me regret this."

"Love you too," Saffron said. "I am scared, but I know this might be our only chance."

"You're pretty brave, Saf," Ethan said. "If you weren't so into Quidditch I'd recommend you becoming an Auror."

Saffron beamed at him. "Really?"

"Definitely," Ethan said.

The door swung open and Saffron and Ethan turned around.

"Hermione," Gordon stared at her. "You... you look..."

"Hideous," Saffron muttered under her breath.

"Nonsense," Gordon completely ignored Ethan. "Come... I have everything ready for our evening."

"You lay one finger on her," Ethan warned.

"You don't tell me what to do, Potter." Gordon warned.

Saffron reluctantly stepped forward and looked defiantly at her captor. "Hermione---your eyes," Gordon said frowning. "When did they turn green?"

"They've always been green," Saffron snapped.

Gordon shook his head. "No, you have the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen."

"I've never had brown eyes," Saffron said sharply. "My MOTHER does."

"Saffron," Gordon said seeming to break out of his reverie.

Saffron cast a look at her brother, almost wishing she hadn't agreed to do this.

Ethan knew that Gordon would have to break the wards when he let Saffron step out of the room. He was going to try and get out with them, but he had to time it just right.

"Come," he stretched out his hand. "I have your favourite dinner prepared."

Saffron looked at her brother. "Um..."

"Hermione," Gordon's eyes glazed over.

Saffron stepped over the threshold and Ethan made a run for it.

Gordon seemed to snap. He held out a hand and Ethan smashed headfirst into an invisible barrier.

"ETHAN!" Saffron screamed.

"HE DOESN'T MATTER!" Gordon snapped angrily.

Saffron tried to reach out to her brother, but Gordon angrily pulled her away.

"Ethan!" Saffron's eyes filled with tears.

"Don't let him ruin our evening," Gordon said pushing her into another room. Saffron felt her skin crawl as she saw photographs of her mother all over the walls.

"Sit," Gordon said.

Saffron reluctantly did so, but felt a little better when she saw three owls in a cage by the window.

"Our dinner is nearly ready," Gordon said, looking at her with a different glint to his eye.

"W-what are we having?" Saffron stammered.

"Your favourite," Gordon winked at her.

"My favourite is my mum's lasagne," Saffron said sarcastically. "Do you have that?"

Gordon's face hardened. "Your favourite was never lasagne, Hermione."

Saffron decided not to antagonize him.

"Sit," Gordon gestured to the chair. "Have some wine."

Saffron shook her head. "No."

"I want you to have some wine," Gordon said, his voice tight.

"Gordon," Saffron said softly. "Can I please have some pumpkin juice instead? You remember how we used to drink that when we were studying at Beauxbatons?"

He stared at her a long moment. "You remember..."

Saffron remembered her mother always talking about drinking pumpkin juice when she studied. "Of course," Saffron said. "Could I please have some of that instead? Since we're remembering the good, old times, right?"

Gordon nodded slowly. "Yes Hermione. I'll go get you some juice. I just bought some today." he shuffled out of the room.

Saffron knew this was her chance. She removed the letter from underneath her dress.

Sneaking quickly over to the cage, she opened it and tied the letter to one owl's leg. "Please go fast," she whispered. "Please..."

The owl flew out the window and Saffron clasped the cage again and sat back down just as Gordon came back into the room carrying two glasses of juice.

"Here you go," Gordon said. "Just the way you like it, Hermione."

Saffron took the glass from him. "Thank you."

Gordon nodded to the dish he'd prepared. "Eat up."

Saffron looked at the dish before her. "Um...what is it?"

"Shepherd's Pie," Gordon answered as if she should have known.

"Oh," Saffron said. "It--it looks great."

He put a large slice on her plate. "Eat up." he said again, watching her.

Saffron's hand was shaking as she picked up her fork.

It was all she could do to swallow it down. It was undoubtedly one of the worst meals she'd ever eaten.

"Where is it that you want to take us?" Saffron asked him.

"Not far from here," Gordon said with a smile.

"Where is here?" Saffron asked. "This place that you've kept us?"

