Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We know this is a busy time of year, but we would appreciate if you guys would review and let us know what you think. This chapter starts the Brighton holiday and we hope you all enjoy it. Merry Christmas!

Also, we will have a surprise for all of you on Saturday night so make sure you check back then!

The past few weeks had been hectic for Toshio and Chiaki. The two new additions to their little family had kept them running back and forth on very little sleep. Chiaki was glad that he'd taken time off from dancing to help her.

"Did you get the bottles?" she asked now, rushing into the kitchen with Mitsuko cradled in her arms. Masanobu was sitting in his little pram and Toshio was standing at the stove.

"Warming them up now," Toshio called out over his shoulder. "You might want to feel Mas' forehead. I think he might be running a bit of a fever."

"Oh no," Chiaki placed Mitsuko in her little chair and pressed her hand to Masanobu's forehead. "He does feel a bit warm," she frowned.

"It's probably nothing Chi," Toshio reassured her. "Remember what the healer said."

"Remind me?" Chiaki asked, pulling her long glossy black hair into a makeshift bun. "I was rather out of it if you recall..."

"Right," Toshio said sheepishly. "Well she said that it was normal for newborns. We should just keep an eye on him, I think. Well, you know, more than usual."

"Okay," Chiaki rubbed her eyes as Masanobu let out a little cry. "Oh come here angel..." she picked her son up and patted his back gently. "Mummy's here baby..."

"Maybe this will help," Toshio said handing his wife a bottle.

"I hope so," Chiaki gently guided the bottle to Masanobu's tiny lips as Toshio took over feeding Mitsuko.

"My mum mentioned her and dad stopping by," Toshio said conversationally to his wife while he fed their daughter. He didn't have to turn around to know that Chiaki was rolling her eyes.

"Again?" she asked. "Tosh, we can handle our babies."

"Mum knows that," Toshio said in her defence. "She just wants to help."

"Yes and I appreciate that, but you don't see my parents here every bloody day," Chiaki replied.

"Mum was a little out of line when she mentioned how dusty everything looked," Toshio said. "But she really does mean well Chi."

"It's not my fault I haven't had time to clean," Chiaki spun around. "If she had to raise twins- she'd realise that 24 hours a day just aren't enough anymore! I'm bloody doing what I can here Tosh!"

Toshio looked over at his wife. "Shhhh, Chi. I wasn't taking her side. I'm on yours, remember?"

Chiaki sighed. "I know. I just haven't got the time I had while I was pregnant. I was thinking we could hire a part time cleaning service or something like that."

"You're doing great Chi," Toshio said. "This is all new to both of us. And maybe it would be a good idea to have someone come in a couple of days a week to help out with the cleaning and the laundry."

Chiaki smiled softly. "This is definitely hard," she said. "But when I look at these two..."

"It's all worth it," Toshio said grinning down at his daughter.

"It really is," Chiaki said. "I've never had such a sense of self worth- I feel like this is what I was meant to do here... not just be a dancer but now I'm a mum... am I making sense?"

"Yes," Toshio said grinning over at her. "It makes perfect sense Chi. I feel the same way about being a dad."

Chiaki stood next to him and gave her husband a kiss. "I do love you Tosh."

"I love you too," he said softly. "And I think we're going to do just fine Chi. I really do."

"Jules said she'd help more when she was done with school," Chiaki said. "And Frankie promised to come by too, and Allie will bring Caroline and Emma over."

"We really do have a great support system," Toshio said.

"Even your parents," Chiaki teased.

"They do mean well," Toshio said with a laugh. "And if you will remember she also told me that I looked like I hadn't showered in weeks and that I was in desperate need of a haircut."

"The haircut part I can definitely agree with," Chiaki tugged his hair with her free hand. "And the shower part I can only semi agree with. It's been too long since you had a shower with your wife."

"Maybe once these two go down for their kip, we'll see what we can do about that," Toshio said his voice tinged with hope.

"I would definitely love it," Chiaki replied. "I did tell you I got the okay from my healer right?"

"Yes," he said winking at her. "You did."

"Good," Chiaki said, setting Masanobu back into his little carrier. "I told you that for a reason."

"It's been an awfully long time," Toshio said.

"You can say that again," Chiaki laughed quietly as they both headed for the nursery.

"I am dying for a kip myself though," Toshio said. "I didn't think these two would ever go to sleep last night."

"Tell me about it," Chiaki yawned. "Maybe... shower time can wait until we actually have time to spend on each other? I'd really like to try and sleep while these two are out."

"I like that idea," Toshio agreed. "We should get the sleep while we can."

"I'm sorry," Chiaki said. "I know you really want to--"

"I do," he said. "But we're both knackered right now. I'd like to be at my best when we finally..."

