Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This week's chapter finds Neville's new storyline starting. We hope that you will take a few minutes after you finish reading to let us know what you think. We did not have that much of a response to the last chapter and we really want to know what you guys think. Since this chapter isn't filler or fluff, we hope that you will let us know what you think and maybe let us know what you think. We want to make sure there is still interest in the story!

It had been awhile since Neville had visited his parents, so on his day off he and Cho headed for St. Mungos to see them. In all the years they had been there, they had never changed- never improved, although they did seem to know himself, Cho, and Chiaki they always had trouble remembering Allison and Frankie.

"Sometimes I wonder if I stopped going to see them, if they'd even realise it," Neville said to his wife.

Cho squeezed his hand. "Neville..."

"Not that I would," Neville replied. "When Gran died, I promised myself I'd always keep going to see them. But it just makes me wonder..."

"I think that deep down, the mother and father you once knew are still there," Cho said thoughtfully. "And I think it means the world to them that you come."

"Thanks," Neville said gratefully.

Cho and Neville signed in at the front desk. "Your daughter is already here, Mr. Longbottom," the nurse told him.

"She is?" Neville asked, surprised.

The nurse nodded. "They just arrived."

"Chiaki must have come," Cho replied. "Thank you," she said to the nurse.

Neville put his arm around his wife as they took the familiar walk down the corridor to his parents' room. Neville had taken this walk many, many times over the years.

Sure enough, just inside the room, Chiaki sat on Alice's bed with Mas and Sukie.

"Hi, Mum and Dad," Chiaki said smiling at him and Cho.

"Hello sweetheart," Cho greeted her daughter. "We didn't know you were going to be here today."

Chiaki nodded. "Sukie and Mas wanted to see their great-grandparents. The nurse said that she was going to bring Gran and Grandpa in. They were outside getting some air."

"How lovely," Cho said as Mas ran over to her and threw himself in her lap.

Cho gave him a hug. "How's my boy today?"

"Good," Mas looked up at her. "Missed you and Grandpa."

"We missed you too," Cho said grinning at him.

Neville picked up Sukie and kissed her cheek. "And how's my girl? Are you sharing with your brother?"

Sukie smiled innocently at him and shook her head.

Neville chuckled. "Just a little sharing?"

"No," Mas chimed in from his perch on Cho's lap.

"He's mean," Sukie explained to her grandfather. "He doesn't share with me either."

"Frankie, Allie and me were never this bad," Chiaki said to her mother.

"You weren't the same age, either." Cho pointed out.

Just then the door to the room opened and the nurse ushered in Frank and Alice Longbottom.

Neville stood back up, Sukie still in his arms. "Hi Dad. Hi Mum."

Frank walked past Neville and sat down on his bed.

"Hi Grandpa," Chiaki said. "How are you?"

Frank looked at her with a blank expression on his face.

"Dad," Neville said, setting Sukie down. "It's Neville."

Frank looked down at the floor and then up at Neville. Alice walked over to her bedside table and pulled out a bubble gum wrapper. She handed it to her son.

"Thanks Mum," Neville smiled at her. He put the wrapper in his pocket to put it with the rest of them later.

"How've they been?" Chiaki asked the nurse.

"As of late... a bit unresponsive." the nurse replied.

Chiaki walked over to her grandmother and noticed that she had scratches on her cheek. "Gran? Who did this?"

Alice looked up at her with a confused expression.

The nurse took Alice's hand and helped her into her rocking chair. "Mrs. Longbottom has taken to scratching herself when she's scared. The healer put some salve on her cheek and her arms."

"Mum," Neville reached for his mother, concerned. He wished he could tell her there was no need to be scared.

Alice allowed him to hug her and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Neville rubbed her back comfortingly. "Its okay, Mum."

Chiaki wiped a tear from her eyes as she watched them. Sukie tugged on her hand. "Don't cry, Mummy."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Chiaki said. "I'm just worried about Grandma Alice."

Chiaki picked her daughter up and hugged her to her.

"I'll let their healer know you're here," the nurse said before leaving the room.

It broke Neville's heart every time he came here to think of what his parents had missed out on over the years because of that spell. That spell that had taken his parents from him and had denied them the right to be involved in the lives of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

"Hello Frank," Cho tried to engage her father in law. "You're looking well."

Frank looked at her for a minute before turning his back to her.

Cho sighed. Obviously Frank was having one of his bad days.

The healer came into the room. Neville was glad for one thing---the same healer had been taking care of his parents for years.

"It's good to see you," Neville said, reaching for the other man's hand.

"Good afternoon, Neville," Healer Turner said. "I'm really glad that you're here actually. I've been meaning to owl you."

"Oh?" Neville asked.

"The nurse told us that Frank and Alice have been having some problems lately," Cho said quietly.

"Yes," Healer Turner said. "She's been scratching at herself, especially on days like today when Frank isn't responsive."

"Grandpa's usually not this bad," Chiaki commented.

"Well..." Healer Turner sat down in a chair at the desk positioned in the corner of the room. "This is part of the reason I'm glad you're here today."

Neville nodded. He just hoped there wasn't any more bad news.

"We think perhaps we've found a way to bring them out of their condition," Healer Turner said.

Neville looked at the healer as if he had not heard him right. "I beg your pardon?"

Healer Turner nodded. "We've been working at this spell for years, and we finally believe it's at a stage where it could bring your parents out of this condition they're in."

Chiaki and Cho exchanged a look. "What?" Chiaki asked. "Really?"

"Of course, there are some side effects," Healer Turner replied. "Periods of memory loss for one..."

