Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Tonight marks the arrival of a certain someone!

Saffron felt a mixture of nerves and excitement as her due date arrived. Ellie had been quite active as of late and Saffron couldn't wait to hold her daughter in her arms for the first time.

Andrew had left for his match and Saffron was alone with Puddles. "Puddles, I can't see my feet anymore."

Puddles whined as Saffron rubbed her stomach.

"I'm hungry," Saffron said trying to get to her feet. "Mmmm...."

Puddles got to his feet and gave her a hopeful look.

"And I'll get you a treat, too," Saffron smiled as she finally managed to stand up. "Just you---oh...."

To her surprise, water trickled down her legs. "Oh my..." she said, her knees trembling.

Puddles whimpered and looked up at Saffron.

Saffron managed to stumble to the fireplace. "Mum!" she cried into the flames after throwing a pinch of powder into them. "Mum!"

"Saffy?" Hermione rushed into the sitting room. "Baby, what is it?"

"My water broke," Saffron pointed to the puddle on the floor.

"Your father and I will be right there," Hermione said. "Stay calm."

Saffron nodded as she took in a deep breath.

Hermione hurried upstairs to fetch Harry who had been taking a shower. "Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, flinging back the shower curtain.

Harry jumped, dropping the bar of soap in his hand. "Hermione!"

"Saffy's in labour!" Hermione shouted at him.

Harry gaped at her.

"For Merlin's sake, get out of there!" Hermione said throwing a towel at him.

Harry tried to say something but she pulled the curtain shut and ran out of the bathroom.

Hermione ran back downstairs and grabbed her bag before throwing some Floo powder in the fireplace.

Saffron was leaning against the fireplace and breathing in and out deeply.

"Everything's going to be okay, sweetheart," Hermione said. "Where's Andrew?"

"At his game," Saffron said. "I told him to go..."

"I'll ring Ethan," Hermione said. "Have him bring Andrew to the hospital. Your father will be here in just a minute."

"Okay," Saffron said as a wave of pain so immense washed over her that she sank to her knees.

"Saffy?" Hermione asked.

"It hurts," Saffron whimpered. "It hurts so bad..."

"Hermione?" Harry asked, having just appeared in front of the fireplace. "Saffy---?"

"It hurts," Saffron said, tears in her eyes.

"We need to get her to St. Mungos now," Hermione said.

"Right," Harry said. "Come on Saffy. We need to get you up."

Saffron put her arms around Harry's neck and he carefully lifted her.

"How do you do that?" Saffron asked him dazedly.

Harry smiled. "Remember what you told me when you were a little girl? I can do anything."

Saffron managed a tiny smile.

Hermione rang Ethan and told him to find Andrew at the Wimbourne pitch. "Hurry, Ethan."

"We'll be there soon as I can find him," Ethan said.

"Thanks," Hermione said, before ending the call. She looked at Harry and Saffron. "Let's go."

"OOOH!" Saffron moaned as another pain wracked her body.

Hermione grabbed Saffron's bag and the three of them set off for St. Mungos.

It didn't take them long to get Saffron checked into a private room. Already it seemed the media knew, as there were a few reporters camped out in the lobby.

"The nurse said Pansy would be in here soon," Hermione reassured Saffron.

"Good," Saffron's head fell back. "Where's Andrew?"

"He'll be here," Harry said.

"I need him," Saffron whined.

"He wouldn't miss this," Hermione said, squeezing Saffron's hand. "Just breathe, baby."

Saffron clenched her teeth together and breathed.

"That's it," Hermione said.

The match was already underway and Ethan was having a little trouble getting past security. "I need to see Andrew Kirke straightaway," Ethan told the guard. "Please---it's important."

"I need authorization," the guard replied.

Ethan pulled out his Auror badge. "How's this?"

"On what business are you here?" the guard asked.

Ethan sighed. "I need to see Andrew Kirke. He's my brother-in-law and my sister's gone into labour."

The guard looked suspiciously at him. "You're Saffron Potter's brother?"

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Yes."

The guard finally stepped aside and Ethan swept past him.

