Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We hope you enjoy this chapter. Please read and review!

Over the last few weeks, Neville had gone over the pros and cons of his parents' case. He knew the research backwards and forwards and he knew the risks involved. Despite all that could possibly go wrong, he had come to a decision to allow the healer to try the counter spell on his parents.

The possibility of having them back... he couldn't resist it. He missed his parents so much sometimes it was a hollow ache inside.

He and his family were gathering together at the hospital to spend one last day with them before---well, just in case, something bad happened.

It meant more to him than words could say to see his wife and daughters and their families there. Even Allison managed to be there in her condition.

Emma walked over to where Frank was sitting by himself. "Hi!"

"Em," Jon said. "Don't bother your great grandfather. Not yet."

Emma looked at her father. "Daddy, Grandpa Frank loves me!"

"He sure does," Jon agreed. He looked at Neville's father, who stared back at him blankly.

"I can read to you," Emma said sitting down beside Frank. "This one is Adam's favourite!"

Frank looked at Emma for a moment before smiling.

Emma beamed at him. "And it has loads of pictures, too."

Jon was relieved to see Frank allow Emma to sit next to him with the large book in her hands.

"Once upon a time," Emma began.

Jon backed away as Emma continued to recite the story she knew so well.

Neville sat down and looked over at his mother who was sitting with Chiaki and Frankie. Sukie and Mas were playing together in the corner.

Frankie smiled at her grandmother. "You look so pretty today."

Alice looked over at Frankie.

"Dad looks just like you," Frankie said to her.

Alice smiled and looked over at Neville.

"Hi Mum," Neville said. "Having a good day?"

Alice reached for his hand. "Mmmm."

Neville squeezed his mother's fingers. "I can't wait for this."

"I should style her hair for tomorrow," Chiaki said. "I think she'd like that."

"I'm sure she would," Neville nodded.

Chiaki grabbed her bag. "Come on, Gran. Let's make you even more gorgeous than you already are."

Alice looked up at her, confusion in her eyes.

"It'll be grand," Chiaki promised.

Alice looked at Neville before standing up;

Chiaki led her into the bathroom. "Tomorrow, you're going to get your life back, Gran."

Alice just looked over at her.

Chiaki picked up her hairbrush and combed it through Alice's hair.

"I really hope this works," Chiaki said. "I've always wanted to get to know you and Grandpa."

Alice started to hum a little tune.

Chiaki smiled. Her grandmother was obviously happy.

"I saw photographs of you from your wedding day," Chiaki said as she brushed Alice's hair. "You looked so beautiful. And Grandpa Frank was so handsome."

Alice smiled and continued to hum.

"Frankie and Allie were named after you and Grandpa," Chiaki continued. "You know that, of course."

Alice grinned at her.

"When you're all better, we'll show you all of the photo albums and tell you all the stories," Chiaki said.

Alice began humming again and twisted a gum wrapper between her fingers.

"And Dad's missed you both so much," Chiaki continued. "You'd be so proud of him. "

Alice stopped humming and looked up at her intently.

"What is it, Gran?" Chiaki asked softly.

Alice continued to look at her, and then began humming again.

Sukie came into the bathroom and watched her mother.

"Baby," Alice whispered.

Chiaki turned and saw her daughter. "Hello my love."

Sukie waved. "Hi, Mummy."

Chiaki grinned. "What are you up to?"

"Playing," Sukie said shyly.

"Sukie," Chiaki said. "Would you like to say hello to your great grandmother?"

Sukie nodded and stepped into the bathroom. "Hi."

Alice looked at the little girl and smiled.

Sukie moved to climb onto Alice's lap, but Chiaki held out her hand. "Don't startle her, love."

Alice made a noise in her throat and looked up at Chiaki.

"It's okay, Gran," Chiaki reassured her. "This is my little girl, Sukie."

Alice looked down, a slightly confused expression on her face.

Chiaki patted her shoulder. "It's fine, Gran."

Sukie leaned on Alice's legs. "Hi."

Chiaki smiled at her little girl. She was glad that Alice seemed okay with Sukie.

"There we are," Chiaki said. "You look beautiful, Gran."

"She does," Sukie agreed.

Alice reached forward and touched Sukie's silky black hair.

"I have hair like my mummy's," Sukie told her.

