Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: To those who celebrate it, Happy Easter! We know a lot of you are on Spring Break at the moment so we thank you for taking the time to read the chapter and let us know what you think. We posted an earlier chapter this week that lists a master character list. So, if you need a point of reference, check out Chapter 337. And, we would love to answer your questions about the story----anything you'd like to know (except for storyline spoilers!). So if you'd ever wondered if there were any couples that we thought would be together or if we ever disagree over storylines and who would end up with who---please ask away!

The library was full as all the students were in study mode for the upcoming exams. In the back of the library, Caroline sat at her favourite table with Hannah. Hannah's first year had been hard on the girl as it was the first time she'd ever been away from home for an extended period of time. Caroline and Mia had taken the girl under their wings to help her settle in and for that Hannah was extremely grateful.

"I just hope Snape won't fail me," Hannah said worriedly.

"He's not going to," Caroline reassured her. "You're going to do fine."

"I just have to remember these ingredients," Hannah said.

Caroline nodded. "Just remember Wolfsbane for that one...not acolyte."

"Okay," Hannah nodded. "Thank you."

Caroline smiled. "No problem, Hannah."

"Uh oh," Mia said softly. "Katie..."

Caroline looked up. "What?"

"Katie's coming over here," Mia said.

Caroline rolled her eyes. She moved her chair closer to Hannah's. "Let's look at this next potion..."

"Hi, girls." Katie said. "What's going on?"

"Studying," Mia replied.

"For what?" Katie forced herself to be pleasant to Mia.

"Well, I'm working on History of Magic," Mia replied. "And Caroline's helping Hannah with


"Caroline's always a good helper," Katie said. "You should be a teacher someday."

"There are other Slytherins in here," Caroline said looking up from her book. "Aren't you

afraid they'll see you talking to us lowly Gryffindors?"

"I'm not worried what those people think," Katie waved her fellow housemates away dismissively.

Caroline did not respond. "Hannah, I'm going to go and grab a book that I think will help you."

"Thanks Caroline," Hannah said gratefully.

Caroline stood up and walked toward the stacks. To her dismay, Katie followed her.

"Is there something you need?" Caroline asked her coolly.

"Just to see how you were doing," Katie replied. "My parents said we're going to Brighton and I wanted to make sure you were going too."

"I think we are," Caroline said. "I don't know..."

"We can get our same room," Katie said.

"Maybe," Caroline replied. "I'll probably wind up sharing with Emma and Olivia, actually."

"We always share," Katie pointed out.

"My sisters need me," Caroline replied.

"Oh," Katie said. "Well, we can still have fun."

"Sure," Caroline located the book. "As long as no Slytherins are around."

Katie laughed. "Please, those people are scared of me. I can do whatever I please."

"I have to go help Hannah," Caroline brushed past her.

"Caroline," Katie said. "We've been best friends since I was two and you were a year old."

"Only when we're not here at Hogwarts though, right?" Caroline asked directly.

Katie shook her head. "No, of course not."

Caroline shook her head.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I treated you that first year," Katie said.

"Katie," Caroline rolled her eyes. "It's not about how you treated me first year. It's about how you treat me every year."

"What are you talking about?" Katie asked.

"If you don't know then I'm not going to explain it to you." Caroline replied.

"We're in different houses, Caroline," Katie told her. "I can't help that."

"And one should have nothing to do with the other," Caroline said. "I have to go help Hannah."

Katie wished she could make Caroline see how different things were. When Caroline arrived here three years ago, Katie was still trying to find her standing in Slytherin. Now, she knew that her fellow housemates feared and respected her. Even if they had a problem with her being friends with Gryffindor, they would not dare say a word about it.

But back then, she'd had to turn her back on Caroline. She knew the younger girl had counted on her help when she got there, and Katie HAD planned to help her, only once her housemates wouldn't give her a hard time over it.

That first summer, she had made it up to her friend and they had a great time in Brighton. Caroline always forgave her.

And when the second year had rolled around... she had been shunned by a few seventh years when they had seen her sitting with Caroline on the train.

Katie had joined in with them, making fun of Caroline. Caroline had overheard and things had not really been the same between them since then. Last summer, they did not have a Brighton trip, so Katie could not apologize or make it up to her best friend.

