Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This is a bit of short chapter and has Liam/Darla/Hans and a small bit of the Hogwarts crew. Enjoy!

Technically Darla wasn't a single mom, but she certainly felt like one. Hans, while trying to remain a part of Rafe's life, was barely around as he'd started several new campaigns and was busy travelling.

Darla dressed her son in a warm outfit and smiled down at him. "We're going to go for a nice walk in the park with Liam, Rafe."

Rafe waved his little arms at her.

Darla laughed. She couldn't wait to take her son for a walk and to see Liam. He was supposed to have visited them last night for dinner, but he had a medical emergency.

"All right," she said, carefully putting him into his pram. "Safe and sound."

Darla grabbed her cloak, gloves and bag. "Off we go, then."

She hoped Liam wouldn't have to duck out on them today, but she understood that his practice had to come first.

The Halloween costume party had been such fun. Darla couldn't remember the last time she'd had such fun. She hadn't danced in ages and it felt good to just be out and have a good time.

And in such a casual setting, she'd gotten to know Liam much better than she ever had. He'd loosened up quite a bit and she'd enjoyed every moment they had spent together.

Rafe cooed happily from the pram.

"I know you love it outside," Darla leaned over and grinned at him.

When she looked up she saw Liam approaching and she couldn't hide her smile. He was carrying two cups of hot chocolate and a bag of pastries.

"Hi there," he said with a grin.

"You did make it," Darla grinned back at him.

"Wouldn't have missed it," he said, handing her one of the cups.

"Thank you," Darla said taking it. "So, how was your emergency?"

"It turned out fine," Liam replied. "A patient with the Wizarding Flu. I made her a potion and she was on her way."

"Well, you missed out on quite a dinner," Darla said. "Rafe had oatmeal and I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

"That does sound delicious," he said dryly.

Darla pushed the pram over to one of the benches and she and Liam sat down. He opened up the bag. "Chocolate muffin?"

"Sure," Darla said, turning the pram so she could watch her son.

"Hiya, Rafe," Liam said peering inside the pram.

Darla wasn't certain but it seemed that Rafe recognised him.

"He loves that new seat you gave him," Darla said. "I sat him in it last night and he was just content the whole night."

"I'm glad," Liam said. "One of my patients has a baby who loves his."

Darla took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Mmmmm...."

"It does hit home on a day like this," Liam agreed. "I heard it's supposed to snow later."

Darla grinned. "Really?"

"A lot of snow," Liam nodded.

"I love snow," Darla said. "I always have."

"I'm not overly fond of it," he said. "I do prefer warmer weather."

Darla laughed. "Well, you picked the wrong country to live in, Mr. Thornhart."

"I know," he said ruefully. "But we don't get the snow THAT often..."

"Which is why it's such a treat when we do," Darla said. "I remember when I was a kid having snowball fights with my brothers and sisters. It was so much fun."

"I suppose," he said, drinking his hot chocolate. "Maybe I'll learn to enjoy it."

"Well, if it does snow," Darla grinned. "I'm going to take you on in a snowball fight and I bet I beat your Irish bum at it, too."

Liam laughed. "All right, Weasley."

"I can be very sneaky as you have found out," Darla said grinning wickedly at him.

"Tell me something I don't know," Liam said, leaning back on the bench and extending his arm along the top.

Darla looked at him. "So, Christmas is coming up soon..."

"Yes it is," Liam said. "I have to get started on my shopping."

"Me too," Darla said.

"You have an excuse," Liam said, looking at Rafe. "I'm just being lazy."

"You're just being a typical bloke," Darla said. "Always waiting until the last minute..."

"We always find the best gifts at the last minute," Liam said with a grin.

"You sound just like my dad," Darla said shaking her head. "He always waits until Christmas Eve to do his shopping. Last year, he gave my mum a 'wand warmer' for Christmas. It's just this sleeve of cotton that goes over your wand."

Liam began to laugh. "I got one of those for my mum last year."

"Liam!" Darla exclaimed. "You didn't!"

"It wasn't the only thing I got her," Liam said. "But she liked it... or she said she did."

Darla reached for his hand. "I imagine she was happy because you were home for a visit." She knew how hard it was for him to talk about his family situation.