Chiaki cut him off. "You're saying you've come up with a counter spell? You can cure my grandparents?"

"We'd be taking a chance, but I think the possibilities of curing them are very good," Healer Turner replied.

"Wait," Neville said. "Very good. That's not excellent."

"You've tested this?" Cho asked. "And you've been successful?"

"So far," Healer Turner nodded.

Chiaki grinned. "That's fantastic!"

"I'm not so sure," Neville said. "What are the rest of the side effects?"

"Coma," the healer replied. "Two of our test subjects have fallen into comas."

"Hmm..." Neville said. He wasn't sure he was willing to risk his parents. They may not really be aware, but at least they were still alive this way.

"I imagine you'd want to talk this over with your family," Healer Turner said. "And I can give you the articles I've written on this. It might help you make your decision, Neville."

"All right," Neville nodded.

The healer handed him a few folders. "Let me know what you decide."

"I will," Neville replied, looking thoughtfully at his parents.

Chiaki sat down beside her father. "Dad, you have to do this. You know that, right?'

"I don't know," Neville said pointedly. "This is awfully risky."

Chiaki could not believe he was having doubts about this. He had spent so many years visiting his parents like this and now he had the chance to have them back.

"I know what you both are thinking," Neville said. "But if something goes wrong..."

Cho put her hand on Neville's shoulder. "We'll support you with whatever you decide."

Sukie toddled over to Alice and smiled up at her great-grandmother. "Gamma Alice!"

Alice shrank back, pulling away from the little girl.

Sukie turned and looked at her mother, her lower lip trembling.

"Come here, baby." Chiaki said softly.

Sukie ran over to her mother.

"Grandma Alice loves you very much," Chiaki reassured her. "She is just---she's just scared."

"But I'm not scary," Sukie said in a small voice.

"She's not scared of you," Chiaki said.

"I'll share with her," Sukie told her mother.

Chiaki swallowed the lump in her throat. "I--I think she'd like that."

"I'm sure she would, love." Cho smiled at her granddaughter.

Mas tugged on Neville's hand. "Grandpa?"

"What is it, son?" Neville asked.

Mas smiled at him. "No sad, Grandpa."

Neville smiled at his grandson. "Not with you around, Mas."

Cho looked at her daughter. "How about we take the kids downstairs to have lunch and let Neville have some time with his parents?"

"Sure," Chiaki nodded. "That sounds good to me."'

Cho kissed her husband on the cheek. "Take as long as you need."

"Thank you," he said to them.

Chiaki walked over to her grandmother. She set the packs of gum she had bought for her on the table. "I love you, Gran. Don't be scared."

Alice looked up at her but didn't shrink back.

Chiaki took this as a positive sign and she stepped forward and kissed her grandmother's cheek. "You take care of Grandpa."

Alice made a sound in her throat that Chiaki recognised as one of contentment. She sighed in relief as she stood back up.

Sukie and Mas toddled over to where Frank was sitting. The two children looked nervously at each other before they placed the chocolate bars on the bedside table. "Bye, Grandpa Frank," Sukie said in a small voice.

Frank didn't look over at them, only stared at a spot on the wall.

Mas took his sister's hand and they walked back to Cho and Chiaki. The four of them left the room leaving Neville with his parents.

He moved over closer to them and Alice looked at him warily.

"I wish you could tell me what to do," Neville said quietly.

Frank still didn't respond, but Alice patted his hand.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at his mother.

Alice looked at him, but Neville couldn't tell if she could really see him or not. He'd give just about anything to have a real conversation with them; to see them hold their grandchildren and just lead normal lives. Perhaps he owed it to them to see if this cure could work.

The decision was ultimately his to make, but he would talk to his daughters and see what they wanted. He knew how Chiaki felt, but Allison and Frankie---he wasn't sure about. Neville pointed to a photograph on the wall of Allison with Emma, Caroline and Adam. "Allie's having another baby, Mum."

Alice looked at the picture, nonplussed, and then began to root through the small bedside drawer.

Neville looked curiously at her. "What are you doing, Mum?"

Alice pulled out another picture and handed it to Neville.

Neville smiled. "That's Emma. She was a year old in that picture."

Alice smiled and touched the picture with her index finger.

Frank walked over to see what they were looking at and Alice held up the photograph for him to see.

Frank managed a half grimace, half smile.

"Ba-by," Alice whispered.

Neville stared at his mother. "What?"

Alice held out the picture again.

"You want to see Emma?" Neville asked.

Alice smiled at her son.

"I can arrange that," Neville told her.

Alice hugged the picture to her as Frank sat down beside her.

Neville watched as Frank put a hand on his wife's back.

He wished more than anything that they could tell him what to do. This was their lives he was deciding on and he felt like they should have some say. But, he was their son and this would be his decision. With a heavy heart, Neville hugged his parents and picked up the files.

"I'll see you two soon," Neville said. "I promise I'll be by more often."

In the cafeteria, Mas and Sukie were happily eating while Chiaki and Cho talked. "Dad has to go through with this," Chiaki said in a hushed voice to her mother.

"It's up to him," Cho told her daughter.

"But---" Chiaki protested.

"We can talk to him but we can't make his mind up for him," Cho replied firmly.

Chiaki nodded. "I know."

Cho smiled at her daughter. "He'll make the best decision."

"Grandpa," Sukie said pointing to the front of the cafeteria where Neville had entered.

"Dad!" Chiaki waved to him. "Over here!"

Neville waved back and crossed the room to his family.

"How was the rest of your visit?" Cho asked him.