She did miss her best friend. She had Lindsey and several other girls she hung out with, but it really wasn't the same.

Caroline had been there for her when her grandfather died. She had been a wonderful shoulder to cry on and she had listened to how Katie felt. They had shared so much over the years.

"Caroline," she called out, but the other girl didn't stop.

Katie watched as Caroline sat back down with Mia and Hannah. Caroline said something to

Mia and the girl just nodded. Katie folded her arms. Stupid, interfering Mia. Why did she have to be a witch? If she had not gotten a letter, this could all be avoided. Katie bet Mia was loving this.

"Evil slag," Katie muttered, narrowing her eyes at the blonde.

"Who is?" Lindsey asked coming over to join her.

"Mia Barron," Katie said. "She's such a follower."

Lindsey nodded in agreement. "What are we going to do about it?"

"I don't know yet," Katie said. "Something..."

"We don't have much time," Lindsey said thoughtfully.

"I'll think of something," Katie said. "And we can always plot for next year..."

Lindsey smiled. "Brilliant as always."

"Of course I am," Katie tossed her hair back.

"I found those books you were wanting too," Lindsey told her.

"Good," Katie replied. "Where are they?"

"At our table," Lindsey said. "And I marked the places like you requested."

"Fine," Katie breezed across the library. "This should make studying easy. And Potions will be the hardest and Snape won't fail me."

"You'll pass with flying colours," Lindsey said loyally.

"I know I will," Katie sat down.

While the two Slytherins studied, Caroline had just finished helping Hannah with Potions. She reached into her bag and pulled out a photograph. "Hey, Hannah?" Caroline asked. "Did you know your mum was a Gryffindor, too?"

Hannah nodded. "She told me all about it."

"I'm not just talking about Aunt Frankie," Caroline said. She handed Hannah the photograph. "Right there, third on the left. Abigail Garrett."

Hannah stared open-mouthed at the photo. "Where did you find this?"

"I was doing some work to help Professor Graves," Caroline told her. "She's archiving some

old photographs of students. I came across this one and the girl looked so much like you.

Professor Graves remembered teaching your mother."

"She does?" Hannah asked eagerly. "What was she like?"

"Professor Graves said she was shy," Caroline told her. "But that she was a very sweet girl who was always willing to help someone. Her favourite class was Herbology, just like it's yours."

Hannah smiled at the picture. "Can I keep this?"

Caroline nodded. "Of course and Professor Graves said she would be happy to talk to you about your mother anytime."

Hannah grinned. "I'll go talk to her before we leave school."

Caroline grinned back at her. "Professor Graves said she'd also fill you in on how much trouble Aunt Frankie got herself into."

Hannah giggled. "My mummy says she was just trying to have a good time."

Mia laughed. "At least you have Uncle Will as a good example."

"He says he was in a different house but he did notice her," Hannah replied. "But it wasn't until later that he went to talk to her."

"So romantic," Caroline said.

"It totally is," Mia agreed with a giggle.

Hannah smiled. "I can't wait to see them and Nate and Izzie."

"You really missed them a lot," Caroline nodded. "I was the same way when I got here."

"I'm so glad I had you both here," Hannah said.

Mia patted Hannah's shoulder. "You're our cousin, Hannah. We'd help you any way we can."

"Thanks," Hannah smiled. "It's just so nice to have someone here to show you around. I

was so scared."

"It's a little freaky at first," Caroline agreed. "But it was a big step, and you did really well."

Hannah smiled. "And in a few days, we'll be home."

"I'm looking forward to having a proper lie in," Mia said with a grin.

"I would say the same, but Adam and Olivia never let me have lie ins," Caroline said with a laugh.

"Does Em still jump on his bed?" Mia asked.

Caroline nodded. "Yes and it drives him mad."

Hannah giggled. "She says that's why she does it."

"And next year, you can show Emma around," Mia said to Hannah.

"I can't wait until she's here," Hannah nodded.

"Best friends," Caroline said softly.

Mia saw Caroline glance in Katie's direction. "Don't let her get to you," she said quietly.

"I'm not," Caroline said.

"Good," Mia smiled at her best friend.