"All in due time, love." Gordon said. "Once everyone else is here..."

"Everyone," Saffron said bitterly. "Like my older sister and my mother, you mean?"

"We'll be a family, little one," Gordon slid closer to her.

Saffron backed away, feeling her skin crawl. "What are you going to do with my father?"

"Potter," Gordon's face took on a sneer.

"He loves my mother very much," Saffron said. "And my sister has a family. My brother has a wife. I'm about to start a career of my own. You're going to take us away from all of that?"

"I'm giving you what's rightfully yours," Gordon told her.

"And what's that?" Saffron asked.

"Me, Hermione..." Gordon said, leaning towards her.

Saffron visibly recoiled. "Saffron. My name is Saffron."

Gordon appeared not to have heard her. "Hermione... I've waited so long for this. I love you."

Saffron pushed back from her chair. "I'm not Hermione!"

"Sit down!" Gordon barked.

Saffron hesitated. What she really wanted to do was run back to the room where Ethan was. She found it hard to believe that her mother had ever been friends with this psycho. "You scare me when you call me by my mother's name."

Gordon stared at her for several long moments, his eyes going in and out of focus. "Hermione," he said his tone as pleasant as ever. "I do hope you'll finish your dinner. I worked hard at making it this afternoon."

Saffron reluctantly sat back down.

Gordon visibly calmed. "I made it with peas and spinach and mushrooms, just how you liked it when we were at school."

"I didn't go to school with you," Saffron said moving the food around on her plate with her fork. "I went to Hogwarts."

"We talked about Hogwarts," Gordon said. "About what it would be like to go to school there."

Saffron didn't answer him. She just wanted this to be over.

"I'm so glad you wore your hair down," Gordon touched Saffron's long, bushy hair.

Saffron shuddered and turned her head away from him.

"Look at me, Hermione." Gordon commanded.

Saffron turned her head and glared at him defiantly.

"You're angry about something, I can tell." Gordon said. "You always look so beautiful when you're angry."

"I'm angry," Saffron said sarcastically. "Because you have kidnapped my brother and me and are holding us here against my will. Not to mention the fact that you seem to confuse me with my mother. I wonder why that would make me angry?"

He blinked. "Saffron?"

"Yes," Saffron said through clenched teeth.

Gordon stared at her. "Eat."

Saffron took a bite of the food and resisted the urge to spit it out.

"I went and got some chocolate mousse for dessert," Gordon said. "I know how much you always loved chocolate."

Saffron sighed. One minute she was Saffron to him and the next second, he was seeing her as her mother. "May I ask you a question?"

"Yes," Gordon nodded.

"How did you get out of St. Mungos?" Saffron asked him point blank. She couldn't imagine them letting him go if he was this insane.

"St. Mungos?" Gordon asked. "Why would I be there, Hermione?"

"Isn't that where you've been all this time?" Saffron asked him. "Ever since you tried to kill my father and rape my mother?"

Gordon narrowed his eyes. "Who told you those lies?"

"Lies?" Saffron countered.

"Yes, lies." Gordon shoved back his chair. "I'd never do anything to hurt you, Hermione. NEVER!"

"Keeping my children away from me hurts me," Saffron said deciding to go along with his delusion. "Let Saffron and Ethan go."

"I can't," Gordon said. "We need Julie then we can be a real family. Just like we were meant to be."

Saffron pushed back from her chair. "I'd like to go back to my room. I'm not feeling very well."

She turned to go back to the bedroom when Gordon grabbed her and pulled her close.

"You can't run away from me, Hermione." Gordon said in a low voice, touching her cheek.

Saffron squirmed in his arms. "Let me go!"

"One kiss," Gordon said, leaning in.

Saffron reached back and slapped him as hard as she could.

"Little bitch!" Gordon roared, shoving her back into the wall.

Saffron saw the look in his eyes and she backed away from him. She wasn't going to let him touch her. She'd die first.

"Get the hell out of here," Gordon snapped.

Saffron looked at him with wide eyes. "Y-you're letting me go?"

"To your room," Gordon grabbed her arm forcefully.