Neville set the file down and looked at his wife and daughter. "She spoke. I was telling her about Allie having another baby andshe pulled out a picture of Emma."

"She spoke?" Cho asked. "Neville, that's wonderful!"

"It was just one word, but it was like she knew who Emma was and she associated her with Allie," Neville said.

"Wow," Chiaki said. "That's really incredible."

"It is, isn't it?" Neville asked.

"If you'd like later, I'll look at those studies with you," Cho offered.

Neville reached for her hand. "Thanks, Cho. I'd appreciate that."

Cho squeezed her husband's hand.

"I can't believe this is happening," Neville commented.

"It could be a whole new beginning for them," Cho said as Chiaki began to clean her children up.

"Or it could all go horribly wrong," Neville said thoughtfully.

"There is that chance," Cho agreed. "But you have to think of the benefits if it DOES work. We'll figure all this out together when we read through that research."

"Frankie and Allie need to be told," Chiaki said.

Neville nodded. "Perhaps we should see if we can have everyone over for dinner."

Cho thought about this for a moment. "Wait---Allie's on bed rest. Perhaps we shouldn't tell her about this."

"You're not going to tell Allie about this?" Chiaki echoed, sitting back down.

"Lizzy said she should avoid stress," Neville said. "Maybe it would be best to wait to tell her until after we've looked at this research."

"I think you're right," Cho nodded. "It'll only be a day or so."

Chiaki relented. "Okay."

"I want to go home," Sukie said. "I want to play with my toys!"

"Me too!" Mas chimed in.

"All right," Chiaki said. "Finish your biscuits."

"Kay," Mas replied.

"We're going to head out," Cho said. "I'll owl you about dinner, love."

Neville gave his oldest daughter a hug. "Thank you for coming here today, Chiaki."

"Of course," Chiaki said. "I love visiting them... I just wish they knew us better."

"Maybe they will," Neville said thoughtfully.

Chiaki smiled at him. "I hope so."

Neville squeezed her hand. "We'll be in touch."

"Bye," Chiaki returned her attention to her children so she could pack them up and head home.

Neville walked his wife back to her dance studio. He had not said much and he was eager to get back to his office to read over the research.

"I'll be home in a few hours," Cho told him. "We can look over those reports then."

Neville nodded. "Thanks for going with me today, Cho."

"Anytime," Cho gave him a kiss. "I love seeing them."

Neville held on to her for a few moments. She had always been his safe place and he wanted to know that whatever he decided, she would be okay with.

Cho smiled at him. "You okay?"

Neville shook his head. "I don't know what to do, Cho."

"We'll figure it out together," she said, squeezing his hand.

"I love you," Neville said.

"Love you too," Cho gave him another kiss.

Neville set off for his office, his mind full of questions.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted so badly to have his parents back, but at what expense?

*** *** ***

It was Friday evening and instead of heading out with her boyfriend, Alexa found herself in an alleyway preparing to Apparate home. She needed to see her best friend desperately and hoped she wouldn't' be dropping in on Saffron at a bad time.

She was just a few weeks into the new semester and she was not doing as well as she would have hoped. The truth was, she was homesick and other than her roommate, she hadn't really made any new friends.

Alexa pulled out her wand and thought of Andrew and Saffron's cosy little place.

A few minutes later, she found herself on the front steps of Saffron and Andrew's home. She rang the bell, but there was no answer. Alexa sighed and cursed her stupidity. She should have called first before barging over here like this. Alexa turned to go when the door sprang open and she saw RJ holding Ellie.

"Thank Merlin you're here!" RJ exclaimed. "She's crying and I have no idea what to do. I've tried making faces at her, I've tried doing a stupid dance...and she still cries."

"What?" Alexa asked taken aback. "What---why are you watching Ellie?"

"Andrew had a match," RJ said. "Saf wanted to go and they had no babysitter. Aud's visiting her grandparents so I said I'd do it."

"Oh," Alexa said, reaching for the baby. "Here let me see if I can help..."

RJ stood back so she could come inside. He closed the door behind her and put his head in his hands. "She was perfect the first five minutes."

Alexa smiled. "She's probably just hungry."

RJ shook his head. "I tried that. I think Saffy put some kind of hex on me that makes the baby cry anytime I go near her."

"Nappy?" Alexa tried again.

Again, RJ shook his head.

"Hmm..." Alexa cuddled Ellie close to her and patted her back.

Ellie let out a choked sob. Alexa had missed her goddaughter so much and she could not get over how much bigger Ellie was than the last time she'd seen her.

"Hey," RJ said with a smile. "You got her to quiet down."

Alexa grinned. "I guess I have the magic touch."

RJ nodded. "You do." he said. "Hey... what are you doing here?"

Alexa sat down with the baby. "What?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're here," RJ said hastily. "But... why are you here?"

Alexa smiled at him. "This is home, isn't it?"

"I just figured you'd be living it up in LA," RJ shrugged.

Alexa's smile faltered. "No, not me."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Alexa continued to pat Ellie's back in a comforting fashion.

"Lexie..." RJ said.

Alexa looked down at Ellie who was now sleeping. "Let's put her down first."

"All right," RJ agreed.

Alexa stood up slowly so as not to wake the baby. She carried Ellie to her nursery and gingerly set her down in her crib.

"You're good," RJ admitted.

Alexa turned and looked at him. "At least I'm good at something..."

"Was that a shot?" RJ asked with a grin.

Alexa shook her head. "No, I wouldn't kick you while you were down."

"Funny," RJ said. "How about some hot chocolate?"

Alexa nodded. "I'd love some."

"Finish up with her and I'll have it ready in a minute," RJ made a hasty exit.

