Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

To make up for the shortness of last chapter, we made this one a bit longer than usual! It also includes a very nice H/Hr scene, which we know a lot of you have been hankering after ;)

We would like to start out by thanking you guys for the feedback we've been getting on the story. One thing though seems to be a recurring theme. Some of you feel that RJ isn't suffering for his actions.

Yes, he's changed, but you've also got to remember he's an 18 year old guy. He's not always thinking with his brain. Plus, his family isn't just going to write him off!

They, like Andrew, are disappointed in what he did, but they still care about him and want to support him.

So please just sit back and enjoy the ride. He's not going to suffer a vile, morbid death anytime soon ;)

And in the last character interview, it came out that one of us leans toward a Gabe/Alexa pairing and the other leans toward RJ/Alexa. While this is the case, you should also know that neither of us is completely opposed to the other pairing which is why we still haven't decided how that's going to end. Don't forget your questions for Nick and Julie this weekend!!!

Frankie set a plate of cheese and crackers on the coffee table and then sat down beside Will. They were watching Hannah and Maddie set up Blue's obstacle course and the pixie was currently jumping up and down excitedly on Ethan's lap.

"This is going to be so cool," Hannah said to Maddie. "How fast can he do this?"

"He's gotten pretty fast," Maddie told her. "But you can time him and see if he breaks his record, okay?"

"Okay," Hannah replied excitedly.

"What do you think, little guy?" Ethan asked, feeding him a piece of cracker. "Going to go faster than ever?"

Blue responded by flying circles around Ethan's head.

"He's going to wear himself out before he gets started," Will said with a laugh.

"Are you kidding?" Ethan scoffed. "I don't think Blue ever runs out of energy."

"We have to cover his cage at night so he will go to sleep," Maddie said fondly.

"You should have heard him Christmas morning," Ethan said. "He was rattling the cage bars so hard I thought he'd pull them off."

"It was his first Christmas at the cottage," Maddie said as Blue landed on her shoulder.

Hannah watched in amazement as the little pixie pecked Maddie on the cheek.

"He's very affectionate," Maddie told her.

"He's really cute," Hannah replied.

"Want to see something cute?" Maddie asked Hannah who nodded. "Okay, hold up your hand..."

Hannah did as Maddie said. "What do I do next?"

"Say 'Blue, high five'," Maddie instructed with a wink. "And watch what he does."

Hannah grinned. "Blue, high five." she said.

Blue flew towards Hannah and touched his hand to hers and then pecked Hannah on the cheek like he'd done to Maddie.

Hannah giggled in pure delight. "That was so cute!"

"Ethan taught him the high five," Maddie said grinning at her husband.

"He must really like you," Hannah said to him.

Ethan laughed. "He didn't always. When we first got him, he only had eyes for Maddie."

"Unlike you," Frankie teased.

"Very funny, Francesca," Ethan said throwing a cracker at her.

"Thank you," she caught it and popped it into her mouth.

Hannah and Maddie finished setting up the course and Maddie motioned for Blue to take his place at the start. "Okay, baby. You ready?"

Blue hopped up and down in response.

"Hannah, will you do the honours?" Maddie asked her.

Hannah nodded. "Okay, on the count of three, Blue. One...two...three! GO!"

Hannah couldn't stop giggling as Blue tore around the obstacle course. Her laughter brought smiles to all the adults in the room.

"Mummy, look!" Hannah asked pointing as Blue expertly climbed over a wall.

"He's very good isn't he?" Frankie got down on the floor next to her daughter.

Hannah nodded and leaned against her mother. "Oooh!"

Blue climbed over the last obstacle- a tiny rope bridge and finished by stamping his little feet.

"Fifty-nine seconds," Will announced.

"Did he break his record?" Hannah looked anxiously at Maddie.

"That's the first time he's done it in under a minute," Maddie replied clapping her hands. "Way to go, Blue!"

Blue cackled and clapped his tiny hands together.

"Mummy told me you had another one when you were about my age," Hannah said to Maddie.

"I did," Maddie nodded. "She looked very much like Blue. Her name was Dolly."

"Dolly was a troublemaker," Ethan told Hannah. "She used to get out of her cage and tear things up and Ron and Luna nearly gave her away a thousand times..."

Hannah giggled.

"This one time, I let her out to clean her cage, and she tore up my father's favourite Chudley Cannons shirt. I really had to work my magic to convince them to let me keep her then."

"What did you do?" Hannah asked eagerly.

"I taped it back together," Maddie said promptly.

"And Mister Ron didn't get mad?" Hannah asked.

"Actually, he laughed," Maddie recalled. "I don't believe he knew what to think."

"But he never could get angry at Maddie," Ethan said. "Maddie has this look..."

Frankie laughed. "THE look..."

"No one was immune," Ethan teased. "It was this combination of puppy dog eyes and a pout..."

"You were the only one it didn't work on, right?" Will asked. "At least when you were kids..."

"It worked on me some," Ethan admitted.

"When?" Frankie asked incredulously. "You were always running the other way when she was around."

"I let her play with me when I was guarding Saffy's crib," Ethan pointed out.

"The monsters," Maddie grinned. "And I was Princess Cruella."

"Cruella?" Hannah asked. "Like the movie with the Dalmatians?"

Ethan turned red. "That's where I got it from."

"Maddie, you're nothing like Cruella," Hannah said softly.

"Thank you Hannah," Maddie smiled at her.

"Who's ready for pizza?" Frankie asked.

"Me!" Hannah said brightly.