Caroline looked over at Katie again and Katie caught her eye and gave her a wave.

Caroline gave her a slight smile but didn't wave back.

She had no idea what the summer was going to be like, but she was not going to just forgive Katie. Her best friend had to know how much it hurt to be rejected like that. It was not something that Katie could just forget.

It wasn't even just what had happened in the past few years. If Caroline went over there now she knew Katie would completely tear her down since she was sitting with Lindsey. It was all appearance and status as far as Katie was concerned.

Caroline could care less what house Katie was in or who her ancestors were.

Ashley came in and saw them all sitting off to the side. "Hey you three."

"Hi, Ashley!" Hannah said enthusiastically. "Look, what Caroline found for me!"

"Is that your birth mother?" Ashley studied the photo? "It has to be. She looks just like you."

Hannah beamed at her. "It is! She was a Gryffindor too!"

"How fitting," Ashley grinned at her.

"And she liked Herbology best, just like me," Hannah said happily.

"That's lovely," Ashley told her. "I wanted to let you lot know that we're having a little party in the common room... just a sort of goodbye for us seventh years and just to chill out from studying so hard. Are you all in?"

"Absolutely," Mia said closing her book. "I'm tired of studying."

"A party?" Katie asked from behind them. "Where is there a party?"

"In our common room," Ashley replied.

"Oh," Katie couldn't stop the slight lift of her upper lip. "Maybe we'll have one in Slytherin too."

"I wish we could get you in," Ashley said putting an arm around her sister.

Katie shrugged and moved a few steps away. "That's all right..."

Caroline gathered her books. "I'll---I'll join you guys in a minute."

"What's wrong with her?" Katie asked as Caroline hurried off. "She's been weird today."

"As if you'd know," Mia muttered.

"What was that?" Katie asked sharply.

"Nothing," Mia told her. "Come on, Hannah. Let's go."

Hannah nodded. "Are you coming, Ash?"

"I'll be there in a minute," Ashley said. "Go on ahead."

Hannah put her picture in her bag. "See you later, Katie."

Ashley turned to her sister. "Everything okay?"

"Fine, why?" Katie asked.

"Seemed like you and Mia were about to have a row," Ashley commented.

Katie rolled her eyes. "Mia's such a dreg on society."

"Katie!" Ashley admonished.

"She is," Katie replied. "She always has been."

"Why would you say something like that?" Ashley asked.

Katie sighed. "Ashley, you don't understand people like I do."

"And what am I missing here?" Ashley asked.

"Mia's a follower," Katie said. "She's jealous of me, a leader."

"I see," Ashley said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Anyway," Katie brushed away the topic of Mia. "A party sounds like a great idea. Ours will be fabulous of course."

"Of course," Ashley said. "I should get going. I'll talk to you later, Katie."

"Have fun at your little gathering," Katie said.

"You too," Ashley said.

"Oh our party will be ANYTHING but little," Katie said as she hurried towards Lindsey.

Ashley sighed and shook her head. Her sister was never going to change. Ashley stepped out of the library in time to see Zander snogging Debra in the corridor.

She felt as if she'd been punched. She had thought the two of them had broken up but apparently not.

"I'll see you later, Zander," Debra said when they broke apart. "Enjoy your party."

"Wish I could sneak you in there," Zander commented.

Debra giggled. "You can tell me all about it tomorrow."

"Or I can tell you about it later tonight," Zander said pulling her back to him.

Ashley rolled her eyes. She so did not want to witness this.

She had convinced herself that she did not fancy Zander. The flutters she had felt had all but faded away. But seeing him with Debra just made her feel jealous.

"We have company, Zanny," Debra said in a baby voice.

"Zanny?" Ashley heard herself say.

Zander's cheeks reddened. "Ash--I didn't see you there."

"I just came out of the library," Ashley said. "I was heading for the dormitory."

"I'll go with you," Zander said.

"That's all right," Ashley said quickly.

Zander shook his head. "It's fine. Deb was leaving anyway."

"I'll see you later," Debra said meaningfully.

Ashley was already walking toward the staircase.

"Hey," Zander said. "Wait up, Ash!"

Ashley quickened her step.

"Ash," Zander caught up with her. "What's the matter?