Alexa glanced down at the sleeping baby and smiled. She felt more at home here in the past five minutes than she had at school in the past five months.

"You are such a beautiful baby, Ellie." Alexa whispered. The pictures that Saffron had owled to her hardly did the baby justice.

"Hot chocolate's ready!" RJ called.

Alexa took one last look at the baby before heading into the kitchen where RJ was waiting.

"Biscuits?" he asked.

"I guess," Alexa replied.

RJ carried a plate of chocolate chip biscuits over tot he table and sat down across from her. He knew her well enough to know when something was wrong. "Lex?"

"It's just not what I thought it was going to be, you know?" Alexa asked. "Being in California... I like it... but I miss home so much."

"Saf said you were doing well," RJ said.

"My marks are good," Alexa nodded. "But I don't know... I'm lonely over there."

"Gabe isn't helping?" RJ asked. He noticed the look on Alexa's face. "Oh. Touched a nerve?"

"He's hardly been around," Alexa admitted softly.

"I see," RJ said.

"I mean... I understand, his major is very demanding," Alexa continued. "And he has to put in a lot of hours at the hospital... but I guess I just hoped it would take over his life."

RJ knew first hand how it felt to take someone you loved for granted and to lose them. He reached across the table and gave her hand a squeeze. "Have you talked to him about it?"

"I've tried," Alexa said. "He's never got time to sit anymore."

"So you came here to talk to Saffy?" RJ guessed.

"She's always been there for me," Alexa said, wrapping her hands around the mug.

RJ nodded. "I know I'm not Saffy, but I'm here. You know, if you want to talk."

"It wouldn't be too weird?" Alexa asked.

RJ chuckled. "Nah, we're friends, Lex."

"I'm glad for that," Alexa told him. "I really am."

RJ smiled at her. "Me, too. And not just because you saved me tonight with Ellie."

Alexa had to smile too. "It's just been rough. I mean, first semester was all right, but ever since coming back to school after Christmas holiday, he's been too busy to do anything with me."

"So you've been spending time alone?" RJ asked sympathetically.

"Mostly," Alexa nodded. "I've spent a little time with Carmen... but I can only be with her so much before I just need to get away."

RJ nodded in understanding. "Saf said she's a bit much."

"She's sweet, but completely star struck," Alexa said.

"Too bad she's Muggle," RJ said leaning back in his chair. "If she knew who I was…"

Alexa rolled her eyes. "I'm sure she'd fall all over herself."

RJ puffed out his chest. "As all the ladies do..."

Alexa shook her head.

RJ grinned. "You could barely put two words together around me...when you were 11."

"Until I finally had you," Alexa had to smile. "Now I know what you're really like..."

"And what am I really like, Miss O'Leary?" RJ asked.

"You're a good person," Alexa said. "And a good friend."

RJ met her gaze. "Thanks, Lex."

"For awhile after we broke up I didn't think I'd ever be able to look you in the eye again," Alexa said. "I was so upset. But... we all move on. It's a good thing..."

"I messed up," RJ agreed.

"We both did," Alexa replied.

"And look at us now," RJ commented.

"I just..." Alexa sighed. "Things were always so good with me and Gabe when we were here... and over there, it's like school takes priority over everything."

"It doesn't sound like it's going to get any better," RJ commented.

Alexa felt a pang in her stomach. "I don't know..." she said thoughtfully. "I want to make it work."

"Maybe you should try talking to him then," RJ said thoughtfully.

"But I have," Alexa said. "He's always preoccupied."

RJ did not want to say what he was really thinking. If this was bad now, he did not foresee it getting better.

"I'll try talking to him again," Alexa replied. "If it still doesn't get any better, then I'll think about what to do after that."

RJ nodded. "In the meantime, you are always welcome here you know that, right? "

"Does Saffy know you said that?" Alexa joked.

RJ laughed. "You know what I meant."

"I do," Alexa nodded. "Thanks RJ. That means a lot to me."

"Do you want to watch a movie until Saf comes home?" RJ asked.

"Sure," Alexa nodded.

RJ grinned. "And you can be here if Ellie wakes up crying."

"You always have an ulterior motive," Alexa poked him.

"Not me," RJ said innocently.

"Right," Alexa replied as they sat down on the sofa.

RJ looked at Andrew and Saffy's movie collection and decided to pick a comedy. Alexa obviously needed a laugh.

"Nothing bloody," Alexa said. "So not in the mood for that."

"One of your old favourites," RJ said putting the disc in the player.

"Which one?" Alexa asked.

"You'll see," RJ said sitting down beside her as Puddles came into the room.

Alexa smiled at the dog. "Hiya Puddles!" she patted her lap.

Puddles jumped up on the couch and sat down on Alexa's lap.

"I think he missed you," RJ scratched the dog's ears.

"I missed him too," Alexa said softly.

Puddles jumped up and began licking her face.

Alexa laughed. "Puddles!"

"Gross," RJ made a face.

Alexa smiled, feeling much better than she had in weeks. This felt comfortable and familiar.

"You put on The Wedding Crashers," Alexa said. "That IS a good choice, RJ."

RJ grinned. "Guaranteed to put a smile on your face."

"Exactly what I need," Alexa agreed.

The two of them fell into a companionable silence as they watched the movie.

It was almost over when the fireplace roared to life and Andrew and Saffron came rushing out.

"Lexie!" Saffron exclaimed. "What on earth---"

Puddles jumped off Alexa's lap as the redhead stood to greet her friend.

Saffron hugged her friend tightly. "This is a nice surprise!"