"Alright then," Frankie said getting to her feet. "Let's go and get it ready then."

"Okay," Hannah took her mother's hand.

"Are you having a good time?" Frankie asked as they went into the kitchen.

Hannah nodded. "Blue is really funny."

"He is," Frankie said opening the box of pizza. She'd put a warming charm on it earlier.

"Yummy," Hannah declared. "You got extra cheese!"

"It is YOUR favourite," Frankie said grinning at her. "Sweetheart, can you hand me that plate?"

"Sure Mummy," Hannah said, reaching for it. She gasped as it accidentally slipped from her fingers and shattered.

"It's okay," Frankie said hastily as Hannah's lower lip began to tremble. "I can fix it, Hannah."

"But I broke it," Hannah said as tears flooded her eyes.

"You didn't mean to do it," Frankie said reassuringly. She picked up her wand and pointed it at the broken pieces of the plate. "Reparo."

Hannah's lower lip still trembled. "But I was a bad girl," she whispered.

Frankie set the repaired plate aside and knelt down beside her daughter. "Sweetheart, you aren't a bad girl. That was an accident. No harm done, and I'm not mad at you."

"You promise?" Hannah asked, wiping at her eyes.

"I promise," Frankie said giving her a hug. "No more tears, okay?"

Hannah nodded and hugged her back tightly.

"My sweet girl," Frankie said softly patting Hannah's back.

"I just don't want you to be mad at me," Hannah said quietly.

"I'm not," Frankie reassured her. "Come on; let's get you a slice of pizza."

"Okay," Hannah whispered.

Frankie served them each a slice of pizza and then called out to her husband and her friends. "It's ready...'

"I thought we were eating out here," Will called.

"You have to come and get your plate, you lazy git," Frankie called back.

"I'll help you bring them in," Maddie came into the kitchen.

"Thank you, Maddie," Frankie said smiling at her.

"I didn't mean to drop the plate," Hannah told her.

"Sweetheart, I know you didn't," Frankie told her again. "It's really okay."

"I drop things a lot," Maddie said. "It's the nice thing about being able to do magic. We can fix them right back up."

"But sometimes your daddy can get really upset when you break things," Hannah said sadly.

Maddie and Frankie exchanged glances. "Sweetheart," Frankie sat down on a chair and pulled Hannah to her. "Your daddy shouldn't have gotten mad at you for accidentally dropping something."

Hannah nodded and looked down at the floor.

"When you have an accident here, you will never be punished for it," Frankie told her firmly.

"Really?" Hannah asked in a small voice.

"Pinky swear," Frankie smiled at her daughter.

Hannah linked her pinky finger with Frankie's. "I love you, Mummy."

"I love you too baby," Frankie gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You're my best girl."

Maddie smiled as she watched Frankie interact with Hannah. It really was touching to see her best friend like this.

"All right- let's see if you can handle two plates." Frankie said. "We'll come back in there with drinks in a minute okay?"

Hannah nodded solemnly and walked slowly into the sitting room holding on tightly to the plates.

"Frankie," Maddie said softly. "You are so wonderful with her."

Frankie smiled. "You really think so?"

"Are you kidding me?" Maddie asked. "She was this close to tears and you just talked her right out of it."

"I'm trying," Frankie said confided. "She's had a few bad nights recently where she's had some nightmares about her dad. I swear, Maddie, I could just kill that man for what he did to her."

"I don't know how you and Will managed to restrain yourselves when you were with him," Maddie said seriously.

"Neither do I," Frankie said shuddering as she remembered all the horrible things David had said to her when she was the polyjuiced Hannah.

"But she's come such a long way already," Maddie replied. "And that's all because of the two of you."

"I needed to hear that," Frankie said gratefully.

Maddie smiled at her. "You're doing a great job Frankie, and you have a wonderful support system if you need it. I'm so happy for you and Will and I know Hannah's in the best of care with you two."

"Everyone's really been great," Frankie said. "We love her so much, Maddie. I didn't even know I could feel this way. I never imagined having children of my own and now...she's here and I can't imagine being without her ever."

"I hope Ethan and I can give her a playmate sooner or later," Maddie said.

Frankie grinned. "I thought you two were going to wait a couple of years before you got started..."

"We're not necessarily looking for it to happen," Maddie explained. "But if it does happen, we'll be happy."

"And I definitely know you'll be a great mum," Frankie said. "Which reminds me....there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What's that?" Maddie asked, getting some champagne out of the icebox.

"Well," Frankie began. "Will and I were talking and we were kind of hoping that you and Ethan would be Hannah's godparents."

"Really?" Maddie asked. "You want me and Ethan?"

"You're our best friends," Frankie said smiling at her.

"We'd love that," Maddie's eyes grew damp for a moment.

Frankie gave her a hug. "Thanks, Mads."

"Of course," Maddie hugged her back. "What a great way to start out a new year."

"We're getting hungry in here," Ethan called out. "Ladies?"

"We're coming," Maddie replied. "Keep your trousers on!"

If it hadn't been for Hannah, Ethan would have made a smart remark.

"I'm fine," Will grinned saucily at him. "My daughter takes care of me, see?"

"The polite thing would have been for you to offer me your pizza since I am a guest," Ethan pointed out.

"And your point is?" Will stuffed the slice into his mouth.

"You have no manners," Ethan said glaring at him.

Maddie and Frankie walked into the sitting room carrying the rest of the plates and right as Maddie set Ethan's plate down, Blue flew in and grabbed the slice.

