Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: The Barrons gather to say goodbye to Mallory as she gets ready to go back home to the States.

Frankie stalked into her closet and pulled out a jumper and a pair of jeans. She was finally getting Mallory out of her hair, but Will had promised they would see her off at the airport.

"Waste of my time," Frankie muttered.

She put on her jumper and sighed. If this wasn't so important to Hannah, Frankie would never have agreed to it.

"Mummy?" Hannah's voice startled her.

Frankie turned. "Hannah? What--what is it, love?"

"Should I wear my red jumper or my purple one?" Hannah asked.

"Oh," Frankie said thoughtfully. "Either would be lovely on you."

"Which one looks better though?" Hannah asked.

Frankie knelt down and smiled at her daughter. "The purple one is my favourite on you."

Hannah smiled back. "I'll wear that one then."

Frankie gave her a hug. "Do you need any help?"

Hannah shook her head. "I'm okay Mummy. Thank you."

Frankie smiled. "Okay, I'll see you downstairs then."

"I'll only be a few more minutes," Hannah promised.

Hannah ran out of the room, leaving Frankie alone with her thoughts. She was glad that Mallory was going back to the States.

"And the sooner we send her off, the better," she said to herself.

"Isabelle Barron get back here!" Frankie heard Will calling out from the nursery.

"Uh oh," Frankie went into the hallway and caught her daughter just as she was running into Hannah's room.

"Play, Mummy!" Isabelle shrieked.

"I don't think so, little miss," Frankie picked her up. "Your daddy is helping you get dressed."

Will sighed with relief. "You know, I think she's going to run track and field for the British Olympic team someday."

"I want to play," Isabelle replied.

"With Han," Nathan agreed peering out behind Will's leg.

"You can play with Hannah later," Frankie said. "We have to go somewhere first."

Isabelle pouted. "Han-nah!"

"I'm right here," Hannah said, peeking out of her room. She was trying to plait her hair herself.

"Here," Frankie said setting Isabelle down. "I'll help you, Hannah."

"Thanks," Hannah said. "I thought I could do it myself."

"You'll get it," Frankie said. "I was ten before I was able to do it myself."

"You were?" Hannah asked.

"Yes," Frankie replied. "I used to practise on my dolls all the time."

"I should do that," Hannah said.

"Or you could practise on Izzie," Frankie said. "I used to practise on Allie."

"If she'll sit still long enough," Hannah giggled. "Her hair is almost long enough."

Frankie smiled. "She's getting there, isn't she?"

"She's good with my dolls though," Hannah told her mother. "She doesn't bang them about like Nathan."

Frankie smiled as she finished Hannah's plait. "There you are."

"Perfect," Hannah said. "My hair is getting really long!"

"You have beautiful hair," Frankie said proudly.

"Thanks," Hannah glowed. "Sometimes I wish it was the same colour as yours."

Frankie smiled. "You're perfect just the way you are, love."

"Thanks Mummy," Hannah gave her a tight hug. "I'm all ready to go."

"Let's see if your Daddy's had any luck with the twins," Frankie said.

"I'll help him if he needs it," Hannah said.

"He just might," Frankie grinned.

But to their surprise, Will had both Isabelle and Nathan ready to go.

"Daddy, you're a rock star!" Hannah exclaimed.

Will began to laugh. "A rock star?"

"That's what a girl in my class says," Hannah laughed.

"Well then by all means," Will picked Isabelle up and dipped her back. "I'm a rock star!"

Isabelle giggled. "Daddy!"

"We should get going," Frankie said reluctantly. She wanted nothing more than to stay here and have fun with her family but the sooner they got this done the sooner Mallory would be gone.

"We're going to see the big planes," Hannah said as she helped her little brother with his coat. "Big airplanes."

"Big?" Nathan asked.

"Huge," Hannah told him. "You'll love them, Nathan."

Nathan grinned at her and gave his sister a hug.

Hannah took Nathan's hand and helped him downstairs.

"Here we go!" Nathan announced as they descended. "Daddy!"

Frankie forced a smile as she picked up Isabelle and carried her to the car. She put Isabelle in her car seat and Will helped Nathan into his. Hannah sat in the middle.

"Fly!" Nathan crowed happily. "Zoom!"

Will looked over at Frankie. "You know, he is probably going to want to get on one of those planes."

"Sooner or later we'll take a trip and go on a plane," Frankie replied.

"You could always accompany me on one of my boring research trips," Will said with a grin. He chuckled when Frankie's nose scrunched up. "You always react that way."