Alice began humming again.

Chiaki started putting her combs and brushes away in her bag. She was so happy that her father had decided to go through with this counter spell. She would finally have her grandparents back---as they should have been all along.

"Come on," she said. "We should go back and join everyone else."

In the other room, Allison was making a move to get up, but Jon put his hand out. "I can get Adam, Al. You stay seated."

Allison glared at her husband. "I can pick him up, Jon."

"I didn't say you couldn't," Jon said. "But, you know what Lizzy said.."

"Yes, I KNOW what Lizzy said," Allison replied testily.

Jon set Adam in Allison's lap. "Maybe he can put you in a better mood."

Adam grinned at his mother. "Hi."

"Hi, buddy," Allison said, unable to resist smiling back at him. "Are you and Mas having fun?"

Adam nodded. "Even Sukie."

Allison knew she should be in a better mood. She was acting selfishly, but she honestly could not help it. She was angry that her family had decided to wait to tell her about this until it had pretty much been decided. She was pregnant, not an invalid.

"Mummy," Emma said as she came over. "I'm hungry."

Allison nodded. "I have some crisps in my bag.."

"Don't eat them all," Adam said.

"I can," Emma said with a mischievous grin.

"Not mine too," Adam protested.

"Share," Allison told Emma.

"Okay," Emma agreed reluctantly.

On the other side of the room, Hannah was sitting with Frankie. Will had stayed home with the twins. "Are you excited, Mummy?" Hannah asked.

"Of course I am," Frankie said. "To finally meet my grandparents properly?"

"They've been like this forever?" Hannah asked.

"For a very long time now," Frankie nodded.

"It's so sad," Hannah commented.

"Well hopefully now that will change," Frankie said. "How are you doing? No one's bothering you at school anymore, right?"

Hannah shrugged. "Not as bad as before..."

"They're still teasing you?" Frankie asked. This was news to her. Hannah told her they had stopped bothering her weeks ago.

"Not as much," Hannah said. "Just every now and then..."

Frankie shook her head. "What is WRONG with those kids?"

"Don't say anything, Mummy," Hannah pleaded.

"Hannah I have to," Frankie said. "This is unacceptable."

Hannah shook her head. "It'll just make it worse!"

"Not if I speak to your teacher again," Frankie said. "Don't worry, Hannah."

Hannah did not tell her mother that everyone had been angry with her the last time Frankie had spoken to the teacher.

"I just don't talk to everyone," Hannah said. "If they say stuff to me I just ignore it."

Which is exactly what Will had told her, Frankie recalled. But Hannah could not go through her life not talking to anyone.

"Your father and I will take care of it," Frankie told her.

Hannah muttered something under her breath.

"What was that?" Frankie asked.

"Nothing," Hannah replied.

Frankie leaned over and kissed her daughter's forehead. "I love you, sweetheart. I just want you to be happy."

"I know," Hannah said softly.

"Where's that smile I love so much?" Frankie asked.

Hannah gave her a smile. "Right here."

"Are you looking forward to getting to know your great grandparents?" Frankie asked, changing the subject.

Hannah nodded. "I am."

"We'll find out tomorrow how things work," Frankie said.

"Grandpa's going to be so happy," Hannah said looking over to where Neville was sitting with Frank.

"I hope so," Frankie said. "He deserves some happiness."

Neville looked over at his father who was just staring at the same spot on the wall.

"Hi Dad," Neville approached him.

Frank grunted in response.

"How are you today?" Neville asked.

Frank did not answer and Neville put his hand on his father's arm. "It's okay," Neville said. "Tomorrow---tomorrow, you're going to be fine."

Frank looked over at him, his face unresponsive.

Neville sighed. "You know I keep waiting for a sign to tell me I'm doing the right thing."

Frank looked at him a moment longer then gazed over at Alice, who was sitting on the bed with Sukie.

"That's what I'm doing this for," Neville said. "For you and you can know your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren."

Frank looked back at him. "N...Nev..."

Neville grinned. "Dad? That's right."

"Nev..." Frank nodded.

Cho heard him and came up behind her husband. "Neville--"

"I think I got my sign," Neville looked up at his wife.

Cho put her arms around him.

"This has to work," he said. "It has to."

"It will," Cho said confidently.

