Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We hope you guys enjoy this chapter- and we KNOW many of you will certainly enjoy the next chapter. We brought back Fred and George in this one, and as always they do have tricks up their sleeve.

Next week we are interviewing Gabriel and we decided to put Alexa back in there again! So be sure and send in your questions… *wink wink*

Please let us know what you think- it only takes a few minutes to review! And we hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year!!!

Currently, RJ and Saffron were busy ignoring each other and sitting on opposite ends of the sitting room at the Burrow. Andrew was doing his best to play peacemaker for the two of them and so far it seemed to be working.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" Andrew asked her.

Saffron smiled at him. "About ten times, but you won't hear me complaining."

"I might not have won the Cup, but I certainly have the best girlfriend," Andrew said squeezing her hand.

"You still played so well," Saffron said. "I'm really proud of you Andrew."

"And you're really good for my ego," Andrew said grinning at her.

Saffron laughed as she leaned in to kiss him. "Very, very proud."

Andrew put his arms around her. "I'm still not telling you what your birthday present is."

"But we're so close," Saffron pouted. "Just a little hint?"

"No," Andrew replied firmly. "I'm not spoiling the surprise, Saffron Grace."

"Come on," Saffron wheedled.

"No," Andrew said shaking his head.

Saffron crossed her arms. "If I didn't love you so much..."

"You have two days to wait," Andrew said tweaking her nose. "Surely you can hold out for that long."

"Maybe," she said. "And don't' do that with my nose."

"You mean this," Andrew said doing it again.

"Stop," Saffron pushed his hand away. "It makes me feel like I'm about five."

"I could pinch your cheeks instead," Andrew said.

"I'll smack you," Saffron said, completely serious. "I don't even like it when my parents do it, much less my boyfriend."

"Okay," Andrew said. "To make up for it, how about I go get us something to drink?"

Saffron smiled at him. "Okay..."

"RJ, you want anything?" Andrew called out to his friend as he stood up.

"Butterbeer would be nice," RJ replied. "Thanks."

Andrew left to get the drinks and RJ decided to try and make an effort even though he had a feeling he was going to regret it. He stood up and sat down beside Saffron. "So, how've you been?"

Saffron exhaled and stood up.


"Hey Drew," Saffron said. "Can I hold Chloe?"

"Sure," Drew said handing her the baby.

"You are so gorgeous," Saffron cooed, turning away as RJ looked over her shoulder.

RJ rolled his eyes. She was acting like a two-year old and he was trying to be nice.

"So Drew," Saffron said with a grin. "Have you thought at all about those hair extensions?"

Drew laughed. "No, not at all."

"She doesn't need anything," Saffron said, touching Chloe's soft cheek. "She's perfect Drew. She's absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks, Saffy," Drew said smiling at her. "I think so, too."

"I think she looks like me," RJ cracked, grinning at his sister.

Drew laughed. "Because you're so gorgeous, too, eh?"

"You know it," RJ said, avoiding Saffron's dirty look.

"Alexa sends her best," Saffron said to Drew. "And she would have come today, but she had other plans. She's spending the day with Gabe today."

"Oh," Drew said quietly.

"That wanker's back in town?" RJ asked, narrowing his eyes.

"RJ---," Drew chastised.

"He's doing really well in school," Saffron carefully handed Chloe back to Drew as Andrew came back with a drink.

"And he and Alexa have become very, very close," Saffron continued.

RJ glared at her. "Why are you telling me this, Saffron? Hmmm?"

"Mate," Andrew said. "Why don't we go out back and you can show me some of those moves you did at the Cup?"

"How does it feel, RJ?" Saffron asked getting in his face. "To have someone you love go off and be with someone else? Doesn't feel too good, does it now?"

"None of that was any of your damn business," RJ said angrily.

"Guys--" Andrew said getting in between them. "Not here--"

"NONE OF MY BUSINESS?" Saffron practically roared at him. "She's my best friend and you broke her heart into a million pieces!"

"And she's dealing with it fine!" RJ's voice also rose. "If Alexa and I can be civil to one another, then you know damn well that she's doing fine!"

"And how would you know?" Saffron asked him. "The last time you saw her was on New Year's. You know it's a damn good thing she wasn't preg---"

"SAFFRON!" Andrew shouted.