Saffron was silent as he pulled her back to the room. She just wanted to see Ethan. She felt safe with her brother.

Ethan was lying on the bed, his hand over his eyes when Gordon shoved Saffron back into the room.

"Sweet dreams, my love," Gordon said slamming the door shut.

Ethan looked at his sister. "Saffy?"

"Ethan," Saffron rushed towards him. "I did it," she whispered. "I sent the letter."

Ethan hugged her tightly. "Did he hurt you?"

Saffron shook her head. "He tried to kiss me and I slapped him."

Ethan felt anger surge through him. "That son-of-a-bitch! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Saffron said. "He's so freaky, Ethan. He calls me Hermione one moment then he calls me Saffron the next. He's absolutely mad!"

"I'm just glad you're okay," Ethan said hugging her again. "And you sent the letter!"

Saffron nodded. "He got me some juice and I ran to one of his owls and sent it. I hope Dad gets it."

"Good job," Ethan said smiling reassuringly at her. "You did it, Saf."

"We're going to get out of here, right?" Saffron asked.

"Absolutely," Ethan said putting his arm around her. "Thanks to my little sister."

"I have to get out of these robes," Saffron looked at them with disgust.

"Go ahead," Ethan said.

He lay back down on the bed and turned his back to his sister while she changed quickly and tossed the robes at the door in a heap.

"When Dad receives that letter, he'll have the best birthday present ever," Ethan said trying to cheer up his sister.

"I hope so," Saffron scraped her hair back from her face.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ethan asked turning around to look at his sister.

Saffron sighed. "Yeah..."

"Do you want to play cards?" Ethan asked. "I know you're up about forty games now..."

"I guess," Saffron said. "I'm surprised he gave us something to do."


"Yeah, he's all heart," Ethan said picking up the deck from the bedside table.

At the Minister's mansion, Harry's birthday had barely been acknowledged, save for Katie wishing her grandpa a happy birthday. No one was in the mood for celebrating.

Hermione had mostly kept to herself since Elinore's funeral. The death of her mother and the disappearance of her children was wearing on her and it was all she could do to function on a daily basis.

Every day, letters of sympathy pored in from all over the world. Julie, Ashley, and Greta were currently reading through some of them.

Harry had spent the majority of the day at headquarters going over leads.

"Nothing," he muttered. "Fucking nothing. Not a word."

"I'm going to bring mum some more tea," Julie said. "She didn't eat anything at dinner."

Harry nodded distractedly as several owls swarmed in with loads of new mail.

"I'll sort them," Ashley said getting to her feet.

"Ashley, you should go upstairs and get to bed," Julie told her daughter. "It's late."

Ashley shook her head. "I want to do it, Mum."

Julie looked like she wanted to protest, but nodded. "Just a little while, sweetheart."

Ashley hurried over to the table where the owls had deposited the letters and cards.

With a sigh, she began to separate them into piles, putting cards in one pile and letters in another.

Ashley hoped to show these to her aunt and uncle when they returned home so they'd see how much people cared about them. A familiar script caught her eye on one of the letters. She would know her Uncle Ethan's handwriting anywhere. It was a family joke with how messy his handwriting actually was. "Grandpa!"

"What is it Ash?" Harry asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I-I think you need to see this letter!" Ashley exclaimed.

"I'll look at them tomorrow," Harry said distractedly.

"No!" Ashley said. "It's from Uncle Ethan!"

"What?" Harry asked as Ashley shoved the letter in front of him.

"It's from Uncle Ethan!" Ashley nearly danced in excitement. "Grandma! Mum! Come look!"

Harry looked down at the letter in his hands. It did look just like his son's handwriting, but Harry wouldn't have put it past Dolohov to send some sort of decoy.

Suddenly a familiar name popped out of the letter. Gordon Devereaux. A rage like Harry had never known filled him inside.

Hermione had heard her granddaughter's shouts and she'd hurried downstairs to see what had happened.


Harry was seething, his anger too much to let him speak.

He dropped the letter and walked outside for a moment to collect his thoughts. Ashley picked up the letter and read over it. "Grandma, who is Gordon Devereaux?"