"I'm sorry to barge in on you," Alexa hugged her back. "But I just really needed to talk to you."

RJ clapped Andrew on the back. "Come on, you and I can go check on Ellie and then you can tell me about the match."

"We kicked their sorry arses," Andrew said after giving Alexa a quick hug in greeting.

"He was amazing," Saffron said proudly.

"I miss Quidditch," Alexa said wistfully.

"Too bad we didn't know you were coming," Saffron said. "We could have invited you along."

Alexa nodded and nervously ran her hand through her hair.

"Come on," Saffron said taking her hand. "We'll talk in the kitchen."

Alexa nodded gratefully. It had been good to unload a bit on RJ but Saffron would give her the advice she needed.

"So shouldn't you be at a basketball game or something?" Saffron asked teasingly.

Alexa managed a smile. "Saffy... I don't know if I want to stay out there."

Saffron stared at her. "What?"

Alexa fought back some tears as she told Saffron everything she had told RJ- except more in detail. "I don't want him to neglect his studies, but he has absolutely no time for me. I haven't seen him since last week."

"He's in pre-med," Saffron said in Gabe's defence.

"I know," Alexa said. "This makes me sound absolutely awful, doesn't it? I'm whining..."

Saffron shook her head. "No, it doesn't. And you're not whining, you're venting. "

"I miss him," Alexa said. "We haven't been together in months."

"And you miss home," Saffron commented.

"I'm lonely there," Alexa said softly. "I feel like I'm missing out on so much back here."

Saffron wondered why Alexa hadn't said anything before. Truth be told, Saffron had wondered if perhaps Alexa was only going to college in the States to follow Gabriel. Saffron hadn't agreed with it at that time, but she did not want to discourage Alexa.

"I just don't know what to do," Alexa looked up at her best friend.

"Lexie, if you're unhappy there, maybeyou should think about coming back here," Saffron said. "There are loads of good universities here."

"But what about Gabriel?" Alexa asked. "I love him, Saffy."

Saffron looked at Alexa. "Lexie--you don't have to stay there just because of him. He can visit like he did before."

Alexa bit her lower lip. "Part of me wishes I'd never gone to begin with," she admitted.

Saffron sat down beside her friend. "You were thinking that you and Gabe would go to the states and spend all this time together and that everything would be perfect."

"I guess I was," Alexa replied.

Saffron squeezed her hand. "I can't tell you what to do, but you can't live your life based on someone else's dream, Lex."

Alexa nodded and rubbed at her forehead. "Perhaps we should break up."

"Perhaps you need to think about what you want and what's best for you and then talk to Gabe," Saffron said thoughtfully.

"I need a new perspective," Alexa told her. "Help me sort it out?"

"Of course," Saffron replied. "How many times did you help me?"

"Too many to count?" Alexa asked wryly.

Saffron laughed. "Well, if I'd have known you were free, I'd have had you watch Ellie. I was worried all night about leaving her with RJ."

"She was crying when I got here, but I quieted her down." Alexa said. "He was trying, though."

"We were desperate for a sitter," Saffron said. "My mum and dad are out of town on a conference. Andrew's dad is sick with the flu and his mum was looking out for him. Jules had a Hogwarts thing and Greta's traveling."

"RJ loves her," Alexa said.

"And you do too," Saffron smiled. "We couldn't have asked for better godparents."

"She's amazing," Alexa said.

"She is pretty great," Saffron said proudly. "And I'd say that even if I wasn't her mum."

"Its things like this that I miss," Alexa told her.

"Well, why don't you stay here with us this weekend?" Saffron suggested.

"You wouldn't mind?" Alexa asked.

"Mind?" Saffron waved her hand. "Are you kidding? I'd love it."

Alexa gave her a tight hug. "This is why you're my best friend.

Saffron smiled. "Let's go and check on the boys."

Alexa smiled back. She already felt a bit better just by getting her feelings off her chest.

"We have a house guest," Saffron said to Andrew.

"You staying with us, Lexie?" Andrew asked.

"Just for the weekend," Alexa replied.

"Great," Andrew replied. "It's been awhile."

RJ put his arm around Alexa. "Slumber party!" Alexa giggled and poked him in the side.

"You're such a goofball!" she exclaimed.

RJ grinned at her. "Glad someone in here finds me funny," he looked meaningfully at Ellie.

"She gave RJ a hard time," Andrew told his fiancée.

"Mummy's good girl," Saffron replied.

Alexa laughed at the look on RJ's face. "Well, I should go back to my dorm and pack some things."

"I'll go with," RJ offered. "I've never been to Los Angeles."

"I don't know," Alexa said. "I don't know if Los Angeles could handle you."

"We'll be there for what---ten minutes?" RJ asked. "I think I can handle it."

"If Carmen's there, you'll have to wait in the hall," Alexa warned.

RJ nodded. "No problem."

"Hurry back," Saffron told her. "I'm going to ring Beth and Mimi. We can go looking for bridesmaid stuff this weekend."

Alexa grinned. "Fantastic."

"And with the three of us, you can't go wrong with advice," Saffron told her.

RJ took Alexa's hand. "Come on then, Miss O'Leary."

"We should Apparate," Alexa said. "I'll get us both there."

Saffron laughed. "Poor Los Angeles has no idea what is about to hit it."

"Funny, Saf." RJ replied. "We'll be extra loud when we get back."

Saffron stuck her tongue out at him.

"That's mature," RJ scoffed.

RJ and Alexa Apparated and arrived just outside the dormitory. RJ looked around. "Wow---this is impressive."

"Wait until you see the rooms," Alexa said. "So small..."