"Emma," Allison said. "Did you just eat that whole bag of crisps after I told you not to?"

Emma wiped the crumbs from her mouth. "No, Mummy."

Allison gave her a look.

Emma smiled innocently.

"You ate Adam's too," Allison. "Emma Madeline..."

"I'm sorry," Emma said, her lower lip trembling. "I was just really, really hungry."

"Bad Em," Adam said.

Toshio laughed. "How about I make a run for the cafeteria and get everyone a snack?"

"Emma's done," Allison said. "She's had enough until dinner tonight."

Emma pouted.

"You heard your mum," Jon told his daughter. "You shouldn't have eaten all those."

Emma started to cry. Alice slowly got up and walked over to the little girl. She patted Emma's shoulder. "Ba-by."

Everyone in the room turned to look at the older woman.

Alice put her arms around Emma and hugged her.

Emma stopped crying and hugged her great grandmother back.

Neville squeezed Cho's hand as they watched this.

"I love you, Grandma," Emma said softly.

"See," Cho whispered. "You ARE doing the right thing, Nev."

Neville smiled. "I think so, too."

Cho wiped at her eyes. "This is lovely."

Neville nodded. "I can't believe tomorrow everything's going to change."

Cho nodded. "You're going to have your parents back. I can feel it."

Neville gave her a kiss. "Thank you for being patient with me while I figured this all out."

Cho smiled back at him. "Of course."

"This family of ours is finally going to be complete," Neville said confidently.

"Absolutely," Cho leaned against him. "I can't wait."

"Me either," Neville said putting his arm around his wife. He was not going to allow himself to think about the worst case scenario.

"I want a hug too," Sukie said.

Emma stood back. "Come on in, Sukie."

Sukie giggled and propelled herself at Emma.

Alice put her arms around both little girls. "Ba-by."

Frank made a sound deep in his throat and smiled at his wife.

Even Allison's mood was lightened as she watched this. The remaining grandchildren huddled around Alice.

She patted her stomach. "Soon you'll be right there with them, little one."

Jon knelt down beside his wife and shared a smile with her.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier," Allison said to him.

"No, you're not," Jon teased.

Allison shrugged. "Maybe only a little..."

"I still love you anyway," Jon said pecking her on the cheek.

"I love you too," Allison rubbed her stomach.

"How's the baby?" Jon asked.

"Active, it seems," Allison said.

Jon put a hand on her stomach.

"That's your Daddy pushing you, not me," Allison said to her stomach.

"Hey!" Jon laughed.

"Otherwise she will blame me," Allison leaned back.

"Never," Jon grinned.

Allison tried to stretch her back and grimaced. "Ow..."

"You okay?" Jon asked.

Allison nodded.

"You scared me for a second there," Jon said exhaling.

Allison shrugged. "It hurts to bloody move."

"I wish there was something I could do," Jon said squeezing her hand.

"Just be patient with me," Allison said.

"I can do that," Jon said.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

The day continued without any other problems. Neville's daughters and their families left, leaving just Neville and Cho. The nurse had already come in to remind them that visiting hours were nearly over.

"I know," Neville said. "I just... I'll stay till they're over. Just in case."

The nurse nodded. "It's a big day tomorrow, Mr. Longbottom."

Neville nodded. "For all of us."

Cho helped Alice into her bed.

"We'll see you tomorrow Alice," Cho said. "Bright and early."

Alice patted Cho's hand.

"Get some rest," Cho said to her mother in law. "We love you."

Neville helped his father. "I love you, Dad."

Frank made the noise in his throat again.

Neville smiled. "Sleep well, Dad."

"Neville," Cho whispered. "We should go."

Neville nodded and walked over to his mother's bed. He kissed her on the forehead and squeezed her hand. "Love you, Mum."

Alice smiled innocently at him.

Neville followed his wife out of the room.

"I wish I could stay," he told her.

"They need their rest and so do you," Cho said softly.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight," Neville said.

Cho cupped his face in her hands. "Try."

Neville gave her a kiss. "You're my rock you know."

"You're mine," Cho said. "Come on. Let's go home."

*** *** ***

*** *** ***

Saffron woke up the next morning and reached for Andrew. They liked to lie together for a few minutes in the morning before Ellie woke up and they began their day. This morning, he was not there.