"Right," Chiaki agreed, giving him a kiss. "But for now... cuddling sounds nice."

Toshio smiled and he gingerly placed Mitsuko in her crib. "Sleep well baby."

Chiaki leaned against him as they left the nursery. "Life is certainly different now..."

"Very," Toshio said with a yawn.

"But it's getting better all the time," she finished.

*** *** ***

Alexa laughed as her parents dusted themselves off. "It's not that bad, you guys. You did fine!"

Patrick coughed. "This way of travelling- I like the auto better."

"Saves you on petrol though," Alexa reminded him.

"Yes, yes," Patrick chuckled. "Now you know you can call us anytime you need to," he told his daughter. "And if you want to come home, you can. The cottage on the beach is a Muggle one, right? Your mum and I could come and get you..."

"I'll be fine Dad," Alexa said with a laugh. "You weren't this bad when I had my first sleepover."

"We've just never let you go for this long sweetheart." her mother said with a smile. "I'm glad we know the Potters- Saffron is such a delightful girl."

Alexa smiled. "Yes she is."

"And she hasn't seen you without your braces," Karen said grinning at her daughter. "Sweetheart, you look so different without them."

"Thanks I think," Alexa grinned. "It's so nice not to feel the metal anymore."

"You know I meant it as a compliment," Karen said giving her a hug.

"Lex!" Saffron exclaimed running into the sitting room with her parents in tow. "I thought I heard you in here!"

"Hey Saffy!" Alexa gave her best friend a hug. "I missed you since we got out of school!"

"It's only been a couple of weeks," Harry teased his daughter.

"We really appreciate you inviting Alexa," Karen said to Hermione. "She's been looking forward to this for weeks."

"We're happy to have her," Hermione smiled at Alexa. "You have such a lovely daughter. We enjoy having her around."

"We feel the same about Saffron," Karen said.

"Lex!" Saffron said noticing for the first time that there was something different about her friend. "You---you----you--- got them off!"

Alexa grinned widely. "Five days ago!"

"You look amazing!" Saffron said. "You're just like me. When I got mine off, I couldn't stop smiling."

"It's rather hard to not smile," Alexa giggled. "I haven't told R.J... I can't wait for him to see me." she whispered.

"He's lucky he's still alive after the way he's been teasing me about Peter," Saffron said. "It's only because of your lurve for him that he's still alive."

"Stop it," Alexa blushed. "You promised you wouldn't say anything about that!"

"And I haven't," Saffron whispered. "Nor have I mentioned the fact that you slept in his bed the last night we were at school either..."

Alexa turned even more red. "Saffy!"

"They can't hear us," Saffron said motioning over to where both sets of parents were chatting.

"I hope not," Alexa said. "He was so sweet Saffy. We just laid in each other's arms... I don't think I slept for more than an hour..."

"You've fallen for him completely," Saffron teased. "I've never seen you like this. Or him for that matter."

"Really?" Alexa asked. "You think he feels the same way?"

Saffron smiled. "I think so. I've known him since we were kids, Lex."

Alexa felt her stomach flutter excitedly. "I can't wait to get to Brighton."

"Me too," Saffron said linking arms with her best friend and they rejoined their parents.

"Have a great time sweetheart," Karen told Alexa. "And you can call us anytime."

"Okay Mum," Alexa hugged her parents. "I'll see you guys in a few weeks."

"We'll take good care of her," Hermione promised.

"You ring us a few times and let us know how you are okay?" Patrick asked.

"I will," Alexa said. "Thanks again for letting me go, Daddy."

"Have fun sweetheart," Patrick kissed her head. "You tell R.J. and his parents hello for us."

Alexa told them she would and a few moments later, she and Saffron were walking out the front steps to the Potter house.

"We're all packed and ready," Saffron told her best friend. "Mum's just got some last minute things to do before we can go."

"Okay," Alexa said. "I take it we meet R.J.'s family at the house there?"

Saffron nodded. "They've been there for a couple of days already."

"Oh," Alexa said. "I can't wait to see him Saffy."

"I know," Saffron said teasingly. "So you can go for romantic walks on the beach, holding hands at dinner...."

Alexa giggled. "I can't wait!"

Meanwhile at the Brighton house, R.J. was enduring yet another round of teasing from his two brothers. He sat at the kitchen table eating his sandwich and trying to ignore them, but finding it increasingly difficult.

"So R.J. when she gets here, are you going to snog her lights out and then hole up in the bedroom?" Jon asked in his most innocent voice.

Ron stifled a laugh as he came into the kitchen. "Didn't you two just promise Allie and Lizzy that you'd leave him alone?"

"Yes," Josh said. "But they're not here are they Dad?"