"Hey!" Ethan cried out. "Blue! Bring that back here!"

Blue cackled before devouring the slice in one bite.

"Wow," Hannah's eyes were huge. "How'd he eat that whole piece like that?"

"Blue loves people food," Maddie explained.

"Damn it," Ethan cursed. "Er... sorry. Darn it..."

"There's more in the kitchen," Frankie told him, stifling a laugh.

"I'll get it for you," Maddie kissed her husband's cheek.

"Thanks," Ethan replied.

Maddie smiled at him before heading out for another slice.

"Mummy, what did you do last year for New Year's?" Hannah asked.

"We went to a club," Frankie told her. "With a lot of friends."

"Dancing?" Hannah asked.

"We did lots of dancing," Frankie nodded. "Well I did. You know how your daddy dances."

"Bad," Hannah said nodding.

Ethan laughed at Will. "You showed her the ice cream scoop?"

"I might have," Will said sheepishly.

Maddie came back with another slice of pizza. "No Blue," she told her pixie when he made another dive. "You've had enough now."

Blue flew back into his cage and slammed the door behind him.

"I think he's mad now," Hannah said.

"He'll get over it," Ethan said happily taking a bite of his pizza.

"Happy now?" Will asked. "No more whining?"

Ethan nodded. "I don't whine, Will."

"Sure you don't," Will snorted.

"Do I whine, Mads?" Ethan asked turning to his wife.

"Of course not," Maddie said loyally.

"See?" Ethan asked before taking another bite of his pizza.

"Daddy you're being silly," Hannah finished her slice.

"Hannah, you're already turning on me." Will said pretending to be wounded.

Hannah giggled. "You're just silly that's all."

"Will you allow your silly dad to get another slice of pizza?" Will asked tweaking her nose.

"I can get it for you," Hannah replied.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Will said. "Get me a big slice."

"Okay," Hannah carefully took his plate and went back into the kitchen.

"Much better than being in some club," Will said to his wife.

Frankie nodded. "It's funny how things changed in the last few months."

"Definitely for the better," Will said looking toward the kitchen.

Ethan grinned. "It's obvious you love being a dad."

"I do," Will said. "I just wish we could do something about her nightmares."

"I think they'll lessen with time," Maddie said thoughtfully. "Once she realises that David Wright can't hurt her anymore."

"And I'm sure spending all that time with you has been great for her," Ethan said referring to Frankie taking time off.

"We've been having a blast together," Frankie said. "I'm not sure what's going to happen once I go back to work in a few more days."

"You should talk to Nana," Maddie suggested. "I'm sure she'd love to watch her while you're at work."

"That might be a good idea," Frankie said. "Or I thought about taking her to the office with me like Allie does with Emma."

"You think you'd be able to do that?" Ethan asked.

"Probably," Frankie replied.

"Well, I'll be working mostly from home too," Will said.

"I'm so glad for that," Frankie confessed.

"So, we figure the most Hannah will have to go in with Frankie will be a couple of days a week," Will told Maddie and Ethan.

"Anytime you need someone to watch her, we'll do it too," Ethan offered.

"For free?" Will teased.

Maddie laughed. "You did watch Blue while we were gone."

"And the house managed to stay in one piece," Will said with a grin.

Hannah came back into the room carrying the plate of pizza for Will. "Here, Daddy. It's the biggest piece!"

"It certainly is," Will exclaimed. "Great job Hannah. Thank you!"

Hannah beamed at him. "I might have taken one of the pepperonis though."

"Might have?" Will looked at his slice. "I see at least three pieces missing here..."

"It's my most favourite part next to the extra cheese," Hannah explained.

Ethan nudged Frankie. "She's giving him the Maddie look..."

"When did you teach her that?" Frankie asked her best friend.

"I didn't," Maddie said. "She's a natural."

Hannah beamed at her. "You mean I did it right?"

Maddie nodded. "Perfect."

"Great," Will said dramatically. "I'm powerless against it!"

Hannah giggled. "I'll go easy on you, Daddy."

"Promise?" Will asked.

"Promise," Hannah replied.

"I'll hold you to that," Will said to her as Frankie glanced at her watch.

"It's ten minutes to midnight!" she exclaimed.

"Ooh," Maddie said excitedly. "We should turn on the Wireless!"

Will leaned over and snapped it on as Ethan poured everyone some champagne.

"What's that?" Hannah pointed to the bottle.

"Champagne," Will told her. "We have some sparkling cider for you, baby."

"Okay," Hannah watched as all the adults took a glass. "Can I try it?"

"You can have a small sip," Frankie replied.

Hannah carefully took the flute in her hands and sipped the champagne. "Eww..." she made a face. "I don't like it."

"It's an acquired taste," Frankie said with a laugh. "I'll go and fix you a glass of cider but we'll put it in a flute like ours, okay?"

"Really?" Hannah asked.

"Of course," Frankie said winking at her. "It's a special occasion and we'll even do a toast."

"Okay," Hannah smiled at her as she went into the kitchen. "Can Blue come out at midnight?" she asked Maddie.

Maddie nodded. "He'd never forgive us if we didn't let him out."

"Can I do it?" Hannah asked her. "Please? I'll be real careful."

"Sure," Maddie said. "He's taken quite a shine to you."

Hannah blushed with pleasure and carefully opened the door to Blue's little cage. "Come on out," she coaxed.

Blue flew out and perched on Hannah's shoulder.

Hannah giggled. "Good boy Blue."

