Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Well I'd like to take this authors note to let everyone know that one half of your author team here is having a birthday today :) Amynoelle is celebrating her __st birthday (LOL a woman never reveals her age ;) ) and she's sort of co celebrating with Caroline as you get the first half of her party in this chapter. As always, please let us know what you think!

Ever since the Jared situation had been resolved, Maddie and Ethan had tried to meet every day for lunch in the cafeteria or they would meet in the lobby and head out somewhere to spend some time together. That day they were waiting for Ron and Luna to join them.

"So your mum and dad really don't hate me," Ethan asked his girlfriend. "Right?"

"I've told you a thousand times that they don't," Maddie reassured him. "You're their godson, Ethan James."

"I know but--" Ethan was interrupted as Maddie put a finger to his lips.

"No more of that," she whispered.

"All right," he smiled at her. "Long as I have you..."

"You always have me," Maddie said giving him a kiss. "I'm glad I was able to get away actually. Smythe's about as wound up as I've ever seen her."

"Still over Jared?" Ethan asked incredulously.

Maddie shook her head. "There's this woman Seer who used to work for the department years ago, but she took time off to 'find herself' apparently. She's written a few books, but Smythe says she has serious doubts as to whether she really has the gift."

"Bloody hell," Ethan muttered. "Sounds as if things are a bit of a catastrophe right now."

"Just a little bit," Maddie said. "How about you? How's your day been?"

"Not bad," Ethan replied. "Justin and I are on a new case."

"Something big?" Maddie asked.

"Could be," Ethan replied, his arm around her. "I'll fill you in tonight when we get home."

Luna and Ron had actually arrived a little early for their lunch with Maddie and Ethan and went upstairs to visit with Hermione. She hadn't been able to talk much as she was expected in a big meeting so Ron and Luna left to meet up with their daughter and Ethan.

"I think I'll start with a cheeseburger," Ron said rubbing his stomach. "And then maybe some chips. But you know I always have liked the roast beef sandwiches they have here."

Luna shook her head with a smile. "Why don't you order some extra mystery meat?"

"That's the one thing I can say without a doubt I don't want to eat," Ron said shaking his head. "Look, there's Maddie and Ethan."

"They look happy together," Luna commented with a smile. "I'm so happy things worked out."

"Me too," Ron agreed. "I hated seeing my Maddie so upset."

"Hi Mum," Maddie greeted her parents with a hug. "Hi Daddy."

"Hi sweetheart," Luna said. "You look lovely."

"You look great too Mum," Maddie replied. "We can either eat here or we can go out somewhere if you two want..."

"It's been ages since I've eaten here," Ron interjected. "And I'm looking forward to sampling all my old favourites."

Ethan grinned. "I told them to set aside some mystery meat for you."

"And here I was just starting to like you again," Ron said with a grin.

"Daddy," Maddie nudged him.

"I'm only teasing," Ron said putting an arm around his daughter. "Let's go eat then, shall we?"

They went through the line quickly and found a table near the rear of the room, Luna shaking her head at her husband's full plate. "Ronald are you really going to eat all that?"

"We've been married for how long?" Ron asked her setting his napkin on his lap. "And in that time, have you ever known me to not eat everything on my plate?"

"Every time," Luna deadpanned.

"Mads!" Ethan protested as Maddie reached over for one of his chips before he'd even sat down.

"I'm hungry," Maddie said, smiling innocently at him.

"You have your own plate," he pointed out. "Oh sod it. You're never going to change."

"Not that you want me to," she said sweetly.

"Of course not," Ethan said with a grin. "So Uncle Ron..."

"RON-RON!" a female voice shrieked from behind them.

Ron froze as he recognised the voice. "Parvati?" he squeaked.

"I KNEW it was you!" Parvati Patil declared breathlessly. "Ronniekins, it's been SO long!"

"It has!" Ron exclaimed getting to his feet. Parvati practically launched herself at him. "You are just as cute as ever!"

"And you're just as sweet," Parvati smiled flirtatiously at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm having lunch with my daughter," Ron replied still grinning at her.

"And his wife," Luna said smiling warmly at her.

"It's lovely to meet you," Parvati said extending her hand. "And you are....?"

"Luna," Luna replied. "Weasley."

"Luna..." Parvati replied. "Wait a minute... Loony? Loony Lovegood?"

"Can you believe it?" Ron asked hitting Luna good-naturedly on the shoulder. "I married old Loony Lovegood!"

Maddie and Luna were staring at Ron in disbelief as Ethan stood up to introduce himself. "Hi," he shook Parvati's hand. "Ethan Potter."

"Harry's little boy?" Parvati asked grinning at him. "Do you know that I was your father's first date!"

"That so?" Ethan asked, sitting back down next to his girlfriend.

"Had the worst night of my life," Parvati said tossing her hair over her shoulder. "He was mooning over Cho Chang and Ron completely ignored my sister. But he told me later it was because he really wanted to be with me! He was such a sweet talker!"

Ron had the grace to blush and sit back down next to his wife. "So what are you doing here Parvati?" he asked.

"I'm afraid I can't really talk about it," Parvati said in a hushed tone. "Needless to say, I'm straightening out this department which is in dire need of my expertise."

"I see," Luna said in a cooler tone than she'd used before.

"What about you handsome?" Parvati said sitting down in an empty chair on Ron's other side. "What are you up to? Causing trouble and breaking hearts?"

"Always causing trouble," Ron winked at her.

Parvati laughed. Her eyes fell on Maddie. "I know you!"

"We met this morning," Maddie said crisply still stung by the woman's remarks about the department.

"Right!" Parvati cried. "You were talking to that old bat Smythe!"

"I beg your pardon," Maddie said through clenched teeth. "Smythe is my mentor and she is not an old bat."

Ethan placed a hand on her arm as Parvati visibly recoiled.

"I meant no offence," Parvati said hastily. She turned her attention back to Ron. "I can't believe you're married and with a child, too!"

"We have six actually," Ron said. "And you're not going to believe this, but I'm actually a grandfather."

"You a grandfather?" Parvati giggled. "You're right, you're just too handsome and young to be a grandfather!"

"You're just saying that," Ron blushed.

"What about you Parvati," Luna asked. "Are you married?"

"Goodness no," Parvati said. "Never could see the good in settling down with one person."

"Neither did I until I fell for Luna," Ron said suddenly turning around and looking at his wife.

"I still can't get over the two of you being married," Parvati said shaking her head. "I remember how strange and peculiar Luna used to be. She used to sit on the train and read the newspaper upside down! And she had that huge lion hat. Do you remember that Ron?"

Maddie's jaw dropped as this woman indirectly made fun of her mother.

"Yeah I remember," Ron said, suddenly uncomfortable. "I didn't... really like it at the time, but now I think it's cute. It's how Luna is."