Saffron stopped mid sentence and stared at her boyfriend. She had never once heard him shout and certainly never expected it to be at her.

"RJ's right," Andrew told her. "This isn't any of your business. Or my business---"

"Excuse me?" Saffron put her hands on her hips. "Alexa is MY best friend and--"

"And they broke up four months ago," Andrew reminded her. "You seem to be the only one who can't let this go."

"I can't believe you're taking up for him," Saffron said coolly. "I guess I see where your loyalties lie."

"He knows I don't agree with what went down, but he's my best mate, Saffron," Andrew said quietly. "And I don't like being put in the middle. I shouldn't have to choose."

"Thank you," RJ said sending Saffron a look. "At least Andrew here is thinking with a clear head."

"I think I'm going to go and help my mum," Saffron said glaring at the two of them.

Andrew sighed as she stalked away. "Great," he muttered.

"I tried," RJ said shaking his head.

Drew who was trying to quiet Chloe, nodded. "He did make an effort."

"I know," Andrew said. "I just wish she'd let it go."

"She didn't even have to bring up that shite about Boyd," RJ said plonking down on the sofa.

"Probably not," Drew agreed cautiously.

Drew studied her brother. "I couldn't help hearing---was there---I mean---there was a chance that Alexa was...pregnant."

"She wasn't," RJ said. "And let's just leave it at that, okay?"

Drew stood up with the baby. "The less I know would probably be better. I still think of you as my sweet baby brother..."

RJ rolled his eyes but smiled. "Thanks Drew."

Drew smiled back at him. "I'm going to put her down for her kip."

Once she had gone RJ looked at his friend. "I'm sorry," he said. "I don't want to come between you and Saffron."

Andrew handed his friend his drink. "It's okay. You tried."

"I just don't know why she won't let it go," RJ said in frustration. "She's a pain in my ass."

"Me, either," Andrew said looking out the window to where Saffron was sitting with her mother in the garden.

"You should go out there," RJ said.

"I'm not so sure," Andrew said.

"She won't be mad," RJ said. "She never gets mad at you."

"Well, I'm not going to cave on this one," Andrew said quietly. "I think she's being unreasonable. It's like she expects all of us to ostracise you."

"She should just get over it," RJ said darkly. "I'm not getting back with Alexa. I miss her, but I just don't want a girlfriend right now, no matter what Princess Potter says."

"And you're like how you used to be since Serena's out of the picture," Andrew said. "And Lexie seems to be handling this well. I mean, you haven't seen her, of course, but she never says anything bad about you. In fact, she asked how you were the other day when Saf and I stopped by the bakery."

"I'm glad she's all right," RJ said thoughtfully.

"You know you could stop by and say hello if you wanted," Andrew told him.

RJ shook his head. "Last time I saw her mom, she wasn't thinking too highly of me. It's probably best I just leave her be."

Andrew nodded and was about to say something else when Darla stalked into the room followed by Hans.

"You don't care about what flowers we have at our wedding?" she asked him.

"I-I never said that," Hans sputtered.

"You said that exact thing not two seconds ago!" Darla exclaimed. "And you get this bored look on your face anytime I bring up any detail about the wedding!"

"Dar!" Hans exclaimed. "Would you relax? I am not bored when we talk about our wedding!"

"And don't think I forgot that shite joke you made about just showing up on the day, either," Darla spat at him. "You're going to have to pull your fair share around here, Buster!"

Hans could only stare in disbelief as she brushed past him and stalked up the stairs.

"Whoa," RJ said to his future brother in law. "You all right Hans?"

Hans pumped his fist in frustration. "All I said was that I didn't care what flowers she had. I'm a bloke---we don't generally care about those things. And even if I had an opinion, she'd just do what she wanted anyway!"

"Seems as if we're all just pissing off the women around here today," Andrew said ruefully. "Join the club."

"And on a holiday too," Hans said shaking his head.

Andrew glanced outside to see Saffron still sitting with her mother. Part of him wanted to go apologise but the other part refused to let him cave in.

"You going to say anything or just sit and stew?" Hermione asked her daughter. "Hmmm?"

Saffron kicked at a tuft of grass. "I don't know," she muttered.

"How about we take a walk?" Hermione asked.

"Okay," Saffron agreed.

Hermione put an arm around her daughter as they began to walk down the trail toward the woods. "I've always loved coming here."