"Boys," Ron said. "Be nice- Jon you didn't like it when we used to tease you about Allie. And Josh you hated it when Jon teased you about Julie."

"What I don't get is the fact that the two of you fight all the time," R.J. said finally speaking. "And now you gang up on me. What gives?"

"You have to be initiated," Jon said after a moment.

R.J. glared at him. "No, I don't."

"Yes you do Ronnie Jr," Josh replied. "You're not a true Weasley until you're tortured."

"Didn't you do enough of that during Easter hols?" R.J. asked.

"How about we talk about something else?" Ron asked helping his youngest son out. "Did you tell your brothers about that scout coming to see you play?"

"Yeah," R.J. glared at them. "Like they care about anything other than bothering me about Alexa."

"We are proud of you," Jon told his brother. "But you know Dad would rather have you play for the Cannons any day."

"I know," R.J. said. "I'd take whatever team wants me."

"He keeps playing the way he has, the Cannons will be begging to sign him," Ron said proudly.

"If Puddlemere doesn't get me first," R.J. replied, finishing his sandwich.

"Frankie did say they had their eye on you," Jon said.

R.J. grinned. "I like hearing that. Finally you say something good."

Jon laughed. "I'm trying. Well, I'm going to take Emma and Caroline down to the beach. Josh, you coming?"

"Sure," Josh said. "We'll leave R.J. to wait for his true love." he grinned wickedly.

"Shut up Poetry Boy," R.J. shot back, remembering what Lizzy had told him on Easter.

The smile on Josh's face faded away and he muttered something unintelligible as he followed Jon out of the room.

"Good one son," Ron said making himself another sandwich.

"Lizzy told me about his attempts," R.J. snorted.

"They weren't that bad," Ron said with a smirk.

"Whatever," R.J. said. "I'm going upstairs until Alexa and Saffy get here."

"Go easy on the aftershave," Ron couldn't resist teasing. "We don't want the poor girl to suffocate."

"Shut it," R.J. grinned. "Or I'll accept Puddlemere's offer no matter how good the Cannons is..."

"I'll let you know when they get here," Ron said with a laugh.

"Thanks," R.J. said, heading upstairs.

The Potters and Alexa arrived nearly an hour later. Ron was fast asleep on the sofa and Harry couldn't resist having a little fun with his best mate.

"Ronniekins... we're out of food!" he said into his friend's ear.

"WHAT?" Ron asked shooting straight up. "We have to go to the ...."

Harry waved and pulled his most innocent face.

"Arse!" Ron glared at his best friend. "I hate you."

Harry chuckled. "I couldn't resist. You looked so peaceful..."

"Hi Uncle Ron!" Saffron said. "Where's everyone?"

"Jon, Allie, and the girls are on the beach." Ron said. "And R.J.'s upstairs."

"Hi Mr. Weasley," Alexa said shyly. "It's nice to see you again."

"Hello Alexa," Ron gave her a hug. "Lovely to see you as well. R.J.'s been looking forward to seeing you all day."

Alexa blushed.

Saffron took her friend's hand. "Would it be okay if we went upstairs to get him?"

"Sure," Ron said. "I think he'd like that."

Saffron laughed. "This will be fun. I can't wait to see his face when he sees you without your braces."

Alexa felt nervous as she followed Saffron upstairs. It had been a couple of weeks since she'd seen him last. And he hadn't owled though he had warned her beforehand that he wasn't much of a letter writer.

"Ronnie Jr!" Saffron sang out.

"Is that you Saf?" R.J. asked sleepily. He'd just managed to drift off to sleep when he heard her voice.

"Miss me?" she asked loftily. "I'm really sorry to tell you this but Alexa cancelled. Seems she found something better to do with her time than you--"

"What?" R.J. asked practically jumping off the bed and swinging the door open. "Saffy, you've got to be...."

"Hi," Alexa said grinning at him.

"Hey!" R.J. grinned at her and then glared at Saffron. "You suck."

"Thanks," Saffron said proudly. "Well? Quit looking at me you prat. Don't you notice anything different about your girlfriend?"

"She always looks gorgeous to me," R.J. said.

Saffron groaned. "Yes, yes, but don't you notice anything different about her. You know..."

"Hey!" R.J.'s eyes widened. "Lex you got your braces off!"

"Look who finally bought a clue," Saffron said sarcastically.

"Five days ago," Alexa said grinning at him. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"You look amazing," R.J. said, his eyes still wide. "Better than Saf even."

Saffron glared at him. ""

But R.J. grabbed Alexa and pulled her into his room shutting the door on Saffron.

"R.J.," Alexa said giggling. "That wasn't a very nice thing..." but her words were cut off by his kiss.

"Like I care," he said. "I missed you so much Lexie."