"Do you remember that song you made up about her?" Parvati asked giggling. "I remember when you first sang it, I couldn't breathe for laughing so hard."

"A song?" Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

Ron gulped. "Come on Parvati we were fourteen..."

"It was such a hoot!" Parvati said. "I can't believe he never sang it for you! How did it go again?"

"I'd really like to know," Luna gave her husband a murderous look.

"I don't---" Ron started to say.

"Loony, Loony, Loony is her name," Parvati started to sing.

Other patrons in the cafeteria turned to stare as Parvati continued.

"Being crazy and bizarre is her claim to fame," Parvati sang joyfully. "There is no boy alive who'd take that girl on a date..."

"That was a long time ago," Ron interjected.

"Exactly what do you think you're trying to do here?" Maddie asked angrily. "First you cause someone very close to me to doubt the quality of work she's done here for years. And now you waltz in here and insult my mother over a petty grudge you seem to be carrying since you left school."

Parvati stopped laughing. "I'm sorry. Luna knows I didn't mean anything by it. I was just reliving some of our good old days at school."

"That doesn't seem very good," Maddie said, still angry.

"Maddie, sweetheart--" Ron began.

"How could you have been so cruel to Mum when she was at school?" Maddie asked her question directed to not only Parvati, but at her father too.

"Maddie it doesn't matter anymore," Luna said quietly.

"Yes it does," Maddie said standing up. "And you'll forgive me if I don't finish my lunch. Suddenly, I'm not so hungry anymore..."

"I'll walk you back," Ethan also stood up.

"You can come with us if you want Mum," Maddie said. "So Dad can continue his happy little stroll down memory lane."

"I'll be all right sweetheart," Luna tucked a strand of hair behind Maddie's ear and gave her daughter a hug. "I'll see you both later?"

Maddie nodded and gave her father a cold stare before leaving with Ethan.

"I certainly seem to have made a mess of things," Parvati said brightly. "I'm sorry gorgeous," she said to Ron.

"It's okay," Ron grumbled. He'd never seen Maddie look at him that way and he felt terrible once again for how he'd treated his wife when they were younger.

"Well," Luna said, picking up her bag. "I think I'll go back to work. Have a lovely lunch Ronald."

"Luna," Ron said grabbing her hand. "Don't..."

"No really," Luna forced a smile to her face. "Have a great time." she pulled away and without another look back, left the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry," Parvati said pulling a sympathetic face. "We know how to clear a room, don't we?"

"Yeah," Ron grumbled. "Why'd you have to bring all that up?"

"It's not as if she didn't know how we all treated her in school," Parvati said putting her hand on his arm. "I didn't mean any offence, Ron. You know that."

"Yeah but we've all grown up a lot since then, at least some of us have. Luna's my wife, and she's the best." Ron replied, staring at Parvati as if he was seeing her for the first time.

Parvati smiled. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I should probably go..."

"Might be a good idea," Ron said, leaving his almost full tray of food on the table and going to find his wife.

Luna had taken over the editorship at The Quibbler after her father had retired. After Apparating back to the office, she tried to concentrate on proofreading her latest article, but couldn't stop thinking about that horrible lunch.

She wasn't bothered by the things Parvati Patil had said- she had known the girl thought she was strange and Luna had never cared much about what people other than her friends thought of her. It was more her husband sitting there and not even attempting to take up for her that was gnawing at her at the moment.

There was a gentle knock on the door. Thinking it was her assistant Shelley, Luna barely looked up from her article. "I already looked at those photos, Shelley. They're okay."

"It's me," Ron poked his head hesitantly inside. "Can I come in?"

Luna glared at him. "Lunch over so soon then?"

"I left almost right after you did," Ron closed her door behind him.

Luna didn't say anything to that. She returned her attention to her article.

"Luna I'm sorry," Ron said, coming closer to her desk. "I didn't know Parvati was going to show up and start all that."

"What a nice surprise for you to relive all the golden days from school," Luna said sarcastically.

"Luna," Ron said, sitting down in front of her. "I was stupid back then. That dumb song- I barely knew you when I made it up."

"I don't care about the bloody song!" Luna said throwing her quill down.

"What are you so mad about?" Ron asked, confused.

Luna stared at her husband in disbelief. "You have no idea? You honestly have no idea why I'm so upset?"

Ron felt like this was a trick question and he wasn't sure he wanted to answer it.

Luna walked around her desk and stood right in front of her husband. "Okay would you feel if someone you loved, someone you cared about most in this word, just sat there and did nothing to defend you when someone said something awful to them?"

"I tried to," Ron began.

"You didn't do anything," Luna interjected before he could say anything else. "You sat there and let her sing that stupid song. Our daughter was the one who defended me, not you."

"I was going to," Ron said again. "I just didn't get a chance to..." he realised how weak that sounded and cringed.

"Right," Luna said shaking her head. "Well, I have work to do..."

"Luna I'm sorry," Ron pleaded. "After you left I told her what she did was wrong and that I love you. You and our kids are so important to me!"

"You know I put all that behind me," Luna said feeling tears well up in her eyes. "What people used to say; what they used to do when I was around. It hurt, but I told myself it didn't matter because those people weren't my friends and they weren't people I cared about so why should it matter? And then she comes along and reminds me of all that, but what she said didn't hurt me, Ronald. It was you, just sitting there and letting her do it. Do you have any idea how that made me feel?"

Ron felt terrible as his wife wiped her eyes with a tissue. "I'm sorry," he said again. "I wish I could go back and stop her before she even started."

"You can't go back," Luna sniffed.

Ron reached out and hugged her to him. "I love you and I'm sorry I hurt you," he said, kissing the top of her head.

"You're such a git," she said sobbing into his shoulder.

"A git that loves you more than anything," Ron replied, hoping he was saying the right thing for a change.

Luna finally hugged him back.

Ron sighed in relief as she finally responded. "You're my Loony," he said. "And if anyone tries to take the Mickey out of you ever again they'll have to answer to me."

"That song was really terrible," Luna said. "Weasley is our King was much better."

"Especially coming from you," Ron said with a grin.

"You're really easy to get angry with," Luna said smiling back at her husband. "But impossible to stay mad at."

"Part of my charm," Ron tucked her long hair behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her.

Luna kissed him. "You can be quite charming when you want to be."

"When I say the right thing," Ron agreed, hugging her closely again. "You're the bloody love of my life Luna Weasley."

"That is the perfect thing to say," Luna said resting her head on his shoulder.

"Let's keep that in mind for the next time I mess up," Ron joked, running his hand through her hair.

"Which will probably be later tonight if past history is any indication," she teased.

"I'll try really hard not to let that happen," Ron promised.

"Maddie was really angry too," Luna reminded him.

"I'll talk to her tonight," Ron said. "I'm a little scared of her right now..."

Luna laughed. "Where's your brave Gryffindor spirit?"