"Me too," Saffron said. "It's so peaceful. And I love the swimming hole in the summer."

"And I've missed the walks you'd take with me when you were younger," Hermione said fondly.

"I used to cook with Dad and take walks with you," Saffron grinned.

"And now we never see you," Hermione teased.

"School might have something to do with that," Saffron bumped her mother's side.

Hermione bumped her back. "Maybe. You've grown up so fast, Saffy."

"I can't wait to do magic whenever I want," Saffron said. "Two days left..."

"Seventeen," Hermione said shaking her head. "But no matter what you'll always be my baby girl."

"I can live with that," she said with a grin.

"Your grandmother has something special she wants to give you on your birthday," Hermione told her.

"She does?" Saffron brightened?

Hermione nodded. "It's something that was very important to your grandfather. That's all I can tell you right now."

"Andrew has a surprise for me too," Saffron said. "But..."

"One disagreement doesn't mean you're going to break up," Hermione reminded her.

"I should probably go apologise," Saffron grumbled. "But not to RJ."

"There's going to be some things that you and Andrew will disagree about," Hermione counselled. "But those are the things you'll have to agree to disagree about in order to make it work, Saffron."

"I hate having him mad at me," Saffron twisted her hair around her finger.

"You know, you might try and get along with RJ," Hermione suggested.

"No way," Saffron shook her head. "He's a wanker."

"Who happens to be your boyfriend's best mate," Hermione said.

Saffron shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"You might find this hard to believe," Hermione said. "But sometimes I find it hard to deal with your father's best friend."

"You and Uncle Ron always fight," Saffron said. "But it's never serious."

"True," Hermione said. "But there are sometimes when he really does try my patience."

"He never did anything as bad as RJ," Saffron shook her head.

"RJ made a mistake, sweetheart," Hermione said.

"A whopper of one. With a huge slag." Saffron narrowed her eyes.

"And how is Alexa handling all that?" Hermione asked her.

"She's fine now," Saffron answered.

"Lavender tells me that she and Gabriel have become good friends," Hermione said.

"Really good friends," Saffron replied. "He already fancied her, but I think she's starting to like him too."

Hermione brushed a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear. She almost wished for the days when Saffron's biggest concern was what flavour of juice she wanted for lunch. "I just want you to be happy, Saffron Grace."

"I am," Saffron leaned against her mother.

"I know it's not always been easy being our daughter," Hermione said. "But your father and I are so proud of you for how you've carried yourself."

"Uncle Ron says I'm just like you," Saffron grinned mischievously. "He says it's scary."

"You are, minus the whole flying thing," Hermione said with a laugh.

Saffron's smile fell a bit as they came back into the yard and she saw Andrew and RJ come outside with their brooms.

"Be nice," Hermione whispered.

"I just won't talk to him anymore," Saffron said.

Hermione didn't think that was the best solution, but she decided to let this one go. "I'm going to go and find your father."

"I'll be inside in awhile," Saffron gazed at her boyfriend.

Hermione smiled warmly at Andrew and RJ before heading back into the house.

Saffron sat down a little distance away from where Andrew and RJ were comparing brooms.

"Hard to believe our dads used to use Nimbus 2000s," RJ said shaking his head. "Those things are ancient."

"Antiques," Andrew laughed. "I think I saw one in a museum."

RJ chuckled. "My dad still says it's the best broom ever made. Uncle Harry had one apparently. It was the one that he had for his first match."

"I wonder if he still has it?" Andrew wondered. "Might be interesting to go out and see what it's like to fly on one."

"He does," Saffron said quietly.

Both of them looked at her. "Really?" Andrew asked. "Think he'd let us see it?"

"Sure," Saffron replied.

RJ looked over at his friend. "I'll be right back," he said, wanting to give Andrew and Saffron a moment.

"Thanks, mate," Andrew said.

Saffron bit her lower lip. "Want to sit down?"

Andrew propped his broom against the tree and sat down beside her. "You and your mum go for a walk?"

"Yeah," she answered, drawing up her legs and wrapping her arms around them.

"I'm not going to apologise for what happened," Andrew said quietly.

"I don't want you to be mad at me," she said softly.

"You're going to have to find some way to get past this," Andrew told her. "Saffy---he's my best mate. He messed up."

Saffron stayed quiet.