"Why would I want to sit in a musty old library?" Frankie asked.

"You could...I don't" Will asked teasingly.

Frankie poked him hard.

Will grimaced. "Ow. Izzie, tell your mummy to be nice to your daddy."

"Mummy nice," Isabelle recited.

Frankie turned around and made a goofy face at Isabelle. "I'm very nice. Your daddy is the one being mean."

"Daddy nice too," Isabelle said with a grin.

They were meeting Mallory at the airport and Hannah was sad to see her aunt go. She felt like there was so much more she had to share with her. As a going away present, Hannah had drawn her a picture.

It was of herself, her birth mother and Mallory, all standing next to one another.

"Wook!" Nathan squealed pointing a chubby finger in the direction of a plane that was just taking off.

"That's a plane!" Hannah said encouragingly.

Nathan's eyes grew large.

"So big!" Isabelle said her eyes also huge.

"Cool, huh?" Hannah asked grinning at her. "And just wait 'til we get inside. They have these nice places where you can get sweets and ice cream..."

"Yummy!" Nathan shouted happily.

Will parked the car.

"I don't think we'll be in there too long," Frankie said to her children.

Hannah didn't even hear Frankie. She was eager to see her Aunt Mallory. She was bouncing in her seat while Will unbuckled Nathan from his seat.

"Daddy fly me!" Nathan begged.

Will lifted Nathan up on his shoulders. "Where are we going, buddy?"

"Zoom!" Nathan cried happily.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Will said in a deep voice. "Thank you for flying Barron Airlines. Today, we will be flying to Zoom. Nathan Barron, are you ready?"

"YES!" Nathan shouted. "GO!"

Will rushed ahead lifting Nathan high above his shoulders. Frankie looked at Isabelle. "Don't worry, Iz. I'm sure you'll get the departure flight."

"Kay," Isabelle said, resting her head on Frankie's shoulder.

Hannah walked excitedly beside her mother. She couldn't wait to show Mallory her picture.

"I hope we can find her in there," Will said to Frankie. "It looks pretty crowded."

"Where did we say we'd meet her?" Frankie asked.

"Near the ticket agents," Will said. "I don't know if we'll be able to get past that point, though."

Hannah frowned. She climbed up on an empty chair and strained her eyes to see Mallory. Her frown turned into a smile when she spotted her in a coffee shop. "Mummy! There she is!"

"Wonderful," Frankie forced a smile onto her face.

Hannah jumped off the chair and ran ahead of her parents and siblings.

Mallory grinned when she spotted her niece. "Hey, you!"

"Hi Aunt Mallory!" Hannah said happily.

Mallory gave her a hug. "Hi, Hannah Banana."

Hannah giggled. "That's funny."

Mallory grinned and looked up as Will, Frankie and the twins joined them. "It was so nice of you all to see me off like this," Mallory said.

"Hannah really wanted to see you again before you left," Will replied.

"And I have something for you," Hannah said shyly.

"You do?" Mallory asked curiously;

Hannah handed her the paper. "I made it just for you."

"Oh," Mallory looked as if she were going to cry. "This... this is beautiful, Hannah."

"I wanted you to have something to remember me by," Hannah said softly.

"I'll keep this forever," Mallory promised.

Hannah beamed at her and gave her another hug.

Will looked at the picture and grinned. "That's amazing, Hannah. I had no idea..."

Frankie also looked at the picture and tried to muster up some enthusiasm.

"Why don't we give you two a few moments alone?" Will suggested. "Frankie and I will go and order something for us. Hannah, you want a blueberry muffin?"

"Yes please," Hannah nodded.

Frankie reluctantly followed her husband up to the counter. "You want a cappuccino?" Will asked. "Frankie? Frankie?"

"What?" Frankie asked distractedly.

"Cappuccino?" Will asked again. "Or an iced coffee?"

"No thanks," Frankie looked back at Hannah and Mallory.

Will shook his head before turning his attention back to the woman behind the counter.

"Daddy, ice cream," Nathan begged.

"Can I have two small cups of chocolate ice cream?" Will asked. "And two blueberry muffins, an espresso and an iced non-fat coffee for my wife here."

"Iz," Nathan looked at his sister. "Yummy!"

Isabelle nodded happily and squirmed in Frankie's arms.

"Just a minute you two," Will said. "Frankie, will you go grab that table next to Mallory's so we have a place to sit?"

"Sure," Frankie said eager to hear what Mallory and Hannah were talking about.