"Yeah... that was pretty much the last time I was there," Liam said. "Probably time for me to go again."

"Do you want to go?" Darla asked softly.

"Not really," Liam said. "But it'll only be for an afternoon."

"Well, if you're not doing anything Christmas night, you're more than welcome to join Rafe and me at the Burrow," Darla said. "We'd love to have you and Nana loves nothing more than another mouth to feed."

"I may take you up on that," he said. "Thanks, Darla."

Darla smiled. "Of course. "

"So Rafe's first Christmas..." Liam said. "Is he getting spoiled?"

Darla laughed. "Oh, you know it. I know he won't remember any of it..."

"Give him a few years and he'll be flying to unwrap all those gifts," Liam said.

"Chloe's promised to help him this year," Darla said.

Liam laughed. "Of course."

"He's asleep," Darla said looking into the pram.

"Is he sleeping through the night yet?" he asked her.

Darla nodded. "Which I love."

"Good," he nodded.

"He's a great baby," Darla said.

"He is," Liam agreed. "I think I've spent enough time around him to know."

"You have," Darla said turning to look at him. "You're great with him."

"I do love kids," he admitted.

"A good thing since you see them everyday," Darla joked.

He grinned. "We just got a rush of new patients too."

"You did?" Darla asked. "That's good---I mean, not good that kids are sick...but good for your practise!"

"It's really flourishing," Liam said. "Liz and I were talking about adding on another healer."

"Oh yeah?" Darla asked before reaching for another muffin.

"It's quite possible," he nodded.

"I think that's a great idea," Darla said. "It would give you both a little more breathing room."

"And I can have some time to spend with my friends," he said meaningfully.

"Like that annoying redhead and her fabulous baby?" Darla asked.

"Oh she's not annoying," Liam played along. "But her baby is definitely fabulous."

Darla laughed. "She can be annoying. Merlin, remember my first week at home with Rafe? I must have owled you a thousand times to check on every little thing."

"You're a first time mum," Liam said. "It's understandable. And I didn't mind one bit."

Darla smiled. "Thanks for everything, Liam. I really mean it."

He smiled back at her. "You've become a good friend to me."

Darla rested her head on his shoulder. "I feel the same way."

Liam was quite aware of her nearness, but he didn't say anything. It felt comfortable having her sit so closely.

"This is nice," Darla said softly.

"Very," he agreed.

"Almost as good as seeing you do that you did at the costume party," Darla giggled. "What was it you called it again?"

"The stoop and scoop?" he asked sheepishly.

Darla laughed. "I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard."

He grinned. "Glad I can still make someone laugh."

"You definitely did that night," Darla said. "Come on, let's push Rafe in his pram. Even if he's asleep, he loves it."

"Great," he said, missing her nearness as soon as she pulled away.

Darla picked up their cups and the empty bag and tossed them in the rubbish bin. "Okay. Let's roll."

Liam looked down at the baby in the pram as they walked.

"So how is your family doing?" Liam asked conversationally.

"Everyone's good," Darla said. "Jon and Josh finally seem to have gotten it together."

Liam smiled. He knew that Darla had hated the idea of her brothers not getting along. "And your mum and dad?"

"They're great," Darla nodded.

"And I imagine they're enjoying spoiling their newest grandson," Liam said nudging her.

"Absolutely," Darla peeked at her son, who remained asleep.

A few snowflakes started to fall and Darla turned and looked at Liam. "Look!"

"Hey," he said with a grin. "I was right!"

"It's beautiful!" Darla said grinning back at him.

"Yes it is," he said, gazing at her.

"We'd better get Rafe back home," Darla said.

"Probably a good idea," he said.

Darla smiled and talked excitedly to Liam as they made their way back to her house. The smile on her face fell when she saw who was waiting on the front steps. "Hans---what are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd told you I was going to be by," Hans replied.

"I think I would have remembered that," Darla said.

"Maybe I told Freddy to call," Hans shrugged.

"Liam, can you help me with the pram?" Darla asked.

"Of course," he said, trying not to look at Hans who was glaring at him.

Darla and Liam lifted the pram up onto the porch. Darla opened the door and she stood back to allow Hans to enter. "Rafe's sleeping."