Hermione slapped her hands over her mouth as she let out a cry. "Gordon?"

Ashley nodded and held out the letter.

Hermione took it in her trembling hand, her eyes filling with tears at the sight of her son's familiar scrawl.

Julie had heard all about Gordon Devereaux, of course. But, with all the setbacks and disappointments, she wasn't so ready to believe this was real. "Mum..."

"I need Harry," Hermione whispered. "Now."

Julie nodded and went outside to find her father. He was standing on the patio, a windstorm erupting around him from his anger. "Daddy---"

Harry turned to look at his daughter, his eyes dark and stormy with anger. "How the HELL did that bastard get out?" he asked, clenching the railing.

"I-I don't know," Julie said quietly. "But you need to calm down, Dad. Mum needs you."

The wind instantly stopped and Harry stepped away from the rail.

He was still seething though as he followed his daughter back into the house.

"I would never have allowed him out had I known," Hermione was sobbing.

"Mum," Julie said. "You didn't know!"

"This is my fault," Hermione sat down on a chair.

Julie shook her head. "No, Mum. You had no idea that he was going to do this!"

"I'm going to find him," Harry said darkly. "I'm going to rip him apart."

"Dad," Julie said trying to calm him down. "What if this isn't real? What if this is another one of Dolohov's tricks?"

"I'm going to find out," Harry snatched the letter. "I'll be at Headquarters."

"I'm going to find out," Harry snatched the letter. "I'll be at Headquarters."

Hermione looked at him. "I'm coming with you."

Harry nodded tersely. "Let's go."

They left their oldest daughter behind to explain to the others what was happening. Headquarters was still buzzing with activity despite the late hour. Harry called Lupin, Kingsley, Tonks and Justin into his office.

"Justin, I need you to go to St. Mungos right now and see if there is a Gordon Devereaux in the hospital," Harry barked.

"Who?" Justin asked

"Just go," Harry said. "Gordon Devereaux."

Justin thought he needed more details, but he'd never seen Harry look like this before. "Yes, sir."


Hermione nodded wordlessly.

"We need a trace put on this letter," Harry told Tonks. "Now."

"I'll get right on it," Tonks took it and hurried off.

Harry pounded his fist angrily on desk. "That son-of-a-bitch! All this time, we've been chasing after Dolohov and it was Devereaux all along!"

"We don't know that yet," Lupin warned. "It could be a trick. Tonks will also check the authenticity of the letter- use some of Ethan's documents."

Neville nodded. "Lupin's right, Harry. We need to check the validity of this. For all we know, this is another trick of Dolohov's."

"I'm going to kill both of them," Harry threatened.

"Harry," Lupin warned. "I know you're upset---"

"Upset?" Harry asked him. "I'm a damn sight more than upset, Remus!"

"He's got our children," Hermione said quietly.

"I know," Neville said squeezing her hand. "And I know you want to see them punished. We will bring them to justice, but Harry has to realise that he has to follow the proper protocol here."

"Fuck protocol," Harry retorted. "I followed protocol last time and we sent him to St. Mungos. That didn't stop him from getting out and starting this all over again, did it?"

"Harry," Neville warned.

Harry didn't say anything. He continued to pace in front of his desk. Right now, he couldn't even think about standing still.

Hermione put her head in her hands. "He thinks Saffy is me, Harry."

"I don't care what he thinks," Harry said furiously.

"The letter said they were okay," Neville tried to reassure Hermione.

Harry appeared not to have heard him as he continued to moodily pace across the room.

Hermione's mind was racing as she thought of her youngest daughter and son being anywhere near Gordon Devereaux. What if Gordon tried to do to Saffron what he very nearly did to her?

"He's got to let my babies go," she whimpered.

The wait for Tonks and Justin to come back from their assignments seemed to take forever.

Tonks came back first carrying the letter. "You want the good news or the bad news first?"

"Tell me everything now," Harry commanded.

"The good news is that the letter is authentic," Tonks replied. "This letter was written by Ethan."

Hermione began to cry in earnest.