Ethan hurried down to the pitch and had to deal with another guard. Thankfully, this one was a little more lenient and he let Ethan through. Ethan approached the Wimbourne coach. "Sir, Andrew needs to come down. Saffy's in labour."

Andrew's coach frowned at him. "The match has just started--"

Ethan looked at him. "I don't know if you've ever met my sister...but if Andrew misses the birth of their first child, there's no telling what she'd do to you. I do know it wouldn't be pretty and you might not be able to walk for quite some time..."

The coach blanched. "I've met her..." he blew his whistle and motioned for a time out.

"Wise choice," Ethan said.

"Kirke," the coach said. "You're needed at the hospital."

Andrew noticed Ethan. "Saffy---she's----she's...."

"She's in labour," Ethan told him.

Andrew dropped his broom.

"Come on," Ethan gestured. "Her water broke and she's already at hospital."

Andrew nodded. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. "Right---"

"Way to go, Kirke," one of his team-mates slapped him on the back. "About to become a dad!"

Andrew grinned. "Yeah. I am."

"Andrew," Ethan said impatiently. "Come on!"

Andrew ran after him.

"How is she?" Andrew asked. "I mean... is she in a lot of pain? How long has she been in labour?"

"I don't know, mate," Ethan said. "Mum just rang me from your place. Said Saffy was in labour and they were taking her to St. Mungos."

Andrew nodded. "I wasn't even going to play today, but she insisted. I can't believe I wasn't there!"

"It's okay," Ethan said thinking of how he hadn't been there for Maddie when she'd given birth to Kiera. "You're not going to miss it."

Andrew realised he was shaking. "I'm terrified."

Ethan smiled. "Just keep thinking about that little girl you're going to meet."

Andrew nodded as they Apparated to St. Mungos and hurried up to Saffron's room.

Saffron was eating ice chips when Andrew and Ethan rushed into the room. "Andrew!"

"Saffy I'm so sorry I wasn't there," Andrew said in a rush. "I didn't want to go--"

"It's okay," Saffron reassured him. "I told you to go." She laughed. "You're still wearing your Quidditch robes!"

"Yeah Ethan came and got me from the game," Andrew replied. "We just started."

Hermione stood up and allowed Ethan to take her seat by Saffron's bed. "Pansy said she's doing well. It should be a few hours though before she delivers."

"A few hours?" Andrew asked. "We have to wait that long?"

"It's a lot of waiting," Harry told him.

Hermione and Saffron glared at him. "Oh, poor pitiful you," Hermione said rolling her eyes. "You blokes get the easy part in all this."

"Ethan," Harry said. "Want to head down to the cafeteria with me?" he was eager to escape the dirty looks his wife and daughter were sending his way.

"Sure," Ethan said with a grin. "Let's get you out of here before you're turned to stone, Dad."

"I'm staying," Andrew said, weaving his fingers with Saffron's.

Saffron smiled. "I'm glad."

Andrew tucked her hair back. "Can I get you anything?"

"I'm okay for now," Saffron said. "They gave me a little something for the pain."

"Good," he said squeezing her hand.

"I was just sitting with Puddles on the sofa," Saffron told him. "And I was going to get myself a snack and I stood up and my waters broke..."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," Andrew said. "I know you told me to go to the match, but--

Saffron shook her head. "She's a week early, Andrew. You couldn't have known that. And I wanted you to play."

Andrew leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I don't care if she takes a week to come- I'm not leaving your side."

Saffron felt tears well up in her eyes. "Oh, Andrew..."

"I love you," he said softly.

"I love you too," Saffron said. "More than anything."

"And we're going to meet our daughter today," Andrew said.

Saffron smiled. "I can't wait to see her, Andrew."

"Me either," Andrew said. "I bet she looks just like you."

Saffron laughed. "I hope she doesn't have my hair. Poor thing."

"She'll be perfect no matter what," Andrew said.

"Yes, she will," Saffron said. She felt a slight pain as another contraction hit her. Thanks to the pain spell Pansy had cast, she only felt a slight bit of discomfort.

"So what are we going to do for a few hours?" Andrew asked.