"I'll try and get some of it back," Ron squeezed her side a little. "I'll let you get back to work then..."

"It should be an early day for me," she said giving him a kiss.

"Tonight we'll do something just the two of us," Ron promised.

"I'd love that," she said dreamily.

"Great," Ron kissed her again. "Love you Loony."

"Love you too," Luna said. "Ron-Ron."

Ron shuddered. "Now that was terrible."

"You keep calling me Loony and I think I might have to start calling you Ron Ron," Luna said grinning at him before imitating Parvati's tone. "Gorgeous!"

"You can call me gorgeous once we're in bed later," Ron commented lustily.

Luna laughed. "Get out of here and let me get back to work Ron Ron."

"I'll see you at home," he kissed her again.

"Bye Ronald," she said touching his cheek.

"Bye Loony," he replied with a grin.

Maddie had to spend the rest of the afternoon watching as Smythe tried to deal with Parvati Patil. She couldn't understand how her father had ever fancied this woman. She was absolutely horrible.

"Smythe, why do we have to have her here?" Maddie whispered once her mentor had finally walked away from the detestable woman.

"I've asked myself the same question all day," Smythe said sitting down at Maddie's desk. "She was apparently very tight with the previous Minister and there was a clause in her employment contract that she could come back after her sabbatical."

"But you're head of the department here, not her." Maddie protested. "Why's she acting like SHE'S running the show?"

"I don't know," Smythe said running a hand through her hair. "This is such a test of my patience, Maddie."

Maddie shook her head. "You weren't in the cafeteria at lunch." she filled Smythe in on what Parvati had said to her mother. "I wanted to deck her."

"That sounds just like her," Smythe said. "I'm hoping that she's going to get bored and go back to wherever she came from."

"That makes two of us," Maddie gave Parvati a dark look. "I don't like her one bit."

"Smythe," Parvati said coming over to them and giving Maddie a saccharine smile. "I was hoping we could go over what we saw in the Pensieve earlier...."

"I have a meeting with the Minister in a few minutes," Smythe said. "Maybe later this afternoon..."

"Madeline could help me," Parvati suggested.

Maddie gave Smythe a pleading look.

"I was actually going to let Maddie come with me to the meeting," Smythe said to Maddie's relief.

"I still can't believe she's married to Harry Potter," Parvati said laughing. "I've never met her, but she doesn't seem like his type from what I remember."

"And you haven't seen him in what, twenty or thirty years?" Maddie asked coolly.

Parvati gave her a tight smile. "It has been quite some time."

"I happen to think Hermione is perfect for Harry," Maddie replied.

"Well, I have never met her," Parvati said with a shrug. "I stand corrected, Madeline."

"Come on Maddie," Smythe put a hand on her arm. "We should get to that meeting."

"Right," Maddie said nodding.

"I'll see what I can do about her," Smythe reassured the blonde once they'd left the office. "Perhaps we can get her to leave on her own."

"Why do I have a feeling we might be stuck with her?" Maddie asked.

"Maybe she'll need to go find herself again," Smythe replied with a grin.

"I know where I'd like to tell her to look," Maddie said dryly.

"Why Madeline Weasley," Smythe teased. "Did you just say something catty?"

"I believe I did," Maddie said laughing.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Smythe laughed too.

When Maddie and Smythe arrived at Hermione's office, they found her and Harry arguing.

"She's sprained her back, Harry!" Hermione was saying. "That's very serious!"

"That's Quidditch Hermione!" Harry replied. "She's going to get hurt sometimes. And Madam Pomfrey's already taking care of her and she's going to be fine. Just FINE."

"Has something happened to Saffy?" Maddie asked interrupting them.

"She got injured at her game," Harry said. "But she's going to be just fine."

"Fine!" Hermione shrieked. "Our daughter sprains her back and that's just fine! I knew we should never have let her take up that silly game!"

"It's not just a silly game to her," Harry said sharply. "It's something she enjoys and it's HER choice to play it. But if you'd like to be the one to tell her you don't want her playing anymore, be my guest Hermione."

Hermione folded her arms. "I just don't like seeing my baby hurt, that's all."

"Well neither do I," Harry pointed out. "But we can't protect her from everything."

"I know," Hermione said.

"Perhaps we should come back at another time," Smythe said.

"No, no..." Harry waved his hands. "I just popped on in here for a moment. I don't want to keep you from your meeting."

"You and Maddie make yourselves comfortable," Hermione said. "I'm just going to see my husband out."

"Thank you Minister," Smythe said graciously.

Hermione led Harry out of her office. "Perhaps I did overreact a bit."

"You're concerned, and I am too. But the injury she got was because of bad sportsmanship, and not necessarily because of the game itself." Harry replied. "If I ever see that kid, he'd better pray someone restrains me."

"Me too," Hermione said. "You know you're pretty sexy when you're protective."

"Likewise," Harry gave her a kiss. "I'll see you later."

Hermione watched him go and then walked back into her office. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It's no problem," Smythe said. "I hope you don't mind that I asked Madeline to come along."

"It's never a problem to have Maddie here," Hermione smiled at the blonde.

Maddie smiled back. "Thank you."

"So how are things going in your department?" Hermione asked.

Smythe looked at Maddie. "Well... we have a problem..."

"What sort of problem?" Hermione asked sitting down.

"One of our Seers came back after a Sabbatical." Smythe said. "She's technically allowed back under a clause in her contract with Minister Draven. But she also seems to think she's head of the department now."

"She's really terrible," Maddie interjected.

"You're head of the department," Hermione said to Smythe. "Who is this person that's causing all the trouble?"

"Parvati Patil," Maddie said with a frown.

"If she's under contract I'm not sure there's much to do," Hermione replied. "But you do have my support as head of the Seer department Smythe. There's no one I trust more than you to run things over there."

"Thank you Minister," Smythe said. "I appreciate your support."

"So in other words, we're stuck with her," Maddie said. "I'm sure my father will be glad to hear that."

"She'd have to leave of her own free will," Hermione said apologetically. "But if she does leave again, this time I will see to it that she can't just come back. I don't approve of that at all."

"We'll make do," Smythe said.

"Is there anything else?" Hermione asked with a smile.

"I think that's about it," Smythe said handing Hermione the monthly report that each department had to submit to the Minister.

"Thank you Smythe," Hermione placed it on her desk.

"Maddie and I will be going then," Smythe said standing up. "And my best wishes to your daughter, Minister."

"Tell her I'm thinking of her," Maddie said. "I'll write to her later."

"I'm sure she'd love that," Hermione said.

"Great," Maddie gave Hermione a hug.

"I'm really happy you and Ethan were able to work things out," Hermione told the younger woman.

"Me too," Maddie agreed. "He's so important to me."

"Your mother and father stopped in to see me earlier but I didn't have a chance to visit with them," Hermione said. "They were looking forward to lunch with you and Ethan."