"I had another Auror go back to your house to get the owls that dropped off the evening post," Tonks said. "The owl that brought Ethan's letter----it's untraceable."

Harry slammed his fist against the wall.

Kingsley levelled his gaze at Tonks. "You're sure?"

"Positive," Tonks said, without a hint of her usual merriness in her eyes.

Justin hurried into the office, a bit out of breath.

"I don't even know where to begin," Justin said still in disbelief over what he'd found out at St. Mungos.

"What did you find out?" Neville asked.

"They um..." Justin began. "They released him almost a year and a half ago."

"WHAT?" Harry yelled.

Justin cowered a bit under Harry's gaze. Hermione took a bit of a calmer approach. "Will you please tell us everything, Justin?"

"Of course," Justin said looking at his notes. "Devereaux was released a year and a half ago. According to his doctor, he had responded favourably to his treatment. According to him, Devereaux was a model patient."

"What else?" Hermione asked.

"He always um... spoke of what he'd done to you with regret," Justin read. "And said he would like to apologise to you if given the chance."

"Why wasn't she informed when he was released?" Neville asked.

"The healer in charge saw no reason to do that," Justin said. "He said he was reformed, that there was no need to make you worry."

"No need to make me worry?" Hermione asked taken aback. "He nearly killed me!"

"I'm sorry," Justin said quietly.

"It's not your fault," Hermione said patting his arm. "I'm---I'm just amazed that they would let him go."

"Obviously he pulled the wool over everyone's eyes," Neville said.

For the first time since they'd received the letter, Harry comforted his wife.

"Harry," Hermione sobbed into his shoulder.

"Now that we know who's got them, we'll get them back," Harry said. "Hermione, it's going to be okay."

She wanted to believe him more than anything, but Gordon was capable of anything. He'd obviously been planning this for years. He'd known exactly how to play the system to get out.

"He wants me and Julie," she said, her voice shaking.

"I'll be damned if I let him get anyone else," Harry vowed. "We're going to get Ethan and Saffy back and I'm going to make him pay for this."

Hermione nodded wordlessly.

"I'm going to tell the others that we're no longer looking at Dolohov," Neville told them.

Harry nodded. "Thanks."

Hermione took the letter back from Tonks and read over it again. How had they managed to send this?

"At least they're okay," Harry said softly to his wife.

"We teased him about his writing," Hermione said tracing the letters with her fingertip.

Harry rested his hand over hers. "They must have outwitted him somehow to get this letter sent."

"They make a great team," Hermione said softly.

"He's taking care of her," Harry said. "I know it."

"Just like he did when she was a baby," Hermione remembered.

They'd just brought baby Saffron home from the hospital and they'd just put her in her crib.

"DAD!" Ethan hollered from the other room.

"What is it?" Harry came rushing into the room.

Ethan looked at his father. "You said when you got home from the hospital you'd take me flying."

"Ethan," Harry apologised. "This is your baby sister's first day at home."

"So?" Ethan crossed his arms.

"I'll take you out tomorrow," Harry promised. "Come on, don't you want to see your sister?"

"No," Ethan said grumpily.

"Ethan James," Harry said reprovingly. "You were all excited about her."

Ethan shrugged. He had been excited about having a baby sister, but that was until she'd arrived. She was probably going to take up all of his parents' time.

"Come on," Harry coaxed.

"It's not as if she's doing anything, but sleeping and pooping," Ethan said reluctantly following his father into the nursery.

Harry snorted. "Come on, little man. You still do the same thing."

Ethan glared at his father.

Harry grinned at his son. "Come on... you know you're excited about having a baby sister."

"She can't do anything," Ethan grumbled. Harry picked him up and Ethan protested. "Dad, I'm too old to be picked up!"

"You're never too old to be picked up," Hermione said softly, joining them.

"Look at that face," Harry said carrying him over to the crib.

Even Ethan had to smile. "She is kind of cute," he admitted.

"Well, of course," Harry said winking at his wife. "She does look just like your mum."

Hermione grinned. "I think she's anxious to see her big brother."