She put on her robe and headed for Ellie's nursery, thinking Andrew had woken up early and was getting Ellie ready for breakfast.

The door was open and Saffron saw her fiancé holding Ellie and moving around in some sort of box step. "One...two...three," Andrew was whispering to himself. "One…two...three..."

"What are you doing?" Saffron asked, leaning against the door frame.

Andrew turned and looked at her. "Saf--"

Saffron smiled at him.

"I uh, Ellie was crying and I wanted to keep her quiet so the only way I could do it was to move around with her," Andrew lied.

"I didn't hear her crying," Saffron stretched.

Andrew patted Ellie's back. "Really? Because she was crying her little lungs out..."

"You must have quieted her awfully fast," Saffron said dryly.

"I'm her Daddy," Andrew said with a grin.

"And she knows it," Saffron gave him a kiss.

"How'd you sleep?" Andrew asked.

"Great, actually." Saffron said. "Didn't wake up once."

Andrew smiled and gingerly handed Ellie to her.

"How's my perfect girl this morning?" Saffron asked her daughter.

Ellie gave her a gummy smile in response.

Saffron laughed. "You little heartbreaker you."

"What time's your meeting with Drew?" Andrew asked.

"Ten," Saffron answered.

Andrew nodded. "I um, I don't have practise until one so I was thinking I'd take Ellie to the park or something."

"Okay," Saffron said. "The meeting shouldn't run more than a few hours, so I'll come back here and take her shopping."

Andrew nodded. He had another dance lesson set up with Hermione.

"I'm sure she'll love the park," Saffron said as she sat down in the rocking chair. "Now that the weather is starting to warm up."

Andrew started putting together a bag for his daughter."In fact, if my meeting runs short, I could always meet you in the park," Saffron said.

"What?" Andrew asked.

Saffron gave him a strange look. "I could meet you and Ellie at the park."

"You wouldn't want to do that," Andrew said dismissively.

"Why not?" Saffron asked.

"Well, the park's really large," Andrew said, cursing himself for not being able to think of a good excuse on the spot.

Saffron looked at him properly. "What's going on?"

"I'm just packing a bag for the park," Andrew replied.

"You don't want me to come meet you there," Saffron said. "Why?"

"How about I make us some breakfast?" Andrew asked.

"Ok..." Saffron shrugged.

Andrew practically ran out of the nursery and Saffron looked at her daughter. "What is your Daddy up to, El?"

Ellie cooed up at her.

Saffron laughed. "That's my girl."

She changed Ellie into a little pink outfit Alexa had bought her and brought her to the kitchen.

"She's all ready," Saffron said.

"I got her bottle ready," Andrew nodded to the counter.

"Thanks," Saffron said reaching for it. She watched him, wishing that she could read his mind. She hated when someone kept something from her. And she had known Andrew long enough to know that's exactly what he was doing.

He did make her a wonderful breakfast- waffles, which was her favourite.

"Which park are you going to take her to?" Saffron asked.

"Hyde, probably." Andrew replied.

"You know, you've been taking her to the park a lot lately," Saffron commented.

"She likes it," Andrew said. "And it's some bonding time for us."

"Daddy-Daughter stuff?" Saffron asked.

Andrew nodded. "She likes it outside."

Saffron raised an eyebrow. "You're not filling her head with Wimbourne propaganda are you? Telling her that Puddlemere is horrible and awful..."

"Would I do that?" Andrew grinned at her.

"You have done that," Saffron countered.

"And you don't?" he asked playfully.

"Absolutely not," Saffron said innocently. She looked down at Ellie who was still happily drinking from her bottle.

"Yeah right," Andrew replied.

"So, you don't want me to horn in on your bonding time with Ellie?" Saffron asked.

Andrew just shrugged. "I just don't know where we'll be and I don't want you wandering the park looking for us."

"Uh-huh," Saffron said unconvinced.

Andrew set the waffles down in front of her. "Eat up."

"Ellie," Saffron said. "Time to go to Daddy."

Andrew took Ellie and tipped up the bottle so she could finish it. "Where's that big one?"

He put her on his shoulder to burp her.

Ellie let out a small burp causing Andrew to laugh.

"That's a ladylike one," Saffron said.

"Good girl," Andrew said.

Saffron laughed. "You love it when she lets out those huge loud ones."