"Eight minutes," Frankie announced.

"I've never stayed up this late before," Hannah told her parents.

"Special occasion," Frankie said. She held up her glass. "I know this is a bit early, but something special happened to me this year. I met this special little girl who has changed my life. I love her so much and I hope that in the New Year, she will be happy and always know that her father and I love her very much. To Hannah!"

"To Hannah!" Maddie, Ethan and Will all echoed.

Hannah smiled. "Thanks, Mummy."

Frankie hugged her tightly. "You're my girl Hannah."

Maddie used her free hand to wipe at her eyes.

"Oh come on, Mads," Ethan put his arm around his wife. "That could be us in a few more years."

"Hopefully," Maddie said with a grin.

"So you're not whisking Maddie away for any midnight surprises this year?" Frankie teased Ethan.

Ethan shook his head. "Not this year."

"He'll take me for a five am twirl in our backyard," Maddie leaned against her husband. "He always has something up his sleeve. Besides, I've got everything I want."

"Twirl?" Will asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's our thing," Ethan explained.

"I love to twirl," Hannah said.

"It's very fun," Maddie said. "Especially when the snow is falling, or it's raining."

"I've never done that in the snow," Hannah said. She looked at Frankie. "Next time it snows, can we, Mummy?"

"Sure," Frankie told her. "You'll remind me, okay?"

Hannah nodded and giggled as Blue played with her hair.

"Ten seconds!" Will announced.

"Nine, eight, seven," Maddie said starting the countdown.

"Six, five..." Frankie continued.

"Four, three, two," Ethan joined in.

"ONE!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Happy New Year!" Will hugged his daughter to him.

"Happy New Year!" Hannah exclaimed, hugging him back. She grinned over Will's shoulder at her mother. "Happy New Year, Mummy!'

"Happy New Year baby," Frankie smiled at her. "We're going to make this the best year of your life."

Hannah beamed at her as Blue flew around the room.

"Happy New Year," Ethan said softly to his wife. "Our first as a married couple."

"And definitely not our last," Maddie said before giving him a kiss.

"I still think of that first New Year's Eve we spent together," Ethan said. "In the hospital cafeteria..."

"Our first date," Maddie said grinning at him.

He smiled back. "I think I already loved you even then."

Maddie gave him another kiss. "Ethan, you've made me so happy."

"And vice versa," Ethan pushed her hair back. "I'm always happy with you."

"And Blue?" Maddie asked.

"And Blue," Ethan said as the pixie pushed his way between them.

"Hey, Blue," Maddie said fondly." Happy New Year."

Blue made his happy cooing sound before bouncing onto Maddie's shoulder.

Hannah giggled." He's so cute!"

"Well, Miss Hannah, you are welcome to come over and play with him anytime you like." Maddie told her.

Hannah beamed at her." Thanks, Maddie. Did Mummy tell you that you're going to be my godmother?"

"Yes she did," Maddie smiled at her." And I'm delighted about it."

"We want you to be her godfather," Will told Ethan.

"Really?" Ethan asked." I'd be honoured."

"Fantastic mate," Will smiled at him.

"We're going to have her baptism sometime in the next couple of months," Frankie explained.

"Just let us know when," Maddie leaned back against Ethan.

"We will," Will said as Hannah rested her head on his shoulder. The late night was starting to catch up to her.

"Are you getting sleepy?" Frankie asked her.

With a yawn, Hannah nodded." But I don't want to go to bed yet!"

"We'll probably head out soon," Ethan replied. "We have brunch tomorrow at my parent s' house."

"Us too," Frankie said taking Hannah from Will." I heard your dad was taking Aunt Hermione out for a romantic evening..."

"I don't know the details," Ethan shook his head." And I don't want to."

"I think it's sweet that after all these years, they're still like that with each other," Maddie said.

"I'd like to be like that with you very soon," Ethan whispered in her ear.

"Ethan," Maddie giggled.

And it wasn't too much longer before the young newlyweds said goodbye to the Barrons to start their private New Year celebration.

Ethan's parents though were having a tough time. Harry's romantic evening hadn't gotten off on the best foot. Hermione had gone into the office right after Emma's party and hadn't made it home until nearly nine. She was knackered, but told him she wanted to en joy a night out alone.

He'd left her to get ready and came back a few minutes later to find her fast asleep on the bed, still dressed in her work clothes. "Hermione," Harry prodded her shoulder gently. "Mmm, Samuel, I'll have that report in just a minute," she said groggily before turning over.

"I'm not Samuel," Harry said, slightly annoyed as he began to shake her. Hermione swatted him away. "Two more minutes..."

"Hermione come on, I made reservations for us," Harry complained. "I practically had to sell my soul for them too."

Hermione finally opened her eyes and stared blearily up at him. "Harry?"

"Yes, your husband," he said a bit crossly.

Hermione sat up. "What- - what time is it?"

"Half past nine," Harry answered.

"Oh," Hermione said stretching. "I'm sorry. I was up late last night with the heads of the department going over final budget numbers and I think it finally caught up to me."

"I promise after midnight we'll come back here and crash," Harry said. "But we haven't been alone in weeks..."

Hermione nodded and stood up. "I just need to get ready."

"No more falling asleep," Harry said with a smile.

"I promise," Hermione said shrugging out of her cloak. "What should I wear? Formal?"

"Just something nice," Harry answered.

"O- Kay," Hermione said giving him a kiss. "I'll be quick."

"Good because we have to be there by ten," Harry replied.