"But like it or not, he still has a family that cares about him and he still has friends," Andrew said. He reached for her hand. "Can you imagine how you'd feel if I didn't like Alexa and every single time I was around her, I made snide remarks about her or ignored her?"

"You make a good point," Saffron said. "I'm sorry Andrew. I'll stop with the comments."

Andrew smiled at her. "Thank you."

"I hate it when you're mad at me," Saffron leaned against him as he put his arm around her.

"I hate it too," Andrew said. "But you know, we don't have that many fights..."

"I'm glad for that," Saffron said. "I love you."

"I love you too," Andrew said giving her a kiss. "Every stubborn inch of you."

She grinned. "So we're okay?"

Andrew smiled back at her. "Yes, we're okay."

Saffron hugged him hard, burying her face in his shoulder.

"You want to go flying?" Andrew asked her.

"I'd love to," Saffron replied.

Andrew grinned. "Did you bring your broom, Miss Potter?"

"No," she answered. "But maybe I can ride on the back of yours..."

"Brilliant," Andrew said getting to his feet. "Only if you promise to hold on really tight."

"I won't let go," she smiled at him.

"Ladies first," Andrew said softly.

She got on the broom and Andrew slid on in front of her.

Andrew kicked off the ground and they flew high about the Burrow. Saffron rested her head on Andrew's back, her arms tightly around his waist.

"I like it up here," he said, turning slightly so she could hear him.

"Me too," Saffron said giving his side a squeeze.

"And I love sharing things like this with you," he said, flying a bit slower.

"Much better than fighting," Saffron said.

One of his hands found hers around his waist and he linked their fingers together.

"I LOVE YOU!" Saffron hollered. "I LOVE YOU, ANDREW KIRKE!"

Andrew laughed at her exuberance. "AND I LOVE SAFFRON POTTER!" he shouted into the wind.

Saffron giggled. "You're wild!"

"You're more wild," Andrew joked.

"Shut up and fly," Saffron urged.

"You want to go fast, baby?" Andrew asked her.

"And high," Saffron replied.

"Your wish is my command," Andrew said, pulling up on the broom.

Saffron again rested her head on Andrew's back and closed her eyes, just enjoying the thrill of being close to him like this.

They stayed up in the air for almost an hour, just flying in silence and enjoying each other's company.

In the backyard of the Burrow, Harry looked up to see his daughter and Andrew circling the yard one more time.

Hermione tapped him on the shoulder. "Two more days until she's seventeen."

"Don't remind me," Harry said.

"Where did the time go?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know," he watched as the two teenagers descended. "But it went by way too damn fast."

"Hello, Mr. Potter," Andrew said as he landed. "Mrs. Potter."

"Hello Andrew," Harry smiled at him. "Alright?"

Andrew nodded. "It's really nice up there. You and Mrs. Potter should have a go."

Harry laughed. "Are you mad? Hermione won't get on a broom to save her life."

"You should, Mum," Saffron said dreamily. "It's so romantic."

"I don't think so Saffy," Hermione shook her head.

"We're going to go inside and see if Drew needs any help with the baby," Saffron said giving her dad a peck on the cheek. "We'll catch up to you two later."

"All right sweetheart," Harry smiled at her.

"You can use my broom if you change your mind," Andrew offered over his shoulder.

"These new brooms," Harry shook his head. "They don't hold a candle to the classic ones."

"What's the difference?" Hermione asked. "Isn't a broom a broom?"

"No," Harry shook his head.

"I guess they don't make them like they used to, Grandpa," Hermione teased.

Harry poked her. "At least I'm not afraid to fly," he taunted.

"I'm not afraid to fly," Hermione corrected him. "I just choose not to."

"You're afraid," Harry countered.

"Am not," Hermione shot back.

"Then let's go up," Harry said. "Right now."

Hermione let out a nervous laugh. "Right now? As in, this very moment?"

"Sure," Harry said. "Unless you're too afraid..."

"Harry James Potter," Hermione said folding her arms. "I am not afraid! I am not afraid of anything."

"Then come on," Harry put out his hand.

Hermione swallowed. "Okay," she said in a high-pitched voice.

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you," Harry said softly. "You know that."

"Of course," Hermione said feeling a little queasy as she got on the broom.

Harry slid on behind her, wrapping his arms around her snugly.

"S-shouldn't you be in the front?" Hermione stammered.