Ethan looked down at his little sister who was staring up at him with wide eyes.

"Hello sweetheart," Hermione said softly, lifting her up.

"She's really tiny," Ethan commented.

"So were you at one point, little man." Harry said.

"Do you want to hold her?" Hermione asked.

"I can hold her?" Ethan asked in awe.

Harry set his son down. "Sit down in the rocking chair."

"Okay," Ethan said, perching himself on it. "What do I do now?"

"Okay," Hermione said. "You have to make sure you support her head...."

Ethan nodded as Hermione carefully laid Saffron in his arms.

Saffron let out a small cry.

"It's okay," Harry said to Ethan, who looked startled.

"She likes me doesn't she?" Ethan asked uncertainly.

"She loves you," Hermione said with a smile.

"She doesn't know me," Ethan said looking down at the baby.

"But she knows you're her brother," Harry said.

"I'm your big brother," Ethan said to the baby.

Saffron stared up at him and cooed.

Ethan grinned and looked at his mother. "Did you hear that?"

Saffron's hand reached up for Ethan's messy fringe.

"No, Saffy," Ethan said laughing.

"Oooooh," Saffron said, giving him a gummy smile.

"So, does this mean you'll let us keep her?" Harry joked.

"I guess so," Ethan said with a grin.

"Maybe someday, we can take her flying with us," Harry said, earning a look from his wife.

"Yeah!" Ethan said. "I bet she'll love flying just like us, Dad!"

Hermione shook her head. "She's not getting on a broom!"

"You never know," Harry said quickly. "She really might love it."

"Luckily, we won't have to worry about that for quite some time," Hermione said.

"Unless I take her up with me--" Harry began.

"Harry James Potter," Hermione warned.

Harry gave his wife his most innocent look.

Ethan leaned down and whispered in his sister's ear. "You're going to love flying, Saffy."

"Ethan James!" Hermione admonished.

"I said she was going to love 'crying'," Ethan covered hastily.

"Nice try," Harry smirked.

Ethan grinned and was going to say something else to his sister, but when he looked down, she was asleep.

"She's already sleeping!" Ethan said in dismay.

"It's been a big day for her," Hermione said softly.

"Come on," Harry said, carefully taking his newborn daughter. "Let's let her kip."

Ethan stood up and walked over to the crib with his father. Harry kissed her on her forehead and then gently set her back down in the crib.

"She is pretty cute, Dad." Ethan said.

Harry put his arm around his son. "She is."

"You know," Ethan said seriously. "If those monsters come back that used to live under my bed, I'll have to keep an eye on her."

Harry nodded. "That's true."

"I'll need a fort," Ethan said. "And a moat."

"A fort and a moat?" Hermione asked. "Why?"

Ethan turned red. "It'll be like a fortress then."

"A fortress?" Harry said thoughtfully. "So, you would be the brave knight protecting the queen?"

"Something like that," Ethan muttered, wishing he hadn't brought it up.

"Protecting his little sister," Hermione said kissing his cheek. "That's my boy."

Ethan wiped his cheek. "Can I go outside and play?"

"Sure," Hermione replied.

Ethan tore out of the room without a second look.

"He's something else, isn't he?" Hermione asked with a grin.

"You can say that again," Harry gazed down at Saffron.

"Welcome home, baby girl," he whispered.


Hermione let out a sob. "He always protected her," she said. "Always..."

"He's doing it now," Harry said holding her tightly.

Hermione looked up at him. "I should go tell Maddie."

Harry nodded. "I should go with you. I don't want you to be alone."

"You should stay here in case anyone hears anything else," Hermione argued.

"I'll come back after I see you safely home," Harry said firmly. "I'm not leaving you alone while that bastard is loose. You read his letter. Two down, two to go. You and Julie."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears. "I can't believe he's doing this to us again."

"It'll be the last time," Harry vowed.

Hermione nodded. "Let's go see Maddie, then."

Harry put his arm around his wife. This was the biggest test they'd ever faced. Despite what Neville, Lupin and anyone else said, Harry knew what he had to do. Gordon Devereaux would pay for what he'd done.