RJ felt quite warm in his heavy jumper. "It's this warm here in February?"

"All year round," Alexa nodded. "And the sun is out constantly. It's really a change."

"I'll say," RJ said lifting his jumper over his head. The t-shirt he wore underneath was much more suitable for this climate.

"My room's just up here," Alexa led him inside.

RJ followed Alexa down the corridor.

"And voila--" Alexa stopped short.

RJ bumped into her. "Oomph!"

"Gabe," Alexa said in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I just finished my shift at the hospital," Gabe said looking warily at RJ. "What's he doing here?"

"I'm... um... I'm going back to London for the weekend," Alexa told him.

Gabe folded his arms. "Why? Is something wrong with your parents?"

"No," Alexa said, heading for her closet. "I just want to go home."

"She's spending the weekend with Andrew and Saffy," RJ told Gabriel.

"Why?" Gabriel asked.

"Because I want to," Alexa said grabbing her bag from the top shelf of the closet.

"I thought we could go to lunch," Gabriel looked at her. "I have a few hours off."

Alexa shook her head. She wondered how he would like it to be the one who was turned down. "No."

"Lexie--" Gabriel began but stopped when he saw RJ was still in the room.

RJ looked at him. "What?"

"Can we have a minute?" Gabriel asked him.

RJ looked at Alexa. "There's a vending machine downstairs," she told him, handing him some Muggle coins from a cup on her desk. "I'll be just a minute."

"Oh..." RJ said. "Okay."

RJ left the room and Alexa resumed her packing.

"What's going on?" Gabriel asked her. "You're mad at me, I can tell."

Alexa looked up at him. "Yes."

"What did I do?" he asked.

Alexa sat down on the edge of the bed. "Nothing---except be who you are, Gabe. It's not just you---it's me."

He stared at her. "Is this a break-up speech you're giving me?" he asked in disbelief. "Lexie..."

Alexa held up her hand. "No---it's just I have to figure some things out for myself."

"I can't help you?" he asked softly.

Alexa shook her head. "I haven't been very happy here. I miss home so much. More than I thought I would."

Gabriel stood up and went over to her. "And I haven't been around to help you."

Alexa shook her head. "But, you have your own things going on, Gabe. I know how important being a doctor is to you and you're busy."

"But I love you," Gabriel told her. "I don't want you to feel neglected on my part."

"I love you too," Alexa said.

Gabriel put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "You're the only girl for me, Lexie."

"I just need some time," Alexa said. "To figure out what's best for me."

Gabriel nodded.

"I'll ring you when I get back on Sunday," Alexa promised.

"All right," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Alexa finished her packing. "I should go downstairs before RJ clears out the vending machine."

Gabriel smiled a bit. "If he figured it out."

"When food's involved, he's a quick study," Alexa said scribbling a quick note for her roommate.

"I'll walk you out," Gabriel told her.

"I'd like that," Alexa said.

Gabriel put his hand on her back as they left the dorm room.

Downstairs in the vending area, RJ was staring in awe at the vending machine. Unfortunately, three other students were standing behind him, impatiently waiting. "Make up your mind, buddy!"

"But there's so much to choose from," RJ said dreamily.

"All I want is some chips," the girl behind him muttered.

"RJ," Alexa came over. "Here..." she put several coins in and picked three things she knew he would like.

"Thanks," RJ said. "You know if my Grandpa saw this, he'd be over the moon."

"It's just a vending machine," the girl behind him said snappishly.

Alexa grabbed RJ by the arm. "This lot isn't very patient, RJ."

RJ opened one of the bags. "This is incredible!"

"I see the real reason you wanted to come with," Alexa teased.

"I didn't know you had these," RJ said with his mouth full. "Maybe I should start going here."

"Just for the food?" Alexa asked.

"You should take him to the cafeteria," Gabriel said.

"Next time," Alexa said. "RJ--you ready to go?"

"Can we get one more thing from that machine?" he asked.

Alexa laughed. "What did you want?"

"I don't know," he said. "Pick something for me."

Alexa took two quarters from his hand and walked over to the vending machine. Gabriel saw how well Alexa still knew her ex-boyfriend and he felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Man, I'd be at that thing all the time," RJ said, crumpling the empty bag in his hand and ripping open another.

"Tell Saffy and Andrew I said hello," Gabriel told Alexa.

"I will," Alexa replied. "Talk to you Sunday."

Gabriel nodded. "Bye, Lex. RJ."

Alexa smiled tentatively at her boyfriend before she and RJ headed for the same alleyway she'd used earlier.

"Everything okay?" RJ asked her.

Alexa shrugged.

RJ put his arm around her. "It'll be okay, Lex."

"I know," she said. "Thanks RJ."

"And you get to spend all weekend with Ellie," RJ said.

"I've missed being there for that," Alexa replied. "But sometimes I still can't believe Andrew and Saffron are parents."

"Me either," RJ agreed.

"Especially when I look at the girls our age here," Alexa said. "For a lot of them, their biggest concern is their clothing."

"Saf had to grow up pretty fast," RJ said thoughtfully.

"They both did," Alexa agreed.

RJ smiled at her. "We'd better go."

"Right," she nodded.

Alexa looked around to make sure there was no one watching. She took hold of RJ's arm and thought about Andrew and Saffy's home.

They appeared back in the London flatmoments later to hear Ellie wailing in her nursery.

RJ groaned. "She must have heard I was back."

Alexa laughed and put her bag down in the sitting room. "Come on; let's go see if we can help."

RJ followed her into the nursery. "Saf---now you're getting a replay of my night with her."