"Not this time," he answered.

"You'll still be leading the way though, right?" Hermione asked. "And when you say that these aren't the same as the old brooms, I hope you mean that these are much safer and that you can't fly very high on them. In fact, I think we should really think about-----Harry!"

"Hold on tight!" he laughed as he sent them soaring up into the air.

Hermione shut her eyes and gripped the broom handle as tightly as she could. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!"

"Hermione relax," Harry said in her ear. "I'm in complete control."

"Harry, if you make us crash and we did, I will never, ever speak to you again!" Hermione shouted.

"I'm insulted that you'd say that," Harry replied. "Hermione, you can trust me... I'm only your husband of many, many years you know."

"I'm sorry," she apologised her eyes still closed. "I just really don't like flying..."

"It's really not that bad," Harry tightened his hold around her waist.

Hermione nodded. If she was being honest, it was nice to feel his arms around her like that.

"Just open your eyes and look around," he coaxed. "I didn't take us that high."

"You promise?" Hermione asked.

"Promise," he kissed under her ear.

Hermione took a deep breath and then opened her eyes. She wasn't going to look down no matter what he said. "Oh..."

"It's gorgeous up here," Harry said. "Couldn't have asked for a better day."

"It is," Hermione said softly leaning back against him. "Harry..."

"Yeah?" he asked.

"You are the only person that I'd let take me up here," Hermione said.

"I know," he answered.

"It's not so bad up here," Hermione said turning slightly to look at him. "With you."

"I have that effect on the Minister," Harry grinned at her.

Hermione laughed. "You're the only one for her."

"And she's the only one for him," Harry pecked her on the lips.

Hermione smiled at him. "Saffron was right. It is romantic up here."

"Our daughter knows what she's talking about," Harry smiled back.

"She gets that from me," Hermione said.

Harry laughed. "Can't argue with that."

Hermione found herself actually enjoying this as Harry slowly manoeuvred them over the woods. He really was great at this and she'd always felt guilty for not sharing this with him.

"Want to try?" he asked.

Hermione shook her head. "Maybe next time."

"Wait, you're saying there's going to be a next time?" he asked. "If so, I'm holding you to it."

"I'd like to do this again with you," Hermione said.

"It's a date," Harry replied.

Hermione smiled at her husband as he guided them toward the ground.

"That wasn't so bad now," Harry said as he landed them gently.

"No, it was fun," Hermione said with a grin. "I do trust you, you know."

Harry gave her a kiss. "I think you like it when I hold you like that."

"I always have," Hermione said.

Molly stuck her head out of the backdoor. "Come on inside. We're about to eat, Harry."

"Sounds good," Harry took his wife's hand.

Maddie, Ethan and Jon and Allison along with their brood had arrived a few minutes ago and were all sitting at the large table Molly had expanded for the Easter feast.

Julie smiled at her mother. "I thought I saw you up in the air with Daddy, but I thought my eyes were deceiving me."

Hermione hugged her eldest daughter. "Believe it or not, he got me up there."

"Well, you are much braver than me," Julie said. "I'm not getting up there."

"Even she admits it's not so bad," Harry told his daughter. "You should let Nick take you up sometime."

Julie shook her head. "I prefer my feet on the ground."

"You don't know what you're missing, Jules," Saffron said.

"Yeah Jules," Nick played along. "You don't know what you're missing."

"You guys are never going to convince me otherwise," Julie said firmly.

"You might be surprised," Hermione said to her daughter.

"Andrew and I just had the best time up there," Saffron looked dreamily at her boyfriend.

RJ could remember a couple of years ago giving Alexa that flying lesson. They'd stayed out there for hours and he'd kissed her for the first time.

"Flying's good fun," he agreed, speaking out loud.

Maddie smiled at her little brother. "Yes, it is. And you are going to have fun again soon. I just know it."

RJ smiled back at her. "You have any more visions about me then?"

"Oh maybe," Maddie teased. "I suppose you want to hear about a big raise and more parties?"

"The raise maybe, but I think I'm finished with the wild parties," RJ said. "For awhile at least."

Saffron rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

Emma moved over to sit in her uncle's lap. "Uncle RJ's my favouritest uncle!"

Josh looked at her. "Em? Hello?"

"RJ tells good stories," Emma told him. "And Adam says too!"