"That's when we first ran into that Parvati," Maddie replied. "She made my mother look like a fool."

"I've heard that name before," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"She went to school with my parents," Maddie said. "And Uncle Harry, too. I'm sure if you want, she'll come and regale you with tales of how she was Uncle Harry's first date."

"As interesting as that sounds I think I'll pass," Hermione replied dryly. "Smythe, if she tries to take over your position, please send her up to me. I feel as if I'm a headmistress in a school here but it may be the only way for her to see she's not in charge,"

"Thank you, Minister," Smythe said. "Come on, Madeline. We've already taken up enough of the Minister's time."

"I'll see you later," Hermione smiled at Maddie. "Thanks for the report Smythe."

Maddie followed Smythe out of the office wondering how she was going to be able to co-exist in the same office with that horrible woman.

*** *** ***

Allison had used a spell to turn Caroline's brunette hair black so she'd look just like Jasmine. The little girl had hardly slept last night she was so excited about her party. The guest list included her family and a few friends from primary school.

"You look just like Jasmine, Angel Girl," Allison said helping her into the costume.

"Thanks Mummy," Caroline said happily. "I can't wait to see Uncle Will as Aladdin! He's going to be so handsome!"

Allison smiled. "It was very nice of him to agree to do that. Be sure and thank him, okay?"

Caroline nodded. "How long until everyone gets here?" she asked.

"About half an hour," Allison said as Emma came running into Caroline's bedroom still in her pyjamas.

"Emma!" Jon called out after her. "Come on and let Daddy get you ready!"

"Mama!" Emma cried. "Eat! Em eat!"

"Not until everyone gets here," Allison said scooping her up. She looked at Jon. "I thought you said you had this covered."

"She runs fast," he said sheepishly. "Come on Em, let's let Daddy put you in your mermaid outfit okay?"

Emma reached out for Jon and Allison gave her over.

"That's my girl," Jon said tickling Emma's side. "You are going to drive me crazy, Emma Madeline Weasley."

"Daddy!" Emma squealed with a giggle.

"That's King Jonathan to you two," Jon said winking at his wife. "Since I have two princesses for daughters..."

"You need to get a royal move on," Allison said giving him a kiss. "We have a house full of people arriving soon."

"Right as rain my Queen," Jon quipped, carrying Emma back to her room.

"Daddy's silly," Caroline giggled. "Mummy should I wear my tiara or my Jasmine crown?"

"Either one would look pretty," Allison replied. "I need to finish getting ready myself, sweetheart. You want to come help me pick out something?"

"Okay," Caroline agreed, following her mother down the hall.

"Mummy?" Caroline asked when they were in the bedroom. "Can I ask a question?"

"Sure," Allison said opening up her closet doors. "You can ask anything you want."

Caroline bit her bottom lip. "When you like somebody does it make your stomach do strange things?"

Allison turned to look at her now six year old daughter. "Sweetheart..." she began. "Do you have a crush on somebody?"

"A little one," Caroline admitted.

"Someone from school?" Allison asked, trying not to smile lest Caroline think she was making fun. She had an idea where this was heading.

Caroline shook her head. "It's someone older than me Mummy."

"Is it now?" Allison played innocent. "My little girl has an older boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Caroline said burying her face in a pillow. "I just want to know how you feel when you really like somebody!"

"Who likes somebody?" Jon asked coming into the bedroom.

"Nobody!" Caroline was shy about her father knowing this for some reason.

"It's just girl talk Jon," Allison said with a smile.

"Oh well I will just leave you girls to it while I take a quick shower," Jon said with a shrug. "Em's just playing in her room."

"Thanks love," Allison replied. "So sweetheart are you going to tell me who your mystery man is or will I have to guess?"

"You promise not to tell anyone?" Caroline asked in a whisper. "Cross your heart and hope to die?"

"Sweetheart of course I won't," Allison promised. "I won't even laugh."

Caroline waited until she heard the shower in the bathroom being turned on before she answered. "It's Uncle Will."

"You fancy your uncle Will?" Allison acted as if this was a surprise. "I think that's a very good choice Angel girl. He's very sweet, and he obviously adores you too."

"You don't think Aunt Frankie will be mad?" Caroline asked.

"I don't think so sweetheart," Allison replied.

Caroline grinned. "So did you feel this way with Daddy?"

"Absolutely," Allison sat down next to her daughter. "Butterflies and everything."

"That's how I feel too!" Caroline said smiling up at her mother.

"Just remember that he is married to your Aunt Frankie," Allison cautioned gently. "And that he's a good twenty years older." she smoothed a stray hair off Caroline's forehead.

"I will," Caroline said giving her mother a hug. "You're the bestest Mummy."

"I'm glad Angel," Allison replied. "How about you go play with your sister until Daddy and I get ready?"

"Okay," Caroline said hopping off the bed.

Allison knocked on the bathroom door before opening it. "You haven't fallen asleep in there, have you?"

"I was hoping you'd join me actually," Jon replied cheekily from the shower.

"We have to get ready," Allison said. "There's no time for that Jon."

Jon pouted. "Promise me for later then?"

"Definitely," Allison said pulling back the shower curtain and giving him a kiss.

"Em you're such a pretty mermaid," Caroline told her sister as they played with Emma's building blocks.

Emma smiled at her sister. "Sissy pretty too."

"Thank you Emma," Caroline beamed at her. "Can you say Jasmine?"

Emma looked thoughtful for a few moments before saying, "Jas.."

"Jas-mine." Caroline prompted patiently.

"Jasamin!" Emma said excitedly.

Caroline giggled. "That's close enough," she played with her sister's red curls, which were growing longer by the day.

Caroline and Emma were both startled by a commotion coming from the sitting room. "Someone's here!" Caroline said eagerly grabbing her sister's hand. "Let's go see!"
The two girls ran out of the bedroom and down the hall to find their paternal grandparents dusting themselves off.

"Grandpa!" Caroline said giving him a hug.

"Lu!" Emma said waving at Luna.

"Well look at you!" Ron grinned, holding his arms out for a hug.

"Mummy turned my hair black," Caroline said hugging him tightly. "But just for tonight!"

"And you look just gorgeous." Ron gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Birthday sweetheart."

"Thanks Grandpa," Caroline said as he set her back down.

"And who is this mermaid?" Ron asked.

"Em!" Emma clapped happily. "I mermaid!"

"Prettiest, sweetest mermaid in the world," Luna said giggling. "Well, this is a first, Ron. We are the first ones here, I think."

"Aye," Ron looked around. "Where's the food?"

"In the kitchen," Caroline pointed. "But we can't eat until everyone's here. Mummy said."

"Think your Mummy would mind me taking a quick bite?" Ron asked his granddaughter.

"She might," Caroline said grinning up at him. "But if you want to sneak something, I won't tell, Grandpa."