"I missed you too," she said softly.

"YOU BOTH SUCK!" they heard Saffron call out before stalking back down the stairs.

R.J. laughed. "She's a bit sore aye?"

"A little," Alexa admitted looping her arms around his neck. "So this is your room, eh?"

"While I'm here," R.J. said. "I hope we can maybe... have a reprise of that last night at school... if you want to that is."

"I don't know," Alexa said. "What about your parents?"

"We'll sneak you in," R.J. said softly. "And sneak you out in the mornings."

"You've thought about this, have you?" she asked.

"A little," he said. "Do you mind?"

She shook her head. "No, not at all. I like sleeping with you. Not sleeping with you, in that way, you know....I just meant you know sleeping in the same bed."

R.J. laughed. "I know." he kissed her. "I'm so glad you came Lexie. These next few weeks are going to be fantastic."

"I think so too," she said happily.

"Come on," he said, his lips still on hers as his fingers wove through hers. "We'll sneak off later."

"Okay," she said but neither of them moved. "R.J.? We should probably go downstairs now."

"Right," he said, reluctantly opening the door. "We'll have to face Saffy sooner or later."

"Yes," Alexa said. "And don't tease her so much about Peter. You know how she feels about that."

"What'll you give me if I don't tease her?" R.J. asked wickedly.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," she said with a wink.

"Tease," R.J. muttered. "All right, I'll sneak you off later and show you how much I missed you."

"Deal," Alexa said.

"There they are," Harry grinned when they came downstairs. "Hello R.J.."

"Don't talk to him Dad," Saffron said grumpily. "He's evil and mean."

"Hey Uncle Harry," R.J. said ignoring her. "Where's Ethan?"

"He's coming," Harry said. "He and Justin had a lead they had to follow up on but he'll be around tonight. Maddie's not coming until tomorrow morning."

"Maddie, Maddie?" R.J. asked. "Who is this girl you speak of? I haven't seen or heard from my sister in ages."

"Probably because you're such a dork," Saffron said, glaring at him.

"Do you kiss Peter with that mouth?" R.J. asked before he could stop himself.


R.J. gulped.

"Saffy," Harry warned. "Hang on a second who is this Peter?"

"He's a study partner that R.J. thinks fancies me," Saffron's eyes were like daggers. "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS."

Harry held up his hands. "Okay, Saffron. There's no need to shout."

"Git," Saffron snarled at R.J. before stalking out of the room.

"She has my temper," Harry said sheepishly.

"She's brilliant," R.J. said wondering if it might be a good idea to sleep with his door locked tonight. "But scary."

Hermione was unpacking her things when Saffron came into the bedroom.

"Mum?" Saffron asked. "Is there anyway around that not doing magic outside school thing? I know I've never asked to use your name or position to get me out of anything, but I really need to do something to R.J. or I'll go mad."

"Why?" Hermione looked amused. "What did he say to you this time?"

"He's just being his usual wanker self," Saffron said grumpily. "And he keeps teasing me about Peter."

"Your study partner?" Hermione asked, placing Harry's jeans in the drawer. "Why would he bother you about him?"

"Because he's got it in his head that Peter fancies me," Saffron replied. "And he doesn't. We're just really good friends. He's good for a laugh. And on Hogsmeade weekends, he kept me company while Lex was with R.J.."

"That's lovely," Hermione replied. "I think it's nice you have a friend like that."

"I knew you'd understand Mum," Saffron said feeling a bit calmer.

"Just ignore him sweetie," Hermione said. "He'll get tired of it soon enough."

"I hope so," Saffron said. "When are Nick and Jules getting here? I'm dying to find out if she's taking the Hogwarts job."

"Anytime now," Hermione smiled at her daughter.

"I can't wait to see her," Saffron said helping her mother unpack. "I've got loads to tell her."

"I bet you do," Hermione said. "But I would very much appreciate it if you made sure you and Alexa are settled into your room before you head out to the beach."

"Okay Mum," Saffron said. "Are you and Daddy coming down too?"

"Soon as I'm finished."

"I can't wait to try on my new swimming costume," Saffron said not noticing Harry coming into the room.

"The one we got you at Harrods?" Hermione asked. "You looked so cute Saffy."

"You got a new suit?" Harry asked.

"Yeah a bikini," Saffron said. "It's really um..." she looked at her mother for help.

"Nice," Hermione said. "It's very nice. And she looks lovely in it."

"A bikini?" Harry asked folding his arms. "Saffy, you're too young to be wearing a bikini."

"Dad I'm fifteen," Saffron said. "I'm not a baby anymore."

"Before you go out on the beach, I want to see it," Harry said firmly.

"Dad!" Saffron protested.

"I mean it," Harry said looking at his youngest child. "You come and see me before you go out on the beach."