Saffron patted Ellie's back. "Andrew's warming her bottle. She's hungry."

Alexa smiled as she watched her friend in full-on mum mode.

"Want to feed her?" Saffron asked Alexa.

"Can I?" Alexa asked eagerly.

"Of course," Saffron said. "Take a seat, Andrew will be back in a minute."

Alexa sat down in the rocking chair.

"Here we are," Saffron gently set her daughter into Alexa's arms.

"Hi, Ellie," Alexa said softly.

The infant's face was still screwed up and she was crying.

"Here we are," Andrew said hurrying into the room with the bottle.

"Thanks," Alexa took it and carefully guided it to Ellie's little mouth.

Saffron leaned against Andrew. "Silence."

"Brilliant, Lexie," Andrew said, winding his arms around Saffron.

Alexa smiled but did not say anything. She was just enjoying this moment.

"You should have seen this thing where Lex goes to school," RJ said. "A vending machine. Bloody brilliant!"

Saffron laughed. "Did you clean it out?"

"I would have, if those people hadn't been pushing past me," RJ ripped open his last bag.

"The nerve," Saffron said dryly.

"These are really good," RJ stuffed them in his mouth.

Saffron rolled her eyes and looked at her best friend. "Come on, Lex. I'll show you to your room."

"You mean I don't have to bunk with Ellie?" Alexa joked.

Saffron laughed. "Not unless you like being woken up."

"I thought she was sleeping through the night," Alexa replied.

Saffron and Andrew exchanged a look. "Well, she's sort of having her little 'moments' now. I think she was trying to lull us into a false sense of security."

Alexa laughed. "I can't wait to help you with her this weekend."

"Famous last words," Saffron said as Andrew grabbed Alexa's bag. Alexa looked at RJ and smiled at him. "Thanks for coming with me, RJ. It---it meant a lot."

"No problem, Lexie." RJ said. "Anytime."

Alexa stepped forward and gave him a hug.

It felt nice and familiar to hug him. It reminded her of things... how it used to be.

When they pulled apart, they looked at each for a moment and Alexa felt a familiar stir of butterflies in her stomach. She shook them off, thinking that this was just her reaction to coming home and being back with people who cared about her, who made her feel safe and welcome.

"Come on," Saffron said to her. "We have the cutest guest room. You get to be the first person to use it."

Alexa turned and followed her best friend while Andrew came back into the room. He noticed the look on RJ's face and folded his arms. RJ caught his friend's look and pulled an innocent face. "What?"

"What's going on?" Andrew asked suspiciously.

RJ shrugged. "Nothing."

"I've seen that look before," Andrew said pointedly.

RJ sat down on the sofa. "She's different, you know? From how she used to be."

Andrew nodded. "She's more confident now. Talks more too."

"Boyd's an idiot," RJ commented. "Taking her for granted like that."

"Knock it off," Andrew warned. "It's not your business anymore."

RJ sighed. "Andrew, come on, mate. Lexie's my friend."

"Keep it that way," Andrew said. "Don't do anything to lose Audrey."

"I'm not going to lose Audrey," RJ said firmly. "I love Aud."

"Good," Andrew said. "Want a beer?"

"Absolutely," RJ replied. "It will help wash down those crisps."

Andrew laughed. "I've never seen anyone polish them off like you, mate."

RJ grinned. "Just what I needed after spending time with your daughter. She has a set of lungs on her."

"It's mainly just a show for you," Andrew told him.

"Oh, is that what it is?" RJ asked. He handed Andrew an envelope. "This came for you earlier. Looks like Aunt Hermione's writing."

"Oh," Andrew took it and stuck it in his pocket. "Thanks."

"What's going on?" RJ asked.

"Nothing," Andrew replied. "I'll just open it later."

RJ had a feeling there was something else there, but he wasn't going to press the issue.

Upstairs, Saffron was listening while Alexa gave her the details of what had happened at the dorm and what had been going on for these past few weeks.

"So I don't know," Alexa finished. "I mean... when I sort of mentioned taking a break, he didn't want to do it."

"So are you guys together or not?" Saffron asked.

"For now," Alexa nodded.

"I really wish you'd have said something," Saffron said sitting down beside her best friend. "About how bad you were feeling."

"There wasn't a lot of time," Alexa explained. "But next week when I'm back, I'm going to talk to him."

"Good," Saffron said squeezing her hand. "But, you know what? I've missed you too!"

Alexa smiled gratefully at her friend. "I'm so glad you don't mind me crashing here. I needed you this weekend."

"We'll have a great time," Saffron said. "Tomorrow, I'll get up and make my famous waffles and then we'll go and meet Mimi and Beth at the dress shop. Then, you and I can take Ellie for a walk."

"That sounds perfect," Alexa said. "I can't wait."

Saffron gave her best friendhug. "Come on. We'll go downstairs and see what the boys are up to."

They checked on Ellie and headed into the kitchen. "We've got plans for tomorrow," Saffron told her fiancé. "Lexie and I are going dress shopping- do you want me to take Ellie or will you stay with her?"

"I can take her," Andrew said.

"Are you sure?" Saffron asked.

Andrew nodded. "Ellie and I will have some father-daughter bonding time."

"That's so sweet," Saffron said dreamily.

RJ nudged Andrew. "That is adorable," he said in a dramatic voice.

"Shut it," Andrew replied.

"Well, I'll have my mobile if you need me," Saffron told her fiancé.

"She's my girl," Andrew replied. "I won't need to call you."

Saffron gave him a kiss. "Thanks, Andrew."

RJ looked at Alexa and made a face.