"That's why you're the best, my little princess," Ron said, setting her down and going into the kitchen.

Ethan and Maddie Apparated right outside Jon and Allie's door. Maddie held onto the gift and card while Ethan knocked on the door.

"Caroline's going to love our gift Mads," Ethan reassured her.

"I hope so," Maddie replied. "I hope no one else gets her something like it."

"That was the tea set she wanted," Ethan said with a grin. "The one she hinted at last time we took her and Emma out, remember?"

"I know," Maddie said, squeezing his hand.

"Aunt Maddie!" Caroline yelled when she opened the door.

"Don't forget me Jasmine," Ethan said grinning at her.

Caroline giggled and gave them both a big hug. "I missed you!"

"We missed you too sweetheart," Maddie said hugging her.

"And I have a present for you from Saffy," Ethan said holding up a small box of sweets that Saffron bought Caroline from Honeyduke's.

"Oooh what is it?" Caroline asked.

"We can't tell you," Ethan said laughing.

"And I have something for you from R.J.," Maddie said. "They would have loved to be here, but they couldn't leave school."

"That's very nice of them to send things for Caroline," Allison joined them at the door. "You both look wonderful!"

"So do you Allie," Ethan said pecking her on the cheek. "I can't believe little Caroline here is six."

"I know," Allison said. "I can't believe it either."

"Hiya Mum," Jon said coming into the room, dressed in a white dress shirt and khaki trousers. His hair was still damp from the shower. "How's my little mermaid doing?"

"Daddy," Emma called from the sitting room.

"She's ready to eat," Luna said laughing. "She's told me about twenty times."

"Eat is her favourite word," Jon said giving his mother a hug.

Luna laughed. "She is your father's granddaughter."

Maddie, Allison, Ethan and Caroline came into the sitting room just as Ron came out of the kitchen.

"Allie, I hope you don't mind," Ron said sheepishly. "I had a couple of biscuits."

"I've learned to make extra," Allison teased, giving her father in law a kiss on the cheek.

Maddie walked past her father without a word.

"Hi Mum," she said warmly giving Luna a hug. "You look beautiful today."

"Thank you darling," Luna hugged her daughter back. "You do too. I love your hair straight like this."

Maddie smiled. "Ethan likes it, too."

"I think she looks gorgeous no matter what she does or wears," Ethan replied, his arm around her.

"Good answer," Maddie said leaning against him.

"She looks as beautiful as her mum," Ron said smiling at his daughter.

Ethan noticed that Maddie really hadn't acknowledged her father. "Good to see you," he smiled at his godfather.

"You too," Ron said. "I've been trying to get in touch with you two. I've sent owls..."

"I haven't been home much until really late," Ethan replied, trying to get his girlfriend to say something. "Mads here has been getting all our mail."

"Maddie, you did get my owls, didn't you?" Ron asked.

"Caroline?" Maddie asked her niece. "How about I help you sort out your presents?"

Caroline nodded eagerly. "I'll show you where Mummy said we should put them."

Maddie didn't acknowledge her father as she grabbed a handful of presents and followed Caroline out of the room.

Ron stared after her. "She hates me," he said quietly, the biscuit in his hand forgotten.

"It's not that," Ethan said. "She's just...she's not very happy with you since Parvati Pail came back into town, Uncle Ron."

"I know I messed up that one day," Ron replied.

"I don't think she really knew about how you were to Aunt Luna when you guys were at school together," Ethan explained. "You know how she's always adored you."

"Adored as in past tense," Ron said as the doorbell rang again.

Allison excused herself to get the door. It was Jack, Mia and Claire.

"You look adorable, Mia," Allison said kneeling down. The little girl was dressed as Mulan.

"Thank you," Mia beamed at her. "I have a present for Caroline!"

"That's very sweet of you," Allison said ushering them inside. "Hi Jack, Claire. We're so glad you all could come!"

"Thank you for inviting us," Claire said with a smile. "We've been looking forward to it since Frankie and Will's party."

"Is my brother here yet?" Jack asked. "I'm dying to see him dressed up."

"Not yet," Allison grinned. "But Caroline's counting down the minutes until he arrives."

Mia found Caroline in the kitchen. "I love your hair!" Mia squealed.

"Hi Mia!" Caroline grinned excitedly at her cousin. "You look so gorgeous as Mulan!"

"And Emma looks so cute as Ariel," Mia said handing her the gift-wrapped box.

"Thank you," Caroline hugged her. "Come on, I'll show you where I'm putting everything." she took Mia's hand.

"Okay," Mia said. "Caroline, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Caroline said, setting the gift in carefully with the rest.

"Would you still be my friend even if we weren't cousins?" Mia asked.

Caroline turned to look at her. "Yes," she answered. "You're one of my bestest friends next to Katie."

"You're my bestest friend," Mia said smiling back at her.

"I'm glad we got to be cousins," Caroline said sincerely. "And I'm so excited that you probably get to come to Hogwarts with me too."

"I really hope so," Mia said. "I really, really want to be a witch, Caroline."

"Uncle Will says you're like us," Caroline told her. "So I think you are."

"We'll be in the same house," Mia said. "And we can stay up late and talk and we can study, too."

Caroline giggled and gave Mia another hug. "We'll have so much fun!"

"Caroline!" Jon called out. "The Malfoys are here!"

"Come on!" Caroline grabbed Mia's hand again and pulled her into the hallway.

"Katherine Rose," Julie reminded her daughter. "You promised you would be on your best behaviour and that you'd be nice to Caroline and all her new friends from school."

"Which includes Mia," Ashley chimed in.

"Ash stay out of it," Nick told his older daughter.

"Yes Daddy," Ashley said.

"I'll be nice," Katie promised.

"That's my girl," Julie smiled. "You're a beautiful Cinderella dear."

"The fairest in all the land?" Katie asked sweetly doing a twirl in her blue dress.

"Always," Nick said with a grin.

Katie beamed at her father.

"Katie, you're here!" Caroline said giving her a hug. "You look pretty!"

"Thanks Caroline," Katie said. "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks," Caroline said. "Hi Aunt Julie!"

"Hello sweetheart." Julie smiled. "Happy Birthday! Hello Mia!"

"Hi Mrs. Malfoy," Mia said shyly. "Hello, Katie."

"Hi," Katie replied politely. "You look nice Mia."

"You really think so?" Mia said grinning at her.

"Sure," Katie pasted a smile onto her face. She may have to be polite to the girl but that didn't mean she had to like her.

Satisfied that Katie was going to be a good girl, Julie and Nick followed Ashley into the sitting room.

"Mia and me were just talking about going to Hogwarts," Caroline told her friend.

"That's nice," Katie said, admiring herself in the mirror. "I get to go before either of you do."

"You can show us around," Mia said. "It'll be great to have a friend there already."