"I'm a bloke," Andrew said. "We live for those things."

"My girl will always be a lady," Saffron said.

"Should we start calling her 'Elinore', then?" Andrew teased.

"Whatever she wants," Saffron said.

"And how are your waffles, Saf?" Andrew asked.

"Delicious as always," Saffron replied. "I'm so glad you can cook."

Andrew grinned at her. "That's it, isn't it? The only reason you're marrying me."

Saffron laughed. "It's one of the reasons."

"So, what are you meeting with Drew about today?" Andrew asked. "Flowers?"

Saffron nodded. "And decorating the ballroom."

"It's nearly here," Andrew smiled at her. "Can you believe it?"

"I can't wait," Saffron said. "I can't wait to be married to you."

"So, no cold feet?" Andrew asked.

"Never," Saffron replied.

Andrew leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"I love you so much," Saffron said her eyes half closed.

"I love you," Andrew said.

"I should get moving," Saffron said after giving him another kiss.

"Ellie and me too," Andrew said. He was scheduled to be at the Minister's mansion at ten.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said, waving her wand at the mess on the table and counters.

Andrew nodded and waited until she was out of the room before he stood up with Ellie. "Where were we?" he asked her with a grin. "One... two... three..."

Ellie smiled at him and cooed.

"I've improved, haven't I?" Andrew asked. "Your dad's turned into a dancer."

Ellie blinked her eyes and looked up at him.

"That's my girl," Andrew said.

Andrew and Ellie left a few minutes later for Harry and Hermione's. Saffron received an owl from Drew asking if she could meet at the ballroom since it would be better to plan in the actual room. Saffron did not think it would be a problem and she grabbed her bag and Apparated over to her parents' home. "Hello?" she called out. "Mum? Dad?"

"Saffy!" Hermione exclaimed. "What brings you by?"

"You're out of breath," Saffron said smiling at her. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Hermione nodded.

"I didn't think you'd be home," Saffron said. "Drew and I are meeting here to look at the ballroom and talk about decorations."

"Oh..." Hermione was at a loss for words. She knew Andrew and Ellie would be here any minute. "Sweetheart, I wish you had talked to me first. The ballroom is all closed off."

Saffron raised an eyebrow. "Oh."

"If we had known in time I would have it opened up." Hermione said. "Perhaps another time?"

Saffron looked at her mother. " and Daddy weren't---"

"No," Hermione said hastily.

Saffron sighed in relief. "Thank Merlin for that."

Hermione brought her into the kitchen. "How about Tuesday, or Thursday?"

"Tuesday would be good," Saffron said. "I don't have practise then."

"Okay," Hermione agreed. "We'll have it opened up."

"Thanks," Saffron said. "I should have called before--"

"It's just so we have an idea of what's going on," Hermione said quickly. "As it is today, your father and I are quite busy--"

Saffron had the feeling her mother was trying to get rid of her. "Where is Daddy? I'd like to say hello. I have a new photograph of Ellie..."

"He's in the shower," Hermione replied. "I... I have a meeting I have to go to, and he has work today."

"You're not dressed for a meeting," Saffron commented. Her mother was wearing jeans and a jumper.

"It's just a quick one," Hermione shepherded her into the sitting room. "And I'm running late--"

"Mum," Saffron protested.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Hermione said. "If I'd known you were coming..."

The fireplace started to roar to life and Hermione's eyes grew large. "Saffy! Come quick!"

"What?" Saffron asked, alarmed. "Mum- it's probably Drew."

"Come quick!" Hermione said hastily. "I think you should see the ballroom!"

"But you said it was closed," Saffron was confused.

Hermione pulled on her daughter's arm and led her out of the room just as Ellie and Andrew appeared.

"I suppose I could open it up just for you," Hermione said. "Especially since you and Drew need to figure out things for the wedding."

"But you just said it was closed," Saffron said. "Mum, are you sure you're okay?"

"Fine, just fine," Hermione said. "Go on in and I'll send Drew in when she arrives."

Hermione closed the door firmly behind her daughter and took a deep breath. That had been close.

She hurried back to the sitting room. "Andrew- Saffron just showed up here."

Andrew's eyes grew large. "WHAT?"

"What did you tell her you were doing?" Hermione asked.