"No hints?" Hermione asked as she went into their closet.

Harry grinned. "Think... early, early on in our relationship."

"We're doubling with Dudley Dursley and that horrible woman he married?" Hermione called out.

"How did you guess?" Harry deadpanned. "I've missed him so much..."

"I know you're really secret b-f-f," Hermione said as she slipped out of her skirt.

"You're just too smart for me," Harry replied. "All those times we argued was just an act. I can't live with out my whale of a cousin."

"You're as close as me and Ginny Malfoy," Hermione said. " Just the other night, we got together and did each other's nails!"

"I forgot to tell you, Draco and I went out for a round the other night as well," Harry said sarcastically. " He and I are really tight."

"You're so much alike," Hermione said slipping into her black cocktail dress.

"Oh you know it," Harry peeked inside the closet.

"Can you help me with the zipper?" Hermione asked.

"I'll help you with more than the zipper," Harry said with a smirk.

"I thought we had to be there at 10," Hermione teased.

"We do," Harry carefully pulled the zip per up. " So you'll have to wait until we get back."

"Back from where?" Hermione asked trying to get him to tell her where they were going.

"Take a guess," Harry said, running his hands up her sides.

"Hillsdale?" Hermione asked thoughtfully.

"Close," Harry nudged her ear with his nose.

"Mmm," Hermione murmured . " The ballroom?"

"Getting closer..." Harry said.

"The old dance studio?" Hermione tried again.

"It's not at Hillsdale," Harry said. " But think somewhere close to it..."

Hermione smiled. " The Sheldrake?"

"You win," Harry grinned at her.

"My next guess was going to be the Hillsdale parking lot," she said impishly.

"I didn't realise they were taking reservations there," Harry said saucily.

Hermione laughed. "Well, I suppose the Sheldrake will have to do."

Harry kissed her. "Come on..."

Hermione held up her hand before dashing into the bathroom to finish her hair and makeup. Not two minutes later, she was ready to go and she struck a dramatic pose. "How's this?"

"You look gorgeous," Harry replied.

"You're not so bad yourself," Hermione said grabbing her wrap and a bag. "I'm really looking for ward to this. We haven't gone dancing in ages. And we haven't danced together since Ethan and Maddie's wedding."

"I know," Harry answered. "I need more time alone with you."

"Me too," Hermione said taking his hand.

"That could be our joint resolution," Harry said as they prepared to Apparate out. "To spend as much time together as possible this year."

"I think that's one we can keep," Hermione said grinning at him.

Harry gave his wife a kiss. "We haven't been back to the Sheldrake since that summer we went to Hillsdale with Jules and Ethan." He said.

"I hope it hasn't changed that much," Hermione said.

"Me too," Harry said."

Minutes later they arrived in the lobby as if a car had brought them over. They checked their coats and the host showed them to their table. The dance floor was already packed with couples of all ages. "I remember being up on that stage with you," Hermione whispered to her husband.

"You were so nervous," Harry said.

"I was completely bloody terrified," Hermione laughed. "But what I remember most is you being so sweet to me backstage."

"Well, I had to make you comfortable," Harry said. "And I didn't want you to throw up on me."

Hermione threw her head back and laughed even harder. "You were amazing that night Harry James."

"Are you talking about that night on stage or that night when you came back to my cabin?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Both," she said, her eyes softening.

He reached across the tab le for her hand. "I'm glad you came to me that night."

"Wild hippogriffs couldn't have kept me away," Hermione answered. A waiter brought over some champagne.

"We didn't have this the last time we were here," Hermione whispered.

"You'd have thrown it up," Harry teased.

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him. "I wouldn't- -"

"You might have," Harry joked.

"Need I remind you that I can hold my drink a lot better than you," Hermione said smugly.

"If you say so," Harry replied.

"Well, there was that one time," Hermione said blushing. "But I think it's because I hadn't eaten that much that day..."

Harry raised his glass. "To my beautiful wife," he said softly. "Who has given me the best life and three amazing children."

Hermione picked up her glass too. " And to my handsome husband who taught me that there's more to life than just books and clever ness." He touched his glass to hers and took a sip before leaning in to kiss her. Hermione felt light headed when they pulled apart. " You really are great at that."

"So are you," Harry said. " If only the public knew what a great kisser the Minister really is... but that's only for me to know."

"Only you," Hermione said. She looked out at the dance floor. "Want to chance it?

"I think a couple old fogeys like us can handle a spin or two," Harry grinned.

"Or at least a tango," Hermione said feeling a sudden burst of energy.

"I like that idea," Harry replied.

Hermione led the way out on to the floor and they found an empty spot. " Bit crowded."

"That's why I had a bit of trouble getting a reservation," Harry put his arms around her. Since the Sheldrake was a Muggle hotel and resort, Hermione understood why simply saying who he was, wasn't going to guarantee a reservation. But one of the great things about Harry was that he very rarely used his name to get what he wanted. "This really is perfect."

"Only because I'm here with you," Harry touched his forehead to hers.


"Yeah?" He answered.

"Did you ever... bring Isabella here?" Hermione asked.

"Isabella?" Harry asked. " What made you think of her?"

Hermione shrugged. " Just curious..."

"No," he answered. " I never brought Isabella here. I only danced here with Cho... and then you."

"Oh," Hermione smiled. She moved closer to her husband. Harry closed his eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder. "This is exactly where I want to be," he said quietly.

"Me too," Hermione said dreamily.