Nathan took her free hand and she led them back over by where Mallory and Hannah were sitting.

"Your dad's bringing the food," Frankie said.

"The twins look so cute," Mallory said. "Frankie, you have three beautiful children."

"Thank you," Frankie said, forcing the stiffness from her voice.

"I was telling Aunt Mallory about how Nathan's eyes got big when he saw the planes!" Hannah told her mother.

"He does love flying," Frankie replied.

Mallory raised an eyebrow. "Hannah just said he'd never flown before..."

"I meant with Will," Frankie said hastily. "When Will whirls him around in the air..."

"Zoom," Nathan said happily.

Frankie smiled at her son. "That's right, love."

Will brought the tray of food over to them. "Okay..."

"Mine!" Isabelle reached for the ice cream.

Hannah laughed. "I'll help you, Daddy."

"Thanks sweetheart," Will replied.

Hannah grabbed the cup of ice cream and sat down beside her sister.

"Help?" Isabelle asked her.

Hannah nodded and reached for the plastic spoon. "Izzie's ice cream."

"Yummy, yummy." Isabelle said happily, taking the spoon.

Mallory felt tears welling up in her eyes as she watched her niece. So helpful, just like her mother had been.

"So um..." Mallory handed Will a piece of paper. "That's my address, and my phone number. I hope Hannah can call me once in awhile and write to me."

Will nodded. "Of course."

"And maybe once you're ready..." Mallory said tentatively. "You can all come out to visit."

Hannah grinned and looked at her mother. "Ooh, can we?"

"Perhaps," Frankie said noncommittally as Nathan smeared ice cream across his mouth.

"Disney World!" Hannah exclaimed.

"It may not be for awhile," Frankie cautioned. "Your brother and sister need to be a bit older before we go there."

"Frankie?" Mallory asked. "Might I have a word with you alone?"

"Um... sure..." Frankie said.

Mallory smiled at Hannah. "We'll be right back."

"Okay," Hannah sent Frankie a smile.

Mallory led Frankie outside. "First off, I'd like to thank you for letting me have this time with my niece. I know it hasn't been easy for you, but, for the most part, you've put your feelings toward me aside and let me know my niece."

"I have a hard time denying Hannah what she wants," Frankie answered.

Mallory folded her arms. "Including letting her visit me?"

"You took us by surprise with that," Frankie returned. "We felt like you were going behind our backs inviting her to Florida without talking to us first."

"That was a mistake on my part," Mallory admitted. "But, I'm asking you now. I would love to have her visit my home. I'd make sure she was safe and sound."

"It's something Will and I need to further discuss," Frankie told her. "She's too young to go that far on her own, without us."

"You'll never let her go, will you?" Mallory asked.

"I didn't say that," Frankie hedged.

"You didn't have to," Mallory retorted.

"Look I think we've been more than generous here," Frankie said.

"You know, you have a lot more in common with my former brother-in-law than I thought," Mallory said angrily.

"How dare you!" Frankie snapped. "I am NOTHING like David Wright!"

"You're just as controlling and you're just as threatened as he was by anyone trying to threaten his place!" Mallory retorted.

"I am Hannah's mother now," Frankie told her. "And I have to do what's best for her."

"And what about Abbie?" Mallory asked. "You want her to forget her mother?"

"Of course not," Frankie said. "We encourage her all the time to talk about Abbie whenever she thinks about her."

"Right," Mallory said sarcastically.

"You have NO idea what Hannah went through after Abbie died," Frankie said furiously. "You weren't there when she had nightmares of David Wright killing Abbie in front of her."

"I would have been!" Mallory retorted. "I never stopped looking for her!"

"I feel terrible for what happened to Abbie," Frankie replied. "I really do. But Hannah is my daughter now and Will and I have to do what WE think is best for her."

Mallory stared at her for a few moments. "Just because I'm leaving now, doesn't mean you've seen the last of me."

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Frankie asked sharply.

"You're not going to stop me from seeing my niece or being part of her life," Mallory said. "I won't let you. Your husband has been very nice, but you've never made one attempt to help me foster my relationship with Hannah. You've always been there trying to make her feel guilty for wanting to be with me!"

"I don't trust you," Frankie said. "You always seemed to have an ulterior motive in mind."

"My only motive is the well-being of Hannah," Mallory said indignantly.

"Right," Frankie said. "Which is why you went behind our backs?"

Mallory was about to say something when Hannah came up behind her. "Aunt Mallory?"