"Taking Ellie to the park," Andrew said keeping his voice down.

Hermione nodded. "Perhaps you should go there for a little while, then. We should reschedule the lesson, just in case."

Ellie chose that moment to start crying. Andrew picked her up. "Shhhhhhh....shhhhhhh, Ellie."

Hermione pushed him into the kitchen. "She may hear you!"

Andrew nodded and tried to calm his daughter. "Ellie," he whispered. "Please be quiet for Daddy."

Ellie let out a few more choked sobs before quieting down.

"That's a good girl," Hermione said patting her granddaughter's back.

"Close call," Andrew nodded. "I'll go to the park. I don't want Saf seeing me here."

"I'll ring you when she leaves," Hermione promised.

"All right," Andrew nodded. "Thanks."

"Bye, sweetheart," Hermione said kissing Ellie's soft cheek.

"We'll talk soon," Andrew promised, slipping out the back door.

Hermione took a deep breath before heading to the ballroom.

Saffron was still inside, walking and gazing around at the walls and high ceiling.

"It wasn't Drew," Hermione said coming down the staircase.

"Who was it?" Saffron asked.

"No one," Hermione said dismissively.

Saffron looked at her mother pensively but decided to let it go. "Don't' you have your meeting to get to?"

"My meeting?" Hermione asked. "It was postponed."

"Oh," Saffron smiled. "So you can stay with me now."

Hermione put her arm around her daughter. "So, it would seem. Where's that photo you were saying you had of my granddaughter?"

Saffron reached into her bag. "This one."

Hermione grinned. "Saffy!"

"She's getting so big already," Saffron said wistfully.

"Look at that smile," Hermione said softly. "She reminds me so much of you at that age."

"She's much cuter than I was," Saffron replied.

The ballroom door opened. "Hermione? Are you and---Saffy. What---what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Hi Dad," Saffron smiled. "Drew will be here any minute to go over floral arrangements and decor for in here. For the wedding."

Harry looked at Hermione. "Oh. How nice."

Hermione gave him a look. "My meeting was postponed until later."

Harry nodded. "Oh, good."

"Are you going to stay while we go over this stuff?" Saffron asked him.

Harry chuckled. "No."

"That's all right," Saffron replied. "It's all girly stuff anyhow."

"And you know how much I love that," Harry said giving his daughter a hug.

Saffron laughed. "But you love me."

"I do," Harry said. "I can't believe in just a few months, I'll be giving you away."

"Will you make it down the aisle?" Saffron teased.

"You might have to hold me up," Harry said with a grin.

"I can do that," Saffron nudged him.

"He's going to be okay," Hermione said. "I keep telling him he's not losing a daughter, he's gaining a son-in-law."

"That's right," Harry answered. "Couldn't ask for a much better one for my baby girl."

"Absolutely," Hermione agreed.

The doors opened and Drew hurried inside. "I'm sorry I'm late," she apologised. "Chloe wouldn't let me leave the house this morning."

"It's no problem," Saffron told her. "How is she?"

"So excited," Drew said with a grin. "She's been practising being a flower girl in the corridor."

Hermione laughed. "Oh, how precious!"

"She is too much," Drew nodded.

Harry gave Drew a hug before he left the ballroom.

"I brought over some fabric samples," Drew told Saffron. "That you might want to use for the tablecloths."

"All right," Saffron said as Hermione waved her wand, opening up all the doors to let some fresh air inside.

"Thanks, Mum," Saffron smiled at her.

"It's been awhile since we've used this room," Hermione said.

"It's such a great location for the reception," Drew said looking around.

"It's the only place I've ever wanted to be married," Saffron said. "Ever since I've been a little girl."

Hermione smiled fondly. "You've always loved this house."

"I hated moving out," Saffron said. "I mean, don't get me wrong, living with Andrew is a dream. But I miss this place."

"Maybe someday you'll move back in here," Drew joked. "When you're elected Minister."

Saffron laughed. "Or perhaps I'll buy it off the Minister with my riches from playing Quidditch."

Hermione shook her head. "Saffron Grace..."

"Just kidding," Saffron hugged her mother.

The three of them spent the next hour going over Drew's fabric samples and the basic design of the ballroom.

"I think a nice, simple and low arrangement at each table would be lovely," Drew said.