"I love you so much," Harry continued to turn them around in a slow circle. " Sometimes when I'm at work and I have a slow moment I sit back and think about you, Jules... Ethan... Saffy..."


Hermione felt the same way. She thought back to the time when Harry was trying to teach four year old Saffron how to dance. It had been a rainy summer day and Ethan was excited about starting Hogwarts and Julie had stopped by for lunch. The whole family had gone down to the ballroom which had quickly turned into Saffron's favourite place to play.

"Ethan want to race?" Saffron asked her brother.

"No," Ethan answered. "Jules, tell me again about how cool Hagrid is?"

Saffron glared at him. "You know who's not cool? You!"

"Ouch," Ethan replied sarcastically.

"Big stupid head," Saffron said stalking away.

"It wouldn't hurt you to run around the ballroom with her," Julie told her brother.

"I don't want to though," Ethan complained.

"Come here, Saffy," Harry said holding his arms out to her. " I'll play with you."

"Daddy I don't like Ethan anymore," Saffron glared at her big brother.

"You don't?" Harry asked picking her up.

Saffron shook her head and buried her face in her father's shoulder. "I love you, Mummy, Greta and Julie and Nick, but not Ethan!" Saffron muffled into her father's shoulder.

"Ethan go play with her," Julie said softly. "Come on, you know how much she idolises you."

"Yeah, what happened to the little man who used to guard her nursery?" Hermione asked.

"He got older," Ethan replied. "All right fine, one race and that's it."

Saffron practically jumped out of her father's arms. "Okay, but I bet I beat you!" She exclaimed grinning at him. "I'm super fast!"

Ethan had to smile at how fast his baby sister could bounce back. "No way," he replied. "I'm way faster than you Saffron Grace."

Saffron shook her head. "No way!" She looked at her father. "Time us, Daddy!"

"Okay," Harry held up his watch. " Ready... set... go!"

Saffron took off as fast as she could. The look of determination on her face was so much like Hermione that Harry had to grin. She was determined to beat her big brother. Ethan knew how easily he could beat his sister but instead, he kept his pace slower and lagged behind just a tiny bit.

Saffron reached her father first and beamed up at him. "I won! Daddy! I beat Ethan!"

"You did baby," Harry swung her up. "Good job!"

"You'd better not tell anyone," Ethan said tugging on his little sister's leg.

Saffron gave him a huge grin. "Our secret."

Ethan laughed. "Way to go, Saf."

"Shall we do a victory dance?" Harry asked his youngest.

"Okay Daddy," Saffron agreed. "Mummy watch!"

"Okay," Hermione said grinning at her. "Me, Julie and Ethan will watch."

Harry gingerly set Saffron down. " Step up on my feet, baby."

Saffron did as her father said. " Now what, Daddy?"

Harry took her small hands in his. " Just hang on, sweetheart." Hermione grinned as Harry began to take Saffron around in a circle.

"This is fun!" The little girl exclaimed.

"I used to do this with your sister," Harry told her.

"With Jules?" Saffron looked over with wide eyes.

Julie nodded. "And he never got tired."

"Saffy loves doing anything her father does," Hermione said wryly. " And that includes flying."

"It's about time Dad had a little girl who liked to do that as much as him," Julie said. " Me, I like my feet firmly on the ground."

"You're just like me," Hermione put an arm around her daughter. " I'm so glad you came by Julie. I've missed you."

"Me too, Mum," Julie said. "I've missed hanging out with you guys, too."

"What's Nick up to?" Hermione asked as they sat down.

"Writing some new material for the next album," Julie replied.

"Greta wants you two over for dinner sometime this week," Hermione said as Harry dipped Saffron back, making her shriek with laughter. " She promised to make all your favourites if you do."

"We'd love to come," Julie said. She grinned at her little sister as she danced by with Harry. "She's growing up so fast."

"Too fast," Hermione sighed. " I feel as if I don't get enough time to spend with her and Ethan, and now he's going off to school. I don't know what I'll do when Saffy turns 11."

"Batten down the hatches," Julie teased.

"Dad said he's never letting Saffron date," Ethan chimed in.

"Don't worry, Daddy," Saffron said gazing adoringly up at him. "I'm never gonna date!"

Harry laughed. "I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that."

"I'm going to stay with you and Mummy always and forever and a day," Saffron said simply.

"You sure can stay forever and a day," Harry dipped her back again.

Saffron giggled in delight. "You're the bestest, Daddy!"

"No you're the bestest," Harry picked her up and tickled her.

"Come on, little man," Julie said to her brother. "Dance with your big sister or I'll tell Maddie Weasley you fancy her."

"Don't you dare," Ethan scowled at her.

"Dance with me then," Julie said holding out her hand.

"Fine," Ethan rolled his eyes.

"You're such a little ladies man," Julie said laughing. "It's not like I'm leading you to your death, Ethan."

"I don't like dancing, " Ethan replied.

"You used to love dancing with me when you were little," Hermione told him.

"Mum, I was like three and had no choice," Ethan said rolling his eyes again.

"No choice?" Hermione asked. "You always came up and asked me to dance."

Ethan's cheeks turned bright red. "I didn't," he grumbled.

"You asked Maddie to dance at my wedding," Julie reminded him. " And you two were having so much fun doing the cha-cha."

"I thought we agreed we'd never, ever talk about that again," Ethan hissed at his sister.

It was Julie's turn to roll her eyes. "Ethan get over yourself."

"Yeah," Saffron chimed in. "Get over yourself, Ethan!"

"Shut up Saffron," Ethan replied.

