Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all our readers. We hope you enjoy this chapter! Please read and review!

Healer Fitzpatrick detailed Draco's treatment for Nick. "The tumour keeps growing back every time we try and shrink it. Today's treatment really took it out of your father."

Nick looked back and forth between the two men. "So there's really nothing you can do?"

"We're doing everything we can, Mr. Malfoy," the healer told him. "Right now, we're just trying to keep your father out of pain. We're going to keep him overnight."

"Oh," Nick nodded. "I understand, of course."

"I'll be back in a little while to check on you," Healer Fitzpatrick said to Draco.

"Fine," Draco grunted, pulling himself out of his chair.

Nick helped his father, unsure of what to say.

"Thank you," Draco muttered as he settled back on the bed.

"Where is Mum?" Nick asked, sitting down.

"Home in Sydney," Draco coughed. "Probably pissed already."

Nick stared at his father. "You know...I find it hard to believe she hasn't noticed something's wrong with you. I mean, she's not the brightest person in the world, mind you, but anyone can see there's something wrong with you..."

"I've hidden it well," Draco said. "And your mother isn't the brightest star in the universe."

Nick nodded. "So why me? Why did you tell me?"

"I wanted to try and make things a bit better before I go," Draco coughed. "And I need some help putting my affairs in order."

Nick poured his father a glass of water. "Here."

Draco took it and gulped it down.

Nick refreshed his father's glass. "I gave Katie back the ring."

"Thank you," Draco said. "It belongs to her now. I hope she will take care of it."

Nick chuckled. "Katie...Katie guards her things quite well."

"As she should," Draco said seriously. "She's a Malfoy, and she'll carry on the family traits. We're not all bad, Nicholas."

"Funny how I never saw the good side when I was her age," Nick said sarcastically.

Draco coughed again. "Things change."

Nick wished he could shake the bitter feeling he felt toward his father. It seemed that his father only needed him when he wanted something. Nick still wasn't sure what it was his father wanted from him.

"As you know," Draco began a few minutes later. "During my lifetime, I've amassed quite a bit of money."

Nick nodded.

"I want your mother taken care of," Draco said. "For the rest of her life."

Nick did not say anything in response to that.

"I also want Katie to have a percentage set aside for her," Draco told him.

"You know, I'm sure you have an estate attorney that could take care of this for you," Nick said. "I don't know anything about this..."

"I have someone taking care of things," Draco interrupted. "But I want you to oversee it."

"Why?" Nick asked. "For Merlin's sake, Father. You never missed a chance to tell me that I was never going to amount to anything. You're going to trust me to do all this? I don't get you."

"I need you to make sure it's done right," Draco glared at him.

Nick turned away, needing a moment to put his head around all this.

"I wouldn't have come back if this situation weren't dire," Draco told him.

"This is just a little difficult to come to terms with," Nick admitted.

"I can understand that," Draco responded. "I know it may be a lot. But you're the only one who can make sure this is done the way I want it to be done."

Nick finally turned around. "Imagine how you'd feel if good old Lucius asked this of you."

"I'd have turned him out in the streets," Draco admitted. "Probably in front of the Ministry."

Nick sat back down. "You were never as cruel as he was."

"I don't think anyone was," Draco said dryly.

Nick leaned back in his chair. "He scared me to death when I was a kid."

"He shouldn't have been around," Draco replied.

"I agree," Nick said.

Draco began coughing again, violently.

"Dad!" Nick exclaimed.

"Water," Draco managed.

Nick reached for the glass. His hands were shaking as he filled it and handed it to his father.

Draco's coughing subsided and he drank the water. "Nicholas... my prognosis isn't good. I don't know how much time I have left."

"Maybe---maybe there's still time," Nick said.

"I hope so," Draco laid back, his face pale.

"Can I do anything?" Nick asked.

"Just help me set everything right before I go," Draco told him.

Nick looked at his father. "Okay."

"Thank you," Draco's voice was a bit raspy.

"Do you want me to get a nurse?" Nick asked.

"No," Draco responded. "I'll be all right."

Nick did not look convinced. It was surreal to see his father like this---vulnerable.