Saffron shrugged. "I'm not sure. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," he said sheepishly. "I guess I'm not that prepared for this."

"Our whole life is going to change," Saffron said softly. "In just a few hours."

"I know," he said. "We're going to be parents."

"We're going to be the coolest parents in the whole world," Saffron grinned.

Andrew laughed. "You think so?"

"Absolutely," Saffron laughed. "And when she starts dating..."

"She's not," Andrew replied.

Saffron nudged him. "Andrew, she's going to date."

Andrew just shook his head. "I'll be screening all those blokes."

"Will you now?" Saffron asked. She patted her stomach. "Poor Ellie. She's going to have you, my Dad and Ethan looking out for her. That poor bloke will never have a chance."

"Got to watch out for my girl," Andrew said.

Saffron's lower lip trembled. "Andrew, that's so sweet!"

"Come on Saf, don't cry," he said, wiping a tear away with his thumb.

"I can't help it," Saffron said. "She's your girl."

"You both are," he said.

Saffron gave him a kiss. "And we love you so much."

Andrew tucked her hair back. "I love you too, Saf. You and Ellie are everything to me now."

Saffron clasped his hand. "I've been waiting so long for this day and now I'm scared to death, Andrew."

"I'm scared too," he admitted.

"I want to protect her from everything," Saffron said softly.

"Me too," he agreed. "We won't always be able to, though."

Saffron nodded. "We'll do everything we can though."

"We'll do the best we can," Andrew told her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Saffron replied. "Now that you're here."

"How's the pain?" he asked.

"Not too bad," Saffron said. "But I imagine that's going to change soon."

"The closer it gets together the sooner the birth will be, right?" he asked.

Saffron nodded. There was a knock on the door and Saffron smiled when she saw Julie. "Jules---what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Hogwarts?"

"I couldn't miss my baby sister giving birth," Julie said.

"Hi, Julie," Andrew said.

"Hi Andrew," Julie greeted her sister's fiancé.

"I'm just going to see if my parents have arrived yet," Andrew said giving Saffron's hand a squeeze. "I'll be right back. I promise."

"Okay," Saffron said. "Don't' be long."

"I won't," Andrew said giving her a kiss before he left the room.

"So," Julie said taking a seat. "How are you holding up?"

"At first it hurt so badly," Saffron said. "But right now I'm all right."

"You gotta love those pain spells," Julie said with a grin.

"Oh absolutely," Saffron leaned back. "How are my nieces?"

"They're fine," Julie said. "They wanted to come with me, but I told them I'd let them know as soon as their cousin arrives."

"Katie's enjoying school?" Saffron asked.

"She's thriving in Slytherin," Julie said shaking her head.

Saffron bit her lower lip. "I hope it doesn't influence her."

"She's not even talking to her old friend Lindsey," Julie said.

"Really?" Saffron asked.

"Apparently, Lindsey thwarted this girl Jemima's plan to get back at another girl," Julie said.

"It all sounds so dramatic," Saffron replied.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe it," Julie said. "And the sad thing is, Katie's only 11. I can't imagine what this will be like when she's 16."

"I think we should all watch out," Saffron said, reaching for her ice chips.

"Don't tell Nick that," Julie laughed.

"He won't hear it from me," Saffron promised.

"Do you want me to get you some more ice chips?" Julie offered. "Or something to eat?"

Saffron shook her head. "I just want my daughter to be born."

Julie squeezed her hand. "You're going to be a great mum, Saffy."

"I hope so," Saffron said. "I'm scared I'm going to muck it up."

"I was worried about the same thing," Julie admitted.

"But you're a good mum," Saffron said. "You always have been."

"And you will be too," Julie said. "We had a great example of that growing up."

"I hope so," Saffron said, rubbing her stomach.

A few hours later, Saffron's contractions were closer together. She was only allowed two guests in the delivery room and she'd chosen Andrew and her mother. The pain lessening spell that Pansy had cast was starting to wear off and Saffron grimaced as another contraction hit her. "Mum---"

"Breathe through it, baby." Hermione coached.

Andrew wiped the sweat from Saffron's brow.

Saffron blew out a long breath through her lips.