"How do you like that Mister Hot Shot Author?" RJ grinned cockily at his big brother.

"Funny, Junior," Josh returned. "Did you ever tell her how great you are at fishing?"

The smile on RJ's face faded away. "Okay. Alright, Nana....pass me those potatoes for me and Em."

Josh shared an identical grin with Jon. "I know I'll never forget it."

"How about we talk about your love poems to Jules," RJ countered.

"I have a better idea," Josh said. "Let's talk about Boo Bear."

Allison giggled. "Josh---"

"At least mine's good enough for a name," Jon sat back.

"Your what's good enough for a name, Daddy?" Caroline asked.

"Everything about me," Jon told his daughter.

"Good save," Allison said squeezing his knee under the table.

"How was the Easter Egg hunt at Frankie and Will's?" Luna asked eager to get the conversation back to tamer topics.

"Em won!" Emma bounced excitedly on RJ's lap. "Em got... um..."

"She found fourteen eggs," Caroline said.

"Congratulations, Emma Madeline!" Molly said fondly.

"Do you remember that Easter Egg hunt we had out here?" Luna asked. "Saffron was about seven and RJ was nine. They nearly toppled over each other to get the most eggs. You two were so cute!"

"That was pretty fun," RJ said, deciding to make one last effort. "I think you got more than me, right?"

"A few more," Saffron said in a controlled tone, not wanting to piss her boyfriend off and not wanting to get into an argument in front of the children.

"And she wouldn't let him forget it either," Luna laughed.

"I remember that," Harry said. "But they did sit down together and share all their sweets."

"That was a long time ago, Daddy," Saffron said quietly.

"Not that long," Harry replied.

Caroline grinned at her uncle. "Guess who we saw yesterday?"

"Who?" RJ asked.

"Lexie," Caroline replied. "Mummy took me and Em and Adam to see her. And she let us get a free doughnut."

"That was very nice of her," RJ replied, turning a bit red.

"It was yummy," Emma agreed.

"You mean you only had one?" RJ tickled her. "Not two, three, or four?"

Emma giggled. "Three!"

"It was so funny," Caroline said. "She had sugar all over her face."

"She said that since Adam couldn't eat his, she was going to eat it for him," Allison laughed.

"We gave him a little tiny taste," Caroline told everyone.

"Adam likes do- nuts." Emma nodded.

"Just like his grandpa," Ron said proudly.

"And Em," Emma twisted to look at him.

"And Em," Ron said making a goofy face at her.

Emma giggled. "Can Em have more?"

"Why don't you get in your own seat and let RJ eat?" Allison asked her.

"She's okay, Allie," RJ reassured her. "We're sharing right, Em?"

"Right," Emma nodded. "Cause Em loves RJ."

RJ kissed the top of her head. "Thanks, Em."

Molly sobbed into her napkin. "I love this. All of us together like this!"

"Molly," Arthur teased. "Don't turn the waterworks on now."

"I can't help it," Molly wiped her eyes. "This doesn't happen enough!"

Fred sobbed into his brother's shoulder in a perfect imitation of their mother. "Oh George!"

"Fred," George pretended to bawl. "I never see you anymore!"

Molly shook her head. "You boys!"

"You're so overdramatic, Mum." George said.

"If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black," Arthur said to his sons.

"We're not overdramatic," Fred and George said in unison.

"They're attention hogs," Ron said before stuffing his mouth.

Fred smiled at his younger brother. "You like those chocolates you were eating earlier?" he asked.

Ron nodded. "Those were brilliant. Did you have one?"

"We made them, Ronniekins," George said with an evil grin.

Ron turned pale. "Uh---you made them?"

"With our very own hands," Fred said.

"With lots of care and love," George added.

"Cut to the chase," Ron told them. "What's going to happen to me?"

"You'll find out in..." Fred glanced at his watch.

"About two minutes," George finished.

Ron glared at them. "How old are you two? I mean, really?"

"It's always nice to have a guinea pig isn't it George?" Fred asked, ignoring Ron's question.

"And you know there's nothing like the old tried and true," George said fondly. "We've had others, but none so great as our dear little Ronniekins."

"I hate you," Ron said angrily. "I hate you both."

Fred clinked glasses with George. "Cheers!"

Ron shoved his chair back and ran into the loo. "LUNA!" he shouted. "I HAVE RABBIT EARS!"