"Right," Katie said. "Caroline did you open any presents yet?"

Caroline shook her head. "Mummy said we were going to eat first and then open presents and then we can play games."

"Is Uncle Will really dressing up as Aladdin?" Mia asked with a giggle.

Caroline blushed. "Yes, he promised."

"I bet he looks so handsome." Mia said loyally.

Katie grew bored with this topic of conversation since it wasn't about her or anything she cared about.

"Come on Caroline," Katie said taking her hand. "Let's go get something to drink."

"Okay," Caroline agreed. "Come on Mia."

"She can stay with her mum and dad," Katie said. "She doesn't have to go with us."

Mia's face fell as she realised Katie's earlier friendliness towards her had been nothing more than a farce.

"But---" Caroline started to protest, but Katie yanked on her arm.

"I'll go in the sitting room," Mia said quietly.

"You need to talk to your father," Ethan said coming up behind Maddie.

"Don't worry about it Ethan," Maddie replied, turning around.

"Maddie," Ethan said. "He's not stupid. He knows you're avoiding him."

"How would you feel if you found out your father treated your mother like nothing more than dirt while they were in school together?" Maddie asked.

"I'd be upset like you, but that was years ago," Ethan told her gently. "Maddie, they've been together for years. They've raised six great children. Look at them..."

Maddie followed his gaze and saw her parents sitting together on the sofa, talking quietly and holding hands.

"Just talk to him," Ethan urged. "If I remember correctly, I wasn't always so nice to you when we were growing up. And look at us now.."

"Point taken," Maddie said, finally cracking a smile. "You're good, you know that?"

"Yes I know," Ethan replied smugly. "Go talk to your father."

"Give me a kiss," Maddie replied.

"I can always do that," Ethan grinned, pressing his lips to hers.

Because they were in a room that was quickly filling with children, Maddie kept the kiss chaste. Ethan squeezed her hand and then gently pushed her in the direction of her parents.

Ron was laughing at something Luna had said when he noticed Maddie standing in front of them. "Hi sweetheart," he said, chancing a smile at her.

The hurt and anger she felt about how he'd treated her mother bubbled to the surface again and Maddie couldn't return his smile. She told herself to remember what Ethan had said.

"Hi," she said quietly.

Luna patted Ron's hand. "I'll let you both talk." she said, getting up and smiling at her daughter as she went to help Allison in the kitchen.

"I was like Mum," Maddie said after an awkward silence. "When I was at school. I did things just like she did. I kept to myself. I liked to read and go for walks to look at the stars. Would you have made fun of me too, Daddy? Would you have made up some crazy song about me too?"

"I don't know," Ron said honestly. "Maddie I was so different back then. I made fun of people because I didn't even know who I was and I'm not proud of it."

Maddie looked at her father as tears welled up in her eyes. "The other day when we were at lunch and that woman made those comments and you just sat there---it just didn't seem like you. I never knew you could be like that, Dad."

"I know I was horrible," Ron said. "But I'd never do anything deliberately to hurt you or your mum- at least not now. I wish I knew what to say Maddie- but all I can really tell you is that I've learned a lot since I was younger. Your mum opened my eyes and I saw things in her that I never thought I would- and that I'm glad I did. Because I wised up and married her, I got the best wife and the six best children I could have ever asked for."

Maddie wiped at her eyes. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

"Don't you apologise," Ron ordered, giving his youngest daughter a hug. "Maddie, despite what you saw the other day, I'm proud of the girl you were and the woman you've become."

Maddie hugged him back. "There was something I was quite interested in. That Parvati person mentioned something about Mum that I didn't know."

"What's that?" Ron tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Mum actually called Quidditch matches?" Maddie asked.

Ron laughed. "In my sixth year."

"Was she any good?" Maddie asked.

"Bloody brilliant," Ron answered.

"I can't imagine Mum doing that," Maddie laughed. "I can't wait to tell R.J.."

"She only did it her fifth year," Ron said.

"I still can't wait to tell him," Maddie said. She felt someone tugging on her hair and turned to see Emma looking wide-eyed at her.

"Mad!" Emma said giggling.

"Hey you little mermaid," Maddie couldn't keep the smile from her face. "How's my gorgeous goddaughter today?"

"Who's taking pictures today?" Ron asked as Maddie picked Emma up. "Since our resident photographer is away at school. I want a picture of this!"

"Want to smile for Grandpa?" Maddie asked Emma.

Josh grabbed his camera from the table. "I'll take one. How about you get in the picture too, Dad?"

"Yeah," Maddie smiled at him. "Come on Dad."

Ron grinned and moved closer to his daughter on the sofa.

"Okay," Josh said standing back and looking into the camera. "Okay, on the count of three, everyone say 'cheese'. One...two....three..."

"Cheeeeeeeeese!" Emma grinned widely, making Maddie and Ron laugh.

Josh snapped the picture. "That's a good picture. Probably not as good as R.J.'s, but I think it's going to be beyoootiful because of the pretty redhead..."

"Gee thanks son," Ron said puffing out his chest.

"Mermaid," Josh finished.

"Well where do you think she gets her good looks from?" Ron asked.

"Her mother most likely," Josh quipped. "We know she doesn't get them from Jon."

"I heard that!" Jon said from behind his brother. "And I'll have you know, that red hair and those blue eyes came from me, Joshie."

Josh grinned. "Smile!" he flashed the camera in his twin's eyes.

"Josh!" Jon said covering his eyes. "I'm going to kick your--"

"NOT in front of Em," Ron said hastily.

"Daddy, be nice," Emma said easing herself off of Maddie's lap and running toward her father.

"Where's my little mermaid?" Jon asked, scooping her up and tickling her.

"Here!" Emma replied giggling.

Just outside the house, Frankie was trying very hard not to laugh at her husband. "You look really cute," she said covering her mouth with her hand.

"You know, it's only because I love that little girl that I agreed to do this," Will replied.

"I know," Frankie said smiling at him. "And it's going to mean the world to her."

"You could have dressed up too," Will pointed out.

"No other adults were," Frankie said knocking on the door. "And besides, I don't want to take the spotlight away from Princess Caroline."

"Right," Will adjusted his vest. "I hope they answer the bloody door soon, I'm freezing."

Caroline knew who their last guest had to be and she left Katie in the kitchen and ran to answer the door, nearly knocking her mother down in the process.

"Do I look okay Mummy?" Caroline asked straightening her crown.

"You look gorgeous Angel," Allison said. "Did you want to answer the door?"

Caroline smiled and nodded. "Stay with me though, okay?"

"All right," Allison agreed, hiding her smile.

Caroline slowly opened the door and looked at Will, unable to speak.

"Happy Birthday Princess!" Will grinned at her. "How'd I do? Look just like him?"

Caroline didn't say anything and Allison put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Caroline?"

"Butterflies," Caroline finally whispered.