Alexa laughed and grabbed a napkin. "You have crumbs on your cheek, Weasley."

"I'll eat them off," RJ replied. "Those crisps were so good... maybe we should go back there and get more!"

"Well, if you're very nice, I might bring you some back," Alexa said wiping his cheek. RJ put his hand out to stop her.

"I've got it," he told her.

Alexa grinned at him. "Okay, we wouldn't want you to waste any food."

"Never," RJ scoffed.

"Weasleys never waste food," Saffron said.

"We've got some crisps here," Andrew said, searching the cupboard. "Take them RJ. Saf doesn't want any junk food around the house."

Saffron patted her stomach. "I'm going to get my figure back if it's the last thing I do."

"You look just fine," Alexa said loyally. "I wouldn't have guessed you had a baby at all."

Saffron laughed. "Oh, you're my best friend. You're supposed to say that."

"What about if I say it?" RJ asked.

"Well, you're scared of me," Saffron said with a grin.

"I am not," RJ denied.

"You so are," Saffron said gleefully.

"I think you are," Andrew told his best friend with a grin.

"I'm not," RJ said. "Am I, Lex?"

"A little," Alexa admitted.

RJ frowned. "Lex!"

"You always have been," Alexa pointed out.

Saffron grinned. "You're outnumbered, Junior."

"Whatever," RJ muttered. "I'm not scared of you."

Saffron leaned over and tweaked his nose. "It's okay. As long as I know the truth, that's all that matters."

RJ grabbed the bag of crisps. "I'm out of here."

"Leaving so soon?" Saffron laughed.

"I have to get home to Aud anyway," RJ replied.

Saffron walked over to him. "In all seriousness thanks for watching Ellie tonight. You saved us."

"Anytime," RJ said. "She's not so bad, even if she's half yours."

Saffron stomped down hard on his foot.

"OW!" RJ shouted.

Saffron smiled sweetly at him.

In the other room, Ellie started to cry and Andrew groaned. "Thanks."

"I'll go!" Alexa offered.

"Thanks Lexie," Andrew said. "She might just be hungry. You can bring her back in here."

Alexa grinned and practically ran back to the nursery.

"She's eager," Saffron laughed.

Andrew nodded. "We'll have to see if she can help us out when El starts teething."

"It's coming," Saffron said as Alexa brought Ellie back into the kitchen.

Andrew took the baby from Alexa. "Come here, little girl. Are you hungry?"

"I pumped some milk earlier today," Saffron said as RJ made a gagging noise.

Alexa giggled. "Too much information, RJ?"

"Yeah," RJ said. "Now I'm really out of here. I'll see you lot tomorrow."

"I'll walk you out," Alexa said.

"All right," RJ smiled at her.

Alexa smiled back at him. "How's your foot?"

"It's fine," RJ said. "I just like Saffy to THINK I'm scared of her."

"Your secret is safe with me," Alexa promised.

RJ squeezed her arm. "I'm glad you're here for the weekend."

"Me too," Alexa said softly.

"If there's anything else you want to talk about, I'm here for you." RJ told her.

"Thanks, RJ," Alexa said leaning in and pecking him on the cheek.

RJ turned a bit red but smiled at her. "Later, Lexie."

"Later," Alexa said.

"You should come by and see the new place," he told her as he tossed a handful of powder into the fireplace. "Aud and I just moved in."

"Oh," Alexa nodded. "That's great."

"Have Saf bring you by," RJ said. "She knows where it is."

Alexa watched him leave and stood there for a few moments reliving the events of that night in her head.

She had never been more confused. She loved Gabriel- she loved him very much, but being with RJ that night had brought her back to a time when she'd been very happy.

"Auntie Lexie?" Saffron called out from the kitchen.

"Coming," Alexa shook herself out of her reverie.

"Would you like to burp her?" Saffron asked.

Alexa laughed. "Give me the fun jobs, will you?"

While Alexa enjoyed her time with the baby, RJ was just arriving home to the new house. "Aud?" he called out, but there was no answer. "Aud?" His eyes fell on a note on the coffee table. RJ sighed as he picked it up.

"Hiya, RJ," he read aloud. "Going to spend the night at Gran's. She appreciates the company and it's a great place to study for my exam. I'll see you tomorrow. Love, Audrey."

"Again?" he asked. "Why the hell did we move in here if you're never home, Aud?"

RJ crumpled up the letter and threw it in the rubbish bin.

He went into the kitchen and rummaged in the back of his cabinet for the Ogden's. A good quick one would help his sudden bad mood.

Despite the trouble with Ellie, he had enjoyed the evening. Alexa had saved him with the baby and he'd had a good time accompanying her back to the States. For the first time, he thought about what his life would have been like if he'd gone off to college instead of pursuing Quidditch. But, then again,a love of vending machine snacks was not a reason to spend four years in classrooms.

He swallowed the Ogden's and tossed the glass in the sink.

He and Alexa were kind of in the same boat, he mused to himself. Both involved with people who seemed more interested in their schoolwork than anything else.

RJ thought about his conversation with his ex girlfriend. He still cared about her- she'd been his first love.

She had changed so much since they had gone out. She was much more confident and sure of herself. It was an attractive quality. He had to admit he liked this side of her very much.

If Audrey was going to be at her grandmother's, maybe he could ask Alexa out for dinner or something. It would be nice to get together with her and maybe they could talk----like they used to.

He decided he'd do just that. Tomorrow night perhaps they could enjoy a meal somewhere and just catch up.

RJ smiled. His one regret was how he had ended things with Alexa. He was glad that they were becoming friends again.