"You have GOT to be kidding me," Saffron said furiously. "Everyone's turning into a wanker today!"

Harry sighed. "Saffron Grace Potter if you keep us with this attitude, you will not go on the beach at all today."

Saffron rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room.

"Don't you think you might be overreacting a bit?" Hermione asked her husband.

"My daughter wearing a bikini? I think not." Harry replied, tossing some jeans out of the drawer in search of his own swim costume.

"Harry," Hermione said. "I just put those in there...."

"Well you shouldn't have hidden my trunks," Harry said, locating them and stuffing everything else back in.

Hermione sighed as she pulled the drawer back open and refolded all his jeans. "Harry, I helped her pick out that suit. Do you really think I'd have bought it for her if it was too revealing?"

"I don't know," Harry said with a shrug. "Tell me this, how bad is it compared to that red one you wore for me that one time?"

Hermione scoffed. "Harry a piece of dental floss is tame compared to that." she wrapped her arms around her husband's waist. "You trust me right?"

"Of course," he replied. "But she's our baby Hermione."

"And she's growing up," Hermione said softly. "I hate it too but we can't stop it."

"I miss the little girl who used to wear that one-piece suit with the ducks on it," Harry said wistfully. "And used to make sand castles."

Hermione laughed. "I think she'd find a way to hex you if you brought up the old ducky swim costume."

"And who is this Peter?" Harry asked. "R.J. was teasing her about this bloke when we were downstairs."

"Her study partner," Hermione replied, stowing the empty suitcase under their bed. "Saffy says they're only friends though."

"Do we know anything about this kid?" Harry asked folding his arms. "What house is he in? What are his intentions toward our little girl? Does he have...why are you looking at me like that?"

"Harry James," Hermione said with a warning glance. "If Saffy says they're just friends then that's what they are. Don't start going overboard."

"Yes, but--" Harry started to protest, but Saffron came back into the room. She was wrapped in a towel.

"Okay," she said sarcastically undoing the towel to show her father the swimming costume. "See? It's perfectly fine...."

"You look perfectly lovely," Hermione said to her daughter. "You go on down with everyone else and we'll be there in a few minutes."

"Now wait just a second," Harry said. "That looks a little skimpy, Hermione."

"Dad!" Saffron said rolling her eyes. "It is not!"

"Harry," Hermione put her hand on his arm. "Remember..."

"Fine," he said forcing a smile. "Go on down to the beach, Saffy."

"Thank you," Saffron said, heading back to get her cover up and the book she was reading.

Harry didn't tell Hermione this, but he planned on keeping an eye on his daughter and if any pimply faced boy looked at her the wrong way, well Harry couldn't be held responsible for what he'd do.

Hermione crossed her arms. "You'd better not be thinking what I think you are," she warned.

Harry pulled an innocent face. "Me? I'm not thinking of anything, Hermione but what a lovely day it's turned out to be."

She simply glared at him in reply. "This is not how I want to start our holiday." she found her own swim costume. "Now please Harry... just relax and accept the fact that our youngest daughter is fifteen, a very beautiful girl but also very smart. She's not going to let anything happen she doesn't want to happen."

"I know that," Harry said wishing that for once his wife didn't know him as well as she did.

"Then relax," Hermione smiled up at him.

Harry couldn't help smiling back at her. "Okay."

"Thank you," Hermione kissed him. "Now how about you help the Minister into her own bikini?"

"Only if later I can help her out of it," Harry said.

"Is that a promise?" she asked huskily.

"That's a guarantee," he answered.

*** *** ***

It was quite late that evening when Ethan finally arrived at the beach house. He was starving and he hoped that someone had saved something from dinner that he could eat. Dropping his bag in the hall, he headed into the kitchen.

"Nice of you to finally join us," Harry said grinning at his son.

"Hey Dad," Ethan said. "Save any of that chicken for me?" he looked at the piece his father had been gnawing at.

"There's some in the icebox," Harry said. "I managed to keep your godfather away from it."

"Thanks," Ethan said, digging in and coming up with a plateful. "You must not have told him about it."

"Your mother threatened him with bodily harm if he touched it," Harry said with a laugh. "You look knackered. Everything okay?"

Ethan shrugged. "I guess..."

"Maddie's still coming later isn't she?" Harry asked as Ethan sat down.

"Should be," Ethan said. "I was hoping she'd be here already."

"Didn't you see her before you left?" Harry asked confused. "You and Maddie aren't have trouble are you?"

"Not trouble..." Ethan dug into his meal. "It's just... I didn't think being with her without actually... BEING with her would be this hard."

"I see," Harry said. "Have you tried talking with her about this?"