"Ethan," Hermione warned.

"Sorry," Ethan muttered.

"Dancing is fun," Saffron said. She looked up at her father. "Do your feet hurt, Daddy?"

"Not one bit baby," Harry answered.

Saffron beamed up at him. " Can we go around again?"

"Of course," Harry said. " Anything my Saffy wants, she gets."

"Really?" Saffron asked innocently. " Because Saffy really, really wants a puppy!"

Harry laughed. " You can get a puppy when you're big enough to take care of it on your own."

"I'm big nuff," Saffron said indignantly.

"I know of dogs bigger than you," Harry picked her up again. " And when you're bigger, you can have a dog. But not right now."

"Can I get a cat?" Saffron asked.

"No," Harry replied.

"Hamster?" Saffron asked.

"Saffron Grace," Harry said warningly. "You are four years old. Taking care of you is enough."

"I'm very smart for my age," Saffron argued. "Mummy says..."

"You are very, very smart," Harry replied. "But you're not getting a pet. Case closed."

"Goldfish?" Saffron asked.

"We have an aquarium downstairs already," Hermione pointed out.

Saffron stamped her little foot. "I want a puppy."

"Ow!" Harry yelped. " Saffy!"

Saffron pushed her lower lip out.

"This house is too big for a puppy," Julie tried to help her parents out. "Saffy, what if the dog got lost or something?"

"Give it up, Saf," Ethan told her. "I've tried for years to get them to let us have a dog. It's not gonna work. Not even you will get them to change their minds..."

"I still want one," Saffron's eyebrows were knit together.

"May be a few years down the road," Harry told her. "But that's it for now, Saffy."

Saffron crossed her arms.

"She's definitely your daughter," Harry said to Hermione.

"Not all that stubbornness is from me," Hermione told him. "I think there's some of you in there as well."

"Dad says we get all our stubbornness from you," Ethan said to his mother.

"Oh he does?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't say 'all'," Harry said hastily.

"Yeah you did," Ethan said. " You said that Mum was the most --"

"Gorgeous, amazing, smartest woman I've ever met," Harry covered with a grin.

"Uh - huh," Hermione said folding her arms. "Ethan why don't you finish telling me what your father said?"

"I think I hear the phone ringing," Ethan began to back away.

"I might have said that you were stubborn, but I meant it in the best possible way," Harry explained.

"I'm sure you did," Hermione gave her husband an icy look.

"Saffron, would you mind terribly if I danced with your mum?" Harry asked looking down at his little girl who was still pouting about the puppy.

"No," Saffron's arms were still crossed and she turned away.

"Come here," Julie said to her little sister. "You can tell me about how unfair it is..."

"Okay," Saffron was eager for a sympathetic ear.

Harry walked over to his wife. "So, you want to dance with your husband? Every now and then I stick my foot in my mouth like Ron, but I didn't mean any harm, Hermione."

Hermione shook her head. "Sometimes you're too much like Ron."

Harry put his hand to his chest. "Surely, I'm not that bad?"

The corner of her mouth turned up. "Maybe not that bad..."

"You still love me?" Harry asked.

"Always," she answered.

Harry pulled her close. " I love you, Hermione Jane."

"I love you Harry James," she said softly.


Hermione smiled up at her husband. "That was a fun day...all of us together like that."

"Yeah it was," he answered. "I miss when Saffy was that young."

"She finally did get her puppy," Hermione said.

"Puddles," Harry chuckled. "That dog is too funny. But she does take good care of him."

"She does," Hermione agreed. " And it's nice to have him around when you're out trying to save the world. The house doesn't seem so empty."

Harry grinned at her before dipping her back. "Saving the world so you can rule it?"

"That sounds about right," Hermione said smiling at him. She did love it when he did that.

"Let's try to go out dancing at least twice a month," Harry said. "We'll go out to some Muggle place where no one knows us..."

"That sounds perfect," Hermione said. "No one will bother us and we'll just be another ordinary couple."

"Exactly," Harry kissed her again before leading her back to their table. Their food arrived shortly after.

Harry poured her some more champagne. "Almost midnight," he said softly.

"It's going to be a good year," Hermione said optimistically. "All three of our children are healthy and happy as are our grandchildren and my mum seems to be doing much better."

"She's going to keep getting better and better," Harry nodded.

"Having the live-in nurse has helped so much," Hermione said softly. "It's nice to know someone's with her all the time now."

"Exactly," Harry nodded.

Hermione reached for his hand and noticed that she had the most gorgeous bracelet she'd ever seen on her wrist and she had no idea how it had gotten there. It was sterling silver with emeralds that reminded her of her husband's eyes. "Harry--"

"Surprise," he grinned at her.

Hermione grinned back. "It's gorgeous!"

"It reminded me of you," Harry wove their fingers together.

"You shouldn't have," Hermione said softly.

"Of course I should have," Harry answered. "You get nothing less than the best."

Hermione leaned across the table and gave him a kiss. "I have that with you."

"And I have it with you," Harry pressed his lips to hers.

"Merlin I love you so much." Hermione never got tired of hearing him say that to her and she felt much like the young girl who had stood on that stage all those years ago.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

Hermione smiled. "Our first night here."

"When you almost threw up on me," Harry joked again. "Come on, I want to be dancing with you when the clock strikes midnight."

"Okay," Hermione said eagerly getting to her feet. Once they were out on the floor again he pulled her close. "I also want to be kissing you at midnight," he said softly.

"I'll have to ask my husband first," Hermione said smiling up at him.