"Okay," Pansy said coming into the room. "Let's see how things look..."

"Can you just knock me out?" Saffron pleaded. "And then wake me up when she's here?"

"You're going to be fine," Pansy told her. "It won't be long now."

"You don't want to miss this, sweetheart," Hermione said softly.

Saffron laid her head back. "Andrew," she said weakly.

"What do you need Saffron?" Andrew asked, dabbing her forehead with the cold rag.

"Don't leave me," she said. "Please..."

"I'm not going anywhere," Andrew said. "You know that."

"I just want this to be over with," Saffron moaned.

Saffron felt another sharp pain and looked over at her mother. "I--I can't did this...three times, Mum."

"It was worth it each time," Hermione told her, taking the rag from Andrew and wiping her forehead. "By the way, your father rang Alexa."

"He---he did?" Saffron asked weakly.

"And she says she's thinking of you and wants to hear from you as soon as possible," Hermione said.

Saffron nodded. She wished Alexa could be here, too.

Pansy sat down at the end of the bed. "Okay, Saffron. I'm going to need you to push. On the count of"

Andrew gripped Saffron's hand in his. "Squeeze as hard as you want, Saf."

Saffron squeezed his hand and pushed as hard as she could.

Pansy nodded. "Good one. Can you give me another?"

"I don't know," Saffron whimpered. "Yes..."

"I know you're exhausted, baby," Hermione said wiping Saffron's brow. "But you can do this."

Saffron nodded and clenched her teeth as she pushed again as hard as she could.

"I can see her head," Pansy announced.

Saffron's eyes filled with tears. "She's almost out?"

Andrew's own eyes were shining as he looked at Pansy.

Pansy smiled at them. "Nearly..."

Saffron geared herself up to push again.

"Push," Pansy said. "Hard as you can, Saffy."

Saffron gripped Andrew's hand in hers and pushed, a cry escaping her lips as she did so.

The sound of a baby's cry echoed in the room.

"Ellie," Saffron said weakly.

Andrew couldn't speak as he saw Pansy hand his daughter off to one of the nurses.

"Is---is she okay?" Saffron whispered hoarsely.

"She's perfectly fine," Pansy assured her. "We just have to clean the two of you up."

Saffron nodded and leaned her back against the pillow. She couldn't remember ever feeling this knackered before in her life.

"You did it Saf," Andrew said. "You did it."

Saffron smiled weakly. "Yes--"

Andrew gave her a kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Saffron whispered.

Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes. "Saffy, I'm---I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Mum," Saffron said as one of the nurses brought Ellie over to the bed.

"She's ready to meet her parents," the nurse said gingerly handing the baby to Saffron.

"She's beautiful," Saffron said, eagerly taking her daughter into her arms. "I can't believe how perfect she is!"

"She's gorgeous," Hermione whispered.

Andrew couldn't believe the sight in front of him. "She's really okay?" he couldn't help asking.

"Completely," Pansy announced.

Saffron looked down at her daughter. "Andrew, look at her little fingers!"

"Yeah," Andrew said with a huge grin.

"Welcome to the world, Elinore Kirke," Saffron said softly.

Hermione ducked outside unnoticed to tell Harry, Ethan and Julie the news.

"Do you want to hold her?" Saffron asked Andrew.

"Is it okay?" he asked.

Saffron smiled. "Of course it's okay."

Andrew carefully took Ellie into his arms. He couldn't stop staring at her.

Ellie smacked her lips and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Hey there," he said softly.

Saffron felt fresh tears in her eyes as she watched him with their daughter.

"She's amazing," Andrew said, looking up at Saffron.

"She is," Saffron said. "She has your nose, you know."

"And your hair," he teased.

"I'm sorry, Ellie," Saffron joked.

"Here," Andrew passed her back to Saffron.

Saffron kissed her daughter's soft cheek. "I love you, Ellie."

Andrew smiled at the two of them. "We have a little family now," he said, sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

"We do," Saffron whispered.

Andrew kissed the side of Saffron's head as they both gazed down at their daughter.

Hermione popped her head back inside. "Pansy, would it be alright if Harry came inside?"