Both Mallory and Frankie turned to look at the little girl. "Yes, Hannah?" Mallory asked.

"Is everything okay?" Hannah asked uncertainly.

"Its fine, sweetheart," Frankie told her.

"I saved you some of my muffin," Hannah said taking Frankie's hand.

"That was very sweet of you," Frankie said, turning her back on Mallory.

"Daddy's cleaning up Nate and Izzie," Hannah said. "Nate was trying to wear his ice he always does."

"We won't be here much longer," Frankie told her. "So I'm sure he won't be able to be too messy."

Frankie ignored Mallory and led Hannah back over to the table.

"Alright?" Will asked.

"I'll tell you later," Frankie said as Mallory sat back down across from them.

"Here," Hannah said handing her mother part of her muffin.

"Thanks," Frankie said. "I suppose I am a little hungry..."

Hannah looked at Mallory. "At my mummy's work, we go to the cafeteria and split an ice cream sundae in her cafeteria. It's the best, isn't it, Mummy?"

"It absolutely is," Frankie said evenly.

"I didn't know about this," Will teased. "Frankie Barron...eating sundaes?"

"Just a few bites," Frankie said with a grin. "Hannah won't let me near most of it."

Hannah giggled. "They even named a dessert after RJ, but we've never tried that. Mummy says it has wayyyyyy too many calories."

Will laughed. "I don't think anyone can eat that if their last name isn't Weasley."

"I bet Aunt Maddie could eat it," Hannah said.

Frankie laughed. "She has."

Mallory felt extremely ill at ease. "I... I think I'd better check in," she said quietly.

Will nodded. "Mallory, I hope you have a safe flight home. Please ring us to let us know you arrived safely."

"I will," Mallory said. "Thank you again, for letting me spend time with Hannah." she directed her comment only to Will.

"Of course," Will said shaking her hand. "It meant the world to Hannah."

Hannah nodded. "I really liked having you here."

"I did too," Mallory said leaning over and hugging her niece. "I love you, Hannah."

"I love you too," Hannah held onto her tightly for a moment. "I promise to write."

Mallory tugged affectionately on Hannah's plait. "You be good and I'll see you soon."

Frankie tensed up at Mallory's last remark.

With one last hug, Mallory gathered her belongings and set off for the security check.

Hannah wiped at her eyes.

"No sad, Han!" Isabelle exclaimed reaching for her.

"I'm not that sad, Iz," Hannah said as her little sister hugged her.

"How about we take a look at the planes before we go?" Will suggested.

"Zoom," Nathan said happily.

Isabelle took Hannah's hand. "Zoom, Han!"

Hannah smiled at her sister. "That's right. Zoom away!"

Hannah led the way over to the big window where they could see the planes in the distance. Frankie and Will stood back while they watched the children.

"You and Mallory were gone quite a while," Will commented.

"She basically came at me with claws out," Frankie replied.

Will turned to look at her. "What?"

"Accused me of all kinds of things," Frankie shook her head. "I think Mallory's true colours came out. She even accused me of being like David Wright!"

Will gaped at her. "Frankie--"

"She's horrible," Frankie crossed her arms.

"How in the world did she compare you to David Wright?" Will asked shaking his head.

Frankie shuddered. "I am nothing like him. Nothing!"

"Of course you're not," Will said putting his arms around her.

"I don't like her," Frankie said. "I never did, but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. But now she tells me- no... she threatens me- that we haven't seen the last of her. She's going to try something."

This didn't sound like Mallory, but Will knew his wife would never lie about something like this. "She has no legal ground to stand on, Frankie. "We legally adopted Hannah."

"I know but the last thing I want Hannah to go through is any sort of courtroom battle," Frankie looked at her children.

"It will never come to that," Will promised.

Hannah laughed as Nathan extended his arms and made flying noises.

"That's just right, Nathan," she said. "You're flying!"

Isabelle clapped her hands together as a plane took off. "Wook!"

"Look how fast it's going," Hannah pointed.

"Bye! Bye!" Isabelle waved.

"Bye!" Nathan crowed.

Frankie and Will came up behind them. Frankie smiled as Hannah leaned against her.

"Thanks for letting me come here today," Hannah looked up at her.

"I'd do anything for you," Frankie said smiling back at her. "You know that."

"I know," Hannah grinned up at her. "That's why you're the best."

"So are you," Frankie replied.

"She is pretty great, isn't she?" Will asked with a grin.

"Daddy," Hannah blushed.

Will pulled on her plait. "What?"