Saffron nodded. "That's what I was thinking. I know we're going to have loads of people here."

"How many?" Hermione asked. "Five hundred? Six hundred?"

"At last count, there were seven hundred guests," Drew said looking at her notes.

"Saffron!" Hermione exclaimed.

Saffron blushed. "It might not be that much! I mean, not everyone has responded yet..."

"Do we even know 700 people?" Hermione asked.

Drew grinned. "About two hundred of them are Weasleys..."

Hermione groaned but laughed.

"Maybe we could scale back," Saffron said thoughtfully.

"Let's just see who responds," Hermione said. "We don't need to add anyone else."

"Mrs. Kirke went a little overboard," Saffron admitted.

"We'll make it work," Hermione assured her.

Drew handed Saffron some discs. "These are some bands. You and Andrew should take a listen and let me know who you like."

"We still have to pick a song too," Saffron stuck them in her bag. "We'll get back to you on that soon."

"So, you're going to get Andrew to dance?" Drew teased. "Mr. Two Left Feet himself?"

"I might get to drag him out here once," Saffron said. "I should probably charm his feet."

Hermione hid her smile. Andrew was going to surprise everyone at the reception.

"Either way, he'll dance just once for me," Saffron replied.

Hermione smiled. "We can charm your feet to not hurt when he steps on them."

Saffron laughed. "I can muddle through it."

Drew looked at her watch. "I have another appointment at noon, but you let me know what you decide on the band and the tablecloths."

"I will," Saffron promised. "Thanks so much, Drew."

"You're quite welcome," Drew said grinning at her. "Darla and I want to make this a special day for you and Andrew."

"It's going to be one of the best days of my life," Saffron replied. "I already know it."

Drew gave Saffron and Hermione hugs. "I'll see you both later."

"Well," Hermione smiled at her daughter. "What's on your agenda?"

Saffron shrugged. "Well, I was thinking I'd meet Andrew in the park, but he's gone all secretive on me. I think he's up to something."

Hermione coughed. "I'm sure that's not the case."

"Well, he said it was just so he and the baby could bond," Saffron said. "But, you know, I've known him for a long time now. I can tell when he's hiding something."

"You're just being silly," Hermione said hastily. "Andrew would never lie to you."

Saffron nodded. "I know that. I'm probably just being paranoid. He and Ellie deserve time on their own."

Hermione patted her shoulder. "I'm sure that's it."

"So were things this crazy before your wedding?" Saffron asked.

Hermione nodded. "A wedding is a huge thing to plan."

"Daddy said Aunt Lavender practically drove him nuts," Saffron said.

"As if that's changed," Hermione said dryly.

Saffron laughed. "I have another fitting for my dress tomorrow. Will you---will you be there with me?"

"With bells on," Hermione promised. "I don't want to miss any of this."

Saffron gave her mother a hug. "I love you, Mum. I hope Andrew and I are as happy as you and Daddy."

"I think you already are," Hermione kissed the top of her daughter's head.

"We're on our way," Saffron said. "I have everything I've always wanted."

"I'm glad," Hermione said. "I just want you to be happy."

"I am," Saffron said.

Hermione glanced at her watch. "Do you have practise today?"

"At one," Saffron replied.

"It's going on twelve already," Hermione said

"Ooooh," Saffron said standing up. "I should get a move on then."

Hermione was relieved. Andrew could still get his lesson in today.

"Thank you so much for freeing up the space today," Saffron said.

"Anything for you," Hermione said.

Saffron gave her mother one last hug before she hurried out of the ballroom.

Hermione followed behind as her daughter left via the Floo network. She reached in her pocket for her mobile to call her future son in law.

He picked up on the first ring. "Andrew?"

"Is she still there?" Andrew asked. "Or coming here?"

"No," Hermione replied. "The coast is clear. She's going home."

"Okay," Andrew was relieved. "Thanks for covering for me."

"No problem," Hermione said. "Come on over and we can get some practise in."

I'll be there in a minute," Andrew replied as he hung up.

Andrew looked down at Ellie in her pram. "Your mummy is keeping me on my toes, El.":

Ellie laughed at him.

"On her side, aren't you?" Andrew joked. "Come to Grandma's with you."

He arrived there a minute later and Hermione was ushering him inside.