"Nothing," Ashley replied briskly. "Zanny."

"I hate when she calls me that," Zander said.

"I thought you were breaking up," Ashley commented.

"We did," Zander shrugged. "She came up to me the other day and we got back together.

"Oh," Ashley replied quietly.

"I know you don't like her--" Zander began.

Ashley stopped walking and looked at him. "Why would you say that?"

"You and Brit never really talk to her," he replied. "So I figured you don't like her."

Ashley shrugged. "Well, she's a I mean, she talks in that baby voice..."

"It's kind of cute sometimes," Zander said.

"If you're a baby," Ashley said sarcastically.

Zander looked over at her. "You sound like you're jealous."

Ashley glared at him. "I'm not jealous!"

"You're acting like it," Zander pointed out.

"Jealous!" Ashley roared.

Zander looked taken aback.

"You are unbelievable," Ashley said shaking her head.

"Why am I unbelievable?" he asked her. "Bloody hell, Ash. I always listen to you talk about

Kevin to Brit and I never said a word, even when you got to the personal bits. And I'm not allowed to talk to my girlfriend?"

"Sure," Ashley said in a perfect imitation of Debra. "Talk about your itty- bitty ickle girlfriend."

"You know," Zander said. "You're talking an awful lot like your sister. Maybe there's more Malfoy in you than I ever thought."

Ashley folded her arms. "Is that so? Well, I'd rather be a Malfoy than a little girl who leads her boyfriend around by a lead like he was a dog!"

Zander shook his head and walked away without another word.

"Jerk!" Ashley called after him.

Her excitement for the party had quickly soured. She decided to skip it and sit upstairs in her room and perhaps write a letter to Kevin.

She was hoping that the room would be empty, but Brittany was standing in front of her wardrobe going through outfits. Brittany gave her a look but then turned around.

Ashley rolled her eyes and threw her bag onto her bed.

"What's your problem?" Brittany asked.

"Why would you care?" Ashley snapped.

"I don't," Brittany shot back.

"Good," Ashley retorted. "Then don't bother me."

"I was in here first," Brittany pointed out.

"We SHARE the room," Ashley said impatiently.

"Whatever," Brittany said waving her hand dismissively.

Ashley climbed onto her bed and jerked the hangings shut so she didn't have to see Brittany or bother with her.

In the seven years she had known Brittany and Zander, the three of them had never fought like this. Ashley did not know which one she was more upset with--Brit or Zander. She angrily reached for her parchment and tried to write a letter to Kevin, but she kept seeing Zander and that---troll. He complained about her all the time---how she made him go to places he did not want to go; how her laugh sometimes got on his nerves.

She supposed she was most perplexed by why his relationship with Debra bothered her so much.

She did not begrudge him happiness.

But with her... Ashley didn't know what he saw. Especially when she knew he could do so much better.

Downstairs in the common room, the party was in full swing. Zander was still angry. Ashley had no right to say what she had about Debra.

He had thought about going back and getting her to sneak up into the tower, but dismissed

the idea. He didn't want to ruin the party for anyone else.

Besides, he was not in the mood to be around anyone at the moment.

He grabbed a bottle of butterbeer and retreated to a seat in the corner as Brittany made a grand entrance.

Brittany waved from the stairway and tossed her hair.

Zander rolled his eyes. His cousin was still practicing for her big meeting with the shady bloke from the modeling company.

He saw Caroline go over to Brittany and could hear their conversation. "Where's Ashley?" Caroline asked.

"Upstairs," Brittany waved her hand. "Sulking about something..."

"Oh, is she okay?" Caroline asked concerned.

"I wouldn't know," Brittany replied.

"Oh," Caroline said. "Well, maybe I should check on her..."

"If you want," Brittany said offhandedly.

Caroline headed in the other direction and Zander rolled her eyes when Brittany sat at the other end of the sofa from him.

He look a large swig of his butterbeer and ignored his cousin.

Evan came over and sat between them. "This is a party. Would it kill the two of you to smile

or at least act like you're having a good time?"

"I don't speak to people who try and keep me from pursuing my dreams," Brittany tossed her hair.