Draco reached for a thick folder that Nick hadn't noticed before. "This details my estate. The amounts I'm leaving your mother and Katherine are in here."

Nick took the folder and scanned through it. "You're leaving your entire art collection to Ashley?"

"No one else would want it," Draco coughed again.

"You look like you've thought all this out," Nick said.

"I've had some time to figure things out," Draco said.

"You've been dealing with this on your own," Nick said quietly.

"I can't rely on your mother," Draco said. "If I had told her, she'd have already left me."

Nick stared at his father in disbelief. He knew his mother was shallow and very self-centred, but he found it hard to fathom her leaving his father. "You're not going to tell her?"

"I'll have to tell her soon," Draco said.

Nick nodded and looked back down at the file in his lap. This was so bizarre talking to his father about things like this. Never in a million years would he have imagined the two of them doing this---like a real father and son.

"I would like to spend some time with Katherine before... before I go." Draco said.

"I haven't told them about any of this," Nick said.

"They should know," Draco told him. "Now, they should know."

Nick nodded. "Okay."

Draco coughed again. "Look over those," he motioned to the folder.

"How much time are they saying you have?" Nick asked.

"A month, two at most," Draco revealed.

"Dad," Nick said taken aback.

"There's one more thing I'd like to ask of you," Draco told him.

"What?" Nick asked.

"Your half sister," Draco said. "If she'll see me... bring her in with you."

Nick shook his head. "I don't know---"

"Just ask her," Draco interrupted.

Nick was not so sure Chiaki would be up for this, but he nodded. "Okay."

"Good," Draco lay back and closed his eyes.

"Get some rest," Nick said quietly.

"Come back soon," Draco cracked his eyes open.

"I will," Nick promised.

He watched his father for a moment and shook his head at how things had changed in such a short amount of time.

His father had never really been a part of his life and now here he was asking him to help him straighten things out.

Nick sighed as he clutched the folder with his father's papers in his hand. He had a lot to figure out.

He had to break this news to his daughters and to his half-sister.

He would save Chiaki for another day. For some reason, he knew Katie would take this news the hardest.

It made sense, Nick thought, that she would have been the one that Draco sought out. She was the closest in temperament and personality to a Malfoy. But, she was loyal and had a good heart.

He didn't relish the thought of telling her about this- but he did know his daughter, and the fact that she had quite an inheritance would soften the blow.

He did not know how Ashley would react to this, given that she did not really know her other grandfather.

Nick decided to talk to his wife and then they would break the news to the girls together.

She would still be at Hogwarts, as she was most days, until right before dinner. Classes were over for the day, but she still oversaw Gryffindor house.

*** *** ***

Given the busy schedule with the wedding and her Quidditch games, Saffron had not had much time to just relax and have fun. She also had not seen
much of her father. They had talked about doing something but had never managed to find time until today. The weather was cooperating and they were now playing
the back nine holes of her grandfather's old golf club.

"I'm still as terrible at this as I ever was," Harry lamented as he watched his golf ball sink into the pond.

"I'm proud of you for not just using that wandless magic of yours," Saffron said patting him on the back.

"Thanks baby," Harry said wryly.

"I can't believe how easy it was for me to just get back into the swing of this," Saffron said twirling her golf club like a baton. "I mean, it's been ages since I played.'

"Watch out," Harry winced as the end of the club nearly met his eye.

"Sorry," Saffron said grinning at him. "Wouldn't want to hurt that perfect face."

"That's right," Harry squeezed her side. "You're up, sweetheart."

Saffron set her ball on the tee. "Stand back and watch the greatness..."

Harry watched his daughter take a swing and the ball spun in a perfect arch over the pond.

The ball landed on the green, very close to the hole. She grinned at her father. "Nice eh?"

"Yes," Harry admitted. "You like showing me up don't you."

"You can't be great at EVERYTHING," Saffron said hopping into the golf cart "Come on, old man."

Harry sat next to his daughter as she drove them over to the next green.

"Only one more hole after this," Saffron said. "And you're out of your misery."

"I don't mind," Harry said. "I'd play another nine just to spend some time with you."