"I pick the one girl in the whole world that it's impossible to keep something from," Andrew said shaking his head.

"That's my daughter," Hermione replied, eagerly taking Ellie back into her arms.

"Too smart for her own good," Andrew said.

"Come on," Hermione said. "We'll go use the ballroom again. It's all opened up."

Andrew nodded. "Ellie's quite the dance partner."

"Have you been practising with your daddy?" Hermione cooed to the infant.

Ellie rested her head on Hermione's shoulder. Andrew laughed. "She's the only one that I can't stomp on her feet."

"Soon you won't stomp on anyone's feet," Hermione told him. "You're doing a great job Andrew."

"Thanks, Hermione," Andrew said gratefully. He knew that she was a busy woman and that she did not have to do this for him.

Hermione waved her wand with her free hand and a Wireless came soaring towards them, settling on a table.

Hermione set Ellie down in her pram. "Let's get started."

Andrew nodded. "El will probably fall asleep. This is her usual kip time."

Hermione smiled. "We'll be extra quiet."

She kept the music low as she and Andrew got into a waltz position.

"Alright," Hermione said. "I'll let you lead."

Andrew nodded as he began to waltz with her around the ballroom floor.

"Good," Hermione encouraged.

Andrew grinned but stumbled over her foot. "Sorry," he said, embarrassed.

"It's okay," Hermione reassured him.

"Guess I'm not as good as I thought." Andrew admitted.

"You're improving and we still have time before the wedding," Hermione said.

"That's true," Andrew nodded.

"And Saffron will be so pleased," Hermione said. "That you loved her enough to do something you didn't really like just for her."

"It's not that I don't like dancing," Andrew said. "I've just never been very good at it. But for our wedding, I want to be able to dance with her."

Hermione smiled. "You're a quick learner, Andrew."

"Thanks," He grinned at her. "You're a good teacher."

"Buttering up the mother-in-law?" Hermione teased.

"Do I have to?" Andrew joked back.

Hermione laughed. "No, Harry's the one you have to worry about."

"He likes me, right?" Andrew asked a bit anxiously. "I mean... he's told me before he does, but--"

Hermione nodded. "He does, Andrew. It's just---Saffron is his baby girl. This is going to be hard for him to let go. It's not because he doesn't like you, he does. It's just he and Saffron ...have always been thick as thieves. I keep telling him that isn't going to change."

Andrew shook his head. "She talks about him all the time."

"She's definitely a Daddy's girl," Hermione said.

"I hope El and I have the same close relationship," Andrew glanced over at the pram.

"I think you will," Hermione said.

Andrew grinned. "I hope!"

Andrew and Hermione finished their lesson just as Ellie awoke from her kip. "Can I?" Hermione asked looking at Andrew.

"Of course," Andrew nodded.

Hermione eagerly walked over to the pram and lifted her granddaughter. "Hello, my little angel," Hermione said hugging the infant to her.

Ellie cooed happily at her grandmother.

Hermione laughed and looked over at Andrew. "Anytime you and Saffy need a babysitter, I'd be happy to clear my schedule to spend time with her."

"Thanks," Andrew said gratefully. "Both you and my mum have made the offer."

Hermione laughed. "Well, Tricia gets to keep her when you and Saffy are working."

"Well if she's ever busy," Hermione offered.

"You're will be out first alternate," Andrew promised.

"Great," Hermione smiled. "For now, I'll just enjoy her today."

Ellie smiled back at Hermione.

Hermione kissed her cheek. "Such a little beauty."

"Who is never going to date," Andrew said. "I keep saying that hoping it will catch on."

"Harry tried the same thing," Hermione said.

"So it's pointless then?" Andrew asked reaching into the bag and pulling out a bottle. He handed it to Hermione.

"Pretty much," Hermione nodded. "It's understandable for a father to feel that way."

"How'd you feel when Ethan began to date?" Andrew asked.

Hermione looked thoughtful. "I hoped he'd always be a gentleman to all his girlfriends. And I just wanted him to find someone he would be happy with."

"He did with Maddie," Andrew said.

Hermione nodded. "I was thrilled when he finally took an interest in Maddie. I thought they'd make a good match, and not just due to her visions."

Andrew sat down and watched as Hermione fed Ellie. He would never admit this, but dancing was quite tiring.