"I'm not THAT great," Hannah said modestly.

Will picked her up. "Yes, you are."

"Me too," Isabelle looked up at them.

"You too," Frankie said tickling her side.

"And me," Nathan said. "Zoom!"

Frankie laughed. "Is that your new favourite word, Nathan Barron?"

"Yes," Nathan nodded.

"Let's go home then," Frankie said trying not to think about Mallory's threats.

Will put a comforting hand on his wife's shoulder. "It'll be okay," he reassured her.

"Promise?" Frankie asked.

"I promise," Will said firmly.

"Let's go home, Daddy," Hannah said.

"Home it is," Will agreed. "And what will we do when we get there?"

"Zoom," Nathan replied with a cheeky grin.

Will laughed. "All right buddy, I'll fly you around for a bit."

"Izzie and me can play school," Hannah announced.

"Kay," Isabelle looked at her sister. "A,B,C?"

Hannah grinned. "Top marks for Izzie."

"That's my smart girl," Frankie said, putting Isabelle's coat on. "When did you learn that?"

"Han," Isabelle announced.

"You are a good little teacher," Frankie smiled.

Hannah beamed at her. "Thanks, Mummy."

"All right," Will tossed Nathan in the air. "Flying home now on Barron Airlines!"

Frankie laughed. "William, you do realise he's never going to want you to stop now."

"I think I'm in for it," Will agreed.

"Oh yes," Frankie said. "You've created a little monster."

"No monster," Nathan shook his head.

Frankie shook her head. "No monsters, buddy. I promise."

"Kay," Nathan said.

Frankie followed her family out of the terminal but couldn't resist turning around to make sure that Mallory wasn't following them.

There was no sign of the other woman and Frankie was relieved.

"Coming?" Will called after her.

"Yes," Frankie hurried after them.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked. "How long is Aunt Mallory's flight?"

"Around seven to eight hours," Frankie answered.

"That's a long time!" Hannah exclaimed. "Too bad, she's not magical, right?"

"Does she even know about magic?" Will asked. "I mean... if Abbie had the skills..."

"She never mentioned anything," Frankie said thoughtfully.

"We'll have to keep it under wraps until we figure that out," Will unlocked the car.

Frankie nodded in agreement.

"I won't say anything," Hannah promised, helping Isabelle climb into the car.

"I know you wouldn't," Will said.

Frankie leaned in and buckled Isabelle into her car seat.

Nathan's eyes drooped closed the moment Will had him in his seat. "The flying has knackered our boy."

"It's their normal time for a kip," Frankie got into the car.

Hannah yawned. "I'm sleepy too."

"Go to sleep, sweetheart," Frankie turned to look at her. "We'll bring you lot in when we get home."

"O-kay," Hannah said closing her eyes.

Frankie turned on the radio softly and looked over at her husband. "I know Hannah wants to write to Mallory, but I do not want her visiting over there."

"I'll talk to her tonight when she rings to let us know she's home," Will said.

"Okay," Frankie replied.

Will reached over and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, Frankie."

"I'm trying not to," she said. "But the woman scares me."

"No one scares Frankie Barron, remember?" Will asked smiling reassuringly at her.

Frankie smiled. "That's true. If I can put up with Alicia Knowles..."

"You can put up with anything," Will finished.

"Right," Frankie leaned back in the seat.

Will squeezed her hand once more. "What do you want to do for dinner tonight?"

"I don't feel like making anything," Frankie said. "How about pizza?"

"Real pizza?" Will teased.

Frankie opened one eye and looked at him. "Would you and the kids have it any other way?"

"Only if you promise you'll have a slice or two," Will grinned.

"Maybe," Frankie said. "Or I'll order a small vegetarian for myself."

Frankie looked over her shoulder at her three sleeping children. Hannah had her hand on Isabelle's arm.

She smiled. There was no way Mallory could do anything to take Hannah away from them. She loved Hannah as much as she loved Nathan and Isabelle.

She was glad that Will was going to have a word with Mallory. Mallory seemed to think Will was on her side for some reason, but she was in for a rude awakening.

It didn't take them long to get home and Frankie was able to get Isabelle out without waking the toddler up.

"I'll get Nathan and then I'll come back for Hannah," Will said.

"Let's just wake her up," Frankie touched Hannah's arm. "I don't want to leave her out here."

Hannah's eyes blinked open. "Hi, Mummy," she said sleepily.

"I'm sorry to wake you up, baby." Frankie said. "But we're home."