Saffron smiled. "Dad..."

"I just can't believe you're getting married in just a few months," Harry said. "You've grown up too fast."

Saffron knew all too well what he meant. She was looking at Ellie this morning and was thinking how big her daughter was getting. A part of her wished Ellie could stay a baby forever.

"I'm so proud of you," Harry continued. "You've managed to bounce back from what happened with Devereaux, you have a job you love, you're a wonderful mother to Ellie, and you have Andrew."

Saffron parked the cart and looked at her father. "I didn't know if I'd ever get here."

"You're very strong," Harry told her. "I knew you would."

"I had a good support system," Saffron said leaning over and giving him a hug.

Harry kissed the top of her head. "We'd do anything for you, baby."

"Well, I just hope Andrew and I are as happy as you and Mum," Saffron said as they got out of the cart.

"I think you will be," Harry predicted.

Saffron easily sank her putt and gave her father a high five.

"That's good baby," Harry gave her another hug.

Saffron grinned and they made their way over to the next hole. Saffron effortlessly won the round and the two of them set off for the clubhouse to grab a bite to eat.

Saffron recognised one of her grandfather's old friends behind the bar and hurried over to give him a hug.

"Well, this can't be little Saffy Potter," Joe Hobson said, chuckling. "Last time I saw you, you were six."

Saffron laughed. "It hasn't been THAT long!"

Harry shook the older man's hand. "She's a mum now."

"You are?" Joe asked. "My, my... the time passes by too fast."

Saffron caught sight of a frame photograph behind the bar of she and her grandfather. Joe followed her gaze. "You were six there and the apple of your grandfather's eye."

"Wow," Saffron said softly. "I never knew this was here..."

"He loved bringing you here," Joe recalled.

Saffron smiled. "It was always one of my favourite places to go. He and I had such fun here."

Joe patted her on the back. "I imagine you'd rather have something to eat other than peanut butter and jelly this time?"

Saffron laughed. "My tastes have definitely changed."

Harry looked at him. "How about two club sandwiches and chips?" Joe nodded. "Coming right up. Have a seat."

"I am hungry," Saffron admitted.

"Well, you work up quite an appetite when you're killing your father at golf," Harry joked.

Saffron laughed. "Or cracking up when you sink one into the pond."

Harry shook his head. "This is definitely not my game."

"That's all right," Saffron leaned against him.

"Like you said can't be good at everything," Harry said, putting his arm around her.

Saffron smiled. "I wonder what Andrew's up to... he was taking Ellie for a walk, I think... but I don't know what he was doing after that."

Harry knew what Andrew was up to.

"One, two three," Hermione was directing her future son in law. "One, two, three..."

Andrew nodded and resisted the urge to look at his feet to make sure he was doing this right.

"Good," Hermione complimented him. "You've really got this, Andrew."

Andrew grinned. "Thanks."

"Saffron will be so happy," Hermione said.

"I hope so," Andrew said. "I just can't believe I've managed to keep this from her for so long."

"It's not easy keeping a secret from Saffron," Hermione agreed.

"Not at all," Andrew said. "She's like a human lie detector."

Hermione laughed. "She gets that from me."

"That's why I was a little more scared to meet you than I was to meet Mr. Potter," Andrew said.

"Am I that terrifying?" Hermione was amused.

"Just a little," Andrew joked.

"You've been good to my daughter," Hermione said. "That's all I can ask for."

"She and Ellie are everything to me," Andrew said. "You know that."

"I do," Hermione nodded.

From her crib, Ellie let out a cry. Andrew laughed. "And that's my cue..."

"Maybe she's hungry," Hermione said as Andrew hurried over to the baby. "I'll get her bottle."

Andrew gently lifted Ellie into his arms. "Shhhhhhh," he said softly.

Ellie quieted immediately as Andrew kissed her forehead. "That's my girl," he soothed her.

Ellie smacked her lips and looked at her father.

"Here you are," Hermione handed him the bottle.

"Thanks," Andrew said, sitting down with the baby. He guided the bottle to Ellie's mouth. "There she is..."

"Pretty soon she'll be holding that herself," Hermione commented.