"Oh," Hans replied.

Liam closed the door behind him. "How are you, Hans?"

"Fine," Hans gave him a cursory glance.

"You're quite tan," Darla commented.

"I've been in Fiji on a shoot," Hans explained. "Lots of time on the beach."

Darla resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She gingerly lifted Rafe out of his pram and the infant let out a little cry.

"Shhh..." Darla said soothingly.

"Hiya, buddy," Hans said grinning at his son. "It's me...your Dad."

Rafe blinked at him and his face scrunched up.

"Can I hold him?" Hans asked.

"As long as he's not crying," Darla said,

"He's not," Hans said reaching for his son. "Hi, big guy."

Rafe opened his mouth and let out a loud cry.

Hans grimaced. "Rafe, come on, mate. It's me."

"He's probably hungry," Darla said.

"Can I feed him?" Hans asked.

"Sure..." Darla said. "Um... you know where the formula is."

Hans grinned and carried his son into the kitchen. Liam looked at Darla. "You okay?"

"I didn't expect him to be here today," Darla said.

Liam squeezed her shoulder. "Do you want me to go?"

"No," Darla said truthfully.

"Let me just check in with the office real quick," Liam said. "Can I use your fireplace?"

"Of course," Darla replied.

Liam smiled. "I'll be right back."

Darla went into the kitchen where Hans had successfully found a bottle. "How's he doing?"

"Great," Hans replied. "He was hungry."

"I figured as much," Darla smiled at her son.

"That bloke leave?" Hans asked.

"Liam," Darla said. "Is in the sitting room. He's my friend and he'll be sticking around."

Hans looked like he wanted to say something else about that, but thought better of it. "Merlin, Dar. He's getting so big."

"Yes he is," Darla stroked Liam's soft hair back.

"You are going to love New York during Christmas," Hans said looking at his son. "My mum and dad are flying in and they can't wait to see---"

"Wait just a minute," Darla said. "I never said anything about going to New York for Christmas."

"I think it's only fair," Hans said. "You have him all the time, Darla."

"Only because you're travelling all over the place!" Darla exclaimed.

"I want him with me for Christmas," Hans retorted. "It's his first Christmas---"

"And he should be with his mother," Darla snapped. "Well really, he should be with BOTH parents, but you're too busy gallivanting--"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hans asked angrily.

"It means you're never here," Darla said hotly. "You show up when you want, you never call, you never--"

"I'm working, Darla!" Hans shouted. He dropped the bottle and Rafe started to wail.

Darla took her son from Hans. "I think you should leave."

"Is everything alright?" Liam asked from the doorway.

"No," Darla glared at her husband.

"If you're arguing about the holiday," Liam started to say.

"It's none of your business," Hans said to him.

Darla patted Rafe's back soothingly. "It's okay, Rafe. It's okay."

"This doesn't concern you at all," Hans told Liam. "In fact--"

"Quit it," Darla said to Hans. "Look, this isn't what either of us need. Hans---this is Rafe's first Christmas and I want him to spend it here. You---you're more than welcome to join us at the Burrow with your parents, but there's no way I'm letting my son leave the country."

"He's my son too," Hans said. "I have every right to him."

"Yes, you do," Darla said. "But, I'm asking you to please compromise here."

"As a healer, I would strongly advise against taking him away for the first few months after his birth," Liam offered quietly.

"I am still nursing him," Darla pointed out.

Hans glared at both of them.

"Hans, we can both share his first Christmas," Darla said. "And I know---I know how important he is to your family, too."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that when I'm in New York and you're here?" Hans snapped.

"You and your parents could come to the Burrow on Christmas Day," Darla replied.

"I don't think so," Hans shook his head.

"Why not?" Darla asked him.

"We weren't invited," he pointed out.

Darla rolled her eyes. "For Merlin's sake, Hans. I just invited you."

"It's just not going to work," Hans told her.

"Why not?" Darla asked incredulously. "You know that my parents have always gotten along well with yours..."

"None of your family likes me," Hans told her.

"That's not true," Darla argued.

"Yes it is," he said.

"Can't you get over yourself for one day and think about your son?" Darla asked. "You'll be there to visit with your son. I'll make sure everyone's on their best behaviour."