"Not really," Ethan said. "I just sometimes get the feeling that she doesn't trust me completely even though she says she does. Like when we're snogging and I go to touch her, she's always the one to put a stop to it. I would never push her Dad. I know how far I can go before there's no turning back and we're never anywhere near that stage."

"Have you fought about this?" Harry asked.

"Not exactly," Ethan said. "We've... exchanged words but we haven't had an all out fight."

Harry thought about what his son must be going through. "I went through something similar once."

"You did?" Ethan asked curiously.

"Yeah," Harry said. "Right before your mum and I were married. She thought it would be a great idea if we weren't together until our wedding night."

Ethan snorted. "Bet you didn't take that well."

"I thought she'd gone mad," Harry said with a laugh. "She originally wanted to wait a month, but I talked her into a little compromise. Well, you can imagine how difficult it was to sleep in the same bed with the woman you love and not be able to..."

"Yeah," Ethan replied, stabbing his fork into the chicken. "It's just really frustrating you know? When I told her I didn't mind waiting I didn't know it would be THIS hard."

"Kind of makes you want to run out and get married right away, eh?" Harry joked trying to make his son laugh.

The corner of his mouth quirked up. "I did think about that," he confessed.

"This is Maddie's first relationship Ethan," Harry reminded him. "She never dated anyone before you. Just try to think of this from her perspective."

"I know," Ethan replied. "That's why I haven't really pushed this with her."

"I think you should try talking to her," Harry told his son. "It's not good to keep this bottled up, so to speak."

"Well every time I approach the subject, she just says that we're going too fast, but while we're... doing things... she tells me she wants it." Ethan rubbed his eyes. "I'm bloody confused."

"Sounds as if she is too," Harry commented.

"Well there's all that and then the fact that we've barely even seen each other over the past week," Ethan complained.

"Well you'll have these next two weeks together," Harry said. "You're both in very demanding careers son. I know what you're going through. Your mum and I went through that. Our schedules sometimes didn't mesh and we saw each other for a couple of minutes in the morning and then in the evenings we were too tired to do anything but sleep."

"I guess everyone has rough patches eh?" Ethan asked. "Mads and I will have our one year anniversary while we're here too."

"You should take her out," Harry said. "I'm sure that she'd love that."

"I will," Ethan nodded. "I want to make it special for her."

"Well," Harry said leaning back in his chair. "If you want to have a good laugh, your baby sister hates me right now."

"Is that so?" Ethan asked. "What did you do, joke about her having a boyfriend?"

Harry shook his head. "I might have embarrassed her a little today down on the beach, but your mother stopped me before it got too out of hand."

"What did you say?" Ethan asked curiously.

"It's not really what I said per se," Harry said in a hushed tone in case Hermione decided to come downstairs. "She was wearing her new swimming costume and I thought it wasn't appropriate. But I agreed to let her go down on the beach. Well, your mother and I go down there a few minutes later and your sister is chatting it up with two blokes. The next thing you know, she's playing volleyball with these two losers."

"Dad," Ethan laughed. "Come on, Saffy's only fifteen- she's just being a girl."

"I know," Harry said. "And I had just pulled out my wand to do something to them when Saffron caught me. And then your mother lectured me for nearly a half hour about how we can't be doing things like that on a Muggle beach and how I should trust our daughter to do the right thing and blah, blah, blah."

Ethan was laughing by then. "That's bloody hilarious."

"Yes well your sister isn't speaking to me now," Harry said.

"Come on, she'll get over it," Ethan said. "She always does."

"I hope so," Harry said. "I'm going to try and talk to her tomorrow morning during breakfast. Apologise for being a typical father."

"Wait till she's a mum someday," Ethan took his plate to the sink. "Her kids are going to give her hell."

"Hopefully she'll have three just like her," Harry joked.

"Talk about revenge," Ethan grinned. "You and Mum can spoil the shite out of them and send them back to her all bratty and the like."

"Now that's a good idea," Harry said. "It's getting late. I'm going to turn in."

"Okay," Ethan said. "I'm going to wait up a bit and see if Mads gets here soon."

Harry nodded and went upstairs. If he'd been a little quicker, he might have caught Alexa sneaking into R.J.'s room.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," R.J. said looking up from the Quidditch magazine he was reading.

"I wanted to make sure everyone was asleep," she whispered.

He could tell she was nervous. "Its okay, Lex," he said leading her over to his bed. "No one's going to know you were ever here."

"I just... I'm a guest here and I don't want..." Alexa fumbled for the right words.

"My entire family loves you," he said reassuringly. "In fact, I think they like you better than me. And if by some wild chance someone finds out you were in here with me, I'll just tell them we were chatting."

"Like anyone will believe that," Alexa smiled at him.