"Don't I know it," Andrew said. "And taking her first steps..."

"It happens before you know it," Hermione gazed down at her granddaughter.

Andrew looked over at his mother-in-law. "I wanted to thank you for taking all this time with me. I know you're quite busy..."

"I don't mind," Hermione told him. "It's my pleasure."

Andrew smiled. "Thanks."

"I'm really looking forward to the wedding," Hermione said. "It's going to be a lot of fun. I've been talking to your mother quite a bit lately."

Andrew laughed. "She has wedding fever."

Hermione grinned. "She is quite excited."

"I'm her only child," Andrew said, imitating his mother's voice perfectly. "And she wants everything to be perfect."

Hermione laughed. "I was the same way with Ethan."

"I suppose I'll be the same with Ellie," Andrew mused.

"Probably," Hermione said watching as Ellie hungrily finished her bottle.

"You want to burp her?" Andrew asked looking at Hermione. "I think she has a good one in her today."

"I'd love to," Hermione eagerly took Ellie into her arms.

Andrew draped a towel over Hermione's shoulder.

"There we go," Hermione began patting Ellie's back.

Ellie let out a burp that caused Andrew and Hermione to laugh. "Told you," Andrew said.

"We know that's not from Saffron," Hermione joked.

"That's from the Kirkes," Andrew said proudly.

"Men always love claiming that," Hermione said.

Andrew laughed. "Harry, too?"

"With all three of ours," Hermione answered wryly.

Andrew helped Hermione put the music away and they headed upstairs to have some tea.

"I told Saffy to meet me here when she was done with her golf game," Andrew said. "So at least we don't have to worry about her walking in."

"I'll make enough for her and Harry," Hermione said. "They should be back soon."

"Good," Andrew said, gazing down at his daughter.

"He was so looking forward to this," Hermione confided. "He's having a hard time with the idea that his baby girl is getting married."

Andrew nodded thoughtfully. "I imagine it's not easy."

"It helps that he likes you so much," Hermione said as she put the kettle on.

"I'm glad for that," Andrew said honestly. "But we both know that Saffron and Ellie are my first priorities. I'd do anything for either of them."

"Absolutely," Hermione agreed. She heard noises from the sitting room and grinned at Andrew. "Speaking of Saffy..."

The brunette appeared a few moments later with Harry in tow. "Hi," Saffron grinned at them.

Hermione gave her daughter a hug. "Hi, love. How was the game?"

"I beat Dad, easily," Saffron laughed.

Harry grimaced. "She did. It wasn't pretty."

Hermione kissed her husband. "I'll help you feel manly again."

Saffron shook her head and help up her hand. "Stop...not in front of the children."

"Don't worry," Hermione joked.

Saffron gave Andrew a kiss and peered at Ellie, who was sleeping in her carrier. "How's she doing?"

"She just had a bottle," Andrew told her. "And a nice big burp after."

Saffron knelt down and caressed her daughter's soft cheek. She hated that Ellie would never have the chance to know Robert and Elinore Granger.

"You all right?" Andrew asked her.

Saffron nodded. "Yes, of course. I've just been thinking a lot about Gran and Grandpa today."

"Understandable," Andrew nodded.

"They would have adored her," Hermione said looking at Ellie.

Saffron continued to run her finger gently over Ellie's cheek. "She's such a good girl."

Andrew grinned. "She got that from me."

"Probably," Saffron admitted with a smile.

Ellie's eyes blinked open and she gave her mother a gummy smile.

Saffron laughed. "Hi, sweetheart."

Ellie held up her arms.

She gathered the baby in her arms. "I'll always hold you," she whispered in Ellie's ear.

Hermione squeezed Harry's hand. "I'm glad you two had a good time today."

"Hopefully she'll still make time for me after she's old and married," Harry teased.

"I'm sure she will," Hermione said leaning against him. "Julie does."

"Long as I let her beat me in golf," Harry said.

"Let her?" Hermione asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well not let her," Harry said. "But you know..."

"I know," Hermione said grinning at him.

Harry gave her a kiss. "How went the lesson?" he whispered.