"What?" Allison asked. "Are you all right sweetheart?"

"You look just like him," Caroline said beaming at Will.

"Fantastic," Will swooped her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "And you are one beautiful Princess Jasmine."

"Really?" Caroline asked blushing. "Mummy turned my hair black."

"Very becoming," Frankie smiled at her. "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks Aunt Frankie," Caroline said.

"Uncle Will!" Mia said running toward him.

"Hey Mia- or should I say Mulan?" Will teased, scooping up his other niece.

Mia laughed. "Caroline and me were talking about going to Hogwarts together. We're going to be in the same house and we'll share a room, too!"

Katie stood beside her father and glared at Mia. That girl had some nerve always rubbing in the fact that she and Caroline would be in the same year and get to share a room.

"I'm sure you'll both have loads of fun there together," Will replied with a grin.

"If she gets to go," Katie muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Nick asked his youngest daughter. "Did you say something baby?"

"Nothing Daddy," Katie said in a sweet voice.

Josh took a picture of Mia, Caroline and Will under the watchful eye of Katie.

"Uncle Josh," Katie said tugging on his arm. "Take one of me and Caroline. Just me and Caroline."

"Sure," Josh agreed as Katie ran over to Caroline's side.

"Uncle Josh is going to take our picture," Katie said smiling at her friend. "Come on."

"Okay," Caroline said. "Come on Mia; come be in the picture with us! All the princesses!"

"No!" Katie said stomping her foot. "She was just in the picture with you and Will. You and me, Caroline. Just us."

Caroline stared at her for a minute as the adults exchanged looks. "Katherine Rose," Nick said simply, but she understood the meaning.

"Fine," Katie said with false sincerity. "She can be in the picture too, I guess."

"It'll be a good picture," Caroline said, happy once more.

Caroline stood in the middle and put her arms around her two best friends.

"Katie," Josh said. "Smile. Don't look so down."

Katie wanted to do nothing more than scowl as she saw Caroline and Mia both grin widely.

She finally managed a tight smile as Josh took their picture.

"That's going to be really cute," Allison said as Josh set the camera down.

"Almost as cute as Lizzy dressing the triplets up as pumpkins for Halloween," Luna said.

"Now that was bloody adorable," Allison giggled. "Josh your face when you saw them, that was completely priceless."

"I think he might have cried," Jon teased his brother.

"Another picture Jon?" Josh retorted playfully.

"Mummy can we open presents?" Caroline asked excitedly, hardly able to keep her eyes off the mountain of gifts in the corner.

"Of course," Allison said. "Unless you want to have cake first."

"What do you think we should do?" Caroline turned to Katie and Mia.

"Open presents," Katie answered just as Mia said, "Eat cake."

Caroline bit her lower lip. "Maybe we should have cake and ice cream first so that way we have more time to play afterwards?" she replied.

Katie felt tears well up in her eyes. "You just want to because your new best friend does!" she yelled at Caroline before running out of the room.

Nick sighed. "I'm sorry about this," he said, following his daughter out.

"Mummy I didn't mean it like that," Caroline looked distraught that Katie had run out in tears. "We can open presents first if she wants to."

"It's okay Caroline," Allison said putting an arm around her. "Why don't you play with your friends for a few minutes? We'll wait for Katie to open presents, okay?"

"Okay," Caroline took Mia's hand and they went into the sitting room. "Come on Uncle Will!" she called.

Katie had run back into Emma's bedroom and locked the door. Hot tears fell down her cheeks and she knew that her parents were going to be angry, but she couldn't bear to stand there and watch that horrible Muggle steal her best friend away.

"Katie," Nick knocked on the door as Julie came up behind him. "Open up."

"Leave me alone!" Katie called out.

"Alohomora," Julie said, pointing her wand at the door. It swung open and Katie tried to shut it again but Nick held it open.

"Katie," Julie said coming into the room. "Didn't we talk about this before we came to the party? Who was going to be a sweet, lovely girl and be nice to Caroline and all her friends?"

"That's before she kept leaving me out to be with that girl," Katie said, crossing her arms as tears kept running down her cheeks.

"She wasn't leaving you out," Julie said kneeling down. "You know how much Caroline loves you, Katie."

"And did you ever think of trying to get to know Mia?" Nick asked. "There's no reason you can't all three be friends."

"But she's a Muggle," Katie scowled, wiping her eyes.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Julie asked folding her arms.

"She's not magic like we are," Katie said.

"Again, I ask you what that has to do with anything," Julie said. "Your great-grandfather was a Muggle. So is your great-grandmother. Do you love them any less because of that?"

"No," Katie admitted.

"Mia is Caroline's cousin and she's not going anywhere Katie," Julie said gently. "I don't know how many different ways we can keep telling you this. You're not being very fair to Caroline putting her in the middle like that. She doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and she's trying to be fair."

"But she always wants to be with Mia now and never with me," Katie sniffled.

"I'm sure that's not true," Julie reassured her.

"Yes it is," Katie sobbed.

"Katie," Julie said hugging her daughter.

"I'm sorry," Katie bawled as Nick rubbed her back soothingly.

Caroline knocked on the door. "Katie?"

Nick opened the door to let Caroline inside.

"I didn't mean to make you sad," Caroline said gingerly stepping inside.

Katie rubbed at her eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," she said in a subdued tone.

"I don't want to open my presents or eat cake unless you're there too," Caroline said giving her friend a hug.

"Really?" Katie asked, feeling better.

Caroline nodded. "And we can even get Uncle Josh to take a picture of just you and me, if you want."

"That's very nice of you Caroline," Julie smiled at her. "You're such a sweet girl."

"Thanks Aunt Julie," Caroline said smiling at her. "What do you say, Katie?"

"Okay," Katie smiled tentatively. "You're still my best friend right?"

"Always," Caroline said taking her hand.

"Come here princesses," Nick said scooping them both up. "Let's go and party!"

Caroline and Katie both giggled as Nick escorted them back into the sitting room.

Allison and Jon directed everyone into the kitchen where Caroline's cake was waiting with six candles.

"Mummy!" Caroline said excitedly. "It looks like a real magic carpet! It's just what I wanted!"

"That looks like the carpet I gave her for Christmas," Frankie teased her sister.

"My inspiration," Allison said laughing.

"Happy Birthday to you," Ron started to sing.

"Dad!" Drew said putting her hands over her ears. "That's awful!"

"What?" Ron asked. "I want some cake!"

"Tell us something we don't know," Neville said sarcastically. "Okay, everyone so ickle Ronniekins can eat. Let's all sing!"

Caroline beamed as everyone sang happy birthday to her and she took a deep breath, made her birthday wish, and blew all her candles out.

"Grandpa you can have the first piece," Caroline said smiling at him.

"Why thank you Caroline," Ron beamed. "Even though you're the birthday girl."