R.J. grinned innocently at her. "We are chatting, aren't we? We're talking about how much we missed each other..."

She giggled quietly. "So it's not a total lie..."

"Right," he said leaning in and kissing her. "And we're talking about how much I like kissing you. And how much I..."

"Love kissing you," Alexa said boldly pressing her lips to his.

R.J. pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

"R.J...." she whispered as he pulled her on top of him, running his hands through her hair.

"You're beautiful," he said softly before kissing her again.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"I need to tell you something," he said. "I've been thinking about this for quite some time...."

"What?" she asked.

He suddenly felt shy as she looked at him. "Lexie, I---"

"What?" Alexa caressed his face softly.

"Love you," he whispered. "I love you."

Alexa stared at him for a moment, completely breathless. "You do?" she choked out.

He nodded. "I have for quite some time. I've...I've never said that to anyone before."

"When did you know?" she asked, tears gathering in her eyes.

"That night in your tree house," he answered.

Her eyes widened. "You--"

"I love you," he repeated. "I think about you all the time Lex. But if you don't feel the same..."

"No," she sat up. "I do R.J.... that same night... remember what I almost said? I almost told you the same thing... I just got so scared that it was too soon."

R.J. put a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we weren't ready to say it then, but we knew what we were feeling."

"Yeah," Alexa smiled him. "I love you too R.J.."

R.J. kissed her. "Say it again."

"I..." Alexa kissed him. "love... you..."

"You are the most important thing in my life right now," he said brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't want to screw up what we have."

"You won't," Alexa promised.

"I want to make you happy," he said resting his forehead on hers. "As happy as you've made me."

She blushed at his words. "I haven't done that much," she murmured.

"Are you kidding?" he asked. "Before you came along, I didn't think there was life outside of Quidditch."

Alexa laughed. "That's like Saffy- only she's into Quidditch and studying."

"And hexing me," R.J. quipped.

"Right," Alexa giggled. "Don't worry- she told me after dinner she's really not that mad at you, as long as you stop bothering her about Peter. Otherwise, and I quote, your arse is toast once we get back to school."

"I'll stop teasing her about him," R.J. promised.

"Good," Alexa ran her hand through his hair. "I'm so happy R.J.."

"About me agreeing to stop teasing her?" R.J. asked cheekily. "Or because you love me?"

"Mainly because we're in love," Alexa laughed. "But it'll be nice to not have you two fighting the rest of the trip."

"She's more angry with her dad than me at the moment," R.J. said. "But I'm sure I'll do something else to piss her off during the holiday. I always do."

"I suppose that's part of the fun of being friends with Saffron Potter," Alexa giggled.

"I don't know if I'd call it fun," R.J. said.

"She did sort of help us get together," Alexa said. "If it wasn't for her pushing me, I'd have never had the guts to meet you on that Quidditch field."

"You weren't going to show?" R.J. asked. "Lex, you never told me that."

"I might have been late," she said, her face flushing. "I was just so nervous. I'd fancied you for so long and all of a sudden, you were showing this interest in me and I didn't know what to do about it."

"And you know what to do about it now?" he asked softly.

"I'd meet you anywhere," Alexa grinned at him before pressing her lips to his.

She and R.J. fell back onto the bed and spent the next half hour or so snogging and trying to keep quiet as neither of them were able to do a silencing charm on the room.

Meanwhile, Ethan was sitting on the sofa waiting to see if his girlfriend would arrive. It was already gone half past twelve and he was starting to worry that she wouldn't arrive at all until later that morning when he heard a telltale pop outside.

Maddie opened the door and set her bags down. It had been a very long day and she looked forward to getting some much needed sleep.

"Hi," Ethan said quietly from the doorway to the sitting room.

Maddie smiled. "You waited up for me?"

"Yeah," he smiled back at her. "Saved you some chicken from dinner if you're hungry."

"Us Weasleys are always hungry," she said coming forward and giving him a kiss. "Hello stranger."

"Hello stranger yourself," he said, reaching for her hand and squeezing it. "I've missed you this week."

"I know," Maddie said apologetically. "Things have been crazy, but we do have these two weeks."

"I'm glad we both got away," Ethan said, leading her into the kitchen and handing her the plate he'd kept warm for her.

"This looks so good," Maddie said eagerly digging into her food. "I haven't eaten anything since lunch."

"Did you have any visions?" Ethan asked, handing her a glass of milk before she even could ask for it. "Or were you helping Jared with his?"

"Jared and I actually had a shared vision," Maddie told him. "It was amazing Ethan."

"You had a shared vision?" Ethan asked. "What are those?" he felt a slight twinge of jealousy that this bloke had shared anything with his girlfriend but he shoved those feelings away.

"We saw the same thing," Maddie explained. "They're very rare. Smythe was quite pleased."