Zander mimicked her action. "Well, I don't talk to people who are too stupid to see a scam when it hits them in the face."

"Not this again," Evan broke between them. "I've heard enough."

Brittany folded her arms and shrugged.

"Come on," Evan told her. "Let's go grab something to drink. Where's Ash?"

"Upstairs, sulking," Brittany replied.

"Why?" Evan asked.

"I don't know," Brittany replied. She looked over at Zander. "Do you?"

Zander just shrugged in reply.

"Surprise," Brittany muttered. She grabbed Evan by the arm. "Come on then. Let's get that drink."

Evan allowed Brittany to yank him away. "It's a shame your last days at Hogwarts have to end like this."

"Like what?" Brittany asked, though she knew what he meant.

"You fighting with your best friends," he said. "Come on... you know they support you.

They're just worried."

"I'm not fighting," Brittany argued. "I'm looking to the two of them to support me, but they're too concerned about whether they're right."

"Let me play devil's advocate here," Evan said. "What if they are right? What will you do then?"

Brittany shrugged. "I haven't thought about it."

Evan sighed. "Maybe you should. I'm not saying you're right and I'm not saying they're right. But it would be sad to see your friendship end over this."

Brittany handed him a glass of butterbeer. "Well, when did you get so smart, Mister?"

"Years of experience?" Evan asked. "And hanging around you three?"

Brittany smiled at him before taking a sip of her drink.

Evan grinned at her. He couldn't help but care about Brittany. Even if her drama antics tired him, she was a girl he always liked being around.

"So how is the single life treating you?" Brittany asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Fine," he responded. "Just fine..."

Brittany smiled flirtatiously. "Oh yeah?"

"It's been awhile since you looked at me like that," he commented.

"Maybe I'm just knackered from all the studying," Brittany replied swatting playfully at him.

"I can't wait until exams are over," Evan agreed. "Just a few more days."

"Me too," Brittany replied. "No more Snape."

He laughed. "Never again."

Brittany grinned. "No more sneaking notes to you in classes..."

"That I'll miss," he said as they leaned closer to one another.

"Is that all you'd miss?" Brittany whispered.

"Well I would miss you... but it seems I'll be seeing you again once we're out of here," Evan said huskily.

"You're awfully sure of yourself," Brittany said smiling at him.

"I do have an effect on you," he said, tugging a lock of her long hair. "And you've always had one on me."

Brittany leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

Zander groaned to himself as he saw Evan and Brittany start kissing.

Normally, he and Ashley would joke about it, but when Zander looked to his left, Ashley was not there. The last time they had fought like this had been that summer when they'd first kissed each other at Brighton.

He sighed. He really, really did not want to fight with her. And while he had always known that she and Brittany hadn't particularly cared for Debra, she had never voiced that opinion in such a way.

He saw Caroline Weasley coming downstairs and he walked over to her. "Did you--did you see Ashley?" he asked her.

"Yeah," Caroline nodded. "She's upstairs in her room."

"She okay?" Zander asked.

"She's upset about something but she wouldn't say what it was," Caroline told him.

Zander nodded. "Oh."

"Maybe she'll go talk to you," Caroline said.

"I don't think she wants to see me right now," Zander commented.

"Did you make her mad?" Caroline asked. "I guess that would explain it..."

Zander shook his head. He had made her mad, but for the life of him, he did not see what he had done wrong, other than kiss his girlfriend.

"I'm sure she'll be down in a little bit," Caroline said. "I talked her into it."

Zander nodded. "Thanks, Caroline."

He watched as the younger girl headed off to her friends and then looked over at the staircase to the girls' dormitories.

He really did not want to spend the last few days of school fighting with his best friend.

He was determined to find out what was wrong with her and was glad to see he didn't have to wait long. Ashley descended a few minutes later.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hi," Ashley said her voice just above a whisper.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Zander honestly had no idea what to say to her.

"Brit and Evan seem to have reunited," he finally said motioning to the other side of the room.

"That'll be what, the sixth time this year?" Ashley asked wryly.

Zander nodded. "At least."

"I guess some things never change," Ashley said quietly.

"And some things do," Zander said looking at her. He could see that her eyes were red and he wondered if she had been crying.