"You've been a good boy," Caroline said.

"Speak boy," Neville teased him.

"And here's a piece for you Uncle Will," Caroline said, blushing.

"Nice trousers," Ethan teased as Will came forward to get the piece of cake from Caroline.

"He looks very handsome," Caroline defended.

"Thank you princess," Will said as she handed him the plate. "Ethan's just jealous."

"He wouldn't look as good," Caroline whispered, her face flaming by now.

"I think Caroline has a bit of a crush," Cho remarked to Frankie.

"That's fairly obvious," Frankie giggled. "I think it's cute. And Will adores her."

"He's a good sport to do something like this," Cho said.

"Aye," Frankie replied. "He's so sweet..."

"And how is married life treating you?" Cho asked.

"Absolutely amazing," Frankie said dreamily. "I never thought it could be this good."

"It must be good since we never see you anymore," Cho teased.

"I'm sorry," Frankie apologised. "This is such a busy time of the year for me- it's when we have to get all our schedules together for next season and start planning interviews and photo shoots."

"Speaking of which," Ron said joining their conversation. "How serious is Puddlemere about my son?"

"Very," Frankie reported with a grin. "But don't tell him that yet."

Ron grinned. "So they don't know about him having to sit out that one match?"

Frankie smiled. "I managed to cover that up."

"Cho, next to mine, you have the best daughters in the world," Ron said giving Frankie a hug.

Cho laughed. "Only the best for you Ron."

"You must be happy to have Drew and Dar back in town," Frankie said looking over to where the twin girls were laughing at something Josh was saying.

"Oh always," Ron agreed. "I'm so glad to have all my kids around. I can't wait to have R.J. back for winter hols."

"They'll be here before you know it," Cho said. "And then he'll be graduating and you and Luna will have that empty nest."

"Don't let my wife hear you say that," Ron replied. "She starts getting teary eyed whenever I mention it."

"You were the same way when Drew and Darla left for Ireland," Cho reminded him. "And when Maddie moved out."

"They're my girls," Ron replied, reaching for another slice of cake.

One of Caroline's schoolmates glared at Ron. "Hey mister! That's my cake!"

"No it wasn't," Ron gulped. "I took it right from the side there."

"You took my cake!" the little boy squeaked. "Mummy! This mean man took my cake!"

Ron shot a panicked look at Cho.

"Frankie," Cho said putting an arm around her daughter. "How about we go get something to drink?"

"See you Uncle Ron," Frankie said following her mother.

Ron glared at them as Maddie came up next to him. "Having trouble Dad?"

"I didn't take his cake," Ron's face was red.

"Did too!" the little boy retorted.

"Did not!" Ron shot back.

Maddie hid her smile. "How about this piece instead?" she asked the boy, taking a large piece with a good portion of the icing heaped on top.

"Okay," the boy said taking it eagerly. "Thank you."

Maddie smiled at her father. "And a third piece for you, since you have that one finished already."

"You saved my life," Ron said smiling back at her. "I thought that little kid was going to go spare."

"You did look a bit scared," Maddie giggled.

"Who was that rug rat anyway?" Ron asked at the little boy who was now eating his cake, but glaring at Ron just the same.

"He's one of Caroline's friends," Maddie replied. "Come on Dad, it's just a five year old boy."

"He's a little too serious about a piece of cake, don't you think?" Ron asked.

Maddie giggled. "Because you weren't serious about it?"

"That little tyrant was just causing trouble," Ron said defensively. "You saw me pick up that cake. It was community property, Maddie."

"All right Dad I believe you," Maddie assured him.

Emma toddled past her grandfather and aunt in the direction of Neville. "Gampa, story. Em tell story."

"You want to tell me a story?" Neville asked, pulling her onto his lap.

Emma nodded and looked at him wide-eyed. "Good story Gampa."

Neville chuckled and stroked back one of her red curls. "Okay, let Grandpa hear your story."

Emma smiled at him. "'Kay... pwetty pwincess...."

"A pretty princess," Neville nodded with a grin. "Was her name Emma?"

Emma shook her head. "Mama."

Cho sat down beside her husband. "What are you two up to?"

"Em's just telling me a story," Neville replied.

"By all means," Cho said smiling at her granddaughter. "Go right ahead, Em."

"Gamma," Emma said. "Dada love Mama."

Cho nodded. "Yes he does."

"Story," Emma continued. "Dada love Mama!"

"Is the story about your mummy and daddy, baby?" Neville asked.

"Princess," Emma nodded.

"Your mummy is the princess?" Cho asked.

"Mama princess," Emma replied. "Dada love Mama!" she clapped happily.

Neville bounced her on his knee. "Is that the whole story?"

Emma shook her head. "Gampa...king."

"Grandpa was the king?" Cho asked with a smile.

Emma nodded and Neville grinned. "I like this story, Em."

"What happened next?" Cho prompted her.

"Gampa not like Dada love Mama," Emma said simply, biting her bottom lip. "Not at all."

"What?" Neville asked with a laugh.

"Gampa mad," Emma said her eyes growing wide.

"What's going on?" Caroline asked coming over to join her sister and grandparents.

"Em's telling us a story," Cho replied.

"Sissy tell Gampa about story," Emma prompted.

"Which story Em?" Caroline asked.

"Princess Mama," Emma said frowning. "Tell!"

Caroline giggled. "They already know all about that story Em!"

"Why do I have a feeling I was a mean king," Neville said with a grin.

"You're not a mean king Grandpa," Caroline leaned against him.

"Thank you sweetheart," Neville said kissing the top of her forehead.

"Isn't this a cosy scene?" Jon asked coming over with Allison. "What's going on?"

Cho grinned. "The girls are telling us a little story... about a prince, princess and mean old king grandpa."

Jon paled. "That's um, that's one of those Disney movies Caroline loves so much."

"Sure it is," Neville smirked.

"Okay maybe it was about someone you know," Jon said sheepishly. "But we said the king was me out, Al."

"Handsome," Allison said, her eyes twinkling. "And very gracious."

"Very gracious," Jon said nodding. "And the best father-in-law a bloke could ever have."

"Good to know," Neville teased, patting Jon's shoulder. "And this father in law likes his son in law very much."

"Thanks," Jon said with a relieved sigh. He picked Emma up. "Baby girl, are you trying to get Daddy in trouble?"

Emma giggled. "Daddy be nice!"

Allison laughed. "You heard your little girl, Jon. Be nice."

"I am!" Jon protested, tickling his baby's side.

"Daddy," Emma said giggling.

"Mummy can we PLEASE open my presents?" Caroline begged.

"I think that would be a great idea," Allison replied.

"Yay!" Caroline said. "Come on Katie! Come on Mia!"

"Come on evil King," Cho said taking her husband's hand. "Let's go watch Caroline open her presents."

"Right my lovely Queen," Neville gave his wife a kiss.