"I don't know," Hans said.

Darla sighed.

"It's too late for a lot of this," he said.

"Look, I'll let you have him for Christmas Eve," Darla finally relented. "But I get him for Christmas Day. Next year, we can change. Take it or leave it, Hans."

Hans didn't look pleased, but he agreed.

"And I want your word that he's not going to be sitting in a crib while you're off at some party," Darla said.

"I'd be there with him," Hans said defensively.

Liam could tell how hard this was for Darla and he could see she was staving off the tears. The idea of being without her son for even a day was torture for her.

"I'll come get him that morning and bring him back in the evening," Hans was saying.

Darla nodded. "Okay."

Hans looked at his son, who was content in Darla's arms. "I guess... I guess this wasn't the best time for a visit..."

"You just took us by surprise is all," Darla said. She looked at him. "You can put him down if you'd like."

"Okay," Hans agreed, taking his son back into his arms.

Darla watched as Hans carried him out of the kitchen. She bent down to clean up the mess from the spilled bottle, but Liam put his hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"

Darla shook her head. "Why does he always do this to me?"

"I don't know," Liam said quietly. "Come here."

Darla let Liam hug her closely and she brushed a few tears away.

"I know that wasn't easy for you," Liam said softly.

"He always seems to just assume I'm going to let him take Rafe here or there without even asking first," Darla said.

Liam wanted to second that thought, but Darla didn't need him egging her on. She needed his support and his friendship and he would gladly give that to her.

He rubbed her back for a moment before she pulled away to finish cleaning up the mess.

Liam looked out the window. "Darla, look at this---"

"What?" she asked, joining him.

"The snow," Liam said. "It's really coming down now."

"Oh my," Darla said. "You were right."

In the nursery, Hans was looking down at his son. "I'm sorry about today, Rafe. I always seem to screw things up where you're concerned."

Rafe looked up at him and yawned.

Hans smiled ruefully. "You understand this about as much as I do."

He carefully laid his son in the crib and watched for a few minutes as Rafe fell asleep.

"I'll see you soon," Hans promised. "I love you."

He headed back to the kitchen and his throat tightened when he saw Darla and Liam standing closely together at the window.

"It's so pretty," Darla was saying.

"Yes it is," Liam agreed softly.

Hans cleared his throat.

Darla turned to look at her husband. "Is Rafe asleep?"

Hans nodded. "Yeah."

"Good," Darla said glancing between him and Liam.

Hans looked at Liam. "You seem to always be here."

"He's my friend," Darla cut in.

"Friend," Hans muttered. "Right. Look, I'm out of here..."

"As usual," Darla muttered.

Hans ignored the comment and stalked out of the house.

Darla sighed. "I'm so sorry, Liam. Some days when he comes over he's like he used to be, but most of the time he's like this."

"You have nothing to apologise for," Liam told her.

"I feel like I do," Darla replied.

Liam shook his head. "No, you don't. You're not responsible for him or how he acts, Darla."

"Thanks," she said quietly.

Liam shrugged. "No problem."

"How about some coffee?" she asked.

"I'd love some," Liam replied.

Darla smiled and went over to her coffeepot to make some.

"So," Darla said eager for a change in conversation. "What do you think you'll get your mum for Christmas?"

"Aside from the wand warmer you mean?" he asked ruefully.

"Yes," Darla replied with a grin. "If you're having trouble, you should think about going to the Magic Menagerie. They have these really nice music boxes. You mentioned how much your mum loves classical music."

"That's a good idea," he nodded. "Thank you."

Darla smiled. "What about your brother?"

"We don't get gifts for each other," Liam explained.

"You're lucky," Darla said grinning at him. "I have to buy for Josh, Jon, Maddie, Drew, RJ, Chloe, Noah, Aidan, Casey, Emma, Adam, Caroline. Audrey, Lizzy, Allison, Ethan, Kiera..."

"And the list goes on," Liam joked. "I hope you've started."

"I've picked up a few things here and there," Darla replied setting a cup of coffee in front of him. "But I'm nowhere near finished."

"Maybe we should help each other out," he suggested.

"Go shopping together?" Darla asked.

"Sure," he said.