"I guess," Ashley shrugged. "This year isn't ending how I thought it would."

"How did you think it would end?" Zander asked.

"I don't know," she said. "Just... not like fighting with my two best friends."

"Well, I honestly don't think there's nothing else we can do on that," Zander said motioning to Brittany.

"I know," Ashley said. "But I'm sorry for going off on you earlier."

"What was that about anyway?" Zander asked.

"I don't know," she said, only telling a half truth.

"I feel like I should apologize, but I don't know what I did wrong," Zander commented.

"Nothing," Ashley said. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was just upset about something and I took it out on you."

Zander looked at her as if he did not believe her, but he nodded. "If you're sure..."

Ashley nodded. "You're the best friend I've ever had. I hate when we fight. We're no good at it."

Zander smiled. "I hate it, too."

Ashley smiled back and hugged him tightly.

"Hard to stay mad at me for very long isn't it?" Zander whispered in her ear.

"It's bloody impossible," Ashley closed her eyes for a split second.

Zander grinned. "Told you."

Ashley relished the moment of being in his arms before they pulled away.

"Come on," Zander said taking her hand. "Let's go and get something to eat."

"I am hungry," she said. "And I'll have some of that butterbeer."

Zander forgot about sneaking out of the common room to see Debra. Right now, he was happy that he and Ashley were talking.

"Can you believe just another few days and we're out of here?" Ashley asked.

Zander handed her a plate. "I know."

"I think I'm going to do that art tour," Ashley told him.

Zander looked at her. "Really? Corinne said you were thinking of going on tour with Kevin."

"I don't know," she said. "I mean, I'll be gone for a year with the art tour. I can come home for holidays and the like, but I would miss my family so much. Going on tour with Kevin would mean being gone almost as soon as school lets out."

"A whole year," Zander said quietly.

"It would be a whole year of nothing but art," Ashley said. "Museums, drawing, painting,


Zander loaded up his plate. "Well, I'm happy for you, Ash. That's what you've always wanted to do. But, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," Ashley told him.

Zander smiled. "You tell Kevin about this?"

"Not yet," she confessed.

"Why not?" Zander asked as they sat down.

"I'm not sure," Ashley said. "Not the right time, I suppose."

"At least you know what you want to do," Zander commented. "I still have no idea."

"You should try and sell your work," Ashley told him. "Zander, people should hear your music."

"I've thought about sending out some demos," Zander said with a shrug. "I don't know..."

"You should," Ashley urged. "Your music is some of the most incredible I've ever heard."

"My biggest fan," Zander teased.

"You bet I am," Ashley said with a grin.

"My only fan," Zander laughed.

"For now," Ashley told him. "I know people would love your music."

Zander laughed as Ashley grabbed a biscuit from his plate. "Just because you're my only fan doesn't mean you can nick my food, Miss Malfoy."

"I'll buy you a bag of biscuits when I sell my first painting," Ashley joked.

"I'm not that cheap," Zander told her.

"French biscuits?" Ashley asked.

"I suppose that would do," Zander said. "But seeing as you will sell many, many paintings, you can do better than that."

Ashley laughed. "I guess I'll just owe you."

"And you will never know when I'll collect," Zander said. "Could be today, could be


"Maybe we'll have to sneak to Hogsmeade," Ashley told him

"Ashley Malfoy's going to break some rules?" Zander asked with a grin.

"Don't tell anyone," she poked him.

"Your secret is safe with me," he told her.

Ashley smiled and looked down at the plate of food in her lap. "I thought you were going to leave to see Deb?"

"Nah," Zander replied. "I'll see her tomorrow."

Ashley looked over at him. The fact that this made her happy made her feel bad. Though she did not know Debra very well, she was obviously the person Zander wanted.

Perhaps she had missed her chance. Maybe Zander no longer harboured any feelings for her. Maybe these weren't even really true feelings for him, just something brought on by the end of their time there at school.

Whatever it was, she was going to bury these feelings and try being nicer to Debra.

To prove her point, Ashley looked over at Zander. "You should have Debra come eat with us tomorrow."

Zander raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Sure," Ashley nodded.

"Thanks, Ash," Zander said. "That means a lot to me."

Ashley smiled. "I know."