Pansy pretended to think this over. "Hmmm...."

"It's okay," Saffron said with a grin.

"Just for a few minutes," Pansy said.

Harry came in a moment later. "Hi baby," he said.

"Ellie," Saffron said. "That is your grandfather."

"She's gorgeous, Saffy." Harry said softly, looking with pride at his new granddaughter.

"Would you like to hold her, 'Grandpa'?" Saffron asked with a grin.

"Sure," Harry replied, taking the little bundle into his arms.

Hermione smiled at her husband. "She looks just like Saffy."

"Yes she does," Harry said with a grin.

"She's got Andrew's nose," Saffron replied.

"And she is going to be the biggest Wimbourne fan the world has ever seen," Andrew said.

At this, Ellie let out a cry.

"I don't think so," Saffron shook her head.

"Ellie, you're breaking my heart," Andrew said.

"She's lived inside me for nine months and has eaten and breathed Puddlemere," Saffron said.

Harry laughed. "She makes a fair argument, Andrew."

"I have to try," Andrew said good-naturedly.

"She'll pull for you when you're not playing her mummy," Hermione said.

Harry nodded. "Absolutely."

Andrew's parents snuck in to see their first grandchild. After everyone had a chance to see the baby, the nurses took the baby to the nursery.

"Get some sleep, baby," Hermione said kissing Saffron's cheek.

Saffron nodded, her eyes already half shut.

"We love you," Harry said squeezing her hand.

"Love you too," Saffron murmured.

Andrew sat back down beside his fiancée. He reached for her hand.

"Don't leave," she said softly.

"They'd have to pry me away," Andrew said giving her a kiss.

"I don't want to sleep long," she said. "Just a little while. Then I want to go see Ellie again."

Andrew smiled. "You just want to fill her head with Puddlemere."

Saffron shook her head. "She already knows who she's pulling for."

"She's absolutely perfect," Andrew said softly. "Ten little fingers and ten toes...brown hair...."

"Perfect," Saffron said, her eyes drooping shut.

While Saffron slept, Ethan and Maddie were getting their first look at their new niece. In her little incubator, Ellie Kirke was sleeping soundly.

"She's so sweet," Maddie breathed, her hand on her own round stomach.

"She'll have a little playmate in a few weeks," Ethan said.

Maddie nodded. "If all goes to plan."

"I know it will," Ethan said.

"Mr. Potter?" the nurse asked. "Would you and Mrs. Potter like to come inside the nursery? You can hold your niece if you'd like."

"Go on ahead," Andrew said, coming up behind them. "Saffron's going to be asleep for a little while yet."

Maddie grinned. "Thanks, Andrew."

Ethan grinned as the nurse placed Ellie into his arms.

"Hi, Little Brat," Ethan said affectionately.

"Ethan," Maddie chastised.

"Don't you listen to a word your mum says about me," Ethan said looking down at Kiera.

"Because it's all true, baby girl," Andrew gazed proudly at his daughter.

Ethan laughed. "Don't listen to him, either, Ellie."

Maddie looked over Ethan's shoulder at the newborn. "You know, I think your Gran would have been so proud to see her name passed on to her great-granddaughter."

"She would have loved it," Ethan agreed.

"How does it feel to be a dad?" Maddie asked Andrew.

"So far so good," Andrew replied.

"We should go and pick up Kiera," Maddie said. She could tell Andrew wanted to be alone with his daughter. "Tell Saffy we'll be back later."

"I will," Andrew carefully took Ellie into his arms.

When he was alone, Andrew sat down with his daughter in the rocking chair. Ellie looked up at him and smacked her small lips.

"Hi baby girl," he whispered. "I'm your dad."

Ellie gave him a little smile.

Andrew grinned back at her. "I've been looking forward to meeting you for months.

"Your mum is sleeping right now, but she's going to come and see you when she wakes up," Andrew said softly.

Ellie let out a soft coo and closed her eyes.

Andrew had thought many times over these last few months about what it would be like to hold his daughter in his arms, but those thoughts paled in comparison to the real thing. She was so tiny, so fragile and he was filled with so much love for this sweet little baby.