"He's really good," Hermione whispered back.

Harry grinned. He couldn't wait to see his daughter's face when Andrew took her out on the dance floor.

*** *** ***

Hans had been on his shoot for a few days, and when he left, Darla had sent the divorce papers to him. She knew it wasn't the right way to handle things, but she didn't know if she could stay strong if she handed them over in person.

She had no idea when he had received them or how he would react to getting them. She kept waiting for a phone call or an owl.

She was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for Rafe when she heard the fireplace roar to life.

"Darla!" Hans bellowed.

"Oh no," she closed her eyes.

Hans stormed into the kitchen, clutching the papers in his hands. "What the hell is this?" he asked her.

"Divorce papers," she said quietly.

"I know what they are," Hans retorted. "I mean, why were you sending these to me? We're back together..."

"We were never back together," Darla said. "You were here for awhile and now... now it's like it was before."

"That's not true," Hans argued.

"Yes it is," Darla said. "You don't even talk about these things with me before you go."

Hans shook his head. "I told you about these shoots. For Merlin's sake, Darla, you have never understood this and you never will."

"Exactly," Darla said. "This is too different. We can't make it work any more."

Hans reached for her hand. "Come on, Dar. Give me another chance. We were making this work. We really were."

"As long as I kept quiet and let you come and go, we were making this work," Darla pulled away from him.

"Darla, you can't do this," Hans argued. "Come on. We have a son."

"Who needs two parents around, not one." Darla said quietly.

Hans ran his hand through his hair. His phone trilled in his pocket, but he ignored it, for once.

Darla just looked at him wordlessly.

"I'm not signing these," Hans said firmly.

"Why?" Darla asked. "It's time we moved on, Hans. This marriage is over."

He met her gaze. "You're not even going to give this one more try?"

"I have," Darla said.

Hans shook his head. "You're unbelievable."

"I can't believe you're pinning this on me," Darla snapped. "You started everything by going along with that agent who wanted you to pretend you were single- and then sending nude pictures of yourself to that slag model!"

Hans let out a bitter laugh. "There we go! I knew it! I knew that's what this was all about! You're still angry over Katya!"

Darla rolled her eyes.

"And what about you and the good healer?" Hans shot back.

"There's nothing going on between Liam and me," Darla snapped. "I haven't talked to him in almost a month!"

The baby monitor crackled to life with the sound of Rafe's cries.

"I have to go get him," Darla pushed past Hans.

"I want to see my son," Hans said, following her.

"Fine," Darla didn't have the energy to fight with him.

Darla hurried into the nursery and picked Rafe up out of his crib. "Shhh! It's okay, sweetheart. Mummy's here."

"So am I," Hans said. "Let me hold him."

"He's a little fussy first thing in the morning," Darla said. "He might not---"

"I know how to handle my son," Hans said coldly.

"Fine," Darla said, handing Rafe over to him.

"Hey," Hans said. "Don't cry..."

Rafe held a hand out for Darla. "Ma--"

"It's okay, baby." Darla told him.

Hans patted his son on the back. "I'm your dad, Rafe. I will always be your dad."

"He knows that, Hans." Darla said.

"I just want to make sure YOU know it," Hans said pointedly. "If I sign those papers---"

"I would never keep Rafe from you!" Darla said furiously. "How DARE you!"

Hans did not answer her. He carried Rafe over to the rocking chair.

"I'm not getting rid of the papers," Darla said. "But you should know I'd never keep him from you."

Hans nodded. "Thank you."

"You should have known better than to assume something like that." Darla said quietly.

"I just---you took me by surprise," Hans told her.

"Sorry," Darla looked away.

"Look, I'll sign the papers," Hans said quietly. "But I just want some time with him. If that would be okay..."

"Sure," Darla agreed. "I'll um... go to the shops."

"Thank you," Hans said kissing the top of Rafe's head.

Darla got her things and left, a sinking feeling in her stomach. She had what she wanted- Hans signing the papers. But for some reason she was left with a feeling of discontent.

She was also angry at him for thinking that she would ever deny him Rafe.

Darla mulled things over in her mind as she got a few things that she needed at the shops.