"No fair," Harry grinned. "Why are the good ones always taken?"

"I was just thinking the same thing about you," Hermione said laughing. "You know, I heard that you were married..."

Harry nodded. "To this incredible woman, actually."

"Really?" Hermione asked as she rested her head on her husband's chest.

"She's smart," Harry said softly. "And she's powerful, and the most breathtaking woman I've ever seen."

Hermione smiled. "And she happens to love you a lot."

"And how do you know that?" Harry asked with a grin.

"She told me so," Hermione replied.

"One minute to the New Year!" Someone called out.

"So you think she'll let me kiss her senseless in one minute?" Harry asked, pulling her even closer.

"She isn't sure if she'll make it that long," Hermione said huskily.

"I might have to do something about that then," he said, leaning in so his lips were just brushing hers.

"Ten... six... five...." they heard someone counting down. Harry couldn't wait any longer either and crashed his lips down on his wife's.

"Four...three...," the countdown finished as confetti and balloons rained down on the guests but Hermione didn't even see it. Her eyes were closed as she melted into her husband.

"My favourite way to spend the very first moments of the year," Harry said with a grin when they finally pulled apart.

"Mine too," Hermione said dreamily. "Now aren't you glad you stayed awake for this?" He teased her.

"I am," Hermione said nuzzling his neck. "But, I really...really want to go to bed now..."

"And?" He asked huskily.

"Not get some sleep," Hermione said nibbling at his ear. He grinned. "I rather like that idea Mrs. Potter."

"So, you want to take a bottle of champagne home with us and get out of here?" Hermione asked.

"I love the way you think," Harry said licentiously. Hermione took his hand and they worked their way through the crowd.

They got another bottle of champagne from the bar and after receiving their wraps, headed outside to Apparate home. They could hear the faint sound of music coming from the ballroom and Hermione knew their daughter was entertaining her friends. She giggled as Harry picked her up and started for the stairs.


"We don't want them to catch us," Harry replied.

"Sneaking around," Hermione said. "This really is like that night at the Sheldrake..."

Harry laughed as he locked their bedroom door behind him. "Only now we're trying not to let our daughter catch us instead of your father."

"We'd scar her for life," Hermione said. " Especially with what I'm going to do to you..." And with that she pushed him down on the bed.

"Oooh," Harry replied. " I can't wait for that."

"You just lay back," Hermione purred.

"As you wish," Harry said, his green eyes darkening. Hermione smiled seductively at him as she kicked off her shoes. " Get down here already," Harry loosened his tie.

Hermione shook her head. " Not yet..." Harry threw his tie on to the floor and began unbuttoning his shirt. Hermione shimmied out of her tights and threw them behind her as she did a little dance for her husband.

Harry clenched his teeth together. " I'm not going to hold out much longer," he said in a strained voice.

"Behave," she purred putting a finger to her lips.

"I'm trying," he whined. Hermione pulled one of the straps of her dress down and with her other hand slowly undid the zipper.

Harry licked his lips. " Quit teasing me..."

Hermione smiled demurely at him. " Am I teasing you? "

"Damn right you are," Harry answered.

"That certainly wasn't my intention," she said as she slid out of her dress.

"Well then get down here," Harry replied.

"Down where?" She asked innocently as he reached for her.

"You know where," Harry said softly.

"Here?" Hermione asked as she sat down on the bed.

"Up just a little more," Harry said, pushing down his trousers.

"Mmm?" Hermione asked leaning in. "Here perhaps?"

Harry groaned as Hermione pushed her body on top of his.

"I think I've hit the spot," Hermione whispered.

"You've more than hit the spot..." Harry said, pulling her down. Hermione pressed her lips to his. The teasing was most definitely over now. She pushed his trousers the rest of the way down and Harry took the opportunity to position her body exactly where he wanted it.

"Happy New Year," Hermione whispered in his ear.

"To you too," Harry replied.

"I need you," she said in a weak voice. "Now..."

Harry arched his body and was inside her a second later. "Harry," Hermione breathed.

This is what he'd been waiting for all night. "Yeah..." he managed.

"I love you," she whispered. He tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Love you," he said as she began to move her body up and down on top of his.

"Harry," Hermione said brushing her lips against his as he pressed her even closer.

"This just gets better and better..." he said.

"And better," Hermione whispered as he gripped her hips. Harry clenched his teeth again as his wife pushed down on him. Their naked bodies gleamed with a thin sheen of sweat. Hermione buried her face in Harry's shoulder to muffle her release.

"We don't need to be quiet," he said, not bothering to keep his voice down.

"Oh," Hermione said blushing. "I guess I was taking the whole first night thing a little too literally..."

"It's okay," Harry chuckled.

"I promise that when we wake up tomorrow, I won't sneak out and go back to my own cabin," she said cuddling up to him.

"We'll get to sleep in a little," Harry held her close. "I love falling asleep with you like this."

"Naked?" Hermione asked with a grin.

"Our door is locked," Harry said saucily.

"I don't mind, if you don't," Hermione said laughing.

"Not one bit," Harry leaned in and kissed her. She rested her head on his chest and he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Thank you for tonight."

"I'd do anything to keep you happy Hermione," Harry stroked her hair with his free hand. "Tired now?"

"Especially after what we just did," she replied closing her eyes.

"You've made me knackered too," Harry kissed her forehead. "And we never even had to use our champagne."

"We can use it later," Hermione said already drifting off.

"Good idea," Harry's eyes closed as well.