"Mr. Kirke?" the nurse said. "We need to put her back until it's time for her to be fed."

Andrew nodded. "Sweet dreams, baby girl." He decided to go back and sit with Saffron while she slept.

Saffron was still fast asleep. Andrew yawned as he sat down. He was knackered, too.

He pulled the chair over next to her bed and reached for her hand.

She was smiling as she slept and Andrew wondered what she was dreaming about.

"Long as you're happy," he said quietly, gazing at her. Andrew leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"Baby's here," Saffron murmured in her sleep.

Andrew chuckled. "Yes, she is."

"Ellie," Saffron said, turning on her side.

"She's fine," Andrew said softly. "I just saw her, Saffy. Absolutely perfect."

"Hmmm..." Saffron said, still sound asleep.

Andrew closed his eyes and reflected on everything that had happened that day.

He couldn't believe Ellie was here. He and Saffron were now responsible for another life- a tiny little person that was going to depend on them for everything.

Saffron and Andrew slept for a couple of hours. Saffron awoke eager to see her baby daughter.

"Andrew," she said, poking his shoulder.

"Hmm?" he asked sleepily.

"Hey," she said softly.

Andrew's eyes blinked open. "Saffy---what---what time is it?"

"I don't know," Saffron said. "I just woke up..."

"How are you feeling?" Andrew asked stretching in the uncomfortable chair.

"Good," Saffron said. "Lighter..." she added jokingly.

Andrew laughed. "I can imagine. You--you want to go and see her?"

"Oh yes," Saffron reached for her robe.

"Easy," Andrew said taking it from her.

"I'm okay," Saffron assured him.

Andrew helped her into the robe and together they set off for the nursery.

Saffron leaned against him as they went down the corridor. "Where's everyone?"

"Maddie and Ethan went to the Burrow to pick up Kiera," Andrew replied. "Your parents were going to come back later and Julie had to go back to Hogwarts. My parents will be back, too."

"Good," Saffron said as they came to the nursery.

The nurse on duty waved them inside. "Miss Potter, you are just in time. Your little one is wide awake."

Saffron grinned excitedly.

"Have a seat and I'll bring her to you," the nurse said.

"I bet she's hungry," Saffron carefully took Ellie into her arms.

Andrew grinned as he looked down at their daughter. "Hi, Ellie."

"Hello gorgeous," Saffron said softly, touching her daughter's smooth cheek.

Ellie stared wide-eyed up at her.

"She's got your eyes," Saffron commented.

"She does, doesn't she?" Andrew asked softly.

Saffron was taught how to nurse and before long, she was feeding Ellie for the first time. "This is incredible," she said.

Andrew sat down beside her. "This is surreal. Last night, it was just you and me…and now, we're here."

"I know," Saffron agreed. "Everything's changed."

"Everything," Andrew said smiling at her.

Saffron watched as Ellie fed contentedly. "She's already such a good baby."

"Well," Andrew grinned. "She's our girl."

"If that's the case, and she takes after me, we're in for a ride," Saffron grinned ruefully.

"Uh oh," Andrew said shaking his head.

Saffron lifted Ellie as she finished eating. "Or perhaps she'll be more easygoing like you."

"Or maybe she'll have the best of both of us," Andrew said thoughtfully.

"There we go," Saffron gently patted Ellie's back.

"Well, there you two are!" a familiar voice said from the doorway to the nursery. "Lexie and I have been looking all over the place for you!"

"RJ!" Saffron exclaimed.

Alexa stepped out from behind him. "And me."

"Lexie," Saffron's eyes filled up with unexpected tears at the sight of her best friend.

"Oh, would you look at her!" Alexa exclaimed. "Saffy---"

Saffron grinned. "Would you like to hold her?"

Alexa nodded eagerly.

Saffron stood up and Alexa took her seat. Saffron carefully handed Ellie over to her best friend.

"Ellie Kirke," Alexa whispered.

"Way to go mate," RJ clapped Andrew on the back.

"Thanks," Andrew grinned. "I'm really glad you two made it."

"We wouldn't have missed it," RJ told him. "I'm really happy for both of you."