"Oh," Ethan said. "I guess you can't tell me what it was can you?"

Maddie shook her head. "I'm sorry, Ethan. I can't."

He nodded in reply and traced his finger along one of the wooden ridges in the table.

"It's just like your case," Maddie said knowing that he was upset. "You can't talk about it with me either."

"I can talk about some things," Ethan said. "I've told you a lot more than I told anyone else. There's a few things you know that even Bree doesn't and she's helping us."

"You know I'd tell you about this if I could," Maddie said. "Ethan, you're acting like I'm intentionally withholding information."

"I know you're not," Ethan replied.

"Then what's wrong?" she asked. "You've been short and snappish every time I've seen you lately."

"You mean the two minutes we've spent together all week long?" he asked, his eyebrow arched.

Maddie suddenly didn't feel very hungry and she pushed her plate away. "You know that being a seer means I have strange hours, Ethan. And I'm trying to help Jared...."

"I know," Ethan stood up as she did. "I'm sorry Mads... just lately I feel like you and I are going down two separate paths and growing apart. I hate that feeling."

"We're not growing apart," she reassured him. "That could never happen."

"No?" he asked.

"No," Maddie said. "Because we won't let it. We'll have to make time for each other. And we can start with this holiday. Two weeks of just you and me."

"Right," Ethan said, feeling better as she wrapped her arms around him. "And we have our first anniversary to celebrate."

"We do," Maddie said happily.

"A year already," Ethan buried his nose in her hair. "And six months since you moved in."

"And we get to share a room this time," Maddie said.

"So if we want to go sneak out and spin in the rain we don't have to risk waking everyone up," Ethan grinned at her.

"Exactly," Maddie said laughing.

He stroked her cheek for a moment. "I do love you," he said quietly.

"I love you too," she said. "I've been looking forward to falling asleep in your arms."

"Been awhile since we really did that," Ethan said. "Let's sleep in tomorrow as late as we can and just spend the day doing whatever we want. We can go on the boat, stay on the beach... whatever we want..."

"I'd love that," Maddie said giving him a kiss.

"Are you finished?" he gestured towards her plate. "Cause I'd really like to take you to bed."

Maddie grinned. "I'm finished."

Ethan waved his hand and her plate and empty glass disappeared. "I'll help you with your things," he said, grabbing her bags with one hand and wrapping her fingers in his other.

They walked up the stairs and as they passed R.J.'s door, Maddie heard someone giggling. "I take it Alexa arrived," she whispered to Ethan.

"Seems so," Ethan grinned. "I bet R.J. will be awful happy in the morning."

"Jon and Josh haven't been teasing him too badly, have they?" Maddie asked.

"I'd imagine they have," Ethan replied. "I didn't get here until about half past ten so everyone was in bed already."

"I can't wait to see them tomorrow," Maddie said as Ethan led her into their room. "And my parents and my nieces."

"My dad told me R.J. was claiming he forgot he even had a sister named Maddie when they first got here," Ethan shook his head. "Smartarse."

"He takes after my dad," Maddie said. "Too much sometimes."

"Aye," Ethan said as she quickly unpacked her bags. He hung up some of her clothes in their small closet. "I'm really glad we have these two weeks Mads. I really think we need them."

Maddie turned and looked at him. There was something in the tone of his voice that gave her pause. "Is something else bothering you?"

Ethan didn't want to get into a whole new discussion now. "If you're tired we can talk more later," he said.

"I am really knackered," she said pulling out her pyjamas. "I'm just going to go and brush my teeth and get changed."

"Right," he said quietly.

"I'll be back in a few," Maddie said giving him a smile before walking out of the room.

Ethan stripped to his boxers and pulled on an old t-shirt before she came back in. He wasn't sure how to approach talking to her about his discussion with his father.

"Things are quiet in R.J.'s room now," Maddie said with a slight laugh. "I think they finally turned in. It's so strange to think of my baby brother having a girl in his room."

"Tell me about it," Ethan said as she slid in next to him. "Lex is a sweet girl though. She'll be good for him. And maybe he'll help her out of her shell."

"Mum and Dad really like her too," Maddie said turning off the bedside lamp. She turned to give Ethan a goodnight kiss.

He kept his mouth pressed to hers for a few extra moments.

"Good night," Maddie whispered pulling away.

"Night," he said softly.

Maddie snuggled up next to her boyfriend and it didn't take her long to fall asleep.

Ethan lay awake a little while longer, stroking his girlfriend's hair. He wanted everything to be the way it had been a year ago- not as much to worry about and barely a day had gone by when he and Maddie hadn't seen each other. Now despite what she said it felt to him like they were growing apart and there didn't seem to be anything he could do to stop it.