Darla nodded. "That'd be great. If you can squeeze me in, busy healer."

"I'll find time," he said, taking her coffee cup.

"I'll make you carry all my bags," Darla joked.

"I'm a gentleman," Liam said with a grin. "I'd do that anyway."

"I'm going to hold you to that, Thornhart," Darla said, playfully hitting him on the arm.

He laughed. "Perhaps next week would be good."

"That's perfect," Darla said. "I can have my mum watch Rafe."

"Sure," Liam nodded. "That sounds good."

"And this time, I'm paying for dinner," Darla said. "I mean it..."

"I don't mind--" he began.

"You've paid for the last three dinners," Darla reminded him. "This time, it's my turn."

"Agreed," he nodded.

"We'll have fun," Darla said smiling at him.

"Absolutely," Liam agreed.

Darla momentarily forgot about the drama with Hans. Liam always had a habit of doing that---making her forget her troubles. He really was such a great friend.

Rafe's cries made them both turn away. "I better go get him," Darla said.

"I should go," Liam said.

"You don't have to," she shook her head.

"I need to check in at the office anyway," Liam said standing up.

"Okay," Darla said. "Thank you for going with me today. And for sticking around after Hans..."

"Of course," Liam said.

"I'll talk to you later," Darla smiled at him.

Liam kissed her cheek. "Bye, Darla."

"Bye," she said softly. She waited until he was gone before touching her cheek.

Rafe's cries interrupted her thoughts and she walked quickly to the nursery.

"Hello my love," she said, picking her son up. "Smells like you left me a nice surprise..."

The look on his face made her heart melt. "You've been studying with your Aunt Maddie, haven't you?"

Rafe stopped crying and looked up at her as she changed his nappy.

"We had fun today, didn't we?" Darla asked him.

Rafe cooed at her.

"Until your dad showed up," Darla said picking him up and hugging him to her. "I know he loves you, Rafe. But, still..."

"Ooooh," Rafe said, grabbing for a lock of her long hair.

Darla laughed. "What are you doing, buddy?"

Her son smiled at her.

"You're the most important person in the world to me," Darla said kissing his cheek.

Rafe cooed again as she carried him downstairs.

Darla carried him over to the window. "Look at all that snow, Rafe!"

Her son gazed outside and lifted his little hand.

"Pretty cool, eh?" Darla asked smiling at him.

She carried him into the sitting room and sat down with him on the sofa. Darla could watch her son for hours and never tire of it.

She hated the thought of being without her son for even a few hours, but she knew Hans needed time with him, too. This was not how she wanted to raise her son, shuffling him back and forth.

"We've got to figure something out," she said to him.

Darla had to admit that having Hans at the Burrow for Christmas would have been tension-filled.

It made her glad that he had not accepted.

Darla loved her sister, but she also knew Drew would have made snarky comments throughout the day and Jon and Josh would have shot Hans death glares the whole time.

And she had to admit she liked the thought of Liam joining her there.

He deserved to have a nice Christmas and she knew he was taking a bit step by agreeing to spend some of it with his estranged family.

The most important thing to her though was how wonderful he was with Rafe.

Liam never made it seem like being with Rafe was a chore or an inconvenience.

Darla kissed her son's soft head. Every decision she made now had to be for her son's sake. Anyone in her life had to accept him.

"You're my boy," Darla whispered.

Rafe looked up at her and smiled again.

"My boy," Darla said smiling back at him.

*** *** ***

It was only a couple of days before the students would be going home for Christmas and everyone was studying for their exams. Ashley and Katie Malfoy were eager to go home to meet their cousin for the very first time.

Ashley was heading for the library to meet up with Zander, Celia, Evan and Brittany to study when the Head Girl stopped her.

"Ashley Malfoy?" Nicola Ryan asked her. "Your mother asked me to come and find you. She needs to see you in her office."

"Is everything okay?" Ashley asked anxiously.

Nicola shrugged. "I'm not sure. She just asked to see you."

"Okay," Ashley said. "Thanks." she looked at her friends. "Guess I'll meet you lot in the library."

Ashley headed upstairs for her mother's classroom. Julie smiled at her daughter. "No need to look frightened, love. This is a good visit."