"I just fed her for the first time," Saffron told Alexa. "It was amazing, Lex."

"I can imagine," Alexa said, hardly tearing her eyes away from the infant in her arms.

"She has Andrew's eyes and nose," Saffron said. "And my mouth and hair, don't you think?"

"If she has your mouth we're all in trouble," RJ joked.

Saffron glared at him. "RJ Weasley..."

"Just kidding," RJ held up his hands.

"Godfather," Alexa said. "Would you like to hold her?"

"Sure," RJ nodded. "I'd love to."

Alexa stood up and gingerly handed the baby to him.

RJ grinned at the infant. "Hey there."

Ellie looked up at him and cooed.

"She loves me," RJ said. "Of course..."

Alexa laughed. "She's just reeling you in, RJ."

"That's my girl," Andrew said proudly.

Saffron yawned and leaned against Andrew. He put his arm around her. "This is my other girl."

Alexa smiled at the two of them. "You two are bound to be tired, Mum and Dad."

Saffron nodded sleepily. "You have no idea."

"We won't keep you," RJ said, handing Ellie to Andrew.

Saffron looked at Alexa. "You're going to stay, right? For a couple of days at least?"

Alexa nodded. "Thankfully it's the weekend. I told Carmen I was staying with Gabe for a few days so she won't try ringing me."

Saffron grinned. "I'm so glad. I want her first days to be filled surrounded by everyone that loves her."

"I definitely do," Alexa hugged her tightly. "I'm so happy for you, Saffy."

"I have everything I ever wanted," Saffron said looking at Andrew.

Andrew grinned at her. "And it's not going anywhere."

Saffron grinned back at him.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," Alexa promised.

"I'm so glad you both were here," Saffron said giving RJ a hug.

"Wouldn't have missed it," RJ said.

Saffron smiled at him. "Good night, RJ."

"See you later, Pepper," RJ said.

Saffron swatted at him. She watched as Alexa and RJ left the room before turning back to Andrew and Ellie. "Is she sleeping?" Saffron asked softly.

Andrew nodded. "Out like a light."

Saffron smiled. "We should let her sleep."

Andrew nodded, a bit reluctantly. "I know you're tired too."

Saffron nodded. "But, it was all worth it."

"Absolutely," Andrew agreed, pressing a soft kiss to Ellie's forehead.

"Sleep well, my little one," Saffron whispered. "I'll be back in just a little while. I promise."

Andrew set her back in the incubator and took Saffron's hand.

The new parents looked at their daughter for a few moments.

"Everything's going to go right for her," Saffron said.

Andrew nodded. "Yes, it will.'

"None of this drama we've gone through," Saffron continued/

"We've had enough of that to last a lifetime," Andrew said.

Saffron nodded. "Quite so," she said as they left the nursery.

Andrew squeezed her hand. "And we managed to get through the labour without you threatening to kill me or telling me I was never to touch you ever again.'

"I could never say that and mean it," Saffron replied.

Andrew smiled. "I am pretty irresistible."

"Completely irresistible," Saffron corrected.

Andrew helped Saffron back into her bed and then he slid in beside her.

"Staying here, Mr. Kirke?" Saffron asked.

"If you'll let me," Andrew replied.

"I wouldn't want you anywhere else," Saffron snuggled against him.

"Then, you are stuck with me, Saffron Grace," Andrew said softly.

"Always and forever, right?" she asked, closing her eyes.

"Always," Andrew promised.

"I can't wait to bring her home," Saffron murmured.

"Me too," Andrew agreed.

"It's going to be so great," Saffron said with a little sigh.

"It will be," Andrew agreed. "She's going to love her nursery."

"Oh yes," Saffron said, her eyes still closed.

"I love you," Andrew said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too," Saffron cracked her eyes open.

"What?" Andrew asked.

"I love..." Saffron yawned. "You too..."

Andrew laughed. "Get some sleep."

"I'm trying," Saffron said.

Andrew closed his eyes. "We'll see her soon."

Saffron didn't answer him this time.

Andrew peered at her and saw that she was asleep. It had been a long, wonderful day. Their new life was just beginning.