She decided to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin at the bakery and joined the queue.

She had just paid and was turning to sit at a table when she found herself face to face with someone familiar. "Liam!"

"Darla," he said, looking just as surprised as he was to see her.

"Um, what are you doing here?" she asked, turning a bit red.

"Grabbing a bite to eat before heading to the office," Liam replied.

"Oh," Darla nodded. "Of course. I'm sorry- I don't want to keep you--"

Liam nodded. "Yes, well, I'll see you..."

Darla sighed as she turned away towards one of the tables.

Liam was at the door when he saw her sit down. She looked as if she needed a friend and he felt a surge of guilt that he had not been a very good one to her these last few weeks. He walked across the room and approached her table. "Would you like some company?" he asked.

Darla looked up at him in shock. "You want to sit? Here?"

Liam nodded. "If you don't mind sitting with a selfish, arrogant arse?"

Despite herself, Darla smiled at him.

"So that's a yes?" Liam asked hopefully.

"Of course," Darla said softly.

Liam sat down. "So what brings you out this early? "

Darla shrugged. "Just wanted to get out of the house."

Liam did not know what to say to her. He decided the best approach would be to apologise for the way he had treated her. "I'm sorry, you know," Liam told her. "Things were messed up and I took it all out on you when all you were trying to do was be my friend."

"I was really hurt, you know." Darla said honestly. "I would have helped you any way you wanted me to."

"I know," Liam said. "I guess I've just gotten used to handling things on my own. I'm sorry that I hurt you, Darla. It was the last thing I ever wanted to do."

"I guess it's been a rough year for both of us," Darla said.

Liam nodded. "I wouldn't have made it through half of it had it not been for you, you know."

Darla cracked a slight smile. "I signed the divorce papers." she said suddenly.

Liam nearly choked on his coffee. "What?"

"I signed the papers," Darla said. "And Hans just agreed to sign them about an hour ago."

"I-I don't know what to say," Liam admitted. "I thought you guys were trying to work things out..."

"It wasn't working," Darla said. "He's still gone all the time, you know? Sometimes a week at a time."

Liam nodded. "So, you finally decided."

"Yeah..." Darla sighed. "But I still feel like something is just so wrong. I feel like things have just fallen apart. I thought I would be relieved but I'm not."

"Why's that?" Liam asked gently.

"I don't know," Darla said.

"Well, you and Hans were together for a long time," Liam said thoughtfully.

"Yes," Darla said. "I suppose perhaps I'm feeling this way because I have a hard time finding someone to talk to about everything. Drew hates Hans- and the rest of my family isn't too fond of him either."

"You can talk to me, you know," Liam told her. "I know I'm not his biggest fan either, but I'm on your side. I know I haven't really shown it lately...."

"It's been awhile since we talked," Darla said carefully.

"I'm sorry for that," Liam said. "I know you have every right to tell me to go away. I was messed up with what happened with my parents and here you were---this girl from a perfect family..."

"My family isn't perfect," Darla said dryly. "We're close knit, but not perfect."

Liam nodded. "Compared to mine, yours is perfect. I just didn't see how you would understand where I was coming from. "

"You'd be surprised," Darla commented.

"You were just trying to be there for me," Liam said. "I know that now. I've been wanting to ring you for days, but I didn't know if you'd talk to me."

Darla shrugged. "A week or so ago I'm not sure I would have. But... I don't know. It's not worth it to be angry."

Liam smiled. "No, it's not. So, how's the little guy?"

"He's fine," Darla replied. "He misses you."

"I miss him too," Liam said. "And I've missed you."

"Same here," Darla said, looking up.

Liam smiled at her.

"Hans asked for a little time alone with him," Darla said. "I couldn't say no."

Liam nodded. "And it gave you a few minutes to clear your head."

"I needed that," she admitted.

"You're a strong woman, Darla," Liam said. "You'll get through this."

"Thanks," she said softly.

They each took a sip of their coffee and Darla studied him. He seemed a bit different. "So, um, how are things with your parents?"

Liam shook his head. "Same as always.

"No change then?" Darla asked.