Hannah stretched her arms. "Oh..."

"If you're tired you can go take a kip," Frankie said. "But we're going to order pizza..."

Hannah perked up at this. "Really?"

Frankie nodded. "Of course, if you'd like Brussels sprouts instead--"

"Eww!" Hannah exclaimed. "No way!'

Frankie laughed. "Pizza it is."

Hannah followed her parents inside the house.

"It's cold in here," Frankie complained.

"I'll start a fire," Will said. "Let me just put the little pilot down first."

Frankie nodded and followed him up to the twins' bedroom. She carefully laid Isabelle down in her little bed.

"Don't forget her doll," Hannah said handing it to Frankie. "She's going to cry if it's not with her when she wakes up, Mummy."

"You're right," Frankie set it next to her sleeping daughter. "Thanks, love."

"I think I'll stay up here with her until the pizza arrives," Hannah said gently lying down beside her baby sister.

"That's fine," Frankie said. "I'll come get you."

"I love you, Mummy," Hannah said smiling at her as Frankie draped a blanket over Hannah and Isabelle.

"I love you too," Frankie said softly. "More than anything."

Hannah smiled. "Don't ever let me go, okay?"

"I wouldn't," Frankie said. "Not ever."

Frankie wondered what would prompt Hannah to make a comment like that. She watched her two daughters for a moment before heading downstairs.

"Will," Frankie said, coming into the sitting room.

Will was looking at a menu from their favourite pizza place. "Yes?"

"Hannah just said something really strange," Frankie relayed the comment to him. "Do you think Mallory said something to her?"

Will shook his head. "I don't know, Frankie. I don't know."

"I just don't trust her," Frankie sat down in one of their large, overstuffed chairs.

"I'll talk to her," Will promised.

"Good," Frankie said. "And don't go easy on her, Will. Remember she compared me to David Wright!"

Will nodded. "I know, Frankie. That was completely out of line."

"I couldn't believe she had the nerve to say it," Frankie complained.

"You're nothing like him, Frankie," Will said.

"I know that," Frankie said.

Will leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I'll go and order the pizza."

Frankie held onto his hand a moment. "Thanks, Will."

"You're my girl, Frankie," Will said softly.

She smiled at him for real this time. "You've always been my guy," she said affectionately.

"Don't dwell on this, Frankie," Will said touching her cheek.

"I'll try not to," she said.

"Good," Will said giving her one last kiss.

Frankie sat back and looked into the fire. She wondered again what Hannah's comment had meant.

"Don't ever let me go," Frankie said aloud.

"What?" Will asked coming back in.

"Nothing," Frankie said looking at a photograph of her oldest daughter.

"She's okay," Will sat down across from her.

Frankie nodded. "I know."

"You won't have to worry about Mallory for awhile," Will said.

"She said that we hadn't seen the last of her," Frankie said.

"She's Hannah's aunt," Will said. "She's going to be part of Hannah's life whether we like it or not."

Frankie didn't like that actually. And there was no way she was letting Hannah go across the world like that all by herself to visit Mallory. For all Frankie knew, Mallory would get her hands on Hannah and never let her come back.

"Frankie if she ever was to go visit Mallory, at least one of us would go with her," Will pointed out.

"Too right we would," Frankie said.

"So stop worrying," Will told her.

"Yes, sir," Frankie said saluting him.

"Smartarse," Will said.

"When will the food be here?" Frankie asked with a grin.

"Soon enough," Will replied. "Thought I'd make some popcorn and we can watch a movie tonight with the kids."

"That's perfect," Frankie said. "And just what we all need."

"Good," Will grinned at her.

"I feel like things are getting back to normal," Frankie said grinning back at him.

"Yes," Will motioned for to come join him on the sofa.

Frankie sank down beside him on the sofa and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You know," Will said. "There's pizza on the way, but I wouldn't mind a little Frankie Gai Pan first..."

"You wouldn't?" Frankie grinned.

"It's been awhile," Will said.

"It has, but maybe we should wait until after dinner," Frankie said. "The pizza will be here soon and what if one of the kids wakes up?"

"You're going to hold out on me?" Will teased.

"Just until tonight," Frankie said grinning at him. "And I promise it will be worth the wait..."

Will gave her a kiss. "I'm looking forward to it."

Frankie nudged him. "You should be."

"I'll be waiting," Will said dramatically.

"Mummy!" Nathan called out from upstairs.

"And there we go," Frankie said, getting up.

"Zoom," Will joked.