"My father is still a drunk, and my mother continues to defend him," Liam answered. "It'll never change."

Darla reached across the table for his hand. "But, you are not your parents, Liam. You're nothing like your father. You're strong."

"Thanks," Liam said. "I still need to hear that."

"Well, I would have told you that all along if you'd have just listened to me," Darla said grinning at him.

"I should learn to just listen to women, shouldn't I?" Liam joked. "Liz tells me that all the time."

"Well, Lizzy is one of the smartest people I know," Darla said.

"Same here," Liam smiled.

Darla was relieved to see his smile again. She had missed seeing it.

"I should go," Liam said after checking his watch. "I'm a little late... but this was worth it."

"Me too," Darla said. "I'm glad you stayed."

"I'll ring you soon," Liam said. "We can go with Rafe to the park and catch up. I can start making up for being such a jerk to you."

"Deal," Darla said smiling at him.

Liam stood up and Darla reached over to hug him tightly.

Liam hugged her back. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

"We still have things to talk about," she said. "But I'm glad to have my friend back."

"Me too," Liam agreed. "I'll---I'll see you soon."

Darla smiled and grabbed her coffee cup as he headed out the door.

She wanted to go back home and check on Rafe and perhaps find some sort of closure with Hans.

She finished her errands and headed back to the house. Hans was in the kitchen with Rafe.

"Hi," Darla said quietly.

"Hi," Hans muttered. "Your papers are over there."

"Thank you," Darla said. "You know...this wasn't an easy decision for me."

"Right," Hans said.

"It wasn't," Darla said. "I will always love you and I thought we would be together forever. But, somewhere along the way, we grew apart. It's not all your fault. I played a part in it, too."

Hans finally turned to look at her properly. "I really wanted to make things work, you know."

Darla nodded. "I know."

"I suppose I can't help but feel that you've given up on us," Hans said.

"I felt the same way about you," Darla said honestly. "It seemed like your career was more important."

Hans nodded after a moment. "I suppose things did get out of hand."

"We lost each other along the way," Darla said. "And I was just as guilty for not trying to compromise."

Hans sat down at the table. "Where exactly do we go from here?"

"Well, we can set up a custody agreement for Rafe," Darla said taking a seat beside him.

Hans nodded. "I do plan to settle here in London when I'm not on a shoot."

"That will be good for Rafe," Darla said smiling at her son who was content in Hans' lap.

"Do you think we can still be friends here?" Hans asked her. "I'll always care about you, Dar."

"I want us to be friends," Darla said honestly.

"For Rafe's sake, I think it's good that we do." Hans agreed.

Darla nodded in agreement. "I would never keep him from you. You're his father."

"Da," Rafe looked up at his father.

Hans smiled down at him. "That's right, Rafe."

"Hi," Rafe said to him.

"Hi," Hans said mussing his son's hair.

"Hungry," Rafe replied.

Darla smiled. "I'll get his cereal."

"YUMMY!" Rafe shouted.

"There's his Weasley side," Hans said affectionately.

"We're always hungry," Darla said.

Hans bounced his son on his knee while they waited for Darla to come back with the cereal.

"Here you go," Darla placed a bowl of dry cereal on the table.

"Tank," Rafe said eagerly reaching for a piece.

Hans and Darla both smiled at their son. "We'll work this out for his sake," Darla said. "You should always be a part of his life."

"I will be," Hans promised.

"Here," Rafe handed his father a piece of cereal.

"Thanks, mate," Hans said taking it.

"Num," Rafe grinned.

"Very yum," Hans said. He looked up and caught Darla's eye.

"He looks so much like you," Darla said wistfully.

Hans smiled. "He's cuter."

"Well it's like I always say," Darla replied. "He has your charm too."

"I hate the time that I missed with him," Hans said. "Time I'll never get back."

"But you have time now," Darla said. "Time that he will remember with you."

Hans nodded. "Thanks, Darla."

"I'm glad we can do this civilly," Darla said.

Rafe continued to eat his cereal and he smiled impishly at his mother. She knew that this was the hardest decision she had ever made, but a part of her knew that it was the right decision for all of them. They